Parents Of Sociopaths Share Their Most Insane Experience's - AskReddit

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she always leaves a horrible mess of destruction and pain in her wake parents of sociopaths Psychopaths or people who have done terrible things how do you feel about your offspring warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences I had my son when I was 21 years old he was on planned his mother and I had been together for a little over a year when she got pregnant I was working at a pizza place when he was born I remember the first time I saw him he had big blue eyes and looked a lot like his mother I loved him from the first time I saw him I told myself I was going to do whatever it takes to bring him happiness the first three months were wonderful I was learning how to be a father and spent a lot of time with him times got rough money was a problem in my relationship with his mother was a disaster we fought a lot screamed I regret those screams she developed a painkillers addiction after an operation and there was a constant malaise when we were together she wasn't the same I tried to help her but she wouldn't let me more fighting ensued a week after his first birthday I found out that his mother had been cheating on me there was no reconciliation possible it was broken I moved out tried to get custody but lost in court only saw him every two weeks he was a normal child liked Pokemon a lot we would watch it together when he was at my place gave him gifts cuddled him told him I loved him and was proud of him while he was growing up and then things changed at around eight years old he became distant rarely talked was prone to fits and spent most of his time in his room I tried to get him to talk to me but it was of no use I saw a huge bruise on his left shoulder one day I asked him where he got it he shrugged it off then it was a broken finger and then a rib I contacted the police his mother said he was clumsy and always felt but my son finally admitted that she beat him but the cops did nothing I finally got his custody when he was 12 his mother took too much pain meds and had set fire to her apartment she was declared unfit he was never the same the joyful child he was was gone I tried to get him help but he'd run off I tried to get him to meet a counselor but he ditched the meeting as he was going through adolescence I was seeing less and less of him he started to hang out with questionable kids and into pretty hard drugs I did what I could to get him out of the slippery slope but to no use he hated me the more I told him I loved him the more he despised me I found heroin needles on his room's floor when I questioned him about it he pulled a knife at me called me a piece of dog crap and ran away he was 18 he never came back home on October 8 2009 I got a phone call I'll never forget it was my son calling from jail help me dad they're saying I raped someone my son had apparently picked a 14 year old from the mall told her he was some kind of talent scout brought her to his friend's apartment knocked her out beat her and raped her mercilessly he denied claimed his innocence but evidence was overwhelming I visited him in prison until one day I asked him why he did it he looked at me with the coldest face and said I had too much free time on my hands and not enough vagina under my fists I cried he laughed I have not seen him since keep in mind first of all that sociopaths and Psychopaths aren't clinical diagnoses I'm answering this using the commonly accepted lay people's idea of this term I adopted a seven-year-old boy about 14 years ago it was the worst decision of my entire life he was and is a sociopath he lies he steals he hurts he cheats he can be incredibly superficially charming but leaves a truly awe-inspiring wake of emotional and physical destruction behind him everywhere he goes I say awe-inspiring because unless you've spent time around this unless you truly understand how amazingly destructive this can be to a person's very self you just don't get it the psychiatrist during pre-adoption gave some warnings in her brief the social worker whose job it is to get kids adopted pushed and pushed pooh-poohing the psychiatrist reports minimizing them and insisting reports from his placements were biased now understand I am NOT inexperienced I have other kids I've worked with special needs kids I thought I was prepared I wasn't nothing and I mean nothing can prepare someone to have this inflicted on themselves it changed me it fundamentally changed me as a person it did the same to everyone else in the family in different ways friends tell me I'm less outgoing slower to laugh and smile and joke less prone to trust and far far to matter of fact and blase about everything I've developed the latter as a survival defense mechanism one learns quickly one simply cannot react emotionally to anything at all ever as it will be used brutally against you even when as a teen he steals your car ignores you when confronting him in the driveway as he attempts to make his getaway then runs over you in the process hurting you fairly badly and then driving away while you lie there screaming and then coming back hours later and acting as if literally nothing has happened even conning the authorities into thinking it was a silly accident despite testimony and another witness account he has stolen more things than I can imagine from home game consoles electronics computers he is indiscriminate now an adult he steals from children just upon the stuff to pay off his dealer so he doesn't get beat he's never held down a job for more than a week or two and that only three or four times in his life he survives by manipulating and stealing but he knows it all and will tell everyone and me in detail how they are doing everything wrong and how easy it is to be wealthy he doesn't appear to see the irony at all he lies like most people breathe literally every word that comes out of his mouth is manipulative and untrue in some way one learns to expect it nothing at all ever is at face value it is horrible he is horrible I hate him but I love him I spent so much time and effort trying to help he returned the effort by hurting manipulating lying stealing I cannot help wishing he would get in a traffic accident get stabbed shot beat up into a coma disabled I cannot help feeling like a horrible disgusting human being despite everything he's done for even allowing myself to think this but I still think it again and again he is no longer living here but every time nobody is home we return wondering what will be missing or wrecked he doesn't get caught legally he's just barely smart enough and charming enough to set up others instead and somehow managed to keep himself out of trouble mostly he's been tuned up by former friends investigated etc but so far has managed to avoid serious repercussions I have little doubt it will catch up with him eventually hopefully somebody won't be badly hurt or die before this happens it's a constant nightmare slowly getting better as our lives move apart and with the incredible help of friends and family to set and brutally enforce limits he's a dangerous person though I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that one day I may wake up to a gunshot or a knife wound moral of the story if there's any hint any hint at all of a kid having no ability for empathy lack of remorse no moral development and incredibly superficially charming then run run fast run hard run away and never ever look back just get away I think my mom is a sociopath I was raised by my grandparents for the first 13 years of my life but she was in and out for most of that time when I was five her boyfriend tried to choke me to death she was mad at the time but afterwards she didn't report it and we continued to stay with him my grandpa used to hit me and was constantly mean to me made me sit on the floor wouldn't let me talk around him threw me outside by my hair told me I was stupid worthless etc that sucked but when I went to live with my mother who'd supposedly cleaned up her act it got worse physical pain and terror are bad and everything but my mom tried to unmake me her crap messed with my mind almost drove me insane by the time I moved out I was planning to murder her and then myself and that would not have been the first even the second time someone tried to kill her she would act like she was the only person who ever loved me not an unrealistic concept considering how everybody else in our life treated me then be needlessly cruel and nasty she's a practicing anorexic so we would crash to hide together and she always told me I would be so pretty if I just lost a few more pounds when I tried to get recovery for my own anorexia she was actively negative she complained about what I was doing to myself when I started to gain weight whenever I would try and stand up to her she would cry and complain that I was taking advantage of her being a terrible breaking her heart etc instead of beating on me like my grandpa did she would torture me literally stuff that is against the Geneva Convention she would keep me awake at night she would tell me detailed plans for suicide in the morning she would wake me up by dragging me out of my bed by my feet screaming the whole time about something I couldn't have possibly done to her she would alternate concern and violence or threats of violence completely at random you never knew what she would act like minute to minute she's told me before that she treated me so horribly because of my bad karma if I ever tried to point out how toxic this all was she would tell me I brought it on myself by being negative the thing that really makes her a sociopath is that this is not insane behavior this is just the stuff she did to keep me distracted and confused so that she could get the $300 a month state aid for having me in her house if I'd ever been aware enough to leave that money would have gone with me which it eventually did when I did leave she does it to my grandma she tells for one thing then another then confuses them with each other then my uncle thinks my grandma is getting dementia and my mom totally agrees because she needs grandma's car or she needs everybody to be too upset that grandma is confused to wonder why grandma is paying part of her rent her ex-boyfriend pays her car payment for a while she bragged that he still thought they were together joking that he's too old and ugly I know she mocks him because he can't get it up he can't get it up because he has prostate cancer he's a really nice man and she will do anything to ensure that she's in his will and that she gets as much out of him as she can before he dies to this day she pretends she doesn't understand why she can't have my address she actually asked me what she'd done to me lately to deserve such horrible treatment lately the only reason she hasn't hurt me lately is because she doesn't know where I am and only has the most basic details of my life I'm not a parent but I have an older sister who I believe would be considered a sociopath she has torn apart my family physically hurt us stolen from us led to us among other terrible things my mother the kindest woman in the world has been completely physically and emotionally ravaged by my sister Brandi Brandi was born eight years ahead of me in 1981 my mother was married to an abusive alcoholic at the time Brandis father Vic he disappeared shortly after she was born and never heard from again however mom says she sees a lot of Vic and my sister that he had a very similar personality when brandi was five my mom met my dad she was extremely unhappy with the new addition to the family and would often have random fits of rage and throw things at my dad and become physically violent my dad just thought she needed to adjust to having a male role model in her life and she would eventually settle down that never happened shortly after Brandis eighth birthday I was born this caused even more disruption when I was around six months old she began covering my mouth with her hands when I wasn't crying when I was happy because happy babies disgusted her she also began stealing my toys blankets and binkies throwing them in the trash my parents started to grow really concerned and started sending her to counseling they could not figure out why she acted like this they are kind loving caring parents doing their best around this time they find out they are pregnant again with my little sister who was born about a year and a half after I was when my little sister turns 1 Brandi throws her into a wall and breaks her arm my parents are extremely scared frustrated and unprepared they decide it might be best for her to live with my grandma two hours away from 10 to 13 brandi is molested by my step grandpa until his death we found out years later and my mom has never forgiven herself this is when her life really starts to spin out of control she begins stealing lying cheating sleeping around etc she develops an alcohol and drug problem by age 15 she is expelled at age 16 at age 18 she throws my grandma to the ground and steals her car she ends up with a man who is in his 40s Chris becomes my brother-in-law he is an alcoholic a felon has a gambling problem a drug addict a woman-beater thief just an all-around bad person but he is terrified of brandy he once told me she is evil and evil he never wants to experience again he is currently in hiding with their son who is also terrified of my sister she ends up pregnant at 22 she doesn't care she drinks smokes dis drugs my nephew is born blind and develops autism she would contact us when she needed something but we could never find her she would find us and it always ended up hurting she runs away from everyone with her son and abandons him at age 4 in a crib in an apartment in Alaska he has found three days later extremely malnourished laying in his own poop it was horrible she's 32 now I have no idea where she is at the moment my parents have a restraining order against her and moved here's a list of horrible things she has done to us stolen my vehicle and my mom's broke into my parents home and smashed every single dish and pulled everything from the cabinets and pantry into a giant pile in the middle of the kitchen tried to stab my dad tried to stab me abandoned my little sister and me at a mall six hours from home when we were 11 and 12 covered my little sister's mirror in her blood after she slit her wrists tried to steal my identity accused my brother-in-law of raping her tried to smother my grandmother in the hospital she blames everything on her etc she always leaves a horrible mess of destruction and pain in her wake she cons people for fun she uses women and men I'm sure she's probably killed someone at some point in her life or a will she is pretty and extremely charming until she has a complete breakdown I don't even know how to explain the feeling she gives me it is on a level of creepy I have never experienced other than with her just her smile makes me want to vomit my brother is schizophrenic a drug abuser in an alcoholic his schizophrenia was not diagnosed for a long time and as a result he wasn't properly treated until very late in his life growing up with him was a nightmare he would physically assault my sisters and I he would steal money he would take our bikes and wreck them he would destroy things that he knew we liked he would get raging drunk or stoned and launched into violent episodes every holiday hell all the time but the holidays really got him going it once took six cops to wrestle him into submission to be hauled off to get medical or mental treatment the best parts of my childhood pre getting my license we're when his butt was in various mental institutions it meant we finally had peace in the house the list of hurts assaults thefts attacking any friends we allowed over goes on and on and on and it is very hard to fully articulate what it was like growing with him I could list dozens and dozens of hurts that evil sack of crap did to my sisters and I and each would not do justice to describing the living hell it was to deal with him I have read stories about people having abusive parents and it is the same sort of thing my parents were divorced and my mom did her best but what can one do with that when you have to work all day and all you want to do at the end of the day is crash the only good part of it all was that he consumed all of my mother's energy so I was completely unsupervised and when I got my license I got myself a car and I was pretty much never home after in the summer I would split for weeks as a 16 year old I drove to the Outer Banks of North Carolina from Charlottesville it is about a 45 minutes drive with nowhere to stay and lived out of the car crashing at friends places sleeping on porches of vacation homes for about a week I did this with very little money and with no one knowing I had done another a few friends I hung around with I actually had a ton of fun in high school and when I got to college I loved life mental illness is a serious disability and living with a disabled person is a nightmare my brother is in jail he's adopted which is only important because it means I can sleep at night knowing that I don't possess the potential that he has he has a DHS Faye fat odd OD ass rad and is bipolar and very aggressive he doesn't have a legal note that he's a sociopath since he was put in prison before he was 18 but if you look up the definition it describes him perfectly the first time I realized that gave me chills I could go into detail about him but the short of it is I hate him he's my brother and regardless of how he joined the family that is a fact but after he molested children and tried to kill my father I stopped talking to him that was five or six years ago I've lost count that boy ruined my family and stole my childhood instead of happy memories I have the memories of our towns cops engrained in my head instead of enjoying childhood I had to know about my mother trying to kill herself and having my father coming and crying to me while I was barely a teenager the worst part of it all is watching my parents for everything my brother did to me he was just who he was a manipulative sociopath for my parents he was their son and they were doing everything they could do for him even after he tried to kill my dad my dad is still his biggest advocate and believes he can change it is heartbreaking to see I know my parents are split in emotions depending on the day some days they believe he's making progress and will see the light those are the hardest as I have to decide whether to remind them he's manipulating them to get what he wants or if I should let them have false hope some days they feel the way I do that he has driven them to bankruptcy ruined their futures and made them miss their back burn or daughter's life I am a step parent to a boy whom I believed to be a psychopath I met his father five and a half years ago and my stepson let's call him B had just turned 2 I had my own son known as he who was 3 at the time B had just started throwing fits we of course thought they were from the terrible twos we thought it would stop B's mom had always been in his life but had never had custody just visitation which was never regular but she saw him at least once a month she wasn't a horrible mother and still isn't but when she lived with anyone she would forestall child care responsibilities to that person she also has bipolarity running in her family they all pull crazy stunts but for the most part are just good enough to pass within societal standards when B turned 3 he continued his fit throwing but including urinating on things and himself to get revenge for punishment we continued to discipline him with timeouts spankings were taking toys away but we still thought it was just a phase three months before he turned four B's father and I got married we also started him in counseling we kept him in it for a long while even though it only seemed to make him worse there was never a day without a fit we also started him in a preschool for three-year-olds I also worked there but not with him I was ashamed / embarrassed because he constantly threw stuff screaming hitting kicking fits over things like using the restroom washing his hands or putting toys away we eventually couldn't afford his counseling anymore due to other medical bills his behavior continued into kindergarten his teacher believed he had a de D because he refused to pay attention and do his work he eventually told the school counselor that he just didn't want to do it this is a continuing problem today we battle over it constantly and not just with schoolwork but the basic kid things personal hygiene cleaning his room chores helping around the house at all etc he is now seven and a half he still throws screaming raging fits he also still urinates for a revenge I have to clean his bathroom constantly because when he gets mad he goes in and pees all over the floor and shower curtain he also lies in bed every morning and pees himself then changes his underwear he does that even when he hasn't been in trouble he refuses to wash himself in the shower it's been weeks since he last washed his hair we've simply given up on that he refuses to do the majority of his homework he constantly lies about everything he makes up grand stories about all kinds of stuff from things you can't really do in a Minecraft game - saying my mother punched him he takes anything you say and twists it wildly around in his head then throws it back at you starting that you hate him or want him to die or want to kill him he has ripped up his own clothing his toys his bedding and anything else he can lay his hands on he also tried to manipulate every situation he can and has been known to steal particularly from school no matter what you do or say or try he will argue with you until he's won or thinks he has no matter what we do where we go even if it's just for him he's unhappy always always unhappy he has never been molested or touched by anyone we know this for certain and have had him evaluated by his new counselor just in case our families don't have extended contact with him for all the reasons listed but my mother generally keeps him one night every two weeks his mother's family are hugely into bikers against child abuse we know them all personally and no one new has come into his life plus when he's with his mom who is now a lesbian he generally doesn't see her family much the reason I'm telling this is because his latest terrible behavior is sexual the first time he was alone with his Kindle 15 minutes while my mother did laundry he looked up boobs on YouTube and watched a bunch of videos he got in a lot of trouble including having no Kindle and no YouTube access but went to his mom's and did the same thing but tried to show his little six-year-old sister also within the last year he has told you that he has touched his sister's boobs and peeped on her while she's naked not to mention all the times he has touched his private parts including an incident when he put his mouth on his crotch he was wearing jeans and bit down he also touched our toddler asses behind repeatedly in a not nice way he is no longer allowed to be with him alone he is currently back in counseling although there has been no improvement in months and the counselor is running out of ideas how do I feel about him honestly I can't stand him I know he's only seven but he has ripped our family apart my husband and I are completely different people than we ever were we are tired and stressed from the daily battle with him we are saddened drained from our own feelings toward him and we are guilty so so heavily and deeply guilty my husband is especially guilty feeling that he put this awful burden on me II and s this is a child I have loved with my whole heart I would say that at one time I even loved him more than my son EBIT the continued conflict and screaming in Haiti's views has caused me to retract a lot of that love I'm a stay-at-home mom I care for him every single day all day I will continue to do so but when he turns 18 I'm not sure what will happen my hope is that it gets better but I honestly no longer believe that we'll ever have then thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the Bell notification for more videos like this and remember not all people who are diagnosed to psychopaths behave like this many had been in therapy and lift normal lives anyway share your own psychopath or sociopath stories in the comments
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 390,881
Rating: 4.924984 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, ask reddit, best of reddit, reddit cringe, reddit stories, reddit top posts, reddit story, people of reddit, best reddit posts, reddit compilation, reddit stories 2019, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit scary, reddit video, radio tts psychopath, psychopath, reddit psychopath, psychopathy, psychopaths, parents of psychopaths stories, parents of psychopaths reddit, parents of psychopaths, parents, child is a psychopath, signs of a psychopath, psychopath child
Id: TWQXnudH32s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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