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Let's just do it all on the Lechon that we cooked. So there, it's very crunchy, right? Let's make now, Pansit Lechon. So I have here: I'm going to use the oil from the Lechon Kawali. So you just put a bit on your Talyasi (iron vat - for cooking). I am gonna put it on bilao (circular woven tray) so that it would really be native, right? So there. So you put the oil from frying the Lechon. Onions and this is minced garlic. So there. You saute it, I'm going to use this. Oh! So there. It seems like you are gonna cry. So you release all your tears, as long as it's only saute that will make you cry. Right? And then you season with LORINS soy sauce. And then you make some pouring. The stock that I told you that you use on boiling Lechon Kawali, you pour on that. Plus additional as needed. I have here bihon (Filipino noodles), for about 1 kilo. More or less. So we will let this boil. While I'm boiling that one, I'm going to chop the Lechon that I'm gonna put on top, we are gonna put it on top. There it is, right? I don't know because here in us, the Pansit (noodles) with generous amount of Lechon on top. It doesn't need to have birthday, right? If you feel like celebrating even on ordinary day, then you cook Pansit Lechon for long life. As long as you don't eat too much of Lechon, right? You balance it. Balance is the key. And you stop for while you are chopping this, you also keep on eating, right? There may not be left on what will you put on the top of Pansit. It's really like that, you are gonna quality check it. So that you will not get embarrassed to the one who order. So basically, you're going to wait for this to boil and then you put your noodles. You put some soy sauce and then I have here the LORINS chilimansi. So that there would be a bit spice and calamansi flavor. You put more soy sauce, you can also put more calamansi on the side. This Pansit is really indulgent because if you can observe, what really makes it delicious is the Lechon. Right? On where we boil the Lechon, the oil from the Lechon that's why we call this Pansit Lechon sa Bilao (Filipino Noodles w/Lechon on Circular Woven Tray) but if you also don't like Lechon then you may also remove that, you can use ordinary chicken stock, ordinary oil and instead of the Lechon, you can use chicken breast fillet if you want it healthier alternative. Okay. So there, it's already boiling. You just put your Bihon. If you also want Canton, then Canton. For a while since I'm having my Bihon open. I have did a mistake upon my estimation. The packaging is actually small. So the recipe that I am doing is about 1 kilo. So it seems like I am having a Fiesta, right? This is perfect for example that you do food tray business or bilao. For me, the Pansit is really more appealing if it's on Bilao then there's a banana leaf. We are gonna put that soy sauce for you might say: "Why does your Pansit looks a little bit pale?" We will put soy sauce, don't worry. We are still lacking on noodles, okay? We are still buying from the Sari-Sari store, just kidding! We are still getting it from the pantry. I did a mistake on estimation because I thought that it's a big plastic or big pack that we get but it's the 200 grams that we get so we need 5 because we're doing 1 kilo. Maybe, you are gonna think that: "What you are making seems to be like a soup." We are still lacking on Pansit. When you're making Pansit, there is really no secret, right? You just need to use a good quality of caldo or stock and of course, don't thrift it on the content ingredients. So there. And then you put soy sauce so that it would turn a bit blackish... "Can we use oyster sauce?" Yes, sure. Someone from you might ask me: "Where did you brought your Talyasi?" I think you can buy this kind of Talyasi on the market. This Talyasi feels so much province-style, right? So there. So you just boil and then you taste the caldo. So you know if you need to do adjustments. It's so delicious. It feels like I don't need to change anything. So I hope everything is like Pansit, right? You don't need to change anything anymore. But I'm gonna put it a bit of black pepper so there's an added spice. Let us not forget that. We keep on saying that: "We don't need to change anything." "You don't need to change anything." But don't forget, you need to add some spice occasionally so that there's a thrill. So there. It's just like we are making Pansit and then when I'm making Pansit, I really want it to be watery, right? Because remember that, you know that when you serve the Pansit on lunch, when snacks came, it's still delicious but when dinner came, it's dry already. Right? Whereas if it's watery, the Pansit remains moist. Okay. And then I don't know with you but me, I make some cutting. Just a bit of cutting so that it will be cooked evenly. Also, so that the one who will eat this won't have a hard time. Right? But this is only for Pansit, okay? Do not make this on your Spaghetti because the Italians might become angry. Okay now, I'm going to try the Pansit. The actual Pansit so I'll know if I need to make adjustments on the seasoning because when the Pansit absorbs the stock, the flavor would weaken. It's like perfect already. I am gonna put some carrots. I am gonna put the cabbage on the last part and then when it becomes dry like this, you just put a bit of stock. You might say that: "Why is it like that, it seems like you are being thrifty on the toppings of your Pansit, it's only carrots and cabbage." It's because I'm going to put a lot of Lechon. Why am I suffering with this, when I do have a lot of ladle. So let's put a little bit more stock. If it spread then you put water. Good! Just to balance it, I am just gonna put a bit of sugar. And then I'm going to put the cabbage. Do not overcook the vegetables. Okay, a little bit of water or stock. Okay, that's it. And then I have here a Bilao (Circular Woven Tray). For the final seasoning, I will just pour it a bit of pure soy sauce. Chilimansi, right? Just to balance it. Just a bit. Oh my Gosh! I am really sweating. Okay now, let's put into our Bilao. Oh my! It seems to be so challenging. Let's cut the banana leaves. Okay, and then let's transfer it into the Bilao. Oh my! Because my Bilao is medium size only, it even look like small. This Pansit is going to utilize a lot of Bilao. You don't need to put it on Bilao. You might say again: "Oh! You're stressing us again for we need to put it on Bilao." Then you just put it on aluminum pan. Right? But don't judge this, okay? You might say that: "Your pansit is really plain." It's because I am going to put that Lechon on the top. Don't judge the Pansit by the Pansit, right? Judge it by it's cover. So there is it's cover. The... There it is, right? Don't judge it by what's the inside, judge it by what's on the outside. I even have sayings like that. I even keep on saying a lot of unnecessary things. Okay, there. And then let's put this. It's like that. You will judge it base on what you are gonna pile on the top. There it is, right? So this is the grandeur pile of toppings, the Lechon. Okay, so it still feels that it lacks, right? Then let's put it more. Because your visitor might say something, right? There it is, right? It's been here for long already, we've still been talking for long already but it's still crispy. These are the things that you don't need to put space with. That you don't want to, you know that.... The Lechon on the top of the Pansit. This is the thing that you don't need to put physical distancing with as this time. What you want for the Lechon is to be cleany on the top of your Pansit. You might say: "But how about the costing for that one?" Then you do costing on the Lechon because later on, the Pansit is affordable yet you're very generous on the Lechon and you might not even earn something. So there. Oh my! Does it even look like Pansit when it already look like Lechon Bilao. So let us taste it. But of course, let's put it garlic. There it is, right? From the farm. So for added texture. To make it balanced also because Lechon can make your blood high, right? So that there would also be balance, right? This is the Lechon that is incorporated with Pansit or Pansit that is pretending a Lechon. Right? So that's it. I don't want to touch this, it seems like I wanna post it on Instagram for sale. So what I will do is I will get Lechon here and then I am gonna taste it separately with the Pansit. Perfectly cooked, it's not overcooked. Very tasty. The Lechon really brings the flavor. This is the Pansit that I wanted to make as viand for my rice already. So you clean wrap this for your customers to see how much Lechon you put but it actually doesn't need to be a lot like this. You put the amount of Lechon that will make you and the one who will eat it happy. Me, I am happy with this. So you make yourself happy already. Happy cooking. Oh my God! I got really tired on... Pansit on Bilao business is actually tiring. There it is, right? But it will surely make you happy. Happy cooking, take care, and I'm going to see you all real soon.
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 368,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8__Ygl7Ung8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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