[백종원의 님아 그 시장을 가오_EP.44_울산] 울산 팀원분들이 꽁꽁 숨겨서 몰래 먹는 집! 찾아왔지요~

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(Who's this?!) (Aww, how cute!) (Where did you come from?) (Are they) Hand, hand, hand, hand, hand (acquaintances?) Yes, yes, yes Are you happy to see me? (I missed you!) Aww, hey... (Wag! Wag!) [Staff] We thought it was yours (Nice to meet you!) No, but it sure is happy to see me (They never met before) Okay, okay, okay, okay I need to vlog here Hello Go on You say hi, too (I'm camera shy) Hello, everyone (The love in his eyes) We're in Ulsan today (Make sure you get) Don't you find industrial complexes (my good side!) to be awe-inspiring? Honestly, Ulsan is famous for many things But today, I wanted to show the industrial complex in particular (Symbol of Korean modernization) (First National Industrial Park Ulsan's Mipo district industrial complex) (Once you pass the industrial complex) (and cross over the Ulsan Bridge) (You'll witness a new side of Ulsan) [Paik to the Market] (Ep. 44 Dong-gu, Ulsan Metropolitan City) Stunning, isn't it? This place was the driving force behind Korea's growth and it still is Those working there are true patriots [Paik] They got this country's back They have my respect You're a plump one, aren't you? What's your name? You were so happy to see me a minute ago (Suddenly keeping its distance) (Sad) Now you treat me like a stranger It finally came back to its senses Now that it had a closer look, it realized I was a complete nobody You're embarrassed, right? (Have we met before?) You ran to me looking all happy and I was afraid people might mistake me for your owner See? Look I bet it also feels embarrassed (I did nothing) [Paik] You're embarrassed, right? See how it's trying to act all innocent I'm off See? It doesn't even care anymore (Hurt) (Sad) I swear, it was about to follow me home earlier What a funny dog See you Hey! I'm leaving! Sheesh! (That dog played with me...) Wuh... Seriously (You talking about me?) [Paik] What a strange little fellow Was my coat giving off a tempting smell? (The thing is...) (As soon as he arrives) I didn't even walk that much... (the dogs go head over heels for him) Do you know a nice restaurant around here? Sorry to bother you (Even in Damyang ep 8, on his way to eat) Something that stands out in that area [Paik] Yeah, okay, okay (Dogs' favorite celeb) The dogs sure love me I'm off Bye bye! Bye bye! Seriously... (I thought we were friends...) I'm offended How can you switch attitudes so quickly? (Whatever, let's go and eat) (Enjoy your meal!) There's the place (Excited to check out today's restaurant) Are they open? [Paik] Excuse me [Owner] Yes, welcome (Surprised) What brings you here? I came to eat your chicken, that's what (Is it the real Paik Jongwon?) (Asked for good restaurants in Ulsan) I asked around Ulsan for restaurant recommendations (Recommended a chicken place) and many said to visit your place Where is everybody? [Paik] Guys, come in! How did you find your way here? (We're just a regular chicken place!) My friend highly recommended your place Oh, this must be it! He recommended roasted chicken with pepper Our dishes are simple Yes, simple is fine Is roasted chicken with pepper and vegetables your main dish? Ours is a bit different from the other chicken places - Is this dish exclusive to your place? - [Owner] That's right Now I know why my friend recommended that menu Some customers said it's kinda like Chinese food Really? Then, I'll have two roasted chicken with pepper, please Has it been 30 years since you opened this place? Yes, this restaurant helped us raise our children (You have my respect, ma'am!) I could tell this place was 30 years old after seeing the restroom (He's quite the comedian) I hope you gain more customers so you can fix the restroom (The restroom is on our top list of rennovating!) (The place is still empty since it's early) - Are dinnertimes typically more crowded? - We're pretty idle in the noon Customers start rushing in after work hours Until what time are you open? Around 12 o'clock - At night? - Yes Then do you open around 11 o'clock in the morning? We have lots of acquaintances around the neighborhood So if they call and ask for us to open earlier, we get up immediately and start cooking [Staff] Whoa... (Opening hours not set in the town) That's just how it is I guess I noticed there were a bunch of chicken franchises (Streets filled with chicken franchises) [Paik] Lots of them here This area is packed with franchise restaurants Yet you managed to come this far competing against all the franchises (It happens to be so) Man, I'm starving (We can't leave him on an empty stomach!) (A fresh appearance) Huh? So, this is how it's served Interesting (Let me get my phone real quick!) I guess it was worth the recommendation (Gotta record this!) Now I'm curious about your half-fried and half-seasoned chicken, too (Makes you wonder about the rest) I'm curious about that one, too So, this is why they say it resembles a Chinese dish (Shall I dig in?) The sauce is at the bottom Oh, I see! (Owner's tip, eat it with the sauce at the bottom) (How does it taste?) (A taste that calls for beer!!!) One beer, please This should go perfectly with it This is good (A big bite before the beer arrives) (Nothing beats chicken and beer!) Thank you This dish definitely calls for beer (Korean chicken and beer are inseparable) Cheers to you, sir and ma'am! (Nice) [Staff] Smells like Yuringi (fried chicken in hot and sour soy sauce) (True!) Those who like Yuringi will love this (Mustard sauce taste) The sauce is similar to that of Jokbal Naengchae (Chilled braised pigs` feet salad) but much more savory This one's fried (Savory mixed with tart and salty sauce) [Paik] So the savory fried flavor and the tart yet salty flavor blends well together (A strangely charming mix) creating an interesting taste (Cheongyang pepper adds heat) Then the cheongyang pepper adds a mild kick to it (I can't stop eating it) [Staff] It feels more like a Chinese place than a chicken place This place sells chicken but we barely need to do anything No deboning whatsoever (Slightly) (disappointed?) It still has bones Bones left after deboning I guess they left it in there for people like me who needs to eat everything down to the meat on the bones (It's fun to eat it off the bones!) That's so good (Munch on it some more!) (Chef's kiss!) Feels like we're being approved by the master Master? Me? Nah, I still got a long way to go This is delicious It would've been better if I came at dinnertime This is even better with soju Don't tempt me to order soju when I haven't even finished my beer (Just joking!) No wonder he was loafing around I knew he would say that (You're doing a wonderful job, ma'am) What if this place goes viral after this video and the Mrs has too much work to do? [Staff] I'm sure her husband helps out a lot Does your wife do all the cooking? (You talking to me?) Pardon? Do you prepare the chicken when it gets busy? No, I do everything Then, what do you do? Do you help your wife at all? He's in charge of delivery [Paik] Haha, seriously... I might not be of much help, but I'm good at making plain chicken (You should've showed that when Mr. Paik was here) - Other than that, I can't do any - Don't take his word for it (If only you lived up to your words...) Like the fancy ones that take a lot of time (They seem to have disagreements at times) I try not to cook (and he might seem to be idling around) (but he's always ready to do the serving) My husband prepares the chicken, does the delivery, (Say something nice about me) and serves food to the customers (But for 36 years) (they were the best teammate) (for each other!) [Staff] The boneless chicken and the chicken with bones taste different The boned roasted chicken is used as a whole while the boneless chickens are mainly consisted of lean meat from the thighs However, this has lean meat from both chicken breast and thighs The art of boned chicken is biting the meat off of the bones which does take time to finish But boneless chicken, you just pop it in your mouth one by one [Staff] The dish looks more full with the meat deboned and shredded (Lingering for no reason) [Staff] It actually looks smaller in portion [Staff] Does it? (Should I jump in at this point?) There would be more volume with the bones We use a slightly bigger chicken for that dish Wow! This is... (Enough for 4 people to have a drink with) Great for four people to eat with a drink Four people can order this with the half and half chicken That would be too much, actually (This single chicken can feed more than 2 people) [Staff] I think this dish is exclusive to this place only I don't think you can find this dish in any other chicken places [Staff] Perhaps that's the secret to them lasting 30 years This is delicious, ma'am Thank you! (Hesitates after holding up his chopstick) I'm gonna wait until the fried chicken is served (Half seasoned) (Half fried) (Eat it before it gets cold!) (It's finally here!) - Is this the half and half? - Yes (Let's dig in!) (Dip it in salt) (Crisp and freshly fried chicken) (I hope he likes it...) (Nervous) (Right up his alley) [Staff] Are you Team Fried than Team Seasoned? No, you can't eat the fried ones if you eat the seasoned ones first (Don't worry, I'm gonna try the seasoned one, too) The seasoned one is good, too They use the traditional method for the half and half one [Paik] The taste is very nostalgic (Takes him back to his childhood) Reminds me of what I ate in high school Chicken places don't make this sauce anymore They changed the sauce recipe for all the franchises, right? Their sauces are constantly updated We make our own sauce (He's so funny LOL) We're talking about something else [Staff] Why are there so many different sauces these days? Because the competition is fierce With so many chicken brands, that's the only way to stand out So... (To stand out from the rest) Constantly coming up with new sauces to make their menus more special (If one brand gets popular) but once it becomes a hit, every other brand catches up (the other brands catch up immediately) so they have to find another sauce The chicken brands have a sauce war going on (Due to the fierce competition) Thanks to that, Korea's chicken menus (Korea has the best fried chicken) are the best in the world Pretty cool if you ask me [Staff] Do you ever order fried chicken to be delivered? (Who among Koreans wouldn't?) Of course [Staff] What's your favorite chicken brand? (We want chicken!) Whichever my kids like (Let's whip up a treat for Mr. Paik!) (Anything fried tastes delicious) (but fried sweet potatoes) (are irresistible...) (It's a menu that's on the house from time to time) ((On the house) Not on the menu Fried sweet potatoes) Is this part of the menu? - No - Then what? Is it on the house for those who order a lot? (Just wanted to share some good sweet potatoes) - [Staff] Thank you so much - Is this just for us? Or do you serve it to other customers? (When we have time on our hands!) Yes, we do - Thank you - [Staff] We appreciate it (We'll enjoy it!) Wow, this is a treat Ma'am, did you give us the fried sweet potatoes because we ordered a lot? Yes! This is really good We also serve it free for regular guests Then other customers will get offended and won't come back (He's got a point) [Paik] These are fantastic I think you should put this on the menu Like how some popular chicken places serve theirs with fried potatoes Or you could just sell this on the side (Fried sweet potatoes worth the money) I think it's worth it But at a reasonable price Not too expensive I would love to do that... (Feeling) (Guilty) But I'm short on hands Help her out for goodness sake! (But I do the delivery...) I feel your pain, ma'am! - Imagine what I go through! - [Paik] Goodness... (Joking) All he does is idle around Thank you for cheering me up! (Anyway, these sweet potatoes are bomb!) I love this I can't stop eating this It's addicting Are you all done? [Staff] Yes Shall we get going, then? How much did we order? [Owner] 72,000 won Looks like you're in charge of the cashier (It's my responsibility...) Here, I'll pay directly to you Keep the change Treat yourself to an ice cream - No, please take the change - No, it's fine Please help your wife more often (I'll try!) You gotta work as a team The world has changed Thank you for a great meal! - Please, here's your change - Nah, I don't want it! - Take care - Thank you for coming - Keep up the good work! - I will - He'll help you from now on - Thank you Have a nice day (See you again!) (Come visit Ulsan) (to the chicken place that stood for 30 years) (by a hard working couple) Life's full of surprises I guess all my hard work was worth it I mean, every day is a good day for me but meeting Mr. Paik will live in my memory forever
Channel: 백종원 PAIK JONG WON
Views: 346,834
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Keywords: 울산, 음식, 맛집, 치킨, 고추야채통닭, 통닭, 강아지, 리트리버, 공장, 산업단지, 기업, 웅장, 울산대교, 추억, 바다, 풍경, 바위, 산, 성장, 애국자, 재미, 웃음, 맛, 담양, 인기스타, 밥, 먹방, 고래, 여행, 관광, 닭, 치킨집, 고추, 기대, 낮, 퇴근, 손님, 장사, 저녁, 동네, 요리, 거리, 배고파, 사진, 후라이드, 양념, 맥주, 술, 안주, 유린기, 족발, 족발냉채, 고소, 기름, 새콤, 짭짤, 청양고추, 매력, 전문가, 검증, 소주, 농담, 배달, 서빙, 세월, 동반자, 사랑, 순살, 뼈, 닭가슴살, 추천메뉴, 양념치킨, 반반치킨, 소금, 샐러드, 바삭, 입맛, 학창시절, 소스, 치킨종류, 차별화, 인기, 최강국, 민족, 튀김, 고구마, 여유, 서비스, 고구마튀김, 별미, 특화, 감자, 유명, 답답, 계산, 행복, Ulsan, Food, Gourmet, Chicken, Pepper Vegetable Whole Chicken, Whole Chicken, Retriever, Factory, Industrial Complex, Company, Growth, Patriot, Fun, Laughter, Taste, paik, paikjongwon
Id: q5xpyh1l2zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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