Past Perfect Practice [Advanced English Verb Tense]

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hello hello welcome to today's live English lesson here on the speak English with Vanessa YouTube channel I'm so glad that you're here to improve your English participate and today to use an advanced verb tense are you ready for today's challenge if you're new I want to welcome you thanks so much for joining me we have live lessons every Tuesday and Thursday at 9 a.m. est 9 a.m. est is New York timezone so it's the morning for me it's 9:00 a.m. and thank you for wanting to participate and wanting to join live if you can't join live if you can only watch the replay no problem today we've got a several people who are already here live with us you meant from Cambodia hello Francesca glad you're here Alexander welcome Angelo Paolo and France Takahiro glad you're here Andre Sonia Fifi Ali welcome Nadia I'm glad that you're here Abdi is here for the first time thanks so much for joining me and today we're gonna tackle tackle means we're gonna just fight and we're gonna win against a advanced verb tense today we're gonna talk about the past perfect whoo I get a lot of questions about the present perfect and the past perfect and a couple days ago on Tuesday we had a live lesson about the present perfect so it's time to talk about the past let's go into the past and use this verb tense so I have a question for you to start today's lesson my question is really simple let's start simple and work up what time did you wake up today mmm what time did you wake up to a for me I woke up pretty recently I woke up at 8:30 so my sentence is I woke up at 8:30 in the morning Anatoly says I woke up at 7:30 I Allah says I woke up at 4:30 Wow so quite early Wow Wow max says I woke up at 7:30 Gennaro says 11:30 excellent excellent 9 o'clock 4:45 so Yoshi really early early early Kevin why did you wake up at 2:00 a.m. maybe you have an early morning job it seems like most people are waking up early 6 o'clock 7 8 maybe a little later I woke up at 8:30 today 30 minutes ago yes so let's take this sentence and let's talk about something that had already happened before you woke up so today for me last night it rained a lot it's been pretty rainy the last couple days here in the city where I live in the south of the US in North Carolina it's been pretty rainy hopefully it won't be rainy tomorrow or this weekend because I have some family coming to visit me but it's been rainy so last night it rained a lot but when I woke up at 8:30 the rain had already stopped the rain had already stopped so both of these things happened in the past I woke up as you can see I'm awake I'm not sleeping I think so we could say when I woke up another action that's finished in the past before that the rain had already stopped so think about the time that you woke up and tell me what is something that had already happened when you woke up if you woke up at 2:30 a.m. like Maha maybe you'll have difficulty thinking of something that happened earlier than 2:30 but what is something that already happened before that Estella has a great way to describe this she says the past perfect is the past tense of the past exactly so both of these events happened in the past I'm gonna write a sample sentence I woke up the rain stopped but one of them happened more in the past and that is the rain so I'm gonna write this sample sentence here and then I want to see if you can also imitate this and tell me something that had already happened when you woke up so let's say when I woke up at at 8:30 today when I woke up at 8:30 the rain head already stopped so now it's not raining anymore it's just wet outside so we have our special verb for today had stopped not already already is not our verb had stopped and we're gonna add already in the middle so our first action our first action is up here woke up this is just a simple past when I woke up we've got a lot of great sentences oh I love these Francesca says when I woke up the Sun had already risen ooh we are using a lovely verb tense here called the past participle don't worry about the grammar term but we're going to be using some of seem a little irregular like taken eaten gone or in your sentence risen the Sun had already risen beautiful Alex said when I woke up at 6:00 a.m. oh when my wife woke up at 6:00 a.m. I had already prepared our breakfast how nice of you Wow so your wife woke up at 6:00 a.m. and you woke up before her so when your wife woke up at 6:00 a.m. you had already prepared breakfast oh great husband uh Estella said when I woke up at 6 a.m. my cat had already waited for me outside for a couple minutes your cat is ready your cats ready for some food or for some entertainment or for something oh let's say for some of your wonderful sentences when oh when I woke up at 6 a.m. all week this is a good example I'm going to read this out loud so let's take a look at this when I woke up at 6 a.m. I saw beautiful spring flowers outside my garden so in this sentence we have our past verb when I woke up at 6 a.m. I saw beautiful spring flowers these two events happened at the same time you woke up you looked out the window and you saw others beautiful flowers so these two events happened at the same time so we're gonna use just the past for both of them I woke up I saw the flowers so these two events didn't happen one of them didn't happen further in the past so your sentence is correct but let's try to use this head verb lovely lovely Jan has a sentence opposite of Alex's he said when I woke up at 5:00 my wife had already made breakfast oh what a nice wife Wow don't tell my husband maybe he'll get some ideas uh toy says when I woke up at 9:30 a.m. the Sun had already risen really high oh yes so maybe the Sun rises at 6 o'clock and for you you woke up at 9:30 so the Sun had already risen really high beautiful yes you've got it when I woke up at 7 a.m. my parents had already gone to work beautiful sentence in fact I'm gonna write this down because I want to practice some of these verbs this past participle verbs that we're gonna we're going to use to make these as complete and natural as possible when I woke up my parents had already gone to work great so here we have had and gone and then in the middle I always find a way to mark on my hands I'm so focused on writing the sentence that I don't look at the marker and just make a mess it's okay I had already gone or can we say my parents had gone already to work can we put this here what do you think when I went to work my parents had gone already to work hmm well the answer is yes and no yes you can say that it's not grammatically incorrect it doesn't sound so strange but in reality we never say that at least in my experience when we're going to add a word like already it has to go in the middle to sound as natural as possible so if you want to add a word here let's make sure that it's in between are you ready to practice negative sentences we practice a lot of positive sentences let's try to make it negative so let's imagine let's imagine another event how about oh let's talk about when you were born some things that hadn't happened yet so let's say when I was born so I was born in 1987 I'm 29 years old 1987 so let's think about some things that hadn't happened yet in history so let's say when I was born the internet I think at least it wasn't popular the internet hadn't been invented yet oh we've got lots of verbs here so I want to see for you what are some things that hadn't happened when you were born and if you're born on a different in a different year than me your answers are all going to be different that's great the purpose is to use this verb tense as correctly as possible so for me we could say we have here had been invented bin is our special verb here when I was born and then we've got was born so we have our simple past verb and then we need negative our negative friend not it hadn't been invented yet when I was born the internet hadn't been invented yet so what about for you what had it happened when you were born oh we've got a great answer here when I was born no one had gone to the moon yet or we could say people hadn't gone to the moon yet great said it hadn't gone hadn't gone when I was born people hadn't gone to the moon yet Tinh says when I was born the smartphone hadn't been invented yet oh great great Esther says when I was born the gyro hadn't been created yet wonderful Estela says when i was born in 1978 smart tvs hadn't been invented much later much later let's say oh we've got ooh some good sentences about electricity interesting suresh says when I was born there was no electricity in my village so here we have two events happening at the same time when I was born there was no electricity so if we're going to talk about something that hadn't happened yet let's change it just a little bit to say when I was born electricity hadn't come to my village yet when I was born electricity hadn't come to my village we have hadn't and then our lovely verb here great great when I was born mobile phones hadn't been invented Oh at Ella yes I think it's the same for me too maybe they had been invented but they certainly weren't popular in the in the 80s at least 89 oh this is a fun sentence Bob says when I was born you hadn't been born yet oh so this means you're older than me so you could say when I was born you hadn't been born yet lovely lovely okay let's take this to actually a simpler level we've talked about positive sentences negative sentences what about just simple answers how can we use this in a short form because sometimes we use the past perfect by itself to say no I had it yes I had and that's it we don't need to make a full sentence so we've talked about complex sentences and now we're gonna make this down to simpler sentences so let's say I have a couple questions and I want to see what your answer is no I hadn't yes I had hmm I want to see oh this is a lovely mark when you were born had the Berlin Wall fallen yet so the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 so I was two years old so for me I could say no it hadn't no it had it what about for you when you were born had the Berlin Wall fallen yet and you can make a simple answer no it hadn't yes it had this is a really clear simple way to answer this question because sometimes you don't need a complex in it yes the Berlin Wall had fallen when I was born you can say that but in conversations we try to keep it quick no it had it no it had it no it hadn't lots of no it hadn't yes it had all right it happened in 1989 1989 yes it had yes it had no it hadn't all right no it had it let me ask you another question when you were born ah had Oh when you were born had your parents ever traveled abroad when you were born had your parents ever traveled abroad so this means before you were born had your parents ever traveled abroad and for me the answer is no they hadn't they hadn't been to anywhere oh no actually that's not true yes they had because they went on their honeymoon to Jamaica so the answer is yes they had they have already been to Jamaica so yes they had how a lot of people said no they hadn't no they hadn't yes my parents when I was born my parents had already traveled to Dubai oh very cool no they had it all a lot of you it seems like your parents hadn't traveled by the time you were born oh when I was born my father had already gone to Saudi Arabia very cool oh no they hadn't my parents didn't have enough money to travel I understand traveling I think has become much more accessible to a lot of people especially 20-30 years ago it's probably much more expensive and maybe more unusual to travel abroad unless you're rich or you have a job that makes you helps you to travel a lot all right we've got beautiful short sentences here yes they had no they hadn't I love it beautiful work great work with the past perfect today so my final tip for the past perfect is to use the same Senate structure that we practice today to use this when Senate structure because really we use this a lot so make sure that when you're speaking or when you're writing or when you read books you're going to notice when I plus some simple verb and then our more complex had stopped had gone hadn't been invented hadn't stopped hadn't eaten we will use a more the more complex verb for something that happened further in the past and I think a lot of you wrote excellent sentences so what I recommend doing now is I recommend saying a final sentence with me today we're going to say it all together practice this as confidently and as strongly as possible before we say it I'm going to take a drink of water and then we'll say it together no matter where you are if you're in Brazil Vietnam Egypt Russia Alaska Antarctica that would be amazing no matter where you are let's say this all together a sentence using head plus our special verb using the past perfect let's say o when all right I want you to try to write this sentence as well so try to write this in the comments in the chat box that way people who maybe don't completely understand the sentence can see it as well are you ready we're gonna say this it's a little bit long when I woke up this morning I hadn't studied the past perfect but now I have when I woke up this morning I hadn't studied the past perfect yet but now I have when I woke up this morning I hadn't studied the past perfect yet but now I have wonderful Thank You kya for writing this when I woke up this morning I hadn't studied the purse past perfect yet but now I have so now if it's the first time that you've practiced is the base layer and then you can repeat this lesson review it right the sample sentences try to write your own sentences write comments and start from here when I woke up this morning I hadn't studied the past perfect yet but now I have lovely lovely so let's say this all together I'm going to say it slowly I want you to repeat my pronunciation and also repeat this long sentence are you ready let's say it all together around the world when I woke up this morning I hadn't studied the past perfect but now I have lovely well say it quickly and loudly when I woke up this morning I hadn't studied the past perfect but now I have lovely great work great work today thank you everyone for practising this wonderful verb tense that native speakers use but is often confusing when you're learning English so I hope that we could simplify it together today and make it feel more accessible that's important and of course there are plenty of other ways we can use the past perfect but once you feel comfortable using it like we did today you can definitely use it in other ways as well so thanks so much for your hard work for opening your mind to this concept and for tackling it we talked at the beginning of this lesson about tackling this concept it means that you're fighting it and you win you're tackling this concept and great work so if you would like to continue learning English with me continue learning English in general today I recommend watching other live lessons that had already happened when we started this lesson so other live lessons feel free to check out my youtube channel there are over 200 English lessons to share with you and to help you master English and if you would like to get my free email lessons twice a week I share expressions and tips and ideas and as much information about improving your English as I can I want to share this with you and the best way to get my two free email lessons each week is to read my free ebook we've got three things you will get free email lessons as well as our free ebook 5 steps to becoming a confident English speaker I want to help you feel confident even with complex concepts like today this past perfect so read the free ebook and really try to decide for yourself as you read it which step is the next step for you there's five steps and I'll try to give you a lot of resources in this free ebook to help you know what to do next because there's a lot of options thankfully there are a lot of options but sometimes it's overwhelming there are too many so I hope for you you can enjoy this you can read the free ebook in the description below this video or on the screen at the end of this video I want to share it with you and I'll see you again next week on Tuesday at 9 a.m. est or on Thursday at 9 a.m. est see you again the next time and have a lovely day bye everyone see you the next time bye
Channel: Speak English With Vanessa
Views: 216,627
Rating: 4.9089246 out of 5
Keywords: Speak English Online, Learn English, fluent, fluency, native speaker, American, ESL, America, grammar, English, teacher, lesson, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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