Parts Falling OFF! Lost Steering Control! 2000-2006 Silverado Sierra GMT 800 5.3

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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls viewers of all ages good day to you and welcome back GL you guys are here today we have ourselves a silvero looks like it's the 2500 non HD version I'm assuming this is a Gasser and it's also maybe a two wheel drive no no no she's 4x4 interesting kind of vehicle right here this is a short box extended cab see this guy we do not have the fullsize doors in the rear this is the extendo cab and I don't even think it's a three-door this might just be a twodo extended that would be a super rare model in this particular uh Silverado right here let's go see the other side are we three-o Yer okay yep three door Silverado 2500 non HD four-wheel drive it's a gaser short box a very unique interesting and rare build customer States clicking noise in front end now I moved this through the parking lot earlier and we have something slightly more severe than a clicky noise starting the engine all right so this particular Silverado has got about 163 050 on the odometer and Confirmation uh we are four-wheel drive but like I was saying I went to move this thing around and listen to this we got something banging down below I'm not even going to drive it it feels like there's Parts falling off of this truck so visual inspection time let's get it backed up we're going to get her into the shop I had to displace A-Rod he was working on the flat stall in that 350 right there and we uh we had to move around so I'm not going to dilly dally around cuz other people are waiting on me to get out of my own way so let's get this thing nosed into the building we'll set it up on the rack and uh take a look at what is falling off of the front end on this uh 200 I think it's a three let's check sorry Aaron I know you're waiting on [Music] us oh I was wrong it is a year 2000 early production 2000 Silverado you know when I took this car in he uh he said I hear a slight clicking noise something uh in the suspension or the steering I thought it was just a steering shaft issue and turns out we're we're a little bit more severe than that Dave do you hear this thing yeah something's wrong but no worries we're going to find it so stay tuned because this is going to be a very good video uping Z [Music] [Music] Hood look who that guy is whoa I say it's the ball joint it's probably the alternator I think I think it's the alternator I think it's the hey Dave will you uh I'm going to climb under there while the suspension's still loaded and I'm going bring a flashlight with me I want to see what's uh what's going down can you uh can you just jle that wheel back and forth uh please feel free to be violent with it hello master power stroker what's up buddy Power Stroke Tech talk with there G check out his channel woo shiny you're going to get pulled over with those against the law all right so here is what I'm fixing to do get down on the Jeepers Creeper Dave's going to rock the steering wheel for us we're going to bring in some illuminators and see what's going down oh man oh man what is that that's not okay there's our steering gear hang on getting down a little farther we're going in oh I think I found it that is a warn out pitman arm that's for sure okay I hear more we got one failure let's find out what the other one is let's go over here and check out the other side yeah that's even worse ow this is not cool and the ball joint on the idler arm is also falling out this thing is moments away from disaster this vehicle is not even safe to drive okay let me check I'm wondering if these Outer tie rods are any good yeah I do feel some back and forth motion on those outers can't tell about these inners okay all right I'm coming out coming out get me out of here all right Dave we're good sir thank you the suspension's falling apart it's pretty bad wow okay oh okay so what we're looking at at a bare minimum is going to be a pitman arm which is the one that comes off the steering gear and the idler arm and bracket which is that's unit it's that unit right there on the frame rail I always change the brackets with those idler arms so we're going to do an idler and a bracket at bare minimum just to get that center link in position and then I'm going to have to reevaluate this inner tie rod and the outer tie rods afterwards there's just so much play in this system that that I don't think I could accurately narrow it down with the with just replacing those TI Rod units so it's going to need a couple parts and then maybe a couple more parts let me go head up into the office area we're going to get this Silverado Chevrolet estimated and we're going to see if this repair is going to take place all right we have the green light so I'm going to go ahead and let this thing down a wee little bit we're going to get her to a good comfortable working height and then we're going to get started all righty fellas so I've got uh I have an approval to repair the steering components on this truck uh I've done an inspection on this unit and found a couple other Knick knacky SL maintenance items that need to be performed but we're going to focus on the safety issue first which is uh the the thing that they brought to us first uh all right so here's the deal what you don't want to do when you're checking out a customer's car is is give them K can I train tires tire sensor can you change training tool ooh yeah orange tool yeah hang on guys I'll be right back well here since A-Rod interjected himself into our our scene of narration we're just going to bring him in on this conversation and I did not mean to make that rhyme so Aaron what do you think about this concept customer brings you a car they have their certain concern you find a bunch of other stuff as well okay do we or do we not address their immediate concern first first thing you say out of your mouth is here was the problem you brought us for but we found some safety stuff I'd like to rank them their concern then safety which that kind of ties hand in hand but you still address their concern first AB then you move on to the maintenance stuff or anything else that you found right maybe there's something they didn't even know about yep exactly you what I'm saying is you don't sell them an air filter when they bring you a car and the wheels are falling off no right you address the wheels falling off you address their concern which is probably a noise and then later on you can go by the way and by the way you need this pound yeah exactly yeah you don't just sell them all the the low hanging fruit the tie profit and then leave the hard stuff alone that's that's my point of my model said low hanging fruit low hanging fruit exactly exactly so what we have addressed is their safety concern which coincidentally is also their complaint they were complaint of a noise while steering and that is Mo most definitely a safety concern so having said all that we're going to go ahead and get started to ify their safety concern and complaint black subscribe button the rack is set did that when you guys weren't looking we're going to move this thing up pull the wheels off and get this front steering system disassembled ASAP why is my lock not clicking what is this the Lock's not clicking that's not safe hm let's let her down some see what happens does it engage yeah it engages that's weird I wonder what this problem this a problem here anyway we're too high so I need to come down some little bit farther downish we're going to go like shoulder height on the wheels and axles I think that's good on the locks for safety even though that locks was acting a little weird yeah I need to pull that apart and take a look at it I don't like failing blcks anyways let's grab the impact gun we're going to grab the 78 socket we're going to pull these caps pull these wheels pull the suspension steering components get all apart and uh prep this thing for the new components so let's get started okay dos like I said let's pull the wheels off and the Caps uh fun thing about these caps you can take them off with an impact gun you shouldn't put them on with an impact gun because these are plastic and they're threaded and you don't want to impact threaded plastic that's just my two cents I know people do it but what you'll do is you'll strip the plastic out on the inside see the little threads in there right there you'll strip that out cuz the gun does not know that it's plastic and it doesn't care and then your hub caps fall off on cage all right wheel you're coming with me okay let's get in here a little closer I have uh actually never seen one wear out this bad so we're going to take a the the close up view flashlight down take the closeup view on these components here and I'm going to show you just how worn out this is this is a remarkably unsafe so again we're looking right here this is the center link this links the two tie rod sides the left wheel and the right wheel together which also connects to the steering gear through the pitman arm and then this is the idler arm which uh basically mimics the pitman arm to locate the passenger side of that center link and I'm going to shake this wheel left and right look at that that ball in socket inside of that idler arm is completely worn away to a point where that shaft is at risk of coming out of that arm and if that were to come out of there there's no longer Authority on the steering system rendering the vehicle uncontrollable and from what we saw from down below the pitman arm on the other side is nearly just as bad let's go pull the other wheel off and then uh take a look at that driver side next reverse NASCAR again formula all right let's see what we got to work with on this side all right let's scooch on inside of here on this one and look at our pitman arm now this is the arm that connects to the steering gear and we can see that one is just as bad maybe a little less worn out but again if this ball in socket joint pops out of that housing you no longer have steering Authority you have no steering at all because that's the one that connects the whole system directly to the steering gear okay so a lot of the work we're going to do is actually going to take place through this skid Shield right here between the frame rails so let's run this unit back up in the air some I'm back to shoulder height black subscribe button round two we'll go back up to shoulder height and get to work and uh start disassembling this uh this particular [Music] unit that's probably about good right there on the locks for some Safety Action so we don't die Okie do so our plaz uh skid panel business here is secured with some 15 mm Fasteners I believe there's five or six of them pull these guys out pull this panel down yeah there's five two on the back side three up on the front side [Music] okay panels down and now we've got some access to the area that we need to access all right so what we're going to need to do is get that big giant bolt off of there and get this thing unpressed from the splines that are coming out of that steering gear we also need to get this bolt nut out of here and get this thing to pop free from the center link similar situation on The Idler side and then the idler arm we're just going to unbolt that right here at its bracket and pry that guy out uh I ended up finding an OE replacement idler arm bracket and the idler arm so that's going to come as one component and then of course we have the uh uh the pitman arm as well so I think what we should do first is get the center link free so let's pull these cotter pins out this side and that side we'll lose those pins and then get a puller to pop that stud out of the center link that's the plan on my always non-planned fan okay we're coming in with some uh pretty aggressively tipped needle noses and we're going to get this cotter pin out it's going to well come here if I get a hold of it going to unbend it straighten it out and then feed it back through its hole here easier said than done sometimes cuz it's bent get a hold of it on the other side pull and twist and pry we can pull it through that's why I have these uh aggressive pliers cuz they really get a hold of things kind of sometimes but this time I don't know I can always upgrade the aggression aggression the pliers get more aggressive pliers here we go it's coming through put a little twist in it now we really can't go anywhere and this is the reason I do not like to use or reuse cotter pins I mean I probably could reuse it but it's utterly destroyed so I believe that uh that's the 21 mil let's hit it with an impact socket here did it come off nah I was hoping the shaft was going to be loose on the center link but it is not okay no worries put the nut aside and we're going to go in there with a puller and try to pop that thing apart real quick I'm going to pry bar this down if I can I need to create some space to fit the puller in between the uh the tie rod or I'm sorry the center link and the pitman arm Tire I was looking at a tie rod when I said that that's that's how that happened linguistic errors ding okay let's see how this is going to work out we' got a pitman arm puller here this is actually for the other piece on the steering gear but on these Chevys these ones tend to fit quite nicely but you have to rotate them some that way the Flats on the end of the puller can engage more surface area on the center link and there's usually a little divot in the uh the bottom of these studs if there's not a divot you just kind of eyeball it and the point of the puller will create a divot and then we just hit it with an impact and pop that guy apart these can actually be incredibly difficult but I've got the system pretty much dialed in I shouldn't have said that yeah when you say things like that that's when things tend to go wrong anyway let's send this see what happens oh yeah popped it Loose beautiful now we'll go over to the passenger side recre repeat words procedure on the idler arm and then we'll continue with disassembly all right off to the passenger side let's see right around yep I see what we're trying to see right through here good little bit of light on the subject pliers in action we'll give that a straight pull down straighten that one out straighten that one up no wonder English is hard straighten it out and straighten it up it's the same thing and flashlight the anti-gravity is weak today wiggle that guy through everything is a hammer in some capacity there we'll grab the back side just give it a [Music] Twist there we go just spin it in a circle and it comes right out beautiful 21 impact socket on the castle nut pull that off and uh time to get the pull puller okay pitman arm puller coming in let's lengthen the shaft and I like to turn these the way that uh I turn them clockwise because I'm going to turn the shaft clockwise and if this thing would be rotated in this direction for example as you turn the shaft to tighten it it could actually walk this around and cause that clearance to disappear and then make the top of this thing pop off we don't want to do that we just want to one single event set it up the right way planning is good let's send it nice beautiful that came off perfect let's see just how loose this guy really is look at that not okay yeah she's worn out pretty bad all right okay so since that Pitman assembly is completely free of the rest of the steering linkage we're going to go ahead and pull that component off next we've got a 21 mm headed bolt here here and then there should be nuts on the other side we pull those bolts out and then pry bar that whole bracket assembly out of the vehicle so we'll come on in with the wrench get a hold of the nut on the back can't see it it's a kind of a blind nut let's make sure it's a 21 which yes it is grab it with the box to inside turn off see tell you what I'm going to reach around the left side and get my finger on it and use that to guide the wrench in there we go okay wrench is on 21 mm socket on the wobble bit love the wobbles let's go ahead and W there goes that light again good thing these are uh good flashlights no I'm all but of finger there we go it's hard to control your wobbly bits with just one hand okay the nuts down there on top of the panel I heard it it hit plastic H can't find it anyway got the bolt out now where is my nut right ah I feel you there it is that's our nut that's one removed let's get next [Music] one wobble coming in get a hold of my wrench too flashlight oh there's the washer I didn't see that other washer go anywhere maybe it's stuck to the vehicle no don't feel it either okay try to go in there with a pry driver let's walk this thing right [Music] out and voila one idler and bracket assembly remove okay now it's the fun part we need to get the pitman arm off of the steering gear me get this light set up here so here's the deal with these pitmans these come as a four spline or a three spline and what I mean is there's a master spline you can see right there how there's seems to be one of the little teeth missing right there in the center front center right in front of us if you look 90° you see another one that's obviously a forest blind if it is at a larger separation I believe we're going to well what's what's 360 man I'm losing it what's uh 120° there we go if the other one is 120° off then that's going to be your three spline uh you're going to need to know if it's a three spline or a four spline when you order and often times you cannot see the splines here because there's supposed to be a dust cover on the steering gear which it has uh disintegrated and Fall Fallen away but we can tell from this design here that this is undoubtedly a four spline because I can see the other Master spline 90° off now other thing some of these and this one included is a tapered splined output shaft from this steering gear meaning as you tighten this it wedges this uh Pitman onto that spline shaft so these things get really really really tight and they're they're a bear to get off of there I might be able to sneak a puller in here and pop that out worst case scenario I've got to disconnect this steering gear and remove it in order to extract that Pitman arm off of of that spline so this is the this is the hard part this is the moment in question let's get started and see if I can get this thing to come apart okay so we have the uh reappearance of the angry pliers these are quite aggressive and similar to a pipe wrench and I should be able to put a decent amount of Leverage on this I'm going to try to get this nut off of here with the pliers first if if I can't get the nut off we're going to have to oh yeah yeah okay well this a step in the right direction if I can't get it off with this we automatically have to remove the steering gear from the frame to uh to get this to come loose but this one seems to be capitulating which is good angry pliers for the win yeah there's just no space in there between the frame and that uh that bolt to get a socket so it's either going to come off or it's going to be a lot harder than anticipated so we have our lock washer and the knut got to reuse these don't lose them all right so I've got this looks like it's going to be the only puller that might fit in here but you can see the splines on that shaft are actually larger than the opening here in the puller so if it's going to engage in the slightest yeah I I don't think so I don't think this is going to work cuz you can see the tip right here is riding on the edge of uh of those threads if I were to try this and it slip off which it probably will uh what it's going to do is it's going to booger up those threads and potentially ruin it um this almost works and I know this thing's heavy enough to fit or to to break it Loose I oh idea I know I know watch this I'm going to take the nut and we're going to put that nut on there and put that back that's going to protect the threads and it'll actually give us a little bit more space for this pullar to engage on the shaft this this might work hey rods here what do you think man is that going to work the wrong tool for the for the right job yeah I'm going to try it that's the worst thing can happen it doesn't work his face he's just like I don't know man you're uh playing with fire say something going have to edit I was going to say you got that penis okay so this tight squeeze Close Quarters combat but I'm going to try to pull this off what we do we get this thing set up hang on to it I'll come in with the 90° impact flashlight okay it's on it's in position here it's applying Force it's applying a lot of force I need to get some lubricants on these threads so I tear them up all right so we've got a lot of pressure trying to push this thing down but it doesn't want to budge that doesn't mean we're sunk yet there's still options here so here's what we're going to do I'm going to wrap on that thing with this air hammer and we're going to try to deform and jostle this thing a little bit and uh cause it to become detached from the steering gear see what happens loud noises look at that beautiful that's what we wanted to see little bit of pressure then some impacts and it is a part disconnected no longer part of the assembly now we can pull the nut back off set that aside with its washer there we go the destroyed and deadly pitman arm has been removed so while we were over here hammering away one component has arrived I have a replacement this is a moo Problem Solver unit uh that was kind of the only one of these available we've got a new uh grease retaining a little well piece of foam you see this thing is already grease packed inside and it has a grease fitting on it so you can add more grease later on so what we need to do slip this thing in around the back and we maintain the same orientation if you were to get the steering wheel turned by accident you could put these on like uh 90° off which was going to it'll make for a very difficult reinstallation this steering wheel was locked in position and we know that the arm the other arm was in the home position pointing straight back away from our point of view so we'll get that thing set up in position there and we'll start to get the nut threaded onto the shaft yeah it's got that lock washer as well got to have that lock washer in there that's imperative means it's a big deal it's kind of important thread this guy in position here now I just need to get some pliers and start putting applying some torque uh to that washer and that nut here we'll try that first just to run the threads down with the the crescent wrench here not a huge fan of these uh particular type of wrenches they they're prone to slipping on smaller Fasteners but on this uh this big boy you should be able to get pretty far along and then we'll finish it off with the angry pliers we will also employ the use of uh the air hammer to make sure this thing is fully in position here as well I'll show you what I mean when we get some torque here a little bit at a time just keep wrenching quarter turn at a [Music] time [Music] it's getting pretty tight we're already running out of space here angry pliers finish it get a good bite on it right here and pull back up okay one more pull I'm pushing against the bumper with my other arm here so I don't pull the truck off the rack it's it's [Music] possible tighter tighter we're pretty much going to get this as tight as uh a Poss possibly can cuz again I want to wedge this thing onto that [Music] gear one more there we go so here's what I'm going to do I need to make sure that this thing is not willing to go any farther up onto that [Music] shaft so I'll do the same thing that we did to break it Loose give it a couple little pcts here loud noises returning and I can even get under it maybe ah too far there hose is broken okay so what that would have done is shocked the metal and allowed it to relax if uh if that's possible meaning if there's any space or if something's hanging up that will help to uh to make the thing slide up onto the shaft a little farther now I can attempt a little bit more torque with the wrench yeah we got a little bit out of it didn't we see [Music] that click I think we are good to go with that installation right there now at this point uh kind of dead in the water I do not have the either arm or bracket so we're on a Part Parts hold for right now like I mentioned I have some other things that we're going to do on this truck I'm not going to do that stuff on camera cuz it's fluid services on the dips and whatnot so I will return with you fellas once my new part arrives for our steering project quick intermission I have received a delivery today I don't know if this is my parts cuz it doesn't feel like it and I usually don't order parts from Amazon so I'm I'm puzzled time to do some unboxing perhaps this is a uh something from a viewer maybe Amazon what do we have it's a got some gift receipts yeah it's a gift for you started watching since the 30,000 subscriber mark from Mr G mc mc noyle I can't pronounce I can't read MC nickel MC nickel there we go McNiel can't can't read horrible what do we have we have a can a can of ly's golden syrup it's not syrup syrup we have some syrup premium sugar refineries nice I this is some fantastic syrup it's 454 grain High Velocity yeah nice I like it thank you sir I appreciate the scissor well that's cool a surprise unboxing for some syrup thanks thank you I am excited to taste it on my waffles and Crepes now that's nasty draining out the bottom hole fill it up through the top hole but that's nasty okay 4 days later emergency must have special order part that's right we have The Idler and it's bracket that is the complete unit this is an AC Delco component part number 1 Niner 1 533 Niner to I don't know how relevant that is to folks watching but some people would like to know so there's our part number anyway this is uh pretty much the exact same carbon copy as the unit that's coming out now what I can't tell is if this is an OE unit or if it's already been replaced or not see that's a it's a Delco unit that does not mean that that's actually what the car was built with this could be a production run after the fact and we do have some differences here look at the head on the end of this unit different shape and different size this one's a little bit thicker and that one's got a grease fitting that's got a grease fitting but we do not have these part numbers etched in the side of this unit right here so this is slightly different but it's going in this is the one that fits it's a Delo that's what's recommended let's get this thing inside and bolted on and uh we can get this thing back on the ground I kind of wanted this car done like uh well last week but I did not get that delivery for that component until well this morning so now we're behind schedule yeah okay so we're back down below new component coming in let's go ahead and turn that so it's oriented properly I removed the plastic cone from the end of the tip there we don't need that so what we need to do is get this thing set up in its little home here wiggle it in there we are we got our first bolt ready got one washer another washer two and our nut so let's see here around the back with the washer and around the back with the [Music] nut now we just need to line it up I'll pivot it I think or not Hammer everything's a hammer seriously that hammer is not good enough I need one with more horsepower and less torque there we go okay next Fastener coming in got the bolt both washers and the nut this thing that'll reach around treatment here you guys probably can't see but we can feel it okay okay thread it on let's get the impact out and put some torque on these two Fasteners right here okay 21 wrench it's going to go on the nut and then we'll come in with the socket in the impact slip click and I lost a socket and a flashlight at the same time that's the dangers of the wobble sockets they get away from [Music] you there we go let's get that top unit cool beans good to go the bracket is secure now we need to secure the center link to that idler arm so we just raise the arm up get it lined up here push that into position and over there on the right out of out of frame we're also sliding this arm up over the uh the pitman arm right there and it fell back down okay that was uh futile so coming back in again I'll bring the nut with me raise this unit back up we'll get the nut threaded so the arm can't fall down there we go good okay impacts coming up through the hole here let's tighten down that pinch Lock's not wanting to [Music] go H okay angry pliers coming back in again watch this what I'll do is I'll get a hold of this center link and I will twist it put some torque on it and that's going to put a side load on the stud and hopefully create enough friction y we'll put enough friction on it where the threads can turn so now back her up some over here off to the right we have the nut that's going to go on that pitman arm this one's a castle nut so we'll have to put a cotter pin in it up through the hole again where's that hole at right right there lined up perfect cotter pin time so come in right through there's the hole grab that pin wrap that around around nice like and around this side booed that up didn't I there we go okay that's pinned in position good to go let's fetch the grease gun get some lubrication on all these components here and then uh we'll get the cover back on okay grease gone coming in we'll just uh plug that into the fitting there give it a couple pumps what I'll do is watch the uh the Bulge right here in that seal and I see that seal start to bulge ever so slightly which we just did there we go that's plenty of Grease because this thing is already grease filled as it is I'm just adding a little bit extra just to make sure cuz you never know [Music] h i wonder can't seem to reach anything it's not okay all right now we'll make it fit watch this angry pliers for the wind we'll just bend the grease gun some little bit more angle for our dangle here there we go it's a custom grease gun that's what we're doing doing custom modifications yeah now we're going pump it up give it back to me oh no come on there we go while we're here let's go ahead and we will Grease the outer tie rods here we go so what I'll do is I'll wipe the old grease off that way we're not shoving old grease or dirt in with the grease you see the Bulge and looks like we've got a fitting on the inners as well Leon oh it's all the Bulge that one's good two more on the other side let's maneuver on over there's the Bulge and one more right up [Music] here good to go awesome okay front end is lubricated let's get the uh skid panel put back together oh I forgot one wait wait wait there's one more fitting way back on top of that uh that pitman arm hang on here let me get a hold of that one next I bent it again all right we're greasing there we go we were greason hang on getting all stuck yep got some uh got the Bulge at the seal that one is good as well okay yeah see this is why people don't grease this stuff cuz it's kind of hard to get to and it gets omitted more often than not folks are like well it's got grease in it it's fine you know what while we're here we'll do the upper control arms as well let's let this thing down some silver R off [Music] the there is the fitting right here for the uppers it's ready for its closeup I already got the lowers when you guys weren't looking here we go I'm watching the uh the boot right there past the hose waiting for the Bulge okay that's three pumps okay yep the boot is bulging we got it let's wipe off all that extra this the spillage the Overflow and we've got one more to do right [Music] here oh I heard it it made noise when it came out yep that one's good where's that spillage at bulge is bulging plenty of grease in this unit this thing is lubricated let's get the cover back on and we're about ready to rock and roll and get this thing out of here going back [Music] up Co beans locks are set let's get our cover okay flashlights coming with me that one cover is coming in again there's three Fasteners up top and then three more or two more at the bottom fun fact if you were to acquire these skid plate for the Hummer H2 I believe they're a direct bolt-on for these silver Autos so you can upgrade these to an aluminum cover and they also come with shields for the transfer case so you could under arour your car with factory GM parts which that's kind of cool I might do that to my truck lose the plastic put in aluminum cover cover clicks all right wheels on next and we're ready to rock and roll and take this thing for a test [Music] drive all right Hood coming down Hood didn't latch Hood goinging up H coming down again hood is now latched good to go rack is cleared hub caps are on let's go out take this thing for a quick little Spin and make sure that the steering system is not falling out of it beginning engine restarting sequence now all right hey hey look at that no more Clickety clackety steering components that's fantastic cool think we have a win here we've got a win for sure I mean from what we saw earlier there we couldn't have lost there's there's no way to get that wrong nope nope nope you guys would recall earlier I mentioned there was other work that had to be done now I can recap that real quick while we're backing out we did a bunch of fluid exchanges on this unit there was transmission uh brake fluid I did front and rear differentials uh with some AMS oil and we also did the transfer case because there was a leaking transfer case output shaft seal that's the one that goes around the drive shaft uh so we tossed a new seal in there and then did a a fluid exchange on the transfer case as well so we got all the maintenance right back up to where it should be especially at 163,50 Mi on the odometer uh all those fluids break down uh I'm I don't understand how folks can religiously change oil yet pay no mind to other fluids in the vehicle as if those fluids do not suffer from uh oxidation and decomposition I I really don't get it I mean it stands the reason that if your engine oil does it your other fluids would do it as well but some folks disagree I do not comprende I don't disagree that's why I I change fluids anyway we have no knocking our steering wheel is straight and centered we do not have a pull to either Direction no no es it's shifting it's breaking this truck is good to go so having said all that fellas and ladies I have uh no more to offer you on this particular video other than a thank you for watching this video uh let me know what you think about this situation in the comments section down below do not forget to tap that like button while you're down there and most importantly have yourselves a fantastic day see you guys later in a video in a Silverado in a transmission parking Silverado powering down goodbye silvery r
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 187,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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