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if I ask you what you know about Pablo Escobar the first thing that comes to mind is the cocaine trade then you will add that he was incredibly rich and last of all someone will say about his terrorist acts political Ambitions and the help of a poor man but what if I say that all of the above with the same success for example can be attributed to his partner in the Medellin cartel Carlos the leader or to another associate of Escobar in the cartel Rodriguez gotcha who perhaps had no political Ambitions but nevertheless it was Pablo who became a household name and today we will try to figure out what Escobar did what exactly they say about him as the most iconic figure among the first drug lords and tell you who was the man who got from the poor slums of Medellin to the tens of the richest people in the world according to Forbes Magazine and why was he hunted by the whole of Colombia and the elite parts of the American special services and whose murder still leaves more questions than answers meet me Pablo Emilio Escobar gaviria on the other side of the law Pablo Escobar was born on the 1st of December 1949th year in the small town of TD ribia which is located near the Rio negro in the province of antioqui Pablo's mother hermilda gaviria was a school teacher and his father Jesus Daria Escobar had his own ranch which he inherited and numbered up to 800 cattle mostly consisting of cows nevertheless it could not be said that the Escobar family lived in a big way they huddled in a small wooden house with one room and a kitchen and most often the mother sewed clothes for the children herself to save money well this more or less stable established life was disrupted by several Events first the cows on the ranch got sick with fever and began to die and mass the livestock in a matter of days decreased by more than 500 individuals which is why Jesus had to declare himself bankrupt and sell the ranch and then the civil war between liberals and conservatives came to the town which in history was called laviolencia and lasted from 1948 to 1958. during this time more than 300 000 innocent people were killed and the Guerrilla armies fighting in that conflict became famous for their excessive brutality they killed their victims with machetes cut their throats and pulled out their tongue through this incision this if I may say so Exposition was called the Colombian tie and it was one of the most harmless executions of those years I will not tell you about how a kind of vase with flowers was made from the victim's body and then one day not at all beautiful or to be more precise night this atrocity came to Aunt Rivia the partisans entered the town and began pulling residents out into the street and hacking with machetes the Escobar family was saved by the fact that the Army managed to arrive in the city and the partisan detachments fled never having managed to get into their house however retreating they set it on fire and the last property of the family dissolved into flames escobarov no longer kept anything in Ted Arabia and the whole family moved to Pablo's grandmother from living in Medellin she was engaged in pouring sauces and packing spices which she then sold to stores and had a fairly large house that could accommodate the whole family of Jesus and hermilda for a while here for a short time it is worth deviating a little from the history of Pablo and talking about the history of Medellin I am sure that such on the one hand little things like family history the history of the city in which the main character of the biography grew up even the history of the district in which he was most in childhood as well as the mentality of the people among whom he grew up are very very important in the context of the history of a person's whole life and in the following chapters they will help us to better understand the motives of actions and actions in this case of Pablo Escobar Medellin this is the second most populous city in Colombia second in this aspect only to Bulgaria which is the capital of the country it is located in the province of Antioquia and is surrounded by Pine forests it is often called the city of eternal bring and many consider the area in which it is located to be the most beautiful place in South America during the Spanish rule the colonists mostly preferred Bogota and even made it the capital of their Spanish captaincy General so more educated and well-mannered citizens flocked there and metalkin stood somewhere on the outskirts and was inhabited by uncouth and rude as they called themselves Paisa which means countrymen and if the residents of Bogota held education in high esteem then the countrymen were aggressive and ambitious hard workers whose main task was to earn money and get out so to speak into people and since then the differences between the residents of the capital and fellow countrymen have only intensified if culture developed in Bogut along with industry then in Medellin along with legal occupations that allowed them to become the main producer of coffee in Colombia criminality also developed which for the most part consisted of smuggling various goods and their further duty-free sale thus by the time the Pablo family moved there the Medellin was rightfully considered a city of Smugglers however it cannot be said that he began to learn this craft from young males like for example Al Capone whose biography is also on our Channel yes he grew up in an environment in which these classes were the norm he even had relatives who were engaged in this illegal type of earnings which I will tell you about a little later but Pablo's childhood was no different from the childhood of other children from poor families in Medellin he like everyone else loved playing football and disappearing into the night on the street with friends doing everything that a child thinks can entertain they threw eggs at each other sealed the doorbells with gum so that they rang continuously and in general did what we and the common people call skodnachat there was no talk of any crime at the same time Pablo met many boys who would later also join the medelka cartel of the most significant personalities it should be noted or hicha and Gustavo gaviria if they did not have a special friendship with the first at that time perhaps because of the different social status of their parents and perhaps because because of something else then with the second who was Pablo's cousin they had a very strong relationship and from the moment they met they did almost all their business LED together towards the end of high school which Escobar by the way graduated from which was not particularly common among boys of his social status he got his first official job becoming a courier for a local company engaged in the production of Dentures which he in fact delivered to the dentist of Medellin on his bicycle he gave the money he earned to his mother there was nothing to say that the whole world would know about this boy later the first sprouts of Escobar's business Acumen and political Ambitions began to appear during his studies at the University where he studied political science it was then that his inner circle heard from his lips the rhetoric that he would continue while trying to build his political career in addition to Reviving The Political program Pavel began to show the abilities of a businessman he bought old tombstones from graves in Medellin cemeteries from which the bodies were removed due to the fact that no one came to them for a long time and then sold them to his uncle's shop which was engaged in engraving tombstones there are also rumors that Escobar stole them or that he was stealing cars and so successfully that the insurance paid him not to steal insured cars and of course you've probably heard the story about the kidnapping of a wealthy industrialist Diego and chavaria for whom no Ransom was paid and Pablo killed him let's figure out where these rumors came from in general and how much truth there is in them after Pablo got to Congress in addition to accusations of drug trafficking all sorts of stories about other illegal actions of Escobar aimed at blackening his reputation also began to surface moreover these stories were not supported let alone by any papers about the arrests and even the testimony of witnesses or accomplices was not provided if in the case of the theft of tombstones or cars it is very difficult to prove Escobar's guilt or innocence then in the case of the abduction everything looks as far-fetched as possible if any of you are not aware then the story here is as follows Pablo stole a rich industrialist who was disliked by the poor of Medellin and then without receiving a ransom killed him and openly attributed this act to himself firstly daigovicavaria was a philanthropist who donated his money to the needs of the poor population of the city of itaguya which is just around the corner in Medellin and there was no hatred from the poor towards the secondly these murders were also attributed to a local Medellin gang called el monotruse and I did not find any confirmation of Pablo's connection with them but thirdly the most obvious thing is that if Escobar had openly declared that he had killed a prominent Colombian the hunt would have already begun for him about which not a word is written anywhere of course nothing can arise from scratch and any event has some kind of basis but let's be realistic and try to rely on some facts and logical conclusions and not blindly demonize a person because Hitler did not immediately burn Jews but first tried to become an artist also in the case of Pablo Escobar a boy who graduated from high school in a social environment where not everyone was able to do it and then went to college suddenly out of the blue starts kidnapping and killing people it doesn't sound very plausible don't you think Pablo got into crime in a completely different way and for completely different reasons his small business selling tombstones did not bring in enough money for him to continue paying for his studies and therefore he had to leave College Escobar could forget about his political career from education and therefore the task of becoming a man which was inherent in him like any other Medellin could be solved only through an increase in financial well-being and here we smoothly approached the story of his relative a Smuggler Pablo by and large at the beginning of his adult life stood at a Crossroads of three roads between which he chose his life path the first is a political career which had to be postponed due to the inability to get an education and lack of Financial Resources the second is legal business or production or agriculture here Pavel had examples of his uncle dealing with tombstones grandmothers selling spices and sauces and his father who had his own ranch in the first two cases earnings clearly did not match his Ambitions and in the third in addition to again not very big earnings he saw with his own eyes all the risks of farming as a child well the Third Road is smuggling here in front of Pablo stood his most successful relative namely his detroberta gaviria who was lucky enough to find a small pot of precious stones in his garden which he successfully sold without attracting much attention and with the money he earned he engaged in smuggling alcohol and tobacco which successfully allowed him to provide his family with everything necessary Pablo Escobar chose the Third Road and used the money earned from the pre-sale of tombstones to smuggle tobacco it is clear that the amount there was small which means that the income was not impressive in order to increase his earnings Pablo decided to get a job as a bodyguard for a major Smuggler Alvar Prieta and through his friends who already worked for Prieta arranged a meeting with him to which he directly stated his intentions Alvar liked the straightforward young man and he hired Escobar now Pablo often being near Prieto began to absorb the knowledge of an experienced Smuggler like a sponge which he was happy to share and when the opportunity came up to go so to speak for a promotion Escobar immediately took advantage of it PRI had a problem with this the workers who loaded goods from the containers in which he arrived into the trucks that took him to Medellin often stole because of this his organization suffered losses Escobar volunteered to solve this problem Prieto promised him 10 of the profits if the cargo reached Medellin in full Pablo new perfectly well that the previous manager of the warehouse where the goods were located paid the movers extremely little because of this they stole in order to somehow feed their families arriving at the place Escobar treated all the workers to lunch and bluntly stated that Prieta had promised him 10 of the profit for the complete safety of the cargo and he was ready to give them half if no one took anything this time otherwise the conversation will be completely different and they will have to look for a new job this time the cargo arrived in its entirety and Pablo kept his word to the workers having met with Prieta after successfully completed the work he told him that he was ready to continue to accompany the cargo be responsible for its complete safety and in case of failure eliminate the losses on his own but he wanted 50 of the profit for it at the same time to put it mildly I was surprised by such an audacious statement but after a long conversation they agreed on the Escobar's share of 40 at which alvara worked even more than with constant theft now Pablo became a partner in this and fully controlled the delivery of the cargo from its arrival in Panama to its delivery to Medellin They Carried quite legal goods for themselves such as jewelry consumer electronics clothing tobacco and the like therefore the police did not touch Escobar for a moderate fee and the locals once again did not tell anyone about his Caravans since they also received small gifts from Pavel it was possible to make two such flights a month and the earnings from each varied from 100 to 120 thousand dollars and by the age of 22 Pablo Escobar had become a dollar millionaire nowadays an incredible rise in the financial well-being of a young guy would certainly cause a lot of questions from the state but at that time no one in Colombia was particularly following this and Pablo was off the radar of State organizations nevertheless a legal basis for earning money was still needed and he began to invest in real estate or rather to engage in fraud to launder your money more effectively for example he bought a house for fifty thousand then after a while he sold it for the same 50 and according to the documents he spent like 90 but these already laundered money went to the bank or other real estate Investments on a rainy day Pavlo kept the money in his house by making a special safe hidden in the wall for this and Escobar also did not forget the family he bought a house for his mother provided his closest relatives with everything they needed in every possible way and took his whole family to America where they visited Disneyland Pablo worked in the smuggling business for a little more than three years but then something happened that greatly influenced his decision to take up cocaine Esco paid bribes to a high-ranking policeman so that his Caravans could pass through the latter's territories unhindered however they decided to transfer the policemen to another place where he could no longer see Escobar's money and in order to somehow compensate for the losses he pawned Pablo to his superiors in the hope of promotion Escobar's next Caravan was completely confiscated Pablo himself managed to escape the Roundup but lost a huge amount of money and when Escobar was sitting holding his head from how much he had lost and how much effort would be needed to restore the roots a man nicknamed cucaracho which means cockroach came to him and suggested that he take up cocaine the Cockroach himself was from Chile his previous Partners were killed by the police of August Pinochet who recently came to power and now he was looking for new Associates it is not surprising that his choice fell on Medellin rightfully called the city of Smugglers but why he came to Pablo probably only the Cockroach himself could answer never nevertheless Escobar under the burden of the problems that have fallen on him and the prospects for earnings that cockroach painted for him decides to agree to his offer and go with him and Gustav's brother to Peru to buy the first batch of cocaine paste to bring the goods from the first Medellin paplow had to travel through three countries Peru Ecuador and Colombia to do this he bought a Renault 4C car and hid the goods under the passenger side of the car the first such flight passed without incident and one kilogram of cocaine paste worth sixty dollars was delivered to Medellin where the so-called kitchen was already prepared for the processing of pasta for all the familiar powder called cocaine so ended the story of a boy from Medellin who wanted to break out into people and the story of Pablo Escobar the world famous drug lord began [Music] today probably everyone knows that cocaine is a dangerous drug from which it is better to stay away the authorities of most countries closely monitor the dealers and strictly punish for its distribution but has it always been like this and most importantly how it was when Pablo Escobar decided to start selling cocaine in general cocaine has existed for thousands of years and South American Indians chewed Leaf [ __ ] long before the arrival of Europeans and only at the end of the 19th century European scientists brought out the same white powder known to all of us at first it was not considered as something harmful and was added to many products the most famous of which is Coca-Cola and Sigmund Freud who had been using cocaine on a regular basis for a long time proclaimed at the causative agent of sexual desire which became one of the reasons for its widespread use at the beginning of the 20th century and as a result in 1914th year the first anti-drug law was adopted in the United States however it still continued to be officially produced including in the USA and it was only in 1963 at the UN assembly that cocaine was officially classified as a prohibited substance and as we all know from history what is prohibited does not cease to exist and spread but only sharply jumps in price cocaine was no exception Chile was rightfully considered the main Center of its production until 1973. cocaine was produced there and then transferred to the states and often the Colombians were engaged in delivering it to America however the parties were small and people of the so-called upper class and Bohemians bought the white powder the market in the USA was extremely small but even then it made it possible to earn a lot of money in addition the DEA at that time practically did not look in the direction of cocaine and did not consider it a problem their main headache was the import and distribution of marijuana as a result by the time Pablo Escobar entered the cocaine business the first wave of cocaine fever had already been forgotten and the authorities were not afraid of its spread and considered it a drug of high society Pablo himself did not agree with this and saw ways to expand the U.S markets the first kilogram of pasta which he brought from Peru and converted into powder in Colombia was sold in this very Colombia not to the rich at all but to ordinary residents of Medellin moreover Escobar saw how people came back to him again and again for a new purchase so why shouldn't what worked in Colombia work in the states and it turned out that it was not at all the demand in the USA was small but the supply that is the import of goods was so small that cocaine simply did not reach the middle or lower class it was a small matter to figure out how to introduce more and more cocaine into America at first Pablo brought cocaine-based Medellin on his Renault then they made powder out of it and then a guy named Lev in a secret jacket pocket transported cocaine to Miami she went back to Colombia very soon such volumes became scarce then Pablo hired people who transported potatoes from Piru to Colombia and paid them for transporting cocaine paste along with the potatoes in the spare wheel instead of a couple of kilograms he could now bring several tens of kilograms of paste to his laboratory and since Lev's jacket was not rubber some other method of transportation was needed to do this Escobar bribed several Pilots of small planes that flew between Colombia and the United States all they had to do was bring old airplane tires stuffed with cocaine to Miami and dumped them at the Airfield then these tires along with the rest of the garbage were taken to the landfill and thrown out and Escobar's man who was watching the garbage truck took them away one such Tire could hold up to 40 kilograms of goods and three or four tires could be placed on the plane the increase in the volume of the paste also created the danger of detection of his laboratory which was located in a residential area of Medellin so Pablo took her to the Jungle in the first year of working with cocaine Escobar earned several times more than in three years of smuggling he bought himself a nice car and a house in the elite metalina District he paid the police and was sure that life was going uphill but then an event happened that actually played a very big role in Escobar's history but then it was impossible to even think how much it would affect his entire fate a man named gavel worked as a driver for Pablo he carried potatoes on trucks where Escobar's goods were hidden Gavey was not particularly smart and with the money he received from his work he immediately began to buy a lot of expensive things and so it turned out that Uncle [ __ ] worked in Das this is an analog of our FSB and he became very interested in where his stupid nephew got such money from but gavel did not find anything better than to directly tell his entire earnings scheme as a result Das stopped one of Pablo's trucks and told the driver to call his boss since a bribe was needed to continue the route Escobar having received the call took it normally since this practice was quite commonplace arriving at the scene Pablo was arrested and sent to prison Escobar spent about two months in prison during this time his people at large found a Common Language with the judge who was supposed to sit for the hearing and the acquittal was only a matter of time but as you have already understood nothing happens in Escobar's story without the word but the day before the hearing the lawyer informed Pablo that the case would be considered a not in Medellin but in pasta the city where the truck started moving it was aggravated by the fact that a military Court would pass sentence which is extremely difficult to bribe especially in a city where he has practically no acquaintances Pablo bribed the guards and escaped from prison the same night he found out somehow and with a large sum of money he managed to find people who knew people who knew people who could help as a result the military Court was changed to a regular one and the judge was bought the issue of Escape was solved by buying a fake medical history and a bribed to the director of the prison the truck driver took all the blame who received generous compensation for this and Escobar was fully acquitted about a month after the trial Pablo received another blow which will also affect him in the future if the arrest directly affects his fate then this case will lay in him the seeds of suspiciousness and a sense of invulnerability and the case itself is as follows two dos agents who had previously arrested him kidnapped Pablo and his brother Gustav on the order of one person they took them to a quiet place and put them on their knees to be shot however greed in them was stronger than a sense of Duty to the customer Escobar managed to offer more money than was promised for his death and while Gustavo went to get the right amount Pablo also found out the name of the person who ordered them for an additional fee it turned out to be none other than cockroach the man who brought Escobar into this business it seemed to him that Pablo was crushing the whole business under him and he wanted to throw him out of business Escobar accustomed to doing business honestly in the smuggling business could not understand why a person who receives well and who is under his protection decided to do this to him but it was no longer smuggling and it was a cocaine business and this case showed Pablo the rules of the game well after a short period of time he killed both the Cockroach and the two dos agents who kidnapped him the boundaries of what is permissible have been expanded and the transformation of the personality of Pablo Escobar from a skilled businessman into a bloody drug lord has been launched ahead was the rapid rise and golden time of the Medellin cartel and Pablo Escobar in particular foreign the problems that Pablo faced left a mark on himself but did not affect the business in any way moreover everything was going exactly as Escobar had planned Demand only continued to increase at first he sent one plane a week then two three and finally they began to fly every day bringing a hundred thousand dollars from one kilogram delivered to Miami taking into account that 120 kilograms were placed on one plane we get an income of 84 million dollars a week and that was just the beginning knowing full well that sooner or later this scheme will be discovered Escobar begins to come up with new ways to deliver cocaine to the United States and seeing how the lion in his magic jacket repeatedly transports Goods without any problems he begins to hire even more people for this method of transportation it is clear that these were not ordinary people from the street and either Pablo himself or someone from the organization had to vouch for them such couriers or as they were also called mules transported cocaine in a variety of ways someone delivered it in a suitcase with a double bottom someone was traveling in shoes that already had a bag of cocaine sewn into the soul others swallowed the bags and carried them in their stomach he even attracted disabled people wheelchair users just sat on a bag of coke and blind people carried it inside their walking stick at first the mules flew every other day then every day then several times every day and finally Pablo's organizations sent them at every opportunity no longer caring that they would be discovered the DEA was still more preoccupied with marijuana than cocaine meanwhile dozens of people with cocaine flew into the U.S every day under their noses and then flew back to Colombia with wads of cash for one flight The Courier received a thousand dollars and paid tickets and Pablo Escobar from 100 to 500 000 but in addition to mules with suitcases they flew to the USA and just suitcases stuffed with cocaine Pablo bribed airport workers and they put bags of goods on the flight and upon arrival in Miami people from the organization simply picked them up at the airport it is clear that rumors that a 20-something-year-old guy earns 84 million dollars a week began to spread around Colombia at a Breakneck speed no one had ever thought before that there would be such a demand for cocaine in the states for Colombians and medellins in particular this discovery was a kind of Revelation like Robert Henderson and George Carmack who found gold in Alaska and thereby forced hundreds of people to come to this harsh land in the hope of getting rich at the snap of their fingers Pablo Escobar also became the discoverer not of a gold deposit but of a large scale I would even say industrial cocaine smuggling which with less effort than at a gold mine brought much more and most importantly stable earnings he launched a real cocaine fever and hundreds if not thousands of people all over Colombia wanted to get their piece of the drug at first it was a cash investment in Escobar's business people brought Pablo money and after a while they received one and a half to two times more then more and more people themselves began to engage in either the production of cocaine or its transportation to the states and as everywhere else someone succeeded in this business more and some unless gradually this difference began to increase and indisputable leaders began to appear who can trolled most of the market in Medellin these were Carlos leader the choa brothers Jose Rodriguez gotcha nicknamed the Mexican and of course Pablo Escobar very different people United by cocaine the leader was the strangest character half Colombian half-german a religious man who admired Hitler and red marks loved the Beatles and viewed cocaine as a poison that should destroy American society he dreamed of becoming president of Colombia one day and even had at one time his own political party with a clear right-wing bias Jose Rodriguez gotcha just like Pablo or Dare came from a poor family who by the time the cocaine fever started had managed to make a good capital in the emerald business and became famous for his cruelty towards both competitors and partners killing everyone on his way who prevented him from increasing his wealth the che brothers were already a wealthy family and earned their money for breeding horses they were engaged in the cocaine business insofar as but the way the volumes of Pablo were growing rapidly made them turn on completely moreover at that time cocaine was not a great danger but only increased the fortune of the dealers at first a special distinguishing feature of the brothers was the transportation of Coke in the vaginas of horses which they subsequently refused such a quartet stood at the top of the organization that would later be called the Medellin cartel but it would be wrong to say that it was the board of directors who gave the orders these were the leaders of individual organizations but since the U.S demand was literally inexhaustible they had nothing to fight for all the goods they sent were sold which means it was more profitable for them to help each other to make it more clear to you what I'm talking about here are some examples the leader had his own island in the Bahamas and the authorities were bought there and in order for other dealers not to buy their islands and not pay the authorities they simply used the leader's runway for refueling for a relatively small fee or gachi had established routes through Mexico and not to lay a new route for everyone separately everything that used the ways of the Mexican giving him a percentage of the profit and of course everyone used the roots of Pablo who also received a percentage of the profits and since he was the first to get into this business he controlled more Roots had more people and more money and was informally the leader of this entire drug dealers Cooperative small dealers were most often engaged in production and sent their shipments along with the car Hotel leaders cargos paying a percentage of the profit for this and receiving some kind of insurance that in case of seizure or loss of cargo they would be reimbursed for losses the turning point that finally United the Medlin cartel was the Abduction of the akoa brothers sister Marta it happened in 1981 by this time each of the leaders of the cartel had already earned enormous money but no one yet knew what bloody measures they were ready to take for everyone they were just very rich dealers and the partisans from the m19 group thought the same they needed money to wage war and they couldn't think of anything better than to kidnap a relative of one of the drug lords and ask for a ransom for him well they won't go to the police and These Bars don't bite the chickens the partisans thought and we must pay tribute both in the first and in the second they were not mistaken no one really went to the police and there really was a lot of money only they didn't take into account the third one people working in the cocaine business and even more so those who find themselves at the top of the Barrack hierarchy so to speak have long been accustomed to violence where such huge sums are spinning betrayal is becoming more and more common and in order to stay at the top and not let the organization wallow in Anarchy it is necessary to solve this problem quickly and harshly they also decided to act against the partisans the very next day after the Abduction of Marta Pavel gathered every single one of medellin's Barrack together in his house at the meeting he said that he proposed not to be led to the demands of extortionists to unite and Strike Back his proposal was adopted unanimously he also assumed the responsibility of managing the operation which no one objected to either they called their Association death to the kidnappers immediately after the meeting ended Pablo tapped his contacts in the police and bought all the information about m19 that they had Escobar's men then began combing the jungle in search of their camps and with the help of purchased police officers began to find their homes in the city as soon as the guerrillas were found they were first tortured and then killed in the most sophisticated ways familiar to Colombians since the labialencia war a few weeks later the leaders of m19 realized that they could not win this war and Marta akoa was released and the dealers realized that together they can work much harder than alone this decision on consolidation became the key one and by pooling their resources they began to increase the scope of their actions at Breakneck Speed Ahead was the golden time of the Medellin drug cartel foreign age of Pablo Escobar and the Medellin cartel I need to clarify what I mean by this the period of the so-called golden time will be present in every biography on my channel and therefore it is better to put all the dots over and so as Not to cause misunderstanding on your part this concept means the following in my interpretation this is a period in the biography of a character when he reaches the peak of his criminal career and at the same time the opposing forces are either absent or cannot influence the course of his criminal activity in any way simply put He Lives the way he wants and no one is a hindrance to him no one needs to be reckoned with and if we start from this definition it turns out that the golden time of Pablo Escobar and the Medellin cartel was not so big and took place in the period from 1981 to 1984 years yes someone may object that before the 81st year Pablo already earned at least four billion dollars a year but the figures that will be after that are several times higher than these 4 billion others will say that after the 84th year Escobar's business continued to bring in a lot of money well excuse me running from the army of special services in the jungle and other countries does not fit in with the concept of golden time so it turns out that the man named the most famous richest and most powerful criminal in the world fully enjoyed the peak of his influence and wealth for only some three years well now let's figure out how Pablo Escobar medinsky cartel lived his three years of golden time let's start with the fact that the production of cocaine by this time had grown so much that the dealers began to build Laboratories more like small towns and this is not a figurative comparison the workers who went to such a laboratory had no connection with the outside world and were in the jungle all the time near each of these Paws in addition to the premises for the production and packaging of goods there were small houses for housing there was its own dining room its own Medical Center and even an improvised school with real teachers as whole families with children often went there to work one such makeshift town could accommodate from 100 to 200 residents working for the cartel and could produce from 10 to 20 tons of cocaine per month when the special services later raid a laboratory called tranclandia and sees 14 other nearby camps besides it the authorities will calculate that these captured Labs have brought in 12 billion dollars of net income over the two years of their existence at the same time you need to understand that there were not 14 of them all over Colombia but many times more especially attentive viewers after these figures can reproach me they say how did Escobar earn 4 billion a year in his one laboratory before and then it turns out that only 6 billion comes out from 14 and there are no inconsistencies here firstly the larger the volume of goods he transported the more people had to pay during one flight the volume of cocaine in these years had to be at least 300 kilograms otherwise the organization suffered losses and secondly the cocaine Market also lives according to the laws of supply and demand in the beginning Pablo received one hundred thousand dollars per kilogram and then when the supply began to grow by Leaps and Bounds the price began to fall and by the 81st year a kilogram of cocaine in Miami cost 42 000 and by the beginning of the 84th the cost per kilogram was some fourteen thousand dollars at all and again someone might object that I said earlier that the demand was inexhaustible and it was really inexhaustible only you need to take into account the purchasing power of different social groups it was possible to sell cocaine for the elite for a hundred thousand then sooner or later representatives of this class ran out and in order to sell an ever-growing amount of goods prices had to be lowered so that it became available first for the middle and then for the lower class which led to a drop in prices to fourteen thousand dollars however the price drop was not the only problem that the increase in production created now there were not enough spare tires on airplanes and Couriers flying back and forth endlessly for transportation and it was necessary to come up with new ways and it's worth paying tribute Escobar was extremely resourceful in this matter and managed to shove cocaine wherever it could be shoved he bought cheap televisions in Panama and pulled out all the wires and parts and then stuffed them with cocaine for the same weight as he pulled out and sent them by ordinary cargo plane to America about 40 kilograms were placed in one such TV this method worked and Pablo decided to build on the success he bought large industrial electrical Transformers Each of which weighed about three and a half tons and did the same with them as with televisions upon arrival in the USA the cocaine was pulled out and the Transformers were sent back because of their inoperable condition unfortunately for Escobar the next flight did not take place as the workers filling the Transformers were caught red-handed then Pablo found another way he was transporting cocaine from Colombia to Peru and there he loaded it into crates of dried fish one of the main exports of peruvians which was delivered to the United States on large cargo ships during one such flight it was possible to transfer up to 23 tons of Coke but that wasn't enough so Escobar hired chemists the first results of their labors were the ability to change the color of cocaine and Pavel began mixing it with cocoa which was sent from Ecuador to the United States then chemists learned how to create liquid cocaine and it was mixed into everything from expensive Chilean wine to the cheapest beer and non-alcoholic products that were shipped from Latin America to the United States also liquid cocaine soaked things ranging from people's clothes ending with wood but the crowning achievement of Escobar's chemists was the ability to mix cocaine into plastic so thousands of plastic products or Plastics began to reside in the United States which were mixed with cocaine which in turn could not be sniffed by any DEA dog upon arrival in the USA whether it was coke of a changed color mixed with cocoa a liquid added Drinker combined with plastic it invariably with the help of other chemists took its presentation in the form of a white powder but no matter how sophisticated the new methods of transportation were the plane always remained the main thing Escobar by this time abandoned the scheme with old tires and decided that his own Fleet would be more practical it all started with the first small aircraft of the piper cap type this is a model similar to our Cornhusker and it all ended with the fact that within a couple of years the fleet had grown to 15 planes and six helicopters the largest of which were cargo DC-3 and dc-6 each of these aircraft could carry up to one and a half tons at a time not counting the DSi and flying machines whose carrying capacity is even greater Pablo did not forget about himself having bought a Learjet plane for personal flights Escobar's flight routes passed through either Panama Jamaica or leader island in the Bahamas subsequently due to problems with the previously announced Transportation routes another route will be added to Mexico where Pablo Escobar will conclude an agreement with the leader of the Guadalajara cartel Perez Gallardo the Colombians will bring cocaine to Mexico and the Mexicans will use their own channels to ship it to the United States receiving a certain percent for this Pablo's favorite route at that time was the way through Panama in addition to cocaine gold was also flying to Panama which Escobar bought on the cheap from the local choka Indians in Panama this gold was unloaded and sold more expensive and on the way back the plane along with the money from the sale of cocaine was also carrying money from the sale of gold so it was problematic to prove the origin of the cash on board the aircraft in one such plane as I said earlier in addition to Escobar's Goods there was also the goods of other drug dealers it is clear that Pablo's cocaine occupied at least 50 of the total volume in each flight but in the remaining part 2 5 or even more dealers could be represented and this meant that the cocaine of each businessman had to be somehow distinguished from the cocaine of others to do this each individual flight had its own encryption system with which the dealers marked their goods pelogi who was transporting the cargo carried with him so to speak a decoder sheet According to which upon arrival the coke was distributed among the representatives of the dealers in America and since I'm talking here about the method of transporting cocaine performed by Pablo Escobar it would be a sin not to mention in my opinion the most unusual and extraordinary method which probably even surpassed the mixing of coke with plastic I think many have already guessed yes Escobar submarines are not a legend myth or fiction inspired by the James Bond film Pablo decided that his organization should also have its own submarines and since buying decommissioned submarines on the black market would attract too much attention it was decided to build the submarines themselves a Russian engineer was hired to do this and after some time two small submarines capable of transporting up to one and a half tons of cocaine per flight each turned out to be in the service of the cartel this method turned out to be so successful that it was adopted by other cartel leaders and for the first time the authorities learned about drug submarines only in the 2000th year when during the raid a hangar was discovered in which another submarine was being built it was possible to catch such a submarine during the transportation of goods only in the 2007th year now naturally the methods of transportation were not limited to what I announced it was just the tip of the iceberg and it would take more than a couple of tens of minutes to list the full list by the way if you were interested in watching a separate video about how cocaine bigwigs delivered and delivered Goods to the USA then write about it in the comments we will move on and move on to an equally interesting topic namely how much and to whom Pablo Escobar paid to turn a blind eye to his dark Deeds there were no problems in hiring someone to help with Transportation no matter who this or that person was Pablo could offer as much money as he needed for example the manager of airports in Colombia through which aircraft with Goods passed received five hundred thousand dollars a week ordinary couriers received a thousand dollars per flight and airplane pilots received a thousand dollars for each kilogram they transported but this was all a trifle since the biggest bribes were paid to the authorities of the countries in which Pablo either built Laboratories or transported Goods through their territories Peru Ecuador Panama Nicaragua Jamaica Haiti in each of these countries there were people ready to ensure the security of Escobar's business for example in Haiti one General received two hundred thousand for one plane that landed with him in Peru the head of Peruvian intelligence Vladimir montesino collected 300 for each kilogram of cocaine that passed through his country which translated into airplanes turned out to be about one hundred thousand at a time Panamanian General Manuel marigo received the most in those years the largest shipments of goods passed through his country and he could receive up to one and a half million dollars for one flight plus he was paid to close his eyes on the Escobar laboratory in Panama if we average the figures that were announced and take into account that one plane passed through each country a day it turns out that Pablo's organization spent 90 million dollars a month only on bribes to the highest ranks of other countries but you and I understand that there was clearly more than one flight per day and the exact amount could only be called by one of Escobar's accountants but I am sure that it was many times more and in general everything is very difficult with the expenses with the income of Pablo Escobar so far no one has calculated exactly how much Escobar earned Forbes including him in the list of the richest people in the world counted three billion net income per year another authoritative Business Insider publication gives figures of 420 million dollars a week which with simple calculations turns into 20 billion a year the main difficulty of these calculations is that Escobar's business has been in the shadows throughout his life and all the figures on the estimated volumes of imported cocaine were based on successful raids by the authorities on Laboratories in the jungle and seized shipments of coke during its transportation to the United States the average figures that could be obtained through such sources that most operate when calculating Escobar's income is equivalent to 15 Tons per day let's try to point a finger at the sky and calculate the income of Pablo Escobar let's take the following from the initial data 15 Tons per day is the import of goods to all medinsky cartels Pablo according to various estimates was assigned from 40 to 50 percent let's take the minimum bar and get six tons per day also on a minimum scale let's take the cost of cocaine per kilogram according to the average DEA in the period from the 81st to the 84th years which is equal to fourteen thousand dollars we multiply 6 tons by fourteen thousand and get 84 million dollars a day we deduct from here 50 on bribes salaries to employees unforeseen losses and the like and we get 42 million a day we simply multiply it all and we get 294 million a day 1 and 2 billion a month and fourteen and a half billion already net income per year the sum turns out to be so impressive that it is very difficult to understand and visualize its scale so let's compare for example 14 billion dollars is the GDP of a country like Montenegro a month of work allowed Escobar to buy Buckingham Palace took him about four days to earn money for Elon musk's rocket an hour and a half for the right amount on Bugatti Veyron and only two seconds to buy a brand new iPhone to get the same amount of money 40 million Russians with an average salary of 25 000 rubles will have to save all their earnings for a year without spending a single Ruble it takes more than a quarter of the population of the largest country in the world to just match the income of Pavel Escobar and what is most ironic it was even easier to smuggle and sell cocaine in America than to bring the money from its sale back to Colombia and even more so to make sure that these Drug Money turned into Snow White and legal finances Escobar had as many ways to wash money as he had ways to transport cocaine he invested his funds in various Banks and companies where it could not be done directly found figureheads bought and resold works of art by famous authors like Dalia Picasso ran scams with emeralds selling cheap Stones bought in Colombia as first-class jewelry abroad to specially hired people even Jews in the states were engaged in washing money for Escobar but there was so much money that no Jews could have laundered it most of the individuals who stayed from the USA remained dark money Pablo hid them everywhere but the most common methods were the so-called Cowlitz and burials for the first method Escobar bought houses all over Medellin and made special spaces right in the walls which were stuffed with money and then sealed up again this was called khalates Ordinary People lived in such houses whom Pablo trusted often they didn't even know about the hiding places well the burial I think it's so clear the money was simply buried in the ground in boxes or barrels at least once every six months the money in such caches was changed to new ones however even this did not help and about 10 of all income was written off due to damage I wouldn't be surprised at all if it turned out that Pablo spent less money on himself than he lost in hiding places and even so Escobar's life didn't get any worse his business was working so well that it was much easier to make money than to spend it all but here too Pablo succeeded he owned at least 400 Estates throughout Colombia dozens of houses and apartments in Medellin real estate worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in the United States and Spain he had his own football club and the largest zoo in Colombia he built for all his relatives a separate quarter of medalone consisting of 40 houses and Escobar's everyday life was similar to the everyday life of royalty first class food a lot of servant assistants who at the first call did everything the patron said Pablo did not forget about traveling either he traveled all over Europe with his family and visited Hong Kong and on his second visit to the United States he visited the White House in Las Vegas where according to his brother they met Frank Senator the quintessence of Escobar's entire lifestyle was his estate called Napoli the luxurious estate was located on a plot of 30 square kilometers through which the river flowed in addition to the estate there were several other houses a runway for an airplane and the largest zoo in Colombia which was open to visitors absolutely free of charge the fields adjacent to the house were planted with fruit trees and herds of cows grazed in The Meadows at the time when he had a free moment Escobar liked to ride with his children and his wife between these fields on a silver Carriage drawn by four horses in addition to the zoo which included a wide variety of animals from hippos rhinos giraffes and elephants to ostriches emus zebras monkeys kangaroos on the territory of the estate there were also full-scale statues to historical animals made of concrete but Pablo collected not only animals he also had a collection of cars where among others there was the car in which Bonnie and Clyde were killed and an old Pontiac belonging to Al Capone I did not suffer from the lack of entertainment in Naples there was a swimming pool a basketball court a football field and a tennis court dad kept horses for horseback riding and had a whole motorcycle and car park in order to arrange races and for entertainment on the river there were boats and water skis there was also no shortage of luxury inside the main house there was another swimming pool jacuzzi large dining areas and even a whole Cinema all family members had their own rooms with a separate bathroom and toilet and if someone suddenly got hungry then there were always Cooks in the kitchen who could cook whatever their heart desires Pablo even built a whole Hall in the house for parties at which the best artists of South America performed and the guests consisted of politicians businessmen artists and other representatives of high society Pablo Escobar felt like the king if not of the world then of Colombia for sure the only thing that bothered him was one youthful dream he still wanted to be president of Colombia when you first learn that Pablo Escobar was elected to the Colombian Congress you are not a little surprised after all it's no secret now what he did and how he made his fortune in the same years people may have guessed about the origin of his money but no one could directly connect Pavel with cocaine to the public he was a wealthy businessman whose main income came from real estate transactions Escobar's confidence in his desire to go into politics was also added by the fact that Colombia was an extremely corrupt country at that time and he had so much money that he could negotiate with anyone and the examples of leaders of other South American countries who were involved in the cocaine business in one way or another hinted at the predetermined success of his venture the only thing left was to make dreams come true Escobar decided to make his way to the presidential chair slowly and showed up in 1982 at the Congressional elections as a deputy representative from the liberal party the main Vector of his election campaign was aimed at poor residents of Colombia he positioned himself as a candidate from the people and for the people and here it is worth focusing attention telling the story of Escobar various authors often bypass this aspect of his life casually mentioning that he built houses for the poor and somehow helped them there which in my opinion is extremely wrong because due to insufficient disclosure of this topic it is not fully clear why the poor of Medellin will continue to support him despite all the negative actions that he will commit in the future after all it is extremely strange that people will love a terrorist because he once built free housing in several football fields the most famous acts of assistance to the poor performed by Pablo Escobar which everyone who was interested in his person in One Way or Another knows about were the construction of a residential area on the site of a former landfill and the opening of dozens of free football fields but these were only bright flashes that burned so high that they were noticed by the mass public however as we all know the true attitude is not in large-scale gestures but in small details and actions and these small actions of Escobar did not differ from what most people knew for example Temple he created his own so-called social security system people who were out of work could come to special offices leave a request after her acceptance Pablo took over their expenses for a couple of months and his people began to look for work for them the only condition was that a person had to work at least a year at the found place another Act was that Pablo bought a big house in the center of Medellin and his people brought poor people from the suburbs there every week so that they could get free medical care clothes and a small amount of money Escobar even had a separate person whose sole responsibility was to check whether people who were asking for money were really sick with cancer AIDS or some other serious diseases if they weren't lying then Pablo was paying for their treatment she paid for college tuition for those young people who came to him with such a request Pablo's mother being a teacher in the past helped him in these Endeavors and traveled around the country giving money for the construction of a school and the purchase of necessary equipment and stationery after the floods which are not uncommon in Colombia Escobar's people first supplied the people with everything they needed and then helped with the purchase of building materials for the restoration of destroyed houses Pablo Escobar built hospitals paved roads where there were none before gave free medicine and shelter to the homeless and jobs to the unemployed and education to those who could not afford it for poor people he was not just a man who built football fields and 400 residential buildings he was almost a guardian angel who does Good Deeds wherever his gaze Falls it is not surprising that in the future they will forgive him all the Terrible Things in the meantime Pablo Escobar was campaigning he had a radio program called civil rights come into law where he talked to the whole of Colombia about his social program called Medellin without slums over the cities Pablo launched planes that scattered leaflets with an appeal to vote for him and his main feature was a speech in public where he literally fell in love with listeners with his speeches and after the speech Escobar's people opened suitcases with money and distributed them to everyone but it was not speeches and money that favorably distinguished Pavel from other candidates but Deeds if he promised something at his speech or on the radio then after a couple of days his people were already starting to fulfill their promises therefore it is not surprising that in the end Pablo Escobar was elected to congress Escobar will stay in the role of a congressman for about a year will visit Spain for the inauguration of the Prime Minister will vote and speak at meetings as well as convince Congress that in any case it is impossible to adopt an extradition law but the longer Pablo remained in plain sight the more he took part in the political life of the country the more the Colombian special services and the American DEA dug under him and within the walls of Congress the words about the dominance of drug dealers money in politics were heard louder and louder the most Ardent opponent of drug trafficking was the Minister of Justice rodrigola rabanilla Escobar understood where everything was going and struck first trying to shut up the mouthpiece which sooner or later could expose him he through another Congressman care Ortega accused Manila of taking the money himself providing confirmation a check for Lara benila's election campaign to the Senate signed by the head of the drug group from Leticia vanilla immediately responded and publicly accused Escobar of trafficking cocaine on the same day one of the Bogota news papers miraculously got the case of that single arrest of Pablo for transporting cocaine paste Escobar of course denied everything and insisted that all this was blatant slander after that he answered larabanilla's accusation for some time and refused to resign from his post but not having received support from congressman and realizing that all these public feuds only further exposes true business Pablo Escobar left his post and with it his dream of becoming president of Colombia Lara benilier did not let up he denounced 30 more congressmen ordered that Escobar's planes be stripped of their flight licenses and tried to prove that at least six professional football teams exist on the money of the Barrack he was hitting the drug lords with all his guns and was not going to stop all this led to the fact that hundreds of death threats were showered on Rodrigo larabanilla and Escobar was already preparing a real attempt and again when you first learned that Pablo ordered the murder of the Minister of Justice it somehow does not fit in your head some Bandit is is challenging the whole country preparing to kill the main person of the executive power again I repeat the whole country but if you follow Escobar all the way to this assassination attempt then there will be nothing surprising here imagine that you are Pavel Escobar you are born during a bloody Civil War you see with your own eyes at a young age all the atrocities that it brought with it then you come to a big city the atrocities are left behind and you live a happy but poor childhood graduate from high school and go to college dreaming of making a political career but life has not become dramatically rich and for lack of funds you have to leave school this trouble does not knock you off your feet and you throw all your strength at another goal to get rich choose a smuggling business for this successfully join it earn your first million dollars but an unfortunate combination of circumstances and everything goes to hell however you immediately grab another opportunity you start selling cocaine this activity begins to bring in more money than smuggling everything is going well but then bam is the first betrayal they wanted to kill you you managed to survive and you find yourself faced with a choice either to leave this business and hide so that this person does not find you or to answer him with the same coin being a proud and strong person you choose the second path and kill this person then another person steals from you again a choice I'm sorry it's more likely that others will also steal or kill to keep order and you kill because this business gives you money gives you power in the Life you've always dreamed of now everyone knows what will happen to those who betray you or lose your money and this becomes the rule within the organization but then external forces attack you and kidnap your colleague's sister in response you gather all your people and declare war on the enemy you organize a massacre kill people right on the streets and the police fed by you just turn a blind eye to it as a result you win and do not bear any punishment for killing dozens of people then your income soars so high that you yourself stop believing in what is happening you a poor guy from the slums have traveled from the poor quarters of Medellin to a luxurious estate of 30 square kilometers in a matter of years you now communicate on equal terms with those who govern States and poor people idolize you almost in the literal sense of the word hanging icons with your image on the walls of their houses and finally you are already one step away from fulfilling your main dream you got into Congress and a couple of years are about to pass and you will be able to become the president of your country but then Rodrigo Lara banilla appears and in front of everyone he douses you with something sticky and pours a bag of feathers on you then he gives you a kick so you fly out of Congress and forever lose the opportunity to fulfill your dream this is how Pablo Escobar felt when the case of his arrest surfaced a man who seriously felt himself the master of Colombia was disgraced in his own eyes with this scenario the fate of Lara vanilla was sealed and on April 30th 1984 4 he was killed in his car by a gunman on a motorcycle perhaps if there were no personal motive here the murder would not have taken place if Escobar had a cool head he would have been able to assess the scale of the consequences but since the constantly growing earnings and complete impunity for any crimes clouded Pablo's mind and made him feel invulnerable and benilia's accusations which led to his resignation from Congress hit his ego what happened happened Pablo Escobar made his main mistake he Unleashed a war with the only forces that could cover him from the United States the murder of Lara Bonilla could not pass Without a Trace if before that Colombian president Bettencourt was extremely skeptical about the idea of extradition and did not support the extradition of his citizens to the United States then after this incident he revised his views on the 1st of May 84 he issued a decree on the state of Siege which stated that all the leaders of the medal in cartel should be brought before a military Court without the right to bail throughout the investigation and the police were given the broadest powers to search confiscate arrest and detain for questioning without bringing charges in a few days hundreds of suspects were thrown into prison the police searched more than a hundred buildings allegedly belonging to the cartel throughout the country aircraft cars trucks and other property were seized in particular the Napoli estate owned by Pavel Escobar Escobar was forced to flee Colombia to Panama where he could hide under the government of General narhega with whom Pablo had long-standing business contacts Escobar of course did not live such a luxurious life in Panama as he did in Naples but he was not poor either staying there was like living in a five-star hotel next to their house there was a swimming pool a gym a football field and even a golf course but Escobar couldn't afford to have fun all day he had to deal with a business that was under threat on the one hand he began to expand his Laboratories in Panama and negotiated the construction of several more in Nicaragua on the other hand he tried to negotiate with the Benton Court government he and his cartel Partners sent a long letter to Belisario Bettencourt through an intermediary in the first part the authors briefly outlined the history of drug trafficking in Colombia it claimed that their organizations controlled from 70 to 80 percent of the total volume of cocaine produced in the country then there was the assurance that the organizations they represent are not directly or indirectly responsible for the murder of Lara vanilla moreover businessmen disavowed politics it is not in their plans to change the existing Democratic and Republican system in Colombia in the second part of the memorandum the government was offered deal for their part the cocaine Kings pledged to hand over all secret airfields and Laboratories to the state dissolve the cartel put their money into circulation in Colombia assist in planting crops instead of Coca and marijuana and cooperate with the government in companies to eradicate drug addiction and treat drug addicts in the country in return the dealers wanted bintencourt to lift the state of Siege and agree not to extradite criminals to the United States who had violated the law before this momentous letter in other words the cartel demanded amnesty when bintancourt sent his people with a refusal the cartel offered an addition to pay Colombia's external debt which was at that time about 15 billion dollars but under pressure from the United States which threatened to lead troops if they agreed to Escobar's proposal the President also rejected this proposal around the same time that the cartel received a rejection from Bettencourt Pablo was informed that regard Was preparing to meet with the DEA to extradite the cartel leaders in exchange for his own Amnesty on the same day everyone immediately left Panama gachi and the leader secretly returned to Colombia or he Achieva and Escobar heading for Nicaragua in Colombia by that time Pablo had been indicted on five counts one of which he could have been extradited to the United States while in Nicaragua an incident occurred that finally confirmed for everyone the connection of Pablo with cocaine Escobar hired a pilot named Barry seal to transport cargo who as it turned out later worked for the American special services during the loading of the goods on the plane photographs were taken in which Pablo also lit up then these photos were shown on American television during the president's speech after two consecutive betrayals Escobar decided that the only place where he could keep everything under control was Colombia even with constant roundups and raids it was safer there than in other countries as soon as Pablo returned and settled down in medellia not so that one could not be afraid of an unexpected police raid he called all the people connected with the cocaine business in one way or another all the big dealers businessmen and even owners of football teams were there at the meeting he invited them all to unite to fight extradition the owners of football teams should have gone on strike and not played and everyone who is directly involved in business needed to create a United organization something like their own Army which would act together and protect all drug traffickers from the encroachments of the authorities Medellin according to his plan was to be divided into several zones Each of which should be controlled by a certain group Escobar's enthusiasm was not shared by everyone and many took time to reflect it seemed to them that since all the lights were burning in the direction of Pablo it might not affect them Escobar didn't have time to wait for everyone to think it over on the same evening after the meeting the house was raided by the police Pablo managed to slip away but it was another alarm Bell on his return from Nicaragua he paid a high-ranking policeman for a quiet stay in the city but the raid was clearly not included in this concept now it was impossible to rely on police officers on a salary in the future he will pay them only for information permanent payments from that moment were discontinued and he together with those who supported him began forming his own security service and thought out ways of movement and waste in case of unexpected rates since all the cops in Colombia were looking for him now it was necessary to come up with a safe way to get around Medellin to do this several dozen taxi cars were bought in which Pablo drove from place to place in the trunks of cars for unexpected raids inconspicuous hiding places were made in the houses where it was possible to hide in case it was impossible to escape and most importantly he now needed reliable people who would become his ears eyes and would guard his life and freedom 24x7 even before that he had people who guarded him and killed people objectionable to the boss they were called sicario they were guys from poor areas of Medellin their families found it difficult to find money for food and clothes and therefore when Escobar people came to them and said they were willing to pay well for them to carry out the boss's instructions without question they gladly agreed and if earlier the sicarios were something like a cartel police that killed people who betrayed the Barrack now it was more like a private Army the whole city was divided into four parts Each of which housed the so-called sicario offices these were bars billiard rooms and other places where men usually Gather in such offices there were Escobar's shock groups which included older guys the younger boys served as eyes and ears they were on the streets and reported all the movements of the police on the radio Escobar took the introduction of extradition as a declaration of war and deployed his Guerrilla Network throughout Medellin he openly made it clear to the authorities that he would rather die in Colombia than end up in an American prison having finished organizing his security system Escobar decided to go on the offensive his people began to threaten anyone who could influence the cancellation of the extradition they sent letters called shelled houses and tried in every possible way to achieve the necessary solution through fear when these actions failed Pablo decided that the best way to cancel the extradition would be to destroy all the evidence that he has the difficulty was that they were not somewhere but in the Colombian Palace of Justice to do this he contacted the leaders of the guerrillas 19 who after the Abduction of Marta Achieva and clashes with the cartel now became Escobar's allies and even helped guard his Laboratories in the jungle it is not known exactly how much was offered to the gorillas but that amount was enough for them to agree to seize the Palace of justice and burn all the evidence against Escobar and the cartel on the 6th of November since the opening of The Palace partisans began to fill it under the guise of ordinary visitors and closer to lunch a strike group arrived which broke into the building and captured it killing the guards they brought with them various types of weapons ranging from pistols to machine guns in total there were so many Invaders that they could control every entrance and all the corridors in addition to the partisans there were about 250 300 hostages in the palace including members of the Supreme Court the official demand of the Invaders was that the president of the country come to the building for negotiations some authors claim that this requirement was put forward in order to force bintancourt to go to an open discussion on the cancellation of extradition but whatever it was no negotiations took place instead the military surrounded the building even tanks and planes were used on the first day the soldiers conducted a Siege trying to smoke out the invader with little Blood by the evening they managed to get into the building but the partisans did not think to give up instead they set fire to archives containing evidence against the cartel and continued fighting with Soldiers the troops managed to recapture the building only afternoon the next day during the fighting about a hundred people were killed among whom were also members of the Constitutional chamber and members of the Supreme Court with this action Pablo Escobar showed everyone that he would stop at nothing in his fight against extradition if they are not ready to peacefully comply with his demands then he will force them to do it by force he was well aware that often the war ends with a peace agreement and went into battle throwing all his strength and resources in order to end up at the negotiating table in a more advantageous position in the position of the one who dictates the terms of the contract foreign chapters I said that when you first hear that pable went to Congress or that he ordered the murder of vanilla then at the beginning it all seems like some kind of movie plot and it's not entirely clear how this could actually happen but then having delved into the circumstances of what happened quite a bit everything falls into place and the logic of what happened becomes clear so it was with the storming of the Palace of justice and with the further almost Guerrilla war against the state during the time that Escobar spent in the cocaine business violence and murder became for him the only solution to any attacks on his organization there was simply no other way to maintain the efficiency of an organization that brings such huge revenues and at the same time is outside the generally accepted laws in addition the example of the leveillancy war that ended not so long ago still sat well in the memory of the population and the existence of any group of partisans who at the same time conducted their military operations could not be canceled it turns out that violence was everywhere in those days it surrounded Paul in his business it was not so long ago walking all over Colombia in the form of a Civil War and finally it was still around Guerrilla groups throughout Colombia waged open Warfare that is the storming of the Palace of justice and Escobar's subsequent open confrontation with the government did not look like something that appeared out of nowhere it did not happen that everything was quiet and peaceful and then for no reason at all Pavel rated the main judicial body of the country they fought with the authorities before him and in parallel with him and after him another conversation is that he had more money than any gorilla group in Colombia which means that the blow he could deliver was several orders of magnitude stronger however The Echoes of these blows that Escobar carried on the authorities and in particular the strongest at that time in the form of the seizure of the Palace of Justice were also heard by his organization though shareholders of the medal in cartel who refused to participate in the fight against extradition after the case with the Palace of Justice began to leave the cocaine business altogether believing that this case was becoming too dangerous and everything was not smooth at the top of the cartel by that time the lead was actually broke and was listed as number one among the dealers who were subject to extradition gotcha lost more than half of his Capital during the police raid on trancland Jorge Aiko was in a Spanish prison and was waiting to be sent to Colombia or the USA it could be said that the Medellin cartel was beginning to crumble Escobar also had difficulties in business but of all the leaders of the cartel he stood on his feet the hardest yes his shipments went through Panama Jamaica and the Bahamas and the DEA began intercepting more and more often but he found new routes and started carrying cocaine through Mexico we can say that his war with the government although it introduced new difficulties but by and large practically did not affect the course of business the only thing that has changed is pavel's daily lifestyle there was no longer the luxurious estate of Napoli's there was no way to safely move around the street or go to public places although ordinary residents were still on his side and did not think to hand him over to the police the release had to be well prepared during the day as I have already said he moved around in the trunk of a car and if Pablo wanted to visit a restaurant or a nightclub at night then cartel people went to it first and most often women they had to stay there for some time make sure that there were no policemen in the institution and only then the driver brought Pavel there when Escobar appeared at the club the owners were immediately informed about it and they in turn warned the guards that any suspicious persons who would try to get into the institution should be immediately reported to pavel's guards thanks to the data and not only the world of precautions and loyalty of the residents of middlekin Escobar was like a ghost in whose presence the police felt but could not see and catch after the seizure of the Palace of justice during which the evidence on Escobar was destroyed he continued to increase pressure on the authorities since the main goal had not yet been achieved extradition was still a threat yes there was a short period when extradition was suspended but everyone understood that it had happened because of bureaucratic delays and the return of extradition was a matter of time and the mere fact of the cancellation of extradition did not mean anything Pablo needed a peace treaty on his terms therefore sicario Escobar literally began to threaten everyone who somehow had the courage to speak out against the cartel or for extradition if threats didn't help then people were killed politicians judges policemen journalists all were under the gun that's what one of the judges who resigned after numerous threats said a year ago every lawyer dreamed of becoming a judge and now everyone is hiding so long as he is not offered a place so that you understand the scale of all this Terror in 1986 three and a half thousand murders were recorded in Medellin alone eighty percent of which were from firearms that's about one murder every two hours the police had the most murders if judges killed politicians for some of their decisions or statements and journalists for their materials then policemen if I may say so were deprived of their lives wholesale and it all started with the fact that when first president bentangku gave broad powers to the police to search the premises and arrest people allegedly connected with the cartel and then president Barca who replaced him appointed a reward of 10 million dollars for pavel's head and scrupulous Law Enforcement Officers decided to cash in on this they broke into the homes of those who were allegedly connected with the cartel and during the search they could beat the owner and profit from the property they liked in the house it even got to the point that the portrait of Pavel hanging on the wall could already serve as a reason for a search or arrest and if the connection with the cartel was as obvious as possible then a person was kidnapped and tortured to find out the whereabouts of Escobar at first there was no accentuated response from Pablo to these actions secretary killed policemen in chaotic skirmishes with them and no more the trigger for an open confrontation was the torture and further murder of Pablo's cousin Earnhardt goviri and his Trusted Man Diego Mapes after the incident Escobar announced that he would pay anyone who killed a policeman for the lowest rank in position he promised at least one and a half thousand dollars the killings of Law Enforcement Officers turned into a real Bloody Business for the poor of Medellin and the corpses of cops began to appear on the streets almost every day the problem was that decent policemen who had nothing to do with the lawlessness that was going on also went to waste throughout 1986 despite the constant murders and the most real terror Pablo Escobar spent most of his time in Medellin and its environs his well-functioning Guerrilla system and the Loyalty of the population allowed him to always be one step ahead of the police but every month the situation became more tense and the patience of the authorities was coming to an end the turning point was the murder of the editor-in-chief of the newspaper expediter Guillermo kaneza who at one time was the first to publish the materials of Escobar's first arrest and from that moment continued to denounce drug traffickers by that time Society was on edge and the murder of kenyaz caused no less a storm of designation than the death of Lara vanilla and president Barca as well as president bintancourt a little earlier issued a number of decrees on the introduction of a state of Siege in the country the police were once again given unlimited Powers which meant that even with all precautions it was impossible to stay in Medellin Pablo Escobar said goodbye to his family and went on the run in which he would remain until his surrender to the authorities in 1991. the only thing that was constant in Escobar's flight was the change of location he never stayed in the same house or shelter for a long time everything else was constantly changing he was pushing for one of his luxury villas scattered all over Colombia who was huddled in a small house of people who sheltered him sometimes he ate like a king and slept on silk sheets then he ran through the jungle in the Rain from the Army chasing him I will not describe in detail all the events that happened to Escobar then instead I suggest listening to the stories of his brother Robert kaviria who was at that time next to Pablo they best illustrate how Escobar delaca t e drala lived [Music] most of the time we lived on farms owned by Pablo less often deep in the jungle only the closest friends knew where we were when Pablo needed to see someone a lawyer a politician or a friend this person was brought to him blindfolded even our mother didn't know where we were safety has always come first Pablo always bought Farms on the roads miles away from our house and settled his people there if necessary he built houses there for them when enemy forces passed by this place day or night we were immediately notified to prepare for departure one of the radios that Pablo distributed to all our neighbors started buzzing around six in the morning the caller was one of the residents of a nearby farmer named Jose Posada he shouted into the radio the police are already here we saw trucks and heard helicopters run away a few seconds later we actually heard helicopters approaching damn mosquitoes Pablo broke out on them as they approached they started shooting from the air we ran shooting back as much as possible some of us ran to the river others to the Jungle without even having time to get dressed Pablo was in his night clothes without a shirt and shoes fortunately Pablo planted several pointed trees and shrubs which prevented the helicopters from Landing but they kept shooting at us from the air bullets hitting the ground and trees and whistling over our heads I was running faster then than I had ever run in training after a 30-day walk some of us were very sick from coughing and fever my own fever was very strong and I didn't know where I was they took me to the hospital under an assumed name I was unconscious for three days they gave me a cold shower to cool me down sometimes I would wake up screaming demanding to see Pablo fortunately no one knew that Pablo whom I called was the most wanted man in the world Pablo was also ill but he stayed on the farm to ensure security he hired a gang from Medellin to guard people while they recover there were so many feelings about being cut off from the rest of the world and Powerless to change our situation we receive news from the TV or during telephone conversations with our families our relatives read us newspapers that sometimes told us where the government thought we were staying or where they were looking for us every day every minute our lives were on the line every time we heard a plane approaching we stopped and waited we lived Our Lives ready to leave immediately foreign night I will never forget in my whole life it was the first of December 1990 Pablo's birthday we lived in a nice house and Otto and El Gordo were our bodyguards it was nice to calm down after everything we've been through there were a few days when we were free and happy at breakfast everyone was talking to Pablo happy birthday he was happy that day feeling confident that the government would soon be ready to make a deal at breakfast he said I'm having a party tonight and I'm going to invite an orchestra I want live music naturally I thought he was joking it would be impossible to bring musicians into the house as soon as they leave the first thing they will do is call the police to get a reward the police weren't interested in putting us in jail they wanted to kill us I was worried with all due respect Pablo I asked how are you going to bring this group Pablo was smiling don't worry just trust me everything will be fine in the evening being in my room I heard everyone laughing and having fun I immediately went downstairs with a suitcase and saw six Blind Men playing guitars they're all blind they couldn't know who they were playing for I didn't know whether to laugh be sad or angry but it was Pablo everyone was delighted and no one thought that Pablo was capable of such a thing it was so insightful for dinner he ordered all kinds of seafood lobsters and octopuses as well as four bottles of Portuguese Port he invited the musicians to join us and was very happy to share his birthday with this band thank you Escobar's life as you understand was not sugar he was constantly on the verge of death and joyful moments were just a drop in the ocean everyday life was a constant tension in addition during this period he will lose two of his cartel Associates the leader will be caught and sent to an American prison and gacha will be killed in a shootout with the police it was aggravated by the fact that Escobar had to fight not only with the authorities but also with the second largest drug cartel in Colombia Cali around the same time that President Barca declared a state of Siege an attempt was made on Pavel a bomb exploded near his house called Monaco his wife and children were not injured and Escobar himself was not at home at the time there were clashes between the two cartels before but more often they were spontaneous and quickly resolved the attempt on the boss was the first time so the people in Pablo's organization first thought of the police but Escobar was sure that it was the work of the gentleman looking for they had been fighting with him for spheres of influence in New York for a long time and when they saw that the Medina cartel was surrounded from all sides they decided that now was the time to strike soon Pablo's theory was confirmed his people found the one who made the very bomb that exploded near Monaco it turned out to be a guy from Spain whom the Coalition brought to Colombia for the sake of an attempt on Escobar this guy was in a Spanish prison with one of Pablo's men this person contacted him and invited him to a meeting with Escobar at the meeting Pavel asked if he wanted to transport cocaine to Spain and when he agreed he said that he was ready to provide him with the first batch for free but he had to teach Escobar's people how to make bombs the guy practically had no choice Pablo confirmed to him that his first bomb in Colombia was aimed at Escobar's family it is clear that he agreed to teach the people of the cartel in addition to the Spanish bomber the cartel's people were also trained by British Israeli mercenaries who learned to carry out the intricacies of warfare from a bunch of Poor Boys of Medellin sicario Escobar turned into trained assassins and bombers so there is no need to think that Pablo's war against the state was a confrontation of Aborigines against trained soldiers Escobar responded to the explosion near Monaco first with a series of attempts on the people of the Cali cartel and then with explosions belonging to the bosses of the owners of pharmacies according to the Colombian Army by 1988 a little more than 80 people had been killed in the map War 60 of whom were colians and even though Escobar had to be distracted by the competitors who decided to remove him there was still a conflict with the state in the main front line it was here that all the forces were thrown and the next high-profile event in this confrontation was the murder of presidential candidate Luis Carlos gallon who clearly advocated extradition and even though 18 years after the murder gallon's rival in the election race Albert santofemio was convicted as a customer it was clear to everyone that the Medellin cartel could not do without the hand this death was expected to lead to a state of Siege the government seized almost a thousand Ranch buildings 700 cars and trucks more than 350 planes 73 boats and almost 5 tons of cocaine the government claimed the rights to Four Farms owned by the Mexican gachi as well as some of Pablo's buildings and businesses in Medellin president Barca also returned to force the extradition treaty by the United States the cartel replied that it would kill 10 judges for every person extradited immediately more than a hundred judges resigned their powers Medellin began to fight even more fiercely than before in the first few days 17 bombs were detonated in Banks shops and office of political parties the United States made a proposal to send troops at the first request of the Colombian government in response the cartel fired a homemade rocket at the U.S embassy in Colombia the rocket didn't explode but the hint was clear in Colombia in coordination with the local authorities American Military Intelligence special units with the latest wiretapping equipment were sent to help the police and the Colombian Army and in the Colombian Army itself a special search unit was created which was exclusively engaged in the capture of Pablo Escobar in order to repel the search unit the so-called bomber company was launched there were more than 100 explosions judges were blown up newspapers that wrote in favor of extradition were blown up every policeman became a Target the Medellin Police Stopped living in their own homes to protect their families and stayed together in safe places everyone in the city and possibly in the village was somehow affected by the bombing company but seeing that all the terrorist attacks murders and intimidation did not bring the desired effect in the form of a peace treaty on the terms of the cartel Pavel seems to have decided that it was necessary to beat not small judges and policemen but the very top those who are personally responsible for his capture or for the introduction of extradition and first he puts a man with a bomb on board the plane on which he was supposed to fly from arcavia a man who replaced galinov in the election race and continues his ideas the plane explodes in the air but gaveri is not there the future president has changed his plans and then Escobar makes an attempt to kill the head of Dos Miguel Masa Marquez a man who acted tougher and more effective than others in terms of hunting Escobar Pablo's men planted a minibus with explosives and a total weight of about 500 kilograms and sent it to the daz building where Marquez was according to the plan the bus was supposed to drive into the lobby and explode but something went wrong and the explosion occurred near the building not inside it was so strong that the facade of the building collapsed the minibus engine was found several blocks away and houses 20 blocks from the epicenter were damaged about 50 people were killed and about a thousand were injured Marquez has already managed to survive in parallel with the bombings and assassinations Escobar begins to kidnap relatives of the so-called Elite of Colombia people who either influence the political life of the country or are very closely connected with the authorities the main prisoner of Pablo was a well-known journalist the daughter of the former president of Colombia Diana tabay and the kidnappings have borne fruit under pressure from The High Society of Colombia the already presidency from agaviri agreed to make concessions and promised that the voluntarily surrendered dealers would be convicted at home and serve their time here those drug dealers who were tired of this war and wanted to retire immediately took advantage of this offer among them the akoa brothers were among the first of those who were at the top of the Medellin cartel during its Inception only Pablo Escobar remained and this offer was not enough for him he understood that firstly for the United States his name was the personification of drugs and they would try to put him in their prison while he was still able to breathe secondly he has killed so many law enforcement officers that life in an ordinary prison will be held for him at best and at worst he won't live there a day and thirdly in addition to the threat from the police there was also a threat from the Cali cartel which with their money and connections could easily carry out an attempt on Escobar in prison therefore Pablo continued negotiations with the government at the same time he was still holding Elite relatives captive detonating Bombs all over Colombia and Waging War with the police with each refusal to agree to Pablo's terms a series of terrorist attacks and murders followed Colombia was drowning in blood the only people who still supported Escobar were the poor of Medellin all the others wanted was for the violence on the streets to finally stop a wave of indignation Rose from the Grassroots and hit president caesarugaviri with all its might when Diana tubby was killed by police during a raid on one of the houses with hostages in a shootout the elite began to put pressure on gaviria with renewed Vigor and in the end he was forced to agree to Escobar's terms by agreement with the government the authorities were obliged by law to cancel the extradition Masa Marcus had to be removed from the post of head of Das and drug dealers could be charged only on one charge which they themselves admit when surrendering Pavel on the other hand retained the right to all the early acquired property and most importantly he would serve his sentence in a prison that he had built himself the only thing that overshadowed this undoubted victory was the murder of Pablo Gustav goviria's right hand and best friend by the search unit otherwise it seemed that life was getting better and everything was going according to plan the business continued to bring in a lot of money the main battle was won and five years later after leaving his own prison Pablo Escobar was completely clean before the law But as time has shown it was the battle that was won and the war did not even think of ending Escobar's surrender stopped the violence on the streets but did not stop the flow of cocaine into America his organization was run by trusted people and in place of those who left the business during the feud with the authorities new businessmen came Pablo was still the biggest player in this field and before getting into the block and fighting he concluded an agreement not only with the state but also with other Medellin dealers he imposed attacks that other drug dealers had to pay him for serving sentences for all of them and his battle with the authorities led to the abolition of their tradition he even benefited here the prison that Escobar built was more of a defensive Fortress than a place of serving a sentence it was called lactedral which means Cathedral and was located on top of a hill in the mornings and evenings it was hidden by fog and surrounded by trees which by agreement with the government no one could cut down there was a high fence with barbed wire around the perimeter connected to 10 000 volts of electricity and all the guards inside the prison were hired with Escobar's approval everyone else including the Army and the police had no right to approach the cathedral subsequently weapons and money for Pablo and his people will also be delivered to the prison which will be stored in special caches made during the construction of the prison walkie-talkies were used to communicate inside the sicario prison and cell phones and pagers were available to communicate with the outside world all these security measures were done in the first couple of weeks it remained only to solve the domestic side of the issue for this purpose a person was hired who received permission to deliver food to the prison on this truck which no one checked everything that was needed was delivered to the block they brought their jacuzzis and hot Subs audio systems and televisions computers and building materials from which they improved the room and even built themselves a bar chefs were hired to cook food for Escobar's people and Pablo himself lack Cathedral eventually became not only a defensive Fortress but also quite a comfortable Hotel even in prison Pablo lived better than many Colombians also on this truck which Escobar called a tunnel various people who Pablo wanted to see got inside there were girls invited to parties politicians various celebrities and even entire football teams that played friendly matches with Escobar's people right on the prison grounds rumor has it that even Maradona has been to a reception at the drow locate outside the walls of the prison at this time peaceful life began all over Colombia yes Guerrilla groups staged some sorties from time to time but this was incomparable with the constant explosions and murders performed by Escobar's secretary president Sarah gaviri was satisfied with the current situation but the United States and the Cali cartel were not for the former Pablo's imprisonment did not affect the amount of cocaine imported in any way and for the latter Escobar alive was a direct threat and the main competitor preventing a large-scale turn in the cocaine business the multi-faith began to be put under pressure again the coalitions through their sources provided the Minister of Defense Within information about how exactly pavla lives in his prison the minister handed it over to the president but the trust decided that it was ready to pay such a price for peace on the streets and ignored the messages moreover this information was not made public which cannot be said about the other Escobar's organization had two dealers whose names were mankata and Galena they had been working since the dawn of the Medina cartel and while Pavlo was in prison they managed his Affairs and it so happened that Akash with a sum of money equivalent to the cocaine seized in the last batch according to them was found on their land to sort out this issue Escobar brought them to the locatid role after a long conversation Pablo did not believe their excuses mankata and goliana were killed right on the prison grounds this time information about the incident did not go to either the defense minister or the president but leaked immediately to the newspapers According to some sources it was leaked by the Cali cartel according to others the American DEA but this is not particularly important the fact that Escobar's Act was a into spitting in the president's face is important and gaviria mobilized an army to transfer Pavel and all his people to another prison under the pretext of investigating the murder of monkey and Galleon when the soldiers surrounded the lsedral and president kaveria refused to discuss these decisions and rejected any possibility of negotiations Escobar understood that he had two options left either to flee or Surrender where the latter would most likely lead to either death or extradition he chose the first option and together with his men left the Lac Cathedral a couple of hours before its assault having escaped Pablo hoped that he would be able to negotiate with kaviria again but the president did not go to negotiations and in his public speeches he only gave a guarantee that Escobar's safety would be insured during the surrender and nothing would threaten his life that is he almost directly stated that if Pablo surrendered there were no guarantees that he would not be extradited outside of the public the president's agenda was very clear when esk is found his death in a shootout with the authorities will be considered a satisfactory outcome a real hunt has begun for Pablo if we briefly describe what happened from the moment of escape to Escobar's death then we can say that all the violence that he Unleashed on society in his war with the police returned to him multiplied by two in addition to the search unit of the military police he was now being hunted by detachments of the Delta IV special combat unit sent from the United States as well as the Los peeps military group sponsored by the Cali cartel it even got to the point that individual bounty hunters came to Colombia whose sole purpose was to get a reward for the head of Pavel Escobar but the most brutal and because of this cruelty the most effective were the units of the PS they were led by the leaders of the far-right guerrillas the castano brothers the PS informally cooperated and exchanged information both with the dbms and with the police and with the search unit it could be said that the cast and brothers did everything they wanted but the police and military who hated Escobar could not do it receiving tips either from the authorities or from people who defected from Pablo Los peeps in the best traditions of the LA villencha War killed everyone who was somehow connected with Escobar the mere fact that you even touched Pablo Escobar could already serve as a reason for murder everything Escobar did came back to him doubly he made it so that people were afraid to go to work for the police or become judges now people were afraid not to work for Pavel but even to admit that they squeezed his hand he appointed a reward for the death of a policeman and those began to be killed in batches now there was a reward for his head and the hunters were not the poor of Medellin at all and the list can go on for a long time Los peeps in cooperation with the authorities destroyed Pablo's organization in Medellin with their Terror and the Cali cartel at the same time successfully picked up sales markets in the United States Pablo Zeal is cornered he was attacked by so many enemies at the same time that he could not calculate everything and as a result of several misses he found himself in a stalemate the Army turned into several reliable sicarios a multi-billion Dollar business turned into a couple of dozen hiding places and luxurious Estates turned into modest Apartments of Medellin which had to be constantly changed nevertheless Escobar saw a way out of this situation he was still supported by the vast majority of the poor of Medellin and he wanted to use it Pablo worked on the creation of a guerrilla group called rebellious Antioquia he wanted to hide in the jungle Recruit new people and hit his enemies with renewed Force the only thing that kept him in Medellin was his family his mother wife and children were not allowed out of the country so Escobar stayed in the city to negotiate a shelter where Los peeps would not reach them Pablo constantly called the authorities to convince them to let his family leave the country I called newspapers and radio stations to highlight the data of disregard for civil rights he tried to threaten tried to persuade even offered the last remaining money as a bribe none of this helped and Escobar decided that it was necessary to go into the jungle since this was the only option it was necessary to gain strength and fight off his family from the clutches of enemies unfortunately Pablo and his loved ones this decision was made too late on the day when he was scheduled to leave medellina Escobar answered questions from a German magazine about the situation of his family by phone through his son he hoped that in this way he would be able to appeal to the German government and his wife and children would be allowed into Germany therefore the conversation was quite long it was necessary to answer 40 questions it was this telephone conversation that helped the search unit calculate Escobar's location there are however several versions of what happened next but whoever killed Pablo Los peeps the search unit or he put a bullet in his own head the fact remains on December 2nd 1993 the life of Pablo Escobar the most controversial of the criminals known today who deserved the undivided love of his countrymen and the genuine hatred of the rest of Colombia ended on the roof of an ordinary Medellin house his funeral was attended by more than ten thousand residents of Medellin [Music] if you like the video and you want even more biographies then give me feedback put a like and write a comment for example about your attitude to Pablo Escobar or about who you would like to see as the hero of the next biography and if you want to watch the videos immediately after the exit then click on the bell and most importantly remember do not break the law [Music]
Channel: On the other side of the law
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Length: 102min 36sec (6156 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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