P0300 Explained - Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected (Simple Fix)

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p 0 300 this means you're getting a random misfire in your engine don't start worrying yet we are going to be giving you some simple solutions to try and a list of other causes that don't have anything to do with engine failure as always make sure to subscribe and hit that little bell so that you're notified when we release new content p0 300 is a random misfire the random portion means that it's two or more cylinders in your engine that are misfiring that's a major difference between p0 3 0 1 or P 0 3 0 2 in those cases it's talking specifically about the first or second cylinder and since this code is p0 300 and it's a random misfire it also means that could be happening on any engine size now let's explain what a misfire is at its core a misfire is the desynchronisation of the combustion cycle within your engine unless your car is made before 1980 or you're riding a dirt bike your car has a four-stroke combustion cycle intake compression power and exhaust so your cylinder intakes the fuel oxygen mix the piston compresses that mix the spark plug ignites the mix to give power and finally your cylinder is opens to release the exhaust and combustion requires three elements oxygen fuel and spark the intake stroke introduces oxygen and fuel and the power stroke provides a spark if any of these three components are messed up the process gets out of sync and you get this error code now there are a lot of reasons for a misfire but we are going to start with a few of the simplest first it could be multiple spark plugs spark plugs can be fairly inexpensive as little as ten dollars but depending on your vehicle it can be even up to a hundred as with anything the part that gets you is the labor which can be anywhere from forty to sixty dollars per spark plug so if you have the ability to check and replace those plugs yourself try that first if you don't feel comfortable you can always ask someone who's handy with vehicles they should know how to replace those spark plugs pretty easily second is going to be that air fuel mixture your engine needs a very specific mixture of fuel and oxygen so if there's a vacuum leak somewhere in the car it could not be getting enough oxygen for that mixture this case it can be a crack or a leak in the hose or really any other air component issue and the good news this is usually another less complex issue that doesn't hurt your wallet too much the third option is going to be the fuel side of the mix this usually has to do with a fuel injector or a fuel filter between the two we suggest changing those fuel filters first because this is usually a cheaper fix around twenty to sixty dollars without the labor whereas the injector is electric and is a little bit more complicated piece of machinery and it can be anywhere from six hundred dollars to $1,100 for the parts alone our simplest option is the battery and let's pray it's the battery basically your battery can be strong enough to start your vehicle but not strong enough to keep up with the spark cycle within your engine again this could be a super easy fix and if you have the fix sensor you can actually do it within the app every new battery should read about twelve point eight volts when the car is off and luckily that's how the fixed sensor reads your vehicle's battery if it's below twelve point eight or maybe even twelve point six there's a chance that it's the battery causing those misfires if you're using another tool and you're running the test while the car is on it should read between thirteen point seven to fourteen point seven if it's below that thirteen point seven the same could be true and it could be causing the misfire but there's good news even if you don't know cars it's super simple to change your battery yes even you and we made a video to show you how easy it can be for all the other problems we included some helpful links below in the description so make sure to check those out now just like other error codes there are plenty of other possibilities for what's causing this problem from spark plug wires to ignition coils to bad fuel any air intake components or even mechanical issues the four causes mentioned before in our opinion are the easiest to fix and the most common so check those first either by yourself with a friend or with the trusted mechanic don't have a trusted mechanic you can check out our free app and look up local trusted shops don't have any friends you can check out this helpful video here change my line make sure to subscribe and hit that little bell so that you're notified when we release new content Cheers and happy driving everyone
Channel: FIXD
Views: 672,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Error Code, OBD2, sensor, car health, spark plug, cylinder, cylinder misfire detected, misfire, explosions, connecting rod, oxygen, explained, explainer, exhaust, compression, warning light, random multiple misfire, p0300, p0300 code, spark plugs, diagnostic, 0300, spark plug replacement, vacuum leak, spark plug gap, toyota, chevy, chevrolet, how to fix, ignition coil, acura, maxima, murano, injector, nissan, ford, scotty kilmer, chrysler, random, po300, error code p0300, code p0300, code po300, p0302
Id: Pbz9wDtMuoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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