Part 3 Reassembling the JTS shotgun

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now what I'm really gonna oil is the shell all right here because this has actually been in the elements out there in Odessa spinning the elements quite a bit actually and I've noticed how it's looking like it kind of wants to get a little bit of rust and I just want to protect it from getting off all damage with corrosion make sure you put a little bit of Lube all on your barrel see on your little gun parts just a little bit of oil you don't need a lot it just it's just basically just a thing called for protection you know especially with your body oils your hands they carry oils you know and you touch your gun a lot and you end up just putting in enough in a safe or something for a while you know it starts building a little bit of rust or corrosion because oh you've been touching it quite a bit so every now and then just take it apart so now I guess I think I'm okay with that okay I'll kind of use a little dry dry rag in a little while I'm just gonna assemble this thing back and you hold it like this so that I can get the piston in get the piston back in this place there you go now once it's in its place put the lower handguard make sure all the way flush with the with this part of the gun make sure it's all the way flush put this back in its place now you'll know if this thing isn't flush all the way the way you'll know this little lever right here if it's not flush all the way and when you pull your little retainer that holds your lower handguard if you don't have it all the way back you're not gonna be able to do that you'll have trouble so you'll figure it out took me a little while when I couldn't get that on there but then that's all that's already on there once you click that in then you can put your upper handrail and like I said just hold this down you see it's got a little circular you can actually know this is the thing I was telling you guys about the little retainer make sure your parts I had dropped a retainer and I didn't know or was itwas underneath the table this little retainer can only go on there is like that some little sites that are kind of [ __ ] it goes in like that make sure that's on there or you decide to lock it in place hold it down snap it in place and then you lock it this is the lock that you want to put once you lock it right there that thing's firmly on there now continue to hold it in a down position with the barrel with the barrel facing down because you don't actually want the piston to come out when you don't have no snot nothing pushing up against it then put your bolt back in this right here has a kind of a little trick to it you have to make sure that these sides go flat on the rails you know you see you have to make sure that those sides go flat on the rails and the hammer you kind of have to push down a little bit with one of your fingers that's the little piece down there the reason why you want to push down it is so that the the back of the bolt can actually slide there's some grooves that go on a little slide if you don't push down on it you're gonna have trouble once you get it on there you'll be able to slide it in and this just slides in once that's in you can put the spring back in you can put the spring back in and you lock it in place once it's locked in place you can close the top it snaps right in and you can put your magazine back in now I do have a couple of little rags I'm gonna kind of take as much of this oil off it's basically just to coat it just to protect it from my my handles you know I don't want to corroding it so it was just more of a coat than anything else you can see I blew out all the little shavings with this as brief and fast that's possible just for the purpose of the video and it's real simple I guess I'll have to be taking this to the range pre soon to make that video for you guys let me show you the drum I know I posted that up a few months ago and I still haven't gotten to it but uh I hope you guys liked the video let me know what you guys think if you guys think there's a better way for me to clean it maybe for me to maintain it let me know I'd be glad to know answer some of your questions for now I think this is uh what I wanted to show you guys for today if you liked it give me like
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Views: 6,551
Rating: 4.9097743 out of 5
Keywords: JTS, shotgun, semi-auto, AK, AK12, AK-47, 12 gauge
Id: 80q3Ly-SBA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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