Pathfinder vs. D&D | Which Starter Set is Best For You?

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foreign [Music] I want to talk all about the Pathfinder beginner box and I kind of want to compare it to the 5e starter set just a little bit um because I'm sure a lot of you are more familiar with that box and and I want you to kind of know how this One Compares what you might be getting instead what you might be getting in addition to what you expect um and things like that so that's kind of what this video is going to be about today also um I know there's a ton of d d drama happening there's a lot of new information about the ogl stuff uh the the draft went out uh the other day uh I don't want to make a full video on that it this stuff just sort of makes me frustrated and um so I don't really want to make make a whole video dedicated to that but if you want to hear what some of my thoughts are uh I'll I'll talk about it at the end of this video okay so if that's what you're looking for go there uh but for the rest of you let's dive into this box so there are some things that I just sort of want to go through I want to go through um what's included um for the uh GM or DM uh what's included for the player um how user friendly it is um things like that so I guess what I will do first is just sort of open this up I have not really looked at this much I I've glanced at like the very very top stuff but I haven't really dived into it I kind of just want to do that with you guys if that's okay so uh here we go so first things first uh you've got a beautiful box here there's a lovely lovely art all that and on the back here it just sort of says a couple things about um kind of what's in it uh a 72 page Heroes handbook which presents the rules for playing the game and creating characters including their skills spells and gear it also includes an 88 page game Masters Guide containing an introductory Adventure over 200 pages of monsters rules for building your own adventure and dozens of wondrous magic items it contains four pre-made Heroes you can jump right into the action and six blank character sheets for creating your own characters from scratch it also includes over a hundred character and monster pawns to use on the full color double-sided Adventure Map so that's pretty cool um it also has four game reference cards to help players remember their actions and it has a complete set of polyhedral dice including a D20 D12 d10 d8 D6 and D4 so uh it tells you exactly what's included here on the back uh and this sort of little become a hero thing is just sort of like kind of your introductory sort of this is what a ttrbg is sort of but like real real Bare Bones just like are you interested in being a hero well check out this box so that's kind of what it is but let's get inside there we go all right so uh at the very very top you have the uh bases for your uh tokens um so they're all little like cardboard cutout guys and you stick them in these little like bases which is pretty cool um and then you also have the uh die set and I like that these are uh color coded um and we'll get into that just a little bit more later but you have a lovely little package of dice they are super basic but uh they are what they are oh I just noticed the D4 um the D4 is like the numbers on the bottom version instead of numbers at the at the corner and I'm used to the other one so that's interesting but that's like so so nitpicky ignore that um the really really cool thing about this is at the very top once you move that stuff aside you have a page that says read this first and I think that is super helpful um it just very basically explains what Pathfinder is Pathfinder is a Cooperative tabletop role-playing game also called an RPG of fantasy Adventure grab some friends to play the heroes in an adventuring party go on a quest explore mysterious environments battle dangerous monsters find treasure and tell a story together so it just sort of tells you what Pathfinder is and then it's sort of like all right look at what applies to you and start there it has a if you're on your own versus if you have a group and I love that it has this like the if you're on your own um because a lot of a lot of GMS or DMS might want to sort of test things out and learn about it a little bit before they get thrown into managing a table and trying to explain to the table what to do and the fact that they have a whole section for if you're on your own you're by yourself trying to get into this uh I just think that's super great um so basically they have a uh an adventure a solo Adventure that you can try out um and I think that's fantastic it explains that it's you know the game is designed for group play but uh you can play this adventure on your own um it's in the handbook and you can go through that and it'll teach you the the basics of the game that's something that I definitely am going to do so I can get used to it um and I don't know is that like I don't know if that's interesting content to like film myself doing the solo Adventure I guess let me know I suppose I could just do it and film myself doing it and if it's really really boring I just won't put it up I don't know and then it's got the if you have a group and it sort of divides that if you have a group section into um different little things uh if you have a group and you want to start right away it kind of points you in the direction of the pre-made characters um it's got a if you want if you have a group and you want to make your own character it points you to where you need to start there and then if you want to be the game master it kind of tells you where to go um if you want to get started with that so that's really really nice I also like that it gives you the page numbers and and things for all of that I think that's super useful and on the back it's just further clarification on what's included it shows you what they look like um so you aren't super confused by anything so it's I think it's very very um like beginner friendly uh it's it's very hand-holdy in its explanations but I think that is needed and and something that I want um we'll get into we'll get into the 5V stuff here in a second but um I think that's useful all right let's move on the next thing in the Box are these um cards so we've got uh one side is conditions and it sort of lays all of that out explains what they are how they affect you um it even tells you um the page number and the handbook for for their explanation and clarification I think that is fantastic again I I hate when they don't tell you what page number things you're on um because then I have to go like rifle through the glossary or the table of contents and try to figure out where I need to go just tell me the page number so I can go there and not waste time flipping through a book I think that's great um and then on the other side is like a player reference card and it basically tells you what you can do on your turn um and it kind of explains a few things like critical successes um critical failures just regular successes and failures things like that it it just sort of explains everything out and I think that's super useful I definitely want to make sure all of my players have one of these uh when we start it's sort of like really really nice board games these days will have like a what do you do on your turn kind of card and this is basically that but for Pathfinder and I just love that I think that's so so helpful so handy uh so I will definitely be using that a lot because I think some of the biggest changes are just sort of in how actions work and how um conditions and bonuses work I've noticed that that is a pretty key difference between 5V and Pathfinder so having this stuff laid out is is pretty useful um yeah and you get six of these cards so I'm definitely gonna have to track down a few extra because I have seven players but that's okay um and next we have Heroes yeah so we have um our heroes our pre-made Heroes and we also have um their character sheets inside uh which is pretty nice this is uh handled really really well on the back it sort of like gives you their backstory which is cool and on the front um it sort of like tells you what class they are and it's like is this the class you're looking for it says play a fighter if you want to uh fight on the front lines use the best weapons and armor react quickly to enemy actions um so it just sort of gives you a rundown of what the class does so that you know immediately if that's something you're interested in and then it's got the whole uh character sheet laid out here okay and this is why the color-coded dice is cool so if you're brand new to using like a 20-sided dice like a D20 system and you're not familiar with all of these different types of dice it has them coded by color so that it's really really easy to know which dice is which if if you're running a brand new person through this game and but they might not know what a D12 is you know they might not know what that looks like um but you can just say all right well grab the the blue D12 and they will know what that is they can grab it quickly and you can sort of teach them what these Dice look like um and and kind of make that process a little easier for them so that's great um yeah and it's got these little like Letters by the different sections and then off to the side uh it has the letter again and then the actual explanation so it's like uh the a section is for ancestry off to the side and it it talks about ancestry and it tells you um like how that affects your character you have extra hit points from being a human ancestry so that's really really cool uh and they've got that for all of the pre-made characters so we've got the Rogue play a rogue if you want to sneak up on foes to deal more damage steal things without being seen excel at a variety of skills um they also give you a cleric and you get a wizard so you've got four uh of sort of the standard classes there um yeah I almost wish that they had more classes but I do understand that like four players is a much more typical group size I kind of wish they just had like a couple extra uh just in case um but that's okay uh and I think the classes they give you are actually really really good you've got your like typical spellcaster wizard you've got your um melee up close sort of tank fighter you've got your sneaky stealthy person and then you've got your um your classic support so that's really good uh so that's the pre-made characters and then what's next uh Hero's handbook so this is basically like your your player's handbook um and that's what they will be relying on got the table of contents it gives you examples of play it tells you how to get started um it also runs you through very basically how to create a character which is super useful um and it goes through playing the game I like that it has examples of play I noticed this when I was looking through the chord roll uh rule book um it literally almost like a scene in a movie it like goes through an entire scenario of like playing uh in Pathfinder um where there's like a player a couple players and a GM and it's like taking you through like hey I want to find out if I'm going the right way and it's like GM sure why don't you roll a survival check to to see and then it lists like what type of role they make what die they roll to get that number what they add to that based on what they have on their character sheet and it takes you through like a whole scenario which is awesome I had never seen anything like that before um so to see that um like that can be really really useful to to a new person that just has no idea what's happening and how this works so I think that's really really cool um I can see how that would be um super useful to someone like if you're not able to watch somebody else play and if just reading the rules doesn't really do it for you you um kind of just like reading how a scenario would play out is really going to help that click I also like that it takes you through character creation um not a lot of well let's just say that the 5e starter set doesn't do that at least the the Lost Minds one doesn't do that there's nothing about character creation and that they expect you to also go and buy the player handbook um that's the only place where you're gonna learn about character creation so the fact that the beginner box takes you through that is great that means you don't have to go buy like you know four books just to run the game and potentially run some other stuff afterwards if you just want to start real simple this box is literally all you need um which is great so we've got the player handbook uh and all of its Nifty doodads uh right after you get to the player handbook in the Box you get to the blank character sheets I don't sync the 5e set comes with blank character sheets um I like I feel like we had to print those off from online um but they've got the blank character sheets the color-coded ones which is super great everything is labeled very very clearly um I like that and they give you six yeah they give you six character sheets um so same number of character sheets as those reference cards from earlier um which is nice uh when I run my players through the uh beginner box I'm probably going to use the pre-made characters and then just add a couple that I make or me and them sit down and make and that's probably what we will do for that so you get character sheets and then we have uh the game Masters Guide so then you also get the game Masters Guide I should also point out that these guides are pretty substantial um they're not like huge they're not like overwhelmingly huge but uh they're pretty uh sturdy and they're very well made so I'm really into that uh okay the inside cover of the game Masters Guide is the numbered like labeled map for I guess the adventure um so that's good to know that that's right there uh table of contents for the game Masters Guide um we've got the adventure uh it looks like the adventure only takes you through two levels um but honestly that's probably fine you buy level three and four I feel like you generally have a pretty decent grasp on how a game is run uh there's a section for preparing an adventure as a game master there's a character creation section in the game Masters Guide there's a whole section about game sessions supplies exploration encounters downtime how to handle XB um treasure difficulty classes I like that there's a section for that that's pretty cool um it also has a whole section about building Adventures which is really cool um an environments hazards I mean basically this is like the it's like a spark notes uh DMG which is really really cool it's not just about the adventure actually the section about the adventure itself is probably one of the smallest sections the rest is about tools to help you understand the game and continue after this uh this small little Adventure and then it also goes through creatures and then it has a section on uh this campaign setting so really a lot of awesome information here really really useful to um having like longevity in your sort of Pathfinder playing experience so I really like that uh oh and on the back of the game mastery guide is like a quick rules reference that's awesome that's really really good what was on the back of the players book same thing is it the same yeah quick rules reference that's really really nice I'm glad that that's there I I think that's super useful they even have a section on like moving on a grid and how like diagonals work wow I'm I'm kind of Blown Away guys I'm not gonna lie uh just because like none of this information was really mind when I was getting into the dming and then they give you like a full-on really nice glossy beautiful map uh the kind of stuff that you normally have to like pay some patreon to get it's kind of huge guys um and it's double-sided oh my God good Lord um wow I didn't think it would come with that if I'm being completely honest I know it said it had a map I just assumed it was gonna be like here's a small not to Scale map um and you then have to drive that draw it with a dry erase marker on your own grid I didn't realize it was like a full size gridded like glossy pristine map that's that's insane uh wow this is definitely a worth the cost all right and I think next we've got the minis um so yeah the the little like stands they're like little plastic stands and you pop out these uh cardboard guys to stick them in there um and you get a lot of monsters in here I'm kind of wondering if um I'm kind of wondering if you encounter all of these because I just noticed that there's a basilisk here are are level two character is gonna fight a basilisk I don't know Pathfinder basilisk might be a little different um we've got our heroes oh I really like that they have so they have like variants so if you decide to be like a human they a human fighter they have like the male version but they also have like a female version if that's what you want to do I really I really really like that um cool uh oh and they have like for different races too so I guess if you want to you know what in in the character creation section they only had like a very limited I think it was just elf human and dwarf so that you aren't overwhelmed by all the options because there are a lot of pathfinder character options I bet this is like every variant of of those options um that's really cool really really cool yeah you've got the fighter in all the races you've got the Rogue and all the races um and the cleric and The Wizard that's really really useful I really like that and then it also has like literally the four pre-made characters great that's fantastic I know I I'm kind of like losing my mind just a little bit I'm just sort of Blown Away what is an elemental brine shark I want to find out what that is immediately and I want to put it in my current game um this little guy he looks fun whoa the art here is also just beautiful oh there's a mimic oh I'm excited um skeleton skeletal Giant my name's unredundant to you skeleton skeletal Giant like if it's a skeleton I think I'm gonna assume that it's skeletal interesting who am I to judge all right so we've got all of our uh minis here really beautiful art um like are they you're like I don't know expensive plastic Minis that you paint no uh but you've got beautiful art here and this is like really easy to do and it's gonna be way better than just like I don't know nothing we're just using like pennies or random like leftover dye or something like you've got like a really substantial um sort of token um here and this all comes in the beginner box and then the very last thing Pathfinder Society a world of Adventure exploration and Intrigue awaits join the Pathfinder society today um so it's sort of just sort of promotional stuff oh and the Adventure Continues want more Pathfinder keep playing with additional Adventures suited for the beginner box or jump into the full version of the Pathfinder game so if you want to keep playing with the beginner box rules um they have like an anthology of Adventures set in the same sort of place and so you can just take uh your sort of characters and campaign from the beginner box and just keep going and they start at level two so this was just level one and two this starts at level two and you can level them up to fourth level using the rules Within that's actually I might really look into that um because I know that I'm gonna really want to sit and play with this for a while and make sure traffic and make sure that my players are really comfortable with it before I do like a really big campaign so I'm definitely going to be looking into that um I might just like rename or like lightly reskin some stuff to fit my setting a little bit more um and then it talks about uh the core game so if you want to jump into the absolute full version of Pathfinder um and make anything you want um it tells you about the core rule book the advanced player's guide the bestiary and or is it bestiary I've heard people say both I whatever um and then the game Masters Guide so these are kind of like the four core things um I have I have the bestiary and the core rule book and I have like a digital version of the other two so I've got a lot of that already I've been trying to like I sort of get my hands on everything I can alright so that is the uh beginner box that's everything in it there is a lot there is a lot in there I just noticed there's even more on the outside it has information about what the B series is um like what their world guide is what the core Rule books about they have like packed this stuff with information that's kind of insane um there's so much in this okay uh pause for one second let me put all of this back in the correct order and uh then let's go through the 5V box let's talk about the 5e starter set specifically uh lost Vines of fan Delver this is the starter set that actually I got into Dungeons and Dragons with I was not the DM um she's now one of my players if you watch campaign 2 uh Emily that plays Isla she dm'd us and uh carried us through the the beginning process of learning Dungeons and Dragons and this is actually her starter set but I got to see her this weekend in person and she was very gracious to uh give this to me and let me look through it so I could do this little comparison uh she said she wasn't sure if everything was in it I know it's supposed to be in it so um I'll just take you through it and and tell you about it so um same deal big box they're very similar to size uh ironically they both feature a green dragon on the front uh Pathfinder's box is super glossy and a little bigger like a little taller um this one is matte uh and not as tall on the back same sort of like here's your small little spiel about tabletop games um and it tells you what's supposed to be in it the game components a 64-page adventure book with everything the dungeon master needs to get started a 32-page rule book for playing characters levels one through five uh five pre-generated characters each with a character sheet and supporting reference material and six game dice and then it says when you're ready for even more expand your adventures with the 5th edition player's handbook the dungeon Masters Guide and the monster manual so it has way less in it there's no tokens um there's no blank character sheets um the books they give you are smaller um you've got a 64-page adventure book for the dungeon master to look through versus an 88-page guide for a Pathfinder so there's more stuff to look at for Pathfinder but it's because they want you to be able to use the stuff in the Pathfinder box for longer um they're not like all right well if you want to do any more you have to buy the rule book they're like no use this for a while like use it for for a substantial amount of time and really get used to it and then if you want to broaden your horizons get the core rule book so I really like the way they set that out you get more pre-generated characters with the 5e set [Music] um but you don't have any options for making your own really um like it's just not set up for that uh no color-coded dice it's just uh you sort of your standard set um all one color um and it's there really aren't like player materials like there's no like player handbook you just get your characters uh and that's kind of it but that's let's open it up let's double check let's go through everything that is definitely there's like stuff in here left over from there and that was like five years ago like I think these are my Expo markers because it does not come with a gridded map we bought one to play with it and we use these to draw stuff um all right so uh I also don't know what rule or what order all of this stuff um normally is put in in the handbook or in the sorry in the starter kit so just be aware of that this has been used and this was used a while ago so things have changed um wow I'm getting a lot of memories looking through this um all right so you start with the the Lost Minds book um and uh the you don't open to a table of contents you don't have like a nice sort of thick glossy spine it's it's way more Bare Bones it's more like a like a magazine um but it's got an introduction for running the adventure some background on the information the adventure hook um and then all of these sections are really for parts of the adventure so one big difference here is the Pathfinder Adventure is levels one and two the 5e adventure is supposed to take you through level four um so we've got some differences here like weirdly there's less here but the adventure is longer um so really this is like a full-on like sort of campaign guide where you've got a section for each location and then like subsections for the different events and encounters that can happen in those locations so that's kind of what's going on there and then that book has an appendix um some appendices for magic items and monsters um so that's very very different uh [Music] uh yeah interesting interestingly enough there's no like here's the example of play it's just like here's an introduction here's like a paragraph about running the adventure and here's like two paragraphs about what a dungeon master is and how to improvise and then you're just in it so the other one had like several sections for teaching you how to play the game and this one has like a page about how to run the game and then you're in it um really interesting really really interesting there um I have thoughts uh all right then we have the starter set rule book okay so this is more about how to play um but yeah it's not really for um probably for players though it just throws you in it okay there is a small section that's sort of like an example of play like that under master the castle stands among the trees yada yada uh and then the player cleric let's send the Rogue up to look ahead the Rogue I'll look ahead alright makeup stealth check or a perception check and it runs you through that it's just way shorter it's just so much less um yeah it's if this is your first time playing dungeon dragon start by reading the rest of this chapter it tells you the most important rules you need to play the game so I guess this is for everyone um it takes you through everything okay it's not it's not bad it takes you through what each check is and and stuff like that it takes you through combat all of that stuff tells you what happens when you drop it to zero it tells you what happens when you hit instant death talks about travel so this is like I guess this is sort of like the rule book for everybody so the other one had like a specific rulebook for our players a specific rule book for the game master um and both of those would include some of the same sections but they were very much for their own like roles this is for everybody um it's pretty short but it takes you through the basics it does not take you through how to create a character at all that is not included in here that is not a part of the game you can play lost mines with um your own characters we did that um we created our own characters we we bought the player handbook we use lots of irons to get started and then we took our lost Minds character and put them in our next campaign that's what we did but um so you can do that it's just you're gonna have to buy extra materials in order to do that and and in order to be prepared for that um normally it comes with dice I'm actually pretty sure they're in my dice box over here it's like a it's just like a royal blue little set of six and then we have our pre-made characters if I can get them out um you have a fighter a wizard do they even give you names for them no you don't you don't get names uh you get a rogue you get a cleric and you get another fighter yeah I've heard people talk about this before it's kind of weird that they give you two fighters and they don't give you like I don't know one of the other spellcasters um like I find that a little weird or just I don't know one of the other there's like a bunch of different I don't know I just find that not Choice Two fighters um could have done other stuff um and and these character sheets are I mean they're what you expect you know um they're set up the way you would expect them to be set up and you've got some information on the back about your race your class your background things like that you don't have any background information I think they want you to come up with your own background for these pre-made characters and then funnily enough there's like a piece of cardboard I guess to fill out the rest of the box so that it doesn't seem as empty as it is um interesting so that is the 5e starter set um the other one was like jam-packed of information this is just like hey this is the starter set you didn't know that uh yeah there's a lot less information here so that's kind of a something to be aware of let's talk uh price a little bit so that's probably going to be one of the most immediate differences the Pathfinder price is 39.99 it's more expensive it that's just how it is um and and that's going to be like the key difference here but as you can tell there's so much stuff in here 39.99 is um I it's about the cost or I think maybe even a little cheaper than some of their adventure books depending on what you're getting um it's not a terrible price and they give you so much stuff in it and stuff that you can use to continue playing I mean you could like just build your own campaign off of some of the stuff they give you here um or at least get started with it um which is pretty cool um the 5e set the retail price is 23.99 so um it's not quite half price but it is substantially less but they you just aren't getting as much if you want to do anything more with this you're gonna have to buy their other stuff like you don't know how to make a character with uh this set like you just aren't given that information if you want to learn how to do that you're gonna have to buy the player handbook um and uh let's see how much that player handbook costs I got it right here yeah so if you want to learn how to make your own character you're gonna have to buy the player handbook and the player handbook is 49.95 so 49.95 plus 23.99 is more than that Pathfinder beginner box um so that's kind of something to keep in mind there if if you want to go any further with character creation and campaign creation you're gonna have to get ready to then drop like 50 bucks to do that how much is the DMG uh DMG is the same price so just be mindful of that I that's kind of that's kind of the thing about d d it's a little bit more like we're trying to get as much money from you as possible I look I love the game I will always love the game regardless of all the drama and stuff but like that that is what it is it's just that's kind of it's kind of like it's kind of like the Disney of ttrpgs you know like we've got so much great memories tied to it gives us that feeling of nostalgia and that warm fuzzy feeling but at the same time they're trying to like milk us for our money um which you know I I guess that's just sort of life sometimes uh at least these days so that's something to keep in mind the core rule book for Pathfinder is uh it's pretty pricey but the core rule book for Pathfinder is essentially the DMG and the player's handbook in one but the stuff that they give you in the beginner box is is more than what you need to start out if you start out with uh the core rule book you're going to be overwhelmed um there's a lot of stuff in there and it's great information they pretty much answer almost any question that you could have um but like the stuff in the beginner box as I had heard and now I know um that's gonna set you up for Success when getting into the game so I highly recommend that ah super interesting uh I had sort of seen like a kind of a comparison before but I never released delved into it myself so it's real interesting to see them back to back um like that I the stuff in that beginner box for Pathfinder is just so good the quality is so good I I'm Blown Away by I'm Blown Away by that map it was so nice now am I ever gonna be able to get it to lay flat probably not but it's nice it's a shame that uh it's a physical map and my players are in four different time zones but I bet they have it I bet there is a digital version actually um that's the thing about Pathfinder pretty much all of their rulebook stuff is online um and for free I guess what what I should ask you guys is I am learning a lot about really valuable tools to have at your disposal and to um use when getting into Pathfinder like I'm learning a lot about that stuff and is that something that interests you guys like I'm not an expert at the game it's going to take a long time before I feel comfortable giving a lot of advice on it but as I am learning do you want to learn about the tools that I am just finding incredibly useful do you want me to make like a list of like um like five things that um are extremely helpful when getting into like Pathfinder for the first time like is that something that would appeal to you guys um I guess just let me know about that in the comments below because I'm I'm just super curious I I want to do what is helpful to you guys I want to do stuff that um you guys are interested in watching and learning about so I guess just uh tell me about that there well that kind of concludes the Pathfinder 5e comparison let's let's talk a little about a little bit about this ogl stuff a lot of new information has come out they finally released the draft of 1.2 um there's been almost like a Twitter of War um happening that is more than upsetting um and a lot of people have said a lot of things and come up with their own statements um so let me just clarify a couple things uh number one our campaign that's currently running campaign two is a 5e campaign I am not converting it okay we are going to finish the campaign in 5e we are not going to be using DND Beyond to do that I am not going to be buying any additional uh Wizards of the Coast materials to help do that or flesh out that campaign I am running it with what I have I am not going to shorten the story so we end it any sooner the story is the most important part to me so we are going to run the campaign as is finish that out before uh entertaining the idea of starting a campaign in a different system so that's that um I am still really interested in learning about Pathfinder I fully intend to go through the beginner box and run that adventure maybe run a one shot or two um maybe do what it was suggesting and take those beginner box characters up to level four with that additional um Adventure setting um might do that I I fully intend to do that and some of that might happen while this current campaign is still going um it'll just depend on how much time it takes for me to get used to that and get that up and running and get some of that stuff set up in roll 20. um I am obviously frustrated and hurt by all this d d stuff uh but I will always still love the game it's not gonna tarnish my memories that I've made and you know 5e was the first um edition of Dungeons and Dragons that I learned and got into and I loved it and I do love it and still love it uh I can love Dungeons and Dragons and hate Hasbro I can love Dungeons and Dragons and be disappointed in Wizards of the Coast those are not like mutually exclusive um I I can do both those things um and with all this happening does it mean that I'm turning my back on DND forever no uh I'm just a little like over the drama and kind of just want a little bit of distance from it so that's why I'm still entertaining these other systems but it doesn't mean that like I'll never play D D again I still have to finish this campaign and I'm sure you know things change with time I'm sure things will will continue to change with time and I'm sure we'll play 5e uh new 5e stuff again in the future but it's probably gonna be just a long ways away before that happens um in terms of like berating Wizards and wizards employees and things like that I would caution you against that um it's not the employee's fault that this is happening I imagine that they are just as hurt as we are if not more um don't harass them about it but also it's been it's been made pretty clear to me that 1.0 a is not something that they are going to keep like and I don't think that's an option for them whether we really want it to be or not I think somebody somewhere on that ladder corporate ladder has said that we have to get rid of 1.0 a we have to get rid of it and I think a lot of that has to do with the vtt stuff um there's that hateful and hurtful content thing that's thrown in there that's possibly a factor but I think most of it is just about the vtt stuff they want to make sure that that's included in this new ogl so they're making a new ogl so that they can incorporate that um so the new one is coming whether we want it or not so I think the point should be trying to get this new ogl to be as good as it can be and is beneficial to us and our favorite content creators as possible I I just think we need to put our eggs in that basket but you know we're all entitled to our opinions and that's totally fine you can think what you want your mind is your own I'm just letting you know what I think I think 1.0 a like its time on this Earth is limited and we need to try everything that we can to make sure that 1.2 is what we want it to be um I strongly strongly strongly encourage you to read through the entirety of 1.2 possibly multiple times look through the whole thing and take that survey and take the survey seriously don't like like review bomb 1.2 take it seriously point out what you understand what you don't understand leave comments they have already tweeted out um clarifications for some of the sections in that document that people are the most confused about which shows to me that they are actually looking at these surveys they are interested in hearing our feedback feedback they have already shot themselves in the foot and and screwed up uh and so they are desperate to salvage their relationship with the community so they're going to look at these surveys they're going to at the very least look at the number scorings you give things if they're not able to read every comment I wouldn't be surprised but they're at least going to look at the number boxes that you check when you're saying whether you understand something whether you're pleased with it or not so please take the survey seriously um because that's the only way they can improve what's happening that's the only way they can try to fix things um just bombarding them with negative uh uh comments or just sort of like review bombing that survey and not taking it seriously and just sort of doing that I mean they're not going to know what to do with that and we're probably not going to get anything that we're satisfied with by reacting that in that way just take it seriously whether you intend to stay with the game or not um because I think most of us really love d d we wouldn't be so mad about this if we if we hated the game and if we really love it then we should want it to be able to continue um so that maybe one day it is better than what's happening right now and and things improve so that we can come back to it and make new memories with it again if we allow ourselves to get just so angry that we can't even think straight or speak clearly about it um then we are risking the future of a game that we care about and is and is so important to us so I just encourage you guys to try and stay of level-headed about this as possible and take this stuff seriously um you know because I don't really care about um how this is beneficial to wizards or Hasbro or DND Beyond I care about how this is beneficial to the game of Dungeons and Dragons itself and the continuation of the game whether I step away from the game for a little while or not is beside the point I still want the game to exist and I still want the game to be there for people in the future uh and people in the present now there are people that are just now getting into the game and it's a great game we would not have played it or be playing it if it wasn't so just remember that uh and just don't be blinded by your hurt and your anger I get that too I totally do just um just try really really hard uh and like I said before it it is going to be okay it absolutely is um but please uh if if anything I talked about in this video or even just in this last section um was useful to you resonated with you uh please like And subscribe if there is anything that you guys want to see from me um please comment below please tell me about it I would love to hear about it I want to know what you guys need I want to know what's most beneficial to you guys um I I just want to be as helpful as possible uh and sort of help build this community that's really starting to grow guys um gosh 1500 subscribers and Counting uh I I'm just shocked I I really uh that's crazy because all like some really good stuff is happening for me and my channel right is like the worst stuff is happening for this game that we love so it's like so um it's like a roller coaster of emotions um but I really appreciate you guys kind of joining the misfit family and and coming here and and finding any of these videos useful everybody seems super nice and um just look forward to reading those comments and and kind of getting to know some of you guys tell me a little bit about yourselves and your table um and just let me know what you guys want to to see in the future um but that's all that I have for you today Misfits so uh with that I hope you guys have a great rest of your day a wonderful week and I will see you again next time foreign I guess my end thing today is have you guys started watching season two of Legend of Vox Machina I my Ford Henley came in today I know he wasn't a part of Vox marketing but his critical role character so leave me alone um but I'm definitely about to go binge it I've been out of town the past two days um at like a teacher convention basically uh terrible time to leave town because like more drama has been happening and then like the show I was the most excited about dropped uh so I'm gonna be getting on that right now uh I had to film this first um but yeah have you been watching are you excited are you uh terrified of some of the stuff that's gonna be in this season I have already heard some things as somebody that got into it during campaign one it's been crazy to see uh some of this stuff get uh kind of brought to life with animation so I'm so psyched about all of that at so I'm gonna go run over there to my couch and the other room and uh start watching um I encourage you to do the same on your own couches if you haven't already done so but bye guys I I hope you have a good time uh I hope you enjoy the show and uh let me know let me know about the Pathfinder stuff let me know what uh or any other video ideas that you guys are interested in all right see you later guys
Channel: Misfit Adventurers
Views: 1,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, dungeons and dragons, ttrpg, pathfinder, fantasy, misfit adventurers, advice
Id: ObrCI5WW7rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 42sec (3402 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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