PAINT THE FIELD Roulette System - Best for Beginners??

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hello guys welcome back to another let's play video today we actually have a system submitted by one of our subscribers Dean Gonzalez thank you for submitting soup thank you so much for submitting the system I cannot talk today so the system is called painting the field so essentially I'm gonna buy in for $200 I'm gonna save my win and lose so I'm gonna try to double my money so with the system if I can tell my money I would consider that their success if I lose I lose so what does this it is is I just you know I'm just going to show you it's easy to show you the to explain all right Alex while I'm stacking this up I also like to mention that he's also one of our patrons on oh yeah yes thank you so much thank you so much yeah okay oh and actually before we begin this video I'd like to thank all the patrons especially special thanks to Shane Jeremiah and Pat you guys are amazing and if you guys wanna check out our patreon for those you're not patrons yet the link is in the description below alright so painting the feel it is essentially I'm I'm just gonna pick one color I'm gonna put one unit on each of those colors so let's go with red this time so I'm gonna have eighteen dollars within the what's called the inside that's two on the inside one dollar each on the zero double zero so overall twenty dollars on inside and the last five dollars is gonna go on the outside on the same color so it's five units go for red so with this system if it lands on black or if it lands on the opposite color you lose twenty five bucks if you win on any the rest you get twenty one dollars so you're trying to double your money with this and yeah that's pretty much it it's a really simple simple assistance 15:15 yeah there we go very good start oh one more thing you could you only switch color if you lose twice in a row so I'm going to stay with red and tear loose twice in a row then I'll switch colors very simple system Thank You Dean again this system is some pretty fun I think to start I don't now we're gonna maximize any bet any system where I have to place a lot of bets down it's always a fun system oh I can't reach that far got it sorry just put the two dollars down I'll set it for you or anything next time just give me a just give me any dollars I'll set it up okay five five and we have a winner so we're gonna stay on red being the name for this system is pretty appropriate to painting the field just picking a color painting to feel 35 perfect Oh place your bets all right you go dealer here's seven can you place a bet on that over here put all the Reds there you go guys maximizing the spins maximize everyone else and try to keep it Millennial friendly I think toothpick productions comment on that toothpick production yeah I think maybe we could find the comment you have that in there good system so far I think only one way to find out a way to find out go to Oh double zero double zero hey that went something I got home like that wins oh I think that wins 16 but if you lose the the $5 red get 16 total in a profit one place your bets night what kind of music is gonna be playing in the background for this one to me probably no jazz you know another jazz oh I don't know we haven't really played a lot of music in this video in these videos because I never know what to play we're gonna stay on red because we haven't lost twice in a row yet how about some summertime music a summer time music yeah alright tropical house tropical house alright any more bets no we're good come on whoo Oh zero well they should profit something yep time down 35 gray there you go sir place you oh please I'm actually up money now mmm-hmm all right so here's six seven dollars here five dollars under Rev gonna continue the red since we haven't lost yet they're lost twice you guys have some suggestions on gambling systems as long as it's clear concise there's a certain reason for it's not very muddled we be more than happy to test out that's what we're here for alright here we go what do you think is gonna hit red did Red Bull confident blacks on I kind of ruined me there I had a confidence for a second there you go place your bets look at ancient down here hi Anna like I dressed up really nice I feel really good about myself and you walk down like all dads like we gotta lose some weight and like okay yeah I said that's it how come you have no confidence how come you have no confidence huh yeah you want to watch that's cuz you destroyed me all right eight dollars yep here we go alright all the red still you only lost once this brown so far and you lose again - black come on Alex we're trying to tell Dina this is a good system okay yeah we got a show that we wouldn't yeah we got a got me and Dean we're gonna go to the casino and hit it up Dean's also one of our patrons - you know like I said like anyone that's one of our patients we've gotta make it a point to play with them sit read 20 twice in a row right so yeah so we're gonna switch now to black all right five seven eight on here we're gonna switch now to black all right well I'm not doing so well anymore it used to be good okay no more bets suspense is killing me yep suspense come on 8:8 wow that's good maybe Dean's on to something dude he noticed there's a pattern to these games right yeah so obvious this which is black there we go there you go so I'm more curious Dean can you tell us in the comments oh you can't we'll actually pin your comment too can you tell us how you came up with this yeah can you tell us how you came up with this yeah so that's how you came up with the logo with the system were you drunk one night all right you'll find some conspiracy theorists we're like on YouTube and you just like copying a system or come up with something like I'm so curious mm-hmm guys feel free to submit us any system you want us to try on camera or try pretty much all of them yeah we haven't even make sense as long as it makes sense as long as it got a couple so far I'm like it'd be about Oh 99 Oh perfect look at that another win yeah another win dude place your bets use $8 dude how about money now kind of kind of money thing actually I think we're roughly well broke even got win one more to be in the profit zone here yeah make it happen Dean come on the spirit of Dean rests in that bowl oh oh there you go good day there you go place your bet $1 for Alex five on the block we're staying on the black yeah that's our Chris color today good dude come on man the lights pan just to mix it up mmm the suspense is killing me again it's killing me too yep Oh what is it Oh 1:31 that's awesome that's great we're definitely in the profit zone now Wow definitely and this is like it's like your real leverage and a 2-1 to buddy I know right you're gonna do good and then the next we go I'm gonna stomp the [ __ ] out of you my money back pretty much place your bets eight dollars please it dollars go there you go and just bet it's a lot easier to sit up in that the alien bet to the alien that wasn't too bad no I like the alien king a better comps oh yeah we're tricking playing so much because also to the house edge is ridiculous so your theoretical is better on this game mm-hmm oh we're definitely in a Provost huh one more black please one more come on now got a winner's bitter oh it's gonna be a while Wow all right drop wait oh he'll win Wow lot of zeroes that's nice that is nice [Music] I stood dude do it this is the system each Amish please 7za though but this is the system it really I love this is the one this is the one this is the one okay I can quit and become a master roulette player oh yeah hey we're selling the school so we can fund our gambling if yeah so I have a hunt 200 right here see you match me up money now any business got that means let us a profit this is the profit do 34 uh I mean we're gonna stick to black cuz again this times in a row alright it's okay we had a good run there I think that's correct me if that's wrong still in the profits see that see on the wrong all right more bets very very complicated system no I love this team switchin take that last statement okay no I can take that but now I feel like the system this is one gamblers policy switch yeah it's gonna work Alex we're switching to read now we lost twice that in the comments if you're watching gamblers fallacy FA ll a see why this one more $2 $2 more yep wishing to read oh we're in right oh [ __ ] yep I was like oh wait a second YouTube world's about to break me - Nicole's again oh my god Alex what is it 29 ah how you feel about that system now dude oh no man beams like poor DNA we like you a lot too Dean one of our regular contributors yep there you go $8 hey on YouTube can you pin two comments no I've got a pin one only one damn okay we'll just upload it like crazy then there you go all right I need to get on the win again losing money fast lights pin lights Ben I didn't use all the test in this system - I was supposed to set the amount I want to lose before I walk out the table without playing real money I would settle off but since this is a morning you know just trying to test out the system in full so we're not that fit or anything if we lose means we lose everything instead of having us that loss amount all right sir don't touch the money until the marker comes off ding laughter remind people all the time there we go place your bets [ __ ] yep hey no touchy no touchy no touchy no touchy all right well we're still booked for low profit amount again this dress will do the system help rewind like four minutes ago O'Hara was so happy about uh you know one thing what's a system I can't chase 23 it prevents me from chasing I mean that's really a tease that's why it is it degenerate friendly is it Alex friendly does it prevent me from actually like playing with my emotions impressing my bed up hey I feel like it actually is pretty genuine friendly do not I'll place your bets yeah leave us some gambling stories if you actually want on roulette I love seeing crazy roulette stories yeah I've never won anything on the list you know it's just not my game maybe today's the day dude a day yep with Dean system we could win yeah or livestream us playing a real live roulette with uh yeah Dean come down visit try out your system you're alive you know we love that yeah we'll do it first act Casino quests and then we'll go to one of our casino partners and will I show you doesn't it Oh God yeah they're gonna borrow Dean's money but Oh what is it Oh another red yeah okay here's the catch Dean's gonna hook it up he's gonna front the money he's gonna be he's gonna play sugar daddy for a night front the money for us oh I can't touch the bed yet I keep forgetting dude there you go place your bets oh oh we're in the profit zone again see that Wow profit profit zone trying to double your money is really hard yep look it's kind of like a job yeah with this literally like a job to try and grind it out a little bit at a time I can't what he's trying to do though because if he bets this plus the zeros he has more than a 50% chance of waiting so the logic is we're just slowly hedging zero nice and when you do lose it's not like you lose a big you don't lose all that that the losing and winning is not that big of a difference to so that's great yeah cuz in this bed how much in there you got 35 I have all this right here mm-hmm 35 you win 35 you've had $24 I bet 25 ever 25 25 $25 right now so you bet 25 to win to win either 21 or 16 bit heavy oh we're in the profit zone we're in the profit look at that are you gonna show how much we should do that next time next video show how much were you did you never what again with I mean it's just where this system is basically the same if you hit the radio in $21 yeah so all good things wah-wah-wah one little push the black so right when I was feeling happy to here's a red sir red sir oh let's do it right we got loose boys which no no no I gotta lose twice wish the O net profit don't worry a dollar what is it red oh sweet nice what's your favorite game out my favorite game is craps craps yes craps crap love me some craps positive actually you know if I wanted to answer the real Alex it's like what look in your favorites like everything everything pick a hand baccarat you like to play Bach Rock - no I can't do it it's not millennial friendly it is nerve wrecking does he have no control in this game you have no control either but what baccarat is even worse you have two options that's basically that's it perhaps is really my favorite game to play if I really had to pick a second I got maybe I got poker yeah like I like I like complain about the dealer me Oh another red wow that's good dude we're on a good run we're definitely on a good run thirty-five grade there you go sir place your bets my still under read guys it's good it's good you're definitely in the nice profit zone a little bit nicer what about 47 bucks up 43 after the bet - OH 19 at this rate I would double my money in about a hit about like seven spin if I don't lose it ha ha ha ha there you go place your bets I'll even set it up let's spin now red red sir red red red red red there we go red day red day red red team red just kidding oh okay now oh we're still at red you got loose twice in a row remember that twice in a row place your bets mmm eight good thing about out of spin is that I can be as low as I can placing the bets and that email by Tom done is doing a spin at least 10 more times so much my champion Rhett oh now he's fishing - black dude you know this system I know there's one good use for the system dude getting free drinks yeah dude come on now yeah this is an absolutely great system for getting free drinks since you have like a basically a 50/50 oh we actually met a little bit more than 50/50 to actually win something you know chances are your part could be sitting here for a while yeah that's the key is uh do you have a fast cocktail that's really yeah that's a key to you know degenerate friendly alec systems like hey that's cocoa a kind of it can I get a shot in the beer that's gonna take me get a shot and a beer from her yep shot and a beer shot and a beer yeah tell us in the comments what your favorite drink is in the casino oh oh yeah tell us what's your favorite drink to have all your playing if you do drink if you don't drink all good Shirley temple's all the way mm-hmm like my friend Kareem Jerry tempo all that with Karina's and drink Kareem does not drink ah nice surprising okay she does not drink Wow yeah surprised me all right we're still in a profit zone which is good you can try to remain here getting some more money come on now do it for Dean Alice do it for Dean let's call Dean let's go you what's that I dunno Dean's really a degenerate that's the reason he likes our Channel yep one of us one of us all right block look right all right go hey all right one more time on block if it's read will move to read painting to feel Jerry [Applause] that's like a full-time job to try and get you wanna play it really is on the paper Dean actually tries to you only win 100 I feel like that's a little more realistic I love it oh I can see that but I'd have to take like a dinner break yeah yeah like a real job that's probably actually what Dean does Dean tell us what you do for a living you don't mind telling you're probably a professional gambler a professional gambler professional gambler all right we do one more spin before I reset the camera okay all right so we're staying on black right one that last one BAM profit zone with still profiting come on Alex a lots riding on this video don't do it Dean's whole livelihood is riding out of it yeah yeah we might have found the one we want to find the one dude this is the one system I might actually start liking roulette for once what is it 22 oh wow my lover let just riveted nice all right well alex is paying that I've never said all the camera all right there we go 35 place your bets all right all the cameras are reset Alex paid me and bam we continue with this all right so this is not a review of this system yet we always want to play it twice before we have a review simply because so that we have more more information to draw from all right oh dude look at that profit Wow look at that come on Sarah black Oh amazing Wow good day sir great day Dean when you're coming to Vegas yeah Dean come on man gotta come to Vegas nice Wow do it amazeballs so good staying on block changing the fields guys painting the field painting tips is painting the fish you're almost at $100 profit dude come on so close now Oh another one oh yeah leave work early today we're gonna go to the palms go to the buffet just kidding we're actually gonna place Reggie all right Wow look at that there you go place your bets look at that dude I like my you know 51% odds it's just luck that's it dude you're just lucky Timmy waiting salt part 2 where I get my revenge dude come on one more spin day will be over $100 profit you come on one more black dude or one more sellout already yeah yeah actually could have cashed out all right in Dean's term winning $100 I really I could have catch that yeah Oh another one Wow great so Dean would have cashed out yep now winning a hundred bucks that's great oh dude but here at CG we always go big or go home most of the time we just go home there you go Sarah was waiting for you one more now we're doing more what is that we say okay no no we said in the video that we're gonna try to double right yeah we're going let's do if we're up 100 bucks let's see we can double it go 10 and then let's double everything double everything yeah so I'm going to double everything yeah let's double everything all right so in Dean's own system it's already a success for today but now we're just gonna double because we're going to enter inside 100 bucks is not enough not enough so we're gonna double every bet dude yep they're going this another eight we're gonna go yep oh my god you know alice is gonna like take away all my winnings here that's flying all along dude let's see if it works with double units same oh ha ha that's today hey man dang hunter bucks not enough 200 bucks better Oh God black oh I like hoping for dear life Mary lanthum oh jeez no hawk the way oh we should have walked away there we go one more time keep going it ain't in these terms it already works I'm just too many more so how much I give you there 16 yeah 16 there you go 10 here and put you on each one dude make this is harder to set up than the one kind of double yeah come on there you go BAM come on we need to win recuperate that but it's not that bad though because you get paid 70 now that's 70 Oh with the loss like 40 we're just saying it oh yeah yeah oh we need to win like three hands why oh my god [Laughter] yeah life was good until you alex says go all-in do never gamble with Alex okay don't gamble with me never we're gonna move to black black no no no no we're gonna move to read now since we lost black twice who was a degenerate tell me who's the degenerate in the comments I can't be the only one come on now come on now see now we're now we're down to like our actual money see that for a more nice win Alice who's taking us those red new it's good now alex has taken us all the way down to our base you know thing Timmy as a hater he doesn't believe in the system sir red oh yeah okay there you go and you got one too many right there oh thank you yes that's terrible dee and I can see why you walk away at 100 yeah no I see why you only been one unit Julian is a rough dude yeah instead of cutting out 16 and just give you a side and give it back to me - there you go this dude it's not looking too hot dude that I was so happy before you were happy and then you uh played with me gamble with me nope yep gambling with Alex this is what happens always fun oh it's a fun time you know losing to two dollars in five minutes and it's great 31 oh my god no Alex I was good yeah I was doing well so if we lost twice again so we're gonna move from red to black I hear you're Alex oh thank you so much is that a tip no I might actually need to switch I'm running out of money quick oh we're doing so well go black yeah black you might not have enough change change okay some tech change dude hungry whole area this one like your buddy tells you all you leave the table you have $100 you go I'm like oh no no I got it I really hope there's truffle Cohoes we gotta go it's a big big win see that like a hundred dollars not enough we got double eat try to go over 200 and I'm gonna be disappointed if there's no chocolate for house playing in the background while we're doing this there has to be something positive and upbeat yeah and my sad face just looked more and more you know yeah drastic Timmy's gonna have to go back to working on his fragrance channel the way those things going yeah basically yep oh yeah we got a roller a roller again Wow has it been time where it doesn't drop I've happened once yep yep not even once but a couple times once I don't really like 100 spins or something else you said yeah actually say the ball that's it there Wow so what do you do you could stall no spin no if it's like continually if after a while you could just say no spin every spin it mm-hmm now procedure wise just for the audience you have to call the floor in for that yes oh there you go here come on back like yeah look at party on the road did you lose a lot lot I don't want to counted you I had a win like four or five in a row to get whatever I earn you know back you know this is a start this is to start for sure see I'm not I'm I'm in the red zone still I'm not even in profit anywhere in the red zone hey no more bets black yep there you go there you go thank you thank you hmm Dean will sweating it out there for a second yep there you go Wow I can't touch the money yet you meet a big power move give it to me I need my money no money to pay rent anymore oh there you go place your bets still on the block on the blocks okay okay Wow there we go all right we're slowly slowly getting our money back we're still not in the profit zone that's a hundred and this is less than 100 so oh come on okay that's not good not bad all right didn't win as much but still win okay not that I'm sorry to sound like how I sound when I play it real money is like and then I just went to the pawn shop ace went to the pawn shop and you know on my car my house yep oh there it is no okay back to even I mean yeah it is kind of back to even I guess looks like it's back to even now let's pretend black oops over there there there there there oh my god there you go come on Alex do it for Dean yeah do it for Dean let's go Dean Dean Dean team Dean dude team Dean yeah come on it was like I saw it bouncing 224 just a second that's actually my favorite three number 1730 220 on the roulette 1730 220 yep really mm-hmm that's my favorite section I look if I actually play now that makes a difference all right we stay on block right now is everyone lost twice and roadblock hmm I think the last time I legitimately played all right I took Rochelle to the Neon Museum and I would have the Oakland says that 25 cents for a 25 cent roulette yeah that's something [Applause] dude what's a little happier like early on the video you guys let's just scroll back and really look you know yeah can you do a highlight reel this is just a little bit too depressing black let's go no okay we're down to the nitty-gritty again there you go send here over here here oh my god we're in the red zone once again wait we lost twice they're gonna move to read now forgot about that why my still bidding you're a DJ the because now I'm chasing yeah oh yeah it was like chaser Timmy I would have bet all of it if I could maybe towards the end of the video but I'm still in the red I'm gonna bet everything cuz you try and win everything back what is it Alex black Wow oh dude that's it so that's really is it dude that's not much if I do this again I win I lose I'm not gonna have enough for another one so let's make this the last bin I'm gonna bet everything okay I'm just gonna put three on each one you've ever known each one Oh perfect see that's exactly I was gonna tell you the other like dude yeah that much left just go three three three yep this guy knows this guy Gamble's just high Gamble's yeah three three three yep oh man dude you said some of those three three we just need 15 on blood dude your spin a little bit faster where's it on blog on ready we lose twice I don't even know I don't know I remember anymore and your multiple they're amazing Wow dude everyone a little bit of that back all right don't spin yet because three Eunice is a little bit of rough to set up okay I'm just gonna cut out three units right here so I can just grab and go all right dude we got to trying to win our money back we're up to three units now oh there you go that's what that to see big pile is coming back all right this where you dude tip oh my God thank you so much oh sir what you wish sir what all right here we go I should win four units dude oh yeah shut up all right next one is for you then I think I have enough oh we just totally like destroyed diene system after we units we just tell you like just didn't care we're like nope gotta go for it more gotta go or action more action what does it do it tell me the good news oh thank you thank you nice nice I prepared some for unit vets yeah and 20 on the black so I can see this being like a 2-1 to reverse system nothing like dude this is worse than 2 & 2 because like I got posit it's like a negative feeling one more detail I actually have an idea I'm gonna have to come up with the next video we'll do this and I'll show you Alex's that system we'll see if it works alright with being on black ok here we go yeah once you cut out four units on the table dude you might look weird but you know people on the table understands your pending a [ __ ] ton of money here you're in Texas you're a gambler yep will you come to Vegas to do yeah you want to win right that's why casino partners like us they like our students and they like the fact that we're terrible gamblers what do you mean terrible we're terribly come here to win dude yeah we're still in a red zone believe it or not after all that rich like that this is terrible what am i doing my life my mental health is like deteriorating oh yes alright did you press it to five minutes dude this is a parolee it's calling the whole table parolee sir do you have enough to pay me alright 140 and black out sir gotta wait til all the money sorry amateur hour over here yeah all right amateur okay don't spin yet yep all right cutting out oh my god these all right four units dude four units bang on black all we need really this may be one more win one or two more witnesses and that's it dude that says it's all I need Alex come on come on now all right there we go it's all correct I think so black black black are you best Wow after all that Alex did you do this to me I only get one more spin to be in the process of course that's how it works all right how much more time we got what actually I'm still trying to make these please spin last spin so we're gonna do five games no no don't spin yet oh he's like totally like corrections system yeah you didn't follow the game no we did you guys are just being degenerate we did follow the game plan anyone it 100 bucks dude 500 bucks wasn't enough and then we just factory no no no we only lost one so we're gonna stay on black that's the thing too the longer you stay on the table that's a tip of the day the longer you stay on the table a better chance of casino has to win oh my god a sign up all right there you go and eat 25 on here check change please check change okay let's do the green yep 25 BAM there you go believe in your life spin come on dude I really need this win okay everybody is danger yep it's like I was like enough Michael maybe one more spin oh yes not the present I like you very happy five units so twenty-one each that's 100 105 yep 105 profit yeah oh no I might be wrong just these I forgot to count these these go out five units that time forgot to count that so actually I want a lot more than that oh look at that Wow mmm okay so me being me of course we can't stay on just five units you think I am no I'm Timmy so we're gonna go with the six unit B is like shaking his head seems like I'm never sending those ever again did we just destroy that's all you do is just botch botch it all right did our thing I'm black yeah there we go oh man I'm gonna need a lot more on this this I might be out check change not yet hold on hold on there we go slowly you have enough you think I have enough yeah how many more that we need to cut 18 18 yeah look at these check like Dickie I know yeah we're just gonna change them all right can you put it over there then you need 30 on them oh so five more yep there we go all right down to the nitty-gritty dude one more winter come on let the parolee ride next ones give you seven unit about how grand I would look this table already looks pretty freaking ridiculous roulette gods oh you best let God didn't like me today wow you know check change sir here you go once we're gonna keep to our six units until we win oh my god dude already black bust it out I don't even know if that's enough for six yellows if you have dollars cuz you think I'm at six times eighteen that's like a hundred forty something hundred forty oh man you have to go back down to five units uh we're sitting on a forty eight thing on blacks cause we only lost once yeah Madras like twice yet so dude you're killing me here dude I wouldn't wanted to go for six minutes go any smaller this is a rough dude I don't like what before it was a little bit okay with it but now it's like out it cuz you know oh wait I do have enough here chicks change guys we're doing it we're doing six units we're doing six unit goes No all right six-six-six all right this is the last bin if I lose that's it huh I lose that Wow work to get the even dude this little on of work really is a lot of where to get eaten what is it 16 you that's it lost all the money chase it lost it for the big win you know and I just lost it all so let's head of the day Alex what's up don't chase don't chase no know when to walk away know when to walk away listen to Dean's email instructions on walking away yeah the most important one man yeah don't gamble with Ali yeah yeah oh my god all right I only have like ten bucks yeah no no no I have an idea there one more spin imma ride it on 20 there you go ten dollars on 22 okay good luck soon yeah I gotta win this one too you can tell by my staff you have very full effort yeah mm-hmm last spin guys and we'll call it a day oh that's not even close all right that's it thank you for watching Thank You Dean for saying it's a system we will be reviewing this system on a next video we like to play two games per review it but yes thank you for the systems review of the paint the field I actually really love the name for this one but yeah with that said check out our patreon if you haven't done so like the video comment down below and we'll see you guys the next one thank you guys see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: CEG Dealer School
Views: 578,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live roulette, live roulette las vegas, live roulette battle, roulette big win, how to play roulette, how to win in roulette, best roulette systems, best roulette strategy, roulette basics, roulette basic strategies, roulette tips, live roulette casino, roulette casino, paint the field roulette system, paint the field roulette, testing roulette strategy
Id: NRmwotQlw0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 2sec (3002 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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