Paper Mario: The Two and a Half Hour Door - Any% Speedrun Showcase - GDQ Hotfix Showcase

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well hello everyone it is good to do thousand your door again like at said if you miss thousand your door at agdq well now you get to see it again for uh for this gdq channel so it's at a better time but not only is it your second chance to see Thousand Year Door it is none other than my great friend and commentator manado it is his second chance to commentate for thouse door cuz he was not able to make it to gdq hey how's it going everybody it's great to have you here I I you know wanted I wanted you to commentate you know I was told hey think of some commentators I was like monado instantly but yeah guys uh this is going to be a little different than the commentary run I did at agdq I'm actually going to leave it open for a lot more Q&A so uh during the run if you guys have any questions that you'd like to ask about the run or anything like clarification on any trick feel free to ask we have the chat open so um you know feel free to ask any question questions but uh I'm about ready uh I'll go ahead and give a countdown um starting from five so 5 4 3 2 1 go good luck good luck Yoshi thank you thank you Thousand Year Door this game is 20 years old it's coming up on 20 years old we're getting the Thousand-Year Door remake it's a good year 2024 is a good year and you know thousand year doors has been broken throughout you know the years you know the time is all the way down to like a 216 um there's so many insane yeah it's it's insane there's there's so many awesome tricks that if you guys have not seen a thous door run recently you definitely want to stick around and watch it because uh the route is pretty crazy you know uh you know manado do you know how to count do do you know how to count to eight uh no I don't that's why I use Liv split oh that's true well you know here's the funny thing the way we count to eight in this SP run is is we we start with zero because you know prologue then we you go you know 1 7 2 6 three s eight that's how you count to eight right yeah yeah that sounds about right to me yeah yeah so I would say so yeah so I I I think you know that that's how we count to eight so yeah that that is actually the order of chapters we're going to be doing not all the chapters we're going to be completing in this run um you know there there's going to be um some chapters that we go to real quickly there's going to be some chapters that we need to just beat the end of and there are some chapters that we won't even visit at all uh chap Yoshi you you need all the crystal stars to enter the Thousand what do you mean you're going to skip some chapters you can't do that cheating you see contrary to PO belief this isn't all crystal star that's any percent so we got to we just got to like you know go as fast as possible right uh I'll allow it you'll allow it at you oh and you put it that way yeah yeah [Music] but yeah um starting off is going to be a little slow because we got prologue which is the tutorial stage you know we we love prologue right I mean it is only 10 minutes or like about 11 minutes compared to Paper Mario 64 which is like 20 minutes this is still a really fast run overall though like you were saying earlier um time has come down to a 216 I remember when the big breakthrough was like sub three I know right I I remember when the biggest bre half a decade ago but yeah I mean I remember when the the uh when the biggest breakthrough was like I don't know like what is it like no not not even just that I remember when like people were excited to get sub five oh yeah how long you been running this Yoshi so I have actually been running this uh in February it will be 8 years I have been speedr running for about a third of my life now listen I am a very young Runner I'm currently 21 years old I started at a very young age I'm not trying to make anyone feel old um but I started at a young age and um it's funny I just like realized recently when I when I got accepted to run gdq I was like oh my gosh I've been running for a third of my life I was like that was wild yeah and I I think I joined at a really good time because literally a few months when I started running the game that's when pal skip got found so I was pretty much one of the first Runners to have actually start using pal skip it just tells you how much you enjoy speedr running if you've been doing it for this long and you haven't stopped yeah exactly there have been times where I've taken breaks here and there but I've always loved it like you know the first thing I would do is you know I'd get done with school which I was homeschooled so it's actually a bit easier but I basically get done with my school and then start streaming and then just do runs hey do you know Justin do you like Partners do you like Partners yeah I like partners well they're pretty cool do you like specifically a goombella uh yeah goombella is pretty cool yeah I like her design a lot she's got a cool little hat with the headlight on it yeah true more of a helmet than a hat but oh oh I'm sorry guys I'm just really I'm really I just need to I just need to like you know take a break from mashing real quickly it's just you know I'm just you know I'm going to just lose like a little bit of time I'm just going to kind of like mat like you know just kind of take it a little easy if you guys don't mine okay now I'll just start mashing again for some context to that you have to wait for the characters in the background to stop having their little interaction of fighting each other you can take as much time as you need as long as that cut scene's going on yeah exactly um it's interesting it's the only cut scene in the game that does that yeah at least you don't need to mash through 100 I love us in this category that is true it's funny if you want to uh take a break from mashing you know yeah if you want to do that you got to find glitch list yeah good old glitch list that's what I started with that's start glitchless in 2019 yeah about 5 years since I started running the game yeah so you know you and I uh I mean you didn't come too much longer oh I guess you came a few years after me but you kind of like ran it on and off when I started uh running it I believe you took it Sero I attempted to learn it back in 2016 um and I was doing mainly preh hook tail pit back then but yeah we uh we had like known each other back in 2016 we didn't really talk too much but we were definitely aware of each other and talked in each other's streams and I've known this guy for a while eight years yeah e that's gross not not not not our friendship that's not what I'm trying to say just 8 years how has it been that long I don't know so unfortunately we uh we stepped on that poor Toad's contact lens um so you know she's uh she's unfortunately going to have blurry vision and uh until we buy her some new contacts yeah so um Yoshi going over there to interact with zesti is more or less a requirement um it is a guaranteed thing you're going to do in like every single playthrough of this game you have to break your contact lens there's no way around it and then you just go into the shop to uh order her a new one uh thankfully you don't have to buy it you just need to tell the shopkeeper about it and then we go ahead and buy some items while we're in the store which I think you bought two honey syrups and a few Freight masks yeah I bought two honey syrups uh what was it four fright masks and uh three firef flers uh items will be pretty important for the Run um early on because a lot of the enemies were just going to PR mask or use a fireflow um so it just like ends up saving time because we don't want to have to jump on every enemy items are just kind of the fastest way to take care of enemies especially since early on they have low HP yep uh a lot of the early game enemies have also a really high percent chance to run away from Freight masks and stuff like the Goombas that you're going to come across in uh rport seers are going to be 100% chance to run away from those yeah now listen I read in the chat that a lot of people like Flavio and listen I'm sad to say we're not going to get Flavio this run if you want to see fio enjoyer yeah if you want to see flabio watch the agdq run because we did get Flavio there uh but oh hold on I need to avoid the hardest tutorial all right I avoided it but okay you joke about that but I have definitely accidentally like messed that up I even in recent times I have too don't worry the reason why that tutorial is so hard to avoid is because if you press A or B you will hit that tutorial you need to input up an A on the first one yep most other text boxes that allow you to select either yes or no if you just mash the B button it'll just default to know granted not every text box is like that it's just the majority of them that operate that way yeah so these enemies have a high chance to run it's basically 100% I've never seen anyone like not not had them run away so it's pretty good but as I was saying earlier I know everyone loves Flavio but I'm personally a frankly fan and there's a reason why I'm a frankly fan but first off we got to get through actually the hardest room in prologue there's a bunch of goombas that depending on their placement they could just really mess up your they they just mess up your movement because they like to charge at you like that and if you jump over them they unagro from you yeah exactly oh my gosh I've never done that before there's the that's never happened before I haven't had him notice me so quickly I usually like when the uh spiky Goomba happens to notice you fast because then you can get around him pretty fast cuz then he'll uh he'll try to walk for a little bit and then he can sneak on by yeah works out pretty well yes I get it chat Flavio Les run but it's okay cuz we're going to get some frankly because uh in previous oh sorry mean to interrupt you you're I was just going to read something from chat in previous routes of the speedrun why was Flavio faster to get it wasn't necessarily Flavio was faster to get we were just more so required to get him because of the way the route was structured we were required to go into chapter 5 to do some extra stuff because that's just uh how it was at the time there wasn't like anything faster known and there wasn't any way to get around Flavia so he was just kind of forced into our part into our party I fell for the curse you fell for the curse he's so convincing I don't I don't know what it is he's just so convincing now I'm cursed to turn into a paper airplane yeah it's unfortunate you know what I'm so upset I don't even want to go to the Thousand-Year Door what if we just like jump across to that platform to get the chapter or to get to chapter one yeah I know I was about to say Yoshi where where you going yeah you're supposed to go to the thouse door but you know like you said would would you mind explaining how it's like what we have to do to jump really far to jump really far oh that Goomba oh you didn't jump very far there I didn't jump very far there no oh man he hurt [Music] you hurt me oh to are you oh I know what you're talking about you're talking about speed swaps aren't you no not really I'm talking about the first glitch of the Run oh oh okay uh so Hazard respawn glitch is a glitch that Yoshi will be doing in just a little bit um you can skip going to the Thousand-Year Door entirely um by entering this room over here and on the first frame that you enter the room if you have to jump once as soon as you enter the room and jump again onto the boat panel it will not properly update your respawn point cuz it Doesn't uh update Mario's respawn point on the first frame of you entering a room in most cases some of them some rooms are a little bit different um but by touching a hazard such as the water here it will put Mario into the center of the room and it just so happens that the platform is right there yeah it's really great if that was like any further that wouldn't be possible yeah there are times where you can get like some sort of pixel displacement and you'll just push over to the left a little bit and land back in the water yeah but yeah so I said we like frankly Frankle is going to be following us for like most of the Run yeah he will be frank there's a flag um when you enter the Thousand-Year Door cut scene like when you step on the pedestal for the first time we frankly as scripted to leave your party but that doesn't happen so he's just kind of with us for a while and the reason why I like frankly is because he saves time he does lavio doesn't laio loses time well like how much time did that cost you to go out of your way for like 8 minutes or something like seven minutes seven okay yeah and all crystal Stars he would cost like a minute or something if you were to get him in like if you were to get him yeah cuz you just fa to skip the cut scene there yeah so in this next room there's another Hazard respawn glitch we can do I'm not going to do it because it's basically something you would only do if you're attempting to go for like world record or like a really good run similar thing uh for some reason uh you can actually like go pretty far scared yeah I'm just scared you can actually go pretty you can actually go pretty far into the room before your position gets updated and then you can jump on that pipe and then jump on the I actually don't know what it's called but it's that little blue thing that's like right there the little scking out of the ground with the eyes and you can jump in the water and then you'll actually fall right into the water and you can get a frame perfect jump out of the water but if you miss it you will continuously fall in the water you get multiple chances but it only saves about 25 seconds and you can game over so yes it's not really ideal yes you can no I wouldn't say so yeah not really ideal I'm crazy enough to do it in my Max upgrade runs I'm also crazy enough to do it in my 9% runs that was one of those instances where in some rooms the respawn point doesn't update as soon as Mario like walks into the room cuz it the trigger for it just happens to be pretty far away yeah we were talking about speed swaps earlier so if we want to actually talk about them now you can go ahead all right well um you'll notice that Yoshi is like jumping around with Mario a lot that's not really just for show um the uh vertical and horizontal speeds for Mario are actually different you'd think that they're exactly the same but they're not one Mario moves up and down he's actually moving at a bit of a faster Pace than if he was moving left or right and if you input a little bit upwards and start jumping to either the left or the right and continuously keep jumping frame perfectly you will keep your momentum that you had I guess you could say you stored it um when you started moving up and down yeah exactly it's pretty it's pretty cool yeah it is and you might you might think frame perfect that's got to be pretty tough yeah you you kind of get used to it after a while this game is also 60 FPS so when we're saying frame perfect stuff it's 16th a second ESS it is a very very tight window yep so here is a forced encounter that we have to get so that other encounter with the spike glomba I didn't really want to get you lose about 10 seconds every encounter you get but this one is essentially impossible to avoid but it's not actually impossible because the Tas is able to skip this room but I'm not even going to go into explaining how it's done because it's just not possible for RTA right to give it in short terms you would essentially just bypass the loading zone and then walk out of bounds it's it's not RTA viable though right it's a you use a trick called goombella buffering which is an RTA viable trick it's just not used in this run as far as I'm aware uh it will be used for one point one point or two points it'll be used for p Skip and uh a part in Chapter 2 which I'll get to you later okay oh yeah yeah okay I know what you're talking about now ghost Kumo in the chat the ill zil with the not so salty run back yeah this isn't salty whatever shout outs to ghost Kumo who commentated who was one of my commentators for a Thousand-Year Door during agdq yeah all right hopefully this Koopa is nice to me all right there we go there we go you know she's just picking up some more items along the way um like we were talking about earlier a lot of these items make uh some of these early game plates go on by a lot quicker so yeah buying a few in the store and then picking some up along your way is the best approach so Justin do you like game shows yeah I'm a fan we're going to be playing trivia like Wheel of Fortune back in the day well we're going to be playing trivia how the heck are we going to know what these questions and answers are they're in Japanese well Yoshi I got some good news for you exactly the same every time oh my gosh so you're telling me it's 13423 that is exactly what I'm saying it is 13423 yeah so yeah the answers are the answer order at least is the exact same the answers aren't quite the same like specifically because there's one question that's like what do you like how much is it if you buy like a a sleepy sheep and a firef in the Japanese version it's 12 total but in the English version it is 16 so the answer order is the same but not all the answers are quite the same but it's same order so it's it's all good right I wonder if the questions are the same I can't read Japanese so I don't actually know yeah besides do you happen to know that I I actually don't know whatsoever besides one point there's actually really no reason for us to memorize Japanese the only point that we'll need to ESS not exactly memorize Japanese but uh memorize certain characters is in chapter 3 because we'll have to be going through the minor league and the conditions are random and you know it's in Japanese so we need to kind of translate what it would be for English which is actually not that hard to do it's just looking for certain characters correct ooh nice FP drops so these are forc encounters that we need to get because we need to get the Sun and Moonstone at the start of the chapter we saw dragon fly over us and we basically need to get the Sun and Moon Stones in order to go into hooktail Castle because hooktail we we kind of missed the the segment where it said but hooktail is one of the Guardians of the crystal star correct you have got that right and there is a poop sitting in hooktail's belly right now that a certain party member wants to avenge that we don't have yet yeah spoiler alert sorry I wonder who that is I don't know maybe it's that Koopa that like introduced us at the beginning it was like oh hey welcome to pelberg maybe yeah he he looked like he was really unique so or maybe it was that girl Koopa that we saw that sarcasm maybe oh maybe it's the uh the um the town Elder true he's in his ripe adventuring ages of course of course so welcome to kind of the first like mini boss I guess you could say uh of this run well we skipped blooper but uh cuz blooper we usually would be like the first boss but this is kind of a mini boss where we have to fight the fuzzy and something we neglected to mention earlier but the difference with this game opposed to other games is you can actually super guard which does one damage to a decent amount of enemies and I'm going to go ahead and see if I can get it because it is kind of required there we go I I redeemed myself last last run at agdq I missed the super guard but that that I was completely fine with missing it because I got a very sweet and amazing donation from my girlfriend that almost made me weep and I missed the super guard in the process just because I almost cried she messed you up but in a good way it was all for All for [Music] Love so yeah now we got some more backt tracking to do and as you can see frankl's just still chilling along he's just cruising along with us mhm oh one thing I should probably mention about uh super guarding is that it is a three Frame Window yes to be able to hit that so it's not super hard but for someone who's not really experienced with like you know Tight Windows like that could be pretty challenging yeah you get used to it over time though super guarding is like it may sound kind of daunting saying like oh it's a three-frame window in 60 FPS but once you like get the idea of a Down with like each individual enemy in the game it's works like clockwork it's very easy to understand and grasp them yeah [Music] exactly so going back through the peaceful pedal medals or P ped petal Metals I I I like I messed that up petal Metals Yoshi yes I don't know how to tell tell this to you but this palberg palberg that's right this isn't palberg this is pedal this is pedg oh my gosh I don't know my Lord this is pedal medals there you go D I wonder who this guy is I'm sure he won't be important at all nah oh wait little fun fact oh I was just going to say I can't read Japanese but I think he's trying to tell us that he wants to join us no what what would make you think that is it the like partner introduction screen that's currently going on or is it the fact that they're currently trying to teach us how to use coups in battle and also in the field no I doubt it could be that I have no idea but what's your fun fact I want to hear your fun fact oh I was just going to say you technically can skip cops technically technically um if you decline him um and make your way over to hook castle and insert the Sun and Moonstone you'll notice that you need both Mario and cops to be able to hit the switches in time but you can just barely barely barely barely yeah does barely hit both switches with just Mario and as far as I'm aware it's like what like a frame or two maybe to be able to hit that I don't think it's RTA po like viable at all and even then we need we need coups for certain stuff anyways exactly so even if there even if there was um any reason for you to like skip cops if he wasn't uh if what am I trying to say I don't even know what I'm trying to say you you just need cops that's it if you could there's no real way to it would like just not ideal for us exactly even at Tas I'm pretty sure because of some of the tricks that are required with him I know malio had tried to you to skip using cops at one point in time but then it ended up not working out yeah shouts to malio by the way he is an excellent task this game has made like what eight tases of any% and is currently working on more than that it's got to be like 10 now probably and is currently making 100% task which I'm excited to see that mhm but using the power of coups we were able to get to hooktail [Music] Castle now we're in we are in this is one of the only dungeons we're going to be seeing but it looks pretty cool yeah it does this is one of the most interesting looking uh yeah I guess dungeons you could call them that yeah it's really it's really going to be interesting like what all the dungeons are going to look like in the remake because you know it's going to be like a lot more polished and remade obviously yeah I am so excited for the remake of this game oh man I know you saw my reaction to that oh my gosh yeah great reaction from monado here you got really lucky with those Koopas there yeah I got really lucky yeah it's like cuz I don't know if anyone was expecting a thousand door remake I wasn't no I I think like seeing a remake for Super Mario RPG kind of just opened up the door of like oh Nintendo is going to be kind of willing to remake some of these games again maybe they're trying to see if people are interested in them and then their next direct later I you know I I expected that we could possibly see a remake of this game after the announcement of smrpg but I didn't expect it that soon I don't think anybody expected called crazy yeah you want to know it's crazy the fact that we can use these fire flowers to quickly take care of this boss that's true that is so true yeah this this boss can be a little Annoying too if you like somehow don't have an extra fireflow or something in here he can spawn in like another D bones and yeah it'll waste some time I've definitely done that before in my early days of running it yeah now one thing I need to make sure is I need to make sure I upgrade BP first now it's funny in most thousand your door runs you see we always upgrade FP first it's always FP first but in this route we don't actually upgrade FP first we actually don't upgrade FP at all we want to upgrade BP a lot and then at some point we will upgrade Mario's HP Yoshi you forgot the shine sprit oh you're so right I thought I was playing definitely need Mario Sunshine oh you know what that's that's fair there are panes in this game so I'd get I would make that the same mistake too yeah and what was that that you just picked up there that was a castle key and I did a trick called flip uh skip what you can do is talking about the star piece oh the star piece yeah it's the star piece it's going to be used to buy a very important badge that will help increase my odds to get an item drop you might be thinking why the heck do I need an item drop what's that going to be useful for you will it's really useful for battle Yeah it's very useful for battle but you will hopefully see I say hopefully see because it adds a lot of RNG to the run and we might not we might not see the item if it takes too long cuz I do have a backup save uh-oh Indiana Jones moment I activate I activated a booby trap oh no I totally didn't see this coming with all the holes in the floor indicating there would be something raising on the floor go I got to go I think maybe the speed swaps are helped me a little bit I can't speed swap downward oh Yoshi you got to get out of here you're going to going to die oh my gosh I had I only had like 30 seconds left oh my goodness you barely made get it out of there yeah real quickly just to Del back on one of the tricks that I did I did flip skip which just basically allows you to skip hitting that switch with the staircase and it save some time it's very easy yeah yeah very simple trick oh this guy's very he is yeah I would agree with you he definitely wasn't going to curse you oh he just did curse me oh God dang it dang it I can't believe I messed up again I got cursed again okay you know what I'm putting my foot down I will not get cursed again mark my words I will not get cursed I will not get cursed again you know I believe you actually thank you I I don't think you'll get cursed again yeah let's go and put on some Badges and then I think it's good to check my email every so often yeah probably I would say so to give some context as to why he checked his email there every email that you get in the game uh if you don't check that one uh it'll give you like a little notification telling you to read them so if you read one it'll never make that pop up again yep so I'll get a bunch of emails but it won't give me a notification being like hey you should check your emails you know like like hey did you know that you can look at the email SP like I got a question for chat does anyone actually like you know besides maybe like really important emails like for stuff that maybe you bought or something does anyone actually check their emails cuz I feel like I have like so many unread emails that I do not check no I need to clear out my email account cuz Google is yelling at me like oh you're running out of room there bucko you need to clean your emails out yeah I think unless it's like marked as important or it's like a confirmation for something I need like a hotel or something I don't check my emails whatsoever the only time I ever pay attention to emails is when I know like I have something coming in the mail or something like the actual mail not the email like oh your pack is now out for delivery exactly anybody else do that where you immediately order something online and you're like oh I got to check the shipping 2 minutes later cuz I know that it'll definitely be on the way now yeah that's what I do yep quick note it is actually possible to jump to this window and do a trick called window jump saves about 8 seconds but you lose like 20 seconds if you miss it so I'd like never go for it yeah it really isn't all too worth it I know a lot of people used to do it uh back in the day um but it just I don't know I I've never really felt the needs to have to go to one do window jump in a category in categories in this game I've done it a few seconds is not really much yeah yeah I've done it a few times with the categories you'll never see me do window jump in is 100% And glitchless yeah glitchless especially because um there is a backup you can do if you happen to fall down um to get back up to the room quicker where you just flip out a bounds um and the way out of bounds Works in this game is where if you uh if you fall out of bounds Mario will be placed in at the last like loading entry he came to so he'd be put back up at the the top door you can't do that in glitch list obviously oh I got the swag jump nice Yoshi why didn't you pause the game n times perfectly yeah so you can get past the dull bones there I'm sure that's definitely RTA viable definitely so for some content that fight is technically possible to avoid but you have to pause frame perfectly like up to like 10 times or something like um monado said um done in task not done RTA not done for RTA runs I think people have like unironically like attemp or like just ironically attempted it but I don't think anyone's actually saved time from it I'm pretty sure you're right about that yeah oh man it's really unfortunate I got cursed with the paper airplane ability oh yeah I see someone asking why is the professor at me the professor wanted to join me on the adventure but the reason why that's I he joined us is because we skipped the flag the flag where he's supposed to leave uh earlier in the run so now he's with us he's stuck with us for a bit isi Yeah another shine spray miss the shine spray you're right I also missed the one in the treasure room and I also missed all like those chests dang ah goodness you're right oh I might as well go back for him I'm sorry ety that you CH that you trusted me to do this run and I'm just missing all the goodies yeah I know I'm supposed to collect everything I'm pretty sure the items that are in the chest and the I guess the treasure room are like just a mushroom and a honey syrup anyway I think one of those an ultra shom but really yeah oh I know the one in Chapter 2 is an ultra shroom wait you're right that's the ultr shroom one yeah I okay what's happening in this dark room oh that's a big [Music] dragon I like the attention of detail to see where she like actually gets into the room cuz there's like a giant crack in the wall in one of the pillars I never noticed that yeah you'd think how did she get in here there's a giant crack yeah you can see it on the stage too that I don't think I ever noticed it's behind her head oh wow barely see it right now but when before she dropped onto the stage you can see [Music] it all right I got the nine I tried to go for the 10 so this is actually the hardest boss to the run the reason because it is the one boss that requires the most amount of power [Music] bounces and power bounces are kind of hard so to go into like a little more detail on why power bouncing is so hard is because it believes it start I it starts like at what seven frames and then it goes down by one frame every like jump you get and the eighth bounce to get the ninth bounce is frame perfect and we were talking about earlier how this game is framed is 60 FPS so it is kind of hard you have got that right yeah I want the th000 coin aw she tricked me she did trick you why would you select it if you knew that she was going to trick you I just felt like it was faster just to get eaten by like one by 5 HP speaking of getting eaten she kind of eats the toads and regains uh 10 HP so you know what I think we are going to kill her with this bounce oh I tried to go for the 10 for swag but that's okay that was a really good fight that is probably one of the best scenarios you can ask for for the fight the best fight you can get is an 11 bounce and a nine bounce and then you can save a little bit of time but it's a very I think it's like one and three that you'll get it like a 30% chance that you'll get it or no I think it's like 11% actually so not very yeah yeah something like that cuz it uh it's a one in well one and three chance after like the ninth bounce or something yeah and you can get the first bounc capped at which uh capped is just a term we use that basically means that you're forced to stop the action command uh that happened earlier I got capped but that the ninth bounce is the first that you can get capped and you need to get an 11 bounce which is not the easiest oh hey you were talking about a a Koopa inside uh what is it hooktail's belly do you think that's his father do you think that's his father you sure I don't they don't look they don't look anything alike that's true well we got one of the crystal Stars so that's good yeah now you just need six more which I'm sure you're definitely going to get all of them right oh absolutely absolutely I'm going to get all of them I'm totally not going to only get three in the run some Keen ey viewers might have noticed that when hook want to scoop up some of the audience uh that the audience seemingly just appeared out of nowhere that's because earlier when Yoshi skipped going to the Thousand-Year Door and didn't get the first special move being sweet treat the audience actually doesn't appear at all until uh you get your first special move and and they'll they'll start showing up now that he has his first Crystal star Yeah by quick quick reminder to stay hydrated everyone true so true also frankly what are you doing with what are you doing on the xnot side he's trying to remain neutral oh yeah to all parties involved yeah yeah so welcome to the part of the run where we get a little bit of a break but at the same time we don't really get a break cuz we still have to mash text it is the peach intermission and then soon to come the Bowser intermission where we just kind of have a quick thing well I say quick it's like a few minutes long but we have a segment with Peach and Bowser where it's like hey you know this is going on lore the lore of the game one day I believe we'll be able to get Turbo allow one day one day one day oh we got some ghosts here I'm sure the one in the red hat is completely unremarkable and definitely would not join your party nah yeah but we love her Vivian my beloved exactly she is one of the best party members in the game hi frankly hey Frank see yeah frankly sort of follows us because he's basically programmed to follow whoever the player is and that does include Peach yep yeah since uh calling back to earlier since uh he was never removed from your party there's no check in the game to have him removed from your party here cuz you know they they never expected him to be with you in this party it' be extra development for nothing yeah and he just sort of spawns in right there we love that yep just drops in we love that so did any of you ever wish that your computer could just talk to you well this is Tech he's a computer who can talk to Peach his story goes computer can talk to me if I go to Google and uh type in some sort of uh like Google oh yeah yeah that's true texor goes a little farther than just being a talking computer he essentially is like hey I want to know what love is because he like mentions that I forget exactly what he says but he like mentions something about peach and peach is like wait are you in love with me he's like wait what is love I need to learn about this I'm supposed to be the perfect computer and l o v e yeah never heard of it yeah never heard of it Frankle is not allowed to go back to Peach's room he's he's stuck in there with tech yeah he got trapped I guess that's a good question someone asked why are we playing on Japanese I guess we forgot to mention that so Japanese is technically sort of the fastest version It's I believe English is actually a little faster by like I don't know like what 10 seconds or something or I don't remember but but Japanese is a lot easier English is a lot harder to do the run on there's a lot of tricks that are different um and it's just not worth doing like the last trick palis skit it's so hard on English or like on anything that isn't Japanese yeah so um I guess we can explain it when we get there but um palis essentially just takes a lot longer to do on English just because the same method isn't available to you on JP or I'm sorry this same method on JP isn't available to you on the English version yeah it is technically better odds to get the one of the item drops that is needed for palis skip on English but it's still just not worth it yeah seriously you're going to have a much more fun time uh if you you know if you decide you want to run Paper Mario thee door you can join the TTD Discord to go ahead and do that um Sheamus plug on that um but if you decide you want to run this game uh the JP version is probably the most accessible version to get because it's overall an easier run because of the things stated earlier and it's also cheaper to find online yeah it's funny it's actually cheaper than getting a US version of this game M by the way uh you mentioned Shameless plugs I have one uh sh if you're not already following Yoshi Zilla and manado on Twitch please do so twitch names shown on the stream if you're joying the run at all definitely drop them both a follow that's not Shameless at all that's very thoughtful but you know you know here I'll do I'll do a Shameless plug as well if you guys aren't already following the gdq channel you should definitely do that because this isn't the only run that we're doing there's been a bunch of hot fix runs that that have been going on you're just here for a Thousand-Year Door you should go watch some other runs I know that there's runs happening I believe tomorrow so exactly and yeah yeah plenty coming up you know contrary to popular belief gdq is not an only like two like uh two streams like a year stream it's a two events a year but there are a bunch of other stuff that happens you have got that right these hoic shows are a fun time to watch yep so we get an email right here that peach actually sent from Tech tell telling Mario that she's basically okay but she has no idea where she is so we'll have to we'll have to figure out where she is at some point and a little thing I want to mention is I got a badge earlier called Mega Rush partner now in this game you could actually buff your partners there are partner badges that you can get and mega Rush p is going to be very useful you have got that right there's also quite a few badges actually I don't I don't even know if you do that in any percent but uh at least in other categories there are a bunch of badges that you'll pick up just to sell yeah we do that 90% you do okay I I figured I just wasn't completely certain yep so making Ed to the speed swap to actually get across those platforms a bit faster and you can also do it here to make that platform cycle that is make that cycle little interesting thing too is on the us a pal versions of the game um the platform cycle there is actually a little bit different compared to JP and that's because uh they made it so it moves a little bit closer to the edges of each individual platform I believe it actually doese the edge yes and uh due to one of them hitting the edge you can actually do a OS and pal exclusive skip all go materal Skip and that is why English and pal is technically a little faster the Japanese but again it's just not worth it yeah what what's the what's that door behind us uh that is the um I feel like The Pink Door yeah I feel like it's at least like 800 years old like I don't know probably just based off of it's got It's got seven stars on it so it's got to be like Rel it's got to have something to do with stars yeah so like maybe the Seven Star door Mario 64 that's what it is no no no no no I think it's I think it's the uh smrpg legend of the Seven Stars door you know kind of jokes aside now that I think about it a lot of games really a lot of like the RPG games like well I guess specifically Mario RPG and the first two paper Marios it's really all about stars seven legend of the Seven Stars there's seven star spirits and papy Mario 1 there's seven Crystal Stars I mean there's technically K that Trend after this game though there's technically sticker star but anyways there only five in that game but yeah that's true but anyways we actually go to the Thousand-Year Door this time and we get to figure out where the next Crystal star is but I you know I don't think we need to go to chapter 2 I mean we were talking about how to count to eight earlier so we just did one now we got to do seven yeah that's how that works also quick little note frankly isn't actually in the house but then he just comes out right here like he was there at first so it kind of looks like he's he really has been traveling with us this entire time you you can actually hear him like hopping around um and I'm pretty sure the Franklin that's in your party is stuck behind the wall like the bookcase behind frankl's wall so when you go through the door he kind of just pops on through yeah exactly so I guess coming up here go you go ahead oh I was just going to say that uh coming up here Yoshi needs to go ahead and um activate uh these flags over here to be able to get into chapter 2 cuz unlike a lot of other things that are in this game uh there most of these [Music] um activation stuff are based off of sequence events in the game um and unfortunately this isn't the case the only way to open the wall up to be able to get the chapter 2 is by directly speaking with punio here and that is the entire reason that we need to beat chapter one otherwise if we were not required to do this we would be able to uh get the on the paper mode curse um and then just skip doing this entirely yeah exactly You' be able to leave chapter one after that yeah that's that's what I was about to talk about we have to basically open chapter 2 but we don't actually need to start chapter 2 we will be going into chapter 2 earlier or later but for now we are going to go back to up to rport we're going to buy some items buy the contact lens and then we're going to be doing a pretty important trick it's actually one of the tricks um it's a trick that's been around for a while but the specific method basically broke any% and it was like okay well we get to skip a bunch of stuff now yeah this is probably one of the most like I don't know exactly how to there's so many methods for this yeah like it it felt like when ter was discovered it it was like the one method for quite a long while and then seemingly out of nowhere there were like five or more different methods just found and now it's one of the most versatile glitches in the game where you can do multiple different methods obviously there are some that are better than others and some that you just don't do anymore but the fact that there are are so many different ways to achieve the same glitches pretty crazy yeah so I sold that live stream and that in coupon that in coupon was actually a backup item because I got an encounter getting an encounter loses five coins usually so basically sold some items and I bought a bunch of fright masks fright masks are quick ways to take care of enemies as you have seen but now it is time for TR which stands for teleporter room early and I will go ahead and let my good commentator manado explain it while I am doing it all right so teleporter room early as we were talking about earlier is a way to get into chapter 7 way earlier than intended and by doing this and entering chapter 7 we can advance Mario's or I guess the game sequence point up to a chapter 7 State and for this specific method that Yoshi is going to be doing right here he is unplugging his controller and remapping his control stick by holding it in a specific Direction and plugging it back in which resets the neutral position of it and currently it is at I I to be honest with you I don't know the exact uh angle that it's being held at right now it's at like 358 or something or like 158 or something is like what what it is called I can be quiet if you need to focus no you can do it okay um but essentially what he's trying to do right now is clip into a very tiny little Gap in between the wall in the door and this is a as far as I'm aware it is a frame perfect Pixel Perfect and angle perfect trick you need to unspin jump which is a frame perfect trick in a two-frame window through the crack in the door and he got it was like that that was really good yeah that was uh that was a lot better that was a lot better than uh agq you know agq that that was still like an amazing run and I loved that run but uh unfortunately it took a little bit longer to get because you know it's a it is a very very hard trick but right there we got it very fast so someone actually asked that was really good thank you someone actually asked if this is better than the flurry method it's better in the sense of it's faster but in my opinion the flurry method is a lot easier so we were talking about so we were talking about Flags earlier funny enough chap 7 is not actually Advanced to the correct sequence and the correct flag until you read that red note we actually don't need to read the red note at all technically all like the note itself doesn't really do much but it actually advances the sequence so yeah for some reason like there isn't there's really no realistic reason as to why the developers decided to do that cuz when you enter chapter 7 through like normal me if you know the code for the red note you don't have to read it you're not required to go down the elevator and read it if you know what it is and you've memorized it or written it down in uh previous playthroughs of the game you can just go to the room and type in on the keypad so for them to have um added a sequence point to it uh saved us quite a lot of time cuz as far as I'm aware if uh if the uh sequence Point didn't get updated from the red note there there would be no reason to come here like it would it would not serve any purpose yeah but it's really good that like it's really amazing just to think how this run works like we we're really lucky with what the developers like put as sequence positions and sequence points because if these didn't exist then the Run would be a lot different and certain things probably wouldn't be possible bye Franklin oh Yoshi let me ask you a question you fan of quizzes I am you did one earlier so I feel like you you are is this going to be like Quiz 2 Electric boo but hold on that that actually kind of got me a little bit so we were talking about earlier this combination is always the same on most of the versions except for the French version the French the French version is actually a word which I believe it's actually excuse is what it translates to yeah yeah it's so weird you have to type in excuse instead of a a code well excuse me oh wait that's a Zelda reference it's still Nintendo counts so similar with this quiz same uh same answers well same like same like answer you you know what I mean yeah I I get what you mean it's the answers are located in the same spot regardless if the questions are the same or not Yep they're not randomized or anything I know somebody had asked in the chat earlier um if these quizzes get randomized for a randomizer of this game unfortunately that doesn't exist for T2 yet but there is somebody I know that is working on one it's very very early stages but it's happening eventually also can we get some like you know if a en counter can we unfortunate so okay after I run away from this battle can you guys you know put like your cat Jam emotes or something cuz the xot Fortress music is just so great like it's it's a great yeah it's pretty good it is pretty good I personally think it's a little overhyped but it's still good it's still good bye frankly bye frankly so we can actually we can complete chapter 7 if we want to right now but we have no reason to because we don't have our super overpowered Yoshi uh you'll know what I mean later so we're actually going to leave right now and okay so we did kind of a little bit of seven so now what we're going to do is we're actually going to go into chapter two after we do a few things I'm going to be getting something called a super jump or that is what this trick is called at least I'm going to store a jump by essentially using coups and opening this door at the same time and that's going to store a jump which that should be good yeah you I'm pretty sure you got it so now what happens is if I change Mario's y speed by going over like an incline and I press a well if you didn't know any better you'd think I have cheat codes on but it's not it's not actually cheating it's really funny whenever people point out that you're using uh like hold L to levitate whenever this uh glitch is being done cuz in the practice codes at least uh the like levitate code is not really good in my opinion like Mario sinks down after a little bit compared into a super jump in this case you can actually go pretty high up and now I'm going to open the chest just like that nice and I can get the Ultra Hammer early now there's actually another way you can get that Ultra Hammer if you want to it's technically a little safer what you do is you basically go to the edge of the roof and then you line yourself up in the corner of the chest and then you turn around and press a to open the chest with Mario and I think it's frame perfect but it's easier because with that you only get one shot yeah the way that Yoshi do it with him like falling off the chest that way you only have one shot at opening it yeah but you do have a bigger window to press a I don't know how many frames it is it's just a little bit easier you have quite a few frames the uh I do the method where you like stand at the uh the right side of the chest just because I um I'm scared cuz I don't want to fall down and miss so right here trust myself shout outs to Foo who really likes uh where is the chest where is where is it did I oops having a little trouble finding the chest that is okay uh but shout outs to Fu she really likes this glitch because uh I basically just unloaded a bunch of uh where is this chest that's down here it is down it it's somewhere here there I say it again this has never happened before I can't find the chest where is it is it further to the left I have no IDE oh there it is there it is it's a lot further to the left I thought so uh this is foo's uh favorite glitch because well what happens is you kind of unload the room by what is it so I basically entered frankl's house in paper mode but I didn't quite enter it fully so what happens is you essentially unload the game and like that fence is no longer loaded anymore so I can go down and get that chest that you're not supposed to get until a lot later and now the house in the background is just like you know it's just there you can see two Frankle yeah Frankle lost his wall Unfortunately they were doing some construction and they forgot to put it back up so now he's got like a really open view into rogueport yeah so now we're going to go to chapter 2 so like we were saying earlier we couldn't actually access chapter 2 even if we updated the sequence of chapter 7 because this wouldn't be open for whatever reason it just doesn't open cuz it's based on flags instead of sequence positions and actually going to be a segment in Chapter 2 where one of the flag sequences doesn't update as well and we'll have to skip past [Music] it you like chapter 2 Don't You Justin no no no not really fair enough chapter two I think it's cool in the speedrun though that is true yeah chapter 2 usually is people's least favorite uh at least casually it's my least favorite casually to be honest but cool do you got to say though oh sorry no no that's it that's all I wanted to say oh I was just going to say when uh that that remake trailer dropped oh my goodness did this area look beautiful maybe I'll like chapter 2 more also all the punies are just kind of chilling out here well yeah you just beat the chapter obviously you're so right I beat the chapter yeah um so earlier when Yoshi went to uh to chapter 7 and read the red notes uh we were talking about sequence positions and such the way the game handles uh story progression is like whenever you happen to like enter some sort of story event or interact with something in the game it'll update your sequence point and move the story further ahead um but Yoshi went ahead and read a note in chapter 7 that also updates his sequence point and his story point and now the game thinks that he has beaten everything from that point uh up to that point in the game so the game thinks he's beaten chapter 1 2 3 4 5 and six and partway into seven yeah so we were talking about the flags earlier so unfortunately this jabby Hive is still here so we have to do something called a goombella buffer to get out of bounds which is basically done by using goombella while entering the loading zone and now I have to do an unspin jump with a pause if I can get [Music] this there we go just to go into the background and Skip past the I would explain what you just did but I don't know how to do it so yeah essentially what I did is I I unspun jumped paused and then unpaused really fast mhm and this is actually the reason we need to get go to chapter 2 we need to go get the super boots and the reason we need the super boots is because we need to go to chapter six briefly yes um getting the super boots or the ultra boots allows you to um open the pipes to chapter one two uh five and six uh which are like the blue pipes that are in rogueport sewers uh unfortunately alra boots um are in a really inconvenient spot because you have to go you have to go onto the train in chapter 6 to be able to access those so they're like really deep into the chapter it's not like uh chapter 2 here where you can just kind of walk in and leave you have to go through the whole motions of chapter 6 to get the ultra boots so it's like a big time waster as far as I'm aware you can't even finish it yeah exactly I just lost a jabby high fight by the way it's unfortunate I know I can't believe it maybe you should get some punies to help out next time yeah I really should maybe I should just leave I'm just going to leave this chapter but you know that that you know losing that just kind of took a toll on me it just wasn't really uh you know I I don't know I just I thought I would beat them yeah you know I thought you would too so fun fact the game's actually now set back to chapter 2 just thinks that I got the super boots and now you'll notice that there's actually an xnot uh coming up here going to drop down briefly to get this thunder rage and now I'm going to forget the shine Sprite did get forget the shine Sprite but now I need to avoid this X notot right here which is not too hard he actually put himself in a pretty good position but anyways we are actually coming up on the first break that we will have for the run so I will go ahead and get the countdown in just a second just going to go ahead and go through this room and get out of the tree all right so you can go ahead and pause in 5 4 3 2 1 pause cool all right so uh as I mention we're going to take a little break here check we' like to do breaks during these hot fix runs give everyone a chance to stretch do water since we aren't doing a fullon marathon thing like agdq exactly like we just did for that so we'll be back in just a few minutes before we go I want to make a couple quick announcements one like I mentioned earlier if you're not already following Yoshi Zilla and monado on Twitch please do so if you're enjoying the run at all definitely go drop them both a follow and uh you can check out more P Mario stuff and other stuff from them as well um other than that I want to mention that you can go to games hotfix to learn about our shows on check out our schedule and our next all women in M speedr running event Frost Tils is coming up March 3rd through the 10th schedule just came out pretty recently you can use XM Point FF in twitch chat to learn more remote volunteer submissions and priz submissions are open so you can go to games frame fatales for more info and we'll be back in just a few minutes with more of this awesome ttyd run see you then hello and welcome back everybody to the gtq hot fix I am your host ety we are now going to enter the second half of this Paper Mario Thousand-Year Door speedrun that apparently is doing pretty well pace wise so I'm very excited for this before we get into the run again I just want to remind everyone that your subs Prime gaming Subs gift subs and bits cheered on the twitch channel here at gdq help support the games of Qui CICS if you enjoy watching speed runs daily consider subscribing to the channel also uh we have another Marathon event coming up soon on apologetically black and fast that'll be live on this twitch Channel February 16th and through the 19th uh come celebrate by watching a 4-day event full of black of speedrun and blackjoy use exclamation point ubaf in twitch chat for more info and uh I'll go and throw it to Yoshi you guys back into the Run yeah well first off speaking of the subs thank you liby for the sub to gdq that was really generous thank you so much all right with that I'll go ahead and give the countdown I am still joined with monado mhm all right all right three 2 1 let's continue let's go all right so we just left the great tree and we are going to continue with the next part of the run and this is where it's probably going to get a bit interesting because the biggest RNG part is coming up in the well one of them at least that is chapter 3 are you a fan of chapter 3 Justin or do you hate it as much as I do mhm I I I enjoy chapter 3 chapter 3 is good uh not so much in the speedrun I guess cuz um all I'll say is that I'm a mainly 100% runner for this game and it is not very fun in 100% it is not a lot of fun cuz you have to go casually we enjoy that part of the Run um or not part of the run like casually chapter 3 is usually really fun but in the speed run it's just so bad yeah you're not not wrong about that that's for sure yeah it's unfortunate and um in 100% runs of this uh compared to any percent you need to complete the entirety of the chapter you know obviously cuz it's 100% um but in any percent all you need to do is go through and uh get Yoshi and then you can just leave yep um but also in 100% you need to deal with tattles so you need to manage uh your conditions a lot more I guess uh maybe frugally I suppos some of the stuff that you have to do this isn't 100% this is any% we were talking about flags and sequences earlier right mhm well this is also a flag SL sequence I think it's a sequence so yeah go ahead it is a sequence oh I was just going to say so yeah we were talking about earlier um Yoshi reading the uh the red node chapter 7 changed the sequence point to chapter 7 uh him getting the super boots in Chapter 2 changed it to chapter 2 so it reverted him back so the game only thought that he had completed the game up to that point in Chapter 2 and now he read the note on the door in front of poshy sanctum so now the game thinks that he just got off the train yeah without a train ticket you know yeah all right so I'm going to go ahead and save I you know I think it's good to save during a Marathon run right yeah that's nothing wrong with a few safety saves yeah you know uh it's just it's just so much better uh but anyways I I actually can't complete chapter six right now cuz I don't have the ultra boots so let's go ahead and go back real quickly and let's actually get that let's go ahead and get that jump storage again yeah that's that's a pretty good idea yeah I think it's a pretty good so we're just going to go ahead and go back to that very easy point where we can get the the the jump storage going we have to avoid a few of these enemies and that's actually another way to tell that our sequence has been updated because earlier so it was funny when we were entering chapter 2 it was magic Koopas and Koopa Trolls but then when we left chapter 2 it was spinas or it was yes yeah spas and now it's back to Koopa troopas or Hammer Bros and you know Magik Koopas so yeah you know it kind of jumps all over the place I don't know when the enemies changed but like part way through the game the enemies get swapped out for spinos which are supposed to be Bowser minions I believe it's after you leave chapter 5 cuz when you come back that is when everything happens yeah okay that sounds about right cuz I think that's when like Bowser is around the rogueport area so that you know that adds up yeah so another easy jump storage so I need to make sure I actually don't jump at all because if I jump then Mario just kind of like do like a little in midair or not in midair just on the ground and he won't be able to oh shoot I got into an encounter Yosi I didn't mean to do that let me just get the super guard oh I missed it oh no yeah oh no oh shoot I didn't mean to attack you that I meant to run away okay coops run away oh oh no I didn't mean to do that that was that wasn't intentional a shoot okay that bad RNG actually no it's okay they attack you so you'll be able to I died a had so many opportunities to run away and just didn't do it yeah game over I'm sorry I'm sorry gdq I didn't mean to I totally meun over pack it up I totally meant to so Jokes Aside um do you want me to explain it you want to go ahead okay um so uh jump storage actually uh persists over save files so if you have achieved jump storage um over one file for example uh and then die and go back to the uh the title screen and re-enter the file or a different file you'll still have it so what he had done was he purposfully saved the game uh went to get jump storage died and then reloaded his save uh from where he was before so at the moment he currently has jump stage yeah during my gdq run I put a lot more into the actual acting of like oh shoot something went wrong and I think I fooled a decent amount of people but in this case because I have a feeling that people have seen the Run like at least a majority have seen the VOD I was just full on sarcasm you got to hope that people hadn't seen it yet though that is true but I I am getting word that you have been nominated for an Oscar for that performance so congratulations Yoshi thank you and now we can skip to was that you that was you in chat that I think said that cuz I did see someone saying like Yoshi needs NSK like an Oscar I I did not but I'm glad someone else was on the same waveling yeah but as you can see we just skipped right to the end and that first Crystal star was actually a fake so that's cool but well of course you made it to the end you just beat you just beat the chapter and just got to uh you just got off the train go there we go yeah I don't know why you didn't use the ultra boots that you definitely got when you got off swag I just wanted to have swag yeah yeah yeah yeah of course yeah yeah yeah yeah bro so as I was talking about earlier uh the ultra boots are really lengthy to go out of your way to get and you can't even get them with our current like party members and stuff we uh we would Vivian to uh be able to like hide from two the NPCs on the train and Tube mode and yeah and Tube mode and without either of those we would essentially just be soft locked on the train CU there' be no way to get off of it yeah so doing that allows us to avoid getting the ultra boots which isn't good because it takes so long to get the ultra boots but the ultra boots I really like the ultra boots because it makes a trick easier but unfortunately well it's a good thing there are other really great categories to choose from if you decide to run the game if you want to do chapter six yeah you get the ultra boots remember any% isn't the only category for this game or any Speed game for that matter I know it's one of the most popular ones true is a good place to check out for lots of cool different categories you may not have heard of before Mario your door painless plug but go look at some of the runs go look at the RS join the Discord do all that stuff also frankly just going to up [Music] again you just had to make a drop in ha quite literally yeah so I guess something we didn't mention earlier but we were talking about speed swaps you could actually do speed swap swaps with Peach and Bowser and it does save like a little bit of time correct what I was saying earlier with speed swapping is that uh after you input um like up and then start jumping to the left and right you don't need to jump uh you just maintain your speed uh for longer periods of time and since Bowser and Peach can't jump in uh I guess the 3D space um that is not possible so you just basically alternate like up and right uh when you're playing his Bowser and Peach and you'll get a little bit of a speed boost yeah also I just want to mention that frankly is doing his best impression of a lurk emote as you can see he's like kind of oh he he really is ah that be a really good emote there anyone got any lurk emotes that they love here if I can uh if I can type it uh I have my own lurk emote which I think is pretty adorable drawn by none other than swi Swift We Love You Swift we do love Swift in this house this isn't a house this is a twitch stream we can pretend it's a house we canet yeah for all the uh all the gdq subs here uh Swift has one of the one of the new gdq emotes is actually created by Swift it's gdq Sprite definitely post that in the chat if you were a sub Swift is a talented artist and speedrunner also frankly and uh grotus kind of like merged there for a second so they became one they're they're too powerful they're too powerful he's so powerful that he can't decide aside mm hi Bowser now Bowser and frankly are best friends they are friendship ended with Peach and grotus Bowser is my new best friend true I love that Meme same oh hey it's Luigi who's that yeah who who who anyways welcome to the only level that we're going to see there are technically three Bowser levels like this this is the final one that we get to see during the run it's actually a pretty interesting concept cuz I believe this was like the like the what is it like inspiration yeah well not no not thep but like this was like the first time Mario Bros had been like referenced since uh Super Mario Bros 3 I think cuz I I don't think the new the new series had like the new Mario Bros series had come out yet no that was 2006 I'm pretty sure yeah the first one also High frankly he just came out of the castle Yeah he came to greet us I'm surprised frankly is even on this map I know right it's like he's everywhere but you know at the same time we see Flavio like Drop through the credit so I guess um I shouldn't be too surprised I suppose I think that's my favorite part of Flavio when all is said and done he falls through the credits mhm Hey look it's a crystal St Bowser did it he got the crystal star we kind of skipped a lot of the Bowser sequences but Bowser essentially hears that Mario's out after the crystal stars and he's like oh well I want to have the crystal Stars actually so yeah Bowser's like always two steps behind Mario in this game the very end when he just literally crashes down on top of you oh my gosh spoilers oh but yeah you're right he just crashed top all right I'm going to remember to spam a right here and save this is a safety save because I'm about to do one of the biggest skips of the run this was like after pal skip this was like the last biggest skip that we wanted to discover which is a bimp ticket skip you can take it away and explain it if you would like to um um now you see I would do that but I also don't uh do blimp tickets gift in any of the categories I do so I I could try my best to explain it if you're cool with that go for it all right so similar to teleporter room early Yoshi is going to be doing an unspin jump through the door and the train car here um to clip out of bounds uh instead of like trying to go through the wall to the teleporter room and he's going to try to get down onto the train tracks and there is an email trigger a little bit off to the right side of where he's currently standing at and once he jumps down he's going to position cops into a specific spot to where he can try to get jump Storage off of that email similar to the teleporter room door uh from earlier uh when he definitely uh died on accident yeah after his safety save you know like like yhi said just just now safety saves are important as we saw he died earlier yeah there we go so what I was doing what I was doing there is there is a very specific like part where you need to like clip in right there uh it's a it's a lot easier than um it's a lot easier than teleport room early but it's like a very very specific position oops okay so now I'm going to do something similar that I did earlier I'm going to use coups while entering this email cut scene uh if I can get it and this is going to allow me to get jump storage so let's go and try it again I'm going a little too short it's okay yeah you got this all right that that should be good so if I did this right then I should be able to levitate over this tall barrier correct there we go woohoo it is a very very tall barrier as you can see yes you'd think you can just kind of like sneak on by the cheap chep sitting there but no that would make too much sense right yeah that you know yeah I guess that wouldn't make to sense Riot that would make a little too much sense um one thing to note actually um you'll see Yoshi he went into the pipe and then went into the uh the background there right uh to enter the blimp you can actually super jump to the background and land I know you you can just barely like land on the backdrop there and enter the blimp from that way like you don't have to go through the P you'll see that in TAS and stuff and I think some people do it like if they're on a bad run or something just to mess around um but it looks really funny watching like normalized Mario go up the blimp yeah I don't really feel like doing chapter 3 I'm actually going to leave that's a good idea yeah yeah I don't I'm I'm not really the biggest fan of chapter 3 like I said earlier in speedrun so you might as well get on out of here yeah I just get on out of here oh but Yoshi I kind of need Yoshi but you're Yoshi I am got but I need a kid Yoshi oh uh let's just go back to when you first started speeding the game true and by that we mean let's go back to glitzville so similar to like what we've been talking about earlier with a bunch of flags and stuff because we entered chapter 3 for the first first time just now it's actually set at like a state where it's like you just beat chapter 3 you can't go back into Glitz pit cuz you already beat it so we have to leave and come back but we do have the blimp ticket funny enough oh yeah I guess you do at least in this instance you do yeah the game doesn't actually check if you have the blimp ticket it just assumes you have it yeah I never even thought about that huh man there's rock hawkk and all of his fans so what is rock Hawk supposed to be like a chicken or something I want to talk about it oh uh little inside joke well yeah a little bit of one yeah I flip from like many years ago I had set on stream oh that that's not good I had said on I had said on stream like oh I wonder what kind of bird Rock po is a chicken and then I immediately I realized my mistake yep so this is where we get to translate a bit of Japanese stuff so Jolene or grba grba's not actually here but Jolene is going to be giving us conditions and it is completely random she can give us stuff like don't use FP which is what she gave us she can give us stuff like appeal to the crowd three times beat this enemy before you take 20 hp of damage stuff like that and they can really lose a lot of time depending on what the condition is this condition isn't too bad but I'm going to be using star power which I can get use a special move so if I get use a special move that's going to really suck later [Music] on but the way we translate these conditions is we look for certain characters like in that case FP is like capitalized so it's really easy to tell what that condition is but there's other stuff the only thing that's in the alphabet yeah there's uh there's some other stuff that uh makes it a little easier like there's a three and a square kind of icon that basically means appeal three times and then there's like a little bit of harder ones which is like don't jump with Mario or don't attack with partner and in that case we recognize certain Japanese characters I think everyone uses about the same thing uh but he has a few different things you can look for but yeah I'm pretty sure you're right all right that right there don't attack with partner which is completely fine I would explain how I how I like what I look for whenever it comes to those conditions but probably a little too confusing to figure it out so if you go to the Thousand-Year Door uh link you can look at the guide I think it's under guides and then it will there will be a thing that says JP conditions and that will essentially Circle what you should look for when it comes to those conditions yeah it's a little cheat sheet it'll it it essentially describes like oh if you get this condition this is what it means yep so for most uh go ahead I I was just going to say that the condition uh as far as I'm war is always on the same text box too so if you like match through like three or four of them it'll always be on that exact one yep so what I was going to say real quickly is for most of this chapter we're going to to be a peal three times we're going to be using fright masks because it's just the fastest way to take care of these enemies and we actually want to have our experience set at a certain point because if we are overleveled then that causes problems later and if we're underl that causes problems now so we want to have we want to level up but not get any more than five star points essentially so this is a little bit of a slow condition we're going to appeal three times and these guys are going to get a chance to attack mhm or spawn uh a new enemy in oh one thing to note as well uh is that when you um when you go through chapter three for the first time there is a set difference a distinct difference between minor league conditions and Major League conditions that is true um but due to Yoshi advancing the story past uh Chapter 3 The first time the game already assumes that you've beaten it once before and due to that uh the conditions for major league are also in minor league now yep to just make it more of a challenge your second time through yep so due to that you have to deal with them in the speed run otherwise you'd have a bit of an easier time in the minor league yeah on your first time through yeah because I believe like there's not that many bad minor league conditions you can get like I don't think take damage five times is one you can get I don't think don't attack with and don't attack a partner or ones you can get I think you can get like a peel one time that one's not that bad cuz at least I personally think if you get a condition that still still allows you to finish the fight on your first set of turns like between your partner and Mario I think it's fine yeah so like appeal once really isn't the end of the world yep so that condition I just got right there is beat the battle in five turns or less which is a very easy condition to look for we basically look for the five and then we look for whatever the symbol after that is and in this case it kind of looks like a flag like I don't know how to describe it just kind of looks like a flag so that is it looks like what your your mind imagines it as yeah it it's whatever your mind imagine it imagines it as basically whenever I'm speedrunning this game and I'm in chapter 3 I always have questions like how are you reading the conditions I just say that like I know Japanese I'm not technically wrong I know I know what the game is coning to me yeah am I technically wrong no I can't read everything that it's telling me I can only read about 2% of it but I I can make it out speaking of which earlier in the run I typed in some specific Japanese characters that translates to Yoshi I did see that I was actually going to comment on that um i' St around to make like a little joke about it but opted out of it fair not there's one of the conditions take Dam damage five times now it's actually not that bad of a condition because the good thing is is if you actually jump on the spike enemies it counts as taking damage so correct we're we have some spiked enemies here so I'm just going to have goombella in front and I'm going to jump on them and take some damage so it's not the worst condition in the world still a bit slow but not too bad it's any type of damage uh uh delivered upon Mario or his partner so it's either like self-inflicted damage the enemy attacking you it can be the audience member throwing something at you it could be a stage effect any any way that you take damage yeah I hope uh please attack okay good nice all right so then one more now the good thing is is I'm going to use a fright mask and the spiny will actually get scared hopefully ideally the latu will run to yep so there we go the latu does not have 100% chance of running nope and it's really unfortunate these it is it is incredibly unfortunate some thankfully at least I'm pretty sure the lacat will only give you like three or four experience so you could always have just jumped on it if it came down to it and I do have two extra fright masks just in case right right the the route does include extra freight masks just in case if uh you get some bad conditions or an enemy happens to not run away or something all right so right there pretty good condition don't use special moves mhm you weren't even going to plan on using them anyway nope because it takes a while if you don't have the star power the best conditions are the ones that aren't going to like interfere with what your uh with what the route is asking you to do the ones that are like uh finished the fight in five turns will lost all right ideally we're going to do that anyway so yep so right here we're actually going to kill this guy because we do want a little bit of extra experience and this guy only has like a 25% chance to run anyways so it's just better to kill [Music] him there we go we are set up pretty well I've had uh times where only the puff stays around and both the the perer and the yeah it's I I don't get it I don't get it yeah it's strange when stuff like that happens it's like okay it's annoying yeah I guess something I should mention right now Frankle is actually the egg you don't know it but Frankle is actually the egg yeah he's programmed to be the egg right now yeah so we actually don't need to get Yoshi like we don't need to go outside and get him he just kind of joins our party I don't know why that's the case I think it's just based on our sequence position but like we're in like a weird state where it's like the game essentially is in a state where it's like oh you have beat chapter 3 but you also haven't yeah it's really weird I don't I don't know exactly what the call is for that specifically with the egg it has to do something with these like sequences and flags being kind of I would assume they're messing with each other not to the point of where anything entirely breaks but yeah all right so we got a few fights coming up left uh I don't want to jinx it but um we are you jinxed it jinx it you know what I'm not even going to say anything I'm just not even going to say anything uh we go D five times right here no don't attack for the first three turns even better I'm actually going to that's AR that's arguably worse that's arguably worse I'm actually going to sleep because I'm actually kind of at low [Music] Health uh so that's the worst condition you could probably get I could run away if I wanted to uh and get a new condition but sometimes you might just get the condition again so I'll just go go ahead and stick it out this is not an incredibly bad fight to avoid actually I didn't really need to heal but that's fine I am going to go ahead and swap the cops cuz that's the fast T the fastest amount of attacks you can do and just let them let them hit me I guess quick note super guarding does not actually count as damaging them but I believe if you if you super guard them they'll light their fuse and then they'll die anyway so I think that will count uh I've heard conflicting information about that I don't know if I don't I don't know well you're you're not you're not directly attacking them though that is true so I I don't think it would count I think it's only if you input a command that will directly hurt them yeah amazing and this is why we get extra fright masks the good thing is even if this guy like even if I like just decided to kill him it wouldn't actually put me too high of level but I just want to since I hadn't used an extra fright mask I might as well just use it I have one more extra for this last fight so it's just better to use yeah it'll be fun I hope everyone has enjoying the run so far I am definitely having a great time are you having a great time Justin yeah I would rate my time uh currently at 11 out of 10 let's go I'm having a good time we're having a great time unfortunately I got not the best condition for the last one it is appe peal three times but it is thankfully not the worst condition in the world I you really did Jinx yourself when you said that I really did didn't I but I could have gotten something worse I could have gotten like don't use items which would be like really really bad or I could have gotten like um I'm trying to think that like don't attack the first three turns again something like that but thankfully we're good so we're just going to go Ahad head and appeal three times and we're going to let these guys attack I'm not going to let them steal items because that would be bad right those one only steal money from you though at least yeah exactly ones in the back will steal items quick note if you actually get don't use items which is really bad cuz it messes up experience you can actually let these guys steal items from you and then they'll run away and you won't get experience so that's a little bit of a backup I do cool they all ran that's a cool backup and perfect level up right here this is exactly what I wanted this is the first time in a while I've actually gotten like my leveling perfect so you love to see it you do do you upgrade FP at all in this round or no nope we do not upgrade FP a single bit you upgrade HP though I think right we do we upgraded BP right there and I believe yeah that's the last time we upgr BP the rest is going into HP okay I thought so such a different thing cuz this is the only category where you upgrade BP before FP you don't upgrade FP at all and you upgrade HP you don't upgrade HP in any other category yeah also hey Justin you want to know what's better than two frankly two jol two jolens yeah yeah one thing to note as well is that uh the reason Jolene is like showing up on the Monitor and in person right now was just due to sequencing and flag mishaps from earlier yeah so now thankfully this condition does not matter whatsoever we're going to skip it I'm pretty sure that was like I don't I skipped it pretty fast so I didn't even see what it was but I think it was like don't attack with Mario or something or I think it was don't switch Partners I believe that's what it was which that's an interesting Condition it's like don't swap your partners I always mix up don't swap partners and don't use Partners whenever I'm doing runs so because of that I'm like all right I'm not going to do either fair enough also grba's [Applause] back ooh these guys look tough I didn't sign up for this I think I should run away I don't think I should fight these guys they're pretty it'd be fun this is uh it's like you're playing uh Mario and Luigi they're going to teach you new Bros moves look look they got colored shoes they obviously must be trying to teach you a new Bros move that's true that's what happens in Superstar Saga I'm going have run away that's like the easy way to know in that game you come across some characters that share the same characteristics as Marian Luigi oh boy new ability learning soon there are a decent amount of like I think in the first three Paper Mario games they have some sort of red and green character that's like oh this is Marian Luigi also I think the Yoshi is going to be blue actually wait no because I paused it's gonna be it wait what is it gonna be no it's pink I don't like pink pink pink is my least favorite I think the reason why it's pink is because I paused my uh like the game and an interesting thing this um oops okay I guess that's your name I meant to just press start and name you chibi Yoshi um but but yeah so as I was saying so the Yoshi is actually based on like the in-game time for some reason M it's it's just based on the in-game time in this case because we ski like the sequence where we get Yoshi and I believe if this was like if I didn't pause this would have been like a green or a like maybe like a red Yoshi but I got but I got pink because I paused my game for uh a few minutes when we did the break I can give you like an actual answer to that if you want as to why that happens go for it um so normally when you get the Yoshi egg in game uh through normal means uh it starts uh an in-game timer and that in-game timer will end up subtracting from your overall uh like playtime timer as far as I'm aware um but since you get the Yoshi egg out of uh sequence that timer never properly starts so instead it just subtracts from nothing and it so happens that it lines up perfectly with the in-game timer in the game so if you were uh doing a speedrun of TTD and had live split up uh you'd be able to very easily judge what your uh Yoshi col is going to be based off of uh the ingame timer yep also now we can get Super Jump by using Yoshi while collecting an item so I just used it there to get that badge that we are going to sell later for coins actually not later we're going to sell now the fun can begin the fun can begin exactly I guess quick little note in the Japanese version glitzville is actually called ulong toown I don't know that's probably not how you're actually supposed to pronounce it but that is what it says long town and there's actually a thing that exists called ulong [Music] T I found that out from Malo at a sgdq 2019 all right so earlier we actually took on a trouble at the trouble Center and that exact trouble was Frankie he lost his wedding ring and basically we need to go find it for him now thankfully it's always in the same spot but this is a very important trouble because it allows us to it allows us to buy a very very overpowered badge it does and I will never understand how he got his ring where he did the lore in the joke that we make is that he threw it away he tried to throw [Music] it uh uh that that reminds me of a a childhood story I can share real quick if you don't mind go for it we're mostly just going to be clean the trouble and selling badges so go for it well when I was younger um I uh I I didn't like like bananas or anything and I was over at my grandmother's house and she really wanted me to like finish the banana she was eating because she didn't want it to go to waste she was like adamant and not wasting it and I took like a bite of it and I I really didn't like it so I took the remaining of it after she had like left the room and I went into her backyard and chucked it over the fence and she saw me she saw me do it from her bedroom window you got really mad at me oh no that just reminds me of that like um uh Frankie there um taking in like chucking it up on the ledge up there trying to get it over the wall well in the English version and I believe the pal version he actually succeeds and gets it across the uh across the Gap so yeah he does we joke in the English version he had a better throw all right so we're going to be selling a lot of our bad es and we just bought the power Rush partner badge notice how we're getting a lot of our partner badges we're going to buy [Music] more let's go ahead and give Frankie his ring back and we will get the gold card which will allow us to play I believe it's the what is it it's the two no it's the yeah it's the tube mode game yeah it's the tube mode mini game I've accidentally started that oh no what happens if you start it but you don't have tube mode uh it you just like get put into it and you you still roll up into a tube that's true since the game automatically does it for you yep so now we're going to be buying a bunch of panas we're going to be buying specifically 136 of them and then we're going to be buying four power Rush Partners why the game lets you buy them I don't know why oh you got to buy them to like start out yeah well why the game lets you buy multiple of them I don't understand cuz they probably just don't assume you're wanting to buy tokens and then not play for the prizes that's my assumption at least and they probably don't assume that they're going to purposely get into like like two under 5 HP yeah exactly why would you want to change your stats around exactly so we're just going to be buying a few of them and then we're going to immediately throw all of them on yeah are you guys ready for a really really overpowered Yoshi I sure am no no no can you uh can you not do that I don't I really don't like when watching uh you cheat this way Yoshi not how the developers intended you to play the game I want you to know that and you should feel really bad about it well what about you ety am I allowed to do it um I don't know man I mean like you know what sure why not okay it's good cuz I was going to go Rogue anyways even if they said no I mean I mean uh yeah anyway so we're going back to chapter 7 now so because we actually did most of chapter 7 earlier we don't have to do much we just have to get one more key card and then we have to just do the factor and then we will be [Music] good all right we're going to go ahead and go down this elevator real quickly and now we're going to do something called Fast tile room which uh I forget I don't know exactly how it works uh monado feel free to explain if you know but we're basically going to ride Yoshi onto the tiles and then it's going to speed them up and it'll just make this a lot faster so we're just going to do that and they're sped up now uh so the reason this works the way it does is when you first enter the room you'll see like the tiles going around really fast in the room uh as sort of like a an example like to show you uh the tiles moving around um and then when you get onto the tiles with Yoshi and then hop off of it the game assumes that you had like failed um and then it'll speed the back up uh to like start the test back up over again until you walk onto the platform um and start them back up normally so it just the reason they speed up is cuz the game just assumes that you had failed it fair enough so now we just got another jump storage uh jump storage is very easy with Yoshi you just need to have a that's okay I'm just going to lure him all the way over here so you basically just press X to ride Yoshi while you collect an item and it'll just you'll store a jump It's works pretty much the same as coups I I'll be it just like a little differently with like how the setup is of course but doing that we're going to do the same thing where we change our y speed just by a little bit and we're going to just jump over this thing just float over the wall and get this key card yeah doing jump stage the way with the item and uh Yoshi uh achieves the same results cuz what you're doing is you're essentially um uh causing Mario's jump to be dang you're essentially causing Mario's jump to be like overwritten or if you want to say it that way uh with like another action so you're you're just you're canceling Mario's jump with another action and it's storing it yeah what that allows us to do is Skip going through the background one time cuz going to this background takes a while yeah that rate at the end of the world it's just you obviously you don't want to you don't want to be slow yeah this is a speed run we're supposed to go fast exactly it's not a slow run it's a speed run I've actually seen people do like slow runs not of this game but like of other games and it's just like why I mean I I like fast playthroughs before you know I don't I don't speedrun like the Pikmin games for real but I do the occasional like P and Trilogy cuz I just think they're fun even though I don't know anything about the actual runs oh no no no what I mean is they purposely like go slow like for example like Mario Bros they like wait until like the like until you have one second remaining to touch the flag oh like a slow run interesting okay I see I see what you're saying now I did not pick up on what you were putting down yeah this guy's got some really interesting Mech and there's a two on it that implies that we were supposed to see the first one but we did no this is the this is the first time we've seen this boss variant before yeah you're right you're right the two just means that it's the second best one that's true so here we're going so yeah here we're going to take advantage of Point swapping our Yoshi yes um I don't know if we had necessarily commented on that but y Yoshi bought a bunch of uh items from the glitz full store uh these like Point swaps and what that allows you to do is take your FP and your HP and swap them with each other y so what Yoshi had done is he uh he got his uh FP down to one by using double dip um cuz that uses four FP and then he swapped that with Yoshi's HP so gave him 5 FP and then put Yoshi in apparel as you can see I did a a ton of damage right there yeah cuz of all those badges Y what is it so we have plus one for Yoshi's main attack then we have plus five then plus two * 5 so that's a lot of damage basically just means a lot of damage yep and uh some of these bosses have like extra defense and such so it's not going to it's not going to uh add up to be exactly uh the exact number depending on what their defense up is like I don't I don't know how much defense Magnus 2 has for example I think it's like three maybe or two something like that we got another Crystal star this is the third one third one yeah we only need four more almost done yeah but that's weird definitely going to get those right wasn't that supposed to be the last Crystal star though well I mean that that one is like that one's called the crystal star so it is you're right you're right yeah the irony behind that is that these are called the crystal stars but that's the only one that is called the crystal star let let's see I'm going to see if I can name all of them in order let's see we've got so we got Diamond Emerald um gold Ruby Sapphire garnet and then Crystal yeah you're right you got it yeah personally the Ruby one is my favorite for no reason in particular cough cough if you look at my Pro Yoshi profile it has the a necklace of the crystal star I actually want to get something like that in real life so I can like wear it as a like just like wear like a star necklace you could probably I feel like you could probably commission somebody off of that se for something like that if there aren't many people that there's a lot of fun stuff you can find on Etsy that's true so Bowser finally c a crystal star except he didn't yeah yeah oh poor bazer once again two steps behind Mario all the time yeah I love that this Goa just lands on Pennington's hat just just chilling he doesn't careful he just doesn't care he really doesn't gold is your favorite cuz it's not even a gem I guess you're right oh goodness Yoshi's kind of hurting there maybe it's cuz he's at one HP yeah he's just tired fun yeah it's true I guess quick note difference between the Japanese version as opposed to the other versions you only heal after chapter 1 in this game after that you keep your stats but in in the other version you heal after every chapter yeah I feel like that was a bit of an oversight I uh I have an assumption that uh when they localized the game they realized that your stats went up after uh chapter one and then they didn't after the others and probably uh thought it was an oversight and changed it yeah true so unfortunately Tech is dying unfortunately oh yeah during one of the peach intermissions earlier after the garnet star um you know we were supposed to have some sort of bonding experience and get to know Tech more with the peach intermissions and stuff but we basically just hopped from oh hey it's nice to meet you Tech to oh dang barely know you who you are and you're getting shut down yep system 32 got deleted I hate when that happens you joke about that but that does mess up your computer it does that's why that's why I'm saying it Justin because if you deleted system 32 it would suck it would yeah as far as I'm more windows doesn't even let you do that anymore yeah I think they like finally prevented it cuz people tried to see what would happen if like if you deleted system 32 and it's like uhoh so I guess quick note even though we know about the teleporter we're actually forced to go talk to Tech in order to to leave the chapter all the doors are locked so we have to go to Tech and he has to essentially let us pass we have to say goodbye to him all right once again everyone make sure to stay hydrated I just took a sip of water right before you said that and I just took a sip of water right after you said that amazing and goodbye tack I'm sure he definitely blows up yeah definitely you would never be able to go back there after the credits or anything that would make no sense that make no sense what is actually the reason he survives I don't know I don't think they may maybe Tech explained it to you but I don't know it's been a while since I played this in English that is true Hey look it's frankly sure it's really him too it's really Frank as far as we know and as far as we know for the rest of the run it is actually frankly that's true oh which by the way I don't know if we have either of us commented on this but frankly isn't in our party anymore yeah oh I got the I got the email jump storage okay sick nice uh right there Yoshi dismounted off of the Yoshi at the same time that he um uh hit the email and it it gave him jump storage it's effectively the same thing it's just overriding Mario's jump yeah I usually don't go for that specific one well I go for it but there's people who sometimes actually set it up to try and get it but I'm very bad at it so I just kind of go for it randomly and I sometimes get it and if I don't get it there is a star piece that we use to actually do essentially the same thing right and we just bought a important badge right there um I'm sorry we bought an important badge right there correct grammar um so that is item hog and we will be equipping that very shortly in order to essentially give us a better chance at an item drop because it's going to be important for the final glitch of the run so Justin you told me I need to get all the crystal stars there you go I got all of them oh I guess I guess you did get all of them oh Mario must have had them before he left rogueport yeah ety I didn't tell you this but like there was a point of the run where just I went so fast you just couldn't see what was happening uhhuh and I just got all the crystal Stars I hope that's okay that like it wasn't shown on the on the hot yeah yeah I mean sometimes you just got to look look really carefully to see it so yeah you want to see me get those Crystal Stars want to see me do it see it again yeah frankly left the party when we hatched the Yoshi he became the Yoshi he did so with that the Thousand-Year Door is open and one thing I want to mention because we've gotten this comment a lot a lot of people have like said Hey what if you find a way to get out of bounds in this room so you can just skip right to the end first off we couldn't even beat the game even if that was possible second off the loading zone doesn't exist until the thouse door is opened yeah um you can actually do a trick called goombella buffering which was already shown off earlier to get behind where the door is um and even if that was the case even if the loading zone was active as far as I'm aware you have to like open the door to actually activate it yep but we successfully counted to eight everyone we did yep you're right we did it we are in chapter eight we did it y now time to get through this chapter so we got a few more things coming up that we will be doing but then we will do it's really awesome I love how this run is set up especially for marathons pal skip is the last run of the marathon and it's a very complicated setup that we will get to in a little bit but it is the last glitch and it's really awesome in a marathon because it just builds up to that moment it also could be very stressful it can it is a very hard trick especially when you're on a PVP run oh my goodness yeah chapter 3 and and pal skip are basically the two chapters to kill PBS because of the RNG part yeah you can sneak between these boa bills here if you just uh position yourself correctly you can also blasters there we go yeah nice job there's also another way that you can get around those bu B blasters if you have the ultra boots there's a torch up on the wall uh there's a torch up on the uh the back facing wall um and if you uh spring jump you can actually land up on top of it because for some reason it has Collision just not really sure why yep other Hazard respawn glitch here that Yoshi is I would assume you're going to do it yep yep it makes it so much easier this is another yeah this is another case where uh the uh respawn points or I guess the uh spot to like update Mario's respawn point isn't as soon as you enter the room oops oh that's not good he noticed me right away that is okay so what I'm attempting to do right here is I'm going to launch C out and I'm basically going to get this ember's attention so I can do some invincibility use some invincibility frames to get past these fire bars right here yes you either need to use Vivian or have tube mode to get past these and we don't have either so we're just going to abuse ability fors to get P them yep there we go I should make it past this one there we go just had to jump over that one yeah I think I sometimes get on on Yoshi but I just didn't that time did you get a speed glitch there or no I did not get speed glitch speed glitch is something that occurs if you press a when leaving a battle and gives you a bit of extra speed I think it's actually faster than riding Yoshi it might be I think you have uh two frames to hit it and as far as I'm aware it's uh it's faster on JP I think if you do speed glitch in quotes on us you you actually walk slower only F here on JP so making use of the shooting star that we got earlier and uh time to make use of you know Point swaps yeah just quickly switch CPS to Peril and goodbye goodbye instant level up here 100 star points instant level up we love to see it yeah yeah so the way experience Works in this game compared to uh more traditional RPGs um so with each level up in this game it's always a flat rate of 100 um uh star points wherein other RPGs it'll be like oh um you need this much experience to reach your next level and then every enemy will still like give you the same amount of experience and then later game enemies will give you more in this game um it'll it takes Mario's level and Compares it to the level of the enemy that you're fighting so since Mario is like really really underleveled at this point in the game for what you're supposed to be at it's Compares Mario's level to the level of the enemies and then it disperses and gives you uh experience depending on that I believe the funny thing is is that the the golden bullet bills they give you the same am experience which is just one even if you're at like a low level yeah I think you're right about that all right going to try and sneak past these bullets one more time a whatever I got one at least and then uh once you're uh I think once you pass the pel level of an enemy so like uh Goombas or something once you're like level five and Goombas are level one or two or something you don't get any experience from them anymore but you get like a participation experience for for the battle if you complete it yeah like thanks for playing yeah that's why like uh bosses like bone tail and Shadow Queen uh I don't know if this is actually the case it might be a little bit of a lie but I think they're registered in the game as like level one or zero or something they're really low level so they uh they don't give you any experience for that reason yeah it's funny because for Shadow Queen you're not like in the first P Mario game you're not supposed to get any experience after the final boss but in this case Zero experience defaults to one so basically every enemy and every boss will give you at least one star point no matter what level you're at and welcome here to the endless room where we have to follow the pattern of the torches on screen yeah little fun fact is that it's the opposite order of it is that it is in pm64 really I actually didn't know that it learn something new every day pretty sure about that that also might be a lie but I'm pretty sure that's the case fair enough all all right but monado it is time I think it's time we should start explaining palis skip because before I explain pal skip I just got to tell you that somebody likes your name somebody likes my name thank you yep in chat I like your name too all right you want me to explain it yeah go ahead um I guess quick note uh so you can go ahead and explain the item drop method but I'm only going to be giving the item drop probably three chances and then I'm going to like reset because the item drop is super bad RNG or it's not the best RNG so anyways man take it away all right so in the fourth room of these seemingly endless hallways here um the one that's don't forget to put don't forget to put on item HW I just remember yeah that that was a very good thing you need to do um we are going to try to get an item drop from one of these Embers in this room up here um and uh by doing so we're going to be able to use that to perform palis Skip by uh goombella buffering into the item and getting Tech Storage off of it that's the first part that's the uh the most annoying part in my opinion getting first getting the item drop and then goombella buffering into the item is also quite annoying so ideally Yoshi will get an item drop here um he put on a badge called item hog which will increase the odds of him getting an item Dr no way he got he got it he got it first try that's really good first I'm going I'm going to let you focus on this a little bit um yeah you can you can explain I guess uh the second part like probably after I get it or you can start explaining the second part now if you'd want uh cuz this isn't too hard it's a little Annoying like you said but it's not too hard okay uh so right now what he's doing is he's doing like these little white tap jumps to get Gooma off screen and he's trying to buffer uh do a a goombella buffer into this item which is going to get him text storage he wants to do it close enough to the Ember uh to where it'll encounter him after he pulls up the text box so now he's going to try to run away from this battle while keeping the text box open by uh mashing the a button and uh the Z button at the same time so he'll still get the bar to go up uh without um losing the text box yep so now I'm real to keep this item on screen uh items will despawn after certain amount of time but if you hit the save block while collecting this item it just sort of like ignores like the timer yeah the timer just essentially disappears all right uh I'm going to say let's go ahead and have like a little bit of focus and then we'll explain what happens after L this up so I'll go ahead and explain that I'm rotating my hammer twice because I'm going to swap the Yoshi and Yoshi's going to appear out of bounds so now the heart Yeah by him spinning his hammer there and standing in that spot um while facing a certain way it'll uh it'll push Yoshi through the wall so when he leaves the battle here uh Yoshi will be out of bounds all right this might not run away just barely all right you get another chance here all right here we go you got it yeah all [Music] right that was about that was one frame early dang no first try this time that is okay no first try that's afor that was that was one frame early really good still really good though um so I guess I can try to explain what's going on what part there um so what Yoshi is essentially trying to do is he's trying to do this another trick on top of what he's doing right now called uh a Yoshi teleport which um from my understanding of it uh usually when you hop on to Yoshi um Yoshi will teleport to Mario um instead of the opposite effect where Mario will teleport to Yoshi um essentially what he's trying to do is he's trying to get uh Yoshi to fall through a certain part of the floor um and if the item it just keeps going that way go the other way go the other way oh my God and continue it went all the way there oh my goodness I don't think I've ever seen it go that far away huh it's still going that way oh my goodness thank you there we gooo yeah you can go ahead and continue [Music] um essentially what I was going to say was um Yoshi is trying to do a technique called a Yoshi teleport which is trying to get Mario to essentially clip through the floor but not go all the way through the floor he's trying to hit yeah you're doing like the two freame method I think right y um where he's trying to uh get both Mario and Yoshi to clip uh partway through the floor to where he falls out of bounds um but doesn't fall too far out of bounds where he can't Engage The Ember [Music] so oh that would have worked but I had a bad pause Ah that's unfortunate man all right that's super unfortunate well I guess you can kind of get the idea of what he was trying to do there uh Mario's like head was kind of like uh clipping through the the floor there a little bit he's trying to engage the Ember while being out of bounds essentially um and with him engaging the Ember um while he's out of balance like that it'll cause him to uh be dismounted off of Yoshi after he runs from the battle and he'll be able to take the loading zone that's directly underneath the floor essentially yep let's go and do it again yeah you got got this got this you're so close you got you got this i got this you're a pro yeah it's really nice though when you can keep the item on screen cuz you basically take your time with P Skip and then uh you know then just kind of wait till you get it I'm going to be fast with this right there we go nor normally if you don't uh like keep the item on screen like that you only have one shot at this um per attempt so if uh he didn't save the item on the screen he would have had to reset the uh the console and try for a new [Music] item there we go there you go third try is the charm let's go nice now that he's hit the uh the Ember uh he's going to hold uh I think a little bit off of directly up and he'll hit the hit the loading zone yep and there it is pal skip so yeah there we go there you go that is one of quite a few different ways of doing P SK yep there are a bunch of other ways to do pal skip uh that this is probably like one of the hardest methods but the way that you can do it on English or Pal is you have to clip Yoshi out of bounds and then do a seam walk which takes like 2 minutes or something yeah so to give an idea of like how grueling and long that is you need to essentially take Yoshi and go into the go up to where the door was where we entered the room originally from and push him out of bounds there and then you need to like slowly while in paper mode um n um like slowly nudge him along the wall up to where uh the loading zone is uh to do pal skip like the loading zone that Yoshi fell into that's where you need to uh have Yoshi go all the way up to too yeah which is maybe like 3/4 of the way into the room it's so annoying but yeah there you go that is p skip as the final trick of the run I'm actually glad I got to show off the item drop this time cuz the item drop is that is uh during agdq I unfortunately did not get to show off the item drop because it didn't show up but this time I got to so even though so at agdq I got palis skip first try but I didn't get to show off the item but this time I got to show off the item and I got pal skip third try but it's still a very great [Music] trick I'm kind of you know it's funny uh one of the one of the runners Jake Bop Dart he kind of jokes with me how like I am one of the most consistent people that can get pal Skip and you know it's it's just funny like I'm just like you know hey I just I practice you know but hey even some even for me it's hard so there you go so Jake it's still hard for me so here comes grotus um this is a hard fight right yeah I mean he's one of the Final Bosses in the game he's got to be hard yeah he's very hard yeah I mean look look how difficult that was yeah I had to like spam R I had to spam R yeah that takes a lot of like hand mashing right there good job B skip though did a really good job yeah I'm I am really glad I got to show off the idle this time so there's peach peach is unfortunately trapped in some sort of Shield I guess yeah it's similar Shield to the one that great has head up on himself in the battle yep and now Mario gets struck a ton remember how earlier I said that Bowser's always like two steps behind Mario yeah I think he is yeah like he's definitely two steps in front of Mario now something like that right honestly it looks like in terms of like Mario's footsteps probably more like 10 16 yeah so when you casually play this game you fight grus you're like man that was a really hard fight oh shoot I have to fight Bowser and Cammy now yeah oh sheesh this was such a hard fight as a kid like Gus himself was hard and then having to deal with Bowser and Cammy directly after that oh but now we're going to make it a little easier so let's first say goodbye to Cammy and Banger music here yeah oh my are you serious what do you do about that I don't know I think you just have to tank it I'm going to have to Super guard and uh okay yeah let's uh this is going to be very interesting I'm going to have to like super guard a lot nice okay I should probably oh wait I should probably swap the cops I have never been in this situation before nice okay uh okay wait okay we're good we're good okay let's go ahead and swap the Yoshi swap swap the oh my gosh that's never happened before oh oh my gosh the backup strats I did not mean to are you kidding me right now that's fine that's fine wait I you're okay oh I I had to hit the super guard though oh my gosh sorry I didn't mean you have to hit that yeah I would have died if I guarded that he does like six H also sorry I got a little I got a little loud and my mic might have peaked a little bit but I've just never seen that happen before Oh My yeah uh so for the people that aren't familiar for me please like that entire fight I got I gotcha um so for anyone that isn't too familiar with this game uh that light that fell onto Bowser there um has a small chance of like electrifying him and he was use yeah exactly it did just that if uh if he had like happened to start using Yoshi and like ground pound on him Yoshi would have taken damage to it and died let's see I I think I need to heal one of my partners cuz I think two of them oh no no cops is good yeah you're fine you just leveled up yeah um which intentional so that's all good yeah yeah yeah but that was like the most unlucky fight I've ever had that was kind of funny wow I've never seen that before like literally like like the meme aside and the line aside that has never happened before yeah actually I don't think I've ever seen that happen to somebody before to get a a light drop and then a bucket drop and have to hit those super guards okay you you you better feel really lucky though that that bucket didn't hit yos that is true oh my God that would have killed him yeah I have a live stream but uh yeah I would have had to like I I don't know I don't even know what I would have done in that state I could have just probably yeah I I I would have just like loaded up like a backup like thing I mean you we we would have we would have gone to another break and I would have been like go to the break actually yeah that would have been that would have been a good P part to go to another break if something like that did happen because I could just like uh we have the practice codes shout outs to Zeus and piston Miner who made these practice codes um where you can kind of like edit your stats and what I probably would have done is I probably would have just like paused the timer and then like warped like and like fixed my stats something like that HE2 has some really really good practice codes probably some of the best in speedr running in my opinion yeah it also has really great music true but yeah so hope you guys have been enjoying this run new things are happening to me that I've never seen before but it that's never happened I know that's never happened oh my gosh make this the [Laughter] thumbnail the thumbnail of like that's never happened before Oh no Yoshi the sky's getting all dark the sky is falling the sky is falling but yeah man okay I'm going to honestly I'm going to be honest I have never actually I haven't really practiced those super guards so the fact that I hit it like four times was really good that just shows your your talent as a TTD Runner true but you want to know what else is like you know takes a lot of commitment doing a 100% run every day until you get twitch partner G I wonder who would do something as stupid as that cly not somebody in the call with you right now ety you've done thousand your door ones until you got partner what today we [Music] learned amazing I I when the Remake comes out if it's a decent speed game I totally want to learn it it's funny a lot of people ask me am I going to do the speed uh the Remake that depends on what the game is like depends on it's hard to know how much they're going to CH there's lavio there he is oh yeah there he is reference we get to see some lavio I'm excited to see what they change in the remake cuz like they added stuff into the smrpg Remake and now the Mario versus Donkey Kong remake is supposedly adding like two brand new worlds so I'd be more surprised if they don't add anything new into the game yeah it's true there's frankly see it's the frankly that we've known all along right also he stuck in uh in gloomtail Glo of course you know gloomtail the boss that we totally fought and also listen I know like Peach is supposed to be like possessed by you know the Shadow Queen but this is a pretty awesome look yep I don't know if she has like an official name I just call her Shadow Peach yeah I think she's just called Shadow Peach yeah who are these guys I don't know uh I know two of them uh we saw the blue and yellow hat one and um uh the uh EX on Fortress at the start of the game I don't know who the the freaking the sheet is though yeah so he is called he is called that in the game I'm not wrong that's not what I was laughing at I was laughing at uh did you did you notice that I uh I inputed down on that thing right there oh no I didn't yeah so uh there is a game over that you can get on that screen if you input down an A and sometimes during marathons I like to input down but then not press a just to scare people uh you can actually Mash B and you won't uh you won't become res slaves thankfully yes yes that is one of those instances uh that we like talked about earlier in the game where you have to select the option yeah like uh like with the tutorial um earlier in the game so so right here Yoshi's overpowered but unfortunately he is not overpowered enough to beat shadow Queen in her invincibility uh phase so we just got to survive and even if uh cops dies here which he will we have a life shroom M just and um y the reason Yoshi had to like upgrade his uh HP and stuff was essentially for this fight just so he can like tank Shadow Queen's hits more easily don't you dare throw those rocks at me [Music] all right I hope cops doesn't die here because then that will make things a little interesting which um like like I said uh earlier like maybe a half hour or so ago wow you you could have put Mario in barel there that would have been pretty funny that would have right not that it would have done anything for you but yeah ah so we have to attack her for three turns and then she will seal the audience and regain all of her HP and it's actually very important that we switch back to Yoshi right there because we want to have Yoshi out for the end of the fight coming up right and you want him to get his HP back of course like you don't want him to be all sad and hurt I know right all right so little uh little little thing that you can do there in that room before you like back yeah before you like fade back into the room there uh there is like one frame where you can just jump out of the battle and it it'll displace Mario um so like when the cut scene happens with the crystal starts shooting through the ceiling it won't be in center of the room it'll be like slightly off and you can also hold R there and get paper mode ending that we like to call it yeah I forgot to do it I'm sorry isn't it slower on JP though doesn't slow stuff down it is slower on JP you are right hey it would have still been fun to do [Music] yeah you uh you been kicking some butt with this run though I have seriously good job yeah not not trying to jinx it yet but everyone pray in the chat because we have to give Mario our luck in this case you have to give me your luck you're Yoshi you're not Mario but Yoshi's the one doing all the damage don't you have a Mario hat I I do not actually oh what did I think you did I mean I have a small Mario hat that goes on the plush all right time to get it if [Music] only yeah this is really uh really great music uh I love this part oh quick little developer uh eror note or I don't what what like oversight that blue Koo right there is actually supposed to be king K the yellow Koopa that you talk to and talks to you but they I guess put the wrong one in hope I wonder if they'll fix that for the Remake that's a good question I don't know or I wonder if they did fix that for the Remake I guess the Remake is uh coming out this year yeah it's coming out we we don't have a date yet so soon yeah uh from what I heard the game has like already been rated in some part of the world um so good chance it's close to being done look at the light they must have fired on that as soon as they were firing offr RPG too jeez yeah true we' got a lot of great games haven't we yeah theyve they've been like uh shooting out some uh some good titles yeah for sure oh I did want to ask you a question Yosi do you know like who any of these people are I don't I don't remember seeing most of them I mean I know that penguin we saw that penguin oh yeah I guess we did see him for a little bit all that P saying Luigi for some reason though I don't know I don't know what that's about you could read Japanese yeah [Music] true just [Music] true I don't even know who any of these characters are this must be Pittsburgh because it was snowing a lot during agdq this is Canada true where it's likeus 40° Fahrenheit on [Music] average I wouldn't say it's that bad so as you can see everyone is sending their hope and love and like you know and their power and you know with the power of the seven Crystal Stars Shadow Queen will be vulnerable [Music] again they're sending in all the blessings [Music] yep it's Peach it's Peach she's giving us she's giving us her power the last she sending her energy oh good Yoshi isn't tired anymore thank goodness I kind of missed him being tired though he was a lot more powerful when he was tired let's make him tired again that's a good idea welcome to the true final boss the third phase I guess you call shadowen 2 yeah Shadow Queen 2 Electric Baloo so we're going to immediately hi y Yoshi with that boo sheet and then we are going to use a Point swap make him [Music] tired good night Yoshi so a lot of the runs before like a lot of the any% runs before we have this route was always Mario gets to paril and protect Mario but now it's make sure that your partner's in Peril and just tank tank with [Music] Mario now we're going to go ahead it's a nice change of pace yeah exactly so thankfully she did not steal HP so this is going to be really easy and just to guarantee that Mario does not die this next turn we are going to use that last Ultra shum that we got and we will guaranteed survive this next uh this next turn good all right she's going to do her little supercharge but hate to break it to you but she's going to die here yeah sorry Shadow Queen bye-bye Shadow Queen and there we go and she's dead she's dead time is not just yet we will go ahead and time to the credits like usual because this gives us a chance to give some shout outs but that is basically the run now it's time for the most difficult part of the Run hitting A and B yeah hitting A and B so there we go so I'm looking at the time right now this is going to be a 228 and I think funny enough I was actually on PB Pace going into pal Skip and this might have kind of pbd if I if I got pal skip first try because uh my PB is a 221 and I believe pal skip took like maybe like a few minutes to to get so um I this this was actually PB Pace cuz uh I had a good RNG but then uh took a little bit to get pal skip which is all good and it wouldn't have been a real PB anyways cuz we paused Riot still though you you did a really really killer job with this run dude this yeah and I want to thank you know ety for reaching out to me well actually I want to thank Swift and ety for reaching out to me because ety went to Swift to to reach out to me because uh needed my Discord and she was like yo what's Yoshi's Discord and uh Swift gave it to him so uh thank you for reaching out for me to do this I'm glad that you know all the people watching got to see Thousand Year Door again uh you know even because it was at like such a late time for uh you know for agdq or early time depending on your point of view and this was a really good run uh you know I think both runs you know like I wouldn't necessarily say like one run was better than the other I think both runs had like you know they were both good like uh I think this is actually going to be about the same time if I were to take into account that I got Flavio cuz without Flavio I think uh my um agq run would be like somewhere around like 229 and this is going to be about 228 so this is about the same about the same run so hey can't complain I really can't the consistency is really hitting hard here yeah exactly so you know I want to thank you know ety and you GQ team and gdq hotpix for letting me run this game again you know it was funny I literally was on my way back from AQ and I get a message from ety being like hey you want to run thousand your door this Friday heck yes I do I was like why wouldn't I and there's a bunch of other people that you can check out if you want to watch some thousand door runs you can obviously check out me Yoshi Zilla I'm going to try I don't really stream too often but I'm going to try and get back into streaming a little more frequently because I would like to get a sub 220 my current PB is a 221 so if you want to see the grind for me to get sub 220 then make sure to follow me there you can follow manado where he does some thouse door every so often uh yeah on a little bit of a break yeah he's on a little bit of a break but when he does thouse door you could expect him to do stuff like glitchless 100% Max upgrades stuff like that there's I don't touch any% yeah we we're we'll get you here eventually you're coping on that but yeah if you really want to check out any thousand door Runners just go to uh and you can see a bunch of names of people who do runs there are some more active than others and you know you can just check out some awesome Thousand Year Door runs you know here and there Paul Yoshi I just think he's cool true I am pretty cool I'd say I'm pretty cool but I think it's cool that I get to run this game and I did this run in front of all of you amazing people I think you guys are the cool people for tuning in and watching on this Friday evening I don't know they didn't do the run you did there enough you are all very cool yeah um and again if you if you want to see more of this definitely go check out Yoshi's agdq run uh it's on the gdq YouTube channel uh along with all of other hot fix SP and stuff but definitely go check out that run if uh experience the same thing but completely different as in like different outcomes of how everything went but still basically the same time and also Flavia so yeah and also Flavia yeah because in the agq Run TR took a little bit to get but I got pal skip first try in this case TR was really good but it took me a little bit to get pal skip so hey different endings different outcomes very cool very cool this credit sequence is or this like buildup to the credits is so long yeah yeah it is yeah you usually you know you know it was funny we used to actually time to the end after the credits but then we were like can we just time you know when the uh the Fade Out is so ended up so glad I there no relevant inputs really right after that point you're just watching the credits pretty much yeah Japanese right yeah uh let's see let me give a few more shout outs shouts to cifi gaming and really tall both of them are awesome some glitch Hunters that found most of the tricks in this game uh there's a bunch of other people that found runs as well uh I apologize if I don't name you specifically but uh zeep and piston Miner uh went into a lot of reverse engineering as well as I believe JD acter they found um they were able at least piston and zeas I know they made a lot of the practice codes which man I would not run I don't think I'd be able to practice this game or like run this game without those practice codes they're really great yeah practice codes in this game are like I said earlier probably some of the best um in just speedr running in general they did a standup job with them yeah but yeah other than that you know just you know shout outs to all of you for you know watching this run you know I am I've been running this game it's crazy to think that in February I would have been running this game for eight years it doesn't feel like that but I still love this game and I will still run it for as long as I can you know what wild you so I am like I'm I'm like eight years older than you and um you speed you've been speed running for twice as long as I have wow wow it's kind of crazy to think that I've been speedrunning I started speedr running at a young age but the things I've been able to do have been awesome time is coming up and it's just been an incredible journey but with that that is time GG there we go GG good good job Yoshi there it is and we got the we got the amazing credits but you know they're like 5 minutes long we already talked about it but yeah there we go what a solid run what a what a great uh opportunity to be able to do this again like I mentioned if you want to see more follow me Yoshi Zilla but thank you all for letting me run this uh monado thank you for commentary uh for commentating I'm so glad you got the second chance to commentate yeah yeah for having me I I really enjoyed doing this yeah and and thank you all watch so so much uh again definitely follow both manado and Yoshi Zilla on Twitch I would really appreciate it mean a lot to me um that's going to be it for us today except there's still more hot fix stuff coming we're going to have legally cute coming up after the break and then I will also be returning on Sunday I'm going to be hosting another special I'm actually going to be running it as well you should follow ety um oh yeah sure you can follow me I do Pokemon stuff but I'll uh I'll I'll shout out myself during my h special on Sunday uh so 12:00 p.m. Eastern I'll be back I'll be running Pokemon Platinum a very long category called Elite 4 round two it's like 5 to 6 hours long uh Swift will be there on commentary as well as sparkling cor so it should be a fun time yes and uh hope to see you all there and again stay tuned for legally break legally cute not legally break uh coming up after the break uh we'll be back in a few minutes goodbye take care
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 37,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GDQ, GDQ Hotfix, AGDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick HotFix, Hotfix, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door gameplay, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door speedrun, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door gdq, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, paper mario gdq, paper mario
Id: 3n7ZgB3TNbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 11sec (9191 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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