Part 1 JTS shotgun disassembly

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hello guys I decided to make this video on the cleaning of this gun I haven't cleaned it since I did the modifications on the other videos that you've seen and after looking at some of the videos that I was posting all for you guys today I realized how dirty this was so I'm making this video just to show the disassembly and what what I do to clean this gun first I guess will be we'll begin by removing the drum remove the drum whether it have a drawing or a magazine just remove we'll start by pushing this little button right here there's this little button on the back of this gun you just push it down and push it in and it'll pull the whole thing up you'll be able to pull the whole thing up after that you push on the spring and pull it up get the bolt and pull all the way back put your thumb on there on the top of the bolt just pull all the way back so nothing pops out this is how you take this off just put it to the side once you've taken that off I'm gonna actually remove the upper handguard you turn this little latch all the way all the way to where this piece is flat with that which is probably about there once you get that right there you'll be able to pull that forward now one thing I did learn that all I want to let you guys know is that when you take this part off or actually when you yes when you guys take this part off it'd be better that you guys actually hold this at a down position and I'll explain to you guys why when you when you try to take this part off like that and it happens to be somewhat at an upward position like this there's a little piston in here that I'm gonna show you guys right now and I learned that after I almost had some issues and I could have damaged the gun thinking I was doing something wrong which I was so well remove that by holding the gun downward this little piston that's right here you see that that little piston if it happens to be in that position because you're holding the gun at that type of an angle and this happens to be like that when you are trying to remove this part out it actually is forcing this to kind of Bend so by holding it down it lets the piston be down and then you'll be able to easily remove this out the way once you remove the upper handguard off the wind you can just put your finger in there pull the little piston out no I did drop a little retainer clip make sure that you keep track of your parts okay now I'm going to remove the lower handguard to remove the lower handguard there is a little latch right here you can pry that up with a little screwdriver I'm just using a little pick you pull that little latch up go all the way around once it goes all the way around pull this forward and you're able to get this out the way steady that stays on there now I will tell you what why I went that far into taking this apart if you see in here I don't know if you can see all the dirt and grime that's in there there's a lot of dirt and grime from when I was a Filene and trying to do the modification there's little metal metal bits as well as in here there is a quite a few little metal bits in there I don't know if you guys can see it but there's a little shavings that is the reason I decided to go this for to clean this gun now I'm gonna go through the process of just taking some of these little pads that you know you get when you buy a kit and you go through the process of taking your gun I'm not gonna show you that probably take a little too long to clean the whole gun but as you can see I'm gonna clean all this little area I'm gonna clean all of this clean the inside of this now one of the things that are I did go get that I would probably recommend if you do the modifications it's a little can of compressed air this will be really helpful [Music] we're trying to get most of this off you know I'm trying to get all the little all of the metal shavings the little can of compressed air is gonna work wonders for you now one of the things I like to use a lot is my old toothbrushes don't throw them away you can always use them for something put a little bit of solvent you know put a little bit of solving on your toothbrush and clean your stuff you know just clean it clean it as best you could and then put a little lubrication a little bit of lubrication oil and you know start assembling your dump but at least it's clean make sure that all your portrait clean you know and when you clean this barrel I did buy a little this is a little part of the little teeny cat I bought I thought it was pretty cool I was gonna start buying little separate individual items to clean this and then I found this whole kit for like 25 bucks or something like that but anyway when you start cleaning your barrels clean your barrel from this way off toward the muzzle and you know go a few times out and then try to get as much of it as possible I think there's a lot of videos out there that you guys can see on how to clean a barrel or stuff like that you know using these little wipe so and then lubricating your gun make sure that once you've cleaned it all make sure you assemble it back properly I uh I will clean it and give me a few minutes just to clean it I'm gonna stop the video for a little one I'm gonna clean the gun and after I clean the gun I'm gonna reassemble it just in the process of putting it back together so that you guys can see how to assemble it step by step
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Views: 8,671
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: JTS shotgun, shotgun, AK, Ak-47, semi-auto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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