Oxygen Not Included - What If We Had 100 Super Duplicants?

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I have heard your cries for more and I give you 100 super duplicate thanks Bob Ross for pushing me into this by the way and for the rest of you guys for liking this I'm sure nothing will go wrong with this plan just so you know I did spawn in all of these via the debug tools so they are all going to be unique duplicates this time so they're they're not going to all be stacking on top of each other in the same cot so I will have to deal with the actual increase in volume and if there's anything I've learned from having 100 duplicants randomly dropped into your base is that things can go wrong quickly the other thing is that I did not add in all of the traits here so if I did then I could really significantly reduce the amount of oxygen that they need I didn't do that what I did is click through all of this which was odd reduced and edie this dance to all of them it took me over an hour and I was using a macro yes this over and over and over 100 times but all that means is yes we now have 100 super duplicates within this base however we've got one duplicate that is more Super than them all and that right here is super me and if I could find them in the list harriman and home man oh man sous-sous there he is super MEAP so just how powerful is super me well his hair has literally gone a saiyan mode up there and take a look at his stats they are hundred thousand so it's construction speed is and okay hang on it's like hard to read is that really is that two million five hundred thousand percent faster holy ah okay well I think super super goof among all super duplicates is just going to blow them away how fast does he even move move somewhere MEAP he doesn't move that's the thing he doesn't even move he don't even see a move I have no idea if there does Etica little speed limit at this point we're gonna find out though so now that I've added an extra 90 to my population here and if I click the skills menu oh my gosh I'm gonna have to click all of these girls don't worry about it only the pain the pain Bob Ross why do you why do you do this to me people what do you do this all of you actually there's so many requests for more super dupes all right here we go first the things I need to do is dig like mad and then plant food like crazy because if you take a look at how much food we have we have eighty thousand which is not even going to supply our duplicants with enough food because we're going to need roughly a hundred thousand calories per cycle so we need a lot more honestly just planning things are going to take longer than it is to do anything at least in my opinion here I have no idea how fast this is really going to be but I can imagine it's going to be unlike anything I've ever seen so none of this is sand ok so that'll be some more meal wood down there and I could just dig all of that up and we'll leave enough there to be safe there we go I mean for real planning this stuff is going to take longer than the actual execution of it I think yeah let's just give all these dupes something really cool to do alright so here you go I mean you wanted to see me dig the whole map ok we can I think we can dig the whole map at this group let's just let's just go for it well drop some ladders in here and the at mizzou --tz-- don't work because the dupes are just too fast so yeah there you go dig everything guys we'll see how poorly that goes ok so another thing that's going on here is then we have all of these storage bins and they're just going to take over my entire map so what I want to use here is get rid of all of the storage bins and use an automatic dispenser to stack everything in one single tile literally the whole map the whole map into one tile so to do that what I'm going to do is deconstruct kind of some of this stuff dig out a little bit because I'm going to need the space let's deconstruct everything over here we really need this done it'll be Jeremy but don't worry about it okay so to make that happen what I need is a small puddle so we gotta find a good spot for all of this probably not next to the food just in case it goes bad over here seems like a decent enough spot and then plumbing what we're going to do is set up a little bit of a bottle emptier right there boom and that way I can have a little bit of water down there so the anything that gives off oxygen will be under water and it won't be able to do all of oxygen yes hold up we got to move this to that fails to that side just like so then put the automatic dispenser over here like this that way we don't step into the puddle that gets this stuff okay so there's a few things to do let's dig you everything build a ladder and hopefully get a bunch of food planted have at it game hey we're managing 20 frames per second not bad not bad considering 100 duplicates are in here okay so the hmm let's just have them continue digging this work looks that's necessary there's just herbs everywhere they don't even know what to do I don't know everybody's idle 40 of them are idle all right come on now come on now find something to do here dig this out you don't need that there I'm down to 25 idle dupes okay so this thing has been set up we can set up to sweep everything we're going to say sweep only and we want this to auto bottle enable auto bottling of just water okay so let's go down here and we're going to deconstruct all of this okay thank you thank you take a look at the decor down there oh yeah it's taking this a slight hit Turner turn it you put the wrong type of liquid in here I said water not polluted water do what I think but not what I did say they don't thanks Joshua something happened to your mop it had an issue okay so that is sweep only right so now if I do move to breeze into bin and I just select all of this we should see all of this stuff end up over here in this spot boom so it's dropping it down so we can deconstruct that as well sure there's no other storage bins anywhere and then we should be able to just pick everything up from that one spot I would say the only thing is that this is kind of slow hmm we thought an automatic dispenser would be too slow we're going to have to take this to the next level there we go just deconstruct all of that Oh know what you guys do you guys made oh you're making a mess over here a Sun Hat how many somebody dupes are gonna die oh okay so now that I have one what I can do here is take the same thing hello hum this isn't right this isn't right deconstruct all of this we don't need it yet okay now build a single tile right here right here okay and then build another one right there so we can use the automatic dispensers like this and like this there we go we just save with a little bottle of deer in this spot as you can see there's a fair amount of stuff how are we doing down here have we built this yet mmm oh good we can finally harvest all of our meal wood oh speaking of which are consumables oh no this tab this tab has always gone bad every time we've had a hundred duplicates in it Wow okay that was actually better than I thought it was going to be disabled to me a lice across the board literally in this case across the board game thank you we should see that nobody can eat me Oh wood okay good middle ice meal ice we want to okay whatever that's how you harvest Wow okay I'm going to have to rely heavily on meal wood for a little while although I do want the trans transition over to like massive ranches or whatever I don't know we're gonna find out how what it takes Harry but I'm gonna start with Millwood because it's it's that easy to grow but fungal spores down here are going to be a great one plus I have like an infinite source of slime and if you're worried about germs oh no bathroom oh no um yeah we're just going to need a few of those oh no they're all gonna have to go at the exact same time oh no you know what that mean although I'm definitely going to need one of those there you go dupes sure that done before the end of the cycle which as you can see by the army have tubes running over there that's going to happen ok so this is set to sweep only mode so that's going to be awesome we just copy the settings just like that beautiful it'll take a little bit of wattage but you know what it'll be worth it because what we can see here is that we're dropping everything into that same spot there such a slide joke oh good people are suffocating already yeah thank you for the food who's suffocated oh well okay it was suffocating now you're still suffocating that's fine you'll be fine don't worry about it oh man look at all of this material just being me oh that's awesome look it just goes off the screen I don't know everything is just there it means I might want to put in another compost pile there you go down here it's imperative that we actually copy these settings and get them growing as soon as possible so there we go oh man that's a lot of hungry duplicants what's even going on here I have no idea people just falling okay there you go you figured it out max max max max let me help you out max oh there you go there you go huh all right well max is broken okay so I'm going to need a better strategy for the ox we're going to need something like this in order to enable people to breathe this has to be the worst place to go to breathe max is easy don't tell me everybody is everybody eating in the same spot all right well we went from a hundred thousand calories down to thirty thousand oh this is going to I don't see a problem with this at all everybody's sleeping in it like in like the stadium at house set up here you know at least we have a shine oh speaking of which hey you know what this hatch is like I have hit the jackpot everything is in one spot what a buffet what right what has happened down here duplicates this the worst place you could possibly be oh no now the morning is showing up everybody's just gonna have germs like there's just there's not enough wash base okay so one of the things that we need to do is just dig into this which is just the best cool steam vent ever considering that it is right next to a cold biome so it's like water and we're gonna go ahead and tap into that and just everywhere I go this is what I'm going to do we're just going please we're just gonna do durai's everything okay I don't know what else to do with it all right dupes I see your sense of urgency down here now that you no longer have enough food to survive although some of my dukes like they don't know what to do they can't actually function alright so there we go give us what is happening well the duplicants have managed to dig down all the way down here I mean they got a long ways to go Nicola and man you got to stay busy Oh who's suffocating now there's nobody there Oh found them okay they needed an emergency exit we're going to give them priority of seven there's some gold amalgam around hopefully somebody will come save them come on Liam you got it nope there we go no not quite help they need help no man they're about to get crispy oh man what's gonna happen here there they go there they go don't stop to breathe now get out of here oh no more duplicates are now suffocating to death why can't they figure out what to do hey dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig Mona somebody dig a ladder what do we have polluted water I don't know we have some gold amalgam that's nearby that always works come on come on guys make it good deal all right so how much oxygen do we know is the answer okay so we need to add some oxygen down here if we want to survive so let's go ahead and slap that together and let's just face the facts we need more than one coal generated for all of this start all of that we don't eat it all right there we go we now have some oxygen being produced down here that should slightly health some not quite enough but we got some all right so we're going to add this second coal generated to the automation there should hopefully help most of the things don't have enough power to run so everybody's getting stuck on this this fire Poland just deconstruct that that's not even necessary so there we go and now that everything's down here let's just go ahead and sweep all that into the same spot ha ha I love to stick this thing is just so cool you know these tiles right here should be airflow that's what there we go yeah all right well that is the end of the cycle Oh No some of these dupes are stuck over here y'all really need to do this ok so now that we have a vote why why DUP's why do you all end up in this one spot what is about what is it about this spot that you'd like so much ok what are these reports telling us besides horrible things um okay so yesterday we made five thousand six hundred calories and we removed forty five thousand unfortunately a lot of people are still hung chores completed 2619 day before that four thousand and that's how many was added no 2558 we're done whatever you get the idea getting a lot of stuff time a lot of time stuff is getting done somehow we have work time one hundred and twenty two percent interesting this is going to be a good night's sleep real good okay so what we need to do is we need to get duplicants storage up and running I mean bunkers so we'll start to build this up here we're just going to smash as many duplicates so we can get into the same spot they're good to know everybody's suffocating we have insufficient oxygen generation Oh No well okay step two now but now that we have some water over here we're going to have to get the electrolyzers set up this is a good spot for the that over here oh so that's only going to be a little bit of power okay good deal how's the oxygen in this area not particularly good is it a power issue do we just not have enough power I mean I can add power in another way if that's what you really want now you guys are doing real good down here real good just keep going oh okay we're going to have to change this ladder to igneous rock so that they can actually build their way out there you go have fun with that how's everybody doing okay most people are suffering from slime lung minor detail that's to be expected hmm well this isn't good I think every duplicate is going to be starving by the end of this cycle mm-hmm all right so I'm going to transition over here to mushrooms fungal spores now I should have enough carbon dioxide did not have to worry about that there we go we'll sweep some stuff oh my goodness they loved it sweep that cots okay that plan there will work matter of fact if I remove that door how big is that room day mmm all right well this housing arrangement seems to work it seems nice dense we'll just we're gonna go and roll with that all right adding some more algae deoxidizers here what is it oxygen diffuser now it's oxygen diffusers kind of deconstruct all of that we don't need that stuff over there okay I want you to move there you go okay this right here will be a great spot for a farming station because I can boost up the production for the dust cap if if I can go get it to cue up okay what else we haven't built any of this up which is kind of unfortunate just kind of hoping we do that in order to get this stuff to grow I'm going to have to bring in carbon dioxide I love that I only have one single mikromasch all right let's just of course we're not even washing our hands before we go in there oh one of those medicines used blossom seeds well I guess I'm not going to be growing that because I definitely converted all of that into medicine whoops well now you know so I'm ending up with a fair number of sick duplicate think we'll take a quick tour through the chlorine over here and we'll just have them breed some of that and that should be a little bit better oh no who fell down his son Hasan oh you are done oh no who died Joshua oh no I think the chlorine might have been a bad idea maybe but that's okay we're gonna put the tasteful memorial we'll put it right next to the shine but build a few more just gates I mean if we're to prioritize anything this is priority level 9 over here potentially party level 8 anybody anybody okay hold up we got a better way of getting out of here yeah mom come on come on get out of there get out of there you guys cannot sleep here move stinky move okay I think everybody figured it out except for the two that I told to move no well we have a lot of duplicates over here I'm surprised that there is enough oxygen hopefully tomorrow is a great harvest for know who is suffocating I can't even find Oh how what do you have to work with sedimentary rock okay you guys are going to have to do this number crap this is going to be super stressful save them save them okay there we go we're okay we're okay get some nope never mind stinky down here is eating underwater hey you found food he knows what's up oh no people are making a mess oh oh this is going bad really bad crap I did not mean to make it all that priority you know No okay so now that everybody's starving well not quite just give it a moment Oh everybody's crying this is like Oh No now we do have something down here I don't know what it is it's always good to find out well dig down there and try not to kill any more dupes on the way all right let's move some debris because now we we have some up here and it's kind of nasty stuff so we're just gonna move it all into that one spot and take care of it that is my that's probably my most favorite thing to do everything into one spot okay so now we've got kind of an issue these are cramped inside of here so I think it'd be a good idea to have an egg cracker down here just in case and we don't need this guy so we'll just take care of oh no oh no oh no oh you just got attacked by 25 super Dukes that guy's dead yes a little bit of harvest it's not going to be quite enough how many eggs do we have and we have three units those aren't worth anything so we're not going to worry about those direct led eggs and get rid of one of those have it a pullet egg it's only 250 grams not even worth it ooh a frag yes please okay we'll make an omelet if we get fried mushrooms we'll make fried mushrooms need food mmm there's a new Humble Bundle and I think you're really gonna like this one this is electronics and 3d printing bye mate I have some of the make stuff and it is an excellent learning resource check it out you can get started with soldering how about fusion 360 for makers that's really useful make sensors is a really good reference I've used that one a few times myself get started with 3d printing and other electronics you can use the link in the description below as you can see then I am partnered with Humble Bundle so any purchase will help support my channel and also go to support the charity of maker Edie and humble and make themselves thank you guys so much for your support and have a wonderful day all right well we have 65 tons of dirt I don't know if it's going to last us all that long but yeah we could find a way to make something more out of it eventually hey this will be useful we got a natural gas geyser over there and there might be something else right here I don't know what that we're coming for you fishy I heard the sound of the printing bot ah gold amalgam that's not going to help okay so I need to make a catch basin for this seems like a decent enough way to do that and then over on the right side I'll just use metal tiles because that's where all that cool so maybe something liked it it's a little hot over there guys little hot it's like boats really hot and really cold and you guys are getting buried so keep digging okay well that was dangerous in case we have some issues Liam figure this one out buddy Liam there they go they're figuring it out no no come on come on oh no the processing speed is too slow for them to figure it out come on think faster super dupes oh and the starvation is kicking in only 17 of them are starving that's nice well I've got good news and bad news some of the good news here is that there is more meal wood and it's all ready to be harvested the bad news is I'm not sure you're going to survive that night suffocating well in the bathroom okay yeah I've been there I know that's usually an awkward situation but okay we're done per tonne and we're up to 19 starving duplicates okay come on game there you go but look at all this harvesting I think it's just in time most of this is not happy at all because of the body temperature great all right it's time to employ a new machine called the ice maker I'm definitely going to have one of those inside of here matter of fact I think I might just put that on a mesh tile that may just work boom drop that ice maker in there we dig up this there you go now take a look at my grid put another ice maker up here and plug it in so that we can run that machine as well chances are it might even just flood itself turn itself off but okay we got 20 starving dupes oh yeah this is this is good for the dupes down here okay good luck good luck okay luckily the amount of starving dupes is starting to go down okay so we have an IBC fan this is actually a lot a lot more powerful than the last unit we had so we're gonna throw a couple of those down there and we'll see how that work hey there we go the Sun is over here he's running the ice fan you can see that that there we go that should knock the temperatures down 32,000 dgu is being removed they're down and now they're going to get hypothermia from just being next to it mmm problems our van my gosh when I say dig and mop like that they just everybody took off and when did one thing well enjoy that slime long huh I'm sure you will see what the temperatures are like in here look at that okay super cold super hot Hasan just how how did you somebody deconstruct a wall so Hassan can get out very level six us on well crap we're up to 21 starving dupes I guess that wasn't enough 97 we're still harvesting more I think it might come down to our army of IC fans here if we can get the temperatures down fast enough you know there might be another way if I dig up all of this right so it's got a lot of temperature inside of it but if I dig it up and then sweep it into one spot that's really far away I'll take all that heat with it so see how these do this debris here like literally all of it what is all that's all mass that could just be moved so if I take this and I sweep it up I can take all that heat and that's the hope sir take that heat with it but dragging that ice all over the place is not working oh because they're dragging this ice that ice is moving here named no no liquefiable will copy those settings and apply it to everything so we stop trying to sweep ice that would be bad okay so the temps are there they're coming back look at all those dupes in there man this is just complete madness or up to 25 starving dupes I do not want to go to the micro musher and make much bars by I think I might have to well the idea was to dig this out and take all the heat width but I don't think that's going to work this time so it was a fun idea tomorrow we're gonna block it out more food just waiting to be had oh no somebody died starve to death me okay so we definitely need more food let's go ahead and harvest some of our meat here ah no I Nate is down all right luckily we have a ton of food down that's good at least we're making oh hi hopefully the temperature will be corrected okay good okay good starvation is down a little bit that's nice oh my I'm just trying to build everything at this point just all of it productivity is down because of crying hey this little this thing works out I like that put the green huh that right there and then a couple doors came out all right let's take a look at these temps now I've put in some shift plates you know the hope said that would cool the steam down but no no it's not here's what I can do that's always worked ha that'll actually work out really good there what how'd you die Mima there's food around litora you could have gone to pick the food up but nope nope you went and died I'm just gonna that's your own oh okay you see how this this temperature shift plate you know it's yeah we were missing one but it should work pretty good at keeping things cool yeah see the temp is wood struggling oh man fourteen dupes are starving man we're just having such a hard time Oh No well there's almost beds enough for everybody man look at that it's a lot of starving dues okay fine we're back - uh-oh not fast enough they died while crying for another dead tip again oh no well they stick close by there we go finally harvesting some food oh we got some skill points - okay people are entombed Oh trav Alda okay hang on they're suffocating same people there's a fish that looks like food its puffs looks like food that puff looks like food that looks like food people are hungry we got eight we got three fry eggs that we can eat there oh no no more people are dead fungal spores suffocated to death Oh what dude you had a ladder right there it's your fault for not understanding how this game constructs things what the Doozers like I don't know I don't know I'm not gonna do anything there you go dig that how did you even end up over here dupes really and you're gonna no no cancel bad that's the one thing you don't need to do what what what hello and now let's just stare at it and die okay the duplicates have have reached a point of no then they can no longer handle what's going on here like Ren Ren refuses to dig oh no dirty sniffer you know I tried to save them but in the end they just didn't want to be saved alright well okay that that didn't go very well oh so many skills so much mopping look at that Wow and everybody's still starving I'm gonna build a ton of the other eise's over here that should help I don't know I just wanted to build a ton of them so we've managed to win back some of the temperature with the icy fan really not making enough food and these are just not crap I think my rancher died that's not good okay more dying starve to death yeah I'm just not making enough food oh there we go there we go get that food get it if those dust caps ever end up harvested I might actually stand a chance tell you what I really do like doing this thing being able to just sweep everything just everything into one single spot I mean watch this this is cool so many sick tombs and so many skill points I'd have to assign Oh more of died mmm dying everybody's dying foods catching up to him Oh Oh everybody mopped because that's what we need to do right now actually one one cool thing about what's going on over here is that as I'm spreading out all of this polluted water I'm bottling it up so that it keeps giving off more and more polluted oxygen but then I'm flanking it by a ton of deodorizers as you can see many deodorizers and therefore I've got lots of oxygen haha so even though I'm burning up a ton of algae up here I do have a method for making more oxygen and it's just for going from polluted water it's an interesting strategy but it seems to be working except for I have three duplicates that are entombed of course when I oh there they are oh wait there's another one hang out oh we got three of them hang up you need to be clear gosh so yeah you just do this and then you just do this number and then all of your oxygen problems are solved simple no I the game's pause then you died how did that what is literally paused it's alright the more that die the less skill points I have to go in a sign later hey my secret strategy I'm glad we're maintaining about eight frames per second here I've decided to speed up the game running a mod that runs from 1x - 3 X - 10 X a little difficult I run 10x on it I don't even know what's going on with the water up there look at that it's just mystery water this is all part of my secret plan No you take giant puddles of water stretch them out and turn them into bottled polluted water because you have super duplicates you can mop incredibly fast mind you 80s le super dudes oh wait they're less last okay so I have a lot of polluted dirt that I need to reconvert back into dirt so this is going to be my compost strategy down here it does give off in a polluted oxygen and stuff so I'm just gonna do this now aha that seems to have actually worked out pretty good ooh does give off a fair amount of heat hmm I don't know about that every few seconds another one goes and there's another one Harold Oh No whoo we got got some traval dirt no another one hate it they're all at the bottom of these pits man oh there's another one look at all the beds that are now missing duplicants this is kind of sad oh there's another one one of the meats a Rowan is gone Laer died running the icy fan but may took over now oh no they just they keep falling left and right well good news we should be able to harvest the dust caps tomorrow I wonder how many will survive some food kit there I mean to be fair we don't even need this over here any more we could just kind of get rid of it before you go deconstruct your cot please thank you hey there we go the dust caps are being harvested so you look at all the food we have now now that we finally were able to harvest all of these dust camp really nice I think was the temperature that really kind of helped do us in there was a lot there that just got too hot I mean it wasn't like it got really really hot just a little bit a little bit 30.5 but that point five we can't hurt the population that didn't it what boy what did I just see yeah look at all those fungal spores hmm all right well I've been at this for about four hours now and you know what it was interesting you know dropping in an extra 90 duplicants even with the their super abilities goes to show that you just can't easily ramp up from ten to a hundred in in an instant like that now we could have probably just made a ton of mush bars and survived that way but then at that point you're going to run all of your dirt out so you know and that isn't really a good way to go but I don't know it was an interesting experiment we did learn some things over here know if there's an experiment but it was interesting something um and that is being able to dig up through the slime biome here and bottle a lot of that that actually produces a huge amount of oxygen so huh there's something something that might be an interesting strategy when you go to dig up the slime by them dig it down throw down some deodorizers convert it to oxygen but also try to bottle up some of those puddles if you can it might be might be an interesting method forward as far as this episode IRA I don't know is interesting as opposed chaos madness many duplicates died just as I expected but you know what it turned out a lot better than the last time I tried 100 duplicates in that less died most of them are sick this time though so there's that it ain't right that's all I got time for today hope you guys have enjoyed this little episode here of oxygen not included this looks like the channel for you maybe consider hitting that subscribe button as always thanks for watching guys have a great day stay awesome peace merav car out
Channel: Brothgar
Views: 75,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxygen not included, oni gameplay, oxygen not included game, Brothgar, what if, oxygen not included gameplay, Oxygen Not Included gameplay, 100 duplicants, funny, base building, base build games, oxygen not included qol mk3, oxygen not included quality of life, oxygen not included qol
Id: g9ZY8nHSdnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 42sec (2202 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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