Pathfinder Planar Guide: Inner Sphere Part 1 - The Elemental Planes

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[Music] hi there I'm the mythkeeper welcome back to my channel this is my second video on the planes of Pathfinder this video I'm covering the first set of my inner planes uh specifically the elemental planes earth air fire and water all that coming at you right now the elemental plane of air just beyond the material plane floats the immense seemingly peaceful blue firmament of the plane of air known to many as the endless sky this plane is shot through with enormous clouds floating cities of fantastic design Meandering sheets of ice and Crystal strange spheres of brass and iron and even more astounding features towering Cloud walls Mark the borders it shares with the edge of the material universe and gigantic water bubbles Oceanic ecosystems in their own right pepper the areas are butting the plane of water although its population is scant in comparison to those of the other Elemental planes the plane of air is home to the Grand Genie Society dozens of method kingdoms and a plenitude of diverse creatures breathable air is the plane's most dominant substance making the plane of air the most hospitable of all the elemental planes for visitors from the material plane flying creatures had great advantages here though non-natives of All Sorts might find themselves constrained by the lack of Solid Ground such material does exist in the forms of great chunks of drifting ice originating from the adjacent plane of water and magically suspended hunks of Earth and Crystal but such places are few and far between although it is the least populated of the elemental Plains due to its lack of Solid Ground the plane of air still teams with life some of the more common denizens include the Gin the plane of Air's native Genies are the true Lords of the Endless Sky powerful beings in their own right they focus on Art culture trade and especially the acquisition of knowledge which brings them great wealth and even greater influence calmer and more peaceful than the Genies native to other planes gin are nonetheless quick to remind all listeners that they have been the plane's Undisputed Masters since before the Mortal races appeared this sense of superior priority combined with their paternalism towards non-genese has earned the Jinn a widespread reputation of insufferable self-importance air Elementals though just as disorganized as other Elementals air Elementals have their own culture they are intelligent but their mindsets and emotions can change as quickly as the winds from which they are born the Elementals mother goddess hashura Duchess of all wins commands obedience from all but the most rebellious air Elementals Cloud dragons Cloud dragons are natives of the plane of air and are known for flitting unhindered through the expanse of the Endless Sky indulging their fickle whims they have an innate curiosity and may begin a quest for lore or a lost Bobble only to allow a distraction to Sidetrack them for years Cloud dragons Whimsical Journeys sometimes take them away from their home plane most Cloud dragons on the material plane travel there for a specific but now long forgotten purpose and finding the mountain peaks of the material plane quite hospitable might decide to stay for a Time methods three types of methods dwell on the plane of air air dust and Ice these minuscule scamps sometimes serve the powerful entities that dwell on the plane of air and are often seen flitting about the plane's great cities delivering messages or running errands silphs although uncommon on their progenitor's home plane highly capable silks have left the material playing in Fair numbers to reside in the plane of air they often work as commanders of Airship fleets or as extra planar diplomats for the gin or more rarely the elemental population still others are high-priced guides for the plane's most esteemed or influential visitors locations the plane of air is full of fantastic places to visit and explore even beyond the countless natural and artificial Landing sites where the natives Commerce and culture Thrive such locations include Armin kellisk the Undisputed Jewel of the plane of air the breathtaking Genie Capital sprawled across seven Stone ice and silver Platforms in an homage to The Rolling terrain of a terrestrial City its Splendor reflects the civilization's power and Majesty which is also embodying the Genie's ruler Sultan's affir the 38th who presides over his Holdings from his Palace Port Eclipse Port eclipse is an Airship Harbor hidden inside a gigantic hollowed out Island all of the port structures docks Inns shops taverns warehouses and more are built on the inner wall of a massive spherical space port eclipse's current mayor is a semi-retired Airship Captain who goes by the name of vendria vendria and her fellow captains keep the location of the entrance to the Island's interior closely guarded secret and only their most trusted Airship Pilots learn the safe routes through the stone tunnels leading into Port eclipse the captains make good money taking passengers and goods into port and they use magic to verify the claims of those looking for Passage the ruins of nebrinde a roughly spherical asteroid of bristling spiers and perches embellished with elaborate statuary de brinde was supposedly once a massive Temple consecrated for the worship of psychopomp ushers today though it lies in ruin with over half of its original spiers crumbled and many of the countless statues that Adorn it broken or defaced the vast structure Falls endlessly through the plane occasionally reaching planar Eddies or focal points that alter its subjective gravity that the ruin hasn't dashed itself upon one of the plane's other massive solid bodies is a testament to either the unfathomable size of the plane or to the piloting skill of some unknown power the Sea of knights Embrace not all of the Endless sky is filled with daylight in the sea of night's embrace the plane's illumination ranges from a permanent Twilight all the way to a lightless void the deeper one travels into the sea the darker it becomes until the only light available is that which explorers take with them the Sea of knights Embraces mysterious and dangerous populated by Undead Horrors and creatures akin to those found in the material plane's deepest oceans some say a portal to the negative energy plane rests to the center of the Sea of Knight's embrace the sparkling principality of hautencia among method Nations the sparkling principality of how tansia is the most infamous formed from a collection of Rocky Islands bound together with a thick layer of solid ice how tansia is ruled by his Frozen Majesty King eshakar the first ashikar puts his unusually powerful ice magic to work in maintaining his kingdom both by knitting the islands together and keeping his fellow ice methods loyal to him of course his popularity is also bolstered by the fact that methods are not forced into subservience or disrespected in houtensia a virgless processional the Palace of hashurah Duchess of all winds is a translucent construction of air coated with a thin layer of ice those within its walls are subject to the unpleasant surprises as walls and even floors move or disappear to suit the whims of the self-proclaimed mother goddess of air Elementals entire areas within the virgilis processional have naturally invisible walls and sometimes even unmarked openings in the floors making navigation of the palace treacherous the palace slowly rotates as it hovers above a vortex at the center of which rests a pinpoint of utter Blackness those who displease hashura literally fall out of her favor and risk being sucked into the void the elemental plane of Earth the most fixed and stable of the elemental planes the plane of Earth is an effectively Limitless domain of dirt Stone and metal its lightless depths crisscrossed by a network of interconnected tunnels and caverns in primordial times this plane was a single solid shell that barred all but the most acclimated or cunning species from entering since the material plane came into being though the Essences of the other Elemental planes especially the adjacent shells of fire and water have subtly influenced the plane of Earth the combination of planar convergences and the arrival of new inhabitants turned the plane of Earth into the vast expanse of interlocking cave systems bottomless crevasses and bizarre unique ecologies of today the plane of Earth is more populous than most Natives and visitors are like realize as entire societies can Thrive within the nooks and crannies that even the most experienced guides won't know exist such denizens include crystal dragons these draconic entities infused with elemental energy claim dominion over several small personal empires in the Eternal delve the flighty nature of crystal dragons doesn't particularly predispose them to the rigors of ruling a nation but their trade Savvy combined with their altruistic Natures often land them in such roles predispositions aside once in a position of authority these dragons fiercely protect those in their domain providing comfortable living conditions free from the slavery that is ubiquitous in shaitan society Earth Elementals Earth Elementals are some of the oldest inhabitants of the Eternal delve and they are so attuned to their home plane that some spend entire decades or centuries fused with their surroundings never revealing their existence until their whims move them to action other Earth Elementals Traverse the plane's interior like a swarm of insects moving and dizzying and often unintelligible patterns many Earth Elementals and mud Elementals to a lesser extent are reclusive and territorial clinging ferociously to their ever-changing homes they have few if any reasons to communicate with other inhabitants of the plane and most others view them as a natural Hazard inherent to existence there methods methods are considered pests by the domineering shithan neighbors the Peerless Empire subjugates Earth and salt methods without a second thought but due to their sheer number for every method captured another five Go free more often than not when methods are apprehended the shy Tans entrap them in extended contracts of servitude or use the Empire's draconic laws to sentence them to Extended work for the slightest violation ironically many such methods come to appreciate their Newfound existence under shaitan rule for it allows them to live among the trappings of power and opulence the longest serving of these methods sometimes move on to become cynicals or minor power Brokers within the rigid slave casts of the Peerless Empire oriads with its abundance of open-air tunnels and caverns the Eternal delve has historically appealed to several races more commonly found on the material plane including dwarves humans and even elves however the most populous of these races are oreads whose ancestors hailed from the plane of Earth although relatively common they typically live in smaller more isolated populations or scattered among great cities full of other creatures oreads mix easily with most of the other natives here but many never feel truly at home most levers their resiliency and adaptability to serve as envoys between shaitans and zorns and even zeomorns however these roles are inherently risky and more than a few aryads have found themselves on the wrong side of shaitan laws or accidentally delivering a fatal insult to a proud xeomorn shite hands these large Genies maintain the expansive Peerless Empire a nation that spans the borders the plain of Earth and operates with ruthless efficiency the Earth Genies are consummate contractors and use their talents to bind a wide array of creatures into serving them in everything from their business interests to maintaining their Immaculate homes they prefer willing servants over slaves and those who oppose shite hands are ruthlessly forced into servitude often spending their remaining existence toiling in the distant reaches of the Peerless Empire's mining operations shaitans have some manner of diplomatic relationship with nearly every race that exists on the plane of Earth even extending to some tentative deals with the afrit or other denizens of the adjacent Plains xeomorns the xeomorans are race of primordial Builders and experimenters whose genius is tempered by a tendency to seize upon Endeavors that they lose interest in very quickly while xeomorns have spent recent centuries chiefly consumed with building enormous vaults on the material plane the Eternal delve Center is full of immense abandoned Cavern cities created by the zeomorans before they abandoned their incredible settlements on what appears to be little more than the whim their activities might seem capricious but the xeomorans assert that all their actions are driven by exacting goals whose details they refuse to disclose xeomorns are divided into two distinct types the Vault Builders and the Vault Keepers the Vault Builders are Mythic beings who rule over their lesser Vault keeper counterparts most of the zeomorans who dwell on the plane of Earth dedicate themselves either to crafting new vaults or venerating their Patron the elemental Lord arzul zorns driven into Solitude by hunger zorns are commonly found in the wilderness regions of plane of Earth far removed from the territories controlled by other races they tend to live alone or in small communities known as clusters distant from the open tunnels that break up the plane nivi Rambo Dazzle unusual among the Divine in that she doesn't maintain a realm of her own nivi spends much of her time traveling between the material plane and the plane of Earth on a constant hunt for the next perfect gemstone or the next high stakes gamble to add to a growing list of conquests locations blistering Labyrinth this radioactive maze is the Divine Realm of the elemental Lord arzul also known as the fossilized King Elementals methods and xeomorns are the only creatures known to be immune to the labyrinth's unnatural entropy those xeomorphins have little tolerance for the presence of methods in their Patron sacred lands while the blistering Labyrinth is no formal border markers the blackened and warped bones of countless creatures form a jagged circumference around it and the further one travels into the region the truer the name becomes increasingly caustic leaching heat rises from the rock threatening to burn even the most powerful visitors the blistering Labyrinth becomes a Maze of cyclopian Bones with every step taken treading on the remains of those who have come before at the Labyrinth center lives a fossilized King an insular ruler who has never been seen outside his realm as a result ourzul is the subject of wild rumors throughout the plane with speculations on his nature ranging from shytan Wizard to an undead crystal dragon or even a fragment of another long dead deity citronied immense stalactites of pure citrine lined the roof of the cavernous expanse of citronied unnatural light pulsing from within its topaz-like ceiling bathes everything beneath it in a pale yellow glow nearly 40 city-states Vie for dominance in this Continental Cavern each boasting an Eclectic assortment of races gold Hive housing countless miles of raw gold gold Hive is one of the purest Empires 86 treasured resource holds intersecting tunnels the work of the Empire slave armies in ages past crisscross gold hives interior but centuries of mining operations have yet to make even the smallest impact on the hive's resources the Peerless Empire has focused Less on managing gold Hive in recent years so to preserve it as a holding the shaitans of coerce the cluster of zorns to oversee operations here lava lock the Citadel of lavalock rests on the border of the Plains of Earth and fire here magma dripping towers of black and metal soar amid Tangled rivers of molten slag a city of ifriti task Masters and toil-worn slaves lies just past the fortress's outermost walls larger bastions rise from the inner city forming a center that is at once civilized and militarized the majority of the shaitans on the plane the settlement is simply in a friti Outpost however to the stubborn leaders of the opeline vault lavalock is an unacceptable incursion into their lands by a hated enemy The opeline Vault the great city of the opeline vault is the capital of the Peerless Empire and the ancestral home of many shaitans built along a 30-mile wide geode near the elemental border between the plains of Earth and Fire much of the city's architecture has a pearly white veneer but ubiquitous Enchanted glowing spheres of light produce a kaleidoscope of dizzying colors that refract off the geode's walls resulting in one of the plane's most incredible sights the beautiful Vistas that earned the opeline Vault the moniker the rainbow Metropolis vast towers of intermix gold and platinum rise from a lake of acid melted gemstones at the geodes cracked Center the coloration of the churning Lake constantly shifts changing based on the specific gems in ascendance and the manipulations of the shaitan Wizards responsible for the Lake's ongoing maintenance the greatest palaces of the Peerless Empire stand atop spiers jutting up from the lake held from tumbling into the acidic Brew below by powerful telekinetic magic soaring Bridges span the varied Islands which are home to parshas the shaitan nobility and also connect with the Sultan's personal Spire that dominates the geode Center the Sultana of the opeline Vault ashadiya bint Khalid Reigns over the Peerless Empire having inherited the position following her father's death at the hands of the ifritsum 500 years ago the Metropolis has seemingly always been at war with the city of brass but ashadiya has only intensified the conflict massive wealth flows into the Oakland Vault thanks to the shaitan's relatively peaceful relations with other planar residents not to mention the city's powerful Guild and established trade Partners however an equally impressive amount of gold evaporates through the construction of weapons and payment of mercenary contracts that feel the sultana's Vendetta the past centuries have not been kind to the subjects of the Peerless Empire and ashadiya's ongoing Crusade against the afrit is quickly expending the immense resources of the Empire she inherited somnosphere rings of concentric glass which prevent native Elementals from using the Earth Glide abilities to breach or Escape it Encompass the somnosphere and strangely reinforce glass cells of various size fill its interior each cell has magically sealable doors and only the vast compounds jailers know how to operate them these jailers vary in race from Elemental infused humanoids to Elder Elementals to shaitans to even the occasional Crystal Dragon a vault keeper xeomoran acts as the somnosphere's warden though it once maintained a material plane Vault of its own it lost its charge in some long-forgotten catastrophe and this Vault keeper now manages the somnosphere as equal parts jail and refuge for wild Elementals Stone tide buffering the plane's border with a plane of water stone tide is a gargantuan Confederation of cities most of these settlements have shytan leaders and strong ties to the Peerless Empire but the member cities actually each operate independently each is built upon a constantly eroding base of sludgy rock and settlements routinely collapse into the adjacent plane of waters churning Tides the shaitan slaves work endlessly to expand Stone Tide's infrastructure away from the border but even as the city expands in One Direction They inevitably shed older districts into the using Quagmire on the opposite the elemental plane of Fire like the brilliant fiery colors that dance within an all-consuming Blaze the plane of fire is both astonishingly beautiful and eminently hostile to most forms of life visitors able to safely Traverse The Inferno are few and far between as the plane quickly engulfs those without proper protection those who can endure its smoldering terrain and the domains of its Mercurial and often terribly cruel inhabitants earn serious bragging rights back on their home planes not to mention the wealth of treasure and Adventure they might find there for some Elite explorers the plane of fire scintillating beauty is reward enough for visiting though the dangers here is unrivaled as they are alluring immense swaths of the plane of fire consist of rolling Seas of fire rivers of lava volcanic mountains and burning Plains and with Skies filled with flame smoke and Reigns Of Cinders the Landscapes here are strange indeed in some areas searing sulfurous fumes to plant all breathable air but even those places with a breathable atmosphere are often so hot that organic materials instantly sear to a crisp in other cases massive Columns of fire engulf whole regions and contain their own unique ecosystems much of the plain solid and semi-solid surfaces are seas of Liquid Fire molten and metal flowing lava and other hazardous materials rains of melted metal incendiary Mists and volcanic eruptions occur throughout the plane often randomly and without warning denizens of the plane of fire include the azers among the Eternal furnace's most populous creatures azers have a long complex and in many ways tragic history on the plane these sturdy dwarf-like people are hard-working and self-sufficient folk and they once lived in carefully ordered societies secluded in fortresses of iron and Brass scattered across the plain however while these societies had internal hierarchies that ensured they functioned as efficiently as Clockwork The ancestral azer Realms never paid much attention to each other or to their homeland's defense and this left the race ripe for exploitation ages ago as a friti cities grew to astonishing proportion in their Growing Power and desire for Conquest the efreet often conquered azer cities and sometimes outright enslaved entire populaces creating an oppressed azer underclass One By One The Mighty azer fortresses fell their insular inhabitants unaware of the injustices that had happened to their neighbors very few free aser strongholds remain an empty and ruined fortresses stand across the landscape like iron husks the afrit the most widely recognized denizens of the plane of fire the ephrit and for good reason fire Genies operate the most powerful Empire in The Inferno the Dominion of flame the Dominion's Cosmopolitan cities sprawl across the realm bringing the Genies overbearing elitism deviousness and cruelty to every corner of the plane their Capital the city of brass is among the great Beyond's most amazing achievements fire Elementals the most abundant beings in the Eternal furnace are its fire and magma Elementals were they to form any large-scale cohesive Society they could undoubtedly Vie for control for the entire plane but Elementals simply don't think in those terms fiercely independent and open to negotiating with any non-hostile beings fire Elementals see themselves more as Natural Forces than as parts of any larger whole methods the inferno's fire methods are notably for their highly developed Society the Theocratic methods have expanded much in power over recent centuries and as their Realms have grown their Customs taboos and rituals have increased in complexity to a degree just short of those of the freed however though they are not kind creatures they are not nearly as hot or self-obsessed as their more powerful Genie counterparts ferronia unlike on the other Elemental planes another Divinity of note dwells here the mysterious demigoddess ferronia known as the Fertile flame ferronia spends much of her time in a great commune built atop the tallest spiers of her Palace the Cradle of flames most believe she lives here with her fiery children whom she's said to have conceived with various Divine beings over Millennia her most famous and only confirmed son is regatheo the product of ferroni's short-lived marriage to the arc devil despite her while their son was still a babe fronia amicably left hell taking reggaetiel with her and nurturing him until he became an imperial Lord the number of other nascent divinities ferronia currently protects remains unknown but she is said to have thwarted several Divine plots to retrieve or slay her charges locations on the plane of fire include the auroric palace on the edge of the plane of fire standing Sentinel against incursions from the plane of Earth is the auroric palace home of imeri queen of The Inferno the massive Palace is constructed of crystallized flame that shine and dance brightly despite the strange solidity it rests upon an enormous slab of Crystal metal and stone the surface of which continually vaporizes from the building's heat rising in a mist of metal droplets and producing shimmering rains of mercury and magma the auroras of fire that hang in the sky above the palace and scintillating Hues of green yellow blue and white can be seen for hundreds of miles and denizens believe that particular combinations of colors reflect in Mary's changing moods the city of brass the pride and capital of the belligerent defriti civilization and the embodiment of the plaintiff Fire's harsh and deadly Beauty the city of brass rests within a massive Basin of hammered brass that floats upon a sea of fire a sphere of magic fueled by captured Souls surrounds it ensuring that the interior remains at survivable temperatures for most extra planar visitors though the afried acknowledged the necessity of trade and welcome visitors to their Capital they barely concealed their disdain for other species the city's rulers are Grand Sultana ayasala mihilar khalida II Lady of flame and Khan of magma and grand vizier Abdul kavi who maintain an uneasy detaunt on the service while attempting to undermine one another behind the scenes the grand Sultana is a fierce Warrior who leads the cities of friti armies while the vizier is a genius politician a master of plane spanning spy networks and a powerful wizard with nearly unrivaled Genie binding expertise Isela claims that the circumstances under which her predecessor died were engineered by Abdul kavi and offers a standing reward of a hundred thousand gold to anyone who can bring her proof of who killed him though many believe she suborned his military and secretly executed himself in a swift coup the Cradle of flames situated on a huge intricately carved as of polished obsidian that floats in the middle of a column of brilliant fire the Cradle of flames of the home of feronia the mysterious demigoddest known as the Fertile flame despite her realm's perilous location the Deus service is entirely free of cleansing fire Flora in the form of flaming red bushes and Vines wind elegantly throughout the daises Rocky terrain sustaining all manners of strange Wildlife including intelligent rabbit-like creatures with fiery Tails who curiously do not actually burn with any heat protecting the Cradle of flames on ferronia's behalf is a quartet of phoenixes led by the demigoddest most powerful minion the guardian Blaze an enormous creature with six wings and four Talons of molten obsidian the Amberen recess most magma dragons are solitary creatures given their volatile temperaments and tendency to Violent outbursts but a few of the oldest and most powerful have banded together in a rocky volcanic region surrounded by the Seas of molten rock called the ember in recess here these Mighty creatures rule over their younger Brethren and manage large territories armies of enslaved salamanders and bound Elementals served the magma Dragons by defending the Region's borders and building and maintaining its spiky grandiose structures its supreme ruler is an ancient and dangerously unstable magma Dragon known as kalinia the ninefold towers the ninefold towers house the secular and Spiritual Authority of the fire methods Theocratic Society most notably the nine-fold matriarch of holy sublimation here Queen dirimalia VI lives in splendor eclipsing that of any other ruler on the plane of fire its nine interlinked Towers carved from a single massive piece of copper veined quartz the plane's heat boils the copper sending a glittering metallic Mist into the air to Fall Like Rain only to be vaporized again as it approaches the eternal flame that dances around the palace The Matriarch itself resides in the central tower which is the tallest while the other eight are reserved for her esteemed advisory Council ziara known colloquially as the Hearth ziara is a diverse settlement that serves as a landing spot and a safe place to stay for visitors from other planes it is a politically neutral zone and it is favored by those who do not wish to tread in the more dangerous parts of the city of brass long ago axiomite visitors and their inevitable servants founded the city as part of a brief period of exploration before they turned their focus inward to the Perfection of their society in the city of access though the axiomites are long gone a significant number of Collier inevitable still patrols yara's streets ensuring that order remains in place the city is protected by a crystalline dome made from an impermeable substance that magically maintains the climate at a steamy but bearable temperature it is filled with the lush jungle foliage and its ecosystem was so perfectly constructed that it has maintained itself for thousands of years visitors to ziara can stay at an assortment of comfortable Inns some accept gold but others require less common currency such as songs rare foods are information and use these accommodation spacious Courtyards fine dining establishments and Gardens to conduct their business Travelers come to ziara to trade to attempt to form diplomatic or business Partnerships with the residents of the plaintiff fire or to seek or sell information the elemental plane of water with a plane of air serving as its vast sky and the plane of Earth forming its floor the plane of water is a breathtaking Endless Ocean of salt and fresh water alike generally growing more saline with increased proximity to the plane of Earth the boundless sea nonetheless contains within its primeval Tides vast pockets of pristine fresh water salt choke dead Seas freshwater rivers flowing in tandem with ocean currents and even enormous bubbles of floating air all of which contain their own unique and vibrant ecosystems sprinkled throughout the plane or even stranger features such as Enchanted Springs that bubble into underwater pools warping whatever Wildlife lives within them and pockets of acid and poison that that form roiling lagoons and refuse to dilute into the surrounding ocean enormous whirling torrents of blood and Chum too large to have formed through organic means sustain environments incomprehensibly alien to all but the most Savvy natives of this plane although the boundless Sea's temperature is largely tepid strong currents of ice cold and boiling hot water tear through it imperiling those unfamiliar with the terrain most of the plane is liquid but foreign elements can be found here as well like hunks of rock from the plane of Earth chunks of ice from the plane of air Jagged spiers of solidified magma the boundless sees other light sources include gently filtered light from the plane of air and near where it meets the plane of Earth massive roving schools of luminescent fish one thing that does remain constant is that water pressure remains even throughout the plane allowing disparate forms of life to travel throughout without much difficulty and kingdoms and creatures alike can and often do grow to unfathomable sizes though civilization exists only in pockets in the boundless sea water-breathing life forms of all types thrive in this Elemental plane merfolks the Hagen numerous other humanoids dwell in the endless depths gathering in villages cities or even Nations while deadly monsters like Krakens and Silas are less common but much feared some of the most significant denizens of the plane include brine dragons past the boundless sea salinity interchange the plane of water teams with brine dragons although most Scholars assume that the dragon's bask aimlessly in the plane's saltier depths in reality most live there at the behest of calisandri Elemental Lord and brackish emperor marriage the boundless sees water Genies claimed to be the absolute and rightful rulers of the plain of water in its entirety but in truth the disparate married Nations have been divided for nearly Ten Thousand Years the event that scattered the marriage Empire was the death of the last sailing parisha nilifar the Great and the destruction of her capital city of arsenib and by the elemental Lord calisandri visitors to the boundless sea tend to find that marriage are some of its most accessible natives marriage Society follows very strong rules of hospitality meant to help facilitate peace between members of their notoriously capricious races marriage also enjoy foreign visitors and performers for their own sake and the Genies go out of their way to invite and support such guests merfog merfolk immigrants the plane of water prefer to dwell in dimly lit Waters while their deep merfo kin keep to the lightless Seas near the border with a plane of Earth merfolk are secretive people going to Great Lengths to avoid other races and keep Intruders out of their domain an Explorer is more likely to merely feel the presence of merfolk rather than to actually see one as merfolk weave complex webs of Illusion build decoy cities and construct misleading trails to lead curious Outsiders miles away from their true homes sahagan often dismissed as simple savages the sahagan of the plain of water are entrenched planar immigrants whose strength should not be underestimated the boundless sea sahagan originated from the material plane and they say unliked here several thousand years ago to fulfill a prophecy while well known for quick and vicious invasions of neighboring kingdoms the sahagan are even more Infamous for fighting among themselves most major Nobles in their cities claim lineage back to the first sahagan emperor sahagan Warlords are some of the most adaptable residents of the plain of water grasping for any advantage they can find to bring them Greater Heights of conquest and Power Kelly's Andrew kelisandri the brackish Emperor is the most notable Divinity who keeps a domain on the plane of water their sightings are rare due to the elemental Lord swings between relative lethargy in periods of bloodthirsty activity during the former kelisandri descends upon territories that are about his Empire and engages in wanton destruction annihilating all who resist and claiming their Treasures during the latter the elemental Lord Retreats the Palace of Sultan Burns resting on the ruins of an ancient marriage city of carved Carl the emperor long ago conquered and pulled into his realm locations in the elemental plain of water include evershale mysterious and ancient evershales a miles-long slab of carved rock that holds one of the largest remaining marriage ruled cities though the marriage claimed authority over this massive Rocky shelf they did not create it rather they founded over fifteen thousand years ago floating abandoned in the current and many believe that its strange carvings link it to some ancient civilization long since forgotten adding to the city's mystery is its curious dimensional instability the stone is riddled with one-way portals most of which lead from Desert oases or the bottom of rivers in the material plain to the city but not vice versa these portals have resulted in evershale becoming a refuge for planar fugitives of all types having recognized the potential for enormous profits the marriage embraced their City's role guilds mercenary outfits Merchant companies and more provide all manner of morally ambiguous services from creating new identities to accepting assassination contracts with no questions asked despite the city's reputation as a Haven ever shale's marriage and non-married citizenry alike are more than willing to play both sides of every conflict lion's mouth hold settled in an impossibly enormous kelp forest that stretches from the bottom of the plane to nearly the top the lion's mouth hold is a natural wonder and all the more significant for its eponymous inhabitant the lion's mouth is a massive jellyfish composed of billions of intelligent organs with a bell that floats near the plane of air and tendrils that reach through the entire kelp forest mappilic a mixed Community consisting mainly of humans and selkies the settlement of mappilic is carved into the heart of an iceberg its Labyrinthian ice tunnels stretching across the border between the plain of water and the plane of air the city's complex system of machines is powered by lightning that its citizens Harvest from storms in the endless sky this energy collected through metal poles sunk into the ice is used to maintain an environment that is comfortable for all residents the midsize Community also hosts a large construction yard for submersibles making it a convenient Border Town for those who wish to travel from the plane of air to the plain of water the Palace of Sultan Burns storytellers claim that the Palace of Sultan bones is the richest most magnificent place in all of the boundless sea for that reason alone adventurers sometimes approach it hoping either to infiltrate it or to offer obesians to its ruler kelisandri the brackish emperor in exchange for trading rights however no Ferry operators who value their lives willingly approach the palace and the few adventurers who actually make it back from such Expeditions are forever changed alongside their claims to the tales of the palace's wealth are understated rather than exaggerated these Witnesses also knit the palace's bizarre pale skin serviters and the superficial resemblance they bear to sahagan scholars believe that means the kalisandri may not only be harvesting sahagan wealth but also the sahagan themselves warping them into some entirely new species the Phantom's ebb located in the plane's deepest recess as Phantom's ebb is known widely as a space that allows no natural light the surrounding region is a slowly drifting graveyard of ships famous for swallowing those unfortunate enough to stumble into it the ebb's lightless nature is in truth due to the fact that it consists wholly of Shadows and greater Shadows Undead Terrors that have no need of air and prefer to skulk Far From Any source of light rumors persist of an ancient Shadow Lord known only as the lightless Lord who holds control over its lesser kin but if such a being exists no one has seen it or returned with a tail is an elaborate Temple complex suspended in beautiful green blue water illuminated by rays of light that filter down through vast sheets of ice followers of the vanished Elemental Lord lucianasa excavated it eons ago carving it from a vast chunk of ice that had been dislodged from the border with a plane of air when kelisandri defeated lisinasa all of savasura's attendance and worshipers vanished and the temple soon fell into neglect as ages passed both lucianasa and savasura were mostly forgotten and most of the plane's inhabitants now consider the temple to be no more than an eerie relic of a bygone age in recent years water Naga pilgrims have gravitated to savisura claiming to seek a deity called the queen of the depths whether the nagas literally believed that her deity resides in savasura where they are describing an allegory is uncertain but it has been sufficient for them to establish a small Outpost in and around the temple from here they seek and offer massive rewards to adventurers who might help them with an Endeavor they refer to only as The Awakening the nagas leader is lindelis who came that only the queen of the depths Chosen Few can help bring about the awakening's glory vielesque the plane of water's largest independent city violesque drifts in warm Waters lit by the sunken star called palixna one of the few settlements in the plain of water capable of supporting air breathing life this bustling Trade Center also serves the capital of a small nation of undynes whose ancestors migrate here from the material plane centuries ago and who lovingly refer to violesque as the city of Splendid waves VLS consists of several tiers of buildings that extend deep into the city's Sony foundations and to Heights far above the Alaska welcomes visitors going to Great Lengths to accommodate land dwellers and any other races that might wish to visit half of its structures are enveloped in a bubble of air magically Tethered to the city that provides breathable atmosphere for merchants visiting villesque the opposite half of the Metropolis reaches far down the watery depths the upside down buildings pose no impediment to the aquatic creatures who inhabit them the city's Marketplace lies at the center between these two districts allowing both land dwellers and water dwellers to visit and do business freely and those are the elemental planes in the world of Pathfinder coming out uh next time on this series I'll be talking about the other planes of the inner sphere particularly the positive energy the negative energy the Shadow Dimension and the first world uh that'll be in my next video If you like this content be sure to like And subscribe if you've got special requests or comments let me know in the comments below and I'll see you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: MythKeeper
Views: 9,549
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Id: pG0hx76kCQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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