Paint with ME! | Negative Painting Technique | Painting Lilly Pads 🪷

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hey guys welcome back in today's video we are going to be doing a nice casual paint with me I'm going to be painting some lily pads with a negative painting technique using watercolors and I've done a piece like this before but I don't think I actually got it on film and I just was really in the mood to just kind of do some mind Bliss painting not to say that this is Mindless but for me it's kind of therapeutic and relaxing just to kind of do one layer each at a time so yeah I thought we could uh paint and catch up um the start of this video I started this at my kitchen table that's why my background is a little different and I'm using my travel watercolor palette I was doing a lot of food prep this day and waiting for dough to rise and things like that so I thought it would be a good idea just to kind of film at the kitchen table so I can kind of do two birds one stone because there's a lot of waiting time for paint to dry using this negative technique so I just figured I would do a layer go do something in the kitchen and then come back and do a layer once that was dry so I do end up switching back to my normal setup in the studio but this is just where we started and sometimes you got to do what you got to do it has been a very busy two weeks for me unfortunately and it's not the good type of busy it's a very stressful type of busy I'm happy to report that I am okay it's just spent a lot of bad news with family some of you have seen my community post and I don't really like to dwell on negative things because I just like to keep things positive here so um I'm just pushing along and trying to be painting when I can and it's kind of like a therapeutic practice for me so it's been a minute since I've actually been able to paint so I'm really relieved that I was able to get back in my Sketchbook this week and I've started a new one in case you didn't know and this is the um etcher Sketchbook I actually bought the three pack of this and it's the the cold press version of what they had so it's got like a little bit more texture to the paper which I really enjoy so um yeah we started a new Sketchbook and I'm slowly getting back into the rhythm of things though things are still rocky at the moment but we are trying to stay positive and just chug along and paint when I can and be as happy and stress-free as possible so we're very taking it slow this week here in my house and um happy that the weather's starting to perk up a little bit and we'll be able to plant things in the garden and whatnot I have a lot of seeds I have to start this week because our last frost date here is I think around the middle or third week of May so I'm really excited for that so yeah anyway back to the lily pad painting um this painting was so much fun I um I just love the therapeutic process of this and I recently um the only thing I wanted for Christmas was a TV for my studio and I was finally able to accomplish that and get that set up in the studio so I have a nice little cozy atmosphere in there and it was really nice to finish up the painting in the studio with the TV and just in my own little world over there and it was it was very very nice I'm not gonna lie especially after a very stressful couple of weeks I ended up using a pretty limited palette for this painting I think I went I went with um phthalo green olive green Indigo and a little bit of phthalo blue for this little piece and I just I love how these colors work together and I was playing in my Sketchbook today actually and I added um quinacridone Violet to this mix and I love the look of like the color palette with like the pop-up purple or the violet or whatever you want to call it um so I'm really excited to experiment with that in the future I also ended up adding a little bit of gold ink to this and also some white gouache for the water lines and the the lilies that are actually on the lily pads I'm sorry I feel like I'm rambling I never know what to say in these videos because I feel like I don't like to do tutorials because I feel like they're very repetitive and I have to repeat myself a lot um and this negative painting process is basically a repetitive process where like you do the background layer you let it dry you draw out a few lily pads you paint around the lily pads and then you repeat that process until you feel like you have enough and then you go in and add your details and your lilies and all the end things so there's really just not much to talk about as far as that goes and I was actually debating about just putting music on with this but I feel like most of you guys prefer the voiceover so I hope I made the right call with this one let me know if you would rather have music on in these types of paint with me videos in the future because that's not a problem it's actually easier for me on my end but I didn't want to just go in this without I don't know saying hi I always feel weird uploading a video and not saying hey guys how's it going um so anyway I ended up bringing some colored pencil into this and just finishing it up with some details adding a little bit of texture with the colored pencil and whatnot um I also I I chose this Sketchbook because it's small I think it's actually a three by four I want to say it's not quite five by seven so I chose a smaller one and I'm hoping to finish it in 30 days because I have a special video that I'm making uh regarding it and it's a 30 day project and I chose a little one just because I wanted something that I could just randomly film when I didn't have anything else to film and also I could work on it in my bed at night kind of like a routine as to just trying to paint every day as kind of like a wind down therapy without having the pressure of filming every single step of filling the SketchBook um so that's going really well so far I bought myself a little bed desk that I just kind of doodle in my Sketchbook and wind down after the day and just kind of doodle for an hour sometimes it's like 30 minutes but 30 minutes to an hour but the goal is just to make art every day and just kind of use it as a little bit of therapy a little self-care mental mental health self-care kind of situation and while I'm um doodling in my Sketchbook I usually have my audiobook on so we'll just segue right into what I've been reading um I am currently I'm listening to the Scarlet princess series and I'm actually in the middle of the fourth book of that and the audiobook of it is really really good they have these um great little accents and stuff and it's just a very enjoyable experience to sit there and listen to it because sometimes I don't know if you guys are like this with your books some some people are really snobby when it comes to audiobooks and they think the only type of book like the way to read a book is you know just by holding it in your hand and reading it and sometimes it's nice just to kind of listen to it and get completely transformed ported into a different place so I've been listening to books lately instead of reading them but I'm also in the middle of the third from blood and Ash book um and that one's really interesting it's a little slower for me to get through this one but I'm just not in a physical reading mood at this point like I feel like I need the audio just to kind of like take me somewhere else sometimes and yes I tend to read a little bit more of fantasy um based books or I don't know what you want to call it it's not like high fantasy or anything but it's just enough not realness to kind of um take me to another place when I'm feeling really stressed out and it just works for me and that's just the kind of books that I prefer so those are the two that I'm reading I don't know what I'm going to be reading next but I did start the Mayfair witches series um on AMC and I think I made it I'm into my fourth episode of that and that show is pretty trippy pretty trippy right now um I wasn't expecting it to be quite that dark um it seems like it's a little little darker it's kind of like the craft meets a discovery of witches but like there's a little something else in there it's very hard to explain but it's very interesting and it's definitely keeping me um entertained for a lack of a better word I'm trying not to completely binge it because I don't want to just be stationary I feel like lately with the weather perking up and stuff I'm just kind of really wanting to move around and spring clean and stuff like that so that is what I've been reading and watching aside from the Mayfair witches I've just been kind of having like uh I like to watch my paranormal shows while I'm like cleaning and stuff um just for background noise because I can you know you can hear the story kind of while you're running around and cleaning a house and doing the things that you have to do on a day today but other than that I'm just kind of really trying to recover from all the stuff that happened in the previously two weeks so it's been a lot mentally but thankfully I feel like everything's gonna turn out all right so we're really grateful for that so I am currently um on an audiobook kick so if you have any good audio books um definitely drop them in the comments and let me know um I kind of prefer I don't really know how to classify it but I would say it's like women's paranormal fiction um like it doesn't have to be like ridiculously crazy or whatever but like I don't really like um I don't even know how to like I don't really like like biographies or anything like that like I'm just I like to be transported into a different world just so I can kind of I feel like everybody needs that kind of escape from their day-to-day life just because and that's just what I prefer to read and listen to so if you have any recommendations for that um I would really be interested and to know what you're reading and what you're watching because we are always looking for new things to get into um what else can I talk about with you guys um oh I've been in contact with Raven and we're both just starting our next art and lore and I've definitely I picked mine I'm not sure if she picked hers yet um so we're in the research phase of the art and lore uh the next video for that and um I'm really excited about this one I'm hoping it's going to come out the way I Envision it I feel like that's one of the hardest things as an artist is that you have a very strong visual in your head and sometimes when you go to execute it it doesn't come out completely the way you expect it to but it's surprising nonetheless yeah so anyway um the next art and Laura will be out soon um so keep your eyes out for that and I'm just finishing up this painting here um we're in the details adding the final details and the final touches to the piece which is always my favorite part I always feel like it's in such an ugly stage for so long until you're at the home stretch and then you're like ah finally going through all that ugly stage was definitely worth it so another thing I wanted to ask you guys about was Art topics like if you have any art topics that you would like to get my opinion on or have questions about or anything I can help with in that matter leave those in the comments because I'm always struggling to find things to talk about during these videos and it would be a huge help so anyway I hope you guys liked this little painting video and I hope you enjoyed the close-ups of this and thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Kelli Paints
Views: 11,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sketchbook, watercolor painting
Id: C_sDtQMVscI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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