Parshat Vayechi: The Samson Story - Rabbi David Kaplan

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Danya dean animo Kalkaji ah head chief facial done will avenge his people the tribes of Israel will be united as one now the Undine also means a 278 battle mine the other hand also means the judge Rashi says he'll take of it revenge and this is an allusion to somebody very famous who came from the shame but I've done which is Shem shown Samson now Samson unfortunately I would assume Hollywood is the made a movie on a ship Jonah I'm assuming and I'm assuming that it was either schwarzenegger or somebody of or somebody who plays the lead role or somebody something like that i would i would imagine it's Hollywood's idea well yeah well yeah I mean whoever it is the Hollywood's got their idea of what Simpson looks like now you have to understand it doesn't say anywhere in the nap that he pumped iron or that he did steroids or that he was ripped it doesn't say that it says that when the Spirit of God rested on him so that he who had a tremendous strength but Shimshon is much more likely to have looked like rabbi salmon than he did that my Arnold Schwarzenegger because it doesn't say anywhere that it was anywhere did he yes I I didn't say he's I am very sorry especially when the spirit of a shem rests on him you know i could do all sorts of things it doesn't say by Shimshon it only says the spirit of us yeah he does he's a matzah man you know you know but but it doesn't say yeah like matzo matzah man is a macho man yeah it says about so much man yeah all right so it doesn't say anywhere that he was it does say is where he was big bulging muscles the answer is that it says the Spirit of God this is the man who was a prophet he was a man who was they a show fate for twenty years it was the leader of the Jewish people for twenty years he was never in a weight room in his life now the Torah then says what God says he will judge his people like one of the tribes of Israel so their commentaries that say that means he related to even his own family members like all the rest of Israel there was no nepotism no nepotism jim-jim son did his job as a judge without with with full objectivity however it then says like this he'd done no hush I'll either have done is compared to a snake she finale RFA Viper is that I translates it Oh tell me a Viper yes a Viper on the path I thought maybe it's a servant I know she antique vases he bites the heels of the horse the Ipoh rocker and the the horse the rider then falls backwards and he hands with Li Shu s4q BC a chef and Rashi says Li Shu Li Kui session was what Shem shown said when he was between the pillars that last prayer ship Jean says please assure me after an apple ish he blinded him so please don't give to give me one more one more burst of strength and he brought down the house which by the way is where I imagined the expression comes from because like many other expressions ship son pushed out the pillars that the entire stadium was resting and halting collapse it and thousands were killed in the collapse along with Jim Johnny killed more people in the collapse and he had during his during his very very what's the word strange very peculiar very difficult to understand and then I'm now anomaly I don't know what the verb form at an anomalous lifetime and a very very difficult person to understand so one of the counters points out like this you know if you think of luck of life is Shem shown he was born to parents he became a Nazarite he had this long hair he marries these pushy women which he converts each one of them but it's still it creates a problem and each time he converts one and he gets into a fight with the politia team themselves and he he kills some bleach Tim so the commentators say you see part of push him shows his plan Jeff had a problem he wants to fight the police did he wants to save the Jewish people but he doesn't want there to be a backlash on the Jewish people he actually creates a camouflage he creates a camouflage Otis camouflages he makes himself look like a Jewish renegade he makes himself look like he's chasing PhD women so that the Jewish community themselves ostracize him so now whatever he does to the police did there won't be a backlash again because the Jewish because I was not one of ours either it's not their first he'd do this on his own and he keeps finding excuses if you go through the neck he finds excuses on a personal level he finds excuses on a personal level to lash out against the police snip so there's no backlash against him on a personal level you understand what's going on here well what what creature is that comparable to that's a snake it's the blessing of a snake Shimshon will be a what is a snake to thank his camel uses camouflage don't you ever see it ever see a snake and sometimes you can see it say you're looking right at the stake and again see him this thing blends in with the with the background Shimshon resorts to this camouflage in order to protect the Jewish people so on the one hand I've got I can strike out I can lash out against the just imagine just imagine I'm a I'm a her ad and I would like to I would like to you know I'm upset with it with it with the with the tax authorities but I don't want that there should be a backlash against the her ad community Emily use this as example some strange example I don't want there to be a clash against the Kure D let's say you get a vigilante Jew who decides to go after Arabs that's a better example problem is of a vigilante Jew goes after the Arabs is gonna be a backlash shot all the other Jews but what if the vigilante Jew is thrown out of the Jewish community and then he starts getting upset they says hey those Arabs over there oh me money and he goes over the Arabs for the money and he kills Arabs because he says they owe money now there won't be a backlash against the Jewish community because he had nothing to do with it he's not one of yours and it wasn't a nationalistic issue it was a it was a private issue that's what ship showed us this whole thing is a camouflage he finds excuses to lash out at the police Jim in order to protect the Jewish people all it is all it is is a way of protecting the Jewish people now the last three words he says leave show us lucky VCS um III hope for your salvation I caught it so the commentaries explain well why is that what's that got to do with it was Jim Sean okay which is also very very strange the answer is that the same way that what he did was mysterious God's salvation could also be very very mysterious God's salvation is very very mysterious find people in life who also knew they have no way you have no idea where that where that salvation is coming from and also and in the strangest way under the strangest circumstances that's where God's salvation comes from I know a guy went to I know a guy went a a guy went to a you see he's so books he's so books he's like a traveling salesman in Israel and he was selling books in the north of the country somewhere we would see through it he told me is maybe meet a lie he make it worse him up north and so some secular woman comes over to him on the street she says hi Yorker ad can you help us we're making a canoe Casa bias Rises inaugurating in the new home could he come up to my home to put up a mezuzah for us guy says okay you know put up a mezuzah for you why now she puts up to mrs. or not in the house full of people or I'll circulate and I'd say puts up - okay about three weeks later he does his route you know he ends up back in the same city to sell books and he makes a wrong turn somewhere in the street a traffic violation so a cop stops it it really comes it's about to write about a ticket he looks the guy says hey what second you look very familiar where do I know you from know who you were three weeks ago my mother made a phenol cuts of ice and you're the guy who came up and put up the mezuzah at my mother's house you know what I'm not giving you a ticket just be careful over here today and I shall vation comes in strange places I know a rove who got pulled off a plane because he forgot he gave forgot his filling in the terminal I was filling the plane term I started fighting with them they say they let me off I gotta get my told no you can't go you get off you're staying officers but I'm gonna go he went dry on the fly without the tills they got off the plane crashed at the Twin Towers those were 911 until he got off the earth billion of them being on the plane so he does that sometimes I show them selves a please show us like you see a chef you never know where I'm salvation has come from something salvation comes in the strangest of places situations were people people have no idea I had a cousin had a female cousin she was about 25 which in the in the firm world for a girl is old it was very it's very old and her mother was a shotgun mother the shopton and she was networked with all the shots all over the United States probably every shot her door and she file she had she had these these these what he called these uh notebooks you know these file notebooks in in turn and and what he called email yeah Jonathan childhood and and they're trying and trying for years they were trying mother daughter went shopping for fruits and vegetables and Pete's Pete's fruit shop across the street some there was a late day of it they have neighbors living across the street from them the aunt was visiting from New York and was visiting the neighbors across the street she happened to go she was walking around she decided to go buy you buy a banana and an apple so she walked into Pete's fruit shop you saw my cut she's a girl in there says hey she'd be perfect for my nephew shimmy three weeks later they were engaged yeah so Pete is the shotgun right Pete's fruit shop you know salvation is and present never knows where you just never know that's leisure us like you see a shop that's a that's the strange the same way that Shem shown did things which are incomprehensible ain't comprehensible that's our cover off it does things to people where you only find out when you look back what the what the divine but maybe get a little bit of an insight into the divine plan okay yo safe dies and then the Jewish oh then we go to Bertha book of schmoes okay so it says a Yosef dies and he gives the Jewish people the code word for code youth code that I showed me are going I Sherman will eventually take you out of Egypt okay so the jails are the Jewish people are firmly ensconced in Egypt then we go to page 292 the Elish most bodacious all a boy meets drama AC at Cove issue base of oh these are the names of the base over coming to Egypt literally huh body means they're coming to Egypt AC a cove along with Yaakov ish evasive Oh each man in his family cake and it goes in dimensions the names in the names of the shortage now and this puss look over here Rashi we have to see the first Rashi over here there's a lot to talk about here so says veil is supposed to been a straw boy you mean surveillance Raphael says Rashi I fell P even though shimon bhai a him even though it counted them while they were alive bish mosa by their names huzzah Reuben Namba me salsa says Raji goes into counseling began in their death OD he bustled to let you know that belovedness shiney Cholula koch of him they are compared to stars shamone cinema listen bill Meece part of a samosa they bring them in and take them out my number in my name so the Jewish people are counted and counted constantly because the Jewish people are comparable to the stars now the first question over here is this is the beginning of the Exile and you know I think we could talk about the Exile we get to the Pesach Seder and it's a face-up Seder what do we do the whole night well that's what some of us do Gil that's true we certainly drink a lot of wine that's certainly true you should know I get I get more affected I don't know why every year I get no matter how much they drink and pour him a drink and I drink it and I get that point where I can't really can't drink anymore and I never quite get over into Pesach I am absolutely looped by the one I don't know why it is four cups of wydad by pace up by the third cup I'm what do you call I'm toast you know but I get Baba we start eating already it's true and I'm not fast because I go with today I make sure not to be starving and I thought that I was on an empty stomach but I don't know I think and I get to the Seder maybe you're right I don't know it hits me maybe it's the distance between the Cubs but you know I've always think you're okay if after the third cup doesn't come till after the meal you know he had a break I hit the third by the time I get to the fourth one I am just I'm spinning I don't know I don't know why it is so we don't we don't drink wine the whole night but we do drink a little bit more than we normally drink and I drink small amounts I'm not even drinking big amounts okay so so we got a debate but what's the theme of the evening we're thanking God right thank you for taking us out of either what's the obvious question what's that or don't put me there well thank you don't put me in don't put me into Egypt I wanted to thank you for taking me out like walking over to the bully bullies standing over here with the fist is about the punch it he gets up at he walks over here thank you so much for your compassion I really appreciate it that's so nice of you that is so good of you does that mean does that mean why are we doing that so I heard fermer by left I remember I left the following I'm answering the following guys walking down the street and the guy walks up to him takes a metal bar and he smashes his kneecaps smashes his kneecaps and the guy's in agony says listen I'm a top surgeon I could fix you up the surgery fix him up good as new even better than enough you need to thank the surgeon hey thanks buddy appreciate that was really good either break my kneecaps and then where'd it go okay yeah there you wouldn't feel that you need this thing to thank you okay No scenario number two the guy takes the same thing guys walk down the street guy walks up with a metal bar smashes his kneecaps the system listen I happen to be an orthopedic surgeon I could tell by the way you're walking that you're suffering from a very rare disease in ten more minutes of lack of treatment you have been crippled for your entire life once I was able to get to you and break your bones and I'll put it back together in a way that you're gonna be fine now you're gonna be able to walk straight your entire life what do you say there's a difference in this scenario and therefore in scenario number two there's a purpose for what he did okay so obviously there's a purpose for what the Jewish people did cuz we're hoping the Jewish people to be trying for a purpose why is it I mean yeah I mean there's obviously a difference why did he put them in time you heard this ruse recently this summer it was a you the bike based on your smiles I assume you know so who would you hear this from okay could be for me maybe was a different lifetime the Jewish people need a certain treatment over here why do you need the treatment it's a it's like if I were you know I get a better in it I get a better example for you I grab you and I drill your teeth I drill a hole in your tooth then I fill you go on ice put a filling in all right well thanks a lot buddy don't drill me I won't need a filling and I say hey listen you and I did you a favor I filled you if you had a hole in your tooth and I is that good of me well don't drill me you will need up you need to fill it you will need to fill it right but if I say well I drilled it because there was a bad cavity and if it would have left it would turn into an abscess and I drilled it just on time and I got it out and now you'll be okay then you owe me that are granted to like all dentists tenders don't generally drill unless they have a reason to drill what's all that mr. do the wrong tooth they will never tell you you'll never know because you can't see right always tell yeah yeah baby everyone's well together not that one the next one so over here the Jewish people had a problem where did their problems start oh very good what was their condition there were two conditions there two conditions condition number one was one flaw when was the decree made when was the decree of going into Egyptian EXO do you remember when the decree was made wait no when was it they say well you're right well what was when God says Avram your children are going to inherit this land what does Avram say but my ADA can you rashanna how do I know that I'm gonna get this land up until now God said you're gonna have a son you're gonna have a child you're gonna be prosperous no questions total faith in you oh how do I know that means that a table Raveena's level asking for a sign means that your faith level is only at 99 percent not at 100% and if it's in you it's gonna be transmitted genetically to your children spiritual genetics that means there's a flaw in the faith level of the Jewish people that means the Jewish people have to be brought to a level where there's absolutely no question in their degree of faith where is that lesson going to be learned that Egypt watch the ten plagues you'll see that there's an absolute precise involvement of God in the world Jews yes Egyptians no Jews doey Gyptians yes they get suffered from the plagues they don't suffer fate it's the whole point to the plagues openly the place where God is very involved and you shall have no doubts at all and if that doesn't help you watch this there's a crazy answer you're splitting it see now do you have any doubts now do you have any doubts why do they need to go through this 11 step open because it was in the spiritual genetics inherited from their forefather avril lavigne oh so they're going down to Egypt because they have to go through this in order to have to go through the suffering in order to see the redemption why in others it was theoretically possible to avoid it all if we would have absorbed the spiritual genetics from avril lavigne aware were 100% convinced of the innominate fart then there's only four then it's drilling a tooth for note for no reason but since you do have their degree of doubt therefore we need to give you the the opine number one there's a second point second point is there's a conflict between Yosef and his brothers that needs to be rectified no unity there's a flaw in the unity how does unity when do people seem to unite difficult circumstances or else we're all together we're in this together we're Indian we're in we're in prayer in suffering together we're all pulling for each other well if they have we have no choice but to stick together to ward off a common enemy and there will create the other so both on a faith level and on a unity level they have to go through whether they go through in Egypt in order dance according to the run but there's a you're right that's according to her mind it wasn't they call your sister was going down to Egypt just very going down to Egypt was a floor into the REM bond that was a flaw you should have stuck it out in the land of Israel God said good land the visitor what are you gonna need your for so that's a I'm sorry they're very good very good could be that's according to rob on it could be that would be included because it's all part of the same said that's all symptomatic of lack of faith whereas Rashi doesn't learn like that so it could be it could be I think also you're right by the sister also what do you what do you what is a certified stand up and fight for what do you what do you what do you and again other cabin dairies they know but it's a logical thing under you got a better chance by doing that then you do by saying it's your wife and then getting killed for no reason what are what are you gonna gain by doing that so again the different opinions were going to cabinet is what he should have done in her circumstances you don't want to go you shouldn't done and if you didn't go there you shouldn't have done that and you shouldn't have done that you know you know why white you know white white white do the logical thing don't do that you know and by the way listen that's your wife say it's your wife and stand up and fight what God can't protect you can paralyze the whole bunch of them once and what's the problem say you're right it could be that that's all according to the run ban it could be that that's included in the hole and the hole what he calls that's the idea of coming down to Egypt okay now the first thing you see over here is it says these are names of Jewish people company me time with Yaakov each man and his family came so the metric says it's an interesting thing this we spoke about I think last week you see that there in Jewish the the foundation of the Jewish nation is an attachment to the previous generation that's the foundation of the Jews you have the Jews nation you have with Yaakov each man came in his family they were all family minority they all had their own children they may have had grandchildren ready yet or they come in they're coming on with their father Yaakov this is our tradition this is the tradition this is this is Jewish the secret to Jewish survival is our connection to the previous generation you've heard you've heard the famous story of a Yaakov kamenetsky on the airplane with the anthropologist one of the most famous stories the vehicle covenants he was once on a plane the leading robocode comin s he was him in ur of emotion was a contemporary moshe feinstein they were essentially the two leaders of the american jury the react oak cabinets he was on a plane the plane takes off short while later his son is on the plane he says cadet is back it was an older man at this point he says the dad can get you something another blanket you want something no no find his granddaughter's on the plane zadie can I get you something it comfortable no whole plane right the Hopis flight there they're constantly there all over him and a certain point at a certain point the sitting Exodus anthropologist guy turns him says I understand the difference rabbi you know my kids barely talk to me my grandchildren only call when they want money what's the difference between me and you sorry kamenetsky system look my children see the greatest event in history is the giving of the Torah and since I'm a generation and two generations ahead of them I'm closer to that source of that giving of the Torah they see me as being on a higher level they see me as being a higher level person you however and therefore they respect me for that you however are an evolutionist you believe we come from apes so your children see you as being one generation closer to the Apes so why should they respect you you sure respect that right they have done what have you got on them you're just one step closer to the Apes it's exactly the difference is that right there is a difference we see our ancestors as being one step they're greater than us there was a power source called as that there's the power pack called the giving of the Torah it's a night the farther we move away the lower level we are we're not on the level of of the previous generation we're not on the level of the Vilna Gaon renown the level of the rational of emotional different the closer you the closer you are the greater your and we believe that therefore we see our our elders in a different way we look at the other do you know they're part of honoring your parents when you honor your parents you're not just honoring those two people called your parents when you honor your parents what you're doing is you're paying tributes to the fact that there's an entire chain coming from c9 so when you're honoring your parents are you really doing as you're paying tribute to the entire tradition of Judaism when you honor your parents you're paying tribute to the entire concept of Torah coming from c9 and that you see your parents is there them in their level their generation is being on a higher level than yours that's what it means to the previous generation so when you honor your parents your made tribute to the entire system therefore the ACE Yaakov issue base oboe each man has a family but they came along with the aquavit oh you know the measure says the measure says that this is another difference remember we spoke I think we even spoke about this last week but the betters brings it down to this week's parsha the normal running of the world is that when a man is young he's the head guy in his family he's the main one everybody else around him is his is secondary he's the guy called the shots as he gets older eventually he becomes he kind of drifts off into you know he's he's secondary and everybody else the younger people take over and the torah' world doesn't work that way the older the person is the greater the Thomas Holcomb he is the more stature he carries it as family we pay we have respect for the time in her comment therefore it says a Seattle issue basal vote they came along with the Aquilino number one number two why they compared to stars why the Jewish people compared the stars Rashi says well the Jewish people think of them it's right there compared to stars why stars never die interesting they don't do that they're compared to stars why they're two the first the basic reason is he can't count the stars basic as he can't count the stars I once read that if you look outside your naked eye with the naked eye you can see the most you can see is 3 you can see about three hundred thousand stars so you can see three hundred thousand stars I don't know that's what I was read now there are two basic ideas besides the abundance you'll be abundantly I see because abundance frankly if you look at you say would be like the same on the sea there's more sand than at least from my perspective there's more sane than there are stars and a little bit it was this and you just see grains grain grain grains everywhere so why is it did the Jewish people c'mere the Stars what do you say I cook good good you're on the right track okay okay okay okay so one of the candidates is like this on the one hand every star you say stars every day every star we say 'la Coulomb Shamu see crow every star has a name every star has a task God created the whole sort of each star if we know anything about astrology and there's an asteroid because each star has it has a function that is pretty but you're part of the bigger group that's the way I start what each of you has enrolled I spoke about yesterday but you're part of a bigger unit okay so I heard two other explanations one of them is that we see this star looks like a little twinkle the closer you get to a star theoretically if you can reach a star what would you see ultimately a much very bright light you know the closer you get to the star the brighter it would become a Jew you see a person the more you get to the other person the more the bigger the person becomes wow I didn't know you did that well you're also you get stuck a - why would you help little old ladies Wow and you're involved in volunteer work Wow and you do you learn a lot of Torah wow I had no idea you're only looking at a person the more you know about the person the bigger he becomes you know when this really hits which is unfortunate when you attend the funeral you attend the funeral of a firm person I've been in funerals where they've grappled to find something good to say about people the guy lived selfishly he lived for himself and in a funeral they never get up in a funeral say oh yeah Frank you know wow he really liked a good car you know he he look he drove a nice car he drove a nice car and cigars forget about it I mean this guy was this guy was Havana was his middle name right and you know what he could and what he could do in a bar with a pitcher of beer huh they never talked about that I never talk about that at a funeral ever ever all they talk about is they try to find something he helped somebody one time yeah I remember one time there's the guy was walking in the road or behind him it didn't slam the door on his fingers yeah I had a nice guy right there always grope you ever see that there never taught that the very that you live for they don't talk about it a funeral they don't talk about that because at the moment at the time of death everybody knows what's what's not true is that true we only look for nice things to say about the person because we at that moment we know what's really true when you talk about somebody who's living a life of truth so their whole life they're living they're either they're either involved in torah voting email is kind of sudden so then at the funeral that's what you can hear about you can hear all sorts of wonderful things about them they help this one they do this for the community and they learn Torah and soccer the more you get to know a person the more you get to know a Jew the bigger the first thing becomes the movie gets another person the person becomes he becomes a brighter that's why we compared the stars star looks like a little twinkle the closer you get where is most celebrities in the world in the secular world the closer you get to them the tighter you put your fingers over your nose right the stench gets worse and worse the closer you get it it smells bad the closer you get the worse it is from a distance Wow look at him look at the name I remember meeting I remember meeting a yeah somebody told me he went to a famous athlete I went to get his autograph I said that guy was drunk off his rocker eww is one of my childhood idols he was drunk off his rocker I was there remember Mickey Mantle Mickey Mantle the hero of millions right Mickey Mantle the hero of millions Babe Ruth the idol of millions that man was anything that you wouldn't want your own children doing that's what he did right anything you won't want your teenagers doing that's what he did plus in all areas so you know Mickey Mantle used to go to a restaurant with his wife in his buddies Billy Martin and the other guys they would come in his wife would go to sit down and he would pull the chair out from under her she would go sprawling and they would laugh and laugh and laugh so I always say you know listen it happened lady yep and once I understand a second time and you know it happened more than twice that's your own fault at that point everybody's you know hey I'm Andrew it about yeah yeah this is this is the guy the hero millions full of white pulls a chair out from when his own wife so I coast right you know what a woman oh that does don't work husband husband that treats a wife like that yeah it's I read it I almost I didn't but I almost started tearing up that guy treats his wife had a woman feels a husband pull the chair she goes rolling on the floor and him and his buddies laughed and they were drunk is an alcoholic but you Mantha was an alcoholic is all career you look at the Torah people the closer you get the brighter they are that you spend the day with the HUF its name or if you were to spend the day with our moshe feinstein whatever you read in the book would pale in comparison to what you'd see in the actual person himself they pale in comparison you know sir my goodness look at this does it start that's why the Jewish people can be the stars number three when did the stars a beautiful idea lissa it's a really beautiful idea when did the stars come into existence why why did they come into existence the lighting up the sky well what does the bender say why did they come into what's that for navigation what is the bed remember the Torah says Torah says there were two lights were created simultaneously two big lights the Sun and the moon and the moon came to God and complained hey can he have two kings with one crown so what did God say I'll make you go ahead said make yourself smaller make yourself smaller so the moon was reduced but because the boudreaux's reduce it he felt bad so what against it but but I'll let you be in charge of this whole army of stars the stars were created so it was the whole creation of the stars what was their purpose of being created to appease the moon to make the moon feel better the Jewish people are compared to stars our job in life is to make sure we make people feel better our job in life is to help people feel better people people should feel what when we walk away from somebody we should ask yourself did this person feel better having met me or having were sailing with me what was the real what what what just happened when this person met me that's the job of those were compared to stars compared the stars already have I once had my sons and you know the moon I'm sure the moon was disappointing cuz it's all about the booty at night when God said okay go reduce yourself you know I'm sure the moon or to eat oh well you know this isn't going where I wanted to so he doesn't quite I was I was let's say guy I said thought I think was like Sunday night and I went I took there was some leftover chicken from Shabbos they're two pieces of chicken dry white meat all right so I took it I think I heat up in the microwave so my ten-year-old son comes in he takes Luke says what is that a chicken cuz I wanted a piece I don't feel like fighting with the kid I'm very game I hope so he wants a piece of chicken when it was bit good and fresh you wouldn't eat it also daddy's eat it wants a piece of chicken I said alright so he's about to eat the chicken and my seven-year-old son walked in all right let's go back about 15 years seven-year-old walks in is what is that I said chicken says I want a piece I said all right listen you guys are gonna split it I'm not gonna fight with you and I don't want to get involved you guys split it so I turned to my older son who was always taking advantage of young where I said okay divided into two split it so he's about to reach for it cuz you know this is it's his dream to divide with his younger brother and said split it in two and you picked the piece that you want so my son my only son looks at me like this like whoa you know this is straight yeah normally if he would divide it would be about an 80/20 split you know how's that you know he's gonna invite it and he's gonna pick the one day what you should have seen him dividing it up sitting there 20 minutes like no shifty yeah if that's just shown that the other one should get the other one should get you know a microbe more than he gets yes I it was I wasn't my idea I wish I could think where I've got to learn it from a camp counselor awesome wasn't my idea you divide it you pick heaven with your great great great method great method that's the idea so the Jewish people are compared to stars our whole function in life is to be of like stars the Stars appease the moon make sure to run in film and that's our exam
Channel: Hidabroot - Torah & Judaism
Views: 3,176
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Keywords: weekly torah portion, bible studies, shimshon, blessings, tribes, death, jacob, yaakov, dan
Id: mbkfDhRHThA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2016
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