Overnight RV Camping at the WORLD’S LARGEST Truck Stop!? - This Place is CRAZY!

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] adventurers well good morning y'all and welcome to Iowa so throughout our RV travels we have stayed in parking lots all over the freaking country stayed in Walmarts we've stayed in Cracker Barrels we've even stayed in a parking lot on the Las Vegas Strip but this time we may have found the parking lot to beat all parking lots this is the world's largest truck stop I feel like I need a mustache and like one of those bandans yeah it was proper handlebars handlebar mustache all right let's get on with it foreign we showed up to the parking lot these two nice people came to say hi what were you guys names again I'm MAC this is Victoria yeah and we're all the way from New Zealand we got lost in America and we we saw you guys and thought you'll be able to point us in the right direction yeah I fear that we might have inspired them to get this van and I hope it's only been wonderful for you all yeah absolutely wonderful wonderful trouble yeah put on put on a nice face for everybody that was so funny apparently they had just watched our video last night seeing that we were in Iowa and they were like maybe we'll run into them and then you guys did but anyways this is the Iowa 80 truck stop and it is considered the largest truck stop in the world this thing was built in 1964 and it's been open 24 hours a day seven days a week since then they literally have never closed their doors since they opened it sits on a whopping 225 Acres they've only developed 75 Acres but something tells me they have plans to develop a lot more of this area in the future they see about an average of 5 000 customers coming in and out every day and they have 900 truck spaces so when you get the bird's eye view there's just nothing but truck parking as far as the eye can see [Music] foreign well I just found birthday Christmas whatever presents for every single person in my life for the rest of their lives they're going to get these forevermore never seen anything like it I'm very creative though I'll give them that yeah I'm a little bit speechless and if that weren't enough grass flip-flops I mean what what won't they think of so you can take Turf wherever you go this is the Iowa 80 truck stop the first thing you notice is this place is insanely massive they have this huge section that is just devoted to truck accessories and I'm talking more stuff than I'd ever seen at any truck stop in my entire life huge horns big old exhaust pipes everything you can imagine but that is not it they have so much more there's of course a huge convenience shop there's a huge souvenir area there are even tons of restaurants and one that is open 24 7. but this isn't just any truck stop y'all it is essentially like its own little contained City I mean there is a whole movie theater here not one but two two oh my God you just request your movie apparently they play it you guys are not gonna believe this but they have a dentist here this is a dentist's office apparently walk-ins are welcome but sadly the office is closed right now there's even a whole workout room I mean there isn't much in here but they've got maybe the biggest machine I've ever seen it's truck stop cast a chiropractor's office sadly they the doctor just left which is a shame because my back's been hurting a little bit yo there's a barber shop over there they have a barber shop in this truck stop and as you've noticed I'm in desperate need of a haircut but we're on our way up North to some bigger cities and I wanted to wait till then but yeah plus she looks pretty backed up right now and she wasn't so busy I'd have to consider it but if you happen to come by and you're in need of a haircut go to Irene's Barber Shop she'll treat you right [Music] yeah [Music] we really want to get a hood ornament for our truck this is the one we're leaning towards what do you think man shut up this thing is proper metal it weighs like 15 pounds it's really heavy I need to like take my shirt off and wear like a Spartan tunic and do like a nice Spartan Kick well y'all we did it we went ahead and got ourselves a truck the fanciest truck in the land the biggest most yellow truck ever just flip a couple of these and engage here you better watch out you're gonna do something I'm gonna crash through this right through here I mean this is terrifying too yeah is this really how they are cause holy cow this is like a spaceship [Music] we have more or less conquered the main part of the truck stop but there is another reason that people come to this truck stop and that is because they have a whole freaking Trucking Museum here and apparently it's free isn't it it is free looking at Old cool vehicles is one of our favorite things I'm very excited about this we're gonna buy a semi truck after this and pimp it out get some truckers [Applause] [Music] oh my God you guys we're in love this is the first thing we noticed when we came in here this j-10 Jeep truck oh my God it's in perfect condition it is beautiful I thought it was going to be mostly semis in here but they actually have awesome trucks I know we walked in I told Eric I was like technically we drive a truck so doesn't that make us truck drivers and he said no but the museum is proving you wrong right now whatever sadly they don't let you interact with any of the vehicles they say it's because it takes them approximately two years to restore each and every truck in here so I guess that's a lot of hard work and they don't want these grubby hands in doing that yeah and they've acquired them from all over the country and they have really got them in pristine condition they are so shiny they don't want a single fingerprint on them no they're beautiful this truck though if any of you guys have one of these out there and you're not using it hit us up we want it we want it how about this camper you guys oh my God it's crazy to think this is a Ford F250 so this is basically what we drive now or you know the predecessor to it this has a little bit more class but Chuck's got class yeah they're all Ford does those older vehicles pretty damn well [Music] no this is not a boot from getting a parking ticket this is actually a snowmobile where they retrofitted it to become a snowmobile so it's got like proper chain treads on the back two tires and then little skis on the front could you imagine like Aspen skiing down the mountain and this thing comes up behind you beep oh man this is cool than I ever thought it would be they just have so many trucks the place goes on forever it is so huge they are all pristine they are all so freaking goofy looking it's amazing would you guys believe me if I told you this is an EV an electric vehicle one of the early ones yeah I'm over a century ago I think should we revive this though take it out nowadays oh yeah put some Tesla power in there this thing the top range on this was 50 miles so it wouldn't go very far but I guess it got the job done in town you know one of the drawbacks to staying in a parking lot is that we don't have any power so that means we can't run our AC and it is very hot outside there's no fan up here yeah can you believe that I don't know we had a cheeky little idea to get a little fan from in the truck stop but isn't this the cutest little fan you've ever seen turn it on whoa whoa hello what is this a commercial all right we have our trusty anchor all charged up which is going to be running our fan all night and charging our phones and anything else and that way we don't have to use our RV batteries at all as I'm sure you've guessed anger is sponsoring today's video so we wanted to give them a huge shout out for supporting our Channel this bad boy is the anchor solex f1200 and you all know that we always have a power station with us when we travel just for situations like this these anchor power stations are absolute beasts and we love that they're just super rugged where they can handle pretty much anything that we throw at them this one has 1229 Watt hours which is basically like having an entire other battery to work with it's got tons of USB ports 120 volt Outlet so you can plug in all your appliances 12 volt Outlets which is what we're using for the fan right now and you can even charge this bad boy up to 80 in about one hour y'all can click the link below and take advantage of Anchor's flash sales they have a new Flash deal every 24 hours and they're offering up to twelve hundred dollars off during the prime week sale with 30 days of price matching so if you've been wanting to snag your own anchor gear now is the time baby anyway information on all that is in the description below but uh can you turn that fan back on seriously I'm dying over here every day I wanna tell you it's getting kind of late in the day and Allison just informed me that they have a buffet they have a whole restaurant while they have like normal meals they have a buffet that's open till 9 pm daily so it's time to go get our Buffet okay yeah [Music] holy cow you guys we have put together a feast it's a bunch of just classic like a Midwestern buffet style stuff but I mean come on I mean this doesn't look freaking delicious we loaded up our plate with some of these vegetables that may or may not be the healthiest vegetables but I'm sure they're delicious of course a ton of macaroni they also had ribs and that is what caught our what was that I thought it was an earthquake what I was saying was they also had ribs and that is what really caught our eye check this out it actually looks fairly decent for a truck stop Buffet all right loaded up truck stop ribs baby tastes like a truck stop breed I don't know that I've ever had a truck stop room have you tastes like the kind of rib you'd get at a cafeteria but not the worst cafeteria in the world like maybe it was actually microwaved yeah I think that's the problem I will say though it's actually nice and tender the sauce that they have on here has a nice Tang to it it's mostly sweet the flavor is okay but it's a little kind of you know mushy it's not that bad what you're saying is it's sustenance yeah I guess you could say it'll keep us Trucking boo [Music] oh my God I think I found the perfect thing to go with your wool shirt a Wolfenstein a Wolfenstein good one who invented this who invented anything in this store it's wild one of the only gripes we have with the truck stop is that they do not sell any sort of alcohol not at the restaurant not at the convenience stores but luckily right across the street is a pilot I think is that where we are and they still be here it is so dang hot y'all and we don't have AC tonight so our plan is to get a couple cold beers and then whole careers I promise I haven't had anything I think they get the picture but yes cool down with some cold beer oh man there's beer or something in the shot glass [Music] do you want to tell them how you knew that this wasn't actually filled he picked it up and he goes oh God the oldest trick in the book is it I've never seen it before the semi oldest trick in the book [Music] I got panned over from that shot to show the window and then I forgot that we were in a parking lot it was literally just a car right there sun has finally went over the horizon and man it was getting so freaking hot in here you guys but now it is finally starting to cool off we got all the windows open we got a breeze going through this whole place is filled out though almost every single spot is taken from up above it looks kind of wild there's just like trucks as far as the eye can see they're all parked at these perfect angles to each other and then all the trucks that are coming and going are just like dancing all around in this awesome little pattern we hear the sound of like a couple of generators off in the distance so apparently you can run those and no one really cares there's a sound of uh many dogs barking off in the distance which I'll take that over the sound of generators for sure but it remains to be seen how well we're gonna sleep here yeah I was hoping our fan would drown out all this noise but I don't know I don't know we might need to get some earplugs or something we don't have any right now I don't think there's one guy way over in the corner that's transporting like one of those huge blades for a wind turbine the truck gives it scale so you can see just how big these things actually are up close [Music] guys a fan wasn't the only thing we purchased in there I purchased well first this amazing shirt oh my gosh and it had to have it y'all you know that I have a wolf shirt but I left it back in Clementine in California and I have been missing it so hard so now I have its counter boy and they're all howling at the moon it's so great I think they're missing their fourth wolf back member that's me oh all right I also bought these the stupidest things in the entire world you guys I can't believe you actually bought me they're so dumb I just how can you pass that up how can you say no to these is this I said no to them it was really easy well I couldn't it's the dumbest thing I've seen in my entire life maybe and I had to have them I just feel like they're a little crappy get it crappy I get it isn't that the name of a fish it is also you don't know but he's been making this joke all night so they don't know that you tell them this is cool but it's not it's got a toe time foreign thing about staying overnight at a truck stop they have delicious breakfast yeah they had a bagel place and we got coffee and it's all actually pretty delicious you got a little bagel on your lip though whoopsie so we ended up sleeping okay our fan definitely I think made all the difference it actually almost got chilly at one point I pulled a little bit of the covers over on me but I felt like I woke up about once every hour or so yeah I think so I looked at my my watch tracks my sleep and it was like girl you did not do a good job last night I don't want I don't wear one of those watches because I just don't want to know I'm fascinated by it I love looking every morning and be like how did I sleep last night all right but we're gonna scarf on this breakfast but we really came in here because the Wi-Fi doesn't reach out there and we have no idea where we're going tonight we haven't booked the campsite or anything it's a Saturday so I'm a little nervous that there won't be anything available we're gonna be fun so it's still early so hopefully uh hopefully we'll find something I guess you'll know soon enough foreign at the world's largest truck stop has officially come to an end we had a lot of fun here we spent 24 hours here and didn't get bored at all kind of wild we are headed further up north and I think that we have finally made a plan I think so I'm gonna call it a plan yeah we at least booked a campsite so win all right I guess that's it goodbye Adventures we'll see on the road
Channel: The Endless Adventure
Views: 99,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Endless Adventure, Eric Bieller, Allison Bieller, worlds largest truck stop, iowa 80 truck stop, iowa 80 buffet, rv camping parking lot, rv overnight, rv camping, parking lot rv, endless adventure rv
Id: HiaQgR1M1qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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