Paris Scam法國巴黎詐騙⚠️我們被恐嚇要立刻給錢!Scam in Paris prey on tourists!English subs #Paris #巴黎 #scam

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If you had just turned on the camera earlier, we would have captured it for real. Yes, I think if I had my Go Pro attached, he might not have approached me either. So, you better attach it quickly. I'm worried it might get stolen. It would be troublesome. Because you'll be going to the subway, you won't keep your phone on all the time, and I'm also worried about pickpockets. It's really challenging to capture moments like this. It's not much different from being robbed. That's what I believe. But I'm genuinely very scared. But when they got close earlier, Ah Chun barked. Anyone would be scared, right? Chunjuan got scared too. Yes. It's my fault, actually. This situation wouldn't have happened originally. Because we were very tired just now, and Chun's dad said we would reach the Louvre in 15 minutes. So, I gave up. I said we should take the train, and you said taking the train would waste time, but I thought taking a few stops was better than walking. So, we entered the subway station. It's a very large subway station, a major tourist attraction. A major tourist attraction. Naturally, there were many tourists, and where there are many tourists, there are naturally people looking for opportunities. Apparently, coming to Paris is not just about seeing places and tasting food; it's also about finding scams first. I'm really angry. I was so scared! Wow, I was really scared. Yes. I'm trembling right now. When we just got on the subway, six or seven people in uniforms rushed over and said, "No dogs allowed." And then, then... Go on. He asked, "Is the dog wearing a mask?" I said, "No." He said, "If the dog doesn't have a mask, there's a 150 euro fine." Then I said, "I don't believe you. Do you have any proof?" And then he... He showed me his identification, but the company name on it, here... the subway staff, I've never seen that company name before. I don't know what it is. I felt they were fierce. Very menacing. Clearly, they wanted to intimidate us like that, six or seven of them, tall people, almost forcing you into a corner, "You must pay now," "If you don't pay, we'll call the police." Holding a card reader, they wanted us to swipe our cards. Yes, okay, call the police. I don't believe you're subway staff. Because we just entered the gate, right near the counter, and then I said, "What if I ask the subway staff at the counter? If they say you're from this company, I'll believe you, and I'll pay." But they refused. We kept saying no. I don't believe your identification. How do I know if it's real or fake? He did show the proof, but you can print your own identification. Taolao can do that too. I've heard from my customers that they've encountered police, but the identification was fake. Even the police can be imposters. I'm just very scared, I don't know what to do. He remained calm the whole time, thinking they were imposters. And I often pretended not to understand because I'm a tourist, I completely couldn't understand your accents. I was afraid I misunderstood what you were saying. I understood what they were saying, they just kept telling you to pay. They kept saying you have to pay. I don't believe it. Call the police if you want. He said, "Okay, call the police." And then everyone just walked away, walked to the exit gate, the exit position, and I don't know why, suddenly he said, "Go," walk to the exit position, she told us to leave. Maybe they knew they had lost. Right? Yes. And then, "You go!" I knew there was a rule that dogs on the subway must wear masks and have leashes, but I've taken the subway so many times, and Chunjuan has never been asked to wear a mask. Yes. Taking the train, I've taken the subway before too. Why were we stopped this time? The staff saw us, Yes, they did. Why were we stopped this time? I don't know either. I don't know if it's real or fake. It should be fake. And then they told us to go. If it was really our fault, I don't believe they'd let us go so easily. Right? I just sat down and thought, Actually, they had a lot of inconsistencies. That's right. When we were on the subway earlier, I was a bit nervous. Yes, yes. It's like we hadn't fully processed what happened yet, we couldn't explain it completely. What inconsistencies? Inconsistencies like... First, the first suspicious thing was they wanted my passport. That's right. Why did they ask for our passports? You're not police officers. Even if you were police officers, it doesn't mean you're real police officers. We don't know if it's real or fake. Right, they might be impostors. Scams in France... are world-famous. That's how scams are in France. And their pressure. Yes, they pressured us here. Making us feel stressed. They pressured us, a group of six or seven people. I was really scared. But you weren't scared. I think you're amazing. At first, I had my doubts too. Didn't I? We've taken the subway so many times, and their attitude... Very strong I was very suspicious. One of a woman Asked us to pay in hurry And will call police if we don’t pay She was actually holding those Visa card machines. "Quickly, quickly," she urged us. Very rushed. Extremely rushed, telling us to make the payment. Then I said, "I don't believe you, unless you call the police." He said, "If you don't pay, I'll call the police." "Fine, call the police," I replied. But in the end, they didn't call the police. Then they suddenly asked for our passports without any reason. Then they said our passports were left at the hotel, and then they disappeared again. Then he said, "Well, in that case," "just give us the money." "In any case, just give us the money and quickly take the machine." "Hurry up and pay." "Why do you need my passport?" "And the gate is right behind us." "Why don't you let us exit and talk to the staff?" "Yeah, they just wouldn't do it, and they were shouting so loudly." "It's like they were blaming us." "I felt like they were really in a rush for us to pay." "He remained calm." I really have to commend you; you remained very calm. I don't understand. What are they saying? I don't understand. I don't understand. Then I said, "I don't believe you." "I don't believe." "Call the police, call the police." Yes. It's like he couldn't do it. "You guys can go." Yes. It's like there's no difference from a robbery. They were getting angry. It's so fake. I just feel that if they really needed to issue a fine, they could have just issued a ticket. Why did they need to swipe a credit card? I don't understand. I don't understand. Are you Visa or MasterCard? It's so funny. It's like they were asking for the bill. "Visa or MasterCard?" They went through the whole act again. The whole team, six or seven people, wearing uniforms. Sometimes, when you least expect it, they really get angry. I got scolded by them. If I were alone, I probably would have paid. I was really scared at that time. And I would have felt, "Is it really necessary to be this rude to people?" Their behavior was just terrible. Their attitude was extremely bad. Even though I had to pay £4 for the ride (about 4 euros), I was lucky I didn't fall for their 150 euro (approximately HK$1200) scam, and I didn't give them my passport either. I heard about many people who had their passports taken away. In other words, if they were right, they wouldn't need to back down. They could just call the police. The two guys were breaking the law, but they kept talking, and it was all chaotic. Instead, he acted like he didn't understand, but you know he did. But the thing is, he had a bit of a French accent, so you could say you didn't fully understand him, of course. But when you don't fully understand, you should ask them what they want, instead of just giving them money right away. I mean, just because someone asks for money, doesn't mean you should give it to them. Plus, if you really thought there was an issue, why didn't you come with us and find a staff member at the gate to clarify things? It's not possible. They immediately said it was a 150 euro fine? They said it right away. At the very least, they should have issued a warning. If not, just leave. They kept saying, "If you don't pay, we'll call the police." Then why didn't you call the police? I told them, "Call the police, and I'll believe you," even though calling the police might not be trustworthy either. That could also be a scam. Do you know how many people impersonate police officers? It's really strange and fake. You really have to be careful when in Paris. I mean, not the entire country... We're talking about Paris. Paris gives me a weird feeling. We were so happy in Calais. As soon as we arrived in Paris... It's like entering another world. Yes. Maybe small towns are better. So I advise everyone to be careful when traveling to France. Don't just give money to anyone. Ask the staff if you should really pay. Will you actually go ask the staff? There's a chance I'll ask the staff. Hey, let's see if there's anyone on the subway. Let's go ask now. No masks right now. Can we go in? Hello. Hi. Are dogs allowed on the subway? Is dog allowed in the metro? What? What? Are dogs allowed on the subway? Is dog allowed in metro? Can dogs come? Dog okay? Yes. Okay. Someone asked us to pay 150 euros. Someone asked us to pay 150 inside. Is it a scam? 150? For what? for the fine for we carried a dog without the muzzle not the same uniform as you not the same uniform uniform green? Gray gray A gray uniform? I don't know The truth is now clear. Actually, when I finished shooting yesterday, My heart was still filled with doubt. Is it real or fake after all? Although 90% of it is fake, You think it should be fake, But... Because I didn't verify online, Whether there are others like us Who have encountered similar Scams? Who knows? I was already exhausted last night. I returned to the hotel and searched three words on Google. "France Metro Scam Case" Immediately, I found that whether in Taiwan or the United States, Anyway, it's tourists Who have experienced very similar situations Almost 99% identical It's always a group of people in uniforms And they display credentials Claiming to be subway staff The usual method is To check your ticket Then tell you that Your ticket is invalid Not valid You bought the wrong ticket Or Your ticket is somehow... Incorrect fare Anyway, they deceive you Usually between 35 euros and 150 euros It's certain that they are A scam group Organized crime I'm really angry Luckily, We only lost 4 euros for the fare Didn't let them cheat us out of 150 euros So we're very lucky To escape from the scammers Because... Those people online Discussing these things in forums 99% of them just pay and move on They give in Because they can't communicate They specifically target tourists Bully tourists Yell loudly Treat you aggressively to make you scared And tourists are usually in a hurry They don't want to waste time dealing with scammers Yes, yes Tourists are usually afraid Worried about potential issues Going to the police Worried it will affect your entry and exit So they usually just pay up But they are actually scammers Because someone tried He said he gave them money The scammers issued a fine And said, "Tomorrow, go to our company's website To apply for a refund." Sounds confusing, right? So you took my money, Will you refund it? Why are you fining me? Yes, And then he took the receipt to scan a QR code To this company's website But couldn't enter the website at all It's completely fake In short, it's a scam He also emailed the Metro company in France Asking if their company had received my money And said they would refund me Then the Metro company officially replied You shouldn't have paid Yes, yes In short, this kind of thing happens all the time It's infuriating Very infuriating He ruined my mood He ruined our travel mood Left us with a bad impression A very bad impression This kind of thing is so common Some people even encounter it multiple times a day It's truly unbelievable Why won't people in Paris help? Why won't anyone lend a hand? Most people have a "not my problem" attitude These tourists have nothing to do with them So when everyone encounters such situations You really have to be careful Don't be afraid If you're scared, they'll really succeed And the better your English, The more troublesome it is Because I would say to them like this I don't believe I don't believe Yeah, you're very clever, Kept saying, "I don't believe." Why were you able to stay so calm? I was so scared that my hands were shaking. Of course, I was really scared. I was scared. It should be Just like this, they might not be able to The subway doesn't even regulate them, Allowing them to continue defrauding tourists. I think when everyone comes to Paris, They are very likely to encounter these people again. The only option is to stand up to them, Persist. If you stand firm, they might give up on you. They wasted our time for over ten minutes, If you stand firm for just 10 minutes without giving them money, You should call the police, Or don't let them call the police, The police they call might also be fake. You should call the police directly. Dial 17 for the police. Go report it in person. That way, they should be scared, And they won't want to waste too much time On a tourist who may not give them any money. Because many people immediately surrender. I can see that you also had the urge to give them money. I really wanted to just let it go. They are really troublesome. First of all, we had Chun Chun with us, And I didn't want to scare her. Yes, she was already a bit scared by them. Ah Chun was a bit scared at the time. She took a step back. What's wrong, Ah Chun? Aren't you here to protect us? Were you overthinking? Even though they are organized, I think they have a loophole. They immediately demand 150 euros, Isn't that too much? I think it is. And you can see how nervously they urge you, "Pay, Pay!" So anxious. The more anxious you are, the more I feel you're fake. That's how it is. We couldn't have anticipated that we would encounter such a situation. Yes. After seeing so many scams in France, such as pickpocketing, scams on the street, and the shell game, we've seen them all. Yes, we know about all of those. But how could we have imagined encountering people dressed as staff members? How did you even imagine that? Exactly. Yes. He just said, "In here, once you pass through the gates, I'm in control." It felt like I was watching a gangster movie. There was a badge on his chest with "control" written on it. There was no name on the badge. Normal staff badges have names on them. They didn't have that. He opened something like a passport, but every one of them was the same. After seeing that, I just said, "I don't believe." "I don't believe." I wouldn't believe it either. That's how it is. So when you come to Paris, It's not about looking for places to visit, or searching for great food to eat, it's about knowing about scams, knowing about fraud cases, being vigilant, knowing how to handle it. Yes, don't be afraid. I have a supplement. He asked us for our passports. On online forums, some people said that there are always people who give them their passports. If you give them your passport, they will demand money to return your passport. If you don't give money, you won't get your passport back. Wow. It's really extortion. Yes. So luckily, you didn't show your passport. Otherwise, you would definitely have to give them 150 euros. Otherwise, you wouldn't get your passport back. Well, that's all for this episode. Have any of you encountered similar situations in the Paris Metro? Have you ever been deceived? If so, how much money did you give? Leave a comment and let us know. Well, thank you all for watching. Goodbye!
Channel: 柴犬春卷的英國日常 Shiba Harumaki in UK
Views: 43,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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