Pakistanis Of African Descent Called: Sheedis/ Siddis or Habshis: MONGHOPIR. Pt.4/16

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all right guys I'm here we bought a half of the office in uh those are the City Community here in Pakistan I'm in Karachi now so we are making some plan hopefully you know in next couple of days we're gonna do something in Karachi welcome to Pakistani okay bye thank you foreign Pakistan to visit a City community that is the Pakistani of African descent also known as shitties or hapsches the history tells us that most of them are often to try of East and Southern Africa they arrived event at a small fishing port of Karachi between 6 23 to 1280 as a fisherman Traders some came a bit later incorporating with Turkish ottoman Empire's Army and also some much later as a military contractors to protect an example of India and remember India and Pakistan then were the same countries but different kingdoms before anything I decided to visit the spiritual Shrine of the City's community here in Pakistan called mongopie that is about 23 kilometers from Karachi City vast majority of cities here if not all are Sunni Muslim of Sanity School of thoughts but they do do some specific practice which will rise the eyebrows of vast majority of sunniya Muslims [Music] foreign [Music] guys now I'm in front of a mango Pier this is a shitty Shrine here I think here is the quality crocodile Shrine but I don't know much thing about it you know but now I'm gonna go in I got my buddy here who knows everything he's from the neighborhood so who knows a lot about this thing so I'm gonna follow him and we go inside okay guys this is a mango tear Shrine for City Community here nice nice that's good [Music] you speak English no no English okay this is where all shoes are left before entering the shrine nice sake Sultan the saint of Mongol arrived here from Iraq when it was invaded by the Mongol in 1258 A.D at the time of abbaside caliphate era yeah he built his mask around the lake infested with crocodile he prayed and meditate in his mask and fed those crocodiles around him on daily basis when he died the local quickly built his Shrine on this part and consider those crocodiles as Reincarnation of the saint alright guys I am a you know I am inside a Pier right now you know in Karachi you know I moved my friend here who is a CD himself he's the one brought me here and showed me the neighborhood yeah so I'm gonna run my camera around and see what is there you know I think that it's called the crocodile Shrine also I think this is the mask here you know nice to meet you nice to meet you too what's your name okay like City let's see okay lovely thank you very much nickname is good name okay you visit for now okay yeah every information okay okay he's from the city Community too you know you know you know we are visiting a person coming to visit okay what's your name what's your name yes oh my God that's a beautiful name so you from this city oh so you are you in the bus you work here or you come here all the time yes yes oh okay okay oh so you're going to take me down [Music] foreign written in Arabic English in Urdu his name is Hajj Hassan sit down I had to go through some rituals before entering the shrine no no no okay operation no no no no take it take it yes so I go in there yes they eat eat yes okay that's it oh okay all right okay I went through some ritual now which I don't I didn't understand much but Rachel I have to go through it you know I don't know what it is anyway because they're gonna explain it to me later although this is a CD shrine but it is not exclusively attended by CDs only it is attended by any Pakistani who share the same faith they come here to pay their respect from every corner of Pakistan you I noticed the vast majority of attendees are particularly women and Families of all age foreign that's a tomb with the British times yeah okay okay these are some unknown tombs inside the compound but you know who's yeah and no one could tell me exactly who buried here I was only told that those storms have been there for centuries foreign [Music] all right [Applause] s [Music] how are you what's your name okay right now that spot back there that's where the football days are so you know that's what I'm following them there is an entire Marketplace and many gift shops on the ground of the shrine for pilgrims when they visit [Music] foreign oh okay how are you okay he's my brother too that's me you're my brother too right okay all right all right this is the crocodes but [Music] we're going for inside no no no no no no no is that possible yes okay yeah I'll go and have a video yeah all right the crocodile shrine okay and uh they are inviting me to go inside the shrine so hopefully but you can be with me right yes okay so you know is your uncle coming with us too you're gonna come with us you're gonna come with us yeah yeah maybe he gonna come with us so I don't know but you know yes but I'm gonna follow them anyways the old men advised us that is not a good idea to go inside the cage at this moment because it is not yet defeating time where did he live before here oh okay but did he see a lot of changes in the neighborhoods foreign foreign crocodile yes oh okay I'm talking to the real man okay okay okay oh my shower okay uh how many cities Community here in this yeah it's almost all or Harmony all neighborhood 15 homes yes yeah yeah okay but a population like two thousand three thousand four thousand no no no no no no no to somebody uh 200 people 200s yes in this neighborhood yes but then you have a bigger Community somewhere else yes oh okay which which one which one is five thousand oh four thousand five four thousand festivals in the festival okay but they come from different areas different as yeah oh okay this is not the Army no no no okay okay I thought it was in yeah they come here oh okay okay so everybody come here yes from everywhere in here we're very very very very big big festivals very big Festival okay okay had many questions for the old man but I had to limit it to the bare minimum because of lack of understanding my question by my translator ah you doing a barbecue oh it's cold yes how are you how you doing all right okay thank you very much okay bye yeah he said he said I'm a heart he said it's cold hey how are you good good I'm sorry yeah what's your name yes good good okay thank you okay bye I got more people what's your name Hamza Masha yeah everybody oh yeah this is amazing water okay oh this is amazing water amazing water it is said that this hot spring can naturally detox one's skin once soaked in it because of high concentration of silica in the water according to the disciples it can also help soften a rough or dry skin what's it what's to do here yes okay and then they go away for the crocodiles oh it's the holy water yeah yeah oh okay okay it's very hard that's good thank you very much security [Music] fine very well how about yourself I'm fine I like your glasses that's good that's good all right foreign good s oh okay all right [Music] hey how are you good morning foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] no problem she said no it's okay say hi Hi how are you how are you everybody [Music] that's good that's good that's good that's good zainab zainab yes okay how about you what's your name how are you good what's your name [Applause] Abdullah I like your hat that's good the third thing is a Muslim City will do once invited in their house is to visit their private shrine to pay respect to their spiritual leader oh you were saying asked which one is that this is the worst part the um [Music] yes oh my sure and this is the cities may have left many African cultures and tradition behind when they first left Africa centuries ago they still kept the African spirituality which includes African drums and dance yes masha'allah hi foreign [Music] good good hey she's like she's smiling that's good hey how are you how are you good yeah I talked to him how are you you are fine good good you go to school yeah you know going to school what do you do yes yeah that's a school that's what I mean mother says in school how about you you could do what what class are you in what level the second part of the Quran Sharif oh okay oh it's a Quran studies yes yes yes okay okay that's good that's how about you [Laughter] okay mango beef yeah that's yes [Music] that's good that's good yeah if I'd known the date I'll be really really good you know bye hey how are you you're gonna come across and say hi sir you don't run away say Hi how are you what's your name oh good good okay she's the one keep running away oh nice sugar and sugar yeah okay I was called back into the shrine I see the same uh drum in jamnagar yes yes yes [Music] come on hey come and say hi come and say hi how are you I am fine what about you oh you speak very good English what's your name what's your name my name is you go to school yeah what level what level as a class second third grade third oh mashallah very very good your English is very very good very very good [Laughter] that was that was surprising you know very surprise nice [Music] from here we are heading to another neighborhood called liari where most of CDs in Karachi are concentrated [Music] [Music] like and share this video and don't forget to subscribe because many more videos on the way thank you
Channel: visualpoet1
Views: 140,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3YwD68wVW0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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