Painting a Seascape with Palette Knife and Brush in Acrylics

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hi everyone welcome back into the studio well today I thought I would do a fun one because we're following what you guys voted for doing U the landscape and then a floral now we're going to go into um a Seascape here and uh this one here this board this is a regular quarter inch board that I like to paint on and it is uh 18 in this way it excuse me it's 8 it's 18 in this way and uh 12 in up in vertical so it's a more of a landscape type of a of of a board with it but you can increase it do whatever size that you want to do doesn't make a difference these techniques that I'm going to do also work very nice on a canvas so if you want to use a canvas on it because we're going to use a lot of brush and knife uh techniques okay and have some fun with it I went over here to Adobe stock and I got a photo when I was a boy and I grew up I spent over 30 years on the coast living right on the ocean and stuff and even even though I lived I looked at it out of my living room window and I loved it I always Lov the ocean and every time that I walk through the dunes I'd always get excited the very first time you see the water and I just love that type of impression so there's other people out there that are like me that I think it would be nice to paint like the dunes right here and here and opening up right to it so I went out and looked and found a photo that was very similar I do want to put in some more light and Shadow contrast to it so I'll be changing some of that and I'll show you what and how we're going to do that but I want to paint kind of a softer Sky into the violets Into the Blue greens into the water a little bit of the waves and then concentrate on warm and cool bits uh for the uh the the actual sand itself okay and have a bit of fun and paint paint kind of quickly all right so first what I want to do is I want to come up here and I'm just going to take my ruler and I'm going to you know find right about what uh halfway is going to be which would be right about here so I want to come up a little higher maybe even as much as here so right about in there so my sky would occupy you know just a little a little bit over a third of the painting just a little over a third of the painting my sky will occupy and then the beach scene and everything else will go uh go uh a little bit lower than that so then I use my trusty Square which I made from using another one which I've told you guys about in other videos I just took a ruler and cut it off squared it up and then this is going to help me with my sky so we'll use that so we we'll start right there so I'm going to take um some of my sky I want my sky to be more of a blue violet so we'll start now all these colors that you have here again like everything I do I put them in the video description down below okay so just go down to the video description and I I know some of you that are in other countries and stuff that say you know you're you're from England or um uh you know you don't have access to all the count we're not in all the countries yet there are over 250 acrylic companies out there and uh it is hard to get all of your colors into all the different countries and stuff so um you know we're not there but you can find everything that I use um right on uh right on our website we ship to every single country in the world so you can always get it that way too but always there's other country you know there's other really good acrylics out there that you can uh that you can use as well but let's come in here and let's uh actually make this let's go a little bit darker a little darker and we're going to just draw the line so I'm going to come up here with a maybe a value six or so and I'm just going to make a line across here where maybe go up just a touch more right about like there somewhere right in there and I'm just going to draw the line here with the edge of my 3/4 in Brush and I like it cuz it's not exactly perfect but it does do a perfect a pretty good a pretty good job there and make sure that you do wipe off the edge of your ruler I don't always do that take a little bit of water wipe that off so that you don't over time get a build up of paint on your ruler and uh then it gets bumpy then your horizon gets bumpy and stuff so that'll work right there now so let's go up let's go to our bigger brush here let's take we're going to go a little bit more Violet little more blue a little bit more Violet some white here okay and I'm not going to mix this up like super well here just mix it up a little bit we'll add a little extender this is extender okay this is the extender uh medium that's in our line here and I use it anytime I want to get something thick this is the open medium but it's made by deran matis open medium and so I'm just going to add a little bit of extender to this not too much just cuz I like how it slides across the surface so I'll add just a bit here more of this and let's just put this on now see I'm going to use a brush and let's talk about that as I'm doing this I want the brush because the brush you know I've done Skies you've seen me do skies and clouds and stuff like that with my my um with my uh pet knife I can do that okay but I want to use a brush so that my uh Sky stays softer so my sky will stay soft here and and I'll allow some of the movement sometimes I just let the white oh I forgot to tell you all about that why didn't you guys tell me that the uh board here is regular board and then I prep it with the canvas prep medium this is the acrylic I Heritage canvas prep medium but I use it on boards and stuff well because it leaves a matte surface here which is what I really like um and let's put in now see after I do that I can come in here maybe add a little let's take a little violets and a little bit of blue and stuff here and make kind of a a lighter so there's my sky color so I'll just model this together a little bit here don't mix it up real well model that together here and let's just make some some additional movement of some sky or what I call I like to call atmosphere back through here just atmosphere into the sky then you can take your big soft brush and just pull through that a bit here and create some more visual movement and stuff there into the sky um I like let's put a little bit more light maybe right out here across maybe a few more little marks like that and just lightly pull across here to move that in sometimes exit so that you get you know W clouds and stuff get movement through the wind and so you can pull down and move some different ways and get a nice beautiful looking soft little Cloud do you want to put more out there you can always add more okay um if I start if I start making this right now too much about the sky what's going to happen is I'm going to have to paint more and more and more up into the front but I'm you know the front to get it the contrast to come up here but I might want to take a bit of that Violet which is pretty maybe the Violet and the white here right up along my horizon line here cuz we do know that the horizon line gets a little bit lighter even though I don't have much of a horizon line here let's just add a little bit here and St you know not one big pole Str you know sometimes stutter the marks here so that you get some of that atmosphere along that edge that's really nice all right so now let's go down and you can see the the the line uh there for the ocean is quite blurry there and that ocean is somewhere right almost all the way back there almost fatal Blue by itself maybe since it's going against the Violet maybe in the very back we add a little bit Violet to it and we'll just just a little bit more Violet to it and then we'll get some uh lighter colors and stuff as we come forward now I might just do this one more time here set this up and set that right along the edge there and bring that in right there like that that's good good now so that sets the ocean there and it is a stark contrast but you can see right there in the photo it is a stark contrast now maybe I want to blur that off a bit so what I'm going to do and you can blur it off really easy with your big brush just pull down slightly and W make sure you wipe your brush because you picked up dark so wipe your brush okay pull down slightly and so you're taking the light down over the edge which makes that more atmospheric you can leave some spots like in some things I would leave maybe an edge there but that's a bit much so I'll just pull down slightly and just blur off that edge so you can just softly pull off and now that is all part of the painting here let's add a little bit of extender because I do love the extender here and I'll just fill in a bit and again as I'm filling this in a bit I uh I like to do do smaller sometimes I just stutter a little bit which is going to give some action to your ocean here okay boom like that you can even use your your big brush here even with the colors on it wipe it so you don't have much right here and I love these brush this is an expensive brush this is the 2in fusion but it just does an amazing thing let's make sure we flatten it out a bit cuz it is a very very soft brush make sure you stutter a little bit don't just pull a big line stutter a little bit that gives some of the interest and soften that against so now you can see we've pretty much captured some of the look of that sky and stuff going back there now before I get going too much here let's uh do a little sketching and with this and I'll grab myself a oh like a this is my number 10 I love to sketch with like a dirty burnt sienna let's just use a burnt sienna and a little bit of yellow oxide and some water here and I want to come up and this might be a so I I I like that where that comes up almost to the to the uh edge of the horizon line here so I'm going to back off some of my blue just take a paper towel with a little bit of water in it and cut through because you don't want the the we it's okay to have blue in there and have that atmospheric stuff but we don't want to have too much because that will you know make it all green right we know that so let's find another little clean piece of paper towel let's back it off right up here just a little water that's your solvent you see you can back it off you know sometimes in an and I don't think I've ever shown you guys this but um some of the secrets that we never share I'm kidding I like to I like to show you guys everything that I do um I I will sometimes do an entire painting with the light blue of the atmosphere like the edge of the atmospheric the back receding part and the your deepest um distance into your painting do it all over then come back with a damp paper towel and wipe off some of the foreground areas leaving some of that atmosphere everywhere through the painting and it creates a really nice Harmony to it but like you see here I can draw my painting pretty easy with it it is a great technique to use great great great technique as a matter of fact right here up into the front I can just lightly pull it like this and create some of the look of waves right there as well right in the very front of it just pulling across leaving some of that where we might have some waves and stuff coming up a little bit later on but let's come in We'll add so this this plan this is my plan so I'm I'm going to pull down here I'm going to pull right down here this will be Shadow so we might as well let's just take some burnt sienna and yellow and burnt sienna maybe a touch of violet to cool this down even a little touch of blue dirty it down okay and let's come in here and let's just drop in some of this I want this up a bit this is going to be Shadow I'm going to leave a little bit of light right back there but that's going to be some major Shadow we'll pull some light across here and we'll come right back in and uh do some more uh major shadowing in there as well okay so now let's uh put maybe a little bit of a shadow over here slightly lighter uh I'm going to be just kind of putting in some colors light and light and dark now I do want these Shadows to be a little bit more Violet now why Violet cuz it'll play against the warm yellowish sand and give me a nice contrast so maybe a little bit more towards a a violet or a lighter Violet so the cooler receding sides of the Dune here which will blur that slightly so we'll we'll get them just a bit more uh blue and violet here just let some of this and we're going to change all this this all this is just giving me an idea of like where I want to make that cut bank I you know you can kind of see it change a little a little bit here but there's not enough in there for for myself so um I want to just and let's just do this with the knife here I love the knife because it puts the colors on see this more uh especially up front here it it it's more modeled okay more modeled I like that modeling so let's get the Violet in here little blue and the Violet here let's get some more of this cut Bank in down this way here and see when you pull your knife so this is I I I want to have a sloping kind of Dune right there okay and uh we'll let that run we'll put some you know some of the gra the Dune grasses and stuff up here as well pull some of that down just let some of that go that way um there's a real light Violet into a Beach area here so I might want to open pull this back open up just a bit more of that Beach right there let's put that in it's more of a violet warm Violet so a little yellow in the Violet so you have still have that Violet in painting the beaches you know a lot of you that follow me on Seascape violets are extremely important in painting the beaches so when we look at that color there I'm a little I could have a little bit more Violet a little bit more yellow here and uh maybe just a touch more yellow now you got to remember you're acrylic so you're going to dry a little darker there so that's pretty darn good up through that let's just run that right here horizontally I'll take off some of the texture because I don't want that texture to travel too far forward there okay now what I'm going to do is and you can do this too so I use my hands a lot and I know some of you oil painters can't do that and stuff so us to use a brush and we'll just pull this across here a couple of times and I want to take this into the water a bit because that creates the transparency of the water so this is my um little number 10 here and I'll pull that across and just work that into the water here a bit right up along that edge there okay and uh so that's going to make the beach and you can put on a little more water if you're a little thin there and drag it towards the front a bit so you get a overlapping of the the two colors that's what we want to have just a gentle overlapping of the two colors there don't mix them up don't do it too many times it'll start to mix and then uh in really good reflected water on the beach it gets even a little bit more Violet so I'm going to add a little more blue a little bit more of my quinacridone Violet here and right up here wet sand wet sand gets a little bit more Violet and so right and we can see that you can see that in the photo right there now those of you that are members I'll put this photo up and if um uh you know if you ever lose a link or something like that to my subscribers you can just always write me and I'll I'll help you get it but I'm just going to put in a little more Violet so you can see that change and we'll work on the water matter of fact we can work on some of that water right now if we want to while it's here now for the water what I'm going to do is start adding some open medium and I'm going to add the open medium here so that this stays a little thicker and a little wetter as I do this matter of fact let's go back to our knife I mean the knife is one of my favorite things to paint all of this with so and I'm just going to pull and slide so you see me push it and pull it there and that's going to start to make some of the and see it's modeled see try not to mix it up too much we add a little open medium here and let's just pull right across try not to pull too many times because you'll lose all those other colors there here we go get some highs and lows of those colors coming through right there and um we can also do this with slightly darker colors a little bit Violet because the trough of the Waves okay here will be dark so we can add some troughs to the waves and I just let my knife just kind of skip so I roll it down like this a little bit but I'll skip the color light pressure skip the color and so I'll get some of those troughs in there and if you need to soften anything out you can just run your brush right through there and but we want to create some Shadow and light trough areas and some areas back here which we'll have like different waves a little bit different here a little bit more and you can use your big brush I like the knife because it puts it in you know not regular you can get some differences and stuff in it maybe a bit of that lovely and you can see it like in the it's hard but what I have it is right there guys and I can see that lovely Aqua aqua green rolling edge of it let's get a little yellow little bit of blue little bit of white right here get that lovely Aqua kind of color right in there right against that edge that rolling wave right there and see it's a little bit too much there so you can you know lift off with your knife right up to where you need it and see if you just touch it along some of those areas uh let's get a little bit darker and a little more yellow not quite as much white so it's a little different color green right there a few little touches of that back here and that's what that is is just light coming through the waves there so we'll put a bit of that there and some of it maybe flattened out out here along the beach a bit here we go and then we'll pick up some white now we'll just model it into this don't mix it up real well maybe a little bit of open medium tap that in as well but leave it like this and we'll pick this up we'll come to one of the lightest areas here to test our wave and pull a little bit and then just tap and push it a little bit and it's going to create the undulation of the waves maybe another one right along and through here here right there okay and uh yeah and if you roll down and lift back up it it does some really neat things as well here and if you uh I'm going to S now see that's what my knife looks like see and that's what does good waves but I'm going to wipe this off here wipe it on my towel here and flatten that out just just a bit here and that gives you more shallow water see boom more shallow water more different stuff you can take some of that white and we're going to paint this just real simple today just real simple but we can pull down some edges just Doom that's a little too much there to make more of a rolling wave that's a little bit too much so what I do is I'll slide my knife to get up underneath it and lift it off a a bit there we go just like that and you can see I stutter it just a bit so I don't create too much of a line just lift up and down there you go and you'll get more of the wave look to it see all kinds of fun ways to paint with a knife I just love painting with the knife too just because it's so much different than the brush right yeah let's put a let's go back to some more lighter white Maybe right along this Edge and just drop a little Edge right in there maybe a little bit more right in there flatten that out a bit and see just create that shimmering water right there but see it's you've built up all this paint and you've got so much difference into it that's let's go back to this little Aqua put a bit of that it's going to disappear behind the dunes you're going to go where's the west of rest of that wave little bit little touch maybe just a bit there we go it go back behind that Crest see how easy that is to make that and let's take a little warmer and a little light and some warm and then right up through here will create a little more warmth I love the combination of the knife and the paper towel you know I have all these brushes and everything but boy I tell you there's nothing like a Costco paper towel here just to do that okay so now you got that in there right all right so that gives us now if you need to if you if you've destroyed see you can take some of your Shadow here let's say you get too much white in here and for you beginners yeah that happens all the time you just roll down and slide some of that dark and you can pick up here you could even use your brush but if you keep it more on the edge see how it's more on the very edge of my of my knife here you can slide in a little bit of that shadow and then what I like to do is wipe the knife and then if you use the tip of the knife that will flatten it out blend it out just a bit see and then I'll just tap a bit to just break that but you can get some Shadow back in there see really easy it's not hard sometimes I'll take some of that dark like right in here and I'll push up into the wave and then pull back at an angle and that makes the wave look like it's coming back out flat does that make sense right out here like that flat so if I feel like I have too much of a horizontal I'll bring some out into the vertical but that gives it just a real nice look there and it's fun it's it is so fun and you know there's something that is um a a smaller C Escape like this sometimes is easier to paint like waves and stuff like that because you don't have to get all of these color exchanges through a larger wave makes it a lot easier all right let's get back over here let's toss in some of this stuff we're going to push this right into and see I don't want to I don't want to and I don't want to get too much into that that beautiful wave that's there we want this to cut in front of that cut the edge of that here so we'll be kind of careful here but I don't want to make solid color so we'll get back over here to its violets a bit more bit more of the violets in there we'll get that shadow back in there right but I got this nice color variation as well and see I can push the knife and and blend and soften some of those colors but I want to keep the angle going like that and I want that kind of shadowy color of the Dune coming there and then in the front of the Dune let's just put on some paint and I'm going to put on some open medium this will stay wet for a while let's get some nice warm some of this color in here some light some warm right in here like this and let's get some paint right across the whole front this is where I really need my big paint scraper which is right here taada let's let's use this here this is what I really love to do is I'll pull my scraper across like this and get some of this covered in paint get this course I'm going to want to have this forward Dune here see and we'll get some more light in there boom right across like that let's um take this knife okay make sure it's kind of clean and we'll pull from the shadow forward like this and remove a bit of that texture so just pull some of this and the combination between these two types of painting utensils is really neat gives you a neat feel let's get some more light light up through here get some color into it here and we're going to go even more light I'm going to have to get some more white little bit more yellow and just watching my values up around an eight or a nine light color right here this will pull this part of the of the Dune here and and I I want to get some paint on here so I can get some of the this to color and then I'll work the other shadows and lights into the beach here but uh we'll put on some of this light I'm thinking you you know that's a nice little cut there and it's very simplistic but I might want to add let's go a little more Violet and some of our yellows here maybe a little burnt sienna as well let's we might want to add a little bit more shadowy tone just a bit lighter this right up here maybe another little side cut and see I like to do this now drag this over because that creates highs and lows in the beach does that make sense in the beach sand just like you have all those Footprints over there we can create some highs and lows let's take this up see if you hold your knife flat like this you can move these together just flat you got enough paint on there and you have a lot of paint on there for sure you have enough paint to move those flat see so I can take some light let's say I want to move over this opening a bit which I want to do to match that other one I'll just put some light on and just kind of drag it that that way there and by leaving some of that override you create highs and lows and interests within the beach so I want to do that leave that edge a bit not too much not too much of a ridge over an edge little bit there like that and lighter colors of course come over here cuz this is the sunstruck area of the d right there and let's get a bit more burnt sienna some light here maybe this this edge here drop that edge down but it is lighter here and we'll just manipulate this so see I'll strike it and all the get the high point this is the Apex here so the shadow would be starting just past the high point here right the shadow would be hitting on that other side there and I do like there's a few smaller little Shadows right in through here and we can emulate those little bits here highs and lows of other little things going on here in the beach and you know we have a lot of uh what is in you know on that one there is a lot of little Footprints and stuff so we could uh emulate some of that rough texture of the Sand by just taking and pushing some of that lighter Violet around here so we're going to add a lot more color to this but this just starts some of your you know basically a painting and a good way to put it is you know when you're doing this is basically an expression of light and Shadow right and it was like when I learned how to paint portraits and stuff you you're doing it with light and Shadow as opposed to drawing lines everywhere so like the edge like I've told you the edge of a cheek or something like that that rounds down you're showing that with light and Shadow so you create form with light and Shadow and that's what I what I uh try to do here with some of this so I'll create some light and Shadow areas and like for for example when you look at we look at this let's take my little number 10 here let's put in a warmer light real light uh yellow and you start putting in marks like this so that's the light side and then the other side is the shadow side and what you start to do is you make this sand that looks all turned up so you have light size and Sh so when if you look at that see it has light sides and Shadow sides so when you come back to this other side so you're going to have Shadow sides here and that and you can even do them more rounded into the shape of footprints and stuff like that but you're going to have shadows and then to the left you're going to have lights and that's what's going to make this whole Beach and as you build it like this several times I mean it'll take you a while depends on how much you want to detail and stuff you want to put into it but that's how you make your Beach shadows and lights that's how you make your beach look like it's been walked all over here and make all these little Footprints and marks and stuff like that and so highlights to the pulling upwards like to the left and then Shadow Marks here pulling maybe slightly down to the right and you create the textures of highs and lows so dirty violets and light sides light light yellows you can even go more yellows and stuff to it but yeah and you know some painters will take a long time to it and I'm just going to do it real quick because I start to get the feel of it and that is enough you know a nice feel to it but I do want to create some more light light yellow sometimes a different yellow maybe a little Hansa in there brighter lighter yellow this is my sunstruck side here and so and I'll let a a little bit of the violets come down let's do that with a knife I wanted to do more with a knife and I'm going to get some more white out here and some of you thought oh maybe boy I got to get more white some of you thought oh maybe he has way too much nope no we didn't let's just lighten this up and see this is what I like see the highs and lows you get with the knife that's what gives you this interest you know these highs and lows of that knife and I know it's kind of difficult to uh see sometimes on the camera but uh you know it it is it does and I just and sometimes I'll smooth it out to give more of that slope feel to it long longer line to give a slope feel to it and then some of your Shadow lines can come here sideways side to side and see this is shape and see it builds a slope and then a flat there and like I said you know you can take some of this light and build some light little touches here and you know Mark it up a bit some downward left here and mark up some of the people walking all over it leaving Footprints and stuff like that into it here here we go like that yeah I like that let's put that lighter all depends on your beach now here and what kind of beach you're painting some beaches are very white some are very Brown here all depends on your beach so I kind of like that and I like let's go just a little bit lighter Shadow before it goes to the deeper Shadow and it's no different than having a transitional half tone like some of you that paint some of the other styles with me transitional half tones so and we'll just pull some of this in here now a real impressionist would leave all of these marks like that you know really heavy marks because they would add so much to the painting and it really really does heavy marks just add a lot to the painting we might come in here and yeah get some more really nice shadowy marks right in there some of this light just take it over just drag up over so it looks like it rounds over and creates some different shapes and stuff like that that's what you're creating maybe uh you know we had some light passing right through here right through there so it's picking up and it's picking up the see the sh the fracturing that you're getting with your knife here makes it look like it picks up highs and lows there on different parts parts of the beach right and so I would come back and say o maybe this is a nice little place to pull a little Shadow line down so I look sometimes I'll drag the knife and then I'll come back and look where I could you know soften it or or do something different with the light or the sh Shadow you know so I pull the knife out there see what happens and then come back let's put some light maybe up at this angle here here we go and we'll make a another little rise right there it's not in the photo but I'm going to do it anyway here because I use photos for inspiration I don't ever go in to copy them I always kind of use them to inspire me not to copy here here we go just pull some of that that's kind of pretty puts in a little bit of a shadow and the other thing is you see some of the the beach grasses and stuff and then you have to say do you want some of the beach grasses and stuff it' be nice to put some of that to break some of these edges and stuff like that here and you know so maybe you want to put in some pretty good beach grasses you can have some let's start out with some greens model this up greens yellow burnt sienna okay and let's just model some of this up because you're going to have a shadow side and then a light side let's just put in some of the beach grasses okay so we'll pull some of this down through here and some of it will mix with the light that you already have there and give you the highs and lows that we're kind of looking for let's get some of these yellows greens and stuff here maybe right up onto the edges here we can uh take your brush and you know you have like this one we've used before too and you can push that up to give it more of a grass look as well you know I mean there's tons of stuff sometimes I use this little brush and push that up to get some of those grass looks to it you know in the photo you see those real big Long Tall ones up there and you can do that as well there's just all kinds of ways here here we'll pull some of this down and around and the big thing is with whenever you're painting grasses trees what do I always tell you you vary your marks more than anything else you vary your marks to give you some some differences right and so we can tap some of these just right out through here and uh pull in some heavier just using different brushes to vary my Marks here and uh put some of those little grasses in there a little bit more on the shadow side the deeper side we could even go quite a bit darker over there you know greens burnt siennas some of these darker colors through here and more contrast colors here more onto the shadow side there and again you could use your knife as well if you want that really super you know rough look to it you can do that let's take some of this green and a little bit of blue a little bit of red violet darker colors here and uh let's pull some of them down into the deep Shadow areas here now see that's a little dark but look what it does for our visually for pulling us out of that water right here and that's what I'm looking for so maybe uh one or two of them right up here and see I'll touch my brush and use different edges of it and scrape it I love to scrape the feral of it as well and create some different marks right here see and pull down if I want to get it a little long longer look to some grasses there okay let's take some of that right along maybe it comes right up here and we'll grab some of those looks there and highs and lows into the sand there that looks pretty good let's grab some yellows into that maybe right up along the front edge it's hitting some more lights so bit of the yellows coming [Music] through maybe just a few little marks right up there little bit see and you can just touch a few little marks sometimes I'll just do that take my knife just work the edge just a bit tap through sometimes scrape it a little bit which allows some of the under bit to come through and it gives you more of the the look of grasses there just pulls that right through there like that and you know you you go up close and you go wow Dave you you don't know how to paint but then you get back it's what we call Optical blending what I say all the time you get back you stand back from it and you go wow that's as the as the your eye starts to blend it over distance it starts to look like wow maybe you do know what you're doing you know it's a really a neat effect I love to work the optical effects but I'll come back here let's work that edge of that beach again see and when I'm really developing something like if I'm really so I'll push like I'll go back several times I'll push some of this sand right into what I was doing with the edges of those um bushes and stuff there that we're we're working on and pull this down into them and just pull some of that through there maybe you know some of that sand is dribbling through there maybe there's a bit more of this light that comes here we have some of that highs and lows there so we can come back and just drag through that again it's layers right it's layers you know so many times I talked to you about layers pulling some of these things back and forth and I like the acrylics where some of my earlier marks start to set up a little bit start to dry up just a bit and so I don't disturb them too much I come back in with other marks and it starts to really happen and I like that I like that look of it let's get some of this Sky color let's get back to some of this light Violet Sky color here because we should carry some of that into our sand that's that Harmony thing I like to do so that's that light sky color there and let's take some of that right down into our sand see what it's going to do and that's just a bit light but that's okay I think cuz I'll I'll work it into that color what that does is it into my Shadows that Carri some of this sky right down into what I want to do here right into my light now I'm going to carry some of that light up just a bit here there we go let those two just kind of come together there and but that light Violet Sky color especially uh you know when you're into your shadows and stuff here that's an important color to have in there and so let's get some of that right in here we'll see some of that color there the sky always I I usually not always but I usually will use the sky as a color of Harmony in a painting as well cuz I love to paint the skies there so I'll use that so you could use that you know tapping around into any of your shadows or anything like that you could use use that but let's take some of this some of our let's just dirty up some of that and pull some of that across some of this pull back you know pull back you can run your paper towel to create any kind of softer edges and stuff like that but I'm going to add some more there so some softness and then some other colors in there just tap in here boom tap in some [Music] darks there pick up some modeled color back and forth in here just like that little little grasses little you don't have to put all the grasses in if you want to keep it you know your own is a little different I like the grasses here so let's pull and see I'll do it again pull down again this adds just another layer and so you know sometimes I'll do this five and six times pulling through something each mark that I make though is a different Mark of my hand which just slowly keeps adding more and more and more interest to it you can come over the edge here and you know maybe hit a if you feel that whole side is a little too much hit one edge of light maybe there's a bit of light just catching the edge over here maybe this is a little edge of light here right in there catching I love the knife more than anything sometimes I'll push that with my finger and destroy it but maybe there's and these are the little marks What I Call The Spar Sparks remember some of you paint with me I call these the little Sparks maybe you add a few little Sparks of light of other things there that just make and see that this adds more interest and stuff into your dunes and you can uh bring in some more like in those light areas you can bring in some light yellow greens just little touches of them here you know that might be a little too green for what I want to do on the beach here let's just yeah something some let's get a little burnt sienna in there I just love the burnt sienna for those colors yeah that's better little bits little marks little touches see little so there's a little green one there yeah just you know keep it all a little different right and you know of course the the the real beach ones getting really rough and lots of stuff going on so you can increase you know just the dragging this of it here and just increase the the interest it it does just dragging some of the colors and if you get too much drag some other colors the other way you know keep it all modeled up let's get some of this lighter stuff up over over here little bits of it here maybe there's a few little marks of it here see little bits but um yeah and I do like to create like really nice let go back over here since I dirtied that up over there some yellows some lights don't mix it up real well just grab this and let's just reset some of this and see now that yell that light sits in a little different than what it did before here and that just creates more interest through it see more highs and lows and interest and you can uh get back into some of your shadowy colors here and pull them back the other way go you know add back in some of your uh little bushes and stuff if you like those but it's a lot of fun you know and it's a you can do a lot of things let's get a little more Violet there that's kind of pretty color but you can come in and just drag some and you know create the little stutters like this that creates the little Footprints here and uh Shadow to the right light to the left and that creates all the little undulations and stuff with it and you know and how much you do is up to you now I've got one little bit of a problem here and that is I should take some burn sien and some light here and come up over the hill to some lights as well so it just doesn't appear on the shadow side kind of that's my left brain there here we go just creating some lights little more shad Shadow and uh let's just put some of this down in Shadow here there like that and let's get a little braider a little more interest here there like that it's more rough so now you see you're coming right in now I'll come back and you know you might uh let me rinse some of that out here um might want to um just put in a some nice this is where you control the texture maybe a nice little light texture right there right there that just pulls you right towards that beach there pulls you into the scene that's what I like to have something that kind of pulls you into the scene there maybe maybe uh we take that shadowy color here we'll take out that little Ridge just a bit of it there and that just kind of pulls you right into that scene but you can come in here um you know like I've showed you before you know with some of this if you want to create some lighter little grasses you could use this brush this brush is great for it just come in and just create a few little you don't need a ton just a few little grass marks marks and stuff to it and that's up to you you know these little guys just worked so well for doing that kind of stuff and uh you know and then or you can have deeper darker colors you can put in deeper darker Shadows if I have that light there I may want to have some of this angled back or flat this way uh just to help promote the structure of the Dune there you know and maybe a little Shadow color of that Dune and even go over it with just a bit of white just to soften some of that here yeah but it's just different kinds of textures and stuff and I'll take some of that light here and sometimes I'll just drizzle it over the edge and lift the brush so you get kind of a rounding effect slightly see that rounding effect and I mean there's all kinds of ways you're going to find find to you know as as you do this that you find to work your knife and it's always the position and movement of the knife that give you your slopes your angles and uh the structure the structure of the Dune and stuff that you're looking for you know but I think I like that and uh I think maybe just a couple more little marks of light that kind of come through a bit there leaving some highs and lows and it's kind of a real fun painting a quick painting kind of a fun painting there um yeah but it just uh you know and you just have fun with it you could you know in the photo it shows a a plant right back here you know I don't know if I want to do that I might even want to cut that edge a little bit cleaner here so I create that nice transition down to the beach here there got a little bit of the blue of the water you can see adding that open medium and stuff keeps it wet so that's better I like that yeah and then that cooler side the warmer side the cooler side light and Shadow and stuff just a whole heck up a lot of fun the clouds and the movement in the sky dried down a a little bit but it's very very similar to what goes on here in this photo so you can see in the what goes I was going to take that off but that's really stuck okay so that gives you an idea it's a fun one you could come back here and cut in a few little bit more stuff you know and how much of those quick little grasses and stuff you want to add that's yours if you want more contrast in here you want to pull the eye even farther forward let me just show you that real quick and then we'll call this a little bit more of the blue blues and the greens the blues and the burnt siennas those real darks get those right up along in here and you can see instantly just as I'm doing this what that does is it pulls your eye this way see and so there's artists out there that will be that brave sometimes I'm just not that brave that will leave those and leave those marks and stuff in there and that's that's great you know I that's just great stuff that you can do that and uh you can see that pulls you even more this way maybe just a touch of that in here here you know maybe pull out like that a bit um yeah and it it's just how much you're going to work in here and you know it's just a little painting for those of you that are you know a little bit more advanced painters and stuff this is where you go through and you kind of Advance your techniques your looks is you got a nice painting and now and it's only taking you an hour or so to get it here and now you you just come up and you start trying different things that uh is going to take you to the next level of painting you know you try some different things here onto it now see I I remove some of that light so I'll just come back I'll drag some of that see I'll leave some of that highs and lows there and then I'll do it a little more solid on this side side because that's the light side and then lift the pressure right in here dragging that across so I get little hits of highs and lows and that's the sand does that make sense that's the sand hitting the highs and lows through there like that and that just gives you more and if you feel that light dark is a little too much just break it up with a couple of little hits like that the lights just hitting a few areas but now your eyes pulled this way a little bit more all kinds of fun little ways to do that you know to pull that through and give you some of those little St and you can you can make more perfect bushes and stuff I like the impressionism of it but uh anyway there's a nice one for you to try Okay so we're going to continue on I have some wildlife paintings to do next and uh I'm going to do a couple of smaller studies too in between now and then to uh you know of some of the Florals and some of the other Landscapes some small ones I want to do that too as we move the channel forward and I'm going to go back to now that we start coming into the summer I'm going to go back to uh filming uh at least two videos a week for the channel here so lots of more stuff for coming so make sure you you click the like down there okay make sure that you subscribe to the channel when you subscribe to that channel make sure that you um hit that little bell so you get notified when I release a video okay till that I'll see you guys in just a couple days we'll do another one we're going to do a little Wildlife one and uh we'll have some fun with that we'll may even use some of these techniques okay thanks very much guys I'll see you on the next one
Channel: David Jansen
Views: 2,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paint It Simply, Decorative Painting, how to paint, learn to paint, acrylic paint, online art class, beginner lesson, painting flowers, drawing, Arts Crafts, oil painting, blending, one stroke, one brush, easy painting, onestroke, painting roses, Bob Ross, alla prima, Fine Art, landscape painting, artist, how to paint rose, Rosemaling
Id: 7y9rL_ACZXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 8sec (3548 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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