Panasonic S1 vs BGH1 vs GH5s vs GH4, What really changed?

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hey everyone angie from great things studios so today i just wanted to do a quick comparison between the four cameras that we own at the studio the panasonic gh4 the panasonic gh5s the panasonic bgh1 and the full-frame camera the lumix s1 now you're probably wondering why i'm comparing these four camera well i wanted to know how lumix improved their sensors over the years right so the gh4 we had this camera we had a bunch of those now this is the last one it's almost used as a door stopper now but it's a great camera it was released in 2014 which is seven years ago and i wanted to know how it holds its quality against newer camera latch the gh5s which is like a cinema version of the gh5 without the stabilized image but a better sensor a multi-aspect sensor which is by the way slightly bigger than a regular micro fortran sensor found in the gh4 and in the gh5 also recently last year in 2020 panasonic um released a surprise camera in a box format right like the z cam like the red komodo and such it's a cube a cube camera which is cute but extremely powerful with a lot of different features and this camera you can fully customize it so it's the bgh1 which is a kind of a rehoused gh5s it has the same sensor but way more different options and also one extra stop of dynamic range so we'll see this in the comparison and also of course the lumix s1 which is a full-frame camera released by panasonic in 2017 or 18 and i got this camera a year and a half ago and i must say that i'm in love with this camera uh the color and the look the full frame look it gives is absolutely astonishing but all in all i must say that all these cameras have their pros and cons so let's jump right into this comparison and see how they compare so i did a few different tests dynamic range moire low light performance crop factors skin tones and color and some non non-scientific rolling shutter tests just to see um the jelly and wiggle effect of each of these cameras so let's jump right into it so let's start with a little dynamic range test that i did over the weekend i will play this video and let's see so uh it starts with a log format all of these cameras have the same setting iso 400 a daylight white balance and right away you already noticed a few difference between this camera let me pause this for a second and notice something the dynamic range the gh4 right from the start you can see that the cloud is already clipped while the gh5s the pgh1 and the s1 still retain details in the cloud let's have a look at the scope and there you go that first section here is the gh4 and you can clearly see that the sky here is a flat line so that means that while it was in the log format it was already clipped let's go back to the log format right there and there you go you see a flat line while all the other cameras still have a lot of headroom left especially the s1 the s1 is the camera that has the most dynamic range uh even one more stop than the bgh one but we didn't fully use it in this particular scenario it was a cloudy day uh each of these clips were shut not simultaneously i used the same lens on each of these cameras the canon 24 to 105 f4 uh just so it's fair the same lens on each of these cameras right so right away you see a difference in dynamic range so let's continue the playback and see what happens next let me remove this so it's smoother and there you go also you will you'll notice a difference in color the way each of these camera render the water for some reason they all have a different color some are more bluish some are more greenish and it's funny they all have a different sensor profiling i don't know why so this is a 300 crop okay just so you can see the difference in color and also how uh the details in the water is different some of these cameras have uh optical low-pass filter some don't and it gives a different result on the ripple on the water here as you can see so what i did i matched the color of each of these cameras right there there you go so now they all have a similar white balance let me pause again and let's see how they look now i want to put your attention on something quite interesting here the gh4 is a seven years old camera remember that but when you take a look at the 300 crop let me go on it right now i want you to notice something let me go back to that particular part right there stop look at the details the details the resolution of each of these camera here is the gh4 in the corner and here is the s1 so technically the s1 has the best sensor here it's a full frame camera and it's a new generation so each pixel is bigger it can capture more light more details more dynamic range obviously this is a 10-bit codec and the gh4 has an 8-bit 420 codec but look at the details check out check this little boat here this rescue boat red with a tiny window and some white lettering on the side if we go on the s1 same thing red tiny window and some white lettering on the side and i would even argue that i can see the lettering slightly better on the gh4 compared to the s1 or the bgh1 as a matter of fact or the gh5s so i'm not saying that the gh4 is exactly the same as the s1 obviously the s1 has more depth to it more texture i mean it's a 422 color space there's way more information the dynamic range is different of course but look at the resolution here the pixel pixel peeping type resolution you see that there's not that much more details in the newer camera right and we're talking about a seven years old camera from 2014 right so i just wanted to bring this to your attention so now let's go and do the next the next test here which is dynamic range this time in a different environment i went into my basement in my garage just so this is an extreme situation extreme contrast where you have almost the pitch black environment in the garage and a blown out outdoor scene where the car where there's the ramp for the car exit so look at this same thing same setting on each of the camera you'll notice that green cast here and a gh4 the gh4 was notorious to have a little green cast back in the days and also keep in mind that this sensor has thousands of hours on it so it probably uh adds up to it so now let's have a look at a 300 crop and again you can see a difference in the dynamic range let me pause this and have a look at the scope look at this the gh4 has a flat line here right so you lose all the details on the brickwork here now the s1 on the extreme side has way more rich you can see you can still see the details uh on the brick wall here and even in the in the scope here in the waveform you can see that it's not a flat line you can see all those different nuances uh in the brick now the bgh1 and the gh5s this is where it gets interesting let me go back to the log image look at this so when they release the bgh1 lumix market this camera as having one extra stop of dynamic range and it shows because right there you can see there's way more details in the brick than on the gh5s so even though it's the same sensor that is inside the gh5s the processing power here in this camera was able to extract an extra stop of uh dynamic range you can see it in the graph here here it stops it crops at 75 75 ire ire and under bgh1 it goes all the way to almost 78 right while on the s1 it goes all the ways to 90. so this is quite impressive and keep in mind that the s1 has the full version of the vlog while um the gh4 gh5s and bgh1 they all have the vlog l the light version only the s1 has the full version of the vlog thus the higher dynamic range here okay so now let's continue on to the next one let me play this again just so you can enjoy um this test and also notice that at iso 400 you can already see a lot of noise a lot of noise on the gh4 the gh4 has way more noise than the other camera gh5s bgh1 s1 very clean at iso 400 obviously they are newer generation sensors on top of their game now let's see the moire pattern test like i mentioned earlier these cameras have has they have an olpf an optical low pass filter the role of this filter is to block all the moire and they all have a filter but the s1 which is funny because when you look at this footage there is absolutely no moire almost none almost not the gh4 has no moire the gh5s has no worry and the bgh1 has no worry and it's normal all three of these these three camera they have an optical low pass filter the s1 does not have an optical low pass filter uh the s1 h has an optical low pass filter but you have to pay double the price to get this filter so is it worth it uh it's not it's not just this it's not only a mother of the optical low pass filter but i just want you to know that the moire is not that bad i wasn't able to recreate a very bad situation where the moire is catastrophic when you look here on on this preview windows it looks like there is moire but be careful this is not the proper resolution uh premiere now is scaling down this video and play and so the scaling algorithm is not the right one that's why you see more but if you play this video 4k video on a 4k monitor you will notice there's absolutely no moire so these cameras are quite impressive so a ds1 i did a lot of corporate interview with the s1 there are situation where you you see moira it happens but when it happens it's a very tiny tiny tiny worry not something that would ruin your footage right it's a very slight moire so just i just want you to know that either of these cameras they have excellent motor control you can shoot brick walls you can shoot shirt with textures you can see here that i did an intense stress test so there's like two different shirts with a pen and um those very tight circles so this this kind of test is supposed to show you the moire artifact right away but you'll notice there's almost none if you see some worry in this video make sure that you're playing the video at the proper resolution 4k video on a 4k monitor 1080 video on a 1080 monitor if you don't you will end up uh seeing a scaling algorithm that will introduce moire but it's not moire coming from these sensors okay so now let's jump into the low light test and this is where uh really the rubber meets the road you will see how uh the gh4 falls apart compared to these newer generation camera here at iso 800 it's pretty clean but now at 1600 you can see some noise creeping in the image of the gh4 it really starts to show while the other cameras are pretty clean this is 3200 iso again same setting on all the camera same lens same exposure 64 100 now the gh4 totally falls apart while the outer camera are still clean very clean uh 12800 still clean on each of these cameras i removed the gh4 since it stops at 6000 now 25 000 iso the gh5s starts to struggle something for the bgh1 while the s1 is still clean 51 000 iso and 200 this is extreme you will never shoot in this condition but still i wanted to show you how this camera performed let me pause again have a look at this 51 000 2200 iso the s1 is is usable and this is the crazy thing about this camera and and this is where you really see the power of having a full-frame camera since each of these pixels are bigger they capture more information with less noise very impressive i never had to use 51 200 iso in any of my shoots but i know that if it happens let's say i'm doing a run and gun documentary in extreme lighting situation where you have no lights you have to shoot an interview inside a tent you know that you can count on a full-frame camera to give you proper images usable image right so and by the way sorry for for um [Music] this light effect there's bending effect that you see on the camera uh this is my basement there was led light and i had to change the shutter speed thus you see those bending i didn't do a synchro scan shoot now let's see another situation outdoor shoot again starting at iso 6400 gh4 very noisy while the other camera are super clean but at least uh you can see the difference now let's jump into 12 000. 12 000 iso these cameras are still usable the s1 is impeccable gh5s and bgh1 is uh they are at the end of their usability now 25 600 this is a lot but at least you can still see how it looks like same thing for 51 200 this is extreme but you see that the s1 is still clean this is incredible now let's push it even more 200 204 000 this is insane but the s1 is is a very impressive camera i must say let me play this again wow of course gh5s and bgh1 are totally torn out but the s1 in an extreme situation where you see an alien in the middle of a dark forest at least you'll have some footage right so now let's have a look at the crop factor the s1 is a full-frame camera obviously this is the you you have a full field 24 millimeter here then the bgh1 using the speed booster xl gives you this crop factor slightly tighter same thing for the gh5s since they have the same uh multi aspect micro fortress sensor and the gh4 here in the middle which has the smallest crop why because the sensor used in the gh4 is a micro fortunate sensor but it's not a multi-aspect sensor it's slightly smaller than the gh5 s right and and keep in mind that the gh5 has the same sensor size as the gh4 so only the gh5s has the bigger sensor okay now skin tone and color so this is the gh4 all the camera the same setting iso 400 um daylight balance using the same lens with the speed booster this is the gh5s okay so this is me uh doing some tests in my studio then the bgh1 same setting iso 400 10 bit footage canon 24 to 105 same thing with the s1 okay so let's put them side by side and see how they look like so this is the log format and then i will apply a rec 709 a lot to see how it looks like keep in mind all the camera have a speed booster but the s1 the s1 has the sigma mc21 adapter so i can fit the canon 24 to 105 lens on it okay so have a look at the skin tone here they're great i mean all of these cameras have a great skin tone i will match the white balance right now there you go and you can see that they're similar the gh4 has a great color for a sensor that is that old obviously the s1 has the best skin tone i think the the the more natural one the more pleasing one let me rewind a bit let's pause here i think that the gh5s and the bgh1 have a slightly pushed toward the red and the skin tone it's slightly more reddish but i remember when i bought the gh5s i noticed that it has it had that little red tint to it that sometime i have to fix sometime i don't it really depends on who i'm shooting with the type of interview we're doing but um this is really something that i noticed with the gh5s compared to the regular gh5 or the gh4 it has more of a red tint to it and the skin tone which is great it makes the skin look more lively but sometimes it's a bit too much just a bit too much it depends the s1 is really the best skin tone here the the more natural one it has that brownish type look almost like i don't want to start a debate but almost like an arie like an arie alexa the skin tone is is is creamy and it looks natural without too much effort okay so now let's jump into the rolling shutter test this is absolutely non-scientific but at least you'll have a good idea the gh4 has a 14 millisecond readout the gh5s has a 12 millisecond rolling shutter same thing for the bgh1 um and the s1 of course is the worst since the sensor is so big it requires a lot of processing so the rolling shutter here is at 22 millisecond so you can you you can you can feel that the wobbling effect is worse than the s1 you can feel it it's not the end of the world but still you can feel it if you stop here you can see that the skew is worse here than it is on the bgh1 for instance so 12 millisecond is very good it's not like a global shutter but almost almost like a global shutter because cameras like um the ahri and the red if i don't mystic and have a readout of seven millisecond uh so this is 12. it's very close it's very close and it's excellent i i think that the gh5s and the bgh1 are excellent cameras in this regard uh almo and you can qualify them as a cinema camera you can do action scene uh without having nausea right very good now as for the autofocus i didn't have time to properly test the autofocus of these cameras because uh when you put a speed booster on these cameras you lose uh the autofocus capabilities okay it works on some lens it doesn't on other uh so what i did i took the lumix uh 12 to 35 millimeter i put it on each of these cameras the gh4 gh5s and bgh1 i put the autofocus with face recognition and i did a quick test uh it's not an official test i didn't test the s1 because the metabone uh because the mc21 does not work it's not compatible with autofocus continuous autofocus while shooting videos so i was only able to test it with these three cameras so it's non-scientific and obviously what i can say about the autofocus is that lumix is notoriously bad when it comes to autofocus the king here is canon with their dual pixel technology and sony they have great autofocus while doing videos while the contrast detection type autofocus on the panasonic is very bad or average i would say average in some situation and bad in other situation i used to be the type of guy who said i don't care about autofocus if you are a professional videographer or a professional cinematographer you don't need autofocus because you're using you're pulling your focus manually of course this is what we do but there are some time where i wish the autofocus was flawless for instance when you put this camera on a gimbal dji ronin for instance it's it would it would be great to have a flawless autofocus because you're moving around you're shooting you're doing an interview a walking interview for instance you want to make sure that this face is locked in right but the thing what happens is these cameras is always hunting for focus and you're never quite sure it gives you like a stressful a stressful feeling where you don't know what's going to happen when you bring this footage in your editing room so please panasonic i hope that with the gh6 you will have a new autofocus technology okay or something that is a real evolution revolutionize the autofocus industry i don't know but do something because this autofocus thing is uh very concerning for videographers especially in this day and age where everything is becoming automated everything is driven by ai machine learning and all this stuff it's now time to have a flawless autofocus please okay so now let me give you like a general impression of for each of these cameras i think that the gh4 is um still in 2021 a great camera it's seven years old now um but i think that if you buy this camera used it's a great little camera for all type of um of work you can use it for live stream you can use it for vlogging you can use it for your youtube channel whatever it is it's still a great camera of course it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the newer camera it's a 8-bit camera 4-2-0 color space it has its limitation it can break apart pretty fast but if you shoot using cinderlike v or signal like d or the natural profile you can get amazing results now the cons of this camera really the first one that i can think of is it's a micro hdmi port this is this is really bad i mean i had four of the three of these cameras and all of them at some point the micro hdmi port broke so one when you're using this camera professionally on the field multiple times per week this port is going to break at some point so i think it's the only con of this camera for this era right now gh5s i love this camera i purchased it when it was released 2017 or 18 and it improves everything all the problem that what that you you could think of of the gh4 this camera solves it it has a full-size hdmi port it's built like a tank color science is excellent dynamic range is slightly improved over the gh4 and this is because you're going from 8-bit to 10-bit 4-2 so it's not because uh the sensor is that much better like you saw in the boat example all of the camera pretty much have almost the same level of details but since it's a better engine it's a better cpu uh a better codec it allows you to get a slightly more dynamic range out of this camera right so 10 bit 422 color space this was a real revolution in the game then uh the lumix s1 camera this one too i really love this camera uh compared to the gh5s what is the difference of course full frame it's a full-frame camera without an optical low-pass filter but again i'm not too worried about that the moire is very well controlled there's almost none right so it's a very good camera it's heavy the battery life is insane it uses a different battery type compared to the gh4 and the gh5 series that have the same battery the s1 uses a bigger battery that lasts longer it's built like a tank it's waterproof it's dust proof it's waterproof this camera is a real game changer the full frame look is amazing the color science is insane it's the best color science of the lumix series period okay if you want the the only downside of the s1 i would say compared to a camera like the gh5 is you're limited in the codec this is a hybrid camera so it's meant to be a video camera but also a photographer camera so what that means is that panasonic limited the codec you you you have a lot of different resolution you can shoot 6k video 5.9 k video 5.4 k video hd videos 60p 30p 25p all these good stuffs but all in long gap format no all intra right all in longer 10 bit 422 long up if you want the all intra 400 megabits format you will need to purchase the s1 h for double the price right so what you get with the s1h the all intro format uh the optical low pass filter and some more different types of resolution but all in all all of these cameras are very good and by the way i just wanted to mention something about the gh5 s the s1 and the bgh1 this year in 2021 they all received firmware updates that allow them to shoot raw right you can shoot raw with the bgh1 you can shoot raw using the atomos recorder on the s1 you can shoot a raw using the blackmagic video assist i know it's strange i don't know why they did a rough two different raw format with two different brands uh funny things like you have to buy one atomos monitor recorder and one blackmagic monitor recorder hopefully they will release another firmware that will make make you able to use any monitor that you wish for the rough format but keep in mind all the these three camera can shoot raw this is amazing for the price they can all shoot raw now the latest camera that i purchased is the bgh1 by the way this video is shot using a bgh one as well i have a second one and i absolutely love this cube camera it's really a rehoused gh5s the same sensor well with a lot more power one extra stop of dynamic range all the formats long up all intra raw and also the best thing about this camera is it uses uh the professional uh forgot the name of these batteries but the professional panasonic batteries that are used on the eva one these batteries last forever i have two of them and each one lasts four hours you can shoot for four hours using these big panasonic batteries also it has an sdi output a time code in and out and a gen lock an hdmi port a lan port audio in headphone jack and a dc power port so this camera is extremely versatile there you can do so many stuffs with it you can power it using power over ethernet you can power it uh using a big battery and you can power it using the dc input uh you cannot power it using the us there's a there's a usbc connection there but you cannot use it to power it but you can use it to transfer file or control the camera okay so this is an amazing camera you can output simultaneously from the sdi out in hd and uh in 4k using the hdmi output so this camera is amazing every time we do live stream we use this multiple uh multiple bgh one because of its versatility image quality and the fact that you can rig it up whatever you want the only con with this camera really is the fact that there's no monitor there's no little tilt screen on it there's no evf uh you really have to connect this camera to an external monitor so it's not a run and gun type camera like the gh5s you can just grab it go and shoot same thing for the s1 you can just grab it put a lens on it go and shoot you're ready you have a monitor here uh on the bgh one there's absolutely no way to know what you're doing if it's not plugged to either a computer or an external monitor so keep that in mind it's really a professional tool it's not for everyone this is for uh professional videographers who already have all their rig r they're set up already um and that's it i think it's the only con you see there's a dual sd dual sd port same thing in the gh5s dual sd the gh4 has only one sd port the s1 has one sd port and one xqd port which is strange but uh i guess that's for photographer it's great because you need to be able to have those fast um burst of photography so i think that's it um this is my impression and comparison of these four cameras i think it's a good idea to compare those and see how the sensor technology evolved from 2014 all the way to 2020 when the bgh1 was released so i can't wait to see what panasonic is going to do with the gh6 and also probably in a few years the bgh2 uh i can't wait let's see are they going to release an s2 also i don't know we'll have to see so take care talk to you very soon if you like this video subscribe to the channel once in a while i release this type of comparison and hopefully we'll have fun keep shooting keep doing great stuff take care
Channel: Great Things Studios - Video Production & Recording Studio
Views: 4,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Great Things Studios, Coop Audiovisuelle GTS, Panasonic lumix gh4, panasonic lumix gh5s, panasonic lumix gh5, panasonic lumix s1, panasonic BGH1, camera comparison, camera shoutout, camera versus, best camera sensors, camera dynamic range test, camera color test, Camera review, BGH1 vs S1, BGH1 vs GH5s, GH5s vs S1, GH4 vs GH5s, Panasonic BGH1 review, Panasonic S1 review, Panasonic GH5s review, Panasonic camera test, panasonic BGH1, panasonic bgh1 footage
Id: aPeGel72mcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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