Parents, Who Was The Biggest LOSER You Kid Has DATED? (r/AskReddit)

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I'll slash ask read it who's the biggest loser your son / daughter has dated son dated a girl who said she had a friend who needed a ride to the prom I agreed day of the prom she says oh he's in this town in the next state I left work at 10 a.m. drove three hours picked up this kid brought him home he has no prom clothes not even a suit luckily we are close enough in size that I can lend him one Island him suit shirt tie buy him dress shoes pay for haircut we are late so the pre-prom dinner Mikan had planned is out the window pictures not possible because we don't have time we get one decent snap guess who's in the center yep but of state dude girlfriend ended up spending the entire prom with this dude apparently he was an ex they go to an after-party my son is left behind he gets his own ride home but doesn't stop by to drop off my suit and tie later we find out girlfriend and out-of-state dude had bappy making session at some point during that night Bobby was formed who is the father according to girlfriend my son ease complication they never had sex according to him she would have gotten away with it to some degree but had the bad judgment to tell friends that it was actually out of state dude fortunately my son found out and broke it off with her to be honest I could have written all that off as youthful idiocy but a few months into the pregnancy she has the balls to come to our house and tell me that her parents were kicking her out and would it be okay if she moved into my finished basement apartment so her Bobby wouldn't be homeless like WTF the end of the story is that out of state dude heard that he was the baby daddy and came back to bring her home with him and as far as I know they are still living in his parents trailer edit a point of clarification the reason I was willing to pick the other kid up worse that he was a different girls prom date they were part of a large group of kids going to prom together she was my son's girlfriend's best friend and the kids all chipped in for gas and toll money to bring this kid in the guy I picked up used to live in state but moved away in the middle of senior year probably too much detail but now I didn't see /b my son at least not intentionally edit hash to someone asked what happened when the girl wanted to stay with us it wasn't quite a slam the door in her face moment but we said we couldn't support her and referred her to Youth and Family Services she eventually moved in with the girl who was supposed to have been the dudes prom date possibly the only situation that could have been more awkward edit hash three some people are commenting that it's crazy to drive all that way and do all that stuff for someone else's kid what you have to understand is that this bunch was mostly from families with very limited means the kind of families wear good clothes to go to a prom or light-years out of budget being a dad sometimes means stepping up when other parents have failed or aren't financially capable of coming through my son's girlfriend's best friend the dudes original prom date had never been to a formal dance she wasn't even planning on going she's not my kid but I don't regret going the extra 150 miles to fetch her prom date her excitement of the prospect of going to prom with a guy she thought liked her made of 100% worth it I regret that he was in ass but I had no way to know that ahead of time when I was in university my father said to me about the girl I was dating that she was a lost cause and that she dumped me as soon as something better came along this was the only time he ever said anything about any of my girlfriends sure enough a few weeks later he was right and she dumped me I asked my father what made him say that sort of wanting some sage knowledge of how he knew he said that her family was so rich that you couldn't spend all the money her family had amassed I knew that part and they were [ __ ] off rich and what would she want to do with a upper middle-class guy like me it wasn't because she was hot as heck but it was money my dad said that her parents liked me better than any of her rather previous boyfriends I knew that part and I still I'm in contact with her mother on a social basis sure I was sort of smart and ambitious but to her I wasn't hi candy didn't drive the right car and didn't dress the part he just wanted to ease the impact a bit by warning me he did end it with saying that she'll most likely never be satisfied with any of her relationships because of her attitude towards other people she sees as below her and how quickly she would get bored with anyone in a relationship with her 25 years down the road her mother ml's me to see how things are with me and my family and gets my opinion on some business dealings the family is always pursuing so they can diversify and grow I help the parents when I was living in China audit and check a bunch of factories in SE Asia they were buying and gave them my opinion her daughter married had two daughters and a really bad divorce about ten or twelve years ago when her husband left her it was quite public as she was a public figure at the time all because of the businesses she ventured into last time I asked about her in talking to her mother she hasn't found the right man after going through three or four and is going more low profile versus public figure according to her mother her mother still joking he mentions about me being the one that got away they regret not hiring me as an administrator and the granddaughters having a part-time mother and no father checking the internet she has since switched over to more philanthropic pursuits in her business dealings is quite successful in her own right as an entrepreneur lots of seed money will help but still divorced single and probably too busy for anyone else in her orbit I tell my friends about it they all take a look at the pictures I had when I was going out with her and look at her pics now and since she is Asian she hasn't aged much and they say that I'm probably the loser in this one my uncle is currently dating the most awful loser of a woman I have ever met he's 43 and she's 28 they've been dating since 2015 and they have one kid together I absolutely adore their child and I try to help out my uncle in making sure his childhood is at least decent but anyways this succubus D is a longtime heroin addicted sociopath she's a complete and utter slob too we all live together in my grandma's farmhouse bunker D the three yo the 12 yo the 6 e o the 9 yo grandma great-uncle and I and she is the one to make 90% of the messes she will leave a TARDIS dirty and usually should filled up her on the stove every morning she treats the toilet like a port-a-potty leaving cigarettes [ __ ] and tampons floating in there she refuses to throw away her pads or even wrap them up so the rest of us are always picking up her nasty use pads she cooks about 90% the week's food at 3 a.m. because she's high as [ __ ] and doesn't care that the rest of us will starve she will frequently beat up my uncle and anyone who tries to stop her she's hit the 12 yo and died before one time when their child was 8 months old they almost had him short because a drug deal went bad she's told my grandma that she cannot stand my uncle's other two kids and that she can't wait until they're old enough to be kicked out she's a cocky ignorant thirteen-year-old mean girl in the body of an aging heroin [ __ ] and I hate her I honestly believe that my uncle is in a highly toxic abusive relationship but the attitude in the family his men can't be abused he needs to man up and leave we've called the police on D before she's been arrested and let out the very same day her Pio doesn't believe us and she fakes her piss she's got caught on Friday and I'm not sure what for but I'm praying for a miracle I hope she goes to jail or court-ordered rehab for a very long time I know this is gonna get buried or run notice but God I needed to vent this is about my sister's boyfriend and my own cause I don't have children yet / so my sister decided to date this malnourished street rat within harima circle everything was pretty fine from the looks of it until she started hurting herself eventually my family and I found out that he was cheating with girls left and right I find out from one of my sexually active friends she didn't know about my sister and basically said he manipulated her into sucking his dick under the bleachers what's worse is that my sister knew everything but was too insecure to leave him I and even everyone in the school did our best to convince her to let him go it took her a good 3 years that I was just happy she finally did it my own personal one would be when I was in HS and asked out a guy that interested me and PE he seemed pretty goofy and nerdy which was definitely my type so I thought why not it was honestly pretty badly planned but yes I asked him out in Pinar stupid pen uniforms anyways he said yes after penny walked out of the locker rooms and he was waiting for me he checked me out and said wow they are a lot bigger than I expected and walk with me nonchalantly I was so baffled I didn't even know what to say what was worse is we only really hung out in public and he tickled me then slowly creep up to grab my boob I would tighten my arms to my side so he couldn't but kept nudging anyways it made me extremely uncomfortable and don't get me [ __ ] started on the Hogs literally on the third day I broke up with his ass / it felt great to not worry about someone groping me in my [ __ ] school TLDR my sister dated a skinny emo kid that [ __ ] everyone he could and she knew about it I dated our ugly-ass rat who tried to grab my boobs without my permission in a time he could my brother's now soon-to-be-ex-wife started dating when he was 15 and she was 14 there were so many red flags we should have seen initially but just didn't she hated any girl that was remotely nice to him she was jealous and would start fights over the fact he had previously dated other girls would not allow him to attend his debutantes as she wasn't in his year level and would have to dance with another girl she did hers with a guy my brother hated with a passion was always just nasty to him never really nice clay fighting was just a little too aggressive she was always generally nice to me and our family and we were nice back mom purchased her university books let her live with us for nothing when she decided she didn't like her family she then decided one day to just move out cut all contact with us for about six months for no good reason couldn't even give my brother a reason then in the spirit of Christmas my dad extends the olive branch and says that he wants to work things out for the sake of my brother so everything is forgiven and she moves back in she and my brother purchase land and everything is going smoothly except for me standing up for myself as I don't want to be bullied by her or allow her to treat my brother slash family like [ __ ] so one day out of the blue she blocked me on all social media Facebook snapchat even blocked my number one figured out when I tried to message and confront her about it she went two weeks in my house avoiding me and would not respond to me if I tried to approach her about it so then one day my dad asks her to move her car as she's blocked him in and he needs to leave she grabbed her things stormed down the hall slammed the door shut got in her car and sped off I never saw her again my brother moved out with her to preserve the relationship between all parties involved they know the fafsa book we find out through a relative being blocked by both cylinder that wedding invites have gone out so none of my brother's family attended his wedding we still had an occasion ship with my brother and work out but respected the decision that clearly wasn't is the build a house and lived together for a while at this point he's been planning to leave her for six months he snuck a way to celebrate my mom's 50th with the family and admitted he'd been sleeping in his car to avoid her and had to fabricate ml's as an excuse to leave the house to celebrate with his family then we come to the night he finally decided to leave her he was out doing volunteer work he loves they have plans to do something in the evening but he's about one hour late still able to go do what they planned nope she absolutely loses it she begins to smash his MacBook on the kitchen counter he told her that he's done and he's leaving her goes to get his bags which he had packed and hidden dand to pack the rest of his shirt when he goes to leave she grabs his hand bends his fingers back with intent to break them he's now back home with us safe and happy I hope she rots in hell she's such a [ __ ] my oldest son had [ __ ] taste in girls when he was younger luckily the one he chose to marry is an absolute doll but you asked about the losers there were two who stick out the first one we will call her Jay he chased her for a year and she led him on until she decided to properly data they dated their senior year and for two years after her after HS he started a new job and needed work boots he had just enough cash to buy them and make his car payment she wanted to go with to buy them he told her he had no extra cash they get there he gets his boots and she gets pissed because he didn't buy her something big fight ensued fast forward a bit and she starts hounding him to move in together he's not stupid he had it made at home and knew it but she persists and he relents so now all of his money is going for bills he works seven to five and she works at a hardware store four to nine that she complains they never go on dates anymore so he plans a drive-in movie date packs a picnic basket and waits for her to get home she rolls in at 5:00 a.m. claiming she hit the bar with her BFF but bars in this rural area closed at 2:30 she sticks to her story they were at the bar the whole time a couple of days later he gets a call from a woman claiming Jay and her husband are having an affair they borrow my car so she won't recognize them and they follow her from work wife knew when they were planning to meet up because she snooped his phone they catch them so her daddy moves her out while my son is at work they take the fridge and dump all the food in the sink son gets home to an empty apartment and all the food he bought for lunch is spoiled married guy leaves his wife for Jay my son is stuck with all the bills the second loser a dated him for two weeks he realized she was severely mentally ill and no doubt she stalks him for months he starts dating a nice girl so of course they had to escalate things she texted him a pic of a very pregnant belly and told him he's going to be a daddy he says let him know when the kid is born so he can do a DNA test a month later she texts him a pic of a baby saying it's a newborn girl this kid was at least seven or eight months old and it's only been five months since they dated that baby will be in an incubator and teeny-tiny not ready to walk and chubby as all get-out I called her and called her out on her [ __ ] and told her we had the whole mess documented in her texts it wouldn't be hard to get her for harassment she disappeared he dated the nice girl for two years and when that ended he met his wife who again is freaking wonderful my daughter dated a guy who was a shitty lying lazy abusive gaslighting [ __ ] besides that he won dropped out of high school at 14 to never attempted to get a JIT slash diploma equivalency three had more than one conviction for public intoxication slash underage drinking slash drunk driving which left him for unable to get a job for approximately 18 months of the about two years they were together five got fired from Larned after only were in two weeks for missing work because his kid supposedly was victim of an abduction attempt turns out the kid made it up six smokes weed in her apartment bathroom knowing that if my daughter failed a drug screen her career would be ruined seven had his two kids every other weekend but spent the entire time with headphones on gaming meaning my daughter had to watch his kids or they destroy her apartment eight would only eat corn or potatoes hamburgers or chicken fingers or pizza but fast food was a-ok nine never picked up after himself so every horizontal surface was covered in half drunk pop cans fast food wrappers cups and bags dirty plates moldy food daughter is an RN and worked 12-hour shifts which is sort of an excuse ten punched a hole in her apartment wall 11 held a gun to his own head then laughed at her for taking him seriously 12 constantly accused her of cheating so she had to unfriend all males on her FAFSA book including her father 13 threatened to leave when her anxiety and depression had her sleeping at a time she wasn't at work and 14 when she finally took him up on his bluff it was during a terrifying food throwing soda hurling furniture smashing temper tantrum that had her grabbed her caps from under the bed and come to my house 50 miles away I could go on but remembering all that is turning my stomach in cleaning her apartment afterward we had to wash the walls from where he had done a hollywood-style sweep of the coffee table table spraying dr. pepper all over the carpet TV in stand war and canvas art all the weight of the ceiling then for good measure he smashed the coffee table he was a complete halt and with the help of a therapist she is finally getting back to the funny intelligent confident girl she was before he messed her head up I'm thrilled I don't have to dread that phone call you know the one where she was calling to say he'd beaten her there would have been a long line of people wanting to pull his bowel strings up through his throat believe me or worse one from a coroner her ex-husband the cop who broke into her house after the divorce and raped her in front of the children thankfully the maggot did time in prison for that eita I didn't figure this would even get noticed as I commented late the full story my father had a massive brain aneurysm they had taken him to a hospital five hours away I had just arrived there when my ex-husband called me and said my daughter was on the way to the hospital and told me what had happened it was definitely rape for someone who mentioned was it really or did she just say that when the children saw them there was no question due to the trauma he stands six feet four inches my daughter is four minutes and 11 seconds and weighs 100 pounds the kicker was that we found out he had a bit of a history of being a predator as he was one of those cops that would solicit favors when he stopped women ie they could get out of a ticket if the department he worked for got wind of this and they reached some agreement whereas he would quietly retire and nothing would be on his record I can't remember exactly how my daughter found this out but I know it was shortly before the trial and someone came to her about it so yes he did time he is now out there is a restraining order in effect for seven years and most likely that will easily be renewed he has taken her to court I don't know how many times in the last couple of years trying to get the restraining order lifted because he states it is keeping him from gaining employment since it's attached to a rape SNH he represents himself every time he comes to court it's almost comical he's narcissistic and psychotic I call him a dollar sign dollar sign maggot the kids were all in therapy they're great kids very well-adjusted she's an amazing gal she's three months from her master's works full time and has never missed one of the kids activities they dealt with it and moved on to quote Shakespeare though she be but little she is fierce my wife and I have very limited contact with our daughter because of the guy she was dating and now ended up marrying our ability to intercede was limited because she had moved to the other side of the country ultimately ending up in Alabama it's painful and incredibly unfortunate but we are just holding out hope that someday things turn around and she opens her eyes our daughter was staying with a friend and she began dating this guy she met while working she always struggled with showing or expressing gratitude and she had a falling out with her friend of 10 years who felt like she was being taken advantage of our daughter wouldn't pay rent and did nothing to help out around the house friend had a new marriage and a new baby also and so our daughter was asked to leave she lived with her manager until they also had a falling out resulting in her quitting her job also this caused her to move in with her bf who wheel caught him Tim lived in a trailer on the same plot of land his parents and grandparents lived on and was likely a drug dealer he had been in the Army for a few years before getting dishonorably discharged for drug use given that my wife and I are both Army veterans his I'm a proud veteran attitude was additional reason to dislike him he had no real job which would be a trend they ultimately got engaged once our daughter became pregnant we were then contacted by a woman who wanted to warn us about Tim turns out she was his wife they had been married years earlier I had a kid together and Tim was refusing the sign the divorce papers she informed us that he was emotionally and physically abusive and that he had been convicted of it we checked and this was true he was also currently on trial for rape was also true she also claimed he was currently sleeping with his 15 year-old cousin who lived in one of the trailers on the family lot no evidence other than circumstantial he's a POS evidence my wife immediately called our daughter to tell her this and to try and let her let us buy her a plane ticket back to our house so she could get back on her feet turns out daughter knew about all of it and refused to believe any of it was true he wasn't dishonorably discharged she said we sent the picture of the DD 214 his wife had he wasn't an abuser we sent the court case and local news article he was on trial but there was no way he had raped anyone case was ultimately dismissed last year when the witness decided they didn't want to testify she said she'd come for a visit but only if she was allowed to bring him we showed her texts from Tim to his wife saying he was only with our daughter for the money she had been begging money off relatives though we had stopped giving at that time and all have stopped now after we talked to them we also showed her his tinder and 'fatapult profiles where he was attempting to pick up other woman nothing made a difference she had the baby a few months later we were going to go out for the birth but we told our daughter we wouldn't go on to their family trailer park Tim knew what we thought of him now and apparently made threats to ward us we told her we'd come out and stay in a hotel and we could visit her there she refused and said Tim wouldn't let her do that if we wanted to see our grandchild it would have to be at their trailer we decided not to go out for the birth which told my wife apart our other daughter has not spoken to her sister since that day everything seemingly came to a head when our daughter called us out of the blue one afternoon apparently Tim had gotten angry and she was scared for her safety we immediately booked a flight for her and our daughter arranged for a neighbor to take her and the new baby to the airport we then could not get a hold of her for several hours so my wife called the local police to do a health and welfare inspection the officer had a daughter call us from his phone apparently he had found out what was happening in smashed her phones and would not let her leave the neighbor now refused to be involved so a former soldier of my wife's offered to drive out and pick her up as he happened to be a police officer about two hours away the other officer waited for him to arrive once our friend arrived our daughter had changed her mind and refused to leave nothing we could do changed her mind and she is still there Tim still doesn't have a job though they are now married and she just gave birth to another grandchild Tim insisted that she go back to work the week after since he cannot get a job due to his record our daughter sends us pictures that she is always sure that they include him the last picture we received was him holding the new baby and making something in the kitchen while smoking edit thanks for all the kind words of support everyone my wife is of the same mind as most of you it seems she avoids any hint of i-told-you-so and we ensure she knows she is always welcome back and will cover the trip as nice as my brother-in-law rez he is pretty terrible in terms of job / goals / life ambitions he hasn't worked a steady job for almost 10 years or so and is now pushing like 40 he had been erupts driver and either lost that job or was laid off or something and since then he has just uh not booked things to kind of keep money in but nothing has flourished all lasted long he was going to be a singing coach he was going to do lawn maintenance and currently his next big venture is dog walk / sitting consequently my sister works three jobs to keep their family comfortable and to support my niece it wouldn't be so terrible if he did more stuff around the house but after this past visit to their home I don't think he does much of anything other than sit around and watch TV and maybe make dinner every once in a while my dad has tried subtly talking to her about the situation but she says she's happy with her life but sometimes her tone says something else edit oh wow you make one comment before you leave work and it blows up just wanted to thank you guys for the kind words and suggestions both my family and even my bills mother have kind of made broach the subject over the last couple years but the two of the seem to live in their own world the times my sister has kind of talked with our dad about it she seems to retract the next day I have no doubt that my bill loves my sister and meets but he also just seems pretty lazy that being said I'll make a more conscious effort to let my sister know that I am the rest of our family are here if she needs us if my parents used to read it they would probably mention my ex-boyfriend who I dated long distance online from 19 to 22 he lived with his parents didn't want to get a job smoked weed all day and if mushrooms for clarity forced me to avoid talking to others or even go out with my family to do things because he would blow up my phone saying I was cheating due to his lousy ex relationship he was cheated on during he had a kid at 18 during a drunken one-night stand and had to babysit her every week while complaining about her grandmother who was taking care of her because the mother didn't want her he didn't pay child support so he had to guiltily take care of the kid at every beck and call of the grandmother lashed out at me constantly and would starve himself for days to make me feel bad about literally anything that mildly bothered him generally needed a lot of [ __ ] help that he refused to get I was at a really low point in my life and thought I was worthless and that he was the only one that could love me I know my parents wouldn't get into my love affairs but they were absolutely thrilled when I finally grew self-worth and got out of it I had always pieced together information about him to them because I knew they wouldn't approve and every time I said more they held back but were obviously thinking he was trash I cringe extremely hard when I remember all of it thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 9,897
Rating: 4.8591547 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, Who Was The Biggest LOSER You Kid Has DATED
Id: Kg81OGdGo2s
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Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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