Part1 How to Make KDP Word Search Book using ChatGPT and Free Software

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foreign opacity today we are going to learn how to create what such puzzles for KDP that you can upload on Amazon now for those of you who may not know about KDP Amazon KDP is an Amazon online service that enables anybody to create content to write a book upload it and then Amazon is going to handle all the printing all the shipping and all you get from Amazon is the royalty due to you now you don't pay any amount to create an account you don't pay any amount to upload your book the bulk of the work is in creating the content and the marketing bit of it so I'll be doing a video later on about KDP for those who may not be familiar and I believe that is going to be helpful to you now in creating our search puzzle you're going to need several tools and uh before we come to the tools the the book the word search puzzle is going to be uh divided into that is the manuscript which is the interior content of the word search and also the other part is going to be the book cover now the part one of this tutorial will cover on how to make the manuscript now for the manuscript or the interior content we're going to use two tools number one is a software called word search maker I'll show you where to download it and how to set it up and how to use it number two is Powerpoint where you're going to compile all our manuscript now having said that I just want you to go to Google and uh are you going to search Amazon I'm going to open the Amazon store and you're going to tap word search this once you to have an idea of what you are just going to have an idea of what we are looking at here you can see a vast array of books that many people have created and they've uploaded now most of these books they are making a lot of money I'm going to come over and select these 2023 word search and I can see over here it's a bestseller and you can see over here that it's a bestseller so we're going to click on it and a few things you're going to to learn from this book part of it is the the title of the book it's what search for adults large print da da da da in addition to that you're going to look at some of the specifications for the book like the pages we have 109 Pages the language is English the date it was published and then the dimensions all these are key especially the number of pages and they the dimensions of the book now in addition it has a property where we can look inside and have a have a preview of what it's all about the cover page now this is the first page interior very simple this book belongs to such and such you have their copyright uh the next page is about the directions or instructions on how to solve the puzzle then from there we have the word search you can see how the simply the structure is the same is Christmas and then you have your the puzzle and then down here we have the words that are going to be searching a person who is working on this puzzle is going to be searching from this puzzle you have the list for the words and that's all come to another theme traveling to Egypt and so on and so forth in addition I also managed to create my book which is already online and it's making sales um so here's my book it's called Puzzle Quest what such my book has 151 pages English published on Feb 9th it's an 8.5 0.3 is the uh the the the width sorry 0.35 that is the thickness of the book and then 11th is the head and that is so so if we have a look inside we have one such that's the cover page scroll down the first paid this book belongs to the buyer is going to write their name and then I have the instructions on how to solve the puzzle then from there I have the content outline now I I built this book or rather I made this book with Solutions that's where the person using the book in case they get stuck they can't go and refund and uh next you have the puzzles simple we have the theme domestic animals deposit there and then the the words that are going to be searched in the puzzle and so the list goes on so we're going to make uh I'm going to help you to make a similar book I'll show you the softwares and the tools that you're going to use it's very easy that anyone with a computer and internet you're able to do this and in building these are the tools you're going to use one we're going to use a software called word search maker number two you're going to use chat GPT to generate the list for the themes that we are going to identify and then number number three you're going to use PowerPoint like I said to put together our our manuscript and what you do is that you're going to come to this website www.word hyphen search and once you open you pay it you love this page you're going to come over here create your own word search with our free online what search maker you can click here to create choose the online version but I prefer downloading it and installing it on my computer so I'm going to click this on Word Search make up for Windows just click on this you're going to go to the next page it's going to have the instructions so what I want you to do number one before when you hit download is copy this license key because every time you open the software is going to require you to uh to enter their license key just copy it and then from there you're going to hit uh you're going to click here click here to download search app and so the one search maker is going to be downloaded on your computer now what you do remember you had copied the license key I'm going to come over to notepad and then I'm going to copy it now given that uh what search maker software has downloaded we're going to click on it and then you extract all so here it is so you have the setup there we have the instructions using a Microsoft Word so what you do is it I'm going to come to this license key that I had copied here and I'm going to save it in the location where I have extracted I have downloaded and extracted my Wasatch maker software so I go to file save us I'm going to go to download downloads a word search maker go to the I navigate today to this folder and then I'm going to say I'm going to name it sorry license okay that way good so what you do is that from there I'm going to double click on setup and then it's going to start installing now I don't need to go through the process because I already have the or such maker installed in my computer so for my case I'm going to cancel this process but for your case once you click it's just a simple process and you'll be able to install okay so once you install the all search maker come double click to the icon and then it's going to give you a pop-up window we're going to be required to enter the key going to copy paste it and there we are so there I have my WhatsApp maker opened there now the next tool with my what such makeup open you're going to go now to the next tool like I told you is chart GPT for those of you who may not know what charge GPT is charge GPT is an online AI tool that enables you to write text generate text content and all you need to do is just give it some prompts and it's going to act on them so to use chart GPT you come over to Google come over to and type chart GPT and then scroll down to try chart GPT now in case you have not created an account it's going to prompt you to create an account but in my case I had already logged in so I'll go right away to giving it prompts and then it's going to give me what I want now I want to create a list for names for my word search and I'm going to pick any topic that you want number one at times you don't have to think about what to do the same topics to write about you can just ask chart GPT to give to to give you ideas so I'm going to come over and give it a prompt and uh tell it to list for me them ideas list for me theme ideas for uh reward search puzzle you can tell you to give me like 10. where you can put any number see it's giving me the ideas for my WhatsApp puzzle uh and then I can go ahead and tell it at least names under animals just a little list 30. from the animals and so it's going to list for me the names under that theme perfect so there I have my 30 names the charge GP to be able to move faster because making a word search is quite laborious so I'll just highlight the list for the names then I'm going to come over to word search maker on this section where we have what's we first create you're going to copy paste your words over here and then the other thing we are going to set on our word search uh what such make a software if the number of rows and the columns those are the number of the letters along the column and the letters along the rows for me I'll go with a 15 you can do 15 15 20 20 10 10 depending on the complexity of your word search puzzle in addition here we have directional with Direction now these are settings you can use to define how you uh the orientation for the awards for your words as such puzzle if I click click here we're going to have the normal orientation from left to right now if I click here there's a possibility some modes are going to have the orientation form right to left if I click this one the possibility someone's are going to move from top to bottom if I click here some once you move from bottom to top now the beauty with this tool is that you can design your word search on search puzzle in any orientation direction that you want number two the same tool is able to give you the the puzzle that you want at the same time the solutions that you need so you're able to generate them at the same time now come over here you're going to give the title for for a theme remember it was animals sorry about that animals text color I'll go with how this block yeah uh grid color a green color I can take a light shade of gray I don't need a footer image uh so the less the lists our order order list that's okay and then the solution settings is still animals uh uh show solution answer in bold answer called text color remember that uh for for the KDP you're going to have a black and white manuscript so it's good to keep a text in black and white so I go with black a circle color I'll do the same perfect now having copied our the list for animal names over here all I need to do is just come over here and create new ad search and there we are now if you want to see how your word search solution looks like here we have up here we have preview puzzle then we have previous solution so whenever you're you're creating your puzzles make sure that this one is always click that way you can see the the final outcome of your puzzle now again remember there I was telling you these settings you can change the direction if I click that and then I click our search I click I click the create wall search you can see all the names are moving from left to right if I just click the left check button you can see the words how they have been realigned you will click the top one they'll move from bottom to top if I click downwards the load the bottom one they're going to move from top to bottom so the best thing in order to depending on how complex you want your Wasatch to be uh you're going to click or other check the direction check box accordingly so I can do my lottery and then you can click this word search as many times as possible now and you're going to see different you can create different one search and you can select the one that you feel you you're comfortable with if you feel that the WhatsApp is complex you can reduce the direction check boxes then you create again yeah I think I'm comfortable with that so what you do is that the next step is saving now let me talk about saving I recommend saving in three formats number one is the raw file for the software number two you're going to save as an image and number three you're going to save as a as a PDFs number one why do we save the project as a pro format files the reason is in case there is an error or in case in future you want to use the same files to create a different uh puzzle using the same words okay you'll be able to do that all you need to do is just load the project on this software and you can change it number two the image solution rather the image puzzle and also the image solution you're going to save it as an image and it's the one you're going to use in our manuscript that we're going to be working with in PowerPoint number three in PDF now with PDF remember this is your content and this is a Content that we've created on their original and given that it's a digital product you can sell it on other platforms like Etsy and so on and so forth meaning that you can have your content create the word search puzzle book and also create a cell the same content the manuscript or the or such puzzles to other platforms and be able to make more money so what you do is that once you are satisfied with your puzzle you're going to come over to file save project uh so what you do is that I'm going to come over to my desktop and I'm going to create a new folder and I'm going to call it quite such so I'm going to call my my puzzle I'm going to call it puzz1 plus one then I save step number two saving as an image I come over to file save puzzle image and then I'm going to save it as a jpeg just come over here to save typers click jpeg I'm going to call it puzzle 2. sorry puzzle one remember the same puzzle save number three you're going to save as PDF file select PDF I'm going to give you the same name puzzle one perfect the other bit is that remember that you want to avoid such puzzle to have a solution and uh like you can see our solution has been generated I'm going to come still to file I'm going to say save solution image so what I'm going to do that I'm going to write puzzle one and then I can just add Sol just to indicate there is a solution so that I don't get confused so if I come to my desktop I open the word search you can see that I have my my four files is a original files original raw files for the software I have the PDF file you have the jpeg image file and you have the solution file now we are ready to go to uh PowerPoint and now create our manuscript so what you do is that we're going to open Microsoft PowerPoint and if you're enjoying this tutorial just go over to subscribe and make sure you subscribe and also turn on the notification Bell so that you can be notified whenever we create such videos and you can also share with your friends and colleagues and you're going to come over to PowerPoint you're going to create blank presentation now remember initially when you are talking about the the word search books like the one I've created and it's on Amazon my you have first to determine how many pages you want your uh what search to be now my recommendation is that make sure you go through so many uh the the other books on Amazon and you can cross reference and see the average pages that most people design their books with and from there you can come up with your own Pages now for me I wanted to make sure that my puzzles there are more than 100 pages so the rest can be used to make I can post the solutions thereafter so in tutorial is coming to 151 pages now the dimensions for the width is 8.5 inches and uh the height is 11 inches now the beauty with this is that I'm able to have a large print which is good especially if you're making a book that is going to be used by adults and uh and seniors who may have an issue with a very small font so in our case you're going to work with 8.5 by 11 but it is not fixed you can work with whatever Dimensions that you want or you prefer so what I do is as that I'll come back to my PowerPoint and then I'll go to design I'll come over to the right side top area slide size and I'm going to Customs slide size and I'm going to work with the width remember it's 8.5 in height is 11. and then I say okay ensure feet perfect so you're going to come over here and clear and clear the content here is there perfect now so once you're done with that are you going to come over to view and you need to make sure that your grid and the ruler is enabled because you want to make sure that you work within certain dimensions uh two things to note here is that whenever Amazon they are you're uploading the manuscript in the in on Amazon you have to to make sure that you follow the guidelines as far as the margins uh uh concerned because they don't want to be in a situation where they you have content that is streamed and the book loses its value so what you do is that you're going to ensure that we create uh we Define a constant margin and in our case I want to achieve a on the sides on the on the on these sides I want to achieve a 0.75 margin and then top and bottom I want to work with a zero point five so what I do is that I will I will insert a ship that will guide me and uh for me remember that our width was uh 8.5 so if you deduct 8.5 minus 0.75 minus 0.75 you're going to be left with a width of seven and the height was 11.5 minus 11.5 inches minus 0.5 minus 0.5 you're going to get 10 inches so I'm going to resize my my ship so I just right click format shape I click here the size and properties size remember our hate was our head is 10 inches and uh the width is seven inches okay here we are so all I need to do is just make sure I may just need to make sure that I Center perfect so this is going to be everything we are going to to create in our manuscript has to for has to fall Within These borders so I'm going to remove the fill I just want to be left with the Border in addition I want to define the size of a solution so I'm going to come again to insert shape and then I create I take the triangle add another triangle and I'm going to define the size by puzzle to be 7 inches by 7 inches so once you've defined uh 7 inches by seven you're going to bring that this inner triangle and I want it to fall over here where we have four marked that way now this area we're going to have our puzzle down here we're going to have the words that are going to be searched and up here we're going to have the theme and also the puzzle number so what you do is that come to insert text box then you're going to insert and you're going to call this first one so again is to be centered perfect and then you're going to come over again or you can just copy the text box and then you're going to have our our theme that is animals there you can adjust the font size bold accordingly now back to a triangle here I'm also going to uh make sure it doesn't have a feel like because all I just all I need is to have this outline because I want all my pages in the entire manuscript to be uniform so you're going to come to where you had saved your your your Solutions and the puzzle you're going to copy the image puzzle just copy go back to PowerPoint and then you're going to save then click on this image and you're going to resize it and make sure it fits within that rectangle or just need to make sure that it's seven by seven that you will have a uniform setup so the remaining part is to copy the words first you come to text box have it there go over to our search maker under here preview don't copy these words copy the ones that you see on this column because there are chances because of the way the words are aligned not all the words the original list find their way to their to the to the puzzle so what you do copy what you have under preview so for me I normally copy a set of six that's one two three four five six uh because of how the size is just a bit there you are then another text box sorry and the text box come over for the others one two three four five six you can go over download and there we are so your manuscript is ready it's all you in case you want to add an image you can add in this area or on this area just make sure that your content is Within These uh outer this outline that we have made now what you do is that you do the same for the next puzzle until you're satisfied depending on the number of pages that you want and then make sure you save you're going to save you're going to save as a PowerPoint project word search Now to create the next puzzle all you need to do is just go over again to charge GPT generate your the the theme and then the list of the words and then go to the word search create the puzzle and then once you create you save it and then you simply come and duplicate the slide come over to the second puzzle you're going to name rename it as puzzle 2. uh uh we change the theme could be anything like uh elix of the world and then make sure you delete the puzzle and then you're going to copy the puzzle that you've generated and then again you ensure that you you get the list for the ones that have made it to the puzzle and then you going to copy them down here and you're good to go so finally what you do is that once you're done you're with your all your puzzles we want to remove these outline make sure you'll do this for all the pages all you need to do is just come click there and then you're going to delete and then there you are so finally make sure you save your your work and also you you save as PDF because you're going to upload your manuscript as PDF so thank you very much for watching tune in for part two where we're going to learn about how to create the cover page for this puzzle and you're going to be using uh two options that's either canva or photoshop make sure you subscribe to help us to make more videos thank you for watching bye
Channel: Perfect Opacity
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Id: GpMQ-Kktf_E
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Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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