"Owaisi Should Explain Why..." I Meet Madhavi Latha, Praised By Modi, BJP Neta in Hyderabad I Barkha

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who's helping Mr oi the BJP or the Congress if BJP has deployed somebody like me there was a MOS by and you have been accused of targeting the mosque with that how do you respond I know you've given a clarification but for the purpose of this interview and our audience I want to ask you about this comacy if you can go back to the same video I want to ask you how do you look at this whole issue about mongal Sutra weth Lina you don't like bringing religion into politics but here we are religion is in politics how do you look at deis the whole issue here is what has been the toughest thing for you being a woman in politics the biggest challenge is removing [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the prime minister's praise for madavi L the BJP candidate in Hyderabad the woman taking on Assad oesi catapulted her into national attention in fact for so many days now the newspapers and the channels have been filled with one profile question who is mad L what is her story and what made her decide to fight this toughest of seats in Telangana well we have here with us our newsmaker today uh it's very nice to meet you in person in the middle of your campaign so I thank you for making the time uh you know before I get to the prime minister's praise after you appeared on rajat Sharma Aki adalat what made you decide to enter this contest your background of NC political science U I learned before we started this interview that you're also kind of Master Chef you know how to cook 150 to 200 dishes and now here you are in the you're also a bat Nim dancer why politics and why this seat I would say that uh when you know that amen is m a political science postgraduate so that that some way means I would have had a liting politics and I never seen politics different from human life because when we studied political science in the graduation as well in postgraduation the polity of Aristotle and Max Miller many of such you know great philosophers we've learned that it comes from the the habitat and the human being living in a set as a group we have never learned the kind of the definition that today Market gives about politics so we only knew that it's a development civilization of human race in its own own interest and betterment that's how you know people start getting interested in administration and ruling each other yeah we also know that there will been lot of revolutions you know in bringing up the human race to a next next higher level of life and civilization for the best interest in the best interest it's definitely been a very interesting subject to me apart from that I been somebody who is very social worker by My Heart by my soul wherever I've been you know and whatever at school level college level and even after my marriage I always had a very soft cor for the deprived effect of the community so it could be women it could be girl child it could be fstd Community it could be you know poor Community because I myself lived for 25 years in economic Rec section house so you know the auu baju the houses that were with us were Rec section houses either you have somebody community community I born and brought up with all those people who have seen the actual poverty in life so I always had a very soft Conner that you know like what is this you know when when the country is heading towards the 21st century right from my childhood when we talk about so much of Technology when we talk so much of international participation but when it came to ground level reality I always felt there was a gap there was a white for instance I still remember one incident which really touched me when I was studying in Isam College because I come from a other cast other community I do not have any stifle in respect of me coming from a very poor background but I that never hurt me because I used to go you know stretch myself work hard do small little other jobs on part time teach children and some used to make my Bens meet you know help take help from my professors on books and all things one friend I saw an ESS boy he was literally into tears it was my junior I asked what's the issue he came and told me that you know did I was supposed to get the S but another guy got it said this is how it happen somebody has to get it he said no he's the boy of a rich man who is also S at the age of 17 now what would be the seed to a youngster for me that who is being deprived there's a sky fund there an ESS boy who is economically a weaker section he is also an sc there's another SC boy who is well off like stifen goes to SC boy who well off these kind of incidences repeatedly started questioning me that there is justce prevailing in society so of course cast and class are very much in the headlines today the Prime Minister and the congress party are also debating it and we'll come to that later but to talk about yourself you are taking on Mr oasi in a seat where the demographics are seem to be tilted against you nearly 60% of the population is Muslim uh this is a seat which has been traditionally uh held and won by the MIM which has sometimes been called the B team of the BJP uh today the Congress seems to be also feeling a weak candidate against Mr oasi how do you how do you read it who's helping Mr oasi the BJP or the Congress if BJP has deployed somebody like me I think we all need to have Clarity that BJP o cannot be the B team of BJP at Le to the extent I would understand because I am somebody who was not going to spare anybody and I'm somebody who wouldn't think for a moment to bring out truth outside and I have no selfish interest or M motives now there's one question for all of us to ask for our own s Telangana government where the congress party had a fearful fight with Assad amim before election as soon as they won even in the assembly I would say what is the basis on which when they had so much of differences with each other they could come close enough in understanding or a bond to the extent that they openly say that we support you them we are by by and they try to put literally a dummy candidate what kind of politics this could be because I I'm so new to all this things I I I started questioning my own self then going further o was supposed to deploy at 15 places his team now his am I deployed only 3es now what is this then who is who's beating I am somebody who is learning all this so new in my own life along with this the BRS also joins with these people now recently yesterday MBT also declared that we are not fighting age old rivalry you know the both the teams have MBT says now we are not into the fight and uh you know you just said that if you if you have been fielded somebody with your profile has been fielded against Assad oi it means that he's not the B team of the BJP I just heard before coming here a speech by the chief minister of Telangana Mr rent REI he said why has the BJP fielded a Hindu I'm just quoting him why is the BJP fielded a Hindu if it's serious about fighting oasi why have they not fielded a Muslim how do you respond to that I would say that I'm still surprised an educated man like rant r g talks about a candidate as Hindu or Muslim I would say they have deployed a woman a woman who can understand the pain and atrocities of poverty because even till date if you go to a Poe house the father would still maybe in search of some kind of livelihood if he doesn't get anything written back but it his mother who will be more on tears it is she who tries to beg nearby in the neighborhood to feed those babies with the mother who gives birth to children it's for a mother I believe there is no religion when she goes out seeing a baby crying to help that's what I've done as a social worker I'm somebody who worked with both the communities I'm somebody who worked with the both religions I'm somebody worked with all cast in Creed maybe a mother in me seem not a religion in me which is probably an educated man like a chief minister of the state I would expect to understand to you say that you you know as a woman as a humanist you do not discriminate or look at people through the lens of religion now you are facing a case or a complaint because you have been accused direct of course I should clarify there was no actual Arrow uh almost like a dance move but there was a mosque close by and you have been accused of targeting the MOs with that how do you respond I know you've given a clarification but for the purpose of this interview and our audience I want to ask you about this controversy baji you very very senior journalist if you can go back to the same video and the way the mobile has been panned it crosses the building it crosses the lane then it goes and settles at a mosque and even the videoos that I have shown in the public anywhere in the frame have anyone of you seen a mosque today the camera or is is the way how a person looks into it the way you are looking at something within your eye frame you don't get a mosque mosque can be any distance you can pan your eyes you can pan a mobile but now I would ask you one question for a thief that never existed I mean an arrow that never existed and for the festival moment and the the was into the air because as a human posture if you just take a b like this you would only the the would go into the sky up there even if you support me but nothing has been done to the mosque no te nothing happened to the mosque but I would question what about those tears which have demolished the mosques and there was no sound there were two mosques which had been demolished in the construction of Hy prated the new building they properly demolished Ed them out what about those th so people these Ami people would not want to talk about the th that they have hit straight without without you losing the point of contact towards the m and two M were demolishing and they would not want to make sound of this because they're in good friendship with the but they would want to talk about the the which never existed on a s Nami occasion which was on totally a different angle a the of am a the of prosperity a fe of Peace as a festival moment which was put and they want to pant with the m mosque and they want to talk now I would say one more thing the same woman has also participated in done in you have yes I've been there I wore a black Shaw I've distributed food and I put Garland to the you know the kind of DIY they show there I participated in that there were nobody else there apart from me there you know didn't come there he didn't participate there I was there I was there for I was there for ramj there I put a Garland there I put a the of Peace where the the didn't even exist but what about those seals unseen went and demolished their own mosques which were there in the Pres so when when your critics from the other side try to classify you as anti-muslim you reject that I obviously now I would say only one thing is it not against the code of conduct of election I never say that I never said you can check all my videos I mer say on the name of religion give vote I say give vote on the name of Truth and Justice give the vote for the kind of Yas that been announced for you give the vote if you want to change your Lifestyles and for the 40 Years of down tness that you have seen he's openly talking about December 6th he's openly talking about bab maid he openly talks [Music] about and I'm surprised there is no code of conduct no Election Commission so whose B team do you think Mr O absolutely for congress because why why didn't he even deploy 15 people why to benefit home he he say he is an Inter National Party where there is no National presence he is not there in the entire State he doesn't deploy in the entire state for whom is he representing at National level when he is not even representing at all the places in the country which all Muslims is he representing now M you have spent a lot of time talking about issues related to women like triple talak right and that has been a very important as a feminist I must say a very important reform and I support it that the Congress wants to take your wealth and give it as a priority to Muslims he quoted from an old man sing speech the Congress says Gandhi made the original speech that spoke about a financial survey here in telana I want to ask you how do you look at this whole issue about mongal Sutra wealth Lina you don't like bringing religion into politics but here we are religion is in politics how do you look at this is I would want to say only one thing when pradan has come up with thejas unfortunately it is only our Hyderabad Loa Parliament consitency where those Jas were never led to get into the poor explain that for example for example you have something called sanat you have something called mudra loans you have Street vendar loan and you have b b b you have pran vishwakarma y none of these were ever allowed to get into the Muslim minority buties I have worked they were all surprised they don't know something like this even exists the whole issue here is when your pradan has declared some y in the best interest of the poor does it is it not the responsibility of the elected representatives of your to ensure that they reach the PO they form a barrier here they form a firewall here they constantly want to abuse the system they constantly want to oppose the center during the elections or whatever in the regular time you can still oppose things which are genuinely not right towards your commment instant Triple T why did you oppose tell me why did you oppose I don't find a reason as a woman because here we I have seen in fact through my charitable trust I I help lot of you know poor women to get married we give them some kind of you know C ala whatever I can do 14 years 16 years 17 years girls marriages do come to me neither I can Lodge a complaint because the moment I Lodge a complaint this family is going to suff they start suffering there are so many truths here that at times you cannot even come out of saying this is the truth second thing is when I object them say at the age of 21 only I can get this marriage done and there are families then I said you 21 I'll help you and there are family who got married who got diversed instantly because they found somebody else and because of multiple marriage system the girls here get married at 17 or 18 years and then immediately they have husband within one year living with somebody else again marrying them all these kind of stuff because of triple if I as a woman as a social worker can understand this don't you think the man from the same religion should have sympathy for those women tell me once when he appreciated one good move of pradan but for provoking people even now whenever you hear is campaigning there is no Manifesto have you ever seen a party who wants to call itself as a national pres who without a manifest what is your message that you're taking to voters I take to the voters because this particular constituency is little different from other consitency because it's always been on fire because of the religion and the way you know the communal Ro have been brought up the first thing I take to them is peace I say at least let us stop talking religion because religion is a very personal thing to me that don't spend the way you want your religion what does religion mean to you religion for me is you know my belief religion for me is you know my happiness my Festival religion for me is my philosophy of what I should be as a as a right and a wrong person religious also gives me a personality it gives me a kind of you know wisdom towards somebody else no religion according to me should ever be telling you to hurt somebody or to trouble somebody to disown somebody you know rights yeah that is only what I have learned that's the reason I help both the communities equally even when I've declared 108 free normal deliveries my first delivery went on for a Muslim lady only and in fact 75% of you're talking about the hospitals that you no no I have a charitable trust I have two charitable trusts because you also your family also manages a chain of hospitals that is the reason you know I could dare to come out say that I do why would they would help me for my free deliveries nobody will come for my husband has been very good enough there he said it's such a fantastic idea please you can utilize the hospital to the extent you want for your services then afterwards we also help a lot of cancer people also we help different different dinic surgeries also we have got done even now there'll be a number of people will be taking my name and going to the hospital and I also talk about the development when it comes to uh neighborhood parity right to Neighborhood paring this is one one type of one Loa Parliament B where you see just 30 ft or 40 ft Road decides what should be the price of your land there if it is around x value in our place it will be 8X the moment you cross this constituency go to other con is this the development answer right there are no malls here there no good theaters here there no food streets here there no great restaurants here you don't have one five star hotel leave five star we don't have one four star hotel here don't have a manufacturing unit here we don't have one IT company here you don't have one University here you don't have anything for which you should call you there is no sports gallery here tell me one thing B that this consy should say that I'm proud to be this in this place if you if you don't win of course I will wish good luck to every candidate and good luck to you but suppose hypothetically will you continue to work in this constituency every vote that comes towards me is a commitment you somebody salt you say that I owe my life to you because every vote is like that I'm to The Story begins you made the allegation of um fake votes in this area Mr oasi responded by saying I'm not the Election Commission I don't prepare the roles how do you respond to that he is not the election commission and Election Commission also doesn't make work doesn't prepare what the rules no I'll tell you how it happened because I also do ground work it is that every party has uh Booth level residents you call boot president that is poing Boo president there is an hierarchy for example in BJP you have a boot level president of them you have a sh KRA president them pramuk the responsibility of all these people are because typically in this particular constituency has been since ages div into hindom Muslim problems it happens this way that you know like amim goes to door to door with their kakas and BJP goes to door to door with their kartas taking their phot they write all the details and they upload because most of them are uneducated here and they are poor and middle class families and they do not find time to go to the nearest whatever upload and get elect so party people do this now you tell me an uneducated a fourth or fifth class mechanic boy would he be able to make two water IDs for himself not one not two like that you mean to say that there will be six lakh votes people will go make 2 two two two two two two two votes out of which you have 95% of only Muslim now so many decades his family Mr O's family has been controlling this area six of the assembly seats have gone to the MIM if there is actually voter manipulation which is what you're alleging it's a very serious charge why has this never come up before see what happens is that Maraj lot of our BJP workers have lodged complaints not once not twice not Thrice especially in the last 2023 elections I also had a very major role participating because we all have gone down onto the field to help them then I really realized every truth that was popping up previously we had very few little information with us but in 20203 has been eye opener for me that is the reason why I become much more stronger to Advocate the truth which is not being sent across to people it's astonishing I would tell you I'll also give you the booth number eventually we all the kakas have left for the day and the fight they were supposed to close and leave somebody came back and gave information a kakara ran back BJP kak the police was standing outside the gates were locked the doors were locked the booth doors were locked then the kakara requested there are people ins said please open this the police would not even listen to him he says no we are not opening this and he requested repeatedly he stayed there from 5 till 7 in the night he stood near the gate at 7:00 the booth doors open and amim workers come out the gates are opened and one of the boy also plays Cricket with this boy the BJP K there is nobody to listen to you the reason being the same con the same BRS the same here the state government are with them what are the prospects for the BJP overall in Telangana there's been a lot of talk about the Prime Minister Mission South uh the BJP won more seats than the Congress in the last Loa one more seat than the the Congress but now the situation is very different after the assembly the BRS seems out of the picture it seems a direct fight between the Congress and the BJP with the MIM being on the margins how many how how do the pros respect for the BJP look I would say that the way Congress has moved on with the kind of promises not fulfilling that it has given and it has also not given anything for the DS also in its manifest at this time and whatever promises it has shown during the assembly elections to the people of Telangana it has not even come up fulfilling even 1 14% at the same time they are supporting amim which has been very rude and very bad to us as only the constituency people irrespective of Hindu and Muslim but they also Le very you know I would say that very bad towards their behavior with the other communities other sex of the entire Telangana for example the recent act that has happened in jangi La also a very brutal act and and a woman has been filed attempt to murder case where she has been hit with stones eight women you know the slit in the head and speeches I went and in fact I asked for the FI they have Petty cases and a woman has even still now she's in the jail these are the kind of a things Congress by supporting amim I'm sure it's lost its Faith among the people now it's going to be a tough fight a tough fight as you said really right between BJP and Congress but the way Congress is behaving for example I would say that they have declared free tickets for women in the bus each one of us would think women got a free you know like Transportation she can get in get down anywhere during my campaign I went to a Muslim P that lady came out and for a couple of minute she was like yelling and I put made her calm down and ask what's the problem see Amma these people they've given free bus tickets for women my husband last 3 months who is an auto driver we bought on finance and 3 months they not able to pay as of now today I don't have ration in house I went to talk to this my my office they threw me out of the office I went to collector office they threw me out of collective office they have not given even a Paka house to us now where do we have to go my husband almost came for attempting for a suicide but we all stopped him because the children in the family and imagine this is my PL I'm so surprised would you really think bar that a ticket would have made any difference to a woman they could have in fact penalized Corporate Offices how many women are going you contribute 50% of their ticket money we will contribute another 50% maybe you know the woman can put a 25% government can put 25% corporate officers where this work working women would go they should have asked a corporate officers okay you give it I'm sure no corporate will go behind for 500 rupes or 600 rupes but end of the day the kind of strategies that they go with auto drivers imagine what is their life that to bring on finances or being on rent like that I've seen so many people crying and chilling down that de how would you describe your state of mind as you approach this election I would want to irrespective or whatever is this election irres Respec of whatever the post or dignity I would get going forward I have taken a v to stand up for this Loa Parliament dare not any girl child woman or a poor or a here suffers till my I breathe I'm going to stand up you uh appeared on um my friend and colleague rajat sharma's show and it got a lot of attention including from the prime minister um what what was that moment like for you as a political nervous but suddenly everybody was debating you who you are your quoting from the scriptures your confidence you know suddenly you you went from being a new entrant into politics to suddenly someone everyone was talking about with the Prime Minister had noticed what did that experience feel like people think I'm political noest but for me I'm from from the arm jenta who has seen the atrocities of Politics on human on the common man do you see yourself from the arm J yes because today you come from today you come from privilege your affidavit you know has has releases your assets you manage your family manages of very sort of Big Chain of hospitals here so today you come from privilege I'm still in arenta because why do you say that because 25 years of my life I've been amenta my father and mother are still an amenta even till today my father gets a pension of 15,000 rup that's it my mother still manages in the same money only it how am I different from 24 years of your life how can you just forget today also I sit with I whenever I've got my Hospital constructed i s sit with all my labs I eat along with them even though I I do J Wherever I Go even in the temples if I go do on the road I go in fact people who are around with me they beg me Amma please don't get into all these if you do it I'm a laborer I'm a proper labor I'm telling you I am nobody from any you know High family or anything because I'm such that arent today what does wealth mean to you today you would be considered amongst hyderabad's wealthier families you know a business family a hospital management Hospital chain family what does wealth mean to you today for me probably the the biggest wealth should be be happiness prosperity of everybody imagine now right now here I'm eating people around me are starving I don't know how am I great what should keep me happy my husband just tells you the day every poor kid eats a gulab jamun that day I think I'll feel happy then you all started questioning why gulab Gul when he said once the stomach FS that's when you have heard a gulab jam I have to end with this question about women in public life in politics it's very tough it doesn't matter which party you're in um this this I say to all women I interview because as a woman I want to see more women in politics whichever party what has been the toughest thing for you being a woman in politics you can look at the same as itself who talks about do a barister a lawyer by his subject should have had that much of thought process that really did she hit onto the mid or not they would not want and I've never said anything that has not occurred or not have uttered by him I would rather expect you said linked to people from the Isis you made this comment I said that this has this has come to publish it's been poar anari who family who's a gangster based out of I don't know about Isis but a gangster for even Isis also it's been a which has been published in papers very clearly has been given a warning also on that I said that so you stand by that allegation yeah what I'm saying is you have a heart to extend a legal support to an terrorist should have left at least for a Time whether this government of India has forward to give not give rather as a public representative where people have voted you no terrorist didn't vote you we know what Justice is see people do know what Justice is people know that under the law of land you are supposed to give a legal help legal aid even if he a terrorist but you have not been elected by terrorists you've been elected by your people now you need to take it you need to know that those bomb blasts have taken away common man's life out which people would have been your own voters I would rather I question him that where did you go when these girls also under instant trip have been deserted you such a great You Know M that you would want to call we never hear about him saying that you know we've given legal a to this Muslim family we've given legal a to uh for this girl we have given legal a to the girl was being tortured and raped legal girl who has been multiple abused by people we never hear him giving legal aid to them urging for a legal aid but out of entire box you say that you know I would want to give a legal aid to one Isis person then the question raises that is what I I ask you you go to all the way to the extent also saying that you want to oppose 33.3 reservation then again he will come saying that no no that did he give to Muslims did you give to Muslim ladies did you up an example so let's end with what the toughest thing for you has been to be a new entrant woman in politics the biggest challenge the biggest challenge is removing the hatred on communal subjects in the constituency he never wants people to heal and come out he wants the you know continuously the wound he would want to constantly keep it up raw the communal wound I would think he wants to keep it raw he doesn't want it to heal and this but the BJP is also accused of playing polarizing politics of being anti-muslim do you feel the the weight of that perception when you C I would I would say one thing the weight of that is only because of this constantly being you know raised byin in a very wrong way for instance there's instant triple talak where is BJP ever showed up that it is like you know Hindu there are no talak in Hindu Hinduism right when whom is for whom is he fighting for as a prime minister you uniform civil code all all other I mean Christian Hindu sick all those girls are like babies and the way they take it it's only po the in the Muslim families middle class lower middle class the girls have to face lot of atrocities they are not equal to men there whatever we are trying to bring in to equalize you know give rights to women why does he pick it up from a religious perspective why is women always looked upon like by him like that in that perspective when prime minister is doing something continuously taunt taunt taunt taunt on what religion I would say praner goes to every house now tell me which Cinder goes to this which house how does and the whole BJP flag has a combination of orange and green then we will only have B right it's not that people should move on further to think think different okay let's end by saying one word you'd use to describe yourself mother mother thank you so much m g and all the best to you thank you pleasure a pleasure meeting you all the best namaskar and hello everyone welcome to a ride through the heart and the Soul of India election season but it's also a time for travel and meeting people and getting to know your own country better so welcome to the dhas of democracy where every bite tells a story where every conversation will spice up your day experience the Masala the flavor the swad of this election with us as we take a lovely a unique road trip from the south to the north of India traveling thousands of kilometers to bring you the flavor of the election [Music]
Channel: Mojo Story
Views: 175,996
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Keywords: barkha dutt, barkha dutt show, barkha dutt interview, narendra modi, amit shah, modi, pm modi, bjp, telangana, owaisi, asaduddin owaisi, hyderabad, hi tech city, revanth reddy, madhavi latha, madhavi latha ramzan, madhavi latha mosque, narendra modi hyderabad, congress, aimim, congress leader, ktr, kcr, brs, trs, rahul gandhi, south india, kamal, elections, elections 2024, general elections, lok sabha elections
Id: qxZFDHE2lBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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