Party Potato Bake | One Pot Chef

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welcome to 2011 and welcome to the most requested recipe ever in the history of the one-pot chef show channel I posted some photos on my Facebook and Twitter over Christmas showing a dish that I created for my family on Christmas Day and everyone has been sending me messages I've literally received hundreds of comments and emails and messages and private comments all of this stuff begging me for the recipe well guys here's the video here's how to make it if you're afraid of cheese or cream or carbs run away now for the rest of you get ready to enjoy my special party potato baked on the one pot chef let's get started into a lightly greased frypan I'm going to put in one onion just chopped I'm also putting in 500 grams of diced bacon now I've cheated and actually got some diced bacon from the deli it's already been diced up for me but any bacon will do just chop it up nice and small and all we do is basically gonna fry this off for about three or four minutes just to soften the onions and to put a bit of color on the bacon then we just set it aside and we'll move on you know big saucepan we have about a kilo and a half of whole potatoes I haven't chopped them up or anything all I've done is wash them and peel them we've boiled them for about 20 minutes they're not all the way cooked they're just tender they're not they're still sort of partially undercooked on the inside but it doesn't matter because they'll finish off cooking when we bake them in the oven so what we're gonna do is allow them to cool a bit and then we're gonna slice them up and start arranging them in our baking dish I've arranged some of the potato slices in a single layer I'm going to sprinkle over some of that bacon and onion mixture over the top now season that with some salt and pepper and a small amount of grated cheese that's one layer done so we're just going to do another layer so start with a layer of potatoes put more bacon onion cheese on keep going until all your potatoes used and then do a final layer of cheese and bacon on the top time to make our creamy cheese sauce into a saucepan we're putting 600 mils of thickened cream or heavy cream if you're not sure what kind of cream use the same kind of cream you would use if you're going to whip it up with a whisk to make whipped cream for a dessert that's the stuff we want we're also going to be putting in two fairly generous teaspoons of minced garlic I'm using the stuff out of a jar of course you can use fresh if you wish you can freshly crush some fat maybe two or three cloves will be more than enough and we're just going to warm that through over a medium heat oh those seasoning as well seasoned with a little bit of salt and now the trick is we want to heat this through till it's hot but we do not want to boil it we just want to be hot if you boil it it can split and go all yucky we just want it to be nice and warm just enough so we can not the cheese when we add that in cream is hot so we're gonna toss in about a cup of grated cheese now this is important this bit you need to keep it stirring until the cheese has melted into the cream now this can take a couple of minutes but you mustn't stop stirring because the cheese might settle at the bottom of the saucepan and burn so keep it moving until it's completely melted and integrated in now all we have to do is pour this beautiful cheesy creamy mixture over the top of the potato bag and that's that all we have to do now is pop this into a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 45 minutes or until the top is nice and melted and bubbling and golden and gorgeous so into the oven it goes and here is our delicious perfect potato baked all finished ready to go now it's just come out of the oven it's still bubbling away because it's still very very hot so I highly recommend you allow it to sit for about 15 minutes on the side to cool off slightly this gives the sauce a bit of a chance to thicken up but of course you can serve it straight away if you want but just remember it is extremely hot absolutely fantastic I mean you've got that lovely golden cheese you've got the bacon the potatoes go nice and crisp on the top and it's lovely and soft underneath absolutely fantastic trust me this will not last everyone will eat this well I hope you've enjoyed this recipe check out my other videos I had one pot chef show calm and until next time see you later
Channel: OnePotChefShow
Views: 820,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: onepotchefshow, onepotchef, one, pot, chef, cooking, cooked, baking, easy, quick, garlic, home, made, potato, bake, party, bbq, barbecue, cream, onion, bacon, salt, pepper, cheese, side, dish, accompaniment, herb, casserole, main, meal, dinner, lunch, treat, snack, recipe, recipes, instruction, cuisine
Id: jK5iVUz0vAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2011
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