Paternity testing and pregnancy mod for The Sims 4 //WHO’S THE DADDY???

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oh hey guys how's it going so today we are playing with a pregnancy and wellness overhaul mod i'm not sure how old it is it might not be new um but i am playing with the latest version so in some ways it's new but i've only just discovered it so we're gonna see how that impacts our game we've got our sim here this here is uh what's her name madeline and madeline lives with her boyfriend and roommate a boyfriend terence fitney and then this is just some guy cortez who lives there too i don't know how much of this mod i'm gonna be able to cover in one video so i think what might be what may be best is to break it down the mod itself is massive not even joking it's [ __ ] massive this is the creator i will leave a link um to this page in the description if you want to go and download it yourself it's called the woohoo wellness and pregnancy overhaul and it comes in modules that's how big this [ __ ] is there are multiple different modules all focusing on many different things i've installed the entire mod so i have all of these modules included however we're going to break it down a little bit so for this video we're going to be using module one which i think is just like the base basic changes to your pregnancy experience and then also we're going to use uh module 4 paternity testing which is why we've got a roommate so we're going to have some jerry springer [ __ ] in here all right let's go over to the main game so first things first i'm just going to click on her just to make sure i've installed it correctly i'm guessing there should be a new menu a new pie menu okay we've got two new options now relationship wellness go get tested for wtds go buy condoms what about relationship wellness [ __ ] hell bit full-on in it so i can give her her piece i can give her hiv aids chlamydia gonorrhea take your pick even a yeast infection wow i wasn't expecting that that many diseases to choose from smorgasbord of diseases okay and then pregnancy and family get sterilization surgery okay so sims can go and get themselves i don't really know what the term is fixed they can give themselves a happier life i don't know define pregnancy wish oh yeah okay oh okay so i can't remember her [ __ ] name madeleine if madeline gets pregnant is she gonna be happy neutral not happy or let fate decide i'm gonna let fate decide because i'm gonna do a few videos on this mod and the one i have planned next we'll be using both don't want and do want so i'm just gonna leave it up to fate where'd you go maddie okay what other options do we have under pregnancy and family book family planning appointment i'm not sure what you would book a plan a family planning appointment for it might be for buying condoms or it might be i don't know i might have to check that out madeline status remove parent reaction blah blah blah blah set pregnancy risk for this sim now okay so this is how likely it is for her to get pregnant that is very handy so the default is 25 well i'm going to put it on 100 because for the purposes of this video we need her to be able to get knocked up we need you to be a fertile myrtle remove pregnancy type and paternity testing no we want the paternity testing on we need that register with the agency of surrogate mothers oh okay so i don't think this is part of module one this is a separate module which is all about surrogacy but i am just touching on it quickly carry a baby for another sim attempt artificial insemination that's really cute when i go to click on adoption no no madeline must discuss this with her official partner first and have them agree well that's not how it works when you make a baby is it should be realistic okay i think it's time to get into the more game play so just to give you an over overview of the plan so that we can have the whole maternity testing thing um i might just get her to marry terrence just so i can be sure that they are unquestioned unquestionably together and then she's gonna get knocked up by get this cortez sneaky little snake and then she's gonna have the baby they're gonna do a paternity test find out who the dad is and there's also an interaction you can do with the kid when it grows up so that's what we're gonna do okay so first things first i see uh cortes over there what are you doing cortez you're baking a cake gonna use a few cheeky cheats obviously talk about getting out you just broke out of prison or something yeah i've got to use a couple of cheats i'm always cheating true friends true loves now get out of bed wake up you [ __ ] okay okay so i wonder if there are any new interactions well she can give him a first kiss so there's that yeah that's it kiss him you slag uh relationship wellness confess loving another ask about protection [Laughter] confess not loving another that's brilliant ask if they want children alternative pregnancies discuss carrying a bit okay wow there are loads of loads of options here well i think first things first let's just get straight down to business shall we try for a babe where's terence i've got to make sure terence is out of the way okay he's sleeping thank god risky hookup in bed fancy a risky father taking some risks terrence live on the edge of life god what a gamble what a thrill ride oh [ __ ] no protection was used oh [ __ ] boyfriends walked in oh no look how upset he is oh no in my defense you were not supposed to see you was you were sleeping you're the sneaky one you weren't doing what you said you were doing oh no just slapped us around the [ __ ] chops if we have a red mark now we could be pregnant you could have just hit a pregnant woman right i tell you what how about how about we just make makeup life's too short anyway you got an angry mood look yeah unfaithful love life's too short man life's too short don't want to be getting jealous stop getting jelly a little jellyfish okay cortez probably best that you're not here in fact cortes how about you come down here have a little nap nap we're a little bit busy up here because we we have to apologize and we might be apologizing quite loud okay let's just cheat let's just cheat their relationship as well uh in fairness they did already have a great relationship um but you know he was just being nosy his own fault and he saw something he didn't like can we really be blamed for that well i don't think so okay so now we've kissed and made up let's properly make up risky hookup in bed oh yeah risk taker baby maker oh sorry guys i've had too much sugar today i think you're gonna make a baby you're gonna make a babe that is if she's not already knocked up but you know oh yeah nice first person oh yeah nice so erotic you enjoying that you're enjoying it as much as i am it doesn't even look like she's awake she looks dead apart from the odd mouth movements she looks like she may as well be in a coffin oh hello um you're right there terrence was it that good literally blew your head off turrets turrets why the [ __ ] is his head not growing back oh no oh [ __ ] maybe if i go in first person mode again okay okay that's right get some fresh air okay his head's back that's all it took that's all it took oh she's throwing up great take a pregnancy test let's hear the good news there's flies [ __ ] flying around oh dear stressed unwanted pregnancy oh madeline did not expect this pregnancy is really not sure what she wants but it's happening what should she do she's crying i'm very sorry from getting caught cheating well to be fair polish to perfection yeah go and do that i really like that i really like that she's stressed and unhappy about her pregnancy the mod has delivered because it's realistic and it i just realized i sound really horrible i don't hate children i quite like kids actually how's that bump coming along so do i get any new interactions share worries about pregnancy yeah don't even officially announce it just just casually be like oh you know i'm not feeling myself today why what's wrong uh maybe it's just the pregnancy what maybe she should share offer to go to counselling for unwanted pregnancy wait does he also have a buff he shouldn't have a buff because he doesn't know about the pregnancy yet neither of them do they're both bless them they they have no idea he's got a cross through my face [ __ ] off pregnancy and family discuss hopelessness about the future with the baby oh wow so these options would be completely different if she had um the want to have a baby announce unwanted pregnancy after telling you madeline can ask them to accompany her to an abortion if wanted admit not knowing who fathered your child i don't know why i find that so funny yeah go on go and tell him go tell him tell him what you've done ask about stds oh bit late now nick but we may as well ask the question i'm pretty sure he's clean he's fresh out of cass so i don't know what he could have developed admit not knowing who fathered your child yeah yeah i'm clear of wtds oh fantastic well that's one less thing to worry about oh no oh no so she's not just admitting that she doesn't know who the dad is she's also addressing to cheating seriously from life madeleine seems to have upset some sims expect some nasty texts caught cheating paternity mystery unsurprisingly unsurprisingly admitting not knowing who the child's father is didn't go too well ruining their lives what about him so he's flirty for being fresh and frisky but also who is the father from father's confession oh wow terence's partner admitted not knowing who fathered their child this means they slept around and the baby may not be terence's what a horrible horrible mess not only learning about cheating but doubting that the child has anything to do with him no matter wanting children or not this is beyond atrocious oh that is brilliant that's brilliant and this guy none the wiser he's just happy from remembering losing his v card absolutely no issues oh cortez your world is about to come crumbling down my friend discussed possibility of terminating pregnancy no [ __ ] that keeping it keeping it add to the drama ask to stop using condoms ask to go get tested oh this is funny i'm sure it isn't even designed to be funny i'm sure it's designed to be a pretty serious you know just nice sweet added gameplay mod alternative pregnancies adoption share worries about pregnancy organized to provide for the baby offered to go to counseling offer to go to early parenthood class discuss possibility organize provide for the baby give us some money in fact i'm going to choose that interaction for both of you could be either one of you so describe first kiss that would be a police take wouldn't it because their first kiss was with cortes technically ask if they want children a bit late now bit late now i mean we can ask the question of sheer courtesy oh oh he's nodding so you know oh but it didn't go down so well she doesn't look happy why are you in a pissy mood this is all your fault this is no one else's fault but yours confessed to having woo hoo worry about putting on baby weight oh this is so good man this is so good i'm not uninstalling this this is staying staying organized to provide for the baby yes yes put your hand in your pocket please you were happy enough to whip one thing out a couple of moments ago so you should be happy enough to whip something else out your wallet uh offer to go to early parenthood class yes i think that is a good choice because it's quite clear that none of you [ __ ] know what the [ __ ] you're doing so i think parenthood class is a good oh are they going right now go to parenthood class great see you later cortes the funny thing is i'm pretty sure it's going to be cortez's baby because i put her on a 100 chance of conception first person she slept with without protection was cortez so it's definitely going to be his you just chill and watch the game yeah just relax not caring the world doesn't affect you does it it kind of doesn't because i'm going to try and see if i can swing it in a way that you know cortes [ __ ] off after he does the paternity test and then terence is going to step in okay what boss have we got here learning important stuff from all from ongoing parenting class well that's great terrific i'm glad you're learning how a spoon works um no need to worry from expressing her worries okay so she's got a good buff from that that's good not the best first kiss oh we've all been there don't worry about it so she's is she gonna stay that way until the baby's born because this doesn't have a timer it just tells me when the next trimester is and um you know that's not always the case usually if you're feeling that way in the first trimester i would have thought by the time the third trimester comes around you know you've sort of come round to the idea accepted your fate and then you might change from being stressed to being happy i mean i don't know but maybe quite a while they've been gone to the parenting class all right class from parenthood hey look she's look who's chirped up she's feeling better you're feeling good yeah see told you it was going to be all right you should listen to me more often all right well i think next step we should probably apologize nah [ __ ] him we should probably um ask to do paternity tests let's ask him if he wants kids first i'm just curious just curious be really funny if he says yes and the other one doesn't i'd like having children oh oh he's such a good boyfriend as me okay let's ask him to do a paternity test he's not even that angry anymore oh my god oh he wasn't happy about that question well look mate you want to know or you want to know at paternity test okay they're going how are they going to do a paternity test when she's still pregnant though has technology advanced that much i mean everything i know about pregnancy paternity tests are from jerry springer and maury povich but i i thought they had to wait for it to come out at least i don't even know how they're gonna swab for that unfaithful love from out of relationship pregnancy i don't think that's come from this mod i think that was already in the game if i'm not mistaken or it's from slice of life if i'm not mistaken look at this guy imaginative cool as a cucumber he's still completely none the wiser isn't he he doesn't even have a mood buff does he no all he's worried about is having nice clean hands not caring the world no cortez you're a bad boy you're a bad bad boy jesus how long does a paternity test take oh they're back they're back okay potentially test results this sim is not the father of madeleine's child oh no you are not the father has she got any buff for that let's have a look ugh it's not them madeleine's partner was distraught to learn that they're not the father of the child whether that's what madeline wanted or not there's nothing to do about this anymore but to accept it they're not the father and now everyone knows oh god what a life [ __ ] in hell certainty acquired though from the pregnant well not really not really i mean i know it's him but i suppose i suppose tragedy terence is not the father of his partner's child tests do not lie no matter how terrence feels about having children knowing the child is another's is crushing news this could break the relationship he has with his partner and could harm advance any possible relationships with the child uh who oh no this guy this guy still still none the wiser all right i think we should probably um ask him to do a paternity test oh he's so unhappy tell cortez he didn't father madeleine's child lie ah yeah we'll lie we'll lie this mod is jokes this is so funny you're not parents he's so he's like don't worry about it i didn't want it anyway he's so happy well you know how he just told you that you were not the father okay well this might be crushing news for you uh asked to marry you to having a child together madeleine is already married sure worries about the pregnancy organized forever but the thing is now now she can't tell him because i've already told him that he's not the father but it's not going to let me go back on it is it oh no come on let me go back on it let me go back on it i know it's his baby no let me go back on it i wonder if she has some new options for him like some consoling options asked to go get tested try to calm down oh look he's he's stomping so upset she's why are you getting pissy with him he's a nice guy you're the [ __ ] here not not him i have to go to counselling off to go to earl so is there any option okay so there isn't an option yet for her to basically say hey you want to be you want to be the dad though you want to maybe that doesn't happen until after the baby's born [ __ ] man i can't believe i told him he wasn't the dad when he when he is ah there's no coming back from it now recommend skincare these guys don't even have a pie menu to discuss this this sort of stuff i don't know whether it's because they're not in a relationship or whether it's just because they're men you know because pregnancy is women's problems in it news badly received from disclosing parent madeline's partner reacted poorly to being told they're not the other parent for madeleine's latest child straighten up your act from partners criticism madeline needs to make an effort if she wants a relationship to go back to normal smooth liar from lying about parroted it's not pretty to lie but madeleine has her reasons no she [ __ ] doesn't she did it for a laugh is there any way i can get him to get out of her ask for proof about father yes yes okay so she told him a little white lie cheeky little porcupine and now he's he's questioning that she thinks he's being unreasonable listen love you've lied right up until this point you cannot now be annoyed that people people don't trust you speechless wait wait what was that speechless from paternity discussion cortez's partner says cortes is not the father of the child that implies they would have been sleeping with others who would confess to such a thing without it being true now not only is cortes learning about being cheated on but also discovering that the child entering his life has nothing to do with him resenting a cheetah it's really unpleasant to be around someone who betrayed cortez's trust well i mean you're not really together although he has got some relief from seeing paternity cortes is the father of his partner's child tests do not lie no matter how cortez feels about having children knowing that the child is not in others is a huge weight off his shoulders well you're like non-committal i gave you the non-commissal trait so i don't know what you're talking about right i think it's probably about time to just fast forward her pregnancy get her get her in labor okay so let's just pop her in labor it's happening that's it the baby's getting born [Laughter] she got any new moodlets pregnant in labor it's go time hey father known right well i think it's time to have this babe boys boys you want to get in here you don't want to miss this well he's happy how's he oh he's not he's not too bad congratulations it's a boy and we will call him arnold oh see our boyfriend still loves us ah does she have any new mood buffs new baby from giving birth the baby's born it's a relief to not have to deal with pregnancy anymore but a great stress to have the unwanted baby to take care of her maybe madeline will get used to it we'll see oh this mod is so funny and how are you feeling about it okay so he's got exactly the same moodlet so i'm guessing he also didn't want kids but he's happy my little baby i still can't believe i gave birth um i mean i think you might be getting a little bit confused so yeah the genealogy is not affected you can clearly see who the baby is who the baby's father is even oh but that's really nice that he still has a a a good memory and he would be happy to have a child how about him how does he feel about kids does not want a child right now and he hates children i wonder if that changes the um the types of interactions that they can have now i wonder i wonder tell cortes he fathered madeleine's child the truth yeah okay we'll tell him the truth we'll tell him the truth although he already knows we did a paternity test is he gonna have a positive reaction but he doesn't want kids i mean i know he already knows but okay so if he oh so if her husband he has the option to tell to say that you reject madeleine's child or tell her you consider madeline's child as your own tell her you consider madeleine's child as your own don't be a don't be a dick plus that's not the way he feels i mean he's telling me with his moodlets that he is happy he does consider the baby hits a family from acceptance madeleine's partners said they were willing to consider madeleine's latest child as their own despite the fact that the pregnancy happened through madeleine cheating this is a good relief to know that madeline is not alone in this no matter how each of them may feel about this child god that makes it sound like they [ __ ] hate the kid difficult feelings it's hard to be near a child who inspires much more panic and sadness than it does joy it's not the child's fault it's not necessarily the parent's fault either um i think it is a parent's fault but okay we're madeline to try to explain it to others she would be met but nothing but horror and judgment yet how is one supposed to force themselves to not feel the sadness they feel and to feel the happiness they do not and perhaps there is a love for this child somewhere within madeleine perhaps but as of now it cannot be found or felt overrun by upset brutal man that is [ __ ] harsh that's your baby you just had it oh wow wow so he has does he have any nude any new buffs from accepting the baby no well he's just told her how he feels oh but there's still the option to reject madeleine's child so he can reject it at any time oh that is sweet well there we go that's uh scratching the surface of module one and i'm sure we probably have touched on a couple other modules as well in this uh in this mod but uh i'm not finished with this yet i'm gonna do another video um because there's another module that is completely dedicated to teen pregnancy so i'm gonna do another video with two teens one of them wants to have a baby the other one doesn't and we're gonna see how life goes for them because there's also um a lot of interactions i say this like i know just going by the notes but apparently there's a lot of involvement with the teen's parents as well so they can either choose to be a supportive parent and help their team raise a baby or they can choose to basically reject uh the baby and you know tell the tell the teen that they're in it on their own so we're gonna play out two different scenarios with two different teens and two different parents one of them being accepting the other one telling them to take a hike so that's exciting something to look forward to but uh for this video that's it thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it if you did please like and subscribe and i'll see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: Whiny Brit
Views: 116,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The sims 4, sims 4 let’s play, sims 4 woohoo, sims woohoo, sims 4 pregnancy, sims pregnancy, sims 4 paternity test, sims paternity, sims 4 mods, sims 4 mod, sims 4 pregnancy mod, sims 4 woohoo mod, pregnancy in the sims, sims 4 parenting, sims 4 parenting mod, paternity tests in the sims 4, sims paternity test, paternity test mod, paternity mod, mods for the sims, mods for the sims 4, pregnancy mods for the sims 4, sims 4 pregnancy test, sims 4 babies, sims 4 baby
Id: qXDnaueErWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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