P-51 Mustang vs. Spitfire - A Comparison

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Channel: Warbirds
Views: 344,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: P-51, Mustang, P-51D, Spitfire, Mk, XVIII, XVIIIe, XIV, Merlin, Griffon, Allison, American, British, Engine, Lowpass, Warbird, landing, lowpasses, dogfight, comparision, luftwaffe, RAF, Airshow, piston, fighter, v12, Supermarine Spitfire, North American, Flying, Landing, P-51B, P-51C, WW2, WWII, Warbirds, vs, against, Takeoff
Id: kDrh3NBnRLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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