Palestinian Ful Mudammas (plant based!) | Sahtein!

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good morning my earthlings I had whistling Bickham welcome to my kitchen and welcome to science today I'm going to quickly share with you the holy grail of breakfasts which is food unless if you haven't heard of food before or have never had it get ready to be obsessed food is an insanely delicious addictive dip made from fava beans which is what food means fava beans have a unique flavor that's kind of nutty and buttery they have this Amami quality that is just really addictive it makes you keep coming back for more a similar umami quality to cheese it's not cheesy but there is this they're cooked down with some garlic and spices a little bit of chili a little bit of tomato fava beans are indigenous to the Fertile Crescent and have been eaten this way since the biblical times great source of fiber magnesium many different vitamins and minerals they're just really really Hardy and very good for you which makes them the perfect thing to have at breakfast first thing in the day one of the great things about fool is that it is so economical and accessible it's not very expensive to make and it keeps you full and rejuvenated throughout the day it's incredibly healthy and just so freakin good I've made this tip for countless brunches and also or big parties and when I tell you it disappears like that - while my American and Western friends out there this is an incredible dip watch it become big I'm waiting for the day that food becomes just as popular as homeless god forbid it gets packaged in the same way in the stores because it is amazing when you have it fresh and you can make it yourself it's so easy it's vegan so anyone can enjoy food is made differently between countries and regions and between households in Palestine so the way that I make food might not be the exact same way then another family makes first thing I'm going to do is not traditional at all last time I made fool I tried it with these roasted tomatoes turned in and it was just amazing so I'm gonna do that today if you want to be super traditional or you just don't feel like doing this step leave it out it's still gonna be so delicious but I'm gonna do it just because I have them I'm going to toss them in a little bit of salt and olive oil and then throw them in the oven at 400 degrees for maybe 15 maybe 20 minutes I'm just gonna keep checking on them I'll show you what they're gonna look like India what's gonna happen is they're going to basically flatten and become these explosive melty bites in your mouth so mommy's so good I have three cloves of garlic and I'm going to chop them up slightly smaller put them in my pestle and mortar and crush them with a little bit of olive oil and salt you can use this opportunity to get in frustration you have out of your arms you're good here when you've got a nice pace perfect for right ready to go before we start cooking the food and just going to chop up a fresh tomato into small pieces some of it we're going to put in the full - some of it we're just gonna top it with one more thing we're gonna chop up really quick just so we have it ready for the garnish some lovely fresh parsley so I'm just gonna chop that okay gorgeous that is basically all the prep we have to do so now we can cook the food to make it super super easy on us we're going to be using canned fava beans these are really really good i buy them from my local arabic grocery store I can find these in many different types of specialty grocery stores maybe even your normal grocery stores or you might only be able to find dry if you find dry that's great right it's time let us go to the stove so as I came over here to make the food the tomatoes are done so let's pull them out up and off and let's yes look at them look at them look at them they're gonna be so nice they're gonna be so special okay go back turn on the heat and put just a little bit of grapeseed oil in here or any cooking oil just a tiny bit so we can fry off the garlic first thing I'm going to put most of the garlic in here and save just a little bit so that we can get back complexity of flavor between the cooked garlic and the rug are like this goes straight in Oh we're cooking now as we are lightly frying off this garlic I have about a teaspoon of whole cumin pot so you can definitely use ground cumin but if you grind your cumin fresh I promise you it's going to make a very big difference in flavor I'm gonna grind these fresh into the oil and let them fry off a little bit with the garlic so I have my lovely can of fava beans and I'm going to drain these and rinse them you can just put them straight in with the liquid I like to do that because it gives me a little bit more control over the sodium content now we're in starts baba beans put them straight add a little bit of hot water so now we're just gonna let these soften a little bit and integrate with spices you spa the beans are already cooked so we're not really cooking them so much as warming them through so just keep it on a low heat now that these fava beans are in here this is gonna be finished very very quickly I have a few crocks of black pepper that's always nice a little pinch of salt I don't think they really need much salt because they already have some salt from being in the can they don't really need a ton of salt these a lot of other flavors going on but salt to your taste this is an optional ingredient but I have a little bit of homemade chili paste that I made it's very very spicy and adding just a little bit of kick to this can be really really nice so I'm gonna add the tiniest bit of this because it is very very strong once these have been warmed up we can turn off the heat use some kind of an instrument like a potato Smasher or whatever you have to crush the fava beans you can crush these as much or as little as you like I like mine to be very very smooth and I just like to crush them right in the pan very nice this will get a little bit thicker because gonna continue to lose water but you're gonna start to get this really nice dip like consistency you can mush it less if you like to have some whole beans in there it's really up to you I'm gonna add just a few more fresh things to this now that it's no longer cooking you can now add in these beautiful roasted tomatoes so good and I think I'm gonna just leave a couple for fancy garnish for some real depth of flavor I'm also going to add fresh tomato also leaving a little bit on the side for garnish and we'll just fold this through I love using the contrasts of fresh tomatoes and roasted tomatoes it just adds depth to this that is really really special we're also going to add the juice of about half a lemon to this you're not it is time for the olive oil I'll use the highest quality olive oil that you can find make sure it's extra virgin because here in America there's a lot of brands that say they're extra virgin but actually very misleading we're going to add about a quarter cup of olive oil I'm using a beautiful olive oil from my family's farm in velocity which is very special you want to make sure to add the olive oil at the end because it is a fresh addition you're not trying to cook with the oil it's more for that fresh flavor once everything is incorporated and you feel good we're done let's put it on a plate that's that's it y'all that's it let's put a piece of pita in the toaster well where is my hot thing where is the hot thing is the hot hot hot there's fipple Palestinian played out here I'm just gonna put it in here even if you're just eating it for yourself I think it's very nice to plate it up fancy because you made this for your nourishment you make this for somebody else you make this for yourself this is an act of love so treat yourself like old princess you know oh it's done Pete a toast we're gonna put those rooms tomatoes on there those fresh tomatoes will add that lovely chopped parsley that we put on top and what's also really lovely as a garnish with this anteed alongside is some green onions so we're gonna put some of that and we have a little bit of that crushed garlic from before just for that complexity of flavor if you like yours really really spicy you can also add a little bit of your chili paste or chili oil on top of this I am gonna keep my little bit more mild today but that is an option and the final final step always is a nice drizzle of extra virgin olive oil so we love our bowl with a little bit of fresh pita but if you want to eat this like a real Palestinian grandmother you want to eat it with raw onions soaking in olive oil trust me or - this is so pretty okay without further ado I'm telling you this is the way to eat it yes oh that's so good there is something so special about food fava beans just have such a unique amazing flavor very typical to eat this way the soft-boiled egg and some onions along with a beautiful platter of the rest of the bounty of message why am I so good that is what you're gonna be asking yourself when you make this you're gonna make it and then you're just gonna be like I'm great thank you for being here with me and letting me share this with you I hope you enjoyed it I really hope you get out there and get some fava beans and make it it's just so simple I know that you're gonna love it your friends will do it is unlike any other bean dip that you've ever had I'm biased but the Palestinian breakfast is kind of the best so I cannot wait to hear about your results with it you must let me know if you enjoy these types of videos and you want to see more of them from me then you can subscribe to my channel or follow me on the instance as always side Dan and I will see you guys in the next one this is my [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nadia Gilbert
Views: 582,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palestine, palestinian, ful, fool, ful mudammas, fool mdammas, mudammas, mdammas, foul, arabic breakfast, arabic food, palestinian food, palestinian youtuber, arab youtuber, cooking, delicious, easy, vegan, vegan arabic food, vegan dips, brunch, umami, easiest, nadia gilbert, sahtein, ful mudames, ful mudames recipe, breakfast recipes, brunch recipes
Id: IQSWEt4l5xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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