PASS YOUR ELECTRICAL EXAM!! (Tips to passing your exam! And becoming a journeyman!!)

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hey YouTube Welcome Back to the channel today's video is a little bit different we're a little bit off topic from what I normally post but I wanted to share with you um some tips and pointers in passing your electrical examination to become a journeyman okay this is something that I've been trying to do you know for the last two or two to four years now I've been studying hard trying to pass my tests because with that with that journeyman's license you're able to get a bigger raise and more opportunities so I passed my test this past Saturday and I know there's people out there that might be interested in becoming an electrician to better your career and I just want to help someone today you know who's looking to you know get into the electrical field and passing their test or for any apprentices out there right now who's having a hard time passing the test to become a O2 journeyman oh one journeyman whatever it is that you're trying to reach so today I just want to give you some tips and some pointers on how to pass your journeyman electrical examination stay tuned let's Dive Right into it tip number one when you get your any seed book get you some tabs all right these Tabs are very useful you can find them on Amazon for very cheap they help you flip to the exact article that you are searching for when you have a question on the test also make your own personal tabs but make sure they're professional like these so what I did is I got enable printer and I was able to print out my own labels and stick them in here because if you bring sticky notes as tabs they will rip those out so make sure if you do make your own personal tabs that they look professional like these it's a good idea because even though there's a lot of tabs here there's certain few areas where you can make your own references for your own personal reasons all right gsci box fill required Outlets are all tabs that I decided to make on my own all right tip number two get yourself one of these books this is the Mike's Holtz version there's other versions out there like DeWalt or the Tom Henry's but get you an exam prep book okay because what this is gonna do for you is going to help you to learn how to navigate the NEC using the Keyword Index process all right so this book here in specific if you go to the back of the book it has over 500 test questions all right so these questions are literally identical to what the questions are going to be like on your exam okay and the more of these questions you answer in this book the more you're going to get familiar with using your Keyword Index process the more you're going to get familiar with navigating this thing all right so that would be tip number two get yourself an exam prep book this helped me a lot tip number three for passing the RCW whack portion of the test there's going to be 17 questions in your state for state laws and regulations this book is a cheat code this is the called the key term index book for the RCW Act to be honest guys I went in there and I just brought this book in there I didn't even study this book because that's how easy it is to find the answers on the test when you have this book in your hands so get yourself a key term index book for passing the RCW whack portion of the test like I said there's 17 questions and this thing literally is all alphabetical order it is so easy to navigate I found pretty much all the answers for the wac RCW with just this book and I did even study the book alright so get this it is a cheat code tip number four learn Ohm's law so Ohm's law may sound intimidating at first but if you just look at Ohm's law you will see it is very easy it is basic uh multiplication basic division all right so go on YouTube search Ohm's law how to solve it and you'll see what I'm talking about it is very easy to learn it's very easy to do there will be Ohm's law questions on that test I guarantee it I took the test twice both tests had at least four or five Ohm's Law related questions so make sure your learner Ohm's law because the first time I took the test I didn't know Ohm's law and that's probably why I failed it by one question because when it came to the math portion of the test I skipped through it and I kind of guessed on those I wish I would have learned Ohm's law the first time so that's tip number four learn Ohm's law tip number five guys seriously you have to get efficient and good at using the Keyword Index process so I'm gonna briefly explain what that is real quick for example like let's open this up and let's go to the back of the book and see like a test question so the Keyword Index process is really simple this is how you do it so we have a question right here right this is a question that you know is going to be likely to be on the test or the format of the question is this is what the test is going to be like receptacle Outlets are required for kitchen countertops and work surfaces blank inches or wider and then you have A B C or D 12 15 18 or 24 inches all right so the Keyword Index process we're going to look at this question and we're going to find out the overall theme of what they're trying to ask us so we got receptacle Outlets okay and we got kitchen countertops and work surfaces so there's two key terms there pretty much there's outlets and there's work surfaces kitchen countertops all right so using the Keyword Index process you're then gonna read that question go to your NEC and you're going to find the index tab and once you open up the index it'll be all alphabetical order those two key terms that you picked out work Services kitchen or receptacles Outlets pick one of those so let's go to um receptacle Outlets all right so is it alphabetical order flip to your r's all right so we found receptacles in the index under receptacles there's a whole bunch of subtopics all right like agriculture buildings brand circuits configurations definitions disconnecting means there's a whole bunch of subtopics under receptacles scroll under receptacles until we find something that relates to work surfaces and kitchen countertops so let's go ahead and try that right now scrolling down okay under receptacles I see outlets and it's pointing me to 210.50 all right so under receptacles I didn't see work surfaces or I didn't see kitchen countertops but under receptacles I did see outlets and Outlets was in the question the question was receptacle Outlets blah blah blah so if I go to outlets under receptacles in the index it's telling me to flip to 210.50 so you go to your tabs 210.50 okay 210.50 so that would be under Branch circuits the article 210 is brand circus go to 210.50 okay and sure enough 210.50 says required Outlets and we scroll down under required Outlets read the black bold letters until you see something that says countertops and work services or kitchens Scrolls Pro scroll floor receptacles other outlets spacing wall spaces or right here countertops and work surfaces let's go ahead and read it in kitchen pantries breakfast rooms dining rooms and similar areas of dwelling units receptacle outlets for countertop and work surfaces okay those those words were the key terms in that question countertop and work surfaces that are 12 inches or wider shall be in accordance with 250-52 so if you go back to the question and see what they were asking us we found out that 12 inches is the correct answer so receptacle Outlets are required for kitchen countertops and work surfaces a 12 inches and wider guys that's just one example of the Keyword Index process I'm not the best at explaining it but just know how to find the overall theme of the question what they're asking for pick out a few very important keywords in that question go to your index start with one of those keywords see where that takes you and that's that's the process all right learn the Keyword Index process and learn it fast learn it efficient and just some extra side notes for taking your test study study study study hard okay matter of fact take two days off before your test I took Thursday and Friday off and I took the test Saturday morning those two days really helped me a lot because sometimes when you go to work you're kind of exhausted you gotta sit in traffic on your way home maybe you got kids at home maybe get other stuff you have to do so your studying time can sometimes be very limited or very distracted so take two days off before your test and really use those days to study hard alright also if you fail the first time don't be discouraged all right because they print out your results paper and you can study the articles that you did worst on so this is what it looks like when you fail your test all right so pretty much has all the topics in which they had on the on the test introduction General requirement Services wiring methods blah blah blah right they tell you how many questions they had in each of those articles and they show you how many of those questions you got correct what you want to do if you fail your test you'll get this paper highlight our Circle the articles that you didn't do that well on the ones you did the worst on right like for example article 300 to 398 wiring methods there's seven questions on wiring methods on the test I only got four of those correct so that's when I'm a circle I'm gonna go back home and study article 300 to 398 I'ma study that article all right so that's just an example um if you fail your test the first time don't be discouraged because you're guaranteed to pass it the second time if you're able to take that sheet home and study those parts that you were kind of weak in all right and I suggest if you do fail schedule your retest right away okay because you don't want to take too much of a break before taking your test again because it's still fresh in your mind you know the process you know kind of now the questions they're going to ask so once you fail the first time after two weeks you can schedule again schedule it right away and study hard for those next two weeks all right so guys that's all I have for you today I hope this video helped at least one of you guys out today if you're interested in the electrical field or if you're just trying to pass your examination to become an O2 journeyman or one journeyman I hope this video helped you today and like I said if you fail the first time don't be discouraged take this piece of paper home find out the topics you were the weakest in study those topics retake the test right away so it's fresh in your mind when you pass your test it looks like this you'll get these two papers here one for the NAC and Theory Book one for the RCW whack this is what it looks like when you pass the test so I guarantee you that you guys will be able to pass the test like whether it's the first time so I could try don't give up keep studying keep your head up and I just hope this video helped someone today go ahead and hit that like button subscribe to the channel and I appreciate you guys a lot take care and have a blessed day peace
Channel: Redeemed Team
Views: 21,698
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Keywords: How to pass your electrical exam, Becoming a journeyman, How to become an 02 journeyman, how to pass your 02 journeyman exam, how to pass the electrical journeyman test, Tips to pass the electrical exam, how to become a electrician, how to pass the electrical test, How to pass your journeyman exam, how to pass your journeymen test, how to pass your 02 electrical exam, how to pass your 01 electrical exam, How to pass 02 residential exam, how to pass 02 electrical residential exam
Id: n9No0qSodhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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