Pasé UN DÍA con ANIMALES al borde de la EXTINCIÓN

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Friends, I can't believe what's about to happen, look what we have here. I'm going to test your eyes, I'm going to test your survival skills. I want you to tell me, just at a glance, we're walking through the forest, we can't stop, just walking, eyes moving from side to side. How many snakes do you see here? I'm completely confused, I don't know what my eyes are seeing, I don't know if I'm imagining it... But that's an animal with two heads, basically. Good morning, afternoon, or evening, I hope you're doing super well. Friends, today we are at the Singapore Zoo, but this is not a normal zoo, it's been named several times the best zoo on the planet, and it's currently the best zoo in Asia. And it's because it's not a zoo like the ones we're used to seeing, this is basically an open-concept zoo as you can see, there are no cages here, no bars, the animals are in open spaces, where they even coexist with other animals, I find that beautiful. And most importantly, here you not only come to appreciate species that are almost impossible to see in the wild, but you also support a conservation project, because for example, right now behind me are the Bornean and Sumatran orangutans, animals that are endangered, in fact, the Sumatran ones are in extreme danger of extinction, there are about 7,000 left in the wild, so we find that in the Singapore Zoo around 30% of the species are endangered and here they help conserve them, because if things continue as they are, in the future this will be the only way to know thousands of species that are about to become extinct on this planet. In addition to that, here they have clinics, they rescue animals, they collect animals that are illegally held in captivity and such things So today is a very exciting day for me because I love animals and today we are going to see things we have never seen in life. We're going to start exactly with what I mentioned and with one of the most incredible animals they have at this zoo. In this recreated habitat here, as you can see this is not a cage, it does not have bars, this is like an open forest, only this river separates us from the Bengal tiger. The animal we were looking for in India I can't imagine what it would have been like to see it in the wild because it's huge and this animal is impressive. But it turns out there are so few left in the wild that this is one of the species they have here for conservation because it's on the brink of extinction and if things continue like this in a few years... this will be the only way to know this species. Also, where they have the endangered species they also have a room where they explain the whole situation and what's happening... Basically, one of the main causes of tiger extinction in fact, of the nine subspecies that exist, three are already extinct. It's a serious issue, the tiger is about to become extinct from the world. One of the main causes, as I think I've told you before, is that it is hunted because in different countries there are different beliefs regarding the parts of the tiger. It's believed that parts of this animal can cure certain diseases. Moreover, the skin, teeth, and different parts are traded. Their habitat is being destroyed. Also, we find curious facts about the animal. Pay attention to this, I never imagined it and didn't understand it. Watching Animal Planet videos or any program showing tigers hunting, I didn't understand why the deer are so foolish that they see the orange tiger coming, which is super evident amid the grass, and don't run away, it's because of the following: Turns out that, for example, deer basically have a duller vision. This is what we have, where we differentiate orange from green. But not the deer. So here they show us what a deer's vision would be like. That's how they see, so they don't distinguish the orange color of the tiger. They rather see it green, so the camouflage is perfect. This is our vision. This is the deer's vision. God made everything completely perfect, my friends. Also here they have the great white tiger that is now sleeping. These animals sleep like 16 or 20 hours a day. But of course, now we are going to look for it again. The paths in this place are on another level. It's like you go into the forest to look for the animals. In fact, I was walking calmly and a lizard suddenly crossed the road. I almost ran away just like in Thailand. But what are these weird donkeys? What are these black and white donkeys? This is the Singaporean version of the donkey, folks. These we have here behind are the zebras. They are much smaller than a horse. I thought they were quite bigger, but no... They are smaller than an average horse. And we find that zebras, although they all seem the same... Each one has different stripes. None are the same as another, just like tigers. And unfortunately, this species is also endangered. There are like 3000 zebras left in the wild. From what I've been reading, the main problem most animals suffer is the destruction of their natural habitat... so they no longer have food or a place to go, which eventually leads them to encounter humans or hunters. And they are also hunted... I imagine they are hunted for their skin or who knows why they hunt zebras. Back here we find the tallest land animal on earth. Here they have giraffes. Giraffes can be up to 6 meters tall, and their tongue can be up to half a meter long, I didn't know that. It's like having an arm in your mouth, basically. With that tongue, they reach the leaves of a tree that they really like. I didn't know a lion was so big, I thought it was regular size, similar to the cheetah, but here we are seeing an African lion and lioness. And I'm finding that these animals can measure... 2 meters long and maybe a meter and a half tall. Not for nothing it is said to be the king of the jungle, which by the way I doubt. I don't know who made it up and why, if you know leave it in the comments. But for me, the king of the jungle should be the elephant. Nothing can against an elephant. In terms of survival, nothing can against an elephant. Who would you vote for to be the king of the jungle? Here we find the African wild dogs I don't know a hyena, but from what I've seen it's like seeing a small hyena. And although they are the size of a normal dog, weighing about 20, 30 kilos. They are extremely dangerous in the wild because they hunt in packs of 15 or 20 hyenas. So they perfectly hunt an antelope and eat it. And here behind us we find the fastest land animal on the planet. What you are seeing is a cheetah. It can reach up to 120 kilometers per hour. It's the first time in life I see one, they are skinny. Obviously, the body is adapted so it can reach those speeds. And I was also reading that it can only reach those speeds for a brief period of time. So if you win a race against it, you have a chance to survive. Because it has to stop for about a minute, or else it dies of overheating... Interesting. Unfortunately, it's a species that is practically extinct in Asia. Friends, I can't believe what's about to happen right now. Look what we have here. Here we have southern white rhinoceroses. Look at this beautiful species And it catches my attention, because recently it was declared practically extinct, the white rhinoceros species. Because they are hunted to cut off this horn. I swear I can't believe it. I came to this place and they were just at the moment of feeding the rhinoceroses. And they can only be fed once a day. And we had the opportunity to do it here. This horn is actually like nails for us. In fact, the rhinoceros is the second largest land animal on the planet after the elephant. It's like seeing an armored animal. And there are other species that have even more marked protections on their body. I don't know what it is, but it's an incredible species. Incredible. And take note of this fact: The largest horn ever found on a rhinoceros measured a meter and a half. Imagine the size of that. Look at the majestic animal we have here. This is a pygmy hippopotamus, it's beautiful. And related to what I've been telling you, this hippopotamus that we find here is in very high danger of extinction. So here they also help to conserve this animal. Look how beautiful it moves in the water. In fact, I find it very amusing to see such a large animal. It can easily weigh one or two tons. And see how easily it moves under the water. It barely uses its legs. It barely touches the ground and moves super slowly. What a beautiful animal. I don't understand how we can be about to lose these beautiful things. I can't believe what I just saw, we entered a different area and a bat at least a meter long just flew over me. I want you to see how they recreate the habitats of the animals, and obviously it will never be the same, but this is similar to going into the forest to see them in their natural habitat, without them being caged or locked up. Here we finally find the bat I mentioned, and although it's young, it's huge. I want you to see those hanging there. Look at this one here, look at the size of those wings. It even scares me to think it might turn and look at me, it's a huge animal. We also have this beautiful sloth here. In Costa Rica we know it quite well, in fact, it's a national symbol of my country. But this is a different species, this one looks very big. And regarding this huge bat, and generally speaking, I believe the majority of the world's bats are not carnivorous, they eat fruits and actually play a vital role in the environment. Bats help spread seeds and regenerate forests. So when you see bats in your houses or somewhere, don't kill them, just let them go back to the forest, but don't kill bats, or any animal that enters your house. Suddenly the lemurs appeared and this type of monkey that I had never seen in my life. They have small faces and it seems like they pick lice or fleas off each other... look how cute. And here this is normal, you're walking and suddenly a duck crosses your path. Here we find the meme monkey. This monkey, as far as I understand, had stolen a camera and took these selfies. And these selfies made the whole species of these monkeys famous. Unfortunately, they are in extreme danger of extinction. This impressive animal you see behind me is the largest lizard on the planet. Remember earlier we saw the Varanus lizard in Thailand, this one is a cousin, so to speak. This is the Komodo dragon. It's extremely dangerous because its bite has so many bacteria that within minutes you are dying. And this dragon has the characteristic of eating its prey alive. It doesn't kill it so the meat doesn't rot. As it slowly kills its prey, the dragon simply walks behind it and eats it... imagine how strong that is. I'm completely confused. I don't know what my eyes are seeing. I don't know if I'm imagining it, but that's an animal that basically has two heads. It's a salamander, I don't know if it was born wrong, I don't think the species is like that. But it has a head on one side and another on the other, my God. I was wrong about the poor animal. It turns out its tail looks like its head. Is that for survival in nature, so they bite its tail instead of its head? What a scare, I thought it had two heads, but no, apparently that's normal. I'm going to test your vision, I'm going to test your survival skills. I want you to tell me just at a glance: We're walking through the forest, we can't stop. Just walking, eyes moving from side to side. How many snakes do you see here? One, two, three, none? Turns out we have three. If you saw fewer, let me tell you that you're already dead. And if you didn't see any, go to the doctor. But I wouldn't blame you because the camouflage is brutal. Here we have one, there in the back we have another, and over here we have another. I'm going to leave these images in more detail so you can appreciate the camouflage well. In fact, there are people who come here to look for them and take a while to find them. The thing is, I was walking calmly through the park, and suddenly I come across all these people here crowded like in a stadium. And as you know, I'm curious, so obviously I went in to see what's going to happen here. We have this beautiful stage in front of us, it's really well done. And that's a pool, so I don't know what's going to happen, but we're waiting. I don't know what's happening, but people started clapping, we have to clap too. Look how beautiful, what's going to be here is a show with a sea lion. Look at this animal, it's beautiful. I wish I were at the front. Leave your F in the chat for all the people who didn't want to get wet. Friends, I have to sincerely tell you that this was incredible. I had read a long time ago that sea lions are very intelligent, that even the U.S. military uses them for certain missions related to water. If I'm not mistaken and not making it up. But it was amazing. That animal applauded and stood on its hands. How is that possible? It was more agile than me. They gave it a ball and it went around the whole pond without dropping it, carrying it on its nose. I don't know how they do that, I really don't know how they do that. It swam like a dolphin, spouting water, spinning around. But a very important and good part of the show we just saw was that at some point they stopped doing acrobatics and the things they were doing, to raise awareness about what's killing these animals. And it's incredible that these animals are not killed by the great white shark or any of those big predators, but by plastic. So the sea lion took some bags, made a representation of what happens when there's plastic in the sea, and even put a plastic ring around its neck and pretended to be... Hello! And even put a plastic ring around its neck and pretended to be dead because that's what happens to them in nature, that's what's happening with the plastic being thrown into the ocean. So it was sad to see the scene, even though he was pretending, he stuck out his tongue and all, the animal looked dead and that happens. So, super good, I didn't expect it, but it was incredible. We finished touring the daytime zoo, because it turns out the Singapore Zoo also has a nighttime zoo, which we're obviously going to now, in a few hours, as soon as it gets dark. We're going to do a night safari. I don't know how much I'll be able to show you, or how much the camera will capture, but you'll see what can be seen. I've just seen the last animal I needed to see in this entire reserve. I saw them all. Of course, I can't show you all of them, it's impossible. It would make this video too long, but I found species I never imagined I would be able to see in my life and species I didn't even know existed. For example, there's a section entirely dedicated to the primate kingdom, where they have chimpanzees. The chimpanzee is said to share 98% of DNA with humans and it was very fun to watch. We found the gharial or gavial crocodile. It's a crocodile that's very interesting because it has a huge body and a very thin mouth, it even looks fragile. I don't know how dangerous that animal can be, but I read that it's in serious danger of extinction. Kangaroos! A different kangaroo that lives in trees. Honestly, today we saw everything, it was very good. This place is really outdoors, the monkeys roam in the trees, they don't have a cage basically, they just roam around, you can see them all. The animals have habitats as close as possible to what they would have in the jungle. And also remember, as I've already told you, of course, this is not the life a wild animal should lead, but for many species this is the best quality of life they can have, because it's this or facing hunters, being hunted for medicine, for their skin, for their teeth, the elephant for ivory, etc. It's a sad reality. And by the way, here I introduce you to the last one we saw today. This is a false gharial crocodile. You see that the snout is thin, but not that much, it's because it's an impostor. Finally, the night has come and it's time for the Singapore Zoo's night safari, where we're going to encounter species that are nocturnal. Basically, animals that are active when the sun goes down. So we start to enter a completely thematic park, where you feel like you're in the forest. You have that feeling of being in nature, where you hear all the sounds of different animals around you and an inexplicable silence inside the forest. Here we find snakes, spiders, the cockroaches they offered us to eat in Thailand, kangaroos, we had the opportunity to see the tiger, hippos, a type of wild pig with huge horns on its head. And in this night safari, I finally had the long-awaited encounter with a hyena. I've always wanted to see this animal, it's like a wild dog but giant. A dog the size of a calf and also extremely dangerous. Then we found the porcupine, exotic sloths, species I didn't know. The gharial crocodile active at night, we even saw a wolf and felines that were already restless. Within this same safari, there's the possibility of taking a train to go see the larger species of the zoo. So we took it and the first thing we encountered were lions devouring an antelope, a giant rhinoceros that ran towards us and the beautiful elephants. Definitely an incredible experience. Well, my friends, finally here ends today's video. We left the hotel early and I will return almost at midnight. I forgot to mention that the zoo is about an hour away, considering all the trains you have to take to get back. But it was incredible. Regarding the night safari, I could say it's not indispensable. You see animals very similar to those you can see during the day. And active animals jumping from one side to the other, no. You would have to see in the midnight visit, but honestly, it seemed very similar. Obviously it's different because you go at night, you hear the forest more, there are fewer people, etc. But for it to be more expensive than the daytime one, I don't think so. In total, we paid about 70 dollars for both entrances, but I know the night one is a bit more expensive. So here ends today's video. Tell me what you thought of this place. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Don't forget to subscribe, share this video if you liked it and see you in the next video. Pura vida and tiger kisses.
Channel: Araya Vlogs
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Keywords: animales en peligro, animales en peligro de extincion, un dia con animales, el mejor zoologico del mundo, zoologico de singapur, singapur zoo, que hacer en singapur, singapur 4k, un dia trabajando en un refugio, rinocerontes, animales extinción, animales extintos, araya, araya vlogs, mejor zoologico, zoologico singapur, zoologico, refugio de animales, salvando animales, rinoceronte blanco, rinoceronte en peligro
Id: NbD_s6Rz0So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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