PARIS SAINT-GERMAIN - OLYMPIQUE LYONNAIS (2 - 1) - Highlights - (PSG - OL) / 2021-2022
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Ligue 1 Uber Eats Official
Views: 2,571,428
Rating: 4.8523278 out of 5
Keywords: PARIS SG OL, Paris Lyon, highlights PARIS SAINT-GERMAIN OLYMPIQUE LYONNAIS, highlights PARIS SG OL, highlights Paris Lyon, PARIS SAINT-GERMAIN, Paris, highlights, Goals, Goal, ligue 1, Ligue 1 Uber Eats, league 1, L1, football, foot, soccer, french league, french, France, day, match day, sp:ty=high, sp:dt=2021-09-19T20:45:00Z, sp:vl=en-GB, sp:st=soccer, sp:li=france, sp:ti:home=PARIS SG, sp:ti:away=OL
Id: hO5r6m2iMS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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