Partner Round Table: Wix to Editor X Migration Tool

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hey everybody welcome to this wix partner round table i'm your host brett and today we are talking about editor x updates and boy do we have some amazing stuff in store welcome to the team editor x hello and welcome hi so so so glad to have y'all so this is super exciting because we're not talking about one feature we're not talking about two features we're talking about several features that have that that we're going to talk about today and a never-before-seen feature so so if we can go to the next slide real quick let's talk about real quick what we're going to go over in this round table we're going to be talking about two features centered around collaboration one feature around design and we've got one super special feature reveal and we'll see if if y'all guessed right in the community of what we're going to reveal today so let's kick this off let's meet the team i want everybody to get a chance to say who you are and what you're doing super glad to have you all here so let's jump to you nama tell us a little bit about you please and welcome sure so thank you brett so hi everyone hey i'm nama from editorx product team i'll be the offering for teamwork and collaboration and i'm super excited to be here today we're super glad to have you thank you for being here as always and uh so so thank you for that so next laurent tell us about you and welcome hi thanks i'm lyron product manager in editor x and i'm very excited because today i'm going to talk about the new comments feature which is part of the team collaboration tools that we are going to cover so thank you for being here lauren uh super excited to have you as well last but certainly not least donna welcome hello hi hi guys uh yeah so i'm dana i'm also a product manager for editorics and i lead a couple of areas including uh behaviors uh interactive and site completion and i'm also going to reveal today uh this new feature so i'm super excited whoa never before now just so everybody knows who's who's watching this is the first time never before seen sneak peek and we may may even maybe even have some hands on we'll see if we can twist the team into letting us see it today or use it today we'll get into that all right so let's let's kick into this uh nama do you want to jump us off and and let's talk a little bit about some of the features of collaboration yeah definitely so uh we've listened to their professional users in our community um and for the feature requests coming from the partners and we've invested significantly uh in our products for collaboration and teamwork and the main goal that we have is to help you scale up your work um today we're gonna review two features that we released recently uh rules and permissions and comments um and we have additional products that will be released soon uh so yeah let's start with the rules and permissions and then yeah so um we basically uh now offering you a much more granular editing permissions um this will enable you to create custom worlds more flexible ones for content editor seo manager uh designer developer for your team members as well as for your site contributors and in addition to that we're also adjusting the experience of the user um to have his authorized uh actions by his driven by his role enabled so what you see here is basically that the action for example this is a content editor and so obviously he can edit the text um but additional actions that are not driven by his role are disabled and the approach that we took is to reduce the dependency between the content editor and the designer so basically we enable the content editor to edit the text but also to set some styling actions like changing a word to bold and this is just again to reduce the dependency with the designer upon any change of text um also the user can see is all inside the editor and to help you understand what's going on um in the following example same yeah so same uh we we have the same content editor he can obviously change the source of the media of the image and we also allow him to change the focal point again to reduce the dependency but we don't allow him to crop the image um so it doesn't harm the layout um so to summarize you can create now new custom worlds for your team members and your site contributors and we look forward to receiving your feedback around that um i do want to say before before you jump like this has been i think would have been one of the the biggest feature requests from our amazing community is specifically to like you're talking about here locking down some of these elements because it's one of their pain points you know when you craft this amazingly beautiful site for your client and then they come in and they move a couple things and it but this really solves that and and this has been something that they've requested for a long time so i just want to to toss that make sure the community understands that this really is a pain point that we've solved or not me you y'all the editor x team here yeah definitely that was one of the of the uh the feature requests that we got from our partners uh to allow this level of granularity to help them manage the work of their team better in a secured and trusted way yeah definitely and now okay we can move on to uh lyron who's going to present the comments product go ahead thanks nama uh so comments is a recently released feature that allows contributors and team members to communicate faster through editor x and work efficiently every page has a separate comment board so you can leave a specific feedback for your teammates and ask them questions let's see how it works you can use the comments panel to manage the design process and add a comment for your teammates and to see so they will see it and resolve you can either leave a general comment or mention someone by tagging them and to make your life much easier we also added the ability to filter the comments that are all related only to you by checking my comments at the top of the panel and then lauren quick question this is also a feature that i know the partners have have wanted for a while or in our community in general do they get notified and i'm channeling i'm channeling the community's questions i know it's burning do they get notified for example if you and i are working on a project and you were to tag me would i get notified yeah of course brett um a person who is mentioned in a comment will get an email notification with a link to the site editor in the site editor it will navigate him to the specific comment on the specific page and so yes of course well that's that's actually you just answered my second follow-up question to that because what happens if i'm a contributor on multiple sites working with multiple different uh people and now now if i do get mentioned it's a link to where i was mentioned so excellent thank you you're welcome uh and if we'll go to the next slide um you will see that uh here how you can mention uh your teammates and contribute contributors sorry and so when a team if you're a sorry if your feedback is related to a specific element on a page you can select it and then write your comment and on the next slide we will see that when a teammate clicks on that comment they get redirected to the relevant element and then he can reply to the comment in the discussion thread and also mark the the comment as resolved uh if you finished handling it of course and now uh we're gonna talk about interactions so dana will take over okay thanks thank you very much so um i know some of you already saw our interaction during the recent editorics event so we made a bunch of updates since then and we're really excited to tell you guys that you're getting an exclusive access to this uh to this feature so basically with hover interaction you can make your site interactive without writing any code right so um to begin uh you need to select the container then uh open the inspector and switch to a new tab there called interactions and there you add and hover interaction and then you can edit the effect uh you can uh um add transform change the opacity edit the design and control the timing and you should know that this is uh the first figure among a few upcoming interactions so so so real quick a recap for those who may have just just be joining us we've talked about three features that are coming uh that we're gonna we'll talk about when we're gonna put these in beta in just a second but so far we've talked about two collaboratives and one interactive which was the uh or the inter one design which was the interact which you just showed us but there's something else right so there's something that has not been seen before and the community wants to know and we we took a poll and it was it was wild but uh i i we can't hold this back anymore donna what is coming next this is like what's what what have you been working on what what have you all been brewing back there we've gotta know we can't hold it gotta tell you yeah so as you said we've been listening to the community and we know you guys were asking for it uh pretty much since day one so we've been working on it for a while it was pretty challenging and really complex but it's now ready for you guys and i'm extremely thrilled uh to share with you the new migration tool from the wix editor to editorics oh well okay so that is like the biggest feature request that that that the community has been asking for since since editor x launched in february so this is huge this is huge so we're going to see this today so what are we going to see you're going to show us like what it looks like what to expect uh and and are we going to see the product what's happening here donna i can't handle it this is too exciting okay so let me explain so first of all we call it here in short quick strix uh that's a cool name for that and um so now after i drop this huge bump i will uh share with you uh what it looks like and how it's uh and to explain like how it works okay so um the before you start just make sure that you're sign up to editorics and if you're not sure about it just go to and sign up or log in um so uh the next thing you need to know is you need to open uh my site's page on your dashboard then uh select the sites that you want to migrate and here i selected this uh boxwork site which is uh which happened to be a premium site so i hover the the the site i go to site actions and i click rebuild site on editorics and note that this will be available this uh this action will be available only if you are registered to edit breaks okay so now i click on it and the first thing you need to know uh here for the migration tool is that editorics had a different pricing plan than uh wix um so um you know we know you guys are we're waiting for it and we're we really want you guys to enjoy it so you'll get a 40 discount that will be applied during the checkout and i'm going to talk about it about it a bit later um so i'm hitting the next year and now you'll get an overview of what's going to be available on your editoric sites so the way the migration works is that we take uh your uh wix site and then we create a new version on editorics which is being reconnected to your data on your uh back office and dashboard so basically this way all your data is still available whether it's uh your members um the contacts that you have on the site analytics marketing marketing tools um email campaigns uh collections business information everything is there so then uh we reinstall all your wix application and editor x supports almost all uh wix application and business solutions there are uh a few exceptions so multilingual is not yet supported on electrics but it's coming soon also restaurants orders and hotel um so after we installed those applications uh we copy the pages um add the elements and the widgets and you get your site so again uh the migration finishes you have a new version of your site it includes all the pages with elements and applications all connected to your dashboard and it's important to know that at any stage you can go back to the vixx to the wix editor so let's hit the let's go and now domination starts so this phase might take a while and the reason for that is that uh we during this process we reinstall your application and you probably know that some of them are heavy if this can take uh even a couple of minutes and let's say this phase is complete uh so there we go we are redirected to editorics and we get a summary of the migration uh so we can see that i had forms and stores and chat and members area and couple of more things that were successful successfully are migrated um if you want you can uh get a more detailed report here uh notice that this will not be available later so if you want to get the full report now is the time to download it now if i hit the done uh now what you get is um three tooltips that basically explain how you need to work with electro x after the immigration so the first thing you need to know that in case you uh already publish your wik site on the wix editor uh it will still be live and you can start working on this editor x version and once you hit the publish uh this electro x version will replace your uh wix site now that's an interesting word that you use i want to replace let's i i don't want to mess up your flow but but real quick for those who are joining us we have revealed wix to editor x migration tool and donna is taking us through the what it looks like when you when you actually use this tool so she's now we've gone through some of the steps and she's cueing us in on some of the pop-ups so right now this is again what does this say again with with replace can you explain that again donna yeah so till you publish your site uh on editorics you still have a live website right um so until you hit the publish besides stay live and you can go uh keep working on the editorics version and only when you publish uh the editor x version will replace the wix one okay so i'm continuing so the next thing you need to know is that while you're working on your editor x site uh you can continue to update your live site and you can do that from the dashboard so if you want for example to add some store products or post a new blog post you can do that via the dashboard and last site history is the place uh from which you can restore your uh wix version and you can actually go back and forth so we can go back to your wix version and then return to editorics but notice that when you uh change the version from the site history the changes that you do on each version are not being merged between the address um cool so okay so my question is done and now i see my site and it looks pretty much the same right um i have all my pages here uh my same matches my site sorry um if i go to my shop page i see my product here my media is also available so everything looks really good um so responsive wise um the migration basically uh takes your uh desktop design and the tablet and mobile breakpoints are cascading sorry are cascaded from the desktop uh version um one sec sorry i mean it it looks incredible and and and you've just for those who may be joining us we're seeing the flow of what happens when you migrate a website to it to editor x it's incredible donna this looks incredible sharp so what so what you're doing here is you're showing us the different break points and where you would go to check that is that what you're showing us here you want to to get caught up yeah exactly so you get a site with uh the three uh default breakpoints and uh for example here i'm on my tablet breakpoint and it looks pretty good it will be fluid however uh we need to keep in mind that uh mobile uh layouts usually need some more adjustments uh you'll probably need to do some stacking between the elements and make the layout more vertical so i'll give you an example let's say this is how my my page look after the migration so i have a picture so i need to tweak it a bit and maybe make it like more vertical something like that but this is a good thing because you get full flexibility on each and every breakpoint um on editorics of course that's that's fantastic and and we're getting some great questions the community's on fire uh they they were hoping for this but weren't expecting it and so you've answered all of their dreams if you have questions sorry to interrupt you donna please go ahead and ask i'm we're writing them down i'm going to circle back so i do see them and if we don't answer it i promise you i'll get to him so sorry donna back to you we are uh working with breakpoints yeah okay so we gave you another shortcut if you still want to go back to the wix editor uh for some reason you can do it from the help this will be available only before the publish so you have another entry point for that so let's say i worked on this site and i'm ready to publish it so if i started from a free site i can just publish and it will just replace my existing site however if i'm uh starting off from a premium site which i did uh once i hit the publish i will be required to upgrade the plan to an editor expand um so i want to elaborate on this a bit um so you will receive a 40 up discount for the first billing cycle and will be applied in the checkout so for an example uh let's say i have an existing wix plan and i have like three months remaining so what will happen during the checkout is that i will see those uh eight months reflected as credits and i also uh get a 40 discount uh again for the first uh for the first billing cycle and um if you have any questions on this or you have uh you need some troubleshooting feel free to contact our support team they're really great and they will help you out with this uh with this part um another important thing to know here um is that if you're using your own domain the domain will be automatically uh connected to the new site if you're using a free wix domain uh the domain will be changed to a editorix domain but all the traffic will be redirected to your new url so you don't have to worry about that okay so i know uh i covered a lot of things here and i know you guys have like millions of questions as brett just mentioned so i'll try to go over some of the burning questions and then we can answer some more if you have so first of all um yes you can go back and from the site history we talked about it again and just a tip to give you guys um i usually uh make a copy of the site before i do the migration and just so i'll have a reference if like i don't remember how things uh used to work before uh but it's but you if you do that make sure you uh migrate the original site and that and not the copy this is really important so some someone asked that so let's make sure that that that we're clear someone asked if they could make a copy and you say yes you can make a copy but don't transfer the copy yeah and there's a reason for that i don't know if you guys know but when you make a copy of the site some of the data is not being copied for example your members are not coming away with a copy they will stay in the original site right so make sure to do that on the original site of course okay so we talked about the responsiveness of the site uh your site will be unresponsive but you will need to keep adjusting the different breakpoints uh what happened what happened if my page is missing an element so in most cases uh if you see a blank page that a blank area sorry that's probably because the migration tool just doesn't know yet how to deal with a specific element and what you need to do is to go to the ad panel and add it from there uh there are a few elements that are not supported on any tricks uh and we are constantly working to improve the tool and to uh support more and more elements um okay so what about my code yes your code will be reconnected to the new sites if you want to migrate an ndi site you can you just need to first uh uh like uh migrate it to the wix editor sorry um okay and a big question here is what about my sc that i see on the site so we do keep the seo settings and that includes uh your keyword your page seo image description header tags the business address and and other more uh but you have to keep in mind uh that any change in the in the in the site meaning like design structure and content can potentially impact seo um you just you just answered two two of the uh topic asked questions right now one was will my will velo move over and the answer to that is yes and the other one is what about seo and you just answered that as well so all of the tags everything is migrated over so yes okay great okay so sorry what about my apps so um as i said at the beginning uh wix support almost all uh sorry editorial support almost all of the wix application and the business solutions and we currently uh do not support multilingual and that's coming really soon weeks of tales and wix restaurants order we have here a list of all the supported wix apps i think these are all and if you're if you're using third-party apps so editoric supports most of them and we're constantly working to add support for the fullest and you you might have to uh re-enter some of the settings for those through that uh application and also also donna i'll add to this this there's a lot of words on this on this slide here so um we'll make it simple that when there's a a support article that is issued with all of that i'll add that to the description of this video so for those who come back and watch it later they can see the live version because we're in march of 21 and it's this screen won't be uh very well reflected in the next month right so i'll add that article as well just tossing that out there yeah and also this article is available from the first thing the first string like once you click the rebuild and enter export and you'll see a link from the from the dialog that you should that you uh see there perfect so okay and last uh there are a few widgets that are not supported on exile which are listed here but all this information is also available in the article that we'll share with you guys um yeah i think i uh so i spoke a lot um i pretty much lost my voice during this well i mean i mean it's it's a lot right i mean let's let's let's take this a little bit and digest it uh just for a second right so a lot of a lot of a lot of our community and i from hearing some of the conversations and and questions that they've asked over since we've since edited our ex launched in february of last year a lot of the a lot of the questions that the community were asking or a lot of the statements that i remember seeing is i've built hundreds and thousands of of sites for my clients on wix i i don't want to go back and rebuild them and i understand that right so so now they don't have to right so now they get all of the full features of editor x without having to recreate and rebuild that site it takes time and effort to really make it look like some of our our communities really i mean these sites are spectacular and now they're going to be editor x spectacular that's something so that's a that's a huge round of applause i mean you've you've answered a lot of their questions so there are a few other questions if i can hold y'all for just a couple minutes and maybe toss a few questions is that okay yeah of course so let's let's look one one of this i think i'm going to jump into one that i i know is probably is a definite burning question is i'm trying to find it i'll just ask it sorry i was going to pull you up internet design wizard when is this available when when can the partners put their hands on this yeah so it's going to be open for you guys exclusively tonight so i mean that's awesome today today now what gets open today is it is it just the conversion tool okay so um the conversion tool is going to be open today um interactions also it's going to be open today again exclusively for you guys comments comments and uh collaboration tools um now maybe you can hop in and so so comments and roles and permissions are already open and you can enjoy them already and and soon we'll release additional um additional collaborate collaboration products um but we'll let you know when it comes awesome and yes yes shape shift today today you heard correctly so there are several questions that i i want to keep trying to to get to as as fast as i can while i have you on again thanks for for coming here and sharing this and showing this but i want to get to a couple more questions um is it possible julius asks a great question is it possible to transfer uh a free site a site that's that's possibly free on wix and and and make it a free site on editor x is that possible yes it's definitely possible i i talked about about premium sites but if you take a free site and you migrate it you'll get an editorix free site as well just notice that the domain will be changed and your site visitors as i said before will be redirected automatically to the new uh to the new url you can do it for any any type of site so here's here's a really good question um that i'd like to ask are the different blog elements on the are there are there different blog elements in the queue for being available on on editor x or will it be replaced by a different app so uh we are constantly working on supporting all of the elements in the app element these are log elements and also store elements in other words more we're constantly working to add support for all of them it's not going to be replaced it's just going to be responsive and to be adapted to the to the editorics needs but um yeah uh they're coming uh somewhere somewhere in the near future great question thank you for the answer and i almost lost my voice right there too donna i had like this weird swallowed i don't know what happened okay uh so this is exciting i'll i'll actually grab this one uh crystal winston is this only available for editor x partners and and it's available for all partners krista this this the beta program is is for all partners so we're excited for everybody whether you've used editor x or not to be a part of this and get to get to experience what this amazing team has spent so much time building and i i it's it's incredible so i want to i want to thank all of you there there are a lot of questions that i think we answered and i think there'll probably be a lot more so i'll make an official thread and and and we can just sort of go back and forth with some questions and and as the community uh around the world watches this you know there'll be a lot more and i'll be available as always so i want to say thanks for everybody for you three such an amazing job presenting an amazing feature that y'all have released this is incredible the community's excited we want to get their hands on it so as soon as it opens i'll post and let everybody know so that's exciting is there anything else y'all want to add i mean this is this is great um donna if if you're overcome with excitement so yeah no it's like i'm going to sleep well tonight so um yeah i just wanted to add that like it's free using this tool and i really urge you guys to try this tool out and please please give us the feedback and contact us and try and let us know like what's working for you guys and what you'd like to change so we'll uh make this even better so again if there are any continuing questions around this y'all ping me uh i'll i'll be here and uh i'll make a i'll make a post and and i'm sure if there any there'll be more questions and and we'll get you answers to all those so i want to say thanks again for y'all coming thanks to the community for being here being so awesome uh this was definitely a passion project i know for this team to create it for you all so uh amazing thanks everybody uh this concludes our round table and if you need me i'll i'll see you out there thanks again bye y'all
Channel: Wix Partners
Views: 2,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: editor x, wix, wix partners, wix community, editor x migration, migrate sites wix
Id: noZbw7IH4C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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