Pablo being himself for five minutes

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we're a motorcycle gang yeah we're right girl and tough girl and bad what we're not bad Pablo we're rough and tough and good oops I forgot we're good no we're the boldest Pirates and we don't have any treasure oh well we're writing you anyway do you know why I stopped you um because you want to say hi yes hi but also because you were driving too fast I tried to draw a picture but it's just not the same now here I come um how do you think we should approach this I think we should don't worry ping pong Bandit you can keep it I don't understand why you're letting me keep my pen wow finally we got to do what we always dreamed of move stuff I'm an international [Music] okay well you never know Pablo should that could be the day because I'm tight thank you oops wait who said that wasn't me yeah it wasn't him totally awesome swamp Adventure continue continues continues continues I love giving snowbellies so much it makes me want to yell yeah yeah what's inside wind what it's a box of wine I'm going to tickle you you please [Music] well let's go ask her to make it stop ask her to we just can't go up there and ask why not because it might anger the gods if we went up there who knows what they do to us come on it can't hurt to ask but Tyrone you don't want it to rain all day do you [Music] don't mix thank you hey oh my God he on X Games mode [Music] are you okay oh yes thank you Robin Hood it talks who's ready to play some ping pong I'm always ready for some ping pong [Music] I must have what happened the anchor the anger stops the ship I have to hurry faster super stinky and I don't feel so well the totally awesome swamp Adventure Continues continues continues continues will you open it for us no please no pretty please nope why not we say it please because I can't I just can't open it it's a long way down but once we get across the bridge we'll be at Buttercup Mountain popular uh hobbler hello I'm knitting I love you stay away stay away don't run away [Music] and who let those raisins I don't know but I do know that there's no such thing as a Yeti anymore but I'm the sheriff not anymore you ain't there's a new sheriff in town and it's me [Music] go on now get great room enough [Music] hey a mirror wait a minute that's not what I look like uh sure it is oh foreign [Music] okay give me that it's a magic mirror [Music]
Channel: Luna DaL00n
Views: 17,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kzF6sFVpAJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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