PAPAJI - Jump Into Eternal Peace (Full Compilation)

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[Music] let there be peace and love among all beings of the universe let there be peace that will be shown shanti shanti shanti Namaskar Namaskar welcome we're speaking yesterday about self inquiring and some letters that I received they had some difficulties that they couldn't do it so further you will speak this morning again first of all to realize yourself to identify yourself with consciousness bliss and your own being you don't need any practice neither an Indiana na rio gah now any pilgrim places you up with it for this neither any charities this is only escapism because consciousness bliss and being is here so what is needed so that you know that being is already here within you to avoid the obstacles to it hindrances in spiritual life as well as in secular life in your day-to-day like living also for every success spiritual are secular material success you have to avoid only the obstacle for instance you want to buy a house in countryside house is available you don't have funds obstacle is only money some of your good generous friend can advance through some long Dubai house hindrances removed of strictly the removed and deal is effective you can hypothec it to the bank and have the house so what you have got to do is to remove the obstacles to be free to identify yourself with consciousness and being in this whatsoever obstacles out there you have to remove the obstacle and we are not to work for consciousness which is already here now what are those obstacles you can sit down and think about the obstacles now all over the world you can just sit down quietly and see what are the obstacles Sun is there and you very well know Sun does not belong to you neither you belong to him now the moon belongs to her she belongs to you not the Stars then come down to the earth that doesn't belong to you how do you belong to the earth like this air water fire eat other things they don't belong to you now you come from say for instance today you will come from your apartment from the hotel or somewhere else staying in private house you start from there that house doesn't belong to you neither you belong to that apartment coming in a taxi taxi doesn't belong to do now you belong to the taxi now all that you see that you utilize do not belong to you now you belong to it coming to your own self now like this this body doesn't belong to you like other things because other things that can be used by you you are not that it is something else and not the being therefore the body does not belong to you and the senses also do not belong to you the mind doesn't belong to the booty discrimination discriminatory aspect of the mind also you are not it doesn't belong to you then the soul also does not belong to you neither do you have any relation with the Sol Sol Sol to mind and mind to senses senses to body and body to all the objects that I have counted this you are not it's very simple reason to understand now these you are not so these are only notions these are only notions and once you can abandon all his notions all these notions you abandon and just stay quiet instantly you will know who you are whatever it is and you will be only left with consciousness because all these things which I mentioned you were quite conscious that you are living in an apartment you came by a taxi you are just conscious of it your travel but you are not the taxi just conscious so rejecting all these objects sight of touch and sound rejecting renouncing all the objects now we come to quiet I I have renounced all these things finally this object and subject relationship we still hanging objects all these objects and subject the one who has renounce all this thing and last of all if you could abandon this relationship of subject and object this renunciation of object and subject having done it you can see for yourself what's left there is no subject and no object and no notions at all all this is relationship there relationship must be between subject and object and that surely one because for little while you forget subject and object when you go to sleep and sleep also is a state one of the three states waking dreaming sleeping and they alternate but alternates is not real the GLG does not change so once you get rid of this notion of subject and object then all this over and you are that even before the beginning before the beginning of everything and this is consciousness and bliss and truth the travel it is actually it has no name it's for you to give it a name it has no name and you have to do it by yourself today this hour this satsang and now itself if you want to post on don't post for more than one year is out I don't know who knows who knows one here nobody's sure for this next year is not even further for one hour you are not sure what's going to happen next next minute because I remember I was going to Frankfurt from Delhi and one young woman with a 7 year old daughter she was going to meet her husband who was waiting at Frankfurt to receiver so on the way on board she collapsed massive cardiac failure and she died this girl was there so she must have been very fit to travel taking her seven-year-old daughter also a loss if she knew nobody knows so time at hand is this this is your time the next hour belongs to Yama who's merciless on all beings Yama you know that he has not spared even saints sages gods but one person cannot come into its teeth who's that person who is free because death will take away the concept of body notion that I am the body and how it has been removed as an obstacle and you are free you are not the body therefore let the shaman come now and take away what doesn't belong to you and what you are not let it take away the body yama takes away our bodies only and not one who is nothingness who is emptiness who is consciousness even yama has to die one day that even has to die one day for the next yoga many Yama's have died so one who is free of all motions he is not afraid of even death because many people right I am afraid of death here also and yesterday's letters also I am afraid of death what is death first of all you have to remove your notion what is that that you are afraid of first know yourself and then speak about that any you perhaps will like even Gemini you invite even Yama don't be afraid of him only you give up your notion of the body and then who are you even Yama your slave so this is all that we have to speak again and again to know thyself to enquiry who really I am you but to question now do I exist no at that time when you are asking question are you inhaling or exhaling I'm saying that that's the underlying question in between inhaling and exit yes inhaling is anyone here inhaling inhaling this exhaling exhaling is this isn't it in between what is it that you can see I think our perceive my thing my being my being yes this good answer my being is good answer and then my being when does it become no being then your question is this thing my being is my being even excelling my being inhaling my being in between my being then no problem my being is no problem then being is eternal isn't it and being is happiness peace unseen untouched but you forget it everybody forgets it if they don't forget you don't have any troubles therefore I was given with this example but you have found out in between them is the being yes and being should always be there being cannot die do you ever forget what do you ever forget so this is a question to me so be this question you are asking to being so I give this reply on behalf of being that being cannot forget itself being means unforgettable Ness forgetfulness is belong to body you see the body if even you don't forget you ever forget this body every day you forget when you sleep and after a span of human life you will forget who you have been you will absolutely forget then it will be for the worms whose food this body will become they will remember for some time as long as they eat up the whole thing then they also will forget everything is forgetfulness they also forget they also will be eaten away and I see so a remembrance memory is death itself and if you know it today I am being you are not going to die what has to die well die and you are not that which dies body can be taken away the being cannot be taken away so that you have to clearly understand now we are very close to it you have to finish it up now if there is any confusion any problem you have to solve it now is the right time the only problem is the eye which comes in and forgets so this is a thought you see is a thought passed in the night nobody was there and you are sleeping no I was there whenever wherever there is eye there is problem and there's death so how to survive don't touch I don't touch eyes then nobody can kill you if anything will be killed it is I to say I am in pain I am suffering I am dying only highs when I is there you are you experienced all these things you see so when you don't touch I there's no problem [Music] so next without touching the I next question okay are you in trouble when there are no questions are you in trouble when there is no question when I trust the I had when I test the traveler I don't know I'm saying when you are not touching the eye you said no questions now I am asking from no question if there is no question are you suffering yes no one is suffering and there are no questions party shame no one is suffering and no there are no questions actually after our you like it very nice very good this man has done it and he has he didn't like to me he was only standing there simply I've got into this matter no got into involved excellent what what will you do now [Laughter] you see you see this beauty you are seeing this piece here you understood it isn't it very nice how did you do it how did you get it so so what do you say how did you get it what did you do it would be very helpful to everybody who's here you see if she could say seeing whosoever gets it he doesn't let loose the secret many people who understand it and get it and got it he keeps down he doesn't speak then say whosoever got it he becomes dumped are insane insane in the sense his behavior is childlike nobody if even he speaks nobody will believe him are dumb you can't speak it there's no world for this true express it there's no word therefore it cannot be expressed it can't be touched because it's not physical it can't be imagined because it's not mental so neither mental not physical not even transcendental how can you speak about it only you can get it live with it have romance with this is the romance I was speaking to Nina keeping quiet while speaking whatever comes react but keeping quiet within you see this is the beauty where no disturbance no sufferance no death can touch so having known it you have crossed this ocean of suffering and cycle of birth rebirth and so on it will end only in an instant you have to be patient listen only it is done don't make effort don't think so this was the time I were trying with him to bring your mind at Stansted don't think and don't make effort and there you are I came to India to encounter the truth in your satsang thank you for your pointing to the moon my questions are can I find the moon inside outside inside outside or will there be after self who's this helmet Alma come here sitting accident no longer another router halwa 18 so my dear friend if you come to India to encounter the truth why do you speak up moon inside or outside moon is on the sky and I can show you where the moon is moon is in the sky outside and the rock is on the ground down the rock I can show you with the foot and the moon with the finger but none of these is truth truth is neither inside not outside so what will you do and where you want to encounter truth is neither inside nor outside so what supposes you that you are inside and the truth is outside and the truth is inside and you are outside what do you mean by this frontiers between you and truth which is the frontier which is the wall that keeps you outside and truth inside or if you are inside the truth is outside so which is this wall that you are imaginary constructed it looks like that it looked like the ball is the eye what is the eye is looking for something yes who's looking for something yeah I mean right wait wait wait Israeli what don't make hurry don't make sure you step by step is looking for truth let the truth be where you do not know what the truth is and what you say I this you know very well isn't it so we will deal with the truth later on let us deal with this I when you said I where is your eye you use the word very well where is this I know it doesn't exist me i Marseille the I doesn't exist doesn't exist okay it's something okay the I does not exist very well don't use the word I know okay don't use the word I now who wants to see the truth and very deeply I does not exist don't touch this I again is not existing now and if I is not existing what is it left now nothing this is truth this this is truth I've gone somewhere don't touch it now don't touch at all she will bite you now she is biting everybody all the beings are bitten by a tree don't buy you have come across you're thrown it away literally now you stay as you are now who wants to encounter whom who want to encounter whom nobody wants to encounter oh you were very wise now [Laughter] first it's simple look at his face now show your face when you show your face let the children here [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so true [Music] I wrote this letter yesterday with the idea to give it to you tomorrow but then who gave it to me who gave it to me this letter Xetra Xetra is the name but this is part romero them this far tomorrow I can't read today Zeta Zeta you are Zeta from where now what's called escape now very good this is my drama for the last 35 million yes where did you hear this 35 million where did you hear from 35 million years this is only drama here this is the only stage where you know that you are playing for the last 35 million years this is the only stage otherwise no no actor has ever played more than 50 60 years on the same same stages maybe 70 years 80 years now nobody can play more than that and you are very lucky to take part in this drama for 35 million years and still young you can continue you can continue no can you help me to jump to jump into here and now you know what is the meaning of jump jump you are regard holders of jumping do you know yes Russians are very good in jumping you know there are 17 goals in jumping in Russia and then China so Jung you are not to ask anyone to jump you have to be alone to jump and on this stage for 35 million years you have to pick up many actors along with you but to jump we don't need anyone else except you now do you ever go to the swimming pool yes you did and then then you go on the 10 meter high board also to jump it and then you are at the end of the jumping board presentation do you need any help there no what did you do don't look behind jump means don't look behind here don't look at 35 million years old and slowly ever tell you go on the board and go at the end of the jumping board ok and then wait there and then leave everything behind leave everything behind and jump that's Guardium everything behind and this jump is landing you into eternal peace this job eternal peace jump into eternal peace and you have to go alone not with any burden on you presentation when you jump you don't carry anybody on the shoulders no don't you you don't so go alone don't carry any load and this load is load of a thought thought and this thought is I you are on the board now we are going to jump and Eve behind I understand understand then who will jump [Music] no one to jump no one to jump and nowhere and standing on no borders and this is called again you had you had jumped therefore I ask you this question you have jump know every jumped having anybody to translate that me map die yes not try to jump okay not I to jumped okay there's no one to jump isn't it this shoe this I say have you done it has it been done your question was how to jump okay and now you say there's an old jump presentation that's what you see so there's no nothing to jump and no one to jump that's what I'm asking you no one to jump and know where to jump identity this is can you describe this no one to jump know where to jump nothing - nothing to describe tray tray something will come otherwise I will ask a question I give you one minute time yes nowhere to go then where are you if they come here then if you know where to jump now no one together I am here how is this yeah you like this here [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is what is called happiness bliss love and consciousness so many names but it is yet it is not recent she's finding some word to describe this situation you [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: H.W.L. Poonja - Papaji
Views: 75,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Papaji, HWL Poonja, Satsang, Sadguru, Satguru, Ramana, Ramana Maharshi, Gangaji, Mooji, Gangaji guru, Mooji guru, Ganga Mira, Ganga Mira guru, Advaita Vedanta, Advaita, Vedanta, Non Duality, Oneness, Enlightenment, Freedom
Id: CsQydwBtLw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 55sec (3535 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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