Pasta Salsiccia e Carciofi - Ricetta facile e veloce per un primo piatto goloso

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Hello everyone from Paolo and welcome back to the CiboDentro channel. Today a pasta dish with a fantastic food, artichokes which, combined with browned sausage, become unattainable for any dish. The sauté that goes best with artichokes is my opinion with garlic: mash it to brown it in a pan with a generous splash of olive oil. Let it fry gently and start preparing the sausage. I used a neutral sausage, not particularly spiced, to accompany the artichoke without overwhelming it.Remove it from the seasoning casing and divide it into coarse chunks which will then shrink by at least half during cooking The size of the cut is in any case commensurate with the type of pasta that use Add the sausage to the garlic that is frying and brown it on all sides until you no longer have any visible pink The browning will leave a patina on the bottom of the pan that can be easily recovered by deglazing with half a glass of dry white wine Pour it in pan to high heat, let evaporate the alcoholic fraction of wine then stir to insaporendola sausage further can then let restrict low flame and dedicate to the preparation of artichokes Eliminate however the outer leaves, little hold to be eaten but perfect for making an aromatic broth and very intense Evaluate with the pressure of and fingers if you have reached the tender heart of the artichoke, then cut the tip of the flower cleanly, thus removing all the thorns With a small knife or a potato peeler remove the peel of the stem and avoid adding it to any broth because it is too bitter and herbaceous. instead excellent for broth, but too woody for sautéing, the bottom of the stem Cut lengthwise, dividing the artichoke in two , so as to be able to clean it internally Depending on the variety and age of the flower, you will find more or less fluff , called beard, which could be annoying, so eliminate it You may also find internal thorns that have not been cut together with the tip: these will surely annoy you so eliminate them too Cut it to the size you prefer then find yourself in the plate - I cut quite large like the pieces of sausage more or less In this case I don't put the artichoke in water and lemon since I'm only using two. To limit the blackening, however, pour it immediately into a pan as soon as it is cut so that the oil envelops it and protects it Adjust with salt, abundant ground black pepper that binds perfectly to the flavor of the artichoke, then after a couple of minutes of browning to high heat, cover, and let it simmer over low heat for about twenty minutes in this time, put the water for the pasta on the heat and bring to a boil when it starts to mumble, add the coarse salt and the pasta shape you prefer. I use paccheri: perfect for hiding the pieces of artichoke and sausage inside them , as if they were stuffed cannelloni.When you arrive a couple of minutes before the cooking time of the pasta, take a large cup of water rich in starch, and set it aside.Then drain the paccheri and pour them directly into the pan over a very high heat.The pasta format is quite large and should be seasoned well, then those two or three minutes of cooking removed from the pot, you will recover them abundantly by cooking in a pan, and they will serve to obtain a tasty and well-seasoned dish.After giving a first stir, add the cooking water of the pasta that will act as a binder between paccheri and seasoning.After a while, the starch will thicken the liquids forming a thick cream and making it less the pasta is fluid You will feel that it becomes heavier to toss , or stir with the spoon It means that it is ready and you can turn off the flame to enrich as desired with ap aio of spoonfuls of pecorino or grated Parmesan cheese Keep some cooking water until the end of preparation In this way, if the cheese gets too dry , you can recreate the creaminess by adding it Bring it to the steaming hot table and take advantage of this particular format of pasta to hide inside the pieces of artichoke and sausage, creating an explosive and rich bite, which will win you over today as always I greet you, I wish you good fun, and bon appetite and I wait for you next Thursday, again from 11 morning, here, on CiboDentro! HELLO
Channel: CiboDentro
Views: 15,517
Rating: 4.9528489 out of 5
Keywords: pasta salsiccia e carciofi, pasta coi carciofi, pasta al ragù di salsiccia, salsiccia e carciofi, come cucinare i carciofi, ricette con i carciofi, ricette con la salsiccia, idee con i carciofi, paccheri salsiccia e carciofi, pulire i carciofi, tempi di cottura dei carciofi, saltare la pasta in cottura, pasta cremosa in padella, pasta risottata in padella, cottura della pasta e amidi per cremosità, carciofi e pecorino con salsiccia, cibodentro, primi con carciofi
Id: 0iDZCQa8c1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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