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ready set go go go okay so we'll go ahead and grab our charms out here these are just some life and max damage and stuff so what this character is is this is a twink to barbrone which means he gets to use the gear from the plugin stash okay so we'll buy these fill this up we'll go ahead and grab a two open socket and 10 to attack rating sure why not are we going sub two hours not a chance this is going through hell i don't know why it has ubers ignore that part beware [Music] so we are allowing anything from our uh stash there i should have grabbed some stamina potions that would have been smart anything from our pluggy stash can be used also we're going players x so let's go ahead and uh increase the difficulty a little bit maybe i should go to players eight equals four perfect let's go to players four actually experience shrine nice so i do believe that a singer is actually still going to be best here surprisingly later on but i kind of want to run it melee just because i think that'll be more fun yes we'll be using the angelic set for sure should have put that point into mace mastery but that's okay uh we're gonna be jamming on strength to start ooh this is a beautiful boss pack but we got him at level okay this is kind of tough this is like gorgeous but it's a cold enchanted pack okay so we're gonna go for saigon so we're gonna be jamming the saigons uh i really don't wanna have to fight that guy or have him hit me i should say okay so we'll just kind of run around i just need like a little bit more levels and then we can go grab some actual items to help us i mean at this point i think we could use death set but not sure it's worth the time to go back okay let's drop out and we'll grab now striker more strength okay now we'll get a couple potions and hopefully we can get that boss group again but not cold enchanted uh we do not unfortunate also why is it dark i've been sick and uh fresh for the past couple days much better garbage complete garbage master slide thank you for the hosts forever thank you for the sub epic venda thank you for the sub and arg thank you as well um no i i i got like really sick on sunday night whatever it was or i was like i'm not feeling great guys i like went to my bed and then just like instantly just got really sick so it's not covet i got tested but i don't know i don't know what it was so that's been the past couple days uh and uh so i'm starting to feel better today starting to get over it some sort of virus but today we're gonna take a little chill i know no attack rating having a lot of small early charms really would help or some nice jewels definitely the chipotle definitely not chipotle actually i want this one okay toss that let's go baby come on oh we need to get a couple levels before this character comes online it's brutal we're working on it working on it this will help okay we got a double swing now yeah so today we're featuring the uh the flower picture instead of me we're still on players for so that's nice i just want to push to to play it to level seven that is my goal because at level seven we're gonna have enough strength for our saigons and that's what we're here for oh yeah i can turn the gear thing on for you guys still farm countess or no point no there's not really much point here with this character for countess farming um let me really fast grab that mostly because downloads okay um you're you can get all the runes and you can get the experience do i have a migraine not a migraine i just don't feel top notch you know barb is off that's right mephisto doesn't drop towels armor that is correct mephisto drops a lot of nice things tom's armor is not one of them all right you all ready for this it's saigon's time let's go baby uh yeah best place to find it i like pindle a gift for you so we get nice 30 ias the lifesteal attacker takes damage which is actually really a lot that's like half that dude's health saigon's everyone's drink yeah saigon shield would give us the full set but then i can't wait why did the timer break hello that's the weirdest oh i know why because i opened up the thingy all right uh just kind of let that happen yeah plus we have nice attack rating now from the helmet so you get all the nice bonuses attack rating you get magic find you get um your no that's not really anything but you get your attack speed yeah we're going to get angelic ringing naomi but that doesn't come till later okay let's try out players eight see how well we do on it level 12 for angelix yeah peace yep and we get a giant belt which is amazing all right we need to go back this way just cleared hell for the first time playing solo what a rush nice it's fun right one timer screaming out just uh pretend like it's slightly later that's all my new beauty filter that's right yeah we we can just re-time it again at the end okay yeah we don't need to do tower okay we have crushed flange back home man everything is cold enchanted i kind of want to go back home when uh we can grab the angelics what level is raven frost is it 40 45 okay i thought it was 42. what you got for us mr charm 45 midlife crisis i feel that i'm having my midlife crisis at 30. somewhat hum tanked means we get gear i guess we'll just go back at the waypoint okay and i'll go ahead and grab the angelics not till 27 okay what up apprentice you know how it do just doing my best apprentice impression this is true uh how come you don't oh yes it disconnected i just have to reconnect it bro julie used to be so emo you guys i mean if you take a look at her you can definitely see the emo face i think she's not fully out of it yet either thanks julie works for me lego she has death notes exactly exactly all right we need to get some vitality rolling man or we're just gonna be in big trouble it's actually going to be a little annoying trying to like i wonder if it's right there [Music] looks like it yep trying to level like even with all this sweet gear you're still a barbarian trying to hit things oops i've got a teepee staff yeah that's right big lift why does everybody think charms aren't allowed who's what rules have you guys looked at uh probably not reggie somebody else some other streamer who does a twink run must have created that rule for themselves nice mitchell uh i think i think if you can run in hell i always think hell is kind of the better place to go but nah it's just like the cool kids doing it you know oh sweet we're 13 already wow that came fast wait what level is the ammo oh okay there it is now our attack rating is off the chain delicious all right let's actually get away from that what a weird map by weird i mean garbage it's a garbage map yeah that's kind of what i figured well i'm not going on his race rules i'm doing my own thing so it's not an official category yes they do jake [Music] could be an official category if rules were agreed upon sure but then i mean we'd still have to like i mean you'd still be saving for all sorts of crazy envy jewels and stuff i mean it definitely can be interesting but i think it's cooler i mean i actually think it's best if you do like multi-character runs together and they like share what they find i think those are kind of fun i love this attack rating so much and every time i level up we just gain like even more on each ring it's just gonna be so nice what's that pink mark on the flower probably my tv i thought i turned it off individual here we go yeah that would be crazy like mid maxing you would do that for this stuff to have it all prepped you'd have like barb helms that you would go hunting for that'd be like plus three to leap plus three to mace mastery plus three doubles i mean whatever the new beauty filter it is a perfect photo for your next dating profile shot especially with the flower photo in the background hope you feel better soon rama thank you appreciate that gift for you assassin llama maybe one time pimpin not very common though uh thank you face kisses we're dark cause we're sick and julie said she would come bring me soup and then never showed up with soup so it's whatever you know thank you to rhyme time bloop scoop and sudden dan as well guess she got hungry yeah she even made me pay for it wait she just stole my lunch money i just realized sneaky sneaky i can't carry coved no i got tested i mean i would have been shocked if it was wasn't really um presenting but after vaccination you know it it's not as like symptoms so who knows fury dudes pvm worth making i mean they're fun maybe oh yeah double spirit with it is so fun you're gonna you're gonna love it you are gonna love it cool connect one all my life i've wanted to be the best furry druid i can be how's the best way to do furry is there a good spec for furry what are the furry cons well the furry con is when you go and they never mind that's probably for an adult conversation later thank you face still slower than naked source pretty much twinkled little star when i was just a young barbarian also one time a girl twinked at me so i twinked back but i hurt my eye and ran away oh i mean when i was a kid on my schoolmates would call me twink so i didn't know what it meant but i guess it just meant i was well geared i thought that was interesting just doing double swing and then probably into frenzy you must like my backpack i had a dope backpack i'll tell you what man my backpack was amazing hey there's some strength i had a roller backpack okay should probably focus more on just bosses i feel like we're or just drop the players count down wanted to help me as sir mix a lot once said that ain't no average back pack that's right thank you is there a record for a hot oh wait sorry those two messages combined in my head no not yet to open socket melee barb home good runward i mean laura is really the runward i put into two open socket stuff today would have been perfect for the darkness run that's true but i had already scheduled this one i wasn't planning on being sick so it kind of but if i'm not feeling 100 tomorrow maybe we just do the darkness run tomorrow as well you know i need a key hot tub speedo would clear my sinuses it's true it's a good point didn't schedule your sickness two weeks in advance does anybody have an employer like that it's like if you're gonna be sick make sure to schedule it prior and employers are like nobody wants to work anymore we don't know why it's actually been nice to watch people gaining back a little bit of their own uh sanity or whatever you want to call it i wonder if i should just run a malice actually instead it might just be better yeah i think i think crush flying just run it [Music] right here let's do this then we'll save quit go back yeah yeah i think i think oh hey we broke that yeah exactly we can just weapon swap and have these for bosses look i do like the full saigon so it's just fun even if it's not exactly the perfect gear setup i mean we get 30 ias from it 10 lifesteal but attacker takes damage you get nice resistances like i kind of just want to wear wear saigons for the rest of the run why speed randy resurrected yeah let's go here compare everything and let's put that and malice dang princess i'll try um let's see is there anything we want to do like weapons truly are so difficult you know like what do we what do we weaponize because malice and tao tao tao really the best thing we can do at level 17. oh i'm not double swinging i was wondering i was like man when are these flails so slow it's very confused like can anybody think of better weapons at level 17 you literally bought this last week and weapons stumped you yeah it's really it's really crazy weapons are actually super difficult to come up with like what do you use suburbs cudgel i mean it's good i don't think it beats it nell striker is great but once again the damage is gonna be pretty low great for the early start but then what [Music] six open socket crystal sword with perfect topaz can you use perfix at level 17. yeah perfects are 18 right trade sure let's do that so i guess you would do that blood axe i don't think blood acts would be that great we need damage you guys clay glides you think i guess if you have another piece with it then it becomes decent by itself even still i just don't know if the damage is still good it has knockback that is annoying plus damage per level how much one two foreign sock at home with 15 max damage jewels in each i think that is actually truly best if i didn't just use all my 15 max damage jewels for crafting is there an argument for using a lighter armor to avoid a speed penalty potentially but i'm enjoying running all the saigon's pieces right now i mean honestly i should the heck i should just run stealth i think we're we're past the usefulness of uh saigon's armor so i think it's time to swap that bad boy around greetings does my house have a cold too sounds like it no it affects your run walk speed same with shields yeah i don't know why the faucet just like i don't know what happened fruit flies must have been rinsing some fruit off or something well you better go catch it oh my god jesus christ yeah i really do think shouting at level 30 will be best just because what else what other weapons are you using at 30 i mean it's not till 42 that i'm upgrading blood letters i guess so honor that's true i have an honor honors 27. so honestly two honors would be pretty nice yeah telestaff's 24. but i'm just saying if i'm double shouting with two spirits and a lore and two sojs oh my god i would murder everything thanks ryan toast uh well we're bringing our b team superman a few of the guys are gonna be out i am way to make your teammates feel good well it's just the b team it's not that it's bad it's just it's not the team that we practice with all the time that's all but yeah i could have like plus seven to skills on a shout barb and just murder everything so i feel like honestly that might be the best way to go yeah i could also have viper magi oh my god i mean you're just making it sound even better wait we need lost city i'm not trying to pull through normal i'm trying to figure out the nightmare it's like i say i can run like honor yep we can run ik helm as well get ourselves plus two to war cries but that doesn't come till a little bit later but still i feel like we should go shouting and then we can respect back into melee i think that might be my plan well melee to 30. shout until 57 is that when grief comes online that sounds about right yeah it's not that nightmare is not easy peasy with stash it's that will it be faster i i get grief all right i'll hit you up later with that rsm is it 59 for grief ugh annoying i couldn't remember if lo was 57 or nine oh thanks queenie [Applause] they have given 30 gift subs in the channel a gift for you thank you thank you solomon good luck didn't stand a chance squishy messy blood letter at 30 cold steel 31 gentlemen at 37. i mean those are okay they're just okay right don't curse me gosh darn it am i thinking about doing full ik set no i can't do that the ogre mall is what 76 or something so we wouldn't be able to do that i mean i could pop on a couple of the pieces but [Music] it also needs 232 strength i mean we could find a way to jack our strength up but that is many levels above where this character is going one down oh princess i'm trying uh it is this way [Music] hmm teach us six of seven tricks oh no we did it i thought it wasn't for a second there you go easy 250k saved oh i hate easy meme runs gonna first or second way man always [Music] okay [Music] okay not that way hmm there it is if only we had teleport uh go barbie go does our gun play drop in cows yeah okay get him yeah i mean sorceress is just gonna be faster teleport just can't beat it also i'm gonna over level a little bit so i'm already 20 you know thank you dante because i see you both yeah barbs are just slow characters overall just the nature of the barb hell twink source oh man you could fly with that players three again uh why not lights on uh bright lights after you're sick or when you're sick don't really feel great great marsh flare jungle great [Music] your vaccine shot tomorrow nice vaccine shot knocked me out for one day each time though not as bad as just like right now i got knocked out hard man i couldn't even move yesterday it was awful clear jungle nice yeah it was visor that i got [Music] hmm all right let's do this we'll come back for the eye later means we have gear on him that's weird feren i don't know that one um pluggy must have some issue with it go get my plus sign to life never maybe that's it fern distance or something i can't carry anymore hmm should i become the ultimate shouter at 30. do we want a melee i mean even with honor i still just think shout is gonna be better don't you guys no not the level requirement just the stats i wish it dropped level requirement then you could do some crazy things i feel like tele staff yeah you could get telestaff earlier lots of things impossible [Music] it's tough right sky man weapons are kind of weak in this game in the like middle game until you get up to the high rune weapons that start to get really crazy it's kind of amazing how bad they are [Music] i mean even things like blood letter cold steel you know i mean they're like okay but that's pretty much it they're just okay oh nice we hit 21. all of our uh small terms came online it's a tank it would be boiling if early weapons op they could have something a little better s gentler is amazing yeah i have it it doesn't have any repair on it though so right i can't carry anymore i mean that would be an issue what do charms do they're all just like max damage ar charms ginther does have self repair i thought it didn't oh snap uh what level requirement is that 37. hmm no it just broke wow chris what happens to the repair mod if you upgrade i imagine it just stays there but obviously it has no durability to repair so okay well that definitely seems like a decent weapon to upgrade to but you have to wait till 37 so i guess you're on like blood letters until then or something llaman's lair this is just llama after dark ah 54 requirement if you up it come here i feel like i need to up the player count a little bit just to make sure that we get there [Music] yeah i guess [Music] oh hold on there's a boss there how long do i expect this run to take i don't know how long do you exp do you guys expect this run to take man how did i miss that whatever we got experience we needed it what do you think six hours just kind of throwing a random guess out there but whoa what is this map what's going on that is just wild guessing by the way oops good enough just go this way [Music] um i guess we should probably find serena just to try and get experience do i know when d2r is coming out no this year that's all we know sometime this year oh i was focusing on the game sometime this year so we got finding level two uh there's probably my speeder and guide a little bit of stuff on it but pretty much just if you run into the chest then it's to the right of that but that's kind of hard to showcase if you don't know what the right of it means with the tile it's probably going to be november or december you guys that seems most likely i can't i'm gonna be a sorceress first um i'll be doing multiplayer and going for first level 99 um i'll have a discord where anybody who wants to help me on that journey can join and uh just like you know prep games and things like that the basics of that stuff so geared finished serpents man f thresher online how much does it cost probably not crazy expensive maybe like one hyrun or something that'd be my guess i do not watch hollow live stuff i i don't understand it i'm not gonna lie very confusing which i'm trying i almost want to go back and get one of the flawless skulls out of my stash just to use it on the gem shrine it's not in the speed run but i want to do it i the whole anime virtual streamer thing just isn't my jam you know i'm happy people are having fun online and enjoying content um so i'll just say that but i'm i'm too boomer for it that's all i'm just an old boomer there's a lot of things i don't understand nowadays i thought you were a virtual streamer that's right pretty much this stream would be better if i was a cartoon llama thank you i think maybe not ah no i just don't understand it i just don't understand the obsession with like tiny child like asian or whatever voices just tiny child like girl voices and characters just not my yeah i mean whatever like i say if people are having fun then like have fun i don't care i just it doesn't doesn't do it for me there's more to it i'm sure there's more to it i'm just giving the boomer perspective remember yeah i'm just i'm not the target audience [Music] describe the target audience um zoomers there you go impossible not even sure what zoomers are nobody really knows i'm too young i'm not a zoomer at all i am very much in that millennial class we are just pretty much the middle child it there's the easiest way to describe it gen z way more forgotten a gift from probably thanks to a esettler 8785 for my sub gift thank you a sadler byd i was thinking like the 19th or something i just don't want to pencil it in on the calendar because i don't want to pencil it in you know seems like work am i thinking no she's on ancients yeah i know ancients will be a breeze um [Music] hamberton's op oh yeah for sure i don't think anybody argues against that [Music] hmm i think the issue is zoomers came into like such a messed up world and grew up in a messed up world i mean we all kind of did but like at least as millennials you know i felt like we got to grow up in a slightly more normal world but man zoomers really got screwed so now they like reach to just insane things you know like their culture is just pure insanity online because why not world's screwed up anyways might as well have fun with it yeah i mean they don't they're they're more awoke for sure you know boomers did the whole oh everything's gonna be okay to the millennials and then like screwed them and you know i mean the real problem are all the boomers they really kind of destroyed the world if we're going to be honest that generation kind of sucks no offense byd but uh yeah you know i don't know we got to grow up with some innocence of it now now we isn't byd gen x i don't think so i think he fits into the boomer category right when he when were you born byd 65 66 okay then i guess he is yeah 1865. no just 65. like zero six five i am overburdened not even death get him oh that little talking dance was cute all right 24 and a time has half [Music] me i was hoping to be 25 by now but hmm do i want to go back and level up really fast i could level right here probably yeah that'd probably be best oh no no ah arms are so weak end of the year it will all right let's just go players eight look for serena there she is can i upgrade my weapons at all not really that's the thing all right merc just chill bro we're just having a nice day that's all ah man i should have not saved quit oh well [Music] power kill the spider is chipotle better than five guys i mean they're very different restaurants one is a burger joint the other is burritos that being said five guys is way too expensive i just can never justify spending that much on a burger like a fast food burger it's crazy is it better than kedoba yeah for sure oops shake on that one what about jersey mike's all those sub places are fine honestly firehouse subs jersey mikes jimmy john's i think they're all enjoyable isn't quiznos out of business there's still a few out there okay i thought they just like went under completely oh mcdonald's just the bottom of the barrel you can taste the terrible quality with every bite you bite into it and you're like that is not meat okay nothing is worse than a burger king burger though i'll give you that i don't know how anybody enjoys a burger king burger it's just i'm not saying mcdonald's burger is good i'm just saying burger king burgers actually make me question like what a burger is but in a bad way i'm like does this legally qualify as a burger because this tastes like i don't know how is sonic sonic is great if you're not really getting food sonic is a is a drink place you go to sonic to get drinks and it's great for him you got all sorts of shakes you got the ocean waters you've got the cherry limeades a lot of a lot of good stuff happy hour two to five half off on those things yeah it's great all of their food is just like the most microwaved whatever stuff ever um but the drinks are so good dipping french fries and frosties yay or nay i don't really do it but i mean it's fine oh yeah then they also have 50 cent corn dog sometimes that is true i've never had a puffy taco before it does seem like something i would enjoy but never never seen one ooh that sounds good hector hmm i mean the problem with going out to eat at any of these places is the amount of salt that is shoved into everything is insane it's so ridiculous if you actually look it up they had so much salt because it makes it taste good i am overburdened salt is the silent killer and look salt is tasty and great but like they do so much with it man there is so much of it hey well if you just get a chipotle bowl then you're a lot better off there chipotle's ingredients are actually decent there's not really any added sugar with the exception of a little bit in a couple of their meats then if you don't get the wrap the salt content's pretty low so overall it's a pretty nutritious place thank you dzad taco bell protein bowl i have not well you get a little e coli every now and then that's their secret ingredient good for the gut baja fresh is actually nice too because you get some nice taste in there you get all them chips and stuff thanks daisy you know chipotle treats to workers like garbage doesn't every establishment and corporation treat their workers like garbage god it's so sad but i i feel like i wouldn't be able to go anywhere i mean amazon treats their employees like garbage you order anything from amazon you're watching twitch twitch is on by amazon like gosh dang man there's just no escape so the best thing you can do is if you have prime already you might as well use that prime subscription to steal a little bit of money back away from daddy bezos it's the most best way we can do it okay we're 28. daddy bezos is going to the moon i know dude gets divorced and he's like i'm just leaving this planet i'm going to the moon upgrade my weapons i could put an honor on right now so mm-hmm he's opening an amazon warehouse on the moon makes sense am i gonna sing at 30 probably uh let's get rid of wow strength 82 and deck 73 didn't plan on that forgot it was in and out i have merch yet not yet one day one day we will yeah but they're capping it at 250k c shark which like sure is good but it's like one day llama sweatshirt out in time for christmas maybe okay i mean the real issue is pointed out by the tv show the good place which was one of my favorite shows i've ever watched watch it through to the end ah so good so good but it was pointed out which is no forking way yeah which is simply there's no possible way to be ethical as a consumer anymore like it's it's it you can try your best but it's just like it's just impossible that's it watched it twice now honestly i want to watch the entire thing through again thank you what's up it's just so hard like me streaming on twitch is unethical another gem shrine thing because amazon has now bought twitch what if i moved over to streaming on facebook or on microsoft uh no they got rid of mixer or on whatever else any other service that would also be unethical because once again we'd be supporting another terrible company that does terrible things every computer component that you have probably involved some child's hands some labor appreciate that start llama.tv that's right calm down chidi everything's too intertwined man it's just hard grab that true ticketmaster just sucks even without the saudi arabian government involvement exactly sudoke if everybody went off and lived in their as a hermit in the woods on their own economies of scale that'd be terrible and once again everything is not black and white which makes it even harder to figure out i run past 99 of mobs because i wanna hmm it was all the way down there prince ea uh nice rusty i mean ted kaczynski had some crazy thoughts and ideas for sure he was definitely a little insane but there's also some knowledge in there that is very truthful there's still a lot of insanity in his memo but he notes down a couple ideas that sure you can see present today right i'm not saying he had any proper solutions or anything i'm not siding with him and being like yeah he was right all the way i'm just saying he wasn't like an idiot like he actually had some intelligent thoughts just some very poor solutions to it all ah man again [Music] uh let's grab a telestaff um okay sure what do you need oh wait players ate i was like man there's some tanky ancients hey chicken soup uh-huh ah let's not fly fish and pretend that we did i mean it's not riled up it's just not the appropriate time or space uh let's just go this way bump a gift for you hey how's the twinkie thanks ale mmm twinkies that sounds delicious it's good talk about delicious poison truth ah fresh twinkies that's right really thought i was late if anything annoying deep fried twinkies is a thing in the states yeah if you go to the carnival you can get anything deep fried here at the carnival we'll deep fry oreos twinkies chocolate i mean coke fried coke we deep fry butter mayo mars bars yeah anything you want they deep fry they deep fry ice cream yep deep fried lettuce they'll probably do a deep-fried salad at some point just so people can be like i'm eating healthy today i'm gonna have a salad that's one of the favorite things of the south you claim you're eating healthy and you have like a 1400 calorie salad with bacon bits and cheese and all of the croutons and everything on top with no nutrition whatsoever or you go to you get a diet coke you know after you order your 2000 calorie meal it's a southern tradition a gift for you oh snap six months thanks rdubs you think texas must have the largest humans no the largest humans probably belong to alabama maybe i mean look texas is probably like top 15. indiana possibly indiana is it wisconsin actually that would make sense you go up up a little north there you're gonna get colder and uh lots of cheese cheese and beer that makes a lot of sense cheese beer and cold weather apparently it's mississippi dang that was close give me the top ten in order i'm gonna say mississippi alabama wisconsin indiana kentucky um west virginia oklahoma for sure texas is probably at like 40 or something so we're we're ranking most overweight states arkansas yep kentucky tennessee south carolina makes sense i know oklahoma's on the list because oklahoma is literally in the bottom 10 of like every single statistic in the united states so it's an easy one right there lowest crime no in in the bad way it'll always be like highest crime rate they probably actually don't have that bad of crime help me we're talking about healthy meals did the dinner i had qualify two pounds of barbecue spare ribs with a side of fries and whiskey sauce sounds good now i'm hungry again hawaii's healthiest i would say colorado's the healthiest state that'd be my guess even though it has plenty of overweight people it's also a very active state oh wait i should be on these no wonder uh i don't understand what's bad about high crime rates well it's increased crime which means it's less safe uh beware about demons and beasts hmm mm-hmm let's scroll the book up and uh it's my podcast it's nationwide podcast why is it there well i forgot to remove it i guess we can take it down oops wait what i have two of them okay good day the comeback of dexter why is it coming back hello all right it is time angelic angelic okay spirit sword spirit sword more hum better fighter i have etlitch magefist wait viper magi guess we'll grab a pair of those soj soj what belt do we want string of ears cool okay good day okay and let's get a point there too let's get some faster run walk speed one point in concentration okay b n z x and let's get a little more strength uh let's go a little energy shift only does 10 points now interesting oh five bow nice control does all okay or set it in the file got it oh so good like my own little nova source i can't me let's go to players 3. i think that'll be good yeah it's like a little tiny nova you know it's cute seems like we should go left yeah plus skills and then if you can get mana it's very helpful nope okay me [Music] what level do we have 32 okay it's a mana parkour would be kind of nice but i just need like more manager how good is my evil laugh right now it's not good how do i deal with immunes skip them this monastery it's often the answer just walk away physical damage ah wells are so nice for this character thought shouting caused emotional damage if that was a damage type i'm sure it would apply here one second no one should ever be do skeletons have feelings of course they do kind of monster thinks the skeleton doesn't have feelings so much stone skin now the lights coming through the window i guess green thanks kevin um charm found yeah i'm not gonna use the the charms don't really matter anymore i guess a couple of them have life but oh that was expensive i don't know what i just had to repair wait was that only 84 000 i guess so never mind i thought it was oh come on with the mana burn no livy wow insanely fast catacombs well blizzard allow mods of course blizzard loves mods like modding has kept this game alive for so many years they recognize that they ain't dumb i like llama who hates his mods exactly you say they ain't dumb but immortal immortals not dumb it's a a cash grab oops players three don't make it dumb though mobile games are the easiest most profitable games out there man unfortunately i am overburdened there you go paul did it mobile made more money than all of wizard last year yeah china doesn't like skeletons so there won't be skeletons [Music] yeah skeletons are like depicting death and that's their thing they don't like probably on right good day [Music] look don't i'm not trying to convince you about everything else i'm just saying how china feels about it uh nasty that's good it's a at least you're having fun do i have any viewers from china maybe a couple generally though they're not watching i'd say china usually has different streaming services they watch i mean they could vpn if they really wanted i have not seen them hey columbia viewers yeah i'm sure uh we're just doing acting nightmare uh fire drew it through normal i can't carry any more [Music] hmm there it is let's go a little more energy did we get the waypoint did we get any waypoints got that one let's go this way hmm where are you at wait point darn let's hope it didn't be right there that's okay uh that's okay if we can find the waypoint what the heck an incessante okay now we're confused ah there we go i figured i would have checked there hello i don't think so nice like with the one punch man video that'd be nice xl one can always dream right one can dream i'm not actually putting points in energy for the mana i'm putting it there for the chance to crit potions anymore mr lama i just want to say thank you for all the content and being such a great guy and so welcoming to everyone in chat and beyond thank you you are a truly great content creator and deserve everything you have worked so hard for mr llama heart mr llama heart that's very sweet why is the flower in the spotlight flower gets spotlight today everybody gets their turn thank you big i'll get you later thanks crunchy the flower is the true star of the show like a starfish like a chocolate thank you hmm okay fcr with 10 to energy actually kind of nice for this character if i didn't have sojs barb run with gear that i can give him change thing barb to rap barb i like it i like it my style and then put a mortal king on him yep you know how it goes you know how it goes oh yeah he just pounds through mana it's insane not first way oops is it second way it is of course it's a meme run blessings to you how am i gonna pay rent now should have thought about that before you gambled all your ir dolls away i can't carry anymore thanks ben not down here all of this area is dead do i have any circlets i have like a barb faster runwalk circlet but i don't think i have any good fcr ones me that's true um cry yeah hmm first character was summon necro and a double sung barb yeah i mean i bricked them pretty hard so fast-paced action there goes darial all right i think we're going to pause when we get to act three i'm starting to not feel amazing again so i'm gonna go lay down we can uh hopefully finish up tomorrow we'll see how it goes i am drinking more water all right sleepy time for llama thank you guys for being here appreciate it sorry we had to cut it short but
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 28,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: r_vZjuokyeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 43sec (8863 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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