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[Music] foreign thank you so much for the beautiful introduction I didn't know it was that big but thank you saki area highnesses good afternoon to the beautiful speakers our distinguished guests ladies and gentlemen so I'll be squinting my eyes because the lights I mean it's a bit uh on my face okay but let's go out uh when I got the call to come speak here today I asked the organizers and me see me every Career Academy what do I know but thankfully to the organizers if I'm very worthy to be here today to share one or two experiences of mine I'll start by saying this everything created on Earth or is for a purpose a pen was created so it's correct so when it does that it is serving its purpose a car was created to move people from different destinations to the other when he does that it is certainly its purpose so as we human beings you and I are created to serve a purpose but because of the resources information medication we would serve Humanity through different capacities right this topic for me uh is very very um dear to my heart because of the industry where I'm coming from for people who have passion for unconventional things like let's say acting uh music um Sports and Etc oftentimes you realize that it is very very a lot more difficult to find the required resources to move on take for example music it is great to know that this guy here is a great musician right he sings very very well but it takes a lot of resources Beyond Talent like money right to produce the music a lot money to shoot the video a lot more money to put it on air and of course in love more and more money for promotions I realized that people not just nebula lamb but across the country people are usually very very stuck with their passion they want to become musicians they want to become actors they want to become artists they want to become everything but no no very very not very very adequate resources and that brings me to my topic today finding purpose through passion yes and opportunities I know you and I will have somebody in our families or friends or in our streets where we see somebody is a rich footballer like but he might eventually die and never get paid as a footballer it is very common if in my industry see actors this guy will drop you a crazy monologue is super talented he may never get there and so this happened afterwards either become criminals or they become nuisances by begging money on social media my mother has cancer my mother has this all sort of questions all sort of requests so what is the solution the solution is this there is fashion passion is Passion it never leaves you trust me but there are opportunities that are outside your passion and it's very very imperative that those opportunities you take them because it might be through those opportunities you would get your influence you get your resources you get a relationship like you said and that will be enough for you or maybe enough for you to fuel your passion to where you want to become I'm a typical example I I studied economics I knew in my main wanted to act I knew it but what do I know ibrah boy Lagos sorry I brought to Lagos nobody in my family valid entertainment so first off it was a thing of telling my dad and my uncle at the time that okay I want to become an actor does it make sense I said this together and I paid dollars to for your school fees I also come and actor what I even say do they have money how do they deliver they feel all right so that was barrier when I broke that barrier at some point they allowed me but I did not neglect or drop the opportunities that I was presented with I got a job with uh first system Monument back I was there for three four years from there I moved to Guinness Nigeria I worked for a year I resigned to go into the industry trust me it wasn't easy I got there I attended several and several auditions about 1 000 people and they need just a man and a woman just two people I have about a thousand people at the auditions so I was still working at this time while I was attending auditions doing monologues writing directors producers I did not stop working I'm saying this because it is very very important that you have resources to flow your passion you need money to look good for auditions you see I'll see Michael after those years will come to auditions and we are there and this guy's looking like he's not eating for like days he's smelling his dirty but I was walking and I had enough money to take care of myself before I became a movie person I was working I had had like a lot of money to take care of myself buy good clothes buy good shoes and some auditions and look like who the director is looking for you're coming from an audition where you want to become blessed the role is for for for an MD and your daddy auditions and you're looking so shabby you never look like the character leave the talent alone before the first question you don't look at the character you have to look like the character how do you do this you need resources you need money so I see everywhere everywhere people are stuck with their passion passion is Passion he never leaves he's dead but you can continue your passion if you have enough resources to file it it's okay take for example uh what's his name Peter Square he has his son Cameron come on wants to play football he took Cameron to uh uh uh an academy he has the money he's there he's playing the football some days somehow he'll become that Superstar he will end from it but not everybody is presented with those opportunities so if you know you have such kind of passions for non-conventional things it is very very important for you to take up other opportunities by like taking uh um skills like learning a lot of stuffs working making money you can come back and throw your passion [Music]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 6,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English, Entertainment, TEDxTalks, [TEDxEID:48934]
Id: hvP5ThnNpWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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