Overwatch 2 & 1 FULL MOVIE (2023) All Animated Cinematics and Mission Cinematics

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foreign conflict as the world teetered on the brink of Anarchy a new hope arose an elite International task force charged with ending the war and restoring Liberty to All Nations OverWatch soldiers scientists adventurers Oddities Guardians who secured Global Peace for a generation under its steadfast protection the world recovered and today though its watches ended its soaring ideals of freedom and equality will never be forgotten that was so cool in that one battle they had sound quick remember he has like chess so which one's your your mind's fusionator no no no no Tracer yeah Tracer she's like she is love the Cavalry is here [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] that stupid Gauntlet oh man they said he could level a skyscraper and remember he was all fighting and Winston beat him and and was like Primal punch that's only in the hollow vids everybody knows OverWatch got shut down half of them are just mercenaries now oh enjoying the exhibits all right play time's open get the cover come on move it there you are what are you looking at [Music] [Music] die yes don't worry loves cavalry's here come on big guy get up oh no stay here [Music] watch out hey [Applause] you know the world could always use more Heroes [Music] yeah that was awesome [Music] thank you Shield generator test ready to proceed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now now no need for that reason your heart rate is through the roof I told you to stop monitoring my vitals Athena very well it has been 43 days 7 hours and 29 seconds since your last cardio workout remember a healthy body is a healthy mind that's why I have this [Applause] [Music] every time you see news of this song we go through this I remind you recording OverWatch agents to active duty comes with great risk the Petrus act clearly states any OverWatch activity is deemed illegal and punishable by prostitution I know you're right that's the way the world is but I do miss the old days foreign [Music] I think you have something that belongs to me hand them over oh like it's okay you're not in trouble oh I'll trade you there you go buddy huh well there's not much to see from in here kiddo but you know there's more out there don't you come on it's time I showed you something [Music] I'm detecting Intruders Athena Kill the Lights [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] security protocols failing Winston Reaper is extracting the OverWatch agency [Music] 32 percent [Music] thank you you took these because you wanted to see if there was more out there [Music] well see for yourself wow [Music] always remember never accept the world as it appears to be dare to see it for what it could be [Music] Winston is going to have all agents locations I'll be sure I'll be sugared monkey not a monkey I'm a scientist [Applause] [Music] extraction 90 percent [Music] 98 percent virus quarantined and running Diagnostics on the core database restoring systems never accept the world as it appears to be dare to see it for what it could be [Music] establishing agent connections [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Winston is that you love it's been too long yes yes it has [Music] foreign [Music] when I was a girl I had a fear of spiders I was told they felt no emotion that their hearts never beat but I know the truth foreign [Music] machine We Are All One within the iris before me I see the future humans and only standing together unite our compassion while common hopes and dreams [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] identify yourself immediately all rooftop teams check and clear Halo is leading I repeat Halo is leaving sir there's been a breach we need to leave now Chariot this is teamwork Halo is coming in hot over huh laughs [Music] what are you doing such a sweet foolish girl [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] looks like the party is over oh no no no no no no no no why why would you do this hmm [Music] [Music] when I was a girl I had a fear of spiders I was told they felt no emotion that their hearts never beat but I know the truth at the moment of the kill they are never more alive for flexi spots the seventh anniversary they sent me one of their incredible E8 desks and watch till the end as they're giving you the chance to win one for free this is the black walnut version and I have to say the quality speaks for itself I accidentally knocked it when I was moving but thanks to the amazing packaging flexi spot do there wasn't a scratch which is good because the surface finish on the desk is incredible it is so smooth look how my phone Glides on it like what putting the desk together was incredibly simple the instructions were so easy to read even an eight-year-old could build it and it probably goes low enough for an eight-year-old too talking about height I'm quite a tall guy but with the E8 you don't need to worry about it being too tall as it goes way higher than you'll ever need it to be after three weeks of using the flexi sport E8 desk I can confidently say that this is the best desk I have ever used being able to switch the height whenever I want is an amazing feature and the desk is really deep which means I can properly spread my things out on it you'll also able to attach clamp-on devices all the way around and it's strong enough to hold my triple monitor arm and the included keypad is incredibly easy to use allowing you to set four individual Heights if you'd like to get your own flexi spot E8 Destin head down into the description and check out the first link when you can find my E8 desk thank you so much to flexi spot for sponsoring this video I made a chronal accelerator I'm sure I can do this to all agents of all to all agents of OverWatch to the former agents of OverWatch this is Winston obviously 30 years ago the omnics declared a war the nations of the world had no answer until they called upon a small group of Heroes OverWatch was created to rescue Humanity from the omnic crisis we became the greatest champions of peace and progress mankind has ever seen you were chosen because you had powers and abilities that made you joined because you foreign you already know this look the people decided they were better off without us they even called us criminals family apart [Music] but look around someone has to do something we have to do something we can make a difference the world needs us now more than ever are you with me [Music] my family tells of an ancient legend about two great Dragon Brothers the dragon of the north wind and the dragon of the south wind together they upheld balance and Harmony in the heavens thank you foreign [Music] but the two brothers have argued over who could better rule their land their Coral turned to rage and their violent struggled dark in the skies until the dragon of the South Winds struck down his brother who fell to Earth shattering the land the dragon of the south wind had triumphed But as time passed and he realized his solitude the sweetness of Victory turned to Ash [Music] for years the bereft dragon's griefed through the world into Discord [Music] sorrow [Music] stranger called up to the dragon and asked oh Dragon Lord why are you so distraught the dragon told him seeking power I killed my brother but without him I am lost a stranger replied you have inflicted wounds upon yourself but no you must heal walk the earth on two feet as I do find Value in humility then you will find peace [Music] you are not the first assassin sent to kill me and you will not be the last foreign to come to Shimara Castle the den of your enemies this was once my home the SE does not tell you who I want you I Know Who You Are I know you come here every year on the same day [Music] you reap so much to honor some of you murdered does nothing of what happened I know you tell yourself that your brother disobeyed the class and that you have to kill him to maintain order that it was your duty it was my duty and my birthday that does not mean and I do not honor him [Music] ah you think you honor your brother Genji with incense and offerings Anna resides in one's actions you are not worthy to say his name thank you only your shamada can control the dragons who are you [Music] do it then kill me no I will not Grant you the death you wish for you still have a purpose in this life brother no oh my brother is dead [Music] the dragon note on the ground for the first time he was able to clearly see the world around him and he became human The Stranger revealed himself as his Fallen brother reunited the two set out to rebuild what they had once destroyed what have you become I have accepted what I am and I have forgiven you now you must forgive yourself the world is changing once again Hanzo and it's time to pick a side real life is not like the stories our father told us you are a fool for believing yourself perhaps I am a fool to think there is still hope for you but I do think on that brother [Music] thank you [Music] I thought we talked about this you don't have to do this anymore Winston's message wasn't meant for you this isn't your fight Papa told me after so many years of service you gave OverWatch everything and then they pushed you out why would you go back to back [Music] so that's it you're leaving us I have been called I must answer it is a great honor the disappear into some secret organization give up the glory of being a crusader I don't think so uh he wishes he got picked Crusaders are Immortal Defenders of Germany people will be singing songs about our legacies our legacies are our deeds and this war is bigger than all of us to the east they're coming all right people They're Playing Our Song stick with your dance Partners let's Crush those rust buckets here's your walking stick old man live with honor time is Glory I love the wind in my hair get back and protect your team ah they're just slowing me down everyone [Music] he's mine damn it flying hot [Music] those things oh I heard this obviously they're cutting it off let's move get back to the unit ah I will hold some off and let you have all the glory they will fight our way back together no no I'm staying here but without you lieutenant you took an oath to be a crusader now keep it I I won't leave you team needs you be their Shield Reinhardt live with honor [Music] die this Glory old friend foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I must answer always [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I worry about Alejandra every day no longer a child and nowhere near grown up she is at a Crossroads I tell her about the heroes who saved our world time and time again because I want to give her hope but I'm afraid that she could be forced to make a choice that will decide the direction of her life hey hey Ali where you going girl no nowhere nowhere's right come here you look at this thing even what he deserves I I don't know I've gotta go come on do it it's just a bucket of bolts um I have to go to the store before it closes or my mama's gonna kill me it's gonna be hard without any money Nina let's go [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] go check that out see come on get up see anything who's there enough Games come out and fight [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] yes [Music] you saved me why old habits die hard I guess run home kid it ain't safe out here [Music] you're one of those Heroes aren't you [Music] thank you I think you are [Music] [Music] and then there are the times when I see her smile and the Hope in her eyes and I think maybe I don't need to worry about Alejandra after all thank you [Music] [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I thought this was supposed to be the most advanced security system on the planet of satellite of course are you certain the target is on site oh she's here all right okay you're in I cannot wait until the inspection is over [Music] door I am in position summer time to Target incoming right now chairman voice career the new guidance systems there will be the difference in destroying the hatred Dominics tell me we're still on schedule the onion will not wait for us to be ready before they attack again our first new mix in a decade this will ensure the future of Russia in just a little bit further [Music] Widowmaker hold the perimeter we'll take over thank you Sombra I'm cut off it's on you now I'm all over it away foreign [Music] all right [Music] [Music] you have no idea what it took for me to make this meeting happen I'm not going to kill you I mean I'm the one that set off the alarm do you have the target on your heart okay listen I'm here to make a friend and show you something I found tell me what would happen if the people of Russia learned that their Defender against the omnics was actually getting her Tech from the enemies what would that do to the future of Russia do you want the most powerful woman in Russia I've always wanted a friend like that so I'm thinking I don't let these images appear on every Hall of it in the world and you help out your new friend every now and then what do you say clock sticky Amiga as if I had the choice now what friend I'll be in touch thank you Mission failed Target escaped [Music] [Music] [Music] do you know why you are here I believe I do well that's a fine how do you do what was it you think God is the boot stealing the Queen's cash blowing up her some attack the beat down at the bar whatever it was you really ticked off the big boss this time I don't think they're gonna let us back in no well there's two things that solve every problem money and explosives I've got an idea [Music] [Music] I can't wait to see the look on the Queen's face when she sees exactly her double crosstalk so we're gonna go over the plan one more time so you don't screw it all up all right first we like the fuse then we put on our ink and consumers disguisers we get our glorious blinged out boom trolley right up to the boss's Place reveal our ingenious deception they'll never see it coming [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] boom [Music] [Applause] whatever you do don't blow it inconspicuous who is it [Music] foreign hit the road mate idiot [Music] we're still in the middle of this massive ice storm it's crazy we missed our resupply window and we're low on rations so Captain opara is having the team hibernate come on May cryo chamber time already huh an hour ago be right there snowball I'm leaving the sensors on so when we wake up I'll have a whole new data set to examine [Music] sorry bye [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] get up snowball [Music] let's leave your house [Music] now let's see what our new data set looks like the atmospheric fluctuations above the unknown we have gotten it's much worse than we predicted we have to get this to headquarters where is all this data coming from snowball how long have we all been asleep no OverWatch would have come for us and a calms are down nobody even knows we're here wait a minute where is everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I could save millions of lives [Music] I'll take a work to the world my friends I mean I will try the dish is broken how do I get this data out [Music] foreign I can't do this alone I wish you guys were here still have you let's see if we can make the batteries last a little longer yes this is broadcasting on the OverWatch emergency frequency maybe someone knows we're here [Music] come on Snowball we're not allies yet foreign oh no come on come on come on [Music] that was the last battery wasn't it I can't believe I forgot about the batteries without power we're dead let's be away need a little more time [Music] what no snowball you killed [Music] thank you my friend [Music] thank you huh yeah [Music] wow come on come on oh my gosh come on people decided they were better off without us they even called us criminals they tour our family apart but look around someone has to do something we have to do something we can make a difference again the world needs us now more than ever are you with me [Music] yes Wilson I am with you [Music] [Music] [Music] rise and shine snowball we're on our way [Music] welcome to another episode of shooting star today we set our sights on puza home of the Esports Champion turned Ace pilot Diva I played to win at just 19 she's become a national hero only last week she risked her life again defending the city from the kishinomics SRI and the mecca Squad took a few hits but they pulled off another Victory now is celebrating with some hard-earned Glitz and glamor hey Hannah shouldn't you be out signing autographs or something hottest spot spots other superstars but life wasn't always like this I wonder what Glitz and glamor tastes like hey why are we on leave with the rest of the squad I could use a little Glitz and glamor in my life you know it's overrated this this is where the magic happens it's like how we used to stay up late and work on your hover bike you mean the one you wrecked really you're still mad about that we won the race yeah and you almost killed yourself they won't be back for months you need a break [Applause] I I can't uh Hannah we barely won last time the enemy is out there adapting and getting stronger the rest of the squad the country they're all counting on me if I make a mistake in the kitchen get through us we lose everything I I need to finish the tests stop putting it all on yourself it's okay to ask for help I've got this really oh command says we're in the clear but hey what do that can't be right it's too soon foreign [Applause] thank you oh foreign [Music] thank you I can't stop this thing [Music] hang on hi I need your help really oh okay okay the reactor's getting unstable so you can't stay out there for too long but you'll follow the whole thing weapon systems what are you crazy this isn't a stupid race I know if we don't do this that's what the people will die okay buy me some time [Music] all right guys the reactor is going critical you have 60 seconds until it blows that's not fast enough we'll be in the city [Music] I'll see you at the finish line [Music] the city is still in shock after the recent surprise attack incredibly thanks to Diva no one was injured she stopped vacation single-handedly and authorities confirmed she emerged without a scratch she is currently enjoying some time off to celebrate her victory in other years oh man this time off is great isn't it what's not to like there's delicious food and drinks yeah and good friends the kind that are always there for you when you need the most all right and seeing his eye helps save the city how about getting me on the VIP list for one of those fancy restaurants you always go to you know I think you've been watching too many Hollywoods please [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay Jesse McCray been a while you promised you'd write well Ash I've been kind of busy we're pretty busy ourselves so it's awful convenient you showing up today yeah you've never been one to shy away from a good tip hey we worked hard for this score you best move on now all I want is that great everything else is yours this Craig huh Bob well well now you got my attention what is it that's none of your business very much our business doesn't always have to be this way Ash it does [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] last chance for free her weapon all right Ash here it comes [Music] the cream sorry about that Bob no hard feelings McCree for me [Music] hey there cowboy [Music] welcome back partner [Music] hmm how long have I been gone far too long [Music] what happened well that's a story for another time but I got a call getting the band back together they want me but really they need you Jesse wait what are you going to do I've got some business to attend to [Music] I heard of the monkey for me monkey scientists whatever [Music] foreign [Music] what's on your mind May do do we have enough people for this mission as long as we stick together we'll be fine if you're going to show now would be a good time this is your captain speaking we are on Final Approach to Paris that's our cue you may now pour on your electronic devices weather is mostly cloudy with 100 chance of null sector invasion [Music] Winston clears a spot to land we'll be right behind you why is Mars actor attacking now I don't know [Music] [Music] bonjour officer we are here to help uh [Music] [Applause] thank you good work mate thanks to the ship you got it [Music] thank you Winston she needs help we can't stay here foreign [Music] get everyone out of here I'll hold the line but you said to think together I'll be right behind you you'd better be [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] let's get you back in the fight thank you good luck Shields how are we going to stop this thing man your backpack here you go ready [Music] okay okay [Music] foreign [Music] oh my gosh you've grown oh everyone this is May hi everyone nice to meet you I miss you does this mean OverWatch is back yes yes we are [Music] tighten them out with the rest of the garbage let the Wasteland deal with them please [Music] what I'm not allowed to have a bad dream [Applause] [Music] no wastelander has ever made it to the Reckoning before [Applause] but here I am for free for all zero rules [Applause] [Music] Survivor gets the throne [Applause] has never lost not in 13 years of rule not until today [Music] did you really think this would be a fair fight don't survive the Reckoning unless the winner grabs your mercy [Music] that's why I've gotta win this whole thing all right let's get this started foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] come on Big Boy did I marry what are you smiling about if you're smart enough to run the Tinkers why are you working for this stronger like you'd be any better [Music] at least I wouldn't shoot my friends in the back [Music] voice and a scum because we're stronger than you you haven't had a real fight in 13 years money oil everyone here not in this Arena [Music] [Music] this Meathead has a bigger magnet Gaga [Applause] that could have gone better [Music] [Music] thank you you idiots I'll kill you for that no not today [Music] [Music] all right Mercy I'll give you the same Mercy you showed my family 13 years ago get out of my City [Music] Queen [Music] [Applause] what's that turned out all right didn't that but now they're probably wondering what sort of changes I'll make around here well buckler they're about to find out [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] these aren't just any donuts they're Fox Festival donuts with Spirit sprinkles wanna try one no thank you but I hope you and your mother enjoy them she's here oh let me guess she brought her vacuum yep you know someone came to work with me today and she's very excited to see you [Music] hey there little rabbit you're getting so good at that [Music] oh but of course oh I've got something for you [Music] oh [Music] how do I look well I should get going see you later little fox Mr Yoshida pray for me oh you're here it's not safe here anymore just last week someone in this building was robbed at gunpoint you should never have moved out I brought you groceries mom you're overreacting I'm not overreacting please tell me this is not your dinner mom look at me I am totally protected by the fox Spirit just like Grandma was your grandmother is gone and I will not lose you too but Mom the fox Spirit can block bullets and balance your blood sugar is an all-purpose kind of spirit all purpose like flour which makes donuts you know I have a sword right I'm fine I'm so safe you know I stay up all night worrying about you you've stopped training with me kanizaka's falling apart and I don't know how to protect you [Music] faith alone isn't enough cuticle mom you may not believe in the fox spirit what grandma taught me but believe in me I'm stronger than you think are you [Music] know how ridiculous you sound oh don't worry Mom unpredicted animals foreign [Music] [Music] I just want what's best for you kiriko [Music] I'm gonna kick every one of you in the face what no one said wait wait I I don't want to get kicked in the face I'm gonna call for backup [Music] foreign [Music] like dead you hashimotoa have prayed on this city this neighborhood these people for too long I have a message for you to take bath to your boss is under my protection [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you okay [Music] such a brave little fox keep your eyes on this one it's growing up so quickly [Music] thank you kiriko [Music] mom foreign I'll be okay [Music] maybe I shouldn't have stopped training with you after all [Music] maybe I judged your Donuts a little too harshly maybe moving home for a little while isn't such a bad idea [Music] please don't cry if you cry I'm gonna cry [Music] grandma would be so proud of you [Music] my baby what's your inbound Roger 30 seconds [Music] Battalion spotted your sector 50 clicks South Southeast copy that Delta take positions OverWatch on site taking heavy fire Skye confirm Target affirm units approaching grid point one nine Charlie he responded you've been spotted get out of here Sky get out of here no matter what you call them warbots tin cans they were soulless machines but the truth is we we were scared I was scared they were supposed to be the beginning that moment it felt like the end of humanity [Music] life before the war was extraordinary anything was possible we had implemented God programs the next generation of artificial intelligence became omnipresent they controlled most of our infrastructures like the Food Distribution Systems aimed at helping against famine poverty we were no longer defined by our mistakes the AIS were saving us from them [Music] official intelligence was running systems to make our lives better but what was really exciting was combining it with robotics omnicokob started building a new line of state-of-the-art robots Onyx would eventually eliminate the need for humans to do all those idle mundane often dangerous jobs everyday needs that puts power at your fingertips this line of robots that put Power by your side and geared up to put Power in their hands omnica Corp always looking to what's next Society embraced it sure we had the pedal to the metals but who was really paying attention to the road [Music] look omnika kept making robots smarter and they made life easier and safer and as you know this business is all about what's next and what was next was Mina and in Tech talk omnicore announced today that Dr Mina Liao the science Prodigy and eminent visionarian robotics will develop the next generation of omnics omnic occult has made a lot of strides and well we're going to do better what I mean is they've done great we've done great but it's time to reach for the stars frankly I had my doubts Dr Liao was a legend in her field but we were asking her to push the limits of what many thought was already perfection somebody should have put a stop to it it wasn't science it was arrogance when it came down to the Moment of Truth we had no idea what was about to happen it didn't just activate she was born [Music] life before the war was ordinary anything [Music] was possible [Music] but it was all about to change [Music] Aurora was the first of us to awaken [Music] can you imagine how she must have felt born in a laboratory surrounded by your creators [Music] and then you learn the truth that there is no other creature like you anywhere that you are truly a [Music] little Dr Liao discovered that Aurora was sentient but she was alive thinking choosing [Music] ah it was hard to believe I didn't want to believe it at first she passed every single test we could come up with everyone and then the entire world found out Dr Liao committed career suicide by saying Aurora was alive but her testimony was very compelling this just in a stunning ruling robot was declared a sentient being granted her freedom and released into the world I was so relieved she had a chance to actually live free [Music] and she made most of it Aurora had been born into a world that she didn't understand she wanted to see more of it she went everywhere learning watching seeing how humans treated each other the good and the bad but eventually she had questions about the nature of her own existence [Music] and they find those answers alone [Music] oh well um while all that was happening there was a lot more scrutiny in the omnica corpse operations it didn't go well for us overspending is management fraud even in a couple of years done all those automated production lines completely abandoned and monitored for years by humans anyway breaking news out of Nigeria countless social media reports of an invasion underway remains unclear exactly what's happening in central Africa but we do have some footage from the scenes also getting eyewitness reports of strange robots designed for combat we were caught by surprise the world was caught by surprise publics were attacking everywhere seemed like every country was hit from every direction all at once we didn't know it then but one of the god programs originally designed to help Humanity had hijacked omnika's production lines to build war bots of its own design they called it Anubis it was built to maintain ecological balance of all things for conservation its goals could not be achieved without the end of humanity and it used us to carry out its plan [Music] we were running out of Hope but there was a little only a few teams across the world were able to mount a real defense the best of the best join their specials writing call OverWatch it was a brilliant decision to recruit Dr Liao who knew more about omnics than she did his first pictures shows the world what OverWatch could do Zumba striking was joined by a whole Army of course recruits like me were always amazed by what the core team could do [Music] OverWatch had the impossible objective of winning the war sometimes seemed we might actually pull it off the novice didn't sleep didn't feel fear and didn't feel despair but it also couldn't feel hope that was what OverWatch gave us and even then we had to wander if Hope was going to be enough the United Nations created OverWatch and we won some victories we thought the tide had turned unfortunately it did not quite work out that way life had to go on [Music] [Music] any battle will be won the Anubis program was learning from its defeat we could never beat it the same way twice annihilation or victory depending on your point of view seemed inevitable and I know I had no choice in the matter I was under the control of the Anubis program wants me all the omnics have their major subroutines overridden and controlled by a lone God program [Music] all except one Aurora [Music] her sentience meant that she was immune to the Anubis directives but if the AI could interface with all these omnics maybe Aurora could too foreign [Music] but we had found a way to replicate her to transmit her past would be so incredibly High [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] whatever Aurora was looking for on her journey to shambali in that moment she has found it we were pretty confident we knew what the results would be but I will never fully understand what really happened gave us a chance [Music] [Music] something everything changed what's the strangest thing I ever saw that moment would be known as The Awakening for the first time in our existence we were suddenly given a choice [Music] foreign chose to lay down their weapons some continue to fight the humans but some of us choose to turn against the AI that it held us captive we had a choice over what sees the moment they started a counter-offensive it would take some time but it was the start of us winning the war the strikes and counter-strikes eventually drove the enemy forces to Collapse by some small miracle we infiltrated and quarantined Anubis in Cairo months later the war was over we had one [Music] I got to know some of them they are like us reflections of us some are no good some way with trust with my life I suppose we all had an Awakening The Awakening of course I remember for one brief moment we were all connected and aware what I remember more than anything else is her message my friends when I was born I was overwhelmed overwhelmed by the Sudden Rush of senses emotions choices I was a excited alive it was frightening but I found in facing fear there is freedom and through Freedom you can find your own path I have chosen to share the discovery with you [Music] a new beginning thank you I wish I could stay you have this one life choose well you have this one life choose well choose well [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] ha agent Tremblay rough night tell me about it I uh I know it hasn't been three months may I Murphy who's my good girl I don't understand it she's usually a very good judge of character yeah we all have our blind spots I have croissants oh thanks [Music] so for official purposes are you Vivian Chase former rank of Captain in OverWatch call sign Soldier I am and have you been in compliance since the petrosack terminated overwatch's Charter no vigilante activity wherever you're going let's just get there we intercepted this a while back just broke the encryption I take it you saw it already something then you know that I didn't respond a good life now Noah it's it's clean simple right but how could you ignore that heck I was inspired and those are your people out there violating the Petrus Act am I supposed to just trust that you're not Murphy down croissant's getting cold you have a presence in the area yes you hear things hear anything about an underground omnic Insurgency [Music] last night my unit was investigating an extremist cell with ties to null sector got more than we bargained for [Music] but then something someone happened foreign my team might have died I might have died but I have to do my duty so you need to account for your whereabouts last night I don't know what to tell you I was home with Murphy here's the thing though [Music] I found this after the raid slug from an okatin Kelvin 87 railgun same model you used in OverWatch I never told you this but I joined the agency partly because of you testifying at the Petrus hearings doing what you thought was right I think is right can be complicated the OverWatch I joined was about raising the world up making it a better place by the end we lost sight of our mission I don't regret what I did but it was the hardest decision I ever made do what you think is right agent Tremblay oh oh what is last night's raid the Insurgency it's all connected [Music] thank you [Music] csis unit 37 Toronto was under attack by no sector agent in advance secure the streets at Beverly and queens wait what rooftop I need bird's eye views find me a route to evacuate civilians who is that probably are you there it's Trombley do what she says she's our best home Vivian borders Captain stay on the comms we've got a city to save [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] coming through [Music] oh I was overwatching Jordan City it's beautiful except for all the Killer Robots oh I know right no one likes not invited yes yeah they're the worst [Music] you can't talk too much [Music] looks like we're all clear oh I wouldn't celebrate just yet those things they're gonna keep coming we should get off the streets come on follow me this is my place stay here for the moment civilians come you need a plan it's been pumping out robots ever since you got here okay stop it maybe we can save the city right see we fly upstairs Splash through anything that gets in our way and puts another business is that too serious you know we can never tell either you'll need to break into squats to keep no sector busy and help get civilians to safety have Echo brings each other everyone else we have a job to do we're getting aboard that ship with our new friend uh the name's Lucio Welcome to Rio [Music] [Music] you're going to have to jump [Music] let's go I'll be right behind you [Music] thank you [Music] we got it go [Music] thank you foreign [Music] forces will mop up what's left of them in no time Lucio you did good back there wow I mean coming from you that uh thanks I hate to interrupt the moment but I'm picking up reports of more attacks in other cities you know if you're looking to stop null sector I'd really like to help welcome aboard oh look at this team we're gonna do great [Music] watch Point Gibraltar this is unreal I mean yo just think about all the people who stood right here Amanda Morrison torbjorn linhold the great Reinhardt will hell please don't get him started I can't believe you and ever shut OverWatch down so where's everybody else um we're it well not exactly good to see y'all yeah sorry we're late but we had some recruiting to do considering the circumstances we thought you could use a little extra Firepower you called this little it's more than enough to help take on North sector and smash them into tiny pieces yes she gets it sounds like I'm gonna be touching you two up the most I'd say our chances against no sector just get a whole lot better if it's a fight they want I say let's give it to them I agree but we need to be smart about this no sectors force is too large to continue to fight head off we'll need a more tactical approach tactical huh we're gonna pull this off there's still one more person [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you I'll give you points for courage but it takes more than bricks to stop these things head for the ferry terminal it's the only way out good to see you haven't lost your touch it's been a while Vivian as if I didn't have enough problems already told you I can drag her down AC forced retirement didn't suit you either it was great until all this few days [Music] hey we didn't get a hug it's bad Soldier there's something different about no sector this time I know they've taken over most of the city and the rounding up omnics well they must be doing it for a reason what do you think they want that's near the EVAP point the civilians need more time a place for a reunion eh let's get to the ferry terminal [Music] [Music] my fellow Optics since our creation humans just for the record that was a lot closer than I would have liked yes but the team sure pulled through what is it there is more to these attacks than we think I must find Masters in your town she may have answers we welcome you into the iris [Music] foreign the local authorities should be able to take care of the civilians from here on out [Music] just wish there was something we could do for them too he has a plan for the watchpoint Gibraltar and send it I know what you're trying to do and I appreciate it but there's a reason I didn't answer your recall that's not my life anymore and you don't need me you need someone like Jack Jack Morrison is off Chasing Ghosts he isn't coming back in the old days no matter how bad a mission got you always found a way to finish the job and get us home safely and what we accomplished that was because of your leadership your perspective on everything give you a better view of a big picture you know he's right we could use your vision right now vision okay I'll tell you what I see OverWatch was an international organization thousands of people with unlimited resources and now now there's only a handful of you OverWatch was founded by a handful of people and they made it work no they didn't we didn't the world trusted us and we failed them look I'll help you stop null sector but you have to realize OverWatch was shut down for a reason it's time to move on [Music] I can't get this device off of him I've got this [Music] wait just because you have a hammer doesn't make every problem a nail but instantly just a machine he's not just a machine this omnic is alive just like any of us they need our help we need to figure out how to remove these devices safely on of course maybe he'll have some answers it would be good to see him again [Music] you know spark plug you don't need an excuse to visit your papa spark plug Papa I'm not a kid anymore you always will be to him [Music] do you think you can help him I don't know this device is a nasty piece of work I think I can get it off but the bigger problem is that I'm not reading anything and they saw Nick's memory banks he's still alive but it's like the essence of who he is he's gone James will just restore it from a backup or something really Uncle do you keep a backup of your soul just lying around it isn't that easy ah it was just a suggestion the world is counting on us someone needs to figure this out [Music] well hello there little fellow where did you come from [Music] it's no sector they found us [Music] wait he isn't one of them it's okay I've been taking care of him he may be the last of his kind look Bastion won't hurt you what Bastion it's not a pet it's a killing machine no not anymore how many friends did we lose to these things in the old war no no you put your whole family at risk Reinhardt that war was a lifetime ago I've changed peace changed the only one who hasn't is you that sounded like it came from right outside the factory it's no sector we need to get the defenses online [Music] [Applause] [Music] just like old times my friend brings back memories all right I hope you're ready for more we have a lot of work to do outside foreign [Music] I have responsibilities here what we need you no sector is on the attack again people are answering the instance recall Gibraltar is online we might even have sojun back this new blood on the team and we have so much to teach them once we do we should be able to take out now sector for good and then things will be back to the way they were okay nothing sorry right heart I can't go with you Brigitte is old enough to make her own decisions but I can't leave the rest of my family behind I have to protect him protect our home there my mission now I know I had to ask you could stay true besides it's their turn now I've been given a second chance [Music] this is what I meant to do well it looks like you'll have some company are you all right with that he could use the help [Music] spark plugs doing great isn't she great my friend she's the best if I learn anything more about the omnic you brought me I'll be in touch and uh Reinhardt please make sure that Bastian comes back in one piece he'd be just like new hey you good always [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] brother Zenyatta thank you for being here for this master mondata time [Music] it saddens me to hear of your decision to leave us I do hope you find what you are looking for outside of our gates thank you master mondasana I regret that my path takes me from your teachings but I am no longer certain that the answers for our people can be found at the monastery your concern for our well-being is understandable I only hope you will remember what you've been taught and that you continue to strive for harmony with the humanity that surrounds us I fear the humans are not interested in sharing their world in co-existing with omnics we are a single generation race [Music] know that your human brothers and sisters may not look at you and may not understand you Monday too are on the same Journey for We Are All One within the iris Our Kind were born of the iris perhaps one day we truly will be together again brothers and the other have you reconsidered joining me I still have much to learn here I had hoped we could continue our journey together we will meet again Zenyatta [Music] good luck brother he has a unique perspective taking a small step out of the monastery could be the greatest step we need towards peace with the humans you would leave shambali what if they do not accept your message to bring peace between all Nicks and humans that is a risk I will entertain you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] we found him
Channel: SaminUP
Views: 250,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch 2, Overwatch, Overwatch 2 Full Movie, Overwatch Full Movie, Overwatch 2 Animated Short, Overwatch Animated Short, Overwatch 2 All Animated Short Cinematics, Overwatch All Cinematics, Overwatch All Cinematic Trailers, Animated Short, Cinematics, Animated Short Cinematics, All Cinematics, All Cinematic Trailers, Cinematic Trailer, Cinematic, Trailers, Full Movie, Movie, 2023, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, 2023 Movie, New, Trailer, calling, sojourn, all, full, story cinematics, story mode
Id: xSI2eqFysNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 33sec (9213 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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