Panorama Photography for Beginners - Camera Settings and how to stitch and edit the perfect pano.

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[Music] so this morning in our place called Howard Smith wolf on the Brisbane River a place that up until recently was just a derelict wasted space that no one used but recent developments have turned this into an amazing space with restaurants bars lots of open space and of course it has this amazing view of the iconic story bridge for the last time I shot the story bridge from this location I had to climb a fence to get into this area because it was out of bounds I shot the story bridge with a Nikon d300 this is the image and Here I am again ten years later to shoot it again I got here nice and early shooting with the Canon 80 D and in this video what I want to do is talk you through the camera settings the process of taking a panoramic image but make sure you stick around to the end of the video because we're going to go back to the office I'm going to show you how to stitch a panoramic image together and edit it in Lightroom now in terms of gear I'm using my trusty Manfrotto tripod which is nice and solid it's not a panorama head on this tripod but it is a head that allows me to pan the camera around nice and easily so ideal for doing panoramas with I'm using the ATD from Canon and the standard 18 to 55 millimeter lens so I'm not using a fancy professional lens in terms of gear that's pretty much it now to take an image of something as large as the story bridge I've got two choices I could have even used a wide-angle lens the problem with that is that it tends to distort perspective or I could go with a panorama which of course is what I'm doing today now a panorama is simply a series of images that are stitched together to give you this nice wider view and there are some tips I've got for you when taking a panorama number one is definitely to use a sturdy tripod number two is if your camera or your lens has image stabilization or vibration reduction you definitely want to turn it off now in doing a panorama I also like to shoot with the camera on its side often referred to as the portrait mode and my final tip is consistency what I'm going to do is take a series of images now what I don't want is inconsistencies because if I do when I when it comes to stitching those images together in Lightroom you're going see the joins so you need to be consistent with all of the exposures now for this to work only the images to be consistent so one of the first things I'm going to do is I'm going to select a manual focus so the camera doesn't refocus as I move the camera next I don't want to use automatic white balance again because I want to be in control of the white balance I want it to be consistent so I'm selecting one of the presets and I'm going for the cloudy option and the next thing I want to do is I want consistency through my exposure so let's talk about the shutter aperture and ISO so let's now look at the exposure settings let's start with ISO now Jim will rule of thumb here is ISO keep it low and I've selected the lowest 100 this will mean my image won't have any digital noise the next thing is my aperture and I chose f11 which is a good aperture if you want to do landscape type photography now once you've locked in the ISO and the aperture all you need to do is adjust the shutter speed so you'll wake up the camera you look at the cameras meter and if it's not sitting in the middle the little marker you adjust the shutter speed until the market is in the middle now here I'm using one sixtieth of a second f11 ISO 100 when I first arrived here this morning it was a lot darker so some of my exposures were up to several seconds longer now because it's much brighter the shutter speed is faster so when I'm setting my camera up I tend to point the camera at the middle of the scene to lock in my focus and exposure and then when I'm ready to go I Pan the camera around to the left and I like to shoot left to right but of course you can shoe right to left it really doesn't matter now if you're using a long exposure so if your shutter is open for a longer period of time and I was here two hours ago when it was a lot darker than this I recommend using a self-timer this is another way of avoiding any camera shake so all you've got to do is press the shutter button take your first image and then rotate the camera to take a second image but I recommend only moving the camera about two thirds of a frame so if you have about one third of an image overlap it's easier for the software to merge the images so once you've got picture number two again rotate the camera two thirds take picture number three and keep going until you're finished and once you're done that's it but a great morning here at Howard Smith wolf on the Brisbane River beautiful morning taking a bunch of photos and I'm really excited to see how they turn out so make sure you stick around to the end of the video so I'm going to show you how to stitch these images together and edit them all in Lightroom right x head off for some breakfast to get back to the office [Music] okay so back in the office and getting ready to edit the images from this morning's panorama shoot of the story bridge in the video I did show you how to set the aperture shutter speed and ISO and just to recap that in case you missed it if you've got a canon camera and you want to select or change your ISO on most cameras like the 1300 1500 d t67 there's an ISO button on the back so very easy press the button change the ISO if you want to change the aperture there's an AV button on the back hold it down and turn the dial on the top of the camera and if you need to change the shutter speed you just turn the dial those three things you can do when you're in the full manual mode now if you're not using a Canon camera and you're using a Nikon camera very easy to change the ISO you use the eye button to change the ISO functions to change the aperture you hold down the plus/minus button on the top of the camera and turn the dial and to change the shutter speed you simply turn the doll again those three things you can control only if you're in full manual which was the mode that I was using in the video earlier on this morning so let's get stuck into it now let's edit the images in Lightroom the case over in Lightroom and these are some of the image that I took this morning this first row at the top is a row of seven images this is my first panorama and then the next row is a second panorama taken a few moments later and then there was a bit of a break while I did some video and there's another actually eight images that make up my third panorama but what we're going to do is we're going to start with the first panorama now what I want to do is just show you the the individual images so this is image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and what we need to do is select these 7 images and turn them into a panorama and Lightroom makes this incredibly easy so I've selected my row of seven images so all I need to do is go up to the photo tab go down a photo merge and select panorama and here we go so this is a preview of the panorama and one of the first things you'll note is the crop in the wheat cropping around the edges and maybe a bit of distortion so here boundary walk I'm gonna increase this and you'll see what it does straight away it straightens everything out it fills the frame very simple I'm now gonna click on merge so remember this is a preview when I click on merge Photoshop will now get and get stuck into and start creating my panorama now because this is seven RAW files may take a few moments for our library to turn this into a pan oh but of course through the magic of video we can speed this process up so Lightroom's created our panoramas so we select the pan oh and we're going to go to the develop module now to do our edit and if you look over to the right you'll see our settings here so this confirms our camera settings ISO 100 °f at 11 was the aperture and the shutter speed was 8 seconds that's quite a long time but remember this picture was taken quite early on actually before the Sun rose so let's take a look at the picture now the picture looks pretty good but it is a little bit dark it's a bit underexposed so I think there's definitely some editing to be done here and the first thing I do when I import an image into Lightroom and I start editing it is I want to fix any lens distortion so I'm scrolling down the panels on the right to go there we go lens correction and I've got a couple of options here profile or manual and a profile is really good I'm gonna click the remove chromatic aberration and going to click enable profile Corrections and you'll see here that Lightroom has cleverly recognized what lens was used and it's made adjustments based on that lens so it's fixed any chromatic aberration it's fixed any Distortion and if we click this off and then back on again you can see the effect is pretty cool okay so that's the first thing I always do now let's go back up to the top next we're gonna look at white balance now white balance at the moment I'm not going to change it some would say the image is very blue very cool but that was because it was shot just before sunrise so at the moment I believe it where it is exposure wise if we look at the histogram everything is pushed over to the so it's a little bit dark so I'm gonna increase the exposure just a touch not too much and what I'm going to do is also bring down the highlights so there's no overexposure where this where the lamps are like the street lamps and the lights and things now zooming in is very easy you can click on the pad or Mouse and another good tip for zooming in which is very easy just hold down the command button and either press - to zoom out or + to zoom in it's always a good idea to zoom in and check the the images as you're editing your image and let's have a look at highlights so I'm gonna drop the highlights down a touch and the shadows I'm actually going to increase this will bring out some of the detail in the shadowy areas just here by these rocks so if I increase the shadows you'll see that they're appearing there you go looks pretty awesome actually it's really nice white so I'm going to increase the whites just a touch again just to brighten the image of touch I don't want to go over overboard here and also the blacks you know the image looks looks great and have a good tip and keyboard shortcut is to press the backslash button on your keyboard and this will take you back to show you the original before the starting point and click it again show the current edit so it's good to be able to flick backwards and forwards to see how far you've come I think the image is looking pretty good here our contrast wise and it looks pretty good I'm just gonna raise the contrast a tiny bit just to make it a little bit punchier okay I like that it's not too much but that's good and clarity wise if we zoom in I think the image does look really sharp but I am just gonna increase the clarity just a touch and also in Clay increase the and also increase the dehaze slider as well which is an effect I really like that zoom out again yep looking at looking really really nice now scrolling down there's not much more to do here I don't think sharpening well out of it is reading you need to push the sharpening too much if we zoom in on the sky there is a little bit of digital noise nothing to really worry about something increase the luminance just a touch just to soften out the digital noise and and I think that as she's almost there I think that looks pretty good now a little tip on the sharpening and when you're sharpening your image you don't want to over sharpen and you might want to be selective about your sharpening so what you can do is hold down on your keyboard the alt or option key and slide the masking slider across and you'll see this wheat or black and white version your photo looks a bit like a negative if you go over to the left you'll see lots of whites now the white areas are the areas that are being sharpened so effectively here I'm sharpening pretty much all the image included in the sky now what I don't want to do is let's do that because it's going to make the picture look quite noisy so I'm sliding the masking slider over to the right so I can selectively just sharpen the bits of the image that really need sharpening so that's a good little tip again you're sliding the masking slider what's holding the option key so I'm really happy with my image I'm happy with my editing so I think I'm done so I'm going to press on the F button here on my keyboard to give me a full-screen view and there you go that is my pre sunrise panorama shot of the story bridge in brisbane hope you liked it [Music] and I just had to share this second image with you taken about an hour later I love Brisbane when it's bathed in the morning sunlight so I'm really pleased with the way my panorama image turned out particularly the one that was taken early on and it was still pretty dark so it was certainly well worth getting up early for so hope you enjoyed not just the photography tips but also the editing tips I don't do a lot of videos featuring editing so let me know what you thought in the comments below if you enjoyed the video please give us a thumbs up consider subscribing and down below is the place to leave your comments suggestions and questions I hope see you sometime again soon see ya bye you
Channel: Photo Genius
Views: 21,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: panorama photography, panorama photography dslr, panoramic photography tutorial, photography, photography tutorials, how to shoot a panoramic dslr, Nikon z6, Nikon d3500, photography tips, lightroom tips, Lightroom panorama stitching, lightroom tutorial, camera settings, sunrise photoshoot, best camera settings, photography tips and tricks, mirrorless camera for beginners, how to take panorama photos, panoramic, panoramic photography, how to take panoramic shots
Id: crmN3Hvc8WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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