Pantographs, what size do I need and more?

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hi everyone welcome to our Facebook live this Wednesday I had um social guest with me hello deus yourself i'm shouldn't Ellie she's been in a few of different videos diana is out sick right now the she will be back next week so what are we gonna talk about today we're gonna talk about pantograph pantograph pattern yeah okay so this is a little more of Gentiles expertise I work on the computerized machine she has a hand guided model yeah so she is here with me to talk about what the pantographs do what they are what designs we have how they can start with beginner kind of middle then you can get to your more advanced ones so but we there's so many different types of Hannah graphs that you can use we do have the easy ones let's start off with actually let's talk about the machines first right there are different type of rope sizes that you have in your machine and by different sizes we have different size of paragraphs that you can use just hold and so um so we're gonna kind of give you an idea of what size pantograph that you need for your throat sighs so you're looking at a size 18 throat you're gonna need a size 10 inch pantograph right so and then when you go up and these the your throat size of a 22 would be a 12-inch pantograph that'll be your maximum that would be your max that you can go to so anything under 12 inches you could do 12 and so the reason that we're kind of giving you the guidelines is because you you hear an 18 inch throat when you hear that you're normally looking about 13 and a quarter of actual quilting area yes so we say to do at least a 10 so you know is the biggest I'm max attend and that's because as you roll up let's say the King size quilt yeah it started to get really bulked up on your roller so your throat sighs well can will decrease just a little bit so if you have that Tim you've got three and a quarter inches of mmm-hmm that you can work with so we're kind of giving you the guidelines just to see which ones will work best for you continue okay and then on a 20 inch throat that 26:20 you will use a 14-inch pantograph and then on 30 inch throat you would use a 16 inch pantograph normally after 16 excuse me it's being a little too big because it's just such a big pattern um this is a 14 inch you see this isn't some big fat another person's a little more intricate so we're going to show this one a little later that's how you kind of get your ideas and designs yeah and those are the sizes that gamal has there's other throat sizes out there that you can work with but just that kind of gives you an idea of the 18 through the 30 so that's the ones that were most common saying we have an 18 22 26 and 30 here so that's the ones that we must happen I know there's 20 inch throats out there 17 inch throat so just kind of gives you an idea where to start so you can pick what's much pantograph that's right for you and there's also the smaller thirds that yes mid mid armacham in our machine even smaller than that yes and these work also for men are machines right so yeah just depends on your picking out your pattern so normally when you do a mid arm machine you looked probably a 4 to 5 inch pattern we have patterns here that there are easy combos and there's about what is our 5 or 6 there's 5 patterns on that sheet of on this roll so 5 and they're that they're the five inch pattern so they'll work for your mid arm machine and you just kind of cut them down so normally you'll get a pattern in the mail if you order one from us or a different pattern designers it'll come like this on a nice roll these are 24 inches wide and they'll have multiple different sizes on the roll and you can see that there are little yeah I'm getting out there you can see that there are Lions dotted lines along this pattern and you would just cut right down that line and that would give you the different sizes of the patterns that you have perfect there we go like a wand okay so so we have separated the patterns into kind of you're starting off fresh give you an idea of what easy patterns to middle-of-the-road patterns two very intricate patterns so you kind of have an idea of exactly where you're going with them with them yeah okay so let's start with this one so this is meandering yes very one of my favorite so this is this is kind of a this is a basic starting overall pattern it definitely works for doing those easy designs if you're doing t-shirt quilts you just want something to hold it together not take away from the t-shirts meandering is really the way to go yeah because it'll take care of that yeah and I did a lot of memory quilts and so on the memory quilts I do this as well on the Mandarin the cool thing to take away from everything exactly yeah this one's a really nice one as well it is called simple feather meandering which it it looks like it's a little bit harder but it really isn't by the feathers and everything that's on it it's pretty easy to kind of go with the flow it's one of my favorites um like that meandering that's one it's something that you can do with just about anything yeah works really well you see you have your four different feathers right here and then it goes into different circles swirls points that you can do open they're too far away okay I think it's too far away let me bring a little closer okay I can't point you're good grab the idea there perfect idea okay so it's a little closer for you so it gives you the feathers that you have here then you can look at different parts of the design that we have we'll kind of bring it back and forth perfect I gotta move on to the next one okay yeah okay yes um on demand the meandering through the whole t-shirt club right so yes and to go over the cut the stuff that's on the t-shirts yeah you can go over the stuff it's on t-shirts some customers they'll not they won't want that I don't know if we're too close to the camera a little bit we're good okay some customers might not want that idea of like oh we're doing I guess so some customers they won't want some of that stuff to go over the t-shirts so what I would recommend is that if they have giving you the ability maybe feel a new stitch in the ditch around some of them like I've done I've done a t-shirt quote before we're done meandering but there was four pictures on parts of the t-shirt quilt on memories of it was for her granddaughters her granddaughter playing different sports and so she didn't want me to quilt over those so I did fiction that it's around them it did me everywhere a steady hand yeah Nana grass well you know you don't really have to have a steady hand to do it what I recommend so so for instance you have one like this a little tighter of a pattern but really when you're working with a pattern or any pantograph for instance this is just one that we grabbed you want to use the line that's more of a guide because if you're staying right on top of that line you'll you're gonna be really tense and it's really gonna hurt up in your shoulders a lot but if you're using as a guide it'll be more flowy and it's gonna look a lot more natural the only thing I do recommend is when you get to points say it in your head so you get to a point you're gonna say point and then continue to go point continue to go your points will be a lot sharper away you you've done a more of an aggressive I have but that's what I was that's what I think is the best and the one thing I do on the pan graphs on that on when you have the laser is to look in front of the laser kind of like you drive a car you look in front you don't look at the road it actually helps you guide much easy easier you look at you got a look at the road though you look at the road but you don't look straight down you look at the road ahead I got your medium yeah so this is one that we have American patriot this is a very patriotic pattern we have parts of the okay so we have our American flag and it goes into say America the the Eagle and then we've got stars throughout it so this is kind of more on the medium side you're getting into more if you know bring closer from Norway we're getting more into there we go we're getting more into getting into the pattern working with different shapes of it so it's just a little more on the medium size and the points because a lot of people have difficulties with the stars like you said you just gotta think point point point point yeah and you can get it you'll get those perfect yes yeah it would look it would look absolutely amazing on Eclipse of valor close so have you got that one [Applause] okay so we have butterflies which is a little bit on the medium side as well Oh which more of the circles so it's not it does not as many points yeah so you're coming into the butterfly you're following it around coming into the wing taking one of the circles on circles point back around to continue going and this is the continuous patterns just going up and down between the butterflies so a little more on the medium side this I've done this one myself so it is more in the medium side it takes a little bit of time to get in there and do the little inside but it is the same thing point point point and then you know go in and do a little bit it all kind of yeah and so they do you make the pattern wider this is just one of these smaller sections but what this is is you do these this row up here at first because these footballs are connected this is going up and down up and down up and down up and down and then you would come back to do the next row and or they do make one that is just one big piece of one big piece yeah so and like you said each size that you get there they look differently on the size of the picture okay well it's soccer balls yes and this is just a row of soccer balls and stars and then a second row so kind of more in the medium side as well on this on the sports side you just coming in this has been where it can get a little more intricate and I'll pull a little closer as you can just get in and do these separate pieces to make that full well okay well this is actually we can actually talk about this thing okay so we have three more that are more intricate seeing your idea of the difference there we go okay so this is our this is the solar system one so you can see that you've got Jupiter and Saturn earth stars so it's just a little more if you want to bring it a little closer and if it's just a little more intricate side there's a lot of different pieces of it but it turns out beautifully on clothes gorgeous I'm actually working on the solar system quote now I think this is the one for you I know [Applause] so this is definitely more intricate yes definitely there's a lot of different designs going on here you have your overall flower you're getting into different parts of the feather swirls berries I guess so it's a lot more intense more dense quilting so but it's um it is a lot easier to follow for the intricate because it's there's not really much overlapping on it it's this one really continuous line you're not doing very very good stuff except for on the very section but other than that there's someone here but it's just low easy flow yeah I got one more alright this is a great border or sashing power.yes pattern so for Halloween polish this is definitely something that it's gonna be in that more intricate section you can see that you've got the different sides of the pumpkin his eyes nose mouth the jack-o'-lantern really not the pumpkin yeah you've got the leaves and on these you can see when they closer to one of the pumpkins a little bit right there okay so you can see right here in there's red pieces and this is telling you when you're coming into the pattern follow the red line to continue the pattern so it's not getting you confused a lot of the patterns when you do stuff that overlaps themselves they'll give you different colored lines to follow in the process so you don't get confused and so if you want to grab you wanted to show something on it now we're gonna come over here to do the machine to kind of show you how we have it set up this one right here alrighty so when we're looking at our pattern the first thing that you want to do is you really want to line it up some yes I'm the expert on it see what you want to do is line up the you put on your quote first and then what you're gonna do is on here you're gonna line up the pattern from as you could tell from one side of the quilt you see the tape and then I measure it over to the yes well you want to make sure that is the laser is on the corner of that tape which is on the corner of your machine on your quilt and then you go down to the same at the other end the same thing you're gonna want the laser to be right at the corner to be up here at the corner as well and that's how you you start off the pattern you have it all ready and then you basically start quilting and you go around did you want me to go ahead cool no okay so as you could tell on here you see the red lines when you would start quilting on this particular one I would actually start here because this is the beginning of it and take it around and then follow this red line so I don't get confused to go back over again and then when you're deciding to when you get done with this row and you're gonna go to the next row most of the the quilt the patterns have dots on them where it says top of pattern what you're gonna do is put your laser on there that's the top of your pattern and put your needle down and see what it does is it holds your needle down and then you're just gonna roll it back all the way and you're gonna go to clicks pass the red dot and then the reason why they go to quick pass the red dot is because you're going to tighten up on the other ones and when you tighten up it's gonna bring you back to the red dot so we also this is kind of the and then you're basically automatically you can start right back to over to your next pattern you don't have to change anything you know have to change your laser nothing it's all together you just go to the next pattern in the next pattern so this is just a really brief description in the description that I do want to recommend and I'm sure you've seen this before is when you're loading you have your quilt top loaded on and so when we're loading on our quilt tops we're looking at it from top to bottom right so when we put our patterns on if you're loading it that way and you have a directional pattern so like those pumpkins that are going the faces are up if you have a directional pattern you want to put the pattern upside down yeah so it'll replicate on the quilt we're doing these pumpkins on this quilt and we want it to look like so on the quilt as we've loaded the quilt straight on if we want it to look that way we've got to load it on our table upside down from the way that we would think in our minds that we actually load it so when we're quilting it out it's going to replicate this design right side up on the quilt that is one big thing to remember or if you want to be able to look at the pattern right set up on the backside machine you would just have to put the quilt top on backwards so whatever works easier for you so I said this was just a brief description we do have a video on our YouTube channel about pantograph cool thing for you okay okay and as of right now we actually we have over 400 patterns that are all different skill levels and our patterns are 10% off whoo that's great Kathy had a question about the big fire pot and this one is called a feathered rose collection - so and they have numbers on them as well hello rose collection - Anne it's number and it all rolled up on me number 34 and I'm in Linda taters [Music]
Channel: Linda's Electric Quilters
Views: 8,388
Rating: 4.5809522 out of 5
Keywords: pantographs, pantograms, quilting patterns, patterns, quiltpatterns, longarmpatterns
Id: 0jeWBrsoz9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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