Oxy-Acetylene Regulator Setup Tutorial

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i've got my oxygen and acetylene tanks here and i've got the hose right there i'm going to show you how to assemble it and disassemble it the right way step one make sure your valves are all the way closed i'd be concerned if they were already open when you have them set up because you'd probably be losing all your gas the regulators are color coordinated oxygen is always green and your fuel is always going to be red if you can't tell the color of it the acetylene will always have notches in the nut the oxygen doesn't have those so first just hand tighten it in i kind of wobble the regulator up and down to make sure i'm not tightening it when it's skew so when it's straight it'll tighten more nice and tight i'll take a wrench and tighten it the rest of the way you want it to be firm but don't overdo it [Music] later on we'll see if it has a leak and we need to come back and tighten it next is the acetylene so we'll do the same thing next make sure the valves on your torch end are all the way closed nice and tight now you want to make sure that your hose pressure is all the way out nice and loose when you tighten it it'll increase the pressure so you want it to be out but not so far out that it falls off next up we're going to put pressure from the tanks to the regulator we just want to open up a quarter to half a turn and when i open them i'm going to open it very slowly and gently if i were to open it really aggressively it could put put too much pressure into the regular and cause it to explode so it's always best to go nice and slow so the pressure can build up gradually in the regulator and once you see that dial go up you know there's pressure being sent to the regulator and sometimes you'll hear a little hiss i'm gonna increase my acetylene to a five five pressure on this side again going nice and slow then i'm gonna set the oxygen to about a seven all right now if you smell acetylene that might mean you have a leak so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to turn them both back off nice and firmly all the way off i'm going to wait a couple of minutes and i'm going to watch the regulators if you start losing pressure that means you have a leak somewhere and you need to tighten it back down it's been about 30 seconds and i've lost most all pressure from the acetylene tank so i probably have a leak right there but on the oxygen it looks like that's all the way tight i haven't seen that meter go down at all from either side and because i have an adapter set up to this i'm going to tighten all these down a little bit further to see if that'll fix the leak now we'll put pressure back into the acetylene again going nice and slow i'll wait a couple of seconds and i'll turn it back off i'll do the same with the oxygen when i open that up i didn't see that needle move at all so that probably wasn't any leak so the same amount of pressure was in there when i turned off the valve as when it was on so we're all good on the oxygen now we're turning back off the acetylene we're gonna watch that meter to see if it goes back down again all right it's been a couple of minutes and the pressure is still in the acetylene and in the oxygen after turning them both off so we know there's no pressure being lost from the tank through the regulator or through the torch yet now once you're done using the gases to turn them off you start with the cylinder valve all the way down save the acetylene all the way nice and tight and you leave the hose valves still on so they still have pressure going from this segment to this segment then you take your torch and let out all the gas now that that's all the way up you loosen up your hose valves and there we go that's how you assemble your hoses to your tanks and how you turn off the gases once you're done using them i hope this helped and if you have any questions leave them in the comments and i'll be happy to answer them
Channel: Ferrous Phoenix
Views: 68,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxy, oxy-acetylene, how to set up a regulator, how to set up welding gases, how to set up oxy-acetylene cylinders, oil & gas, oil and gas, how to use oxy-acetylene gases, oxygen tank regulator set up, acetylene set up, welding gases set up, welding regulator setup, cutting torch gases set up, how to gas weld, oxy-acetylene set up tutorial, $oxy, acetylene welding, how to install a regulator, how to use a regulator, how to check for gas leaks, how to know if my gases are leaking
Id: FGW-l2T2RoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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