PANTS - We're Back!

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[Music] P we've come a long way Lisha we're back Kate Hi hi oh my God we're back we're back and how about I'm trying to like get that proper there we go hi okay I don't even know where to begin with all the exciting things around us right now do we do Show and Tell do we um God Where Do We Begin let's start from the beginning great as you know we took a pause we had to took a pause yeah for reasons that were not our fault correct right and basically slash spring break we had a little we we needed a spring break something we've never done we've only taken Christmas breaks yes but we decided to use this time to to give us a spring break which was great but let's face it um let's face it podcast costs money like it cost money to do this and we were in a situation where we could not to do it any longer yes we were right well we thought possibly we were going to have to not have it well right we couldn't afford it we couldn't because we were underwater well we were underwater because we weren't being compensated for the work we had done fairly or on time let's just correct face it like that is the truth without throwing anything under the bus those are the facts and having you know had dum dum shakes for breakfast for a long time we didn't realize for months and months and months and months and months we were like why are we what happened why can't we afford going forget about paying and also like forget about paying ourselves we don't pay ourselves it's to pay for it's to to produce this and to edit it and to do all of those things and we were looking at the statement saying we can't keep doing this but also what went wrong like how how did we have this for three years and in the fourth year it was like we know why right so we weren't getting paid can't wait to say the reason why out loud okay well but I won't do it yet okay also people thought it was Spotify I just wanted to say for the record no Spotify had nothing to do with it they were great in fact they offered us their location downtown that's where we start to clear that because I didn't want people to think that no no that wasn't you know setting the record straight nope no Spotify we love them Spotify is great so we were underwater yes pick it up are you pi oh you're coming back over I'm tossing the ball you um and then we took a break and in that time we like shopped around for a new home well you're forgetting something yeah somewhere in the midst of all this turmoil we were we were in we got an agent pants has an agent pants has an agent how big time is that we we're expecting just to get some advice but we walked away with an agent great yeah it was great so we get an agent and through this love herc and she also was Rebecca was the first person to find find us Rebecca used to work at acast way back when she found us in 2020 and was like do you want to come over and you know make this a real thing right so she's now our agent because in that four years we've been doing this she skyrocketed as we just plateaued she just this anyway she came around and saved us again really and because of Rebecca we have a new home yes because we had to shop around for a new place to live because and we landed at probably the greatest podcast platform you can land the place we wanted to go in the first place it was our number one pick yes we said this before I feel like I'm repeating it's repeat it's okay but this was our number one go-to spot yes lemonada boom lemonada like we put we have a lemon painting in honor of lemonada what really wanted a fresh bowl of well I'll get for next time I'm going to have one that's probably too big great big enough table fine you have a lemon tree um yeah oh yeah so anyway they're they have Julia Lou drus they have S Sarah Silverman um I've heard of another person who just signed with them I'm not going to but they're a women run women-owned company they're amazing we're so happy to be with them yep um I feel like we're finally in a good place pants is yeah right yeah for a podcast that truly began and maintained as a DIY podcast I'm proud of us yeah and then we decided like let's take everything in our own hands like enough of this like I don't know well you you start to add video to it and then there's a whole new component where you're thinking all right well where do we record it and the zooms um happened because it was at the time too much for us to go down to Spotify because we couldn't afford all of the uh well the drive was hard the drive yeah the drive was a [ __ ] but but in terms of like all of the bells and whistles at all cost right so because we were in the situation we were in we thought all right well we have to move over to zoom for a moment right and then when lemonada landed in our laps that's when we decided all right let's let's let's make Studio let's own let's own this instead of going somewhere cuz where are you going to record they have Studios but they're kind of dumpy and you would said there there are a lot of recording studios in this town oh you're talking about around town I thought you were saying Spotify I'm not saying Spotify no Spotify is like a multi-million dollar uh structure in the middle of downtown I'm talking like where where podcasts go to record there's a lot of dumpy Studios so many dumpy Studios right well and they're expensive and then there's that and you have to break everything down when you're done and then put it back up again when you want to record the next one right so we had a long talk and we're like let's just convert this little room into our own studio and now we get to keep everything up which is great and we get to walk outside and lock the door yes and we get to decorate it how we want we got to decorate it and we're okay do we get to go into this yes okay are we I don't want to rush you're not rushing okay um so heg blue we picked the blue he blue he blue we picked the blue Kim was really happy about the blue did you did you color match it at Catalina Paints or did you actually go to Catalina which is my favorite place to go but I just went to this place that was closer cuz I was in a hurry but you matched it right yeah and then they didn't match it that great and then I ended up going to Catalina because they really know how to m he's been a long time he's like do you want to come back in 30 minutes oh I there Catalina is fail safe I go there for all paint it like I can't tell the difference no cuz why would you spend the money well it's like I didn't I didn't mean to like be careful of five alive over there do you want to talk about how you think it's a robot has anyone seen Short Circuit with Steve Gutenberg anyone who's any I'm really aging myself and you because everyone in this room knows short circuit sorry it was a movie that from the Ali yes and robot and there was five alive doesn't this arm look like five alive I'm getting used to him all the kids are looking it up right now like what the [ __ ] they're like who's Al and what who's Steve Gutenberg people are probably asking who's Lisa Haley and Kate Manning they're all Google yeah it's so true so we all fit into the same uh demographic did she say Kate Gutenberg or Steve Steve Shey get them confused and Kate Haley and Leisha menig wait a second what are their names yeah we are there we're there okay it's gonna happen to everyone so I can't trip on it so go ahead what okay so I'm I interrupted your train of thought okay so we painted it and then it was too shiny you spent by the way you spent days painting and I kept having to rent errands which I'm sorry but you were fast yeah so thank you for that but listen the problem was the first coat was it had a Sheen to it that didn't look great people are like oh God they're back yeah we're back and it G I had gone home and you said it's the wrong Sheen I have to get flat so then you actually did the final coat which yeah because it was reflecting the lights or the lights were reflecting on the sheen yeah it just like tacky yeah and then before I went to New York I was like where are we going to sit so I brought some chairs over from the house and Kim and I set them up and it they just looked it looked dinky MH like it was like so weird like we painted this room and then you have like two little dinky chairs mhm and then there's only so many positions you can sit in a chair right yeah I like this I can stretch out right so before I left town I spent I think 48 Hours looking for a blue couch online and then one popped up and the right cuz they're either too big they're too expensive they're too I found a little tiny blue couch and I was like order up right on it showed up five days later I didn't tell you no you surpr wanted to surprise you yeah you did and I was like Kate's GNA love it because you can do what you're doing you would be so uncom you'd be so fidgety in a chair right now well I would just have my feet kicked up on a coffee table that's how I figured but I have my feet kicked up on this you you you slayed this I was so surprised I was so happy okay I know you walked in and you weren't expecting it well I told you you did you kind of you you you you you blew the secret just because yeah you kind of had to but I didn't know what it looked like well I said I go I have a surprise sorry this jump [ __ ] killing me you going to be okay yeah it's just Jesus you really buttoned it up to the top I know I feel like I look like um a gay Michael Myers because I button it up but I don't like it open but it also so strangles me when I sit should I be scared no cuz I don't have the masks you'll be okay let me just take this part yeah sorry everybody okay okay so where was I the couch so I said I have a surprise and you were like what is it what is it leash I was like no no just come tomorrow I'll sh no I want what is it what' you get and then you made me tell you but I didn't know what it look like right you didn't really get into detail and I didn't want it I wanted to see it yeah and I could not have been happy this morning yeah and then uh what else happened so we're going to slowly just so everyone knows I don't know where to look um we're going to decorate this wall we've just started we yeah you pulled these from a project we were working on these photos it's all like vintage gay like well the original pants sign got the original pant sign that'll never leave Lea brought these awful things well I had to bring the potato people by the way can you show the Dead one from the one time I took them did it did it suffer more since this from traveling downtown wow no where am I going to get it repaired no one likes driving on the 101 on the 110 I mean like where am I going to take it I don't know where am I going to take it I told you I was like she's fragile I wasn't forcing you to bring these things no on the say that again on the day I brought them to Spotify I said be careful this one doesn't look so good and look at her now this is terrible bless I wish I knew the person who made these i' doesn't it say it says it right here oh Vanessa Chow would you like would you like your phone number is it there yep did you never think to look at the bottom the bottom wow oh my God oh my God I'm gonna find her what's the area code 2015 she made this maybe that's why she's so brittle so it had like the lifespan of a gerbal what's what's the area code don't give her a whole number but uh it's a 310 so it's local she's local M Vanessa oh my God I can't wait to call this for should I call her right now um no no no I don't I'm in to call her right now why CU let's just see let me see the number okay I never thought to look never thought to look okay um are you really calling this person now yeah what shouldn't this be on your own time or could you know she's not going to answer you think she still does this or was this like a onetime thing in 2015 uh I just discovered who this person is I I don't have an opinion recing you may hang up hey Vanessa my name's Lisa um I have three dolls that you made in 2015 um that are on little wooden blocks they're three little women and one of of them is broken and they were for a a show I used to be on they were on on the set anyway I'm really sad about it because she's not one of them's not doing so well um if he could call me back and maybe I could find you I live in LA okay thanks well well she might get rehabbed she her are broken speaking yeah these are you know the whole speaking of broken feet Kate yeah about broken feet no one has a broken foot you have a broken hand we think let's talk about it go ahead okay by the way is this the first time Anna's going to be hearing about this you want to tell I want to tell that I came clean this morning I came clean this morning no you didn't that is not what you said no I this morning I came clean when yesterday I didn't come clean this morning I did come clean because I had to well you already called Vanessa just do it on air you all right no Lea has had a summer cold and we're all I'm fine I getting gerated right now take that head tell your story amazing you think being off camera the the mics are still probably picking this up it's okay okay um I don't this I told you this morning when you saw this I said I don't even have a good story behind this injury there's no good story it doesn't involve heavy machine or a saw thank God like it's really dumb it's not a sexy injury it's not a sexy injury it was dumb I have these uh saw horses with steel legs and I was trying to pull a shop vac to vacuum underneath it but yeah but the extension cord was caught so I'm pulling I'm pulling it and then it finally breaks free and my body weight slices my hand slices against the leg of the saw horse well your body weight you thrust towards the thing I thrust it yeah and it pulled me forward and my hand banged the edge of this metal saw horse leg that's very thin metal and when it happened I knew something was wrong so I instantly grabbed my hand I went into the kitchen no you you went white well no that's when I looked in the mirror but I instantly like I didn't even look at the cut I just grabbed my hand and I had been working with like this wood that I'm trying to like refurbish so it made a mess I'm covered in soot it look like a coal miner mhm my hands are black I run inside I stick my hand under the sink and that's where I see how deep this cut is and I'm thinking is that bone cuz it's right on my knuckle it's like right there and I'm and I have that feeling of faintness and so I go over to sit down because I feel like I'm about to fall over and I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I'm sheet white sure because your body knew it was it went into shock my body was like yeah this isn't good and so and and so I grab a paper towel and I'm holding and I'm just like trying to get that feeling Anna's just like away this is part just give everyone a little insight into this part I didn't want Anna to know because I didn't want to be rushed to the hospital you said she'll over she was going to over exaggerate I don't know if she'd over exaggerate but she'd say let's go to the hospital and I don't want to go to the hospital I don't I don't that's a smart thing to say when you have a cut down to the bone on a movie I don't know if it's down to the bone I just know that it was deep and I wondered if that was bone I didn't I I haven't been given uh positive uh you know identification if that was a bone or not well only a doctor can do that you're not a doctor point is um she didn't know she was 20 ft away in the other room working and so I handled it quietly and and I go washed it and so I went into the first aid thing and I got all the bentine and the hydrogen peroxide and I started cleaning it out and bubbling and all this stuff and then I it's not disgusting it's just bubbling is disgusting it's hydrogen proide it's cleaning and I wrap it and that's when Anna comes out and she's like what happened and I was like I cut myself but it's okay I think I'll be all right and she and you hid it from her you didn't well it was had been wrapped MH and I didn't notice any swelling yet and I went to bed that night and I'm lying in bed and I'm thinking my hand is killing me like anytime I go to bend my hand it's killing me yeah and I thought maybe it'll go away and so I woke up this morning and it hurt some more and so I took the bandage off because showering with this is not fun okay and that's when I noticed that my knuckle is really swollen I thought is this broken did I break my knuckle as well and I don't have an answer to that yet all I know is that I can't use my right dominant hand and I have a table to build and I'm very upset said about the timing so if this doesn't get better by tomorrow I'll go to oh you're not going to go tonight you're still not going to go well no I'll go okay I just want to remind you that it's on a part of your body that moves I know but I heal quick and it's your you what I heal quick okay I'm a quick healer okay but if it doesn't get attached correctly it might not move correctly well that's why I take my fingers together because then I'm not moving it it's it's keeping it more stabilized maybe it's supposed to move well when I was moving it it hurt so I didn't want to do that so that's my really unsexy story still doesn't know no Anna knows now because she knows you cut yourself she doesn't know that you should have gone to the hospital well she offered today and I said no I have pants pants is coming back and nothing's going to stop pants so no I said let me I agree with that but I know you want trip to the ER would have I don't want to nobody wants to go to the ER want who wants to go and maybe I don't want to okay if I have to I will we'll see how I feel tomorrow if this is horrible tomorrow I'll go okay okay yeah I wasn't bleeding out I didn't lose a finger I didn't need I probably could have used two stitches but it's fine like I I I've needed stitches before and haven't gotten them so really yeah are you like a toughy like that no I just am scared of needles and although I did have tattoos spider bite you got that was so disgusting that you had to get drained oh I have that on a video still that was like that's a good one does anyone want to see that nobody wants to see that no one wants to see black [ __ ] tar come out of my leg oh from a brown recluse spider bite that was so gross I it's I mean you were you say you're scared of needles yet you got your leg drained yeah but Anna was in in the room watching I won't get into it anyway I don't there's something about sewing up skin that sure that I don't like yeah understandable so um this just I'll handle it my own pace don't TI tit me away like I'm a pain in the ass because I care about you I know you care just don't give me those I don't like those I'll let you know tomorrow I'll let you know tomorrow if I if I if it wakes me up at night what if I don't even care anymore CU you don't you're like but you will I do I'm just saying you will you're lucky to have someone who cares I I have two people that care I have you and Anna I appreciate that and you'll know if I go to the hospital because you're also coming over on Saturday so you'll know if my hand's you know properly bandaged by a doctor you'll you're you'll know I love that you think taping your two fingers together is like no just be all end all high school or something no no it just stabilizes the knuckle a little bit I know but I don't think you know if a knuckle should be stable ized cuz the knuckle should move I can do that okay I could have just really I could have just bruised it really badly sure right I could have done that I'm sure that's probably what it is but I'd never seen my knuckle look like that before so when I looked at it this morning I got that faint yeah lightheadedness again another sign that your body is like to the hospital and I and well let's not go be dramatic but Anna was like you're reacting that way because your body knows it's a bigger deal Anna I just she didn't say go to the hospital she just said it's a it's you're something's wrong yeah okay so that's my story it's very un I'm glad I wasted everyone's five minutes six minutes of of their lives hearing about it but that's the backstory but they're all tuning back into well we're back we're back so what else are we gonna hang on the walls well there's something I ordered that should be here in it's actually arriving sooner than they said initially it should be here maybe the end of this week what do you say oh that no it's going to look so neat no meaning we talked about it yeah I need to still build something around it so it but it it's and I'm and I Envision it in this corner here I think we just have to collect as time goes on we're GNA collect and also um I ordered a couple of other things I know you told me it's like we can surprise each other with yeah I to sneeze this is like my body's going sneeze it passed oh do you know how to stop a sneeze how does everyone know this no let's say like you're you're in the middle of like a play right by the way I went to see a play that was really great in New York but so many people cough during plays do you notice that it's like people wind up wind up getting coughing fits and plays one woman had to get up and leave cuz everybody was like so sorry for her that sucks I know it did I think she had like a thing you know when it and then it gets worse and you're like well when you focus on it you get that itch and you just can't a little tingle and you start going it's the worst but a lot of people just cough willy-nilly they you got to time your coughs you got to time your coughs on a laugh or on a or on a like I hope somebody says something funny soon or something or someone speaks loud there's commotion on stage or a musical would be great because you know like some somebody's going to start singing pretty soon oh yeah then you're pretty golden yeah it's the play because plays are very still so there was a coughing fit so but someone down there someone back there I wanted to stand of like pull it together what's happening okay or like get some water anyway what did I bring that up for I don't know oh how to stop a sneeze yeah so let's say you're in this situation or anywhere there's a little muscle you know there's like a split in your nose can you little thing that goes yeah yeah I feel it okay it's a nerve there's a nerve and so you know like in the old timey like cartoons or like like Charlie Chaplain days when someone does this that's why you if you push on your nose like that if you feel like you're about to sneeze it makes it go away how did you know this I don't remember someone taught me this like gears go it totally works I've used it my whole life so you just do that yeah you don't have to push it up you just got to get the little guy and make it oh is that what you just did um I might have which made me think of it I don't know if I did but yeah and then there are other times you're like I just really need to sneeze and and it's like you can how can you suppress a cough though that's a tough that I don't know but it reminded me of the similar thing that's tough maybe there is something I'm sure there is I don't know what it is that seems harder also I like to sneeze you know because it you know they say it's like an orgasm I love a sneeze yeah but if you if you ever need to like when people sneeze and they don't let it out I don't understand oh when they're that thing I'm like let it out it feels good but cover your mouth also sure that goes without saying but let it out let it out it feels so good just to own it and it feels like a million bucks I haven't been I haven't had a cold or anything in years and I was just in in New York and it was I think vacation time for the entire world because it was so crowded and I was just like walking past like thousands of people a day and I I knew I was like I'm G to get sick you sure it's not allergies positive yeah did you have a fever no no fever you didn't feel run down no not really it's like a I've got the like summer sniffles oh yeah I felt pretty lucky but all those people you're like what are the chances High they're high well you also you also flew I also flew it happens no I am not upset I'm just saying oh wait we have to talk about our new producer holy [ __ ] say again hold on a second 458 okay so also one other thing okay what happened what happened because our entire uh podcast went up in smoke practically is that Arwin yes had to move on yeah because you know what she didn't sign up to wait around for pants no it was a lot for her to wait I can't blame her so we had to yeah Arwin moved on Arwin had to move on I know which was heartbreaking but it was you know we loved her we loved her and well we still love her yeah our's the best it's just she can't wait around for us and everything takes a minute so now we have our new producer we do Val Val Val hurt say hi Val you can speak can can you hear us do you want to come just say hi really quick on camera so this is Val hurt come over come on over camera come say hi this is Val don't use my mic because I don't want you to get sick you're I'm not sick um do you want to say anything about how excited you are to be on pant I'm so excited I'm so excited to be on pant this a lifelong dream and we've known you quite some time yeah I've been you know I've been uh circulating near the pants I think for a while so I do have some some deep pants knowledge I think so I feel I feel lucky to come in and get to use yes use my deep pants understanding good to have you Val thanks for thanks for taking this on yes so what Kate so I think we're wrapping this one up and then leysa it's so damn good to be back with you it feels right we needed that break we needed to figure it all out yeah but it just feels good I'm also high on Theraflu right now does it can you is it obvious no because you sound stuffed up and you had to sneeze and you had to cough and blow your nose but but do is my personality strange from the from the drugs no okay good I can't tell nope I'm in a sort of like thlu fog nope I know it's like a tacky drug but it feels good why is it a tacky drug I don't know it feels like I I just I can hear someone like like Dr thlu what's wrong with thlu when you're not feeling well so it'll it nothing in my book I've taken thlu when I've had that my mom also swears by Mucinex because it it'll dry you up but it's less fun the thing about the that's fun it's like a hot drink I don't like the way I don't like the way it tastes though no but at least you get to like have something it's not like you're just Downing medicine right there's something to it which is well they flu only the best okay bye bye oh should we wait should we no no okay it's not a variety show it will be no it won't [Music] hey
Channel: PANTS with Kate Moennig and Leisha Hailey
Views: 27,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iUOX9LaaWz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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