Painting football helmets

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what's going on YouTube I'm about to bring you my first video a how-to video on how I paint my helmets step by step First Step that I like to do in this process is I completely got the helmet to the Shell removing the face mask chin strap all the screws and anything that's attached to the helmet I take completely out all the padding in the inside I um I take off the decals remove the glue from the decals anything that needs to come off so I can completely get to the Shell that's what I take off [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] once I got the helmet to the Shell then I start my sanding process I like to use a 220 Grit sandpaper to kind of uh get the helmet to where I need to be as you can see here this particular helmet is one out of the four that I'm painting this one was the worst one out of the four as far as what it looked like before I got it so this is the one that you see me sanding right now you know it kind of took me a while to get it down to what I needed it to be to get it ready for paint all right [Music] [Music] foreign the helmet so as you can see I'm using primer out of a a rattle can it's because I have I do this in my garage so I try to minimize the use of my compressor any way I can so I just went to my local paint store got me some uh rattle can primer and that's what I'm using on these helmets as you can see right now once I let my primer sit and dry for about a 40 minutes then I start my paint process and that was after I scuffed up the primer I used a scotch brine just to you know scuff it down a little bit to make sure that the paint stick and I'm going over the helmet one time with this yellow paint it's called that let it go it's almost like that Green Bay pack of gold that you see on their helmets okay so I had a little mishap using that gray primer when I started laying my yellow down I didn't like how it was coming out it wasn't coming out the color that I needed it to be so I let that dry and once it dried I sanded it down again and then I went over it now I'm going over with the uh the white Prime once my white primer dried for about 45 minutes I'm starting the process all over again spraying my yellow paint I am using single stage paint so all I did was uh mix the paint with the hardener and I'm gonna go over it with about four coats to get into that color that I needed to be that Green Bay gold or I let it go that's you know something may find in the stores [Music] now I'm going over it with my last coats and here is the final product thank you for watching like comment subscribe once again this was my first video so y'all try not to beat me up too bad in the comments but thank you again for checking it out hope you enjoy later foreign
Channel: NOLA Strong
Views: 4,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jnY0AhYGaVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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