Part 14 // Seven Key End-Time Events and Trends // Mike Bickle / Studies in the Book of Daniel

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12 is a unique passage because there's so much valuable information that's very precise and it's all in one vision I have paragraph a we won't go through all the notes but I like to give you the notes so you have the key points to take away to look up later the paragraph a Daniel 12 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible on the end times so I just want you to register that and when I mean the end times I mean the generation the Lord returns because in that generation a lot of really exciting dynamic powerful Holy Spirit things are going to happen but on the other extreme some really dark demonic things are gonna happen so in that generation it will be the most glorious and powerful but it will be the darkest and most challenging because the two of them the light in the darkness they will come to fullness at the same time across the earth and it's actually a very glorious hour to live in because it's the time where the body of Christ the people of God will see the power of God even beyond what that was witnessed in the book of Acts now it's interesting we'll get to this point later Daniel 12 actually is the only vision that Jesus with his own mouth Matthew 24 we'll look at it later it's the informations in the notes it's the only vision that Jesus actually directed people to understand he told us understand what Daniel said and he directs us to this passage right here so it has that unique place of importance because Jesus I mean Jesus obviously believes in all the prophets what they said about the end times he's the one that inspired them but he only highlighted one and it happens to be this vision right here so I want you to take pay special attention to it a mighty angel gave Daniel unusual amount of precise and valuable information now this information is rare and that the part that makes me sad although it's not gonna be sad for long so much the body of Christ is not taking hold of this rare and valuable life-saving life-giving information the reason I say I'm only sad for a while because this very vision itself makes it clear that multitudes of God's people are going to take hold of this vision and so I know we're at a time where the Lord is going to highlight it so why not highlight it now and begin to get in the conversation with the Lord about this vision knowing the Lord is going to breathe on this vision in the days to come now the key point I want you to take here is that the mighty angel he assured Daniel of great and ultimate victory in this vision but it's in context to the Great Tribulation but don't lose sight that the point he emphasizes is that the the greatness of the victory that's coming this will be the most unique generation in history it will be the most powerful generation in history it will be the most glorious the most violent the most difficult the most important I mean put a bunch of other words there I mean all of history is pointing to that generation now I believe this is my personal opinion our prophecy I believe we're in the early days of that generation I might be wrong but I think I'm right but many people around the world think were in the early days of that generation some think we're further along and maybe it's a little bit further down the road then then I think again it's only an opinion it's not a prophecy but I am getting stronger and my conviction about that as I watch what's happening across the earth and compare it to what the Bible said would happen in the earth in that time diagraph be the greatest victory for God's people will happen in context to the greatest persecution in the greatest trouble so I mean we all want to see the power of God and we want to see multitude saved and breakthrough in lives and people walking in love and filled with peace well that's the that's the victory this this chapter is talking about but it will be in context to pressures persecutions now the reason we want to understand this vision because the enemy wants us afraid the enemy wants to twist the information so we only get part of it and we become afraid to go know the end times but the Lord say no it's opposite it's oh yes the most powerful hour of victory in human history leading up to the coming of the Lord paragraphs see this vision emphasizes God is sovereign he has all the power he has all the information he has all the love I mean the one that's all loving all powerful that has all the knowledge is the one leading this generation some people look at the headlines of the news and they think history is like a train that's got off the tracks and it's going out of control it's not there is a man who's fully God and fully man he's leading human history he's the king he has all the power and all the knowledge and he is love incarnate he has all the right motives in his leadership it's a great hour to be alive in that hour again I'm not I'm not prophesying we're in that generation but I think we are I think we're in the early days of it I might not see it in my day but I think there's people alive on the earth that well might see it in their day what a privilege for believers to be alive it's not a time when you read it to be afraid again the enemy wants to twist it paragraph D if you understand it right you have confidence and courage yep peace the enemy twist it so that people are filled with fear they're offended at God they're confused they take hold of deception they yield to compromise the enemy what's the exact opposite response from confidence and courage in peace let's go to paragraph G the optimum environment meaning the Lord has planned a timeframe in history he will use intense negatives and intense positives and he is creating the optimum environment for the people of God for the largest number of people to say yes to the Lord and to say it at the deepest level of love he says I'm going to create an environment I'm gonna let the free will of man be exercised even the dark side and I'm gonna allow the free will of man are responding to the grace of God and I'm gonna create an environment where love that the most the greatest number of people will say yes at the deepest level of love now I'm going to create that environment now because people have a free will he's going to allow them to exercise it and men will people will use their free will to promote evil I mean great evil but the Lord says I'm so powerful what the devil intends for evil I'm gonna turn it around and use it to train my people in love I'm gonna cause it to backfire on the kingdom of darkness now I'm going to show that I'm superior in power knowledge and love and my plan will win the day paragraph H now here's the verse I mentioned earlier that Jesus talks about Daniel but he's actually if you read it carefully he's talking about Daniel chapter 12 the vision of Daniel chapter 12 he says a phrase it seems a little cryptic at first but it's it's pretty simple actually I'll break it down for you he says when you see the abomination of desolation that's a little cryptic the abomination of desolation that he goes it's that reality it's that series of events that Daniel talked about well when does Daniel talk about this the most in the vision of Daniel 11 and Daniel 12 because the Daniel 12 vision actually starts in Daniel 11 it's one long vision I'm focusing on Daniel 12 to just sum up the key points right there in Daniel 12 let's read this again in verse 15 now remember we're talking about the king of kings our beloved bridegroom God the bridegroom King here's what he says he's talking to his people when you see the abomination of desolation when you see it standing in the holy place in the temple Jerusalem then I want you to know this I want you to take time and understand what this means is what a matthew adds he Matthew puts a parenthesis he goes take time to understand what Daniel was talking about because Jesus points to the abomination of desolation as the central event to understand because if you understand the abomination of desolation you'll understand a lot of the major themes of endtime prophecy from his point of view but you'll also know you're in the generation of the coming of the Lord when that thing to win when that takes place now what is the abomination of desolation well it's actually pretty simple it's a abomination means something real evil okay abominations the great evil desolation means trouble so it's the great evil the abomination that leads to great desolation or great trouble so it's the great evil that leads to great trouble what is the great evil the abomination that leads to great trouble because it's going to happen it's when the Antichrist goes into the Temple in Jerusalem declares himself to be God and demands at the threat of death that everybody in the world worship Him has gone that's the abomination of desolation in the most simplified definition that I can give now in this series on hereand Daniel we're on session 14 for those that have been here Friday after Friday our but our Bible School is a way for the summer but I'm staying on the series and a number are tracking from home and we're just continuing with it because I think it's Daniels such an important book because Jesus pointed to Daniel as a book to understand right here in this verse but in session four and I have all the notes on the internet I break down the abomination of desolation I think in real simple terms again abomination is one it's something really evil and desolation is something really troublesome it's the big evil that causes the big trouble I mean that's as simple as I can get so you're not confused by that term and again it's when the Antichrist it's related to the mark of the beast and the image of the beast so the Antichrist goes into the temple and then puts a statue or an image of himself in the temple and he says I'm God and if you don't worship me I will kill you I mean there's a lot of implications to it that's a little simplistic but that in session four I got the notes you can read it if you want to know more about it but I think you do want to know more about it but here's the point I want to make tonight that in Daniel chapter 12 this glorious vision the abomination of desolation is mentioned twice and so Jesus says go study go understand in essence the implication is go study and understand what this is well the vision in which this is mentioned twice the Daniel is the Daniel 12 vision and again I have the notes for it here it's the most evil event that has the most terrific consequence and it's the central event that lets us know when the Great Tribulation is beginning it's the central event that gives us insight into the negative side of God's endtime plan though it's the devil doing it God is allowing it and using it to produce an environment to cause the body of Christ to have a great revival and come to red-hot commitment to Jesus I mean to love God with all their heart he's gonna create an environment now he's gonna pour out a spirit at a time second to none in history but this intensity in the society with the outpouring of the spirit together with the knowledge of God's plans in the prophets when we know the plan we encounter the spirit and we have the resistance in society the combination of this will cause many people to touch God in a date and a depth they've never done before and it will cause them to walk in great levels of the power of God and of Liberty and in the love of God and in righteousness top of page 2 they paragraph J I'm kind of taking a little time to introduce it and then the seven points are pretty self-explanatory so maybe we'll only spend a minute on each of them but I want to I want to convince you as to the value of this Daniel 12 vision that again chapter a paragraph J top of page two it's really one long vision Daniel 11 and 12th the reason I'm emphasizing 12 the end of the vision because it's when it gets real precise and kind of like 1 2 3 4 5 it just lays it out real clear the glorious dynamics are gonna happen as well as the real negative dynamics they're just so precise and laid out 1 2 3 4 but don't lose sight of the fact it's one vision because in chapter 11 the angel didn't and said hey would you put a chapter in here in Chapter 11 there's no break between chapter 11 and 12 it's one conversation and it's one vision between Daniel and the angel and the angels telling Daniel about the end times okay paragraph k well it starts off in Daniel 11 now remember this phrase the abomination of desolation the great evil event the abomination that leads to desolation tremendous trouble desolation trouble again that's a real simplistic definition but look what it starts here in paragraph K Daniel 11 we're jumping right in the middle of this long vision Daniel 11 and 12 though we're only focusing on the back end of the vision Daniel 12 but I want you to notice starts in verse 31 a mighty angel because he's described in great power I mean an angel of unusual stature but that gives us an insight as to the unusual importance of the vision as well many times in Scripture the stature of the angel that is sent to give the vision gives insight as to the importance of the vision so this is one of the mighty angels and the idea is this is a very very important vision of highest importance again the only one that Jesus actually points to now notice it says in verse 31 this angel says and they will take away the sacrifices and they will place their right in the temple in Jerusalem the abomination of desolation there's the phrase right there note that phrase because Jesus said that's the one vision you'll want to pay attention to the one that unpacks the abomination of desolation and no place in scripture unpacks it like Daniel 11 and Daniel 12 but notice when this horrific event this horrific event of the abomination this great evil oh no I mean the nation's like oh no what is going on the angel says but I like this look at verse 32 but don't go there don't give up don't give in don't go now it's over yes it is horrific but the people that know God the people that are close to Jesus they'll be strong their spirit will be strong because the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the revelation of the glory and the beauty of Jesus will be released at an at a greater level than any time in history they'll do great miracles this is the hour of history they'll do great exploits he goes verse 33 and there will be a group and I think this group is millions but notice because put your name on this verse verse 33 those of the people who understand there will be a company of people in the earth I believe all over the nations I believe will be millions and millions they're called by this angel the people who understand what's going on meaning right now today many in the nation's as things are heating up they're pretty confused what's going on but the Lord would say I've written many of these things in the word be a person who understands what I'm doing in this generation or in that final generation but again it's my opinion we're in the early days of that generation now the people who understand are very different from the people who are filled with fear you're confused filled with deception seduced into compromise offended the people of understanding of very very different they these people instead of hiding in a cave and giving up and giving in and filled with fear they go on the proactive and they're teaching many they're sharing their ideas from the Word of God with many now you say well I'm not going to teach many and my question would be how do you know well I'm not a Bible teacher but in this hour of technology you may do something on social media you may have something that goes viral than a million people read that has fresh insight and fresh understanding you don't know you don't have to have a big church congregation and a big regular Bible study to be one of these people you may be you know uh alone at home and and and right and get out the Lord give you a dream or a vision or just even your understanding of the word and you write something out you post something and it goes viral and multitudes gain insight around the world you don't know if you're not one of these people and the Lord opens it wide open to whoever wants to be one of the people of understanding again it's not a elite little group on a hill somewhere I believe it's millions in the body of Christ millions all over the body of Christ but many people many other millions won't be people of understanding they'll be very confused they'll be offended they'll be troubled now he goes on to say verse 34 it says that when they fall that's talking a martyrdom there will be martyrdom in the church they will be aided with a little help we'll look at that a little bit later he goes but even some of the people with great prophetic understanding they will be martyred sometimes God says I will even use one of my professor that I've used to teach many and they will be martyred but by their courage and by their testimony in the martyrdom multitudes in the body of Christ will be inspired by it and they will be encouraged by it and they will say of that guy or gal is not afraid of death neither am i if they believe in the resurrection if they believe this thing about Jesus is that real so do i and this will have a purifying effect all throughout the body of Christ around the world let's go to paragraph the next paragraph paragraph L now Daniel chapter 10 now this is only a moment or two later in the vision I mean Daniels still in the same conversation with the angel and the angels going developed these same ideas he's going to say them again but in a sometimes indifferent language and sometimes he's going to use the exact same language but the point I want you to get is that it's the same main angel with the same vision in the same conversation and it's this vision that highlighted remember chapter 11 31 the abomination of desolation well we're going to find out in a moment the angel is going to mention the abomination of desolation again and again the reason we care about that term because in Matthew chapter 24 jesus said when you see that turn he goes I mean the one that Daniel talked about and then the verse says go understand that vision that Daniel talked about this is a very important vision and the very mention of the abomination of desolation on both ends of this vision gives us confidence this is the actual vision that Jesus is talking about though it's not limited to this vision but I mean he says go understand in essence what Daniel meant so when you see it you will get what's going on you won't be deceived you won't be afraid you won't be confused you'll be emboldened you'll say my God is leading we're in a place where things are gonna escalate in the power of God the great harvest is going to go to the whole next level those that know God will do great miracles all praise God what an hour to be alive that's what you'll say when you see it now notice the Saints are on the earth to see the abomination of desolation when Jesus said when you see it know the Great Tribulation is started in other words the Saints are here it's the greatest hour of victory the Saints aren't gone they're not raptured before this time they're here to see the event interpret it and make sense of it to others across the nation well it says in verse 1 at that time again we're in the same conversation the angels going to give a few more details but he's going to repeat a few of the same themes again he goes at that time and the timing is talking about the end times because the verse before chapter 12 verse 1 go back one verse chapter 11 verse 45 this one verse back of your Bibles open and it's talking about when the Antichrist has his headquarters in Jerusalem so it's clearly talking about the end times no question at all Michael the Archangel shall stand up Michael the Archangel now there's a lot of implications because when Michael stands up there's more in the Bible on this in the book of Revelation when Michael stands up it says speaking of there's going to be a tremendous increase of angelic activity even in the midst of the people of God this is a big phrase when Michael stands up that's only as an introduction there's a whole dimension of the angelic realm more powerfully manifested involved in the affairs of what's happening on the earth I mean we see the book the angels of the book of Acts there's quite a few examples of angels and I got and I got the verses there later in the notes you can read later but if the angels were involved in the book of Acts opening prison doors and all these kinds of things I mean imagine when Michael the mighty Archangel when he arises to stand that means he's going to action in the earthly realm that's what that means he's going to go into an unusual mode of activity in the earthly realm that's the implication when you put all the verses together but it goes on it says yeah but it'll be a time of trouble you got Michael helping and the angels manifesting but you got trouble okay that's okay and the angel says but he'll be delivered the people of God will be delivered the nation of Israel will be delivered with all the hostility God says Iran's not by the way I Got News for you I ran is not going to destroy Israel and Russia is not going to destroy Israel and this group is not going and Islam is not Israel is going to be supernaturally delivered from a Jewish man coming from the sky to deliver them so I care what's going on in the nations but not because I think they're gonna win because the greatest coalition of armies on the earth they are no match for this man who's fully God with a resurrected power he's a man he's a king he's coming back and the glory of the Father and Israel will be delivered and all the saints that were martyred will be delivered in good they were everything they lost will be fully returned to them far beyond anything they could imagine the full return of everything lost in the crisis goes on a verse to that's the point he makes now this mighty angel says by the way those who fell asleep and death in other words the martyrs not only the martyrs but that's the theme of this chapter has been hila I mean that's one of the themes is to highlight the martyrs he says don't worry when they sleep in the dust of the earth when they die death is not the end of the story death is not the end of the story and everything they lost when they died is fully recovered it's not the end of the story when the wicked take their stuff the Lord says are you kidding do you have any idea how I'm gonna return everything that's good back to you beyond anything you could imagine and you'll have it forever in perfection so that's what the angel tells Daniel then it goes on to say verse 3 those who are wise the people who love God who take a stand I mean there's ridicule there's persecution but they take a stand they don't draw back they don't go hide in a cave they stand they they boldly proclaim what the Word of God says the angel says they'll shine like the brightness of the stars and they'll turn people to righteousness they will convince people of the glory and the value of obeying Jesus that's what righteousness is they're going to lead many to the Lord but they're going to lead many believers to wholehearted Christianity they're gonna see the glory of walking and love-based obedience and righteousness they're gonna see the wisdom of it he goes God says the angel says this is what these messengers are going to do now some messengers they will have a a larger impact but many messengers they will speak in person - it may be a small number of people but again through the internet you never know what might go viral and what might be an inspiration and a point of courage and strength the multitudes so you don't really quite know who's gonna have that impact but the Angels like opening up so to speak and saying just be a person of wisdom or a person of understanding those terms are used interchangeably that same group of people's called the people of wisdom or the people of understanding they're the wise there it doesn't mean they know all the secrets of math and science it means wise means they agree with the Word of God and they stand boldly with the Word of God that's what the definition of wisdom would be in this context they will turn many people to righteousness I mean they're gonna convince people to be wholehearted in their obedience to Jesus you know if you convince people to be wholehearted in their obedience even in the church right now you'll be ridiculed there will be voices in the church oh you don't need to obey God that way the grace of God this than the grace of God that there's a real distorted grace message that's emerging in the nation's right now without all kinds of distortion in it and it's using the term grace but it's not meaning exactly what the Bible means when they use the when the Bible uses the word grace so a lot of folks because they say grace and love people a lot of other believers go WOW must be biblical they say grace but we're talking about a grace message though are we experienced the free love of God the full forgiveness of God are not brokenness but it motivates us to say yes to righteousness we still stumble but that grace produces such gratitude we're not looking for ways to send more we're looking for ways to obey with greater elements of our strength and loving with all of our strength God says I'm through this angel I'm raising up messengers that will convince people about the glory and the beauty of righteousness the true Liberty of righteousness look at verse 10 and there will be many that will be purified I have good news for you the body of Christ isn't going to kind of dwindle away to a little ragged remnant over in the corner holding on in a cave somewhere many will be purified many will say yes to the leadership of Jesus many young people will live lives of purity and radical obedience you know I've heard over the last couple years well you don't really understand this generation they don't really do the Bible real intense they don't really go for God that way there's social media they don't pay attention very well that all this and that the other stuff I say I got a different source my source tells me that many are gonna say yes to righteousness and many are gonna say yes to purity many and the many are going to be young people but I'm believing God I mean you hear this this number a lot I may have heard about many many people we're believing God for a billion people to get saved in the harvest a billion people I don't know many different ministries that you that talk like that nobody knows the number but here's the point I want to make in that billion whatever that number is that comes to the Lord and that great final revival the vast majority will be young people the vast majority just by the demographics just by the sheer demographics of the earth because most the earth is young people and it will be mostly young people coming to the Lord that's the group that will turn to righteousness that's the group that will say yes to purity so I have great confidence in this generation and the generation coming after you because it may not come to fullness when you're in your youth maybe it's your children and and their children you might be the old moms and dads that are shepherds in the body of Christ raising up your children in there children but I'm telling you this whatever generation they will be multitudes will say yes to righteousness no matter what the statistics say they will go deep in God they will understand righteousness they will love righteousness so they will see it's the glory of God it's not some legalism that's against grace of God to live in that kind of radical obedience it's our glory it's an expression of our love now look at verse 11 that angel there he goes again from the time of the daily sacrifice has taken away the abomination is set up so that angel book ends this vision in the in the beginning part of the vision about the end times and the end part of the vision he uses the phrase the abomination of desolation he bookends the vision with the phrase that Jesus said go learn that phrase and again it's talking right about this vision in Daniel chapter 12 well let's look at the seven key events I'll just take a minute at each one most of them are quite Excel phix planetory oh by the way after this we're gonna have a Q&A time and so I'm gonna have a Sikh come up from the HEC and Daniel's gonna come up here and and we're gonna have a Q&A time and so be thinking of yeah what about this and what about that and how does that work so we got about 10 more minutes be thinking of your questions and then we'll just open it up we'll have a mic out on the floor and you'll be able to ask and say a lot now how's this work and how does it work what about this so you're gonna do that so so get the hardest questions you can think of for Daniel and Isaac and then make it real easy for me make the easy ones for me like will people love God like ask me something like that okay okay let's let's look at the seven key endtime events and trends that are all precisely laid out right here at the back end of this vision it's the Daniel 12 end of the of this larger vision which is both Daniel 11 and 12 okay number one- it will be a time of trouble but it's the Great Tribulation that's what this verse is talking about but now remember this the King is in leadership Jesus he's gonna use what the devil plans for evil to make it backfire on the kingdom of darkness he's gonna use it for good the Lord says I'm gonna use the outpouring of my spirit I'm gonna use the unique information that I gave my prophets in the written word of God I'm gonna give insider information I'm gonna give the anointing of the Holy Spirit but there's gonna be there's gonna be conflict in the society between all of those components my people will say yes and go deep in God it will be at a time at that time and again the verse before verse 1 here we're at Daniel 12 verse 1 go back one verse told chapter 11:45 chapter 11 verse 45 1 verse back it's describing the Antichrist and his headquarters in the city of Jerusalem and so the angel says at that time meaning right when the Antichrist is going strong it will be a time of trouble and the angel qualifies that it will be such trouble that there's never been trouble like this before and he goes on verse 7 he goes the angel makes this this solemn vow the angel really brings it up a notch she goes the trouble will be so intense that for time time and half a times that's three and half years because a time is one year times is two years half a time is a half a year three and half years the power of the holy people will be completely shattered the angel says God's going to use this time to completely break the self-reliance of the people of God they won't rely on their own strength they won't rely on their own agenda Jesus will be their source and Jesus will be their agenda I'm gonna break them from their self-reliance and their self agendas I'm gonna shatter all of their false conceptions about a life outside of God's leadership is being superior I'm gonna break that lie wide open and none of my people will believe in that lie that's what he says here that that's pretty intense he says I'm in a completely dismantle that lie to where they're not relying on their strength their own agenda I look at paragraph 1 Jesus actually is quoting this V I mean referencing this very verse in Matthew chapter 24 again let's read it and said we've looked at it several times when you see the abomination of desolation when you see that Daniel 12 visions all the stuff in that Daniel 12 vision verse 21 there will be great tribulation now Daniel called at a time of trouble Jesus made it a little stronger he said a time of great tribulation and then Jesus uses the same phrase from Daniel 12 it will be a time like no other time in history so Jesus is saying I'm talking about the Daniel 12 verse 1 statement it's gonna be more than a time of trouble it's gonna be the Great Tribulation and Jesus is gonna go bring it up another notch he said at that time wasn't count short two three and a half years is what it means when you read it all the verses together nobody would have survived it he goes it's gonna be such a violent time in the earth Jesus said nobody would survive it but he goes if you understand Daniel 12 if you understand this great abomination this abomination of desolation you know it's gonna get evil you know it's gonna get violent but you know I'm going to deliver you whatever you lose in death I'll give you back a hundredfold times a hundredfold in the resurrection now I'm going to purify my church in the midst I might purify and save the nation of Israel in the midst of this conflict well there's going to be martyrdom number two but the martyrdom is gonna as we said it's going to have to have a sanctifying effect when the people of understanding even some high-profile leaders are martyred their courage their confidence will have a ripple effect and it will be an inspiration to many in the body of Christ and it will be a time where the trouble will make many people decide am I in this thing for real or if I am in this Jesus thing for show though I don't believe most believers will be martyred believe it will be the majority but the number will be large enough to where every believer will ask the question am i following Jesus for show or am i following Jesus because I believe he's the king of kings and he's the one that loves me and I'm in his forever which is it and the pressure and the persecution will make everybody make a serious decision and so a lot of folks are gonna say I don't want this Jesus thing and many will leave the church but hundreds of millions will join the kingdom of God hundreds of millions will say you know I was looking for something worthy to give everything to this thing is so glorious this thing is so real this is worth my whole life and many unbelievers will flock into the kingdom and though they'll have lifestyles of addictions and all kinds of brokenness they will find the power of purity they will walk in the liberty of righteousness I mean in the time of trouble will be the time of great breakthrough even for the people of God daba page page 3 the second thing paragraph be the people of God will be delivered we already mentioned that Israel will be surrounded by the nations Zechariah 14 says all the nations of the earth will surround Jerusalem to try to exterminate the Jewish people in the Land of Israel and a king is coming back to deliver them and even the body of Christ will be in persecution and oppression and ridicule the king is coming back he goes I will fully deliver you the pressure will only be there for a moment and I will remember every movement of your heart of obedience and I will honor you and I will show you how I feel about the way you loved me that's called eternal rewards he's going to deliver his people okay paragraph C but he's not only going to deliver his people by his return he's going to give rewards to everybody who stood true to him those that are sleeping the dust that means they died and martyrdom but it also includes all the saints through history as well that we're not martyred they will awake in the resurrection verse 3 but those that are wise again the phrase the wise or the people of understanding is the same group the people who stood for truth like right now if there's ridicule if you stand for what the Bible says about the sanctity of life the sanctity of marriage the sanctity of sex the truth about and obedience that I mean a love based obedience and the grace of God that calls us to wholeheartedness you'll be ridiculed in the church right now if you take a stand in many places you'll be ridiculed in the society but God's raising out many in the church around the world that are taking a bold stand I mean the numbers are increasing I've got folks saying it seems like everybody's joining the other side ha ha I'm tracking with leaders all around the world and I don't mean I'm I know all of them but I know many and I know many who know many and I mean there are many men and women of God young and old that are taking a stand that are coming out of silence they're kind of coming out of the sit in the background they're going I'm taking a stand I mean this is getting exciting yeah it's getting darker but I've never seen you know I just got the the news today I'll let them give it later but another governor is going to call a solemn assembly already two governors from Texas and Louisiana they called a day of fasting and prayer and gathered people in the arena or the stadium two governors have done that in the last couple years a third governors do that this has never happened in history more and more political leaders are taking a stand for Jesus when they were they were quiet but this hostility this adversity is making them it's drawing out their boldness and their convictions I've know Lord this is getting negative but it's getting exciting I can see the sounds of an arising of of the people of God of a victory of a revival that's around the corner I mean men and women of God are taking a stand young people are taking a stand there you know I'm not going to live in a morality I'm not gonna try to cut the corners I want to live in radical wholehearted love for God I love him he's worthy of my all I mean it's happening all around the world right now well the Lord's got out he says I'm gonna not only raise everyone from the dead who lost anything I'm gonna give him a resurrected body I'm also gonna cause their resurrected bodies to shine and the brightness of the glory of God like stars forever they will carry in their resurrected body they will carry the glory of God that will shine forth in a way that declares the way they loved me when they were on the earth in this age it's called eternal rewards that's a big subject number four there's going to be supernatural ministry great miracles the angel told the mighty angel told Daniel the people that know their God will be strong they're not gonna draw back in a cave and go silent they're gonna get bold they're not gonna just fall into sin they're going the other direction but not only that they're gonna do great exploits we're gonna do miracles they're gonna do miracles but number two in this realm of miracles Michael the Archangel is going to stand and again when the Bible talks about Michael standing it's talking about him being his activity in the in the earthly arena being manifest in a far greater way and John in the book of Revelation he elaborated on Michael standing and I won't read it but you can read it on your own here in Revelation 12 there's coming a time in the future when Michael will stand he will challenge Satan himself in the heavenly realm and all the ranks of angels with Michael will fight against the devil in all of his demons and they will defeat them of course the defeat is because of Jesus's work on the cross but the defeat of the sense of they're going to be openly manifest as losing a place of advantage in their attack against the church they're gonna be weakened they're gonna be filled with rage but they're going to be weakened in their position to stand against the church and the angels are going to be far more involved that's what I how I interpret this passage well number three beloved when it says the spheres gonna be poured out on a whole flash you know what all flesh means I mean I know you know what it means it means all flesh but you know it means it means every single born-again believer is going to operate in the in the end the anointing of the holy spirit we're talking about every believer operating receiving dreams and visions and moving in the power the Holy Spirit this pouring out upon all flesh it had a down payment in the book of Acts 2,000 years ago with Peter this hasn't been fulfilled yet it's been a little bit fulfilled over the years 2,000 years more and more there is coming a time when every single born-again believer that has given their heart to Jesus is going to operate in the things in the spirit that's yet coming and when you read the passage in context Joel chapter 2 it's related to the return of the Lord in the clouds at the time when the Lord returns now began on the day of Pentecost it's been increasing for 2,000 years but it's going to explode in that hour of history paragraph II there's going to be the people of understanding now the people of understanding top of page 4 this isn't again just they're wise in their economics I believe in that biblical wisdom and your economics and your family life and the way that you stores your life in the word wisdom is used in that regard many times in the Bible but in this vision the wise is talking specifically they know what's going on in the nations in that hour of history they get it they're not deceived they're not confused they're not afraid they get it they get what the Lord's doing they've studied the Word of God the Spirit is confirming it they go we kid what's going on those are called the wise or the people of understanding it says here look at it again I'm going to read the same verse we looked at they will teach many and Daniel 11:30 three the people of understanding or the wise use whichever term you want they will teach many look at paragraph one you know what it means they're teaching many just doesn't mean you might impact many through the internet again you don't have to teach them in person but let's go to the other side of the word many that means the hunger for this understanding will be by many in the nation's there are more and more people in the nation's even in the last three months who are getting hungry to understand what Daniels talking about what the profits mean what's going on in the world there's a new hunger that's gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger this hunger many are gonna want to know what this stuff means I want to encourage you don't make it you're the only thing you study I mean our main subject we study is Jesus the beauty of Jesus and who he is and how to walk in love with one another and bring the power of God to others but part of our our searching is to see what the Bible says about that hour of history because if you're not in that hour and and I think you're in it you're in the early days of it but if you're not I would say your children or grandchildren certainly need to be equipped in this but I think that you we're actually in the beginning of that and again maybe 20 30 40 50 60 years from now maybe a little bit longer I don't know nobody knows the day or the hour but we know that things are escalating this is an hour to be in that trajectory that pathway where you're becoming a person of wisdom related to these vision this vision God gave Daniel because wisdom here is connected to the vision of what's happening in that generation gained paragraph six the harvest says they'll turn many to righteousness paragraph six many will come to righteousness the unsaved will come to Jesus and the save will go to wholeheartedness so there's two groups that are being called to righteousness unbelievers I get aa believes can be on a billion plus many are gonna come to Jesus the unsaved but I think another dynamic is happening I think that hundreds of millions of believers are going to shake off the compromise and embrace a life of consistent righteousness in their life so I think there's two groups and focus here revelation 7 look at this I mean talking about exciting dad John Saul that's a great multitude every tribe every tongue there's seven thousand tongues seven thousand languages in the Earth's right now about seven thousand every dialect of every language will have a group of people that are operating in a spirit of revival that are staying strong even in the midst of persecution and difficulty every single place in the earth will have people radically committed enough where they won't back down in the pressure and they stay true to the end every place in the earth a great multitude not a few this is not a little revival that kind of eats out a little bit and we hang on to the end a number nobody could count every tribe every tongue coming to Jesus even before his return beloved what a glorious time to live paragraph seven I'm gonna have Daniel come on up and and Isaac and and Dave slacker come up now you want to join us you got a slip away okay good he studies Daniel a lot he's a Daniel guy ways a Jesus guy therefore he's a Daniel guy okay number seven Dave Schleicher number seven people committed to righteousness beloved the people are gonna turn to righteousness and they're gonna say yes to purity that I'm using that interchangeably because what's happening now is people here want righteousness they go on that's kind of like the that's kind of the negative side of being saved we got to deny sin beloved righteousness is the place of Liberty we're gonna the way people are going to turn to righteousness they're gonna see the compelling beauty and the liberty and freedom of right righteousness is where the heart is liberated on the inside living and compromise is not liberty that's bondage at the heart level I know a lot of folks that are out there just going wild out there doing their stuff but they got such a heavy spirit they have a dark emotions are increasing in their life though they're showing the face of having a ball but when they're quieted alone the dark emotions are stronger and stronger beloved Liberty is under the leadership of Jesus that's where love is discovered and what we tell people about a love based life of obedience an obedience that is motivated by encountering the love of God and the glory of loving God and people that obedience is exciting and I got good news many are gonna say yes to that many all over the nations amen and amen so yeah
Channel: Mike Bickle Official
Views: 7,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: end times, signs of the times, key events, Daniel, The Bible, Book of Daniel, IHOPKC, International House of Prayer, Mike Bickle
Id: OJ1q01kAGDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 54sec (3234 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2016
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