Owning Alaska ep1 - OnAir Industries + MSFS

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hey y'all I'm barley here and I'd like to tell you the story of how Barley's fur and fine leather is taking over Alaska while doing some flying in the Cessna 208 and ATR 72. [Music] I've been on vacation for several weeks and in that time I've managed to build up quite the fur and meat trade in the land of the Midnight Sun using on-airs uh Industries beta feature beta sign right there and in this episode of on-air heavy metal I'd like to show you some things I've learned and how I'm building my operation up and even some mistakes that I've made along the way first I needed base cubes so I flew to Elmendorf Air Force Base to pick up some base camp construction kits so I could then fly them all the way up North set them up so I could build factories in each one Landing time oh here's Anchorage where I have my 208 and right next to it is Elmendorf Air Base where I went to go pick up the base camp construction kit and then I didn't have this at the time this is covetna um so I was flying all the way up here now I had to go this far north go to this area because we have to be far enough away from size one in bigger airports to avoid the hunting camp efficiency penalty and base camps also have to be three nautical miles or more from any other airport or base camp for you to deploy it now if you are within 30 nautical miles of like a size one or bigger like pasw and there's another one or one ak6 you're gonna get like you're gonna get a hit for like a point because you know they're not right next door but they're within 25 miles so yeah I took like a two percentage Point hit but it still rounds up so I'm still producing at 100 basically but I need to make sure that I was at least 50 nautical miles away from size two because that hurts basically the larger the airport and the closer it is the bigger a penalty your base camps take I guess the airport disturbs the wildlife or something something along those lines so I made sure that I wasn't within 50 nautical miles of a size 2 or bigger which is why we had to be this far away from Anchorage and to stay away from this and not get all you know if I had tried to put it like down here all of these would have counted there's a size two in there there's a size two down here so just to make sure um that I wasn't going to get penalized heavily and my hunting camps weren't going to produce what I needed them to we needed to build all all the way up here oh one by one I flew the base camp construction kits up to the Mount kiskin area and spread them three to five nautical miles apart along the side of the yentna river building that drive riverbed offers flat straight runways for easy access to all five of my baseball now when you're placing a base camp um you have to be sure that you whether you want it to be fishing or wildlife if you want it to be fishing leave it in the riverbed even though it's dry it'll still count it as a fishing camp but if you want to place hunting camps it can't be in water so I move to Camp over here just using the managed base camp display put it into the forest and it's a hunting camp and you can or it's available to be a Wilderness instead of a fishing camp and you can have hunting camps at it that is an important thing if you I got caught with that once and I learned my lesson so after we've deployed the base camps then it's time to build the hunting camps and the way what that looks like is you um you create a new Factory and then you tell it like I want to put the factory at I don't know it would have a name first sorry about that it would be Anchorage hunting number one or something like that right and I've already built these but I'm just showing you where you do it so you create the new Factory and we will put it at the deployed hunting camp right that's where this name shows up is because when I deployed the hunting camp I gave it uh an airport moniker and name and then I would tell it I want Wilderness for hunting you can choose the other two if you want to play with the other stuff but I need to be able to put hunting camps you need wilderness and then you hit create Factory once you do that you end up with um something like this it's empty when you first do it right so to set it up you need a container for the input which is hunting gear and then this this container is already there it's automatic and that's for rations um and each hunting camp needs three Hunters well first you have to build it right so this is here's one that's under construction that's my last one in construction and you have to bring 10 lumber two Builders and two Steel two this base camp and then hit build and then it takes 24 hours or so to build a hunting camp uh smokers are I think 36 hours and the tanneries are like three days they take to build and they all need different amounts of wood steel and builders but anyway while they're building they look like this they don't process anything and then once they're built they turn into this and they need three Hunters and the hunters get tired right so this guy's got 15 fatigue but at 15 it doesn't really have much of an effect we're still processing at nominal production time that one had been recently refreshed so let's find one where they're they've got some tired going on here you go once it gets below about 70 that's when I'm starting to see it's starting to how it's taking longer if we go in here you can see these guys are fatigued to 28 and instead of 24 hours it's taking almost 30. to do this production because they're getting tired again once they get down to about 30 fatigue that's when I'm gonna start replacing them I mean you could do it immediately like as soon as it starts affecting production but you're gonna be ferrying so many hunters in and out of here uh the gas isn't worth it so it's it's it's better to let them kind of get down to 68 between 65 and 68 somewhere is when I start yanking yanking them um but yeah you can see how it affects instead of just processing doing this in a day it takes a day plus some hours and you have to decide for yourself and then of course you have to set up containers on the other side to determine where they go and for me I take it when they get when this fills up it shoots this down to um some go to svetna because it has one meat processing Factory and then all of the rest of it goes down to Elmendorf where I'm going to build the rest of them at least for now that's my plan we'll see how that goes so yeah you build out you just you need your you need one hunting gear container for three hunting camps right and then you need each hunting each row of hunting camps needs a container for pelts and for meat you can see that this first row all goes to this pair the second row all goes to this pair and the third row goes to this pair and this is the best I've seen or figured out as far as cramming as many hunting camps into a factory now as far as um so that's our hunting camps next we need factories to process the raw meat and the fur and that's what the fine fur and leather Factories do well part of it so here's a full one so same thing you need a container for the input and that's the pelts right and one container feeds three tanneries and the Tannery produces fur and Leather So you need a pair of containers on the output side or each row right so the first row is going to this pair second rows go into this pair the third rows go into this pair and right now I'm just storing them so you have you have three options as far as store output containers is you can store it it just means you have to you have to figure out um where you want it to go um and you have to take it there or you can use truck or boat transport and when it gets to a certain level if you choose this you then tell it where you want to go and at what threshold do you want the truck to take it there is an economy of scale here anyway so you can see for 50 of them it costs eight thousand eight hundred fifty Seven dollars right if I go to the full well you know what the limit is there a limit for the truck hmm 100 okay yeah like if I just put in a bunch yeah 100 so that's the most a truck can take is a hundred well it's 17 000. so that tells you that each one is what uh Seventeen dollars if you did one it's 667 dollars right and then 10 . see it should be six thousand dollars if it was you know 627 a piece or whatever right and then 100 would be ten times that would be twenty thousand dollars instead of Seventeen so the more you can put on the truck the better and these don't Decay with meat you have a problem of Decay the longer you wait to fill up those meat containers the more meat you lose I think it's something like three or four percent per day something like that but we're not gonna we're gonna change this back to storage I don't really want them to take that to Fairbanks basically that's the this is the fur processing or Pelt processing pelts turn into fur and leather and they go here and then when these get close to full I'm gonna start looking for you go to the trading Hall and we find some place that's going to pay us for our fur and leather and in the oh hello in the area there's lots of demand it looks like well well there's one that's closer anyway so we would do this one 59.50 yet Aki akiak uh and we you can just put it on a truck and send it here and when they get there you can either do the contract before or I found it best just to wait until they all get there and then check out the number and then you just click on this and there it is uh pfac yep that's what they're gonna pay and this price is available for six days and they'll take up to 5184. oh yeah we would just type in let's say if we send 100 we do that we say sign contract and if the stuff is already there it just it just fulfills the contract the next time the system does a tick and checks all these things um so that's the first stuff now for the smoker Factory there's not a whole lot of difference except for one thing so you hear you notice here it takes two days you know if it's full or fully efficient it takes two days to process four pelts so it does two pelts per day and in two days you will get two fur and four leather and it does not move anything out of these two containers until the end of the second day and then it shoves them over here so although it produces a fur every day and two leather per day see it's already got one um these will sit here until they hit two and four and then they'll go to their containers now for the meat processing uh what am I a smoker uh Smokehouse there here's one that I think I just finished building everything out yep brand new it takes eight hours to process too so this process each smoker processes six meat per day so six times nine fifty four and it puts them in here and then I have a truck that's going to take it I I don't know where these should be storage I don't even know what I have it set to We're Gonna Take It oh because this is the one that's sweating so I'm just taking it all down to Elmendorf and then from there I'll do a mass shipment okay I guess that's my thinking but we'll just let that continue but it's the same thing your input is raw meat and then um you need one input container per three smokers and you get nine smokers and then each row needs a container and then you can decide what you want to do with each container so that's that's processing the raw meat into smoked meat and then use the trading Hall the same way um to get the um sell the smoked meat to someone and there's a good demand for it up here and that is all the factories you see a size one airport Can Only Hold one Factory well the manual didn't really mention that so I hit that limitation once I tried to build a second Factory here and it said nope you can only have one in a size one I was like okay well then I'll just build the rest of them down here at Elmendorf but of course I need nine and I was counting on being able to use both of these to maybe get there so now I'm gonna have to figure something else out with that the other problem is during all this somebody else went and built a factory at Anchorage so the limit is five per you know one Factory per airport size for everybody not just for you so I don't get necessarily unless nobody was here I don't get five factories and I need five for fur processing because I have five base camps that was always our hunting hunting factories whatever you want to call it so now I'll probably have to I'll have to find another place to stick my fifth Factory for fur and I'm gonna have to find another place for additional meat processing probably along the way there's a bunch of um let's see here small uh you know size ones and stuff down here like I could put some here one there one there one there or put four of them all in here and just kind of just have the trucks bring it down and then figure out what I want to do with the smoked meat once it's done there are choices and I'll deal with that uh later so I built my fur processing at Anchorage and meat processing at squitna and Elmendorf now I use trucks for meat transport and atrs for pelts right now that could change over time but moving meat a hundred um units of raw meat at a time is more cost efficient with the trucks than it is to have an ATR picking them up uh just from a math perspective now for pelts once I have a surplus and pelts um and I can increase my shipping size to 100 I may do the same thing and move pelts to trucks um and then the atrs will just worry about ferrying Hunters um back and forth and hunting gear and food so there'll just be a supply run and they won't have to pick up anything from there other than the tired Hunters that need to go home at least that's my plan so we'll see how that works out at first I was running 208s from Anchorage all the way up to where my hunting camps are and what I found is that at the time I didn't have fbos at any of my hunting camps it didn't even occur to me until much later so I was having to run this 208 with enough fuel to get back well it's a long way so basically they weren't built they weren't efficient as far as how much cargo they could hold so my second idea which I I still am fond of is creating a forward supplied base at squitna since I was going to have a factory there anyway and I was gonna have to land planes to pick you know drop things off pick things up whatever um I decided to go ahead and put an FBO here and then move the 208s up to svetna and use an ATR to take huge amounts of hunting uh gear Hunters food um with a trip and then just bringing the tired Hunters back then the 208s operate out of here as a home base and they worry about resupplying all five of these and if there's you know supplies or something in the area then they can go on a short hop or what have you but yeah their job is to make sure that these things stay fully supplied so that they're as efficient as possible so that we get our uh 450 meat and uh 54 whatever it was um Felts every day uh how many 90 pelts 90 pills a day so we want to make sure that we get everything and my last change for this operation so far was to place an FBO at each one of these uh base camps so that the 208s only needed to carry enough fuel to get there that allows me to put more cargo and stuff into the 208s and make the transit a little more efficient so they don't have to make as many trips I'm also testing and I have not finished this test is putting in crew rooms at each one of the hunting camps the base camps the fbos there nine which is how many Hunters I usually leave at each place to see if I can stop paying Hotel charges for the hunters that are waiting to be used like when you when you have to refit them you know you have to change them out so I'm gonna see if that works but it takes nine days to build all that so I gotta wait until this is built and I'm sure you guys know how to build fbos but if not it's fairly simple you just do it from the World Airport screen then you just tell it oh you could you can choose your hunting camp so you just use an Anchorage hunting and they hit display now I already have an FBO here or being built um but if I hadn't there would be a button here that says build FBO you just build an FBO and then you add whatever you want to it and this is what I'm building there um I'm not going to build any repair facilities we are putting in uh 500 gallons of jet fuel um no tie downs because no one's gonna stay there and then nine crew rooms are being built and that won't be ready until the 16th so that's when I'll be able to notify you if this does save on Hotel fees or does not uh and that's it each one of these is real simple I'm hoping that it saves me money in the end because there is a weekly ownership cost for these fbos yes 288 dollars I think right now I'm spending like uh um 1400 or something dollars a week in hotel fees so this will pay for itself if this works if not then the fuel's still worth it I think but you can always dismantle it if I don't like it and then of course once I figure out what I do and do not like about how I'm doing this operation which is basically a fixed base operation at two um size fives size one forward Supply base and then five base camps um as I'm I'm planning to copy it here to Fairbanks I'm already started um all that's left is to start dropping base camps and I'm gonna do that tonight so after all that we come to the last portion of the video which is the full flight so you've seen the Cessnas dropping off base camps and how to deploy um for the last part it's a full flight video and it's flying an ATR to spitna carrying some hunters and supplies yeah enjoy and today we're gonna fly from Anchorage out to our forward Supply base we're taking some hunting gear a bunch of hunters and uh think oh some steel and lumber and when we get into the air I'll explain you know what the Ford Supply base is and how I'm using that with my camps but for now let's fly start the before start checklist starting the before start checklist parking brake on landing gear lever down power management knob take off dust lock on engine controls exterior doors closed that's it check pre-flight checks complete I'll get our clearance yeah we don't really need that today it's VFR we're gonna try anyway but we do need to foreign there we go three greens fuel pumps cross feed all good need the beacon good good good good good hydraulics on set off devices and signs wrecked oxygen all right all good there unlock the door radar to standby we may need that today it's the airport's operating under VFR but there's uh uh light rain in the area by his position [Music] UPS flight plans is gonna be a simple one but I am going to put the entire thing in on the FMS watch this Anchorage to Smitten or however you pronounce it which is p a s w and that's really the whole flight plan which you need to clear that discontinuity there we go flight plans in let's do performance initialization uh we're gonna try 8 500 there's supposedly a ceiling at 9 500. oh no no we can't go that high there we go and then for weight fuel as the hundred pounds it just disappears don't know why uh 0.9 and then one extra tenth is for barley makes it a little easier to get off the ground a little smoother me thanks yay and performance is set looks like 106 knots the only thing we didn't set was barometric pressure there it is and that's uh 29.86 all right but we are done with that here we go uh that's oh the thing that I almost always forget and that's on the wrong setting that on that's where we want it 1300 pounds uh trans this doesn't really matter but fine all right now for we said 8 500 there we go and speed will be Auto and we will be doing heading and Ila IAS not I not ILS or Landing um oh the runway heading the runway heading for three three is three two nine three two nine there we go that's set uh uh all right continue landing gear indicators three green fuel pumps on begin on Prop break ready DC and AC generators set hydraulics on Ice protection off passenger signs and emergency lights set O2 okay anti-skid and stick Pusher fault lights out FMS initialized check radar standby CDLs locked departure heading in altitude set autopilot modes that speed Target Auto the four star checks complete ready to start engines uh begin tracking we shall check that we are tracking check wheel chocks off second easy fault lights off exterior door indicators out begin engine start okay first start of the day we use a and b 10 will you bring the fuel in until you land and shut down the engines to the north with whiskey well pressure's coming up starter is off ITT is good with this engine to auto taxi to and hold short Runway tree tree the taxiway Echo one golf kilo Romeo cross Runway seven left barley 0-1 something's not working right broke did oh there it goes whoa okay that was weird accepted hey 70 be able to turn this off and DC generator should kick on and we can start second engine well kick off the ground power unit so they can get that out of the way before I start spinning on a prop okay things are acting funky I may need to restart the plane why can I oh all right all right let's try this again yep it goes the flight recording software there's ten percent fuel in oil pressure is good gutter is off ITT is good move this to Auto yeah now things are working correctly okay apparently just a flight recording software was interfering I ain't all good just turn on our position and taxi lights all white here check payload again I know I looked at it already we're good numbers are 104. that's awfully High that's what I would have expected okay 104 and 110. all right continue engine start control Off DC and AC generators Tech GPU disconnected condition levers Auto Tru on startup checks complete ready start pushback checklist begin wheel steering okay ready to push back check come door closed check prop break off Pito heat off position and taxi lights on anti-skid test Vic transponder setting on pushback checks complete should I start the before taxi list yes nose wheel steering on MFD to navigation mode flight recorder check checklist complete all right time to get moving um that wasn't awake start the before take off checklist start the before takeoff checklist starting before takeoff checklist breaks Jack indicator Center just lock hey I need a taxi information here three three E1 GK R cross seven left E1 gkr where's E1 the G1 there's K and Romeo there's there's no here's e is this is that supposed to be E1 and and then golf okay so he wants some but that's behind me and when they give me Lima golf 1 to kilo uh see if we can get to it okay E1 gkr yeah okay so I think e1's back there there's E1 I see it now this is E1 we will attempt to follow their directions all right repeat off live controls being correct if Dean takeoff configuration test check List complete oh that's actually G1 we were given E1 we're going to try to follow the directions so E1 must be over there right here departure to the north departure to the north approved cleared for takeoff Runway tree Alaska 7006. start to take off checklist starting takeoff checklist cleared for takeoff correct Runway check Runway is clear in fact checklist complete to take off power set Alaska seven on one two one dismal Niner AirSpeed alive rotate starting line checklist positive rate here up check off Anchorage Tower barley01 continued for North departure space frequency change approved Anchorage Tower bar lead zero one frequency change barley01 is Type 2 miles Northwest of Anchorage 1200 feet request clearance to transition Charlie airspace for one Anchorage approach clock 5725 barley01 radar contact three miles Northwest of Anchorage 1800 feet clear to the Charlie airspace maintain on navigation cleared through the Charlie airspace barley 0-1 laps up gonna climb [Music] let the autopilot have it although we are not gonna get the 8500 I don't think let's go 4 500 for now turn off the taxi and Landing lights and I mentioned that um was going to show you what all this is about what's going on why don't I get into Cruise configuration then I'll then we'll bring that up end and maintain 1 600 feet Horizon two zero zero two but basically all our hunting camps are out here where that little Waypoint is and at first I was having my two eights go from Paint Anchorage out to here and of course since there's no fuel at at base camps um they would have to carry fuel for both ways but they couldn't really carry very much so instead I put an FBO it's squitna and now I take huge loads of stuff up here and there's a couple of 208s out here that feed five camps and what that what that looks like go ahead and go to cruise that looks like is me starting my takeover of Alaska so there's one these guys Sky Val or skile has two base camps and Elsie has two bordox has one then there's some stuff way over here but that's all six um anyway and we've got five six barley01 making sure everything's okay over here so I've got five hunting camps and here's Lucas in one of the 208s the other 208s back here she's already done some runs um you know he's we're we're finishing the build on number five and then I'm gonna decide whether I'm gonna put a sixth one out here or if I'm gonna have to start another one of these and I put a a supply base like over here and then go out this way I don't know yet I haven't scouted that but right now that's my strategy is use a forward Supply base and this has a bunch of lumber and steel and hunters and hunting gear and food and then these guys take out what the hunting camps need um and then bring back the tired hunters and then we fly in and we drop off whatever they need in big loads and an ATR and then we take back um the tired hunters and pelts so that's what we're doing a little bit of a rainbow on the weather radar see if this stuff is just light rain or if it's something to worry about right now it's not even showing up on the radar all right so we're going to be landing at uh and we're lending on Runway one zero which is one one six I'm gonna set my heading bug for one one six one two zero zero frequency change approved barley and we'll see if I remember how to land this thing zero tree squawk four zero zero tree barley zero one zero one radar contact one one mile south of alpha kilo seven two four thousand five hundred feet two Niners don't eat sex Roger Marley 0-1 80 going to one tree tree decimal seven barley zero one Anchorage Center bar link zero one four thousand five hundred feet foreign we can take care of it as planned it's a quick flight start our descent here shortly we're going to drop down to I don't know we're between 12 and 1400 feet 1500 will do vertical speed go to take off [Music] preparing for arrival start to start The Descent checklist starting The Descent checklist power management not take off no devices and fasten seal belt signs on review Landing elevation 122 feet deck brief the approach uh we're gonna fly over Midfield uh turn on a left downwind make a left pattern for Runway 1-0 which has a heading of one one six as we approach the Airfield we will go take off the autopilot we will turn it off and landing and taxi lights are on airport should be in here somewhere I think uh seven miles out so yeah we should be able to see it we're gonna fly over it one way or another that's a short rainbow great well I'll get the airport really that wasn't in the forecast could be a turnaround trip uh I can still see oh it's rain I could turn this on but they really don't do anything except be annoying we should definitely be able to see the airport is that it I have not landed here yet my AI has been doing all that work I think that's the runway right there no that's not going the right direction though it has to be it I don't see anything else yeah that's it oh there's yep there's the green and white okay autopilot off and let's begin slowing down all right am I over the field I don't know if we can get a glimpse of the windsock if there is one no I don't see one okay setting flaps 15. well that was a gust of wind geez speed 160. landing gear not yet all right why did it why did my head and get reset that's not helpful 116. he's not helpful at all why did that happen [Music] okay so I don't have to listen to you over and over listening okay this should be far enough turn around now we'll go ahead and drop the gear setting flaps 30. three greens and flaps full all right lights are good three greens flaps all good as she said [Music] they're bringing her back to 120 good lineup feel a little bit High yeah a lot High ER whiskey traffic barley won four miles north inbound to land Runway 1-0 [Music] about the landing checklist start the landing checklist not listening oh start the before landing checklist hello start the before landing checklist starting the performance checklist zero and two knots [Music] attack flaps okay power management knob take off Glu low speed limited check cabin pressure back checklist complete 200. below 100 50 40 30. 20. 10. Landing time logged 60 knots all right nice little short field Landing with plenty of space to give and I didn't slam it down the runway too hard I don't think laughs up start the Chrono for the engine [Music] and we can turn our landing and strobes off Feathering two um who is off parking brake all right need that anymore it was at zero we can ask for a GPU because the GPO comes off the plane on this side that prop is down pop is off now we can feather one turn off unnecessary lights everything left on is Beacon well let's get on GPU first and then we'll cut one engine off time logged the flight is finished it has been monitored by on-air I'm waiting for this prop to get to zero and let them that's their bags got the fuel pumps and there's zero there we go passengers are free to go okay Hydraulics are off fuel pumps are off all lights except Beacon actually we can turn the beacon off now engines are not running and everything here is in the proper place I think we're all good to go oh battery off I'm curious to see what did honor have to say about my Landing regular yeah that's about it short field regular I'll take because typically short field Landings can be a little stiff um [Music] and since we're not loaded to the gills for this Runway I probably don't need to do everything I'm going to do this time but not having taken off from this runway yet I'm going to anyway explain all of it here shortly but this is basically everything you can do in an ATR as far as I know if you're gonna if you're doing short field takeoffs first we're going to go to the very end of the runway yep I'm sure the nose wheel's straight okay check this complete boost is on lead air is off which also turns off the air conditioning and we're going to be going into the ramp section of the throttle that's everything that I know of you can do to make sure there's short field take happens the way you want oh we are taking off don't really need to look down for this now wait till power comes fully up that's it AirSpeed alive 70 knots cross check anyone rotate starting line checklist Airborne time [Music] 7162 barley zero one 1 600 feet Roger barley 0-1 [Music] setting flaps zero setting power to climb [Music] that's the autopilot have it from there but yeah even not fully loaded we probably the nose gear probably came off about a hundred feet before the other Runway and I think there's maybe just 60 or so feet for the main gear so yeah I think somewhere between 70 and 90 is probably right for how you know how heavy we could be and now that's with almost no headwind so that's how I'm gonna if there's no headwind I'm really gonna have to consider 60 the limit and then like five knots Maybe 70 and then um if you have at least a 10 knot headwind I think we could probably get by with 80. but yeah we want a margin of error now the other thing with a short field takeoff is you saw where V1 happens there's no if something goes wrong we're we're taking off I mean there's just nothing else I mean because there's no way we're stopping before we end up in the water it was both engines then I'd rather roll off the end of the runway into the water then get airborne and then you know be fighting an aircraft but losing one engine no that would be a definite takeoff anyway we would have to lose it early on like if we went to power up and one of them was acting funny then we just you know give up but uh if if we hit V1 or if we're you know approaching V1 and an engine suddenly goes to put no we're taking off anyway there's just there's not enough room to stop if something like totally critical goes wrong like there's no way it's going to lift off then well slam on the brakes and hit the water as softly as we can not a whole lot else we can do I don't think I'm gonna bother with the weather radar I don't think we're gonna need it but I can turn off the landing and taxi lights that can put us into Cruise start the cruise checklist starting the cruise checklist Cruz cabin pressure Jack arrival briefing um we're expecting Runway three three so we'll be I'm expecting they're going to give us left traffic for Runway three three uh we'll drop down to at 1200 1300 feet enter the pattern then start our descent to get down to pattern altitude um go out here and do a turnaround our V approach speed 101. wow that's that's low fuel is balanced and it's not like I can take less fuel because then you're gonna I end up getting hit by on air for the uh safety thing for not having 30 minutes worth of fuel I mean I had 29 minutes left when we landed it pasw and got hit for that um it are what it are not so dark all right Runway three three is a heading of three two nine and I'm not doing it because I'm going to have the autopilot doing much with it I like budding the bugging the runway heading because it makes it real easy for the pattern you know I'm just gonna put myself a quarter mile Off The Runway and then buy the reciprocal which means basically just put the bug right there and I know I'm 180 degrees to the runway heading fly out until I'm at a comfortable distance to start my um you know my turn and then make the runway and then you know if if I'm if I go too far on my pattern which I don't don't think it'll happen having the bug there also lets me know if I line up the little Runway you know the airport Dot with the bug that I'm heading towards the airport on the runway heading that's that's how I use it who eats their own I suppose I don't have any questions for the magic eight ball six stay going to 118 decimal six barley zero one encourage approach barley zero one five thousand five hundred feet for one Anchorage approach altimeter two niner that's all eight five continue it planned Anchorage approached barley 0-1 request clearance to transition Charlie airspace early zero one Anchorage approach clear to the Charlie are cleared through Charlie airspace barley 0-1 I think we'll have a thousand feet over us from the clouds Maybe not we're dropping down at 3 500 I mean we're getting close to descent I guess we could pre-descend last thing we want is somebody coming out of the clouds and smacking into us yeah I'm gonna drop down thank you all right I might have to make it although we're definitely a thousand feet below the clouds visibility is below my personal minimums I'm gonna go ahead and right and when you need to contact the airport Anchorage Tower barley01 is One Tree miles Northwest 2800 feet with whiskey to land that's what we were expecting fly left traffic Runway tree tree barley01 taxi lights are still coming up through them freaking wheel wells okay since I know we're clear of obstacles I'm gonna go ahead oh we already are yeah we're going down to 1500. all right now let's get down to pattern altitude and good visibility for a VFR approach we won't have to push for uh IFR start slowing down a little bit make sure it didn't move my heading bug again and autopilot off [Music] let's start our turn to the reciprocal which is there all right let's get our first Notch of flaps coming she'll take care of that in a second Maybe already he's asleep oh you know why setting flaps 15. there we go I didn't do the Descent checklist 160 landing gear it moved my heading bug again eggnabbit [Music] yeah we're oh it should have been one one six or three two nine and it didn't I did okay at seven Runway tree yeah that was that was all me zero one okay we'll go ahead and put the gear down now dude [Music] I need to get a little lower too three greens and flaps 15. start our turn back to the runway rip these off oh that's not off setting flaps 30. oh all right good roll out and we're on Glides well a little high one bubble one light if you will get that corrected [Music] there we go Queen zero one zero and four knots in the pipe five by five hundred two hundred 50. booty 30. 20 10. Landing time logged 60 knots all right flaps up I think that sequencing was a little close the jet taking off ahead of us but they can actually have two planes on the runway of certain sizes at certain distances so that's definitely the airport isn't that busy but whatever hey Landing lights strobes are off yes sir or at the engine timer one here we go they are the active go I'm gonna go to parking ground barley zero one taxi to parking 01 taxi to general aviation parking using taxiway uniform taxing to general aviation parking using taxiway unit just go straight we aren't really GA but whatever that was an easy that's an easy Taxi straight ahead and we'll see if anybody's gonna be there to park us clear player all right okay you're being weird there you see anybody over there I think start the after landing checklist isn't that what it's called I don't know repeat I'll check List complete I don't remember what that next checklist is called it's all right I remember what's on it which was this timer turning off that making sure pito's off no ice stuff thought it was on the after landing checklist but apparently not normally she starts that by herself but I had forgotten to check off that last item on the previous list so she did not continue this looks like us foreign okay how far to the right do you want me to go dude no you're not making any sense and you're in the wrong place okay shutting down two hey nose wheel is now on the line a little bit further parking brake Feathering one two is it zero let's get a GPU going let them touch their stuff available no our next lights off and shut down one time logged the flight is finished it has been monitored by on air [Music] they're not fuel pumps and hydraulics [Music] and there's zero it's all done now we can turn off the beacon engines are out everything's done up there that's turned off that's the unlock the door we can get out radar is off everything's set guys I hope you enjoyed this quick little double hop flight it was definitely interesting the weather was semi-cooperative at least we got to stay VFR um but uh if you enjoyed this kind of flight and this kind of story where I do lots of things together instead of just doing like just the Cessna Hops and then just the ATR stuff but showing how it all comes together if you'd like this more story driven kind of thing let me know in the comments or by hitting the like button and subscribing I know to make more for now I'm barley out
Channel: Barley Flies
Views: 1,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OnAir, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Id: GcXt0f3cPys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 36sec (5316 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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