OXALATES--A Hidden Cause of Chronic Disease.

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[Music] welcome back this is Dr Jin s where clinical Excellence meets excellent results the hidden cause of chronic disease oxalates what is it how do we get it how do we remove it from our body and how do we prevent what we call oxalate dumping so let's get right into it hidden cause of chronic disease oxalates oxalate is basically a tiny molecule made up of an oxyc acid plus a min Minal it's naturally occurring right and 80% of what we call kidney stones is calcium oxalates right so it's ayc acid plus a calcium it's an antinutrient it's steals minerals from our body magnesium calcium iron zinc and copper okay plants use oxalates for mineral management sea germination and self-defense so it's a protective mechanism for the plants so what contains oxalates spinach rhar beet greens chard nuts and seeds figs coco powder basically chocolate kiwi certain teas will all have higher levels of oxalate there is a exhaustive list that you can Pro uh look up and I'll try to provide a link uh for all the different types of foods that have high oxalates in the description below 20 to 40% of oxalates are consumed right that means 60 to 80% of it is metabolic waste material from our natural processes so our body has natural processes that will produce oxalates but it needs to get it out of our body or excreted through our body okay fact two cups of spinach along with your green smoothie will have 1,500 milligrams of oxalates in there which is a lot of oxalates that your body needs to process and get out of our system why are oxalates bad it's corrosive to the GI tract it can uh cause kidney stones and it deposits into your arteries as well as other tissues in our body it can impact the nervous system the brain it depletes your glutathione stores which are antioxidants impacts connective tissue so you can experience joint pain and then recovery might not be good after like uh aggressive exercise you can still experience uh joint discomfort or soreness because of it it also depletes B6 and biotin uh when you have high oxalate levels so why would our body produce or increase metabolic waste of oxalates if you have low levels of B6 your oxalate levels can go up high doses of Vitamin C or IV vitamin C can also increase oxalates in our system aspergilus fungi basically um from nuts and seeds sometimes it contains it or a contaminated home that has mold will have aspergilus so that would also increase your uh oxalates disbiosis inflammatory bowel disease gastric bypass all can increase oxalate in our system because it's not binding correctly in our GI tract and being excreted out so disbiosis inflammatory bow disease gastric bypass another one is antibiotics antibiotics will not only kill off infection which you may require but it also decimates our gut uh bacteria and certain bacterias will break down oxalates so you need these microbiome um in abundance to break down oxalates in our system so antibiotics can be a factor here oxalates are excreted through the feces as well as the kidney about 40 to 50 milligrams per day is is processed through the kidney oxalate levels or oxalate issues is really not an allergy or a sensitivity to oxalates it's more of a toxicity okay now to test for oxalates there's no real good methodology you can check in the urine and the blood however they've done studies where uh people have oxalates in their kidney but they're not really excreting it in their urine when they check their urine because it's all getting embedded into the kidney all right so there's no real best test however if you really want to go ahead and try testing for it there's something called an organic acid test and I use a company called great Plaines lab and you can run this organic acid test and it can give you Clues to oxalate levels in our body all right now strategies before I talk about strategies we let's talk about what we call oxalate dumping so if you have a lot of oxalates in your diet and you have high levels in our body if you go and um just go completely oxalate free let's say you go carnivore okay and you're basically eliminating all these plants and seeds and things like that and your oxidate levels in your serum or blood will drop that may cause your body to release oxalates meaning things uh that are embedded in the tissue whether it's your intestinal lining your kidneys your uh liver when your serum level goes down uh of level of oxalates then your body will dump whatever oxalates it's embedded in the tissue creating symptoms related to oxalates so you have to be very careful to prevent that from happening so here are some strategies to prevent oxalate dumping and some of the symptomatology one you want to probably not go cold turkey right don't go eliminating oxalates completely from your system you want to have a little bit or just reduce down and gradually go down uh in terms of oxalate load okay you want to eventually work it down to less than 50 milligrams of oxalates per day you definitely want to increase your water content or water intake because it will help flush our system you want to use calcium and magnesium citrate because the citrate version will help bind the oxalates in our system so you can use 500 to 1,000 milligrams of calcium citrate 3 to 400 Mig of magnesium citrate and then you can also use pottassium or potassium citrate up to about 1,000 milligram you can take that every day and or you can put it into a you know a jug of water and you can sip it all day long to help prevent some of the oxalate dumping and also help improve oxalate clearance out of our system B complex is important especially B6 but thyine is also very important so you want to be able to take a b complex that has good forms in there boiling your fruits and uh I mean boiling your vegetables might be very beneficial in reducing the oxalate load some studies show anywhere from 30 to 85% reduction in oxalates by just boiling the vegetable you can also use conid and sulfate because sulfate is another one that helps bind and you can also use biotin because uh it depletes biotin in our system so you want to use biotin there's a couple of bacterias that have enzymes that break down oxalates lactobacillus acidophilus as well as bifidobacterium lactus help break down Oxalis in our system sometimes it's genetic so you have to look at your genetic Snips and and and look at it um to manage some of this um oxal toxicity issues you can use lemon and water or apple cider vinegar to help minimize some of the impacts of oxalate dumping you can also use an Epson salt bath um the Magnesium salts will be beneficial in terms of helping binding the oxil out of our system so that's a lot of information and probably there's a lot more that I didn't cover in this video what I'll do is I'll link some uh research articles and some um good resource sites that help you uh look at oxalate and oxalate dumping and the problems with overload of oxalates a good resource is probably Sally Norton she wrote a book I'll link that below and she talks a lot of bit about about basically oxalates and the toxicity that it can create in our system and chronic disease all right my name is Dr Jin Sun we clinical Excellence meets excellent results and we'll see you guys next week on the healthy side have an awesome day
Channel: Dr. Jin W. Sung
Views: 193,371
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Keywords: oxalate, oxalates, oxalate dumping, high oxalate foods, how reduce oxalates, testing for oxalates, removing oxalates, carnivore diet and oxalates, high oxalate, high oxalate symptoms, oxalates and vitamin c, vitamin c increase oxalates, IBD and oxalates, gastric bypass and oxalates, supplements for oxalates
Id: rnW85WwPlu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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