Owner ABANDONS STORAGE Unit w/ over $10,000 worth of items in it, WHY? - Making money off lockers -

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all right dave what's going on okay the lincoln electric i got to find the right one that was the 4 000 arc welder and why did this guy not pay on this unit you know what i'm saying does it make any sense to you whatsoever you had a unit loaded with this much tool for sale on ebay what what we're gonna make some money after all finally if you guys don't know what it's wrong then i can't tell help you editing all the editing i gotta do hey everybody how we doing today robert zeva auctioneer extraordinaire here in beautiful akron ohio home of conkey's flippin adventures we got conkey and noreen here hi and we got the man the myth the legend so to make up for today instead of beating each other up on this unit we only spent 300 300 so i'm so excited conkey's excited he wants some stuff out of there we can't wait to see what's in there we only got to see it through a phone we're at public storage once again guys if you haven't subscribed what are you waiting for subscribe hit the bell get all your notifications and the stuff you can see well some of this stuff's probably going to go to dave's place up you might have to go to brick where is it drift warehouse that's right i'll probably take some stuff for my auction but i got so much stuff first thing i seen well one of the things i saw was this right here which made me think maybe the guy might have oh i didn't see that that was one of the first things i saw in the unit that got me excited about this unit okay all right this is the other unit dave bought for 500 some dollars so now the question is they saw this one box over here it says star wars so everyone got excited let's see what's in some of these boxes here we got a little train set star wars angry birds jenga i might have to trade units dave's like i think that's a good idea i'll even drive everything off at your place bro because that's how nice of a guy i am huh oh what's this there's a collection what are those things those are like battle bot things oh battle brawlers they're called i like that i like the avengers uh marcus allen back from when he was what played years ago with kansas city that's old one more the jenga battle bots and stuff oh angry birds star wars they like the angry birds we got stuffed animals that's a giant thai beanie baby in there dave battle brawlers oh everything's classic we're gonna stuff like this next or third hand i just see if the guys are in here a little pocahontas outfit oh what's right beside the pittsburgh stuff too yeah that's what i've seen we got some hot wheels fast and the furious hot wheels these little somewhat collectible yeah another pokemon is found in there the stands for pocahontas there's gonna be a few things in here dave's on a tear are you having a ball dave i'm having a ball today some bobble heads from best buy oh that's my hand what's that though one of them backstreet boys oh wheat chicken that is it eat more chicken what's in here oh come on it's a crayons they says cranston makeup close enough it's crayons it could be no that's funny ladies i am good i mean i use it every morning don't you rob yes don't look my best yeah you got a telescope yeah i see that though would you pay for this unit 500 and who the heck has been against you mike now why wasn't he been on the the toilet i know he stopped at 300 on the tool unit i already looked in that one makes no sense that's the surprising thing i've seen him so far he hasn't gone over 300 except for this one he went to 450. 475 because i've been watching him he's never felt over 300 i mean i only seen him for two days that's right and all the other units he stopped dave knows rob he don't spend money often but when he does he was willing to spend it this is gonna be a lot of clothes need some new pants for you you owe me 10 bucks and then i got money from conkey so what'd you get out of him ten dollars no i'm just joking how are we doing dave the usual locking mic do you need this broom to sweep off the snow from your truck oh no jump robert oh oh i get attacked at the auction by dave with snow i give him help and then he attacks me all right guys look at this you're getting closer i can't see you come on reach in there suck that gut in bro you're right there right there oh come this way a little bit you're right on it push down down down yeah i got longer arms let me oh you almost hit it because you can't use the broom part yeah grab the other part of it they think she's got it you got to breach that arm all the way in there man i can't see it though okay over over okay back it up a little bit back up a little bit over to the right there you go push down oh back a little bit nope you just hit the lock there you go back other side yep push down push down can you smack it there you go come forward just a little and smack oh you're getting you're hitting it now come in and go we need something but i think i like what you need to do is dummy proof my truck no give max one of your keys this is true robert i should just give me one of these right i will i'll give you a key robber that's a good idea that way there i'll be safe oh my gosh nothing's safe nothing is truly safe another unit that dave got it's one of six controllers or something one of six balls yeah there's a lot of mothballs a lot of muffler that's good we won't have any little friends you got the first leader everybody's looking for that stuff thank you 10 bucks 10 bucks i like the shelves those are cool yeah i'm sure it's 150 for 10 bucks so god bless america no i bought that one with the mattress the mattress and the just to help oh the dresser that was the five dollar one we only spent 300 300 so i'm so excited conkey's excited he wants some stuff out there we can't wait to see what's in there we only got to see it through a phone wear public storage once again guys if you haven't subscribed what are you waiting for subscribe hit the bell get all your notifications and the stuff you can see well some of this stuff's probably gonna go to dave's place so you might have to go to rick where was it drift warehouse that's right i'll probably take some stuff from my auction but i got so much stuff first thing i seen well one of the things i saw was this right here which made me think maybe the guy might have oh i didn't see that that was one of the first things i saw in the unit that got me excited about this unit okay the second thing i saw coffee now where's this truck you watching i know i saw it stayed priority it's in my pocket it's so small i know i saw it what is it talking about i saw it no you didn't see it here's another video i swear it's in here maybe you were looking at something think of something else you have your wheelbarrow handles that's what you're looking for where's your wheelbarrow who knows oh you see this gumball machine what is that oh check out the gumball machine all right i gotta walk back come on is this that's the saw cut up something lead circles around this thing and it just cuts no kitten i've never seen it it's a milwaukee it's not cheap a truck and there's look at this motor in the box oh my god if that's what it looks like it's a high a six horsepower motor brand new in the box wow oh you can never have too many of those you can't even have too many snakes that's right chase jeans dartboards there's every razor knife you ever wanted these are the kind of drawers i like going through oh it's empty that sucks the biggest case is holy smoke how much did you get this one for dave 300. i'm going together robert nice job the ladders what are you talking about did you see something i saw a few things in here but that truck i thought there was a truck in here but i guess i was wrong my mind must have been flying standard oh i'm average there's every box okay yeah this red box is a big milwaukee but i think this pool went in oh look at this that check this out floor cover did you find cons a doll baby oh be careful if it says doll this is a man unit oh cindy on it oh that's pretty cool for a second there i thought uh oh no we have found those wow so i'm hoping to find one of these only with a buffing wheel on it there's a welder back here paint generator oh who's that a pressure washer hoses what is this this is a mailbox i might be needing one of them with a lock top on there one of those that sure is available still trying to find my uh is that it look at that chock full of tools and a craftsman chest that's nice they're cutting pretty here yeah those things ain't the chest itself ain't cheap look at those new tires practically over there look at this let's see the treads even to this camera oh my gosh this is awesome this is that's something weird wow um not bad for 300. 300. we got one two three four yeah dolly generator right here is your grinder craftsman whatever this is there's probably a tool here somewhere oh it's like a sander i don't know all wow yeah that's a nice so that's a yeah this is going to be the buy of them it's so heavy the delta planer oh my gosh right there a few hundred dollars there's probably five six hundred big money well you got the threader you got the device floor vise for the threader the pipe threader yeah the pipe threaded parts are up front what an amazing unit oh my gosh i'm a chicken even i can appreciate this let's see if this is let's see what's on the boxes in the box this isn't a generator this is an r4000 our welder did you know that robert you see that it's brand new brand new you know this was a gas powered arc oh this isn't a generator that's our brother still in the plastic bag oh my god what's in this case right here this is how you make money you gotta go wake up early right corgi and you can't and you can't be afraid of the weather either easily you gotta go out look at these big taps you know what this would cost you if you want to buy it this thing right 30 40 what's the calculation what's the calculation it's calculation two to three hundred dollars oh my gosh i've bought some of these things before these are i never had to buy this i now don't have to paint anything by hand again a paint sprayer dave you don't paint anything anyway dude i know dave actually works i worked at this man i know you this is the most fun you can have in a day that's true and we still gotta go to pigsburg pittsburgh and i still gotta see dave's other units here yeah it's a date day for cocky night we're going to pittsburgh date day date day hey three men of the little lady guys has like three kids under the christmas tree whole thing's just loaded with a fan stand oh my god you're all kind of black another little torch robert like yesterday man oh and i needed some of these three footage where is he in here now we have it now we do look at all these wheels i'm not kidding i need a paint spray a whole bunch of materials machine tools here i think uh there's a lot of tools in here i gotta lift this i wish we had this makes up for yesterday dave's like yeah yesterday's unit was so hard for both of these videos you guys will see the good power and the bad nice score dave oh my gosh i just did all right dave what's going on okay the lincoln electric i got to find the right one that was the 4 000 arc welder and why did this guy not pay on this unit you know what i'm saying doesn't make any sense to you whatsoever you had a unit loaded with this much tool for sale on ebay and no that's a dc this is an ac because it has so this is a little different there's an ac in the dc version uh-oh what's the ac version going for i guess what we got in here goes for 2 000. this is 5500 ones looks like it yep like an electric wow welding right here all right we got to move these cds how much for the cds oh put in the concrete look right behind her more we got more records and then a brand new in the box that thing's still sealed look at that the factory's tape's still on gas engine you got brand new do you think i can hook this up to my go-kart how much is a 1200 or 212 cc horizontal shaft see i need a side shaft horizontal this might be can i hook that up to my go-kart i probably couldn't find a way yeah that's why i like conkey there's a way you always there's always a way holy records nazareth now you're messing with us magic man we got some records in here now the best of the guess who who and then or something underneath this brand new engine we have to move some uh yeah we have to see what else is in here your stuff get the the zipper up without breaking it we might have to break the zippers guys i don't want to break anything this is dave no it's okay i give you permission dave don't even care about pool sticks one thing dave's talking about he's figuring out how much you can sell that arc welder for dave's happy with the aquarium ooh nice i like it concrete very nice i can tell by did you look down in this bike it's stuck but it's nice yeah yeah it's tough there's something in that box that's unstuck that's unstuck here we go it's been in there a long time guys look at that come along it hangs in the ceiling that marble screw in too yeah it's got the dual freaking you could add weights to it if you wanted to wow there's a price tag on there too cons where's the price oh 60 bucks 60 dollar somebody was asking six months part of our money back dave yeah yeah i think the ladder's paid for the unit everybody out everything else is free now we got more later steve how many layers we got now plenty of ladders one there's one back there extension ladder an extension yeah extension ladder from yesterday is this drill press you're interested in clunky we're actually putting a full room yeah we did pull them yeah i put in a pool i dry welded it and everything else that was a nice one there's another one right there so it's always cool did you hear this one opener i haven't opened that one yet particularly oh look at guys it's snowing in april god bless america in april we're getting snow see this guy is a master and you've got a twit you got to kind of break this loose because it's been in here a while and i wonder how long they've been sitting there where do you think come on a long time you need a you need a pipe wrench you might need that to get in your truck if you lock your keys in it again yeah now the question is can we have found something in this unit to get into your there's a pipe right there right here this thing could yes sir some people say you're a little square dave i'm a square dude you need some masks there's some right there on top of the back this thing is fighting me if i could just get a nice twist on it this does scream what happened to the owner of this unit yeah that's really why would you like to spend a thousand dollars worth of stuff yeah less maybe more heavenly reward well yeah yeah you you've got that right it could be yeah i mean it's definitely been look at this the dust that little cupboard thing there the royal arms that's uh probably a oh yeah it's a nice stick too do you call it that's a dart board robert i only need one sub pump there's three well that's good boom boom and the new one all right man here's the dart board yeah that's that's a little roll over here staples dave you're screwed uh oh rose what is it yeah i saw the zippo lighter light in there and everything i just watch yeah it's a rolex there's a rolex it is it's not a rolex isn't it yeah you gotta be kidding me i had that in my hand it didn't feel like a rolex it's uh you sure it's not a full lex it's not rolex it's it's a full lux it's definitely it's a name i like that i don't know if i've ever seen a clone wrench what would you even use it on i know what does it go to the what's the name on there i couldn't see it my eyes are getting bad i'm getting old what you and dave has a couple of locks to use on his unit and the keys for him right here look at this brand new and then look at underneath here though all the darts and some darts can be worth some good money ladies and gentlemen and what's under here oh paslo brand well rodney was saying something about he wanted a typewriter this is the first one right yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a lot of tools this is a lot of work it looks like a lot of work but i think that one's empty no another drill old battery powered there you go you can look i don't know let me see yeah those are old records hey mike how are you i'm doing good i'm dave if you haven't been introduced to me oh yeah my bad it's okay yeah it's okay you know coley makes things unformal you know yeah very unfortunate jelly bean wasn't that that episode of frank sanders this guy's going to go up my daddy's record yeah there's definitely some stuff worth in here there you go you just welcome i like that hey robert can you show that on youtube i didn't say it out loud this time swearing dave is really what i should be called how about swearing dave oh there's a troll dave look at that dude that re-released the video is doing good what the heck is this the clamps are worth 25 of them looks like a range hood it is a range hood i needed one of them robert did i tell you you did you probably already bought one didn't you no i actually need two of them is this that mailbox you said what the heck is that that's another here's a hose what is this wrapped up that's another one of these this is totally crazy well i gotta figure out what's underneath that this hat that's for sure guys takes the cake that's for sure or the hat we each get a hat so oh yes i like it maureen oh there was four and i thought we're gonna leave her out no we're gonna leave you out of it you already got a hat on all right guys so we got our hats i want i saw this box what the heck is this nasal spray i need that i know everything in a shoe brand new seal it's amazing everything oh it's just a what's your cut oh the case it's the case work and you're dropping stuff there goes all the money all my youtube people out there they'll be like rob you you flip open everything you handle everything that might be the ones that are in there there nba yeah and there it is there it is the psp oh what's this the little game boy micro never heard of that one i never heard that one either so that's probably like one of the new ones that came out so man we know we got some money in here and i still want to see what's underneath this box because there's a tote underneath there that's unexpected you can only get there with your hat on what would you do with your hat put it on this is keeping the snow off my face i got two of these in my shop no you got three brand new motor i think it's in there oh yeah it's in there okay two three hundred for it gear pullers we got a roll out stand for a fan there's another one back there two of them there's a base down there is that a quarter of a hose that's a hose that looks like a warehouse yeah that was an extension cord that wouldn't be able to look at these other day i just put new ones on my house yeah everything out here i should have waited you guys don't know that's wrong then i can't tell help you at least shane's not here chamberlain i don't understand i don't know what mary tyler moore is oh
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 8,388
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: Owner ABANDON STORAGE Unit w/ over $10, 000 worth of items in it, WHY Making money off lockers 2nd Cents Auctions Cleveland Ohio Making Money buying and selling
Id: z4WrK6iAUr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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