Paddy McGuinness storms out of an interview *funny*

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it's got to be I want to see how well you are with your amazing grace we've actually got celebrity Silver's here so we're gonna show you some pictures I want you to tell us hey are they alright come on okay so number one here you go on number one who's that oh that's quite connect Oh reticular could see the error on you can shoot his head no you can see the edge of an eye edge of and I look at what auditor it's easy to see can you stop to me Luke's like a dog from behind right okay I'll think you know what I'm saying definitely not well let's have a look to see who it is it is it's Bruce Lee oh no I'm just separating it's like a dog from behind not the master not a master of the great one okay let's have a look at another one oh there's a bit of a brow - I reckon that's lineker yes mrs. Rheiner alright let's have another year I saw the ear excellent well next one yeah next one next one who's this well that's Devils oh it's ossuary away that's difficult is thanks Holly it's a litlle a lady grey uh-uh Oh God Helen Helen yeah Flanagan no talk that's the only one I know let's show him Helen Mirren okay oh there no could I get that next one is Alec what the hell that's gonna be Susan Boyle surely not is it not exact let's have a look it's brown mate I was when I lose out I thought please let me know on the head here's your last one right okay what's that who's that is that you no I don't know whether it's me or not let's have a look let's have a look it's desert orchid Oh easily confused with silver yes out so you were well you can't conclude under the gun we do some tough ones for you um amazing Grey's ITV oh please Monty please nor whoa again is that it yeah oh I know we're playing that Duff game Hey look I've been having a chat we've just talked about your show no no but I like talking to you too cuz I might yeah this is happened again sorry got me playing Brian me desert cop sorry paddy paddy we'll see you at 8:30 on Saturday night on ITV sorry paddy bye buddy see ya Oh real know I may be well and truly done it now all right so over all see you tomorrow bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,296,652
Rating: 4.2152271 out of 5
Keywords: Paddy McGuinness (TV Program Creator), Interview (TV Genre), holly willoughby, Phillip Schofield (TV Personality), funny
Id: m0ihlhhTLJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 24 2014
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