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foreign I hope you're doing well so in this video I'm going to share with you how to use the trend paste on transitioning Gamora and I how I use it to edit my video with my idea I hope you hear from you and let's begin to the film right interface they import the my resources with the first I want with the first I wanted to show you that the book I'll download from the internet so second that's the patient would take foreign variation yeah that's like this and now I just and then I just uh tell it to make it like a video like this yeah this is so now I am getting to the track and to make it my video so first I drag the wrap and drop the book first so I want to cut it for two seconds to make about two seconds to make my first protect sorry and make it straighten out your feet the C3 the photo secret like this and then I make for about two seconds for four tests in first video with the animation like this go to animation keyframe here and here and that is so now take a look how it works you see that yeah that's how I make it I mean I mean not today I want to make it with the painter now with the page hand I use a vein like this is a that population so the effect windows and right to the emerging mask and reported them and now I just adjust this patient will take that's a fit then when the viewers have a look on my video and feel that the patient right here but now vocally and we go to the throne key and adjust my color the same you see that now that is the same but enough to feel the echo echo theater I will take that zero I mean pay time yeah again with the face and again with the effect and I do maybe eat the rectangle maybe the tango right now you don't need to edit it fit with the pattern that's low uh reality right here and then but I want to make it bigger than that now see that and now when I'm done with the pace arm right so with the first pattern and then I add my Tech video right here and I do the same so I go to the go to the Tech video also and then go to the effect window into it run and run the image yes you see that and that will click and create your own key and it's just like this actually to fit with the first way right here yes to welcome so I met them but I'm happy to chant with the square and share like this I think that's not enough and change to the rectangle yeah I and then you see with the first day and and to my Channel I didn't really be something uh hard to see so I double click any coaches from okay with the echo feel and make it zero with the echo thickness I make zero two no no it doesn't mean yes that's all and now you see welcome back to my channel right so here with the pay turn feature you just strategic any longer you want so that's how I done with the free turn so and now as the return again let me add my video right here so I just copy this and put it there with the file 24 K10 sorry with the four python right and now you see that oh and then by the one to make it a little bit faster it just thread it in all right so when you're done with the peasants Finance so I import my main video here okay here in my main video also I put it right well for the next patient and I just it says a little bit something past in my in this photo type right it's bad stuff sorry here you see now I just added that is a hard part today because uh it's hard to do to make it a good view for you when you you edit it so I go to the effect and use immersion mark first and if you with the mark eventually you can go this one until the uh Square and I adjust the secret not to fit we could pay one pay only yeah like this now you see but you still do one more thing to edit this for Tech to make it a little bit uh yeah because you see uh the color of the visibility that different totally different with the color of the and now I double click the this video so I go to compositing I double click and here compositing and it's a hard light yeah hard light and make it that to fear to free to fade out this around like this yeah and now again I one more thing I want to it here that's it and go to effect and with the fear I make the filter for 40. then you see now okay so I one more thing it's a new feature system right that's a mask sorry yeah that's a mess I heated up a live mask and then blurstring like this and why like this and here in the Mata the new feature in filmora 11 and you can try it when you download an update to new newest object so make here in the system set so that's no that's done that's how that's that's what I need to access to make this video to look cinematic right again you take a look one pay and welcome back to imagine and then fall paste turn so and I'm asked you right here you see that and now for the last part I still copy sorry I still copy for place on this and right here when the patent then I want this free time you know yeah and now I hated definition here animation active frame and here nice here history here the opacity and width opacity and make it totally same like this okay like okay and now you see how it works uh yeah that's how it done uh with my photo today so I hope it's a really useful to you and if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe and give me thumbs up my channel thank you very much guys for watching my video and hope to see you next video see ya
Channel: Danny Do
Views: 2,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make page turn, how to make page flip, page turn effect, page flip effect in Filmora, use effect in filmora, how to use page turn transition, how to use page filp transition
Id: pKQWwmNeYkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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