P. Diddy Trafficking Investigation: Breaking Down The Facts

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sea Diddy comes more specifically the raids that have been conducted at homes linked to the rapper producer entertainment Mogul if you're new to the story Homeland Security they conducted these searches on these properties in Los Angeles and Miami reporting indicates that this is in connection to an ongoing investigation through the southern district of New York now the raids came amid several different civil lawsuits filed in recent months accusing the rapper and others of sex trafficking sexual assault rape domestic violence it goes on and on it's absolutely horrific but around the time of these raids Diddy was reportedly last seen pacing back and forth outside of a Miami Airport there was a video that circulated this he was accompanied by some family members now at the time the 54-year-old rapper was not detained he cooperated with authorities he was not arrested let's make that clear uh however I should tell you in the latest development Diddy's associate alleged drug mule Brendan Paul was arrested in charge but with possession of cocaine and marijuana now coles's attorney Aaron Dyer responded to the raids yesterday saying quote yesterday there was a gross overuse of military level Force as search warrants were executed at Mr colm's residences there is no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities or the way his children and employees were treated Dyer went on to say that the raids were quote a premature rush to Judgment of Mr Colmes that is nothing more than a Witch Hunt based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits there has been no finding of criminal activity or civil liability with any of those allegations Mr Colmes is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his day his name now remember Colmes has not been criminally charged in connection with any of these allegations one of those lawsuits was already settled the other ones are still ongoing so that is correct there has been no uh he's not been found guilty of anything he's not been charged there is no civil liability yet but as the story develops we are going to bring you the very latest and there's a lot to get into in the meantime we are going to dive into this live chat live Q&A for the rest of the hour again Facebook X YouTube submit your questions we'll bring them on the air now to help me answer this you don't want to just hear from me I am joined by La crime legal analyst Brian buckmire who's right here in studio with me and retired FBI agent Colin Schmidt out of Los Angeles we're gonna get right to it gentlemen good to see you um first of all Colin were you anywhere near the raids in La I think I should ask you that first and has your traffic been interrupted in any way no no I'm in Southwest Riverside County so I wasn't down there and that that neighborhood's a little bit above my uh my income level okay well let me ask you this so we have a question now this is from chocolo and I'm gonna say this I'm gonna mess up these names a lot it's the first step is admitting it I'm gonna mess up these names a lot chocolo ate milk from YouTube H FBI I thought this was Homeland Security that rated Diddy's Mansions because their specialty is investigating human trafficking I throw it to you Colin just a general idea about the fact that you had the homeland security being the ones who actually conducted the raid well they have the same authorities as the FBI does and based upon uh their uh their connection to the border and a lot of the things are going on there they've gotten uh a lot more involved in the human trafficking side of the of the crimes that are going on in the country and frankly they do a fantastic job and obviously they had a lot of resources there for a reason and I would be interested whenever uh we have that opportunity to see the affidavit that supports that warrant all right so that's I'm glad we cleared that part up uh because who conducted it tells us a lot about this there's also a preliminary question I want to now go to Brian about uh this is from Nikki's girl from YouTube question is they say it's a trafficking case so who is he trafficking to I get that he is involved however who else is involved it's a really good question when we talk about what exactly is uh sex trafficking what are the elements who would he be involved with yeah so human trafficking and then the more specific sex trafficking is simply transporting someone that affects interstate commerce usually that's just traveling across state lines and participating in sexual misconduct in one way shape or form so if you look at the Cassie lawsuit or you look at the Rodney Jones Jr lawsuit where there are civil allegations that people were brought across state lines for the purpose of of coursing them to have sex that would be trafficking it would be the individual that you're moving from one place to another or the person that you're having them engag in sexual conduct in that state or that area would be the trafficking it's it's a little different than what we typically think of just someone putting another person in in a vehicle and move them to another state it's it's the sexual activities that occur in the different states As you move them from one one place to another that's a good point I'm glad you broke that down um I want to go to Colin for this so this is a really good question from an equally amazing name it's cats. adct from uh YouTube I'm glad you admitted your addiction again first step is admitting it um the question is Prince Harry named in Diddy's lawsuit true or not now I can tell you as far as I know Colin in the lawsuit they're referring to the little Rod Jones lawsuit this is Diddy's former producer accused him of sexual assault sexual harassment encourage everybody to check out the lawsuit this is actually the amended lawsuit right here I know it seems like a lot but it's actually disturbing read to say the least uh my understanding is Harry is just is one of the people a celebrity name associated with Diddy which by the way if I again don't think there's any more mention in that but I think the bigger issue is when you're dealing with high-profile cases like this and we said the same thing with the galain Maxwell and the release of all those documents you're going to hear names doesn't mean they're implicated in any way or they're criminally responsible in any way it's just a connection a celebrity connection to Diddy what's your take on it because Federal authorities have to be very careful and sensitive to who is discussed in these kinds of Investigations well I think a lot of times the they'll put uh names in there I mean that that it's truthful I mean they have to swear to the affidavit but make it even more salacious to get more attention I it's unlikely Prince Harry had anything to do with this uh he was just it's from what I understand uh from my the news reports he just attended a party and he was just listed in lawsuit as just one of the attendees but there was absolutely no uh no inclination or no accusation against him or anybody that's in his Circle I will tell you if it comes out that Diddy or anybody in his inner circle are ultimately charged with the worst of crimes that we're talking about here you know sex trafficking charges then it goes into a conversation like we had with the Weinstein case or even the Epstein case was this just known and never discussed was this just known and nobody came forward those are going to be some tough questions but we're not at that point yet but Brian I go to you now because this is actually two questions that I think are equally important one is from D from YouTube well first let me do this one this is the expat exchange from YouTube based on the information known What charges is Diddy likely to be hit with Rico and then I'll also throw this one for me this is D from YouTube what's the sentence if charged and found guilty so let me put it this way we don't know anything about the investigation in this case we know that it's it's sex trafficking and we are connecting the dots as best as we can and looking at the Civil uh complaints from the five different people one being Cassandra Ventura her name also is is Cassie that one settled so we look at the other four so if I was a betting person looking at those civil complaints I'm saying that I'm looking at Rodney Jones's and we're talking Rico because he alleges Rico charges in his civil complaint as well as the human and sex trafficking uh Federal charge that one uh if I'm correct I'm going to double check it I think it's 18 USC 1591 that has an ultimate sentence of up to 25 years in prison now the other thing you have to think about is if you're believing the allegations of Rodney Jones to be true and there are multiple allegations of traffic tring there's a potential for multiple charges of trafficking so it could be one charge of human trafficking which is 25 years or it could be multiple that are sentenced consecutively so right now it's speculation but you'll look to the Civil complaints and that's you and I'm glad let's also make it clear these are civil complaints these are accusations that make up a civil lawsuit having said that you could have behavior that is overlaps right have Behavior that's civil but also part of the criminal Arena but these are civil allegations well the the complaint is civil correct but what they are accusing in the conduct and even in the Civil complaint they are criminal statutes corre yes and so you can take as we've seen and I'm not drawing the comparison to say that Shan comes is like these people I'm just saying that the process is similar right you can draw comparisons between Harvey Weinstein who had civil cases that turned criminal R Kelly Jeffrey Epstein you can have civil claims that have criminal bases that someone can investigate and move forward on so uh Colin let me move it over to you we have Danny Q from YouTube uh what determines if this case is federal or state Rico I mean we know it seems to be a federal investigation uh Homeland Security as we talked about was a part of it so how do we know or what makes it something Federal versus State well uh obviously the HSI went ahead and did the raids and the the concept of Rico gets thrown around a lot it doesn't get charged very often because there's a very high bar to prove Rico and basically a Rico is an Enterprise of two or more people that are engag Eng in specified unlawful Acts or criminal activity that's been identified in the statute as and and and obviously human trafficking is identified there so what he's going to be charged with if at all because he is innocent till proven guilty we don't know I mean that was the purpose of that search warrant is HSI going in there Gathering all the evidence and I'm sure they're out doing lots and lots of interviews and then if there is indeed victims ATT attached to this uh as in people that were human trafficked they're going to be talking to all them and wrapping this up and then I think this will come to a head quite quickly because of all of the media tension that's swirling around let me ask you my own question about that Colin a lot of people have been wondering why were charges not in conjunction with the raid why did an indictment arrest happen in conjunction with the raid if you can explain that well it might be because they're relying on those complaints that are in those civil lawsuits as well as some other uh issues or things that determine probable cause so so the bottom line is that the US attorney's office especially in Los Angeles is not going to charge someday unless they feel confident that're they're going they have uh evidence Beyond A Reasonable Doubt so I think the bottom line here is the uh investigators want to gather everything the prosecutors that are associated with this they don't want to pull the trigger too soon because they want to make sure they get this right the first time because you only get one chance otherwise if you go too quickly uh they might have to dismiss counts or not arrest him at all uh Brian want to turn this next question over to you by the way you can get your questions in on Facebook YouTube X Twitter get them any which way you can all right so let's go to this question this is from JT baller 3 from YouTube do we get access to all the information presented in federal cases or not I know there's no video interesting because let's say an indictment were to come out today or tomorrow um what would be our level what would our access be to those documents what would we know well if the stny is running an investigation in coordination the southern district of New York is running investigation in coordination with Miami as well as uh Los Angeles typically what they do when they do have an indictment they post on their social media specifically X or their own website and they'll put out uh a blurb of what the allegations are and what they're charging this is me looking in it in the future if Sean Colmes is indicted so you might get that blurb in some information we may also get an indictment but if that information is not presented to reporting that that wasn't his Gulf Stream and there's reporting that he flew out of the country and then there's reporting that he's in uh Miami right now so it's really at that early stage where everybody's making assumptions and uh kind of uh kind of trying to fill in the blanks um this is going to shake out very very quickly and uh frankly somebody of the stature of Mr Colmes I mean it's it would be tough for him to to hide anywhere in the world if if he indeed wants to hide well if he also goes to a country that doesn't have extradition I'm sure that would obviously complicate situations although I want to now ask you Colin followup question about the raid itself received a lot of controversy I would say Obviously from Diddy's legal team they say that this was like a military effort it was excessive we have a question from wheelie Pete from YouTube should his homes have been allowed to be raided given that they were in his daughter's name and the name of the record company now again I I can't confirm if that that ownership is correct but assuming it is even so you talk about the the what was used there um you know we had armed Personnel coming in people were placed in handcuffs outside quite the presence walk us through if you think it was appropriate well just unpack that question a little bit the first thing is using a SWAT team is what they use there uh might even been bork with the which is the border patrol their tactical Group which is phenomenal group The bottom line is they were going to go through probably a checklist of reasons why they would use a tactical response and the number one reason they would is they may have gotten information that there's firearms in the house and if that's the case they want to certainly uh use whatever resources they they have to make sure everybody is safe also based upon the size of that uh estate y uh that by the time the officers got to the front door everybody would have known what what their purpose was so using the those tactical resources was absolutely I think appropriate because they were concerned about not only their own safety but the safety of the people there and they want to do it in the safest manner the second thing as far as uh raing a house that's in somebody else's name it doesn't matter whose name it is uh the warrant's going to say or the affid davit is going to say that there's alleged or probable cause of criminal activity or there's um uh indicia of criminal activity is there and that's what guides those warrants and and I'm glad you mentioned that because again going back to those lawsuits if you just read it there and you take everything is true there are alligations of firearms possessions there are at least two shootings that are mentioned in the little Rod Jones lawsuit implicating Diddy so of course we are going to be following that all right we have a question here Brian uh this is from K mam from YouTube what legally needed to happen to allow this raid before an actual arrest do we know the probable cause the civil suits so you're they're kind of answering the question there it's probable cause do we know what the probable cause is no at best I can tell you the level of information that law enforcement needs in order to kind of jump into someone's home and start searching it so it's probable cause which in lame person's term I always describe it as the level of information that a reasonable officer would need to suggest that a crime did is or will occur now you need some specificities as to that nature of the crime you could probably look to the civil lawsuits for that whether it be assault or sex trafficking specifically probably the video evidence that Rodney Jones says he not only has but says that sha Colmes also has because he has cameras and recordings inside the home and so if Rodney Jones is able to sit down and have a conversation from the time that he filed that lawsuit back in February of this year till now he might be able to give law enforcement enough information to say you know what of all of Shan col's homes we believe that Miami and La have the information we're going to seek for let's go convince a judge of that let's get those warrants let's coordinate and let's move in I was speaking to a former CIA and FBI agent Tracy Walder who was of the opinion that this raid happened at that time to preserve evidence there could have been an issue about whether evidence was going to be discarded in any way we don't know having said that uh you know Brian really hit it on the head that if you read this lawsuit from a former producer of Shan comes it suggests that he had cameras in all of the homes of in the different homes that he had and it was was doing this was was got to a level of comfort and so the fact that they were raiding these homes it's because they the law enforcement thinks that's where the evidence is going to be located let me just follow up with you Colin because we have another question from Queen Chrissy from YouTube did sha Colmes know he would be raided the night before unlikely yeah I don't think so I I think he felt you know he probably had a sense that he's in a lot of trouble based upon those uh civil lawsuits because he's got the resources to hire very good attorneys who said the things that are in these lawsuits are very very very serious but for him to know exactly when they were going to do this raid is is highly unlikely all right Brian let me turn over to you this is a really really good question um so as we said these civil lawsuits happen um it was strange for me because I was actually reporting on this about three four weeks ago before Diddy's name was in the news so much I was reading these lawsuits I said this is they're alleging criminal conduct I wonder if criminal charges will happen now we see these raids one of the things that was really interesting one of the first lawsuits was Cassie ventur and she ended up alleging horrible things against Diddy and other individuals rape um you know their gun possession I mean the she these these illicit sexual acts that were very difficult to even describe she settles with him the day after and then we see multiple lawsuits that happen the reason I ask you this because Danny from YouTube says was it a mistake for Diddy to settle the Cassie lawsuit good question right yeah I mean hindsight is 2020 I bet you that Sean comes is probably somewhere pacing right now thinking the same thing um there's a theory out there that that you could suggest that settling one lawsuit invited others to have other lawsuits because they thought they could get their payday so to speak and it was the culmination of all these lawsuits that led to a criminal investigation and under that theory which is a very reasonable one I I can't tell you that it's true or not because I don't have the facts to support it uh yeah I would say it's a bad idea but on the flip side if Sean Colmes didn't settle that first case the discovery process would have been horrendous you have to sit for depositions people get to question you uh people get to question the other Witnesses potential Witnesses get to get called you have attorneys like myself who have what's called subpoena power so we get to call other people to come and testify so damned if you do damned if you don't this might have been the smarter choice but I think both were were difficult choices to make and he I know he made public comments afterwards uh well I should say written comments afterwards but basically said this is like a money grab the floodgates are open something to that effect um and clearly the statement released uh by his attorney yesterday is very consistent with this this idea of this is Witch Hunt that this is um you know he's innocent of all the charges he hasn't done anything wrong um Colin go back to you got a question from and I hopefully I'm not butchering the Stewie T from YouTube It's Stewie St so interesting maybe Stewie Stewie T from YouTube surely if they raided his homes he should be arrested and questioned not necessarily uh they're going to rely on the the evidence the facts of the crime and they're going to follow their own process so it's one of those things we're going to have to see where this goes and I've done warrants where I have arrested the the target of the warrant for many months even even a year later just based upon the fact that I was gathering evidence people got to remember search warrant is an Evidence Gathering tool it's not an arrest warrant so this is part of the process and it may take some time before they uh they go to the next level if indeed Mr Colmes is guilty of any of these things people are accusing him of let's talk about the next level this is a really good question we have great questions from our viewers this is uh for Brian this is Taylor from YouTube would they need to go to a grand jury for an indictment uh this would be feds yes for an indictment but you can also have a special indictment or like an information that's presented just to the judge I would expect though in a case like this yes but of course a grand jury is a secret process we won't know uh what type of grand jury there's special Grand jurries that collect information there are Grand jurries that return indictments uh we don't know if they're going to go through one or the other or both uh but if you're looking for an indictment yes the most common form uh or process of doing that is through a grand jury so Colin this is another good question this almost sets up what I would say I don't know if it's a defense but I think this question is wondering if it could be a defense Shan Caesar from YouTube is it trafficking meaning is it sex trafficking when the participants travel willingly as my understanding of the man act uh that it is it's very uh straightforward that if they are transferred for the purpose of of sexual purpose that it still meets the elements of the law and because the per the theory behind the law is are they able to uh give consent to tra to travel in that uh in that circumstance because of they may be under some sort of uh intimidation or maybe uh you know held against their will we just don't know but to say they they consented to go across state lines for this purpose uh you'd have to talk to the victims to figure out what the real story is or if they're minors and they wouldn't be able to consent Brian what do you think yeah I'm gonna piggyback of what Colin is saying as well it think of it this way it's less about the the the travel more about the destination and so if you consent to Flying to to La uh but you know that the destination you're going to have UNC consensual sex that would be a violation of the man act or of human trafficking it's not necessarily the reason for traveling but the reason for the destination I think is the easiest way to say it I think colum was was saying that as well and and talking about these um so the allegation that you have these people Brian that signed ndas non-disclosure agreements right um this is Johnny Infidel from YouTube whether it was ndas they settled the lawsuit uh do NDA victims uh may have signed with Diddy still hold or do ndas go the window once a criminal investigation has been started in other words can they cooperate yeah so yes as the kind of the second part of your question I'll put it easier this way you can't NDA criminal acts I can't walk up and punch Jesse Weber in the face and be like sign this NDA and don't tell anyone I assaulted you uh that's not necessarily the way that that it works another component to that as well is if you look at the Ronnie Jones lawsuit part of his NDA is that he wasn't paid appropriately so NDA is a quidd pro quo I won't speak if you pay up properly and so Ronnie Jones would say my NDA is not even legit so it's a contract there has to be an agreement yeah yeah um okay col let me go to you this this is from Nikki Hayes from YouTube will all of the footage of the security cameras he has be taken as part of the raid interesting question because we talked about earlier one of the allegations put forward by Rodney Jones is that on that camera footage at Diddy's properties is evidence of illicit sexual activity or or even or even just blackmail uh some some videos that may tend to show some of these relationships that are being alleged uh by Jones so again the question is will all the footage of the security cameras be taken absolutely and HSI most likely brought in experts in uh digital forensics that uh will know how to get to those uh videos that are stored on DVRs or computers or some sort of digital devices and they are going to take everything digitally that they can get their hands on all right so here's what we're going to do we're going to take more of your questions again submit them on Facebook submit them on YouTube submit them on X Twitter still can't submit them any which way you can we'll bring them up on the air again any question you might have about this sha didy com's situation I have a question somebody asked me a question it's very nice always Overland from YouTube question for Jesse is the timing of this a distraction for something else that is happening why now I was betting man that sounds like a political question um I'm not going to say uh that why you might be saying this no I I don't believe that this is quite a distraction from something else I think the timing of it is interesting in light of these different lawsuits that have come forward and different information that has been presented uh to law enforcement and as we've talked about before the timing of the Reign suggest that perhaps they had feelings that some of this evidence needed to be preserved perhaps some of it was going to be lost it's always strategic when these raids occur but no to say the least I don't think that this is a distraction from something else that might be happening all right let's go to ah this is a good question for it's actually a good question for either of you but I'll go to Brian uh Derpy cow from YouTube How long does it normally take to issue an arrest warrant after a raid assuming there is sufficient evidence well Derby Cal uh it depends on the sufficiency as well as the quality of the evidence and as well as the the bread of the investigation and the charges uh going against a person it it could be days it could be months it could be a year uh I don't know what's on the electronics that were recovered I don't know I know there was some reporting that guns were found in both locations I don't know if those guns are attached to other crimes or whether they were uh legally purchased and and and maintained and so for that I can't really gauge what I would say is law enforce moves quickly they seem to have enough people that they could question being the five people who had lawsuits and if you want any gauge I'll pull this out of thin air uh think about the last time you saw something like this with keii d July of last year I think was July 20th uh his his place is raid and then some two months later in September he's arrested and so that could be a metric you want to use but again it depends on the quantity and quality of evidence so Brian let me stick with you for a second talking about the timing of when we could see a charge because you and I were talking during the break um about what might have been found at the residence the reason I say this is because XX toxic God XX from YouTube uh law crime Network did they find anything in Diddy's homes and if so will it be used against him walk us through if they found anything where might see charges sooner rather than later so at least in the reporting I know they say they' found Electronics now the question is what are on the those electronics are we talking about Sean combes and his family celebrating a birthday or are we talking about some of those Freaknik parties uh that Shan Colmes have been famous for those white parties where the there are illicit and illegal conduct in them are you able to identify those individuals in them are you able to contact those alleged victims to see whether or not those actions were consensual because just because you see video recordings of people having sex it doesn't mean unless one of them is a minor that that activity is a legal you would have to find those people to see whether or not it was consensual are they going to testify are they going to speak with you this is another reason why this case could be delayed and so when you go through all those potential questions the evidence may be very strong if you can cooperate with Witnesses or it could be absolutely nothing if no one else comes forward and you can't give full breath to the evidence that You' collected these are great questions I mean honestly fantastic questions keep them coming on YouTube Facebook X Twitter keep them coming we'll answer them right now you got a retired FBI agent you got a brilliant legal mind got the guy in the middle who was not dressed for the occasion so you know let's uh let's do it um I got another question uh for you Colin this is another question from Shan Caesar if excessive force was justified during the raid due to security reasons why were civilians within proximity well it's kind of a loaded question to say excessive I mean I think the based upon the fact that they found Firearms there I think the force was justified and not excessive and then secondly in terms of civilians walking by we don't know the the circumstances or when they came by uh it looks like they had a perimeter and they were all kind of offset and they weren't in the middle of any of the law enforcement actions so I don't think anybody was any any danger per se on the street and using that level of force I think that they may have made it actually a safer situation for everybody involved okay this this is interesting we've talked so much about wow they wouldn't do this unless they had some they must have found something in the house charges are imminent ran Chris from YouTube says what if they find no further Evidence as part of this raid hypothetically speaking Yeah it it happens I mean I've had clients who have been targets of of search warrants and they go in there and they and they don't find something their Ci or confidential informance Niche whatever you want to call them might give them bad information a civil lawsuit may be just what Sean K is saying a Witch Hunt and there's nothing to corroborate it and if nothing is found then I would hope and I would expect the sdny to come out and say you know what we have exhausted all options we've spoken to whoever we can we've we've done our search for it we maybe done subsequent search warrants but we don't have anything and therefore we will not be pursuing charges do you think he could if that was the case obviously this is not good for his reputation this has damaged him publicly for people who were not following lawsuits like we were um who maybe were not following the In-N-Out of Diddy's allegations over the years do would he have a uh Brian would he have some sort of legal action against the government not the government because the government can only follow the allegations that an individual gives them and so you don't want to get into a place where if I lie to the government and I say keep using Jesse I'm going to pick on Colin now Colin said that I assaulted him right I want my law enforcement to believe victims to an extent to investigate and get that information to see whether or not it's corroborated now if law enforcement does all of the steps they're supposed to do and they find out that Colin uh lied to them that you know what I don't have a beef with law enforcement they did their job I have a beef with Colin and so I don't think the government will be on the hook but it'll be the source of information who made that lie very if they if they find out who the who the sources were who the informant were I'm not coming for you boys Colin's I got I'm not gonna lie to you Colin's a little scary he's dressed in all black we I can't get any emotion from this guy I'm freaked out but I like him I like him Colin let me go to you Jamie W Martin Martinez from YouTube do you feel that celebrities that engaged in these activities will also be pursued or do you think they will stop at Diddy well another loaded question we don't know who engaged in what uh we just have lots of allegations that haven't been uh thoroughly vetted or investigated if there are celebrities per se that were involved in activities especially with minors there's a very high probability that the federal government is going to uh pursue them as well however it's from what I the reporting is that a lot of this may have been an extortion issue so there's going to be a lot of if that is true there's going to be a lot of embarrassing things out there so the southern district New York is very very careful about not embarrassing somebody if if it's not going to move their case forward and so that to kind of e echo on what's been said here is we just have to wait till see all the chips fall but here's a here's a a kind of a related question to you Brian um I mentioned it before if these allegations are true and he is charged that's the same conversation that we had with Jeffrey Epstein with Harvey Weinstein was this just a known secret the reason I asked that is because Tabitha Rose Freeman from YouTube asks are the people who worked for Diddy and were well aware of what was happening liable liable even if they didn't participate again assuming that there was some criminal activity happening yeah again based on the assumption that there were criminal criminal activity going on I would say look no far further than Ronney Jones's own lawsuit who says that Shan Colmes is uh I think it's his manager or or or something of that effect the person who kind of runs his calendar so to speak that they analogize her to the gain Maxwell let me so her name Christina Corum combes as Chief of Staff compared to the glain Maxwell again the former associate or Madam of Epstein um one of the examples is for instance when Jones went to corm to report combes she allegedly said you know Shawn will be Shawn yeah and Chris and think of that Christina corm is one of the named defendants in both the original and the amended complaint for Rodney uh for Rodney Jones so to that point yes I mean look what happened to the criminal uh case against Jeffrey Epstein before he uh ultimately lost his life and then also Gan Maxwell prosecuted afterwards so you don't necessarily have to be the individual participating directly in the sexual assault but if you are organizing the sexual assault and providing the resources to allow for it to happen yeah you can be found criminally liable got another question for you Colin this is from Danny from YouTube uh um how long does it take for the feds to coordinate two raids like this two separate jurisdictions two different coasts well uh I can speak from the perspective of the FBI uh they can move very quickly um they're already set up they already have teams in place that that are doing other things and a a case like this it probably took maybe a couple of days based upon the uh the sense of urgency phone calls were made plans were put together together and HSI got got it together and went out and and took care of business so to answer the question it does not take very long to do something like this Brian over to you uh really good question about this something that I mentioned before about the allegation put forward by Rodney Jones that didd he has cameras in all of his properties videotaping everything that's going on the question from Ram from YouTube what if certain celebrities being videotaped without their permission consent what could happen then I think it would depend uh from a state-by-state issue because some states like New York you don't need to have consent to videotape another individual I don't and I'm sorry I should have prepared for this uh I don't have a list of all states where you need the permission to record someone else um but if it's in a state where you don't then there shouldn't be an issue if it is in a state where you you need the consent of another individual to record them that may be an issue in so far of them not doing criminal Acts I don't believe that privacy extends to Illegal conduct there might be a caveat to that I don't think you could say you know what yeah sure I was having sex with this minor but you shouldn't have been recording me during this and even if that is true that only deals with the video recording it doesn't mean that the minor can't be found using that video and then testify against them so it's one Avenue locked down but another one could possibly open for criminality I think we got our this might be our first Super Chat of the day uh from Paulie 777 seven uh this one I'm going to go through uh by the way super chats are the best way to get your uh your question up to the top so we can see it first and we'll get to it before anything else but Paulie 7777 says how difficult is it to get him back to the United States again assuming he is not in the United States assuming he is criminally charged how tough is it to get him back here to be criminally prosecuted Colin oh okay so well it depends on where he's at if he's in a place that there's no extradition uh there was Rowan palansky that case where he I think he was in France for over 30 years and never came back to face uh justice so or if he's in an extraditable uh country for example the United United Kingdom um it could happen fairly quickly based upon his uh notoriety and the resources that the Department of Justice would put towards us you know what let me stick with you Colin for a second assuming this is all true Pepe from YouTube says how did he get away with so many alleged assault charges in the last two decades so in other words if he was engaging in Crim in crimes for years why was he not properly investigated or arrested beforehand and obviously we still don't have a lot of information these are allegations in a civil law so we don't know what the context of this investigation is but it is a fair question well speculating you know there may have been a culture of of intimidation to keep people quiet um he's a very powerful person in the entertainment industry uh he's got a lot of powerful friends if any of this is true we don't know it's true there may have been quite a bit of intimidation uh for people to stay quiet or to play ball or they were involved in the acts as well um the same question could be posed to the Harvey Weinstein issue because that went on for for several decades as well yeah that's uh that's why I keep saying he is charged those questions are going to resurface about it was this just a known secret why did nothing happen sooner we're not at that point yet uh again he hasn't been criminally charged and nobody in his Camp has been criminally charged in connection with this sex trafficking human trafficking investigation uh Brian go to you we have a question from Eiser 8 from YouTube If the individual flew someone from one jurisdiction where the person was not of age and the suspect flew them to a jurisdiction where they would now be considered legal would that be sex trafficking welcome to the bar exam uh this is your first question this is definitely like a bar exam question so I think I think you you make the distinction between consent in one area and consent in another first of all consent and legal age are two different things some states have consent at a lower age um than others so I see what you're saying but it would depend on when they landed um whether or not that sex was consensual based on I guess that age but if you're doing it for the purpose of evading I think that might be an issue in of itself I I don't think the federal government wants you to be like you know what I think the state next to me will allow me to have sex with a 16-year-old so I'm just going to transport them over state lines I think that still may run a foul with sex trafficking as well as um the man act because the purpose in which you're traveling you're trying to you're basically trying to find a loophole in the law right um this is a good question about privacy and sensitivity I'm going to throw it to you Colin because if there is an indictment that comes down um I think it's going to be very interesting to know who was a victim who was victimized here because Teresa super from YouTube says have those that have been trafficked been identified again assuming that there really is a crime of trafficking but have those that been trafficked been identified are there any missing persons that will be reunited with family well once again it's an investigation uh there is a lot of moving Parts here there's a high probability that HSI already has some victims that they've interviewed but the big purpose of that search warrant is to determine if there's more victims out there or if there's any of these victims that are being held against their will and some other property because the number one purpose of the these kind of activities or enforcement actions is to see if we can confine victims and bring them to safety I got a question uh Super Chat from Samantha Ng uh thank you so much for putting the Super Chat in Jesse do you think Diddy fled if so where do you think he'd go PS I love your hair and you're awesome well thank you it's glad I was able to submit that under my pseudonym um no really thank you so much Samantha so do I think did he fled no I I don't think that he fled um there was something about the statement that was issued by his attorney uh that leads me to believe that he might still be in the country um I I don't have any reason to believe that he escaped uh or I even shouldn't say Escape that he fled that he's not here um obviously there was this video of him circulating in an airport but I have no reason to believe that he's outside of the country but I'll tell you this much we just don't know that's the bottom line we do not know at this point thank you so much for the compliment very sweet all right let's keep going on um all right this is I'm gonna go back to you Brian it's a question that was asked earlier but I think it's important to repeat uh Johnny Infidel from YouTube asks do NDA victims may have signed with did he still hold or do go out the window once a criminal investigation has been started yeah for the record that last question was real I had to go to our slack channel to be like is this Jesse sending himself questions no that was a real question Jesse's got fans but we'll go back to that actual question you got from me Jesse and yes they kind of go out the window you can't the easy answer is you can't NDA crimes the other issue too is was the NDA fully uh executed in the sense of there H it's a contract so there has to be something for something you don't talk about this and I give you that I I know in the Rodney Jones case he's saying that he was a producer on Shan col's latest album that he actually produced nine of the of the songs on the love album and never got paid the full amount I think it was something about $330,000 wasn't paid or or something around that that number that's why he's asking for such a low number in the grand scheme of things in this lawsuit for for for payment not made so if you don't fulfill your requirements to an NDA it doesn't exists and if you're NDA in criminal activity law enforcement can still come and question you about it and you maybe have to give that information up because you can't NDA crimes it's a great point I think everybody should pay attention to that one because it does become a question in terms of uh what he might have allegedly tried to do to cover up any of these uh elicit activity again he has not been criminally charged he has not been officially uh indicted he's not been indicted in any way but there are these some of these allegations are surfacing okay so now let me go to another Super Chat uh colum this is one this one's for you uh from Travelers of the Seas thank you so much for submitting a Super Chat and what a perfect question to ask from Travelers of the Seas hello young men how come Diddy's yacht was not raided interesting question Allen the we don't know that his yacht was not raid uh it may have been we just haven't we haven't heard or seen the reporting um and then this if it hasn't been rated it's simply because they didn't have the probable cause to uh raid the the yacht because HSI has the resources to do as many raids as they need that they think is is appropriate and needed so once again there's a high probability that they did search that vessel we just don't know about it stick with you Colin photo guard 690 from YouTube was he on Jeffrey Epstein's Island guest list or have a connection to it on a level that could be a common connection to the allegations brought against him I I don't know the answer to that question and uh but we will probably get the answer to that question very quickly ran your tribe from YouTube I'm kind of going quickly because we're actually running out of time so your tribe from YouTube why do you think the FBI raided all of his homes and they're not even in his name and he left the country the same day assuming a lot there are which yeah so assuming everything that you're saying is true one I don't think those are all of Shan col's homes he has more than two uh the only thing that I can really speculate to and make hezard Tales of is in order to get a search warrant you can't just say I think Shan K has X you have to say I think Shan K has X which evidence of a certain crime and that would be found in these locations there must have been some sort of Ci or some sort of informant or some sort of witness to say that they have locked eyes on some form of evidence that exists within those homes that's the only thing that makes sense to me going to stick with you Brian another question from Danny from YouTube uh question Diddy son Justin Colmes was named in Rod Jones lawsuit what evidence would they need for a case against his son it would be the same thing against Sean Coles whether he participated in the human trafficking whether he part participated in any sexual assaults or whether he was part of an organization as Rodney Jones seems to suggest that created this Enterprise under a RICO statute that funneled sex workers and trafficked individuals from one state to another affecting interstate commerce and that his son uh Justin Dior Holmes participated in it and he's also in this lawsuit implicated in a shooting as well at a record studio and also being part uh present at a party where there were allegedly underage women okay underage girls I should say okay so now um col let me go to you uh always Overland on YouTube is Diddy's life at risk should he be protected if charged or called to testify I you know that that's speculation I mean he's got a lot of resources to pay for private security so I with that said he's probably pretty safe with the people that are surrounding him other than the fact that may they may end up being witnesses to any of his past Behavior let me stick with you let me stick with you we got 30 seconds Queen Chrissy from YouTube Colin how long is the ETA on the review of evidence on Sha Colmes and his electronic devices that were confiscated confiscated during the raid depends on how much they took and it could be months before they get through all that data really fascinating stuff gentlemen what a pleasure thank you so much for both coming on breaking it down for us really interesting um you know I think it's fascinating to try to get a perspective on this when we don't know so much if this advances this goes to a place where he's ultimately charged I imagine we are going to do another one of these so Colin keep your schedule open Brian keep your schedule open thank you both so much for coming on everybody thank you so much for submitting your questions to us we really appreciate it we do it for you guys and we love having this discussion this back and forth with you so really do appreciate it continue to follow us here at law on crime we're over always covering the big cases and we will continue to follow the developments in the Diddy case I'm Jesse Weber see you next time everybody
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 1,297,795
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, true crime, truecrime, true crime videos, court, trials, law&crime
Id: 83MXVXlCRss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 52sec (2932 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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